all stand for the flag salute all right well I love more meetings when we get to recognize individuals and this is an extra special one because we're recognizing our teachers of the Year our Educational Services professional of the year as well as our support staff of the year um we were excited to do that for those four individuals we are going to start with our school support staff of here and that person um selected this year is Michelle bontes each person gets a certificate as well as flowers and most importantly bracelet sign right we all want the parking sign right you get to pick where Steve is going to hang that for you so your choice you just can't have the one on the very end that one taken but any congratulations yes when I first met Michelle she was in kindergarten now she's in self a self-contained classroom and she made it look easy and it we all know that's not an easy move um your willingness I admire your willingness to support all your students you adjust and adapt daily to situation and you just do your best every single day and you always have a smile on your face I applaud you thank you our next individual is our Educational Services professional staff of the year that is Alison [Music] Bell you [Music] Alison there you go okay your hands yeah over this short time that I've known you I can say that I truly admire you I think one of your best qualities is the way you collaborate with not just the child study team but also your teachers to get to know all of your students and provide and deliver instruction in a way I've never seen a speech methodologist do I enjoy so much coming in and watching your lessons your love for and passion for your profession is clearly evident with every lesson you deliver I love watching the students come and see you and their reactions to you during their lesson so congratulations well deserved and the mother Community is very lucky all right and um our elementary school teacher of the year is Mrs da Shapino Don congratulations right your certificate your sign so right Donna is that you you're up okay so not only is Dawn an exceptional teacher she's an excellent emplo um you have a leadership role within your grade level and with the with your peers at large um I greatly appreciate all that you do especially things that I don't even asked you to do um and you take good care of your students I applaud you for your effort and I really thank you really right and finally our Middle School teacher of the Year Chrissy leonetti congratulations to you yes big smile that long way can I take one we go we got like three of [Music] them so there's a lot that I wrote down that I can't read any but um ch has been an educator in New Jersey for 33 years and I'm while I have not known Chrissy for years I can tell you that the Ed the students who sit in her classroom have a one-of-a-kind teacher who sees beyond what's sitting right in front of them to the soul of that little individual and brings out the absolute best in them um I'm not like n ring here um Chrissy as an employee could be counted on to support her colleagues whether that's a new teacher who needs a hug and a clue on how to get where they need to be coaching them along the way has been referred to as her work mom um to veteran colleagues who also need to hear you know that what they're doing and what they're experiencing is the same and that we're all working together to supporting and assisting administrators and they need help across the board you can be counted on to advocate for your colleagues for our students um for our science department I can't say enough about what you do after all these years in education you're not going to stand by and think you know everything and stand on what you've done you still seek out opportunities to learn more and bring that education back to your colleagues in stem steam coding things I've seen your fifth graders do are amazing today I was able to come in and visit Chrissy and her young scientists in fifth grade and she truly has a a knack for making every student contribution no matter how sometimes ridiculous the contribution might be seem valued important and crucial to what we're all learning whether it's well well we're going to learn more about it we understand that better tomorrow when it's an answer that was totally quite creative scientific we'll go with that that's what science is about it's taking what you think you know and learning something real so thank you for everything you do chy I value the time I get to spend with you once again thank you um and congratulations to all four of um thank you friends and family for coming out to support them that does mean a lot um personal note um Allison I I worked with her family um in a former District um as well as Michelle I had some of her children but congratulations everybody and I think we're going to take a brief uh pause while we transition to our next presentation here water cookies as well and feel free to take pictures and take a brief call [Music] break like something SC at all right I didn't do that yet I [Music] know yeah [Music] name [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] lost [Music] [Music] long [Music] same [Music] this to [Music] think thank [Music] you see you good luck you too 2023 AUST so the numbers are as ofune um this we modified opinion again we have no audit findr finds the one thing a little different in your AMR which is your report this year um the USDA limits the amount of cash resources we can have with all of the co money that came in were little about that it's not a recommendation it's not a finding it's just a suggestion to management because the USDA will go in and do their own calculations that way they know we looked at it we know you're aware of it we just making you buy some for the kitchen you know change some things because that'll be gone in another year their solution was hire more people and change everything long we have nothing left so that's why that's in there if there's any questions on that got my cell phone number feel free to call me um as far as the fun balance we pretty much broke even issue we were about $115,000 for the total B balance so with that being said um we've kept our exess Surplus level as we've been doing for several years which our tax L as stable as we can that is anything that falls out of that fund balance over the current year budget that we have maybe a little bit extra in there we're only allowed to keep 2% of the expenditures for the next year as free fund balance as I said like to keep that even just to make sure that you know our tax rates not going up and down and up we don't up with whole in the budget next year um the one thing we did do for the 22 23 budget year we were doing the budget for 23 24 we budgeted an additional $330,000 fund balance over top of that 900,000 so that did decrease our fund balance our pre fund balance just a little bit last year we had to do 81 we do this again just to keep that fund balance even and to keep our tax rate so that 300,000 will be there next year so just kind of keep that in mind as we're going through the budget process um couple things I know the project for the waste water is almost done we've been paying for that out of the capital reserves which we've been able to keep replenished throughout the whole process so once that finishes up that'll be a huge relief for everybody I'm sure um the biggest decrease we had in the budget this year was our required maintenance which again goes with the waste water that's almost done and um we had that was offset as I said we much that was offset by instruction us and the child and those are throughout the throughout the state this is the Third District I've had that pretty much broke even so as the budget get tighter we need to either look at saving some costs or you know nobody likes to hear it but look side effects but that's again that's why we keep that excess cplus even to keep the fluctuation what questions I want to thank the business office staff and good luck to Todd question thank you thank you thank you N I just want to say you know on a personal note I've been involved in for many years and it's it's a pleasure to work with you you and your staff and your firm very very supportive receptive reachable at any moment and I appreciate that so thank you thank you uh at this time the meeting will now be open public with comments if your comments pertain the students Personnel litigations negotiations we would ask the you see the superintendent after the meeting since the board does not generally discuss the items in public comment okay uh any old business no than new business correspond one thing I'll share later on uh at the agenda we are accepting grants from Atlanticare but we received a letter from them with the grants I just wanted to to read it your correspondence here so dear School partner Atlanticare healthy schools healthy children is pleased to provide you with the enclosed Atlanticare healthy schools Grant award check we look forward to the honor and opportunity to work with your school as together we start to build strong resilient and healthy schools and communities we value your dedication and commitment to your school in the spring we will share more information about our online Grant report that is due um helan care wishes you a successful and safe 2024 um and we received grants um to the tune of you'll see it later but $3500 rece from Milan careford BRS this year um give credit to the staff involved in that I don't want to leave anybody out but margar Thomas solo um was the leader in that as well soon Al that as well to thank them for their efforts as well as car Rec we discussed the ELA programs that are being considered for piloting uh Scott describes the different components and benefits of the programs the board members will wait for feedback from the teachers priting the ELA programs as to which program they feel best meets the needs of our students in ela [Music] um we also discuss the times dedicated to math versus Ela Mr wther will look into the reasoning to the minutes dedicated to each subject area also discussed uh policy [Music] [Music] 224.107 the uh the ongoing situation with Greenbank and our relationship uh through shared services with them and possible strategic plans going forward and we also got an update on the berre low school that was it thank you Personnel negotiation oh uh they discuss personel matters any update uh at this time can I get a motion and a second to approve the November 29th 2024 Board of Education regular meeting minutes and executive meeting minutes approve sorry and approve the January 3rd Board of Education regular meeting minutes there no executive session was used the second all in favor any opposed abstain I do have to have seen inist okay uh number seven is just monthly reports informational items uh number eight can I get a motion any second for the M trans Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approve items 8B through 8 I second any discussion oh is um it's nice to see we have um put a number of Staff um C Advanced courses tuition reimburse so happy to see that fully supportive of Staff taking this cour so thank you to those that are doing I just want to acknowledge uh the retirements of Dan Driscoll and Tom M blockwood he been with us for a long time and they will be missed they've been a very important part of our school district uh can I get a roll call Mr C yes CS yes Mr Ro yes Mr Silva Mr staling Mrs Warner Mr winter bottom yes Mrs wild yes yes where she's pass this time a motion in a second for the M Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approve items 9B through 9g second any discussion Mr yes M CS yes roner yes bot yes yes pass thank you at this time can I get a motion and second for the mull Township Board of Education upon recommendation the superintendent approve items 10B and 10c second any discussion yes yes yes the bottom yes it's wild yeah that's at this time can I get a motion and a second for the mullika Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the business administrator approve items 11b through 11 I any discussion just need to make sure board stands that the attend book of is a part of this SE 11 vote regarding the um with so do we need to make it more than I then so I would say we can say that what's the agenda this time can I get a roll call yes yes Mr Ro yes yes yes uh this time the meeting will now be open to the public for comments if your comments pertain to students Personnel litigation or Association you would ask that you see superintendent after the meeting since the board does not generally discuss such items in public you have any comments uh our next board meeting is scheduled for February 21st 2024 at 6:30 p.m for executive and 7 PM for the public session I forgot to get a PTA update today so I do know bag day though is coming up but to enjoy that night you have an MTF but she's here so um oh go ahead J yes um we in December were lucky enough to receive a donation from our primary benefactor that will cover scholarships that we intend to award at the end of the year ni that's good news and I'll just follow up on on that not as far as scholarships we do give out or not scholarships grants for the teachers um the volleyball court the outoor volleyball court I was talking to Mr W about that soon as the weather breaks we will start working on that but it's been a little not Cooperative we're out their work so that is nownow the mud or The Frozen Ground so working on it can I get a motion in a second to during the meeting all in favor and oppose have a great night everybody thank you