okay [Music] yeah El [Music] [Music] [Music] be what [Music] believe [Music] Serv [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] than I fin appreciate the oppn students so to recognize our masb teams with the uh girls basketball teams I'm going to call the coaches uh Mr seny and Mrs winbot if you could keep one up well we'll do is love an opportunity for all the kids to come up and and take some pictures and stuff but I'm sure the coaches have um a word or two they want to share as well uh before we get started I know it was a fantastic season we're super proud of of the kids um and our coaches as well um so I'll let you go ahead and get started and then P the kids up uh first of all thank you Lord thank you guys for having us here tonight uh the hoodies or the Ts for the girls and all that whoever thank you for your support coming to our games all year we appreciate that um first of all uh thank you to the parents uh for I I think away games home games being there for the kids uh for raising such great kids um we had a great group of girls this year I have the pleasure of having taught them in the classroom and having them on the basketball court and they are just awesome so thank you very very much for just raising some awesome girls what was the record uh 9 and 9 and right undefeated right so you want to call that the right uh first uh Abby belber [Music] at manager we have Haley butter hog Jon trunks also our she's also not here Grace four uh BNA freze is not with us tonight also she was a huge part of the team have [Music] Michela we have Jesse Herbert have Jade Hernandez uh uh Marley Morgan sixth grader Mickey single Emily scal [Music] mine winner bot [Music] [Music] not somebody back ladies parents come get your pictures you earned it all right all right and we'll move on to our boys basketball team also Champions this year so I'll call up Mr Walker and Miss [Music] Walker thank you good evening everybody first I want to thank everybody for one I know for me and for Coach Cy thank everybody who let us do this and for these awesome putties every your sweatshirts that we got they're me so thank you very much um I've been lucky to be able to coach these guys for the last three years and we're an amazing group of kids but the eighth grad an amazing group of kids watch them grow from they were sixth graders to now proud of everything they've done it's an amazing group and the seventh graders that come up and now sixth graders that are here too it's it's been a lot of fun we had a great time expectations like I tell you my thoughts were expectations the beginning were kind of low and then we won a couple games against some teams that we normally do beat then we went to we played Pilgrim and we beat him for the first time since I've ever been here so city was congratulations to all the boys I want to thank the parents for the the long nights that we've had com to the games and supporting the team supporting us so thank you very much with that all right first we'll call our sixth graders first one Zachary Jonathan Bradley yes by the way the end guy [Music] Ryan Cooper [Music] not Jacob by vny K so I think that's the only I know vbody is vny K even though have the [Music] Jason Damian Eric he's coming up is am was an amazing manager like she helped out woulded be playing right the boys all right boys ready all right great job [Music] congratulations to all the students uh as I said we appreciate have the opportunity to recognize success in our school you are all more than welcome to stay for the board meeting but I imagine not super exciting for middle schoolers so if anyone wants to leave please take this opportunity to do so you h you this at this time the meeting will now be open to the public for comments on agenda items only if your comments pertain students Personnel litigation orations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting generally discuss uh please state your name and your municipality and limit your comments to three minutes per person do we have any public comments for agenda items i' just like to ask a clar clarifying question you have on the agenda you appointment of an interim superintendent okay therefore anyone who wishes to comment in regards the superintendent should take the opportunity now to speak prior to that I'm just asking for a clarification that's fine that's fine okay thank you I hope that doesn't count for my three minutes one a point of information so can you can sit just can you say your name and your municipality please Kelly MP my husb here [Music] well a education is criti challenges fa by society and do evated decision I know that however student and treat people with kind and always for thoughtful solution problem heom the entire circle of child experience not just goals ucation but roles of teachers I policies scham leadership for example policy that yes influence Cooper coordination with the local fire well in closing the board's decision appears to lack transparency many parents and students are wondering why he being of the don't and may not be a decision that youe with or support leadership style leadership that appeals to empathy is something to strive for in our society today especially issues within the mod schools do need to be addressed but maybe the solution is not to get rid of superintendent dedicated eight years to the school including during Co but to implement the proposed action plan to address these issues with the again not to be here right our kids like him lot parents like him at all I've grown up thank you thank you for your comments um just so everyone's aware we can personality apprciate your com yes I would also like to speak on this issue my name is VI and I'm a senior at St University I an employee of the Atlantic County Criminal Court and a competitive singer but before that I was a student here at Mica and I'm not sure if anybody remembers really really long time ago but um I was the poster child here for good grades and attendance and the honoral and I tried to get on the basketball team didn't really work out for me even though I'm really tall so I'm happy that the chance for successful here tonight it's really good to see and I know that that is because of all the hard work that our exat Nar Administration put into the school um and it didn't seem like it for my experience but I was bullied here and I know that my experience would have been much worse without Mr Weber um I can say with certainty that he was the best superintendent during my time here and he has continued to be the best fit here tonight he is attentive kind and he always took my concerns seriously when I was a student and he never treated anything I said like it was a joke and he always made sure that I felt saved that my peers felt safe and made sure that this was an environment where everybody's vo that be heard these qualities are rare in a school administrators I have experienced outside of Mika in other school districts and to say that they're rare means that it's rare than empathy and ESS is found in a world that we are living in today and I see those Mr Weber and I cherish them because it makes him a wonderful human being and it was what made him such a good school administrator he is a kind man who wants to do what's best for kids and I can remember being excluded from a recess basketball gam not it wasn't I wasn't good at sports okay not good at sports but I was excluded because I was a girl and Mr Weber would always come and play basketball with us at recess and I remember making a three-point shot in front of him in front of all the boys and I remember how proud he was with me and that's something that he has always brought with him is how proud he is of his students and the work that he does and he truly values what he does and and he took care of me and he takes care of us and I think that we should remember that thank you thank you uh would anyone else like at this time I'm going to I will actually I feel like maybe people are try to stand up um it may seem like a vocal dietr but um I want to Echo a little bit of what Violet just said I had three girls go through this school and although they they succeed very well academically socially is often hard for them and what helped them survive was the care of teachers and administrators and i' just like to point out one particular um illustration of Mr Weber and his support of me and my youngest daughter who was um had a traumatic experience on a school field trip um something bad enough that she still wakes up with nightmares and not a single person that's not exactly true um it wasn't until I got to Mr Weber's office F trip was over that something was stop and he had a very difficult job to do with regards to it and he handled it Grace confidentiality on all parts that nobody has any idea what I'm talking about but be but he took a mother's concerns very seriously and he handled something that nobody else handled this is one example of a very good solid foundational leader what I want to say is that we don't know the support we have for good people until that support is needed and so if the board has only been hearing bad things that's human nature that's how social science works you only hear the voices of the scent you only hear those who are not having and so you'll only hear the voices of people who are supporting this man when it becomes evident that he needs are SP so I do hope that some other voices who may be feeling like this will also stand up because I do think that if it make I would ask you to take a your decisions because I was married to a school superintendent I know the job it's a hard job best thing you can do in it is be someone who cares about and I seen many and I terrified of the next person and the next because I don't think we know what we thank you um would anyone else like to speak okay this I know looks like a little we're not afraid to talk sorry that we have understanding having walked the shoes for a very long time of what Mr Weber had to go through to get to this point you've heard from your constituents you heard people clapping in agreement with what was said and you've heard the many positive things that have been talked about Mr W Andrew there's just so many more to go I think the way he put his letter out he took the high road in regarding through his letter a lot of folks didn't quite read through the lines to understand what happened when I found out about it I started talking to people about they were shocked they were quite surprised they were bewildered like what what happened what caused this type of action so I started asking around I I couldn't find anything that was significant significant to cause a non- removal you're you are sending out an be a long-term believe that you had here for eight years who has led the district through Co if you voted in favor of that motion a few weeks ago I want you to reconsider and ask yourself this question was Mr Weber given the opportunity prior to to address your pranes was he given a c was he given a corrective plan was he giv benchmarks any of the measure was there an opp him as a leader to make distinctive change based on your guidance as a board of education I'm going to guess that answer is no Therefore your determination not only arbitrary but it was capricious you have an opportunity tonight today to extend Mr Weber's contract one year Andy I'll leave it up to you to kind of guide them where they want to go on this but you can address the Grievances that have been laid upon you tonight simply by going into negotiations and saying listen we can extend a three-year contract and we can make this work just the folks stood up and cared enough about this man this good person but you are sending out the that's the part I came please don't do please give him the opportunity to E give him the opportunity because I know how strong you I know his character let him have that opportunity to address what are perceived to be real grievances I'm sure you do have it I'm sure you have genuine you are you feel comfortable articulating to Mr Andrew you feel free give him that shot we're asking you to do that not only his parents but his colleagues and his friends please consider that than thank you is there anyone else who would like to speak time Mr Diana if you can talk about our budget yeah so um the purpose of a public hearing through the budget is uh to bring the uh the budget that previously been presented to the board which was last month um back to the board to explain any changes uh anything that's occurred uh that would have changed the tax levy uh or just the general fund budget in general and so normally what happens is if there has been any of those changes which is quite rare to be quite honest um then we would do another presentation since those changes have not occurred uh I will let that presentation stand I know that uh I don't think many people want to sit through another budget presentation so um there there hasn't been any changes to the budget that was presented the same exact general fund budget it's the same exact tax levy as was uh presented at the last board meeting uh the only changes that occurred were there were slight changes that the Bal Grant office and ask of us and that flowed into some of the expense Lines within the budget but they were considered minor adjustments and that did not again affect tax uh that was approved at the last meeting uh nor did it affect the general fund number and so what we end up approving here is the exact same resolution that approved at the last meeting with no changes uh that budget was advertised paper on April 20th for the community to see and then so with that uh we'll open it up for any questions or comments about the budget does anyone have any questions or comments about the budget uh then at this time can I get a motion in second for the mull Township Board notification on recommendation of the superintendent approve item 5B second any discussion can I get a roll call then it's yes CS yes Mr roner yes yes next year not Mr wib yes M wild yes brownill old business any new business report uh I'm going to give the report for curriculum policy so we had a meeting um the principal of both schools were also in attendance at the curriculum meeting uh we discussed the discipline policy we discussed ideas for primester activities uh for students who have no discipline is something to possibly act uh we discussed possibly um creating a discipline committee to review the code of conduct and see if anything needs to be revamped Ori and then we also talked about the Y operations we discussed the inter local Services agreement that's coming up um in June of 2024 uh we got an update on the budget about some 3A changes and possibility of or the some changes to the tuition comp psome and we discussed uh Washington Township a 2324 tuition error and potentially a consolidation stud study and we received an update about the hbac project two job descriptions we uh discussed Personnel issues and we to be negotiations with the mte uh our next item is correspondence so at this time I need a motion in a second to accept the board of education letter of res resignation from Christopher Silva effective immediately and approve the advertisement for a one-year unexpired term all in favor any opposed any obain than you yeah I am sorry he leaving also we also had two other correspondence items we had a uh two no I'm sorry need reading glasses soon so uh we have a donation that's being applied to Community Based instruction trips and we had correspondence from a parent and former students do we have any updates um then at this time I need a motion and second to approve the March 13th 2024 Board of Education regular meeting and executive meeting minutes and the April 11th 2024 special meeting minutes and executive second all in favor I me opposed abstain I abstain April 11 um our next item is monthly reports those are just informational this time I need a motion in a second for the M Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the super superintendent approve items 9B through 9 discussion I didn't hear that be Miss oh three years yes it's a long time any other discussion a roll call Mr K yes Mr roner yes 9 bottom [Music] wild this time can I get a motion in a second from the Mulla Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approve items 10 B 10 any discussion can I get a yes yes yes yes yes uh time can I get a motion I make second for the M Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the business administrator approve items 12b through 128 11 oh 11 I'm sorry says 12 over here but 11 sorry 11 B through 11 H second uh any discussion I get a roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes wild yes on the computer no so on the computer I'm 11 I go all the way up to I what for 11 it wasid oh got copied twice okay sorry the the thing I read to have everybody get a motion is listed twice on the compu computer so it would be just through each it's just this got listed ASB so that's a tap on all right so we are each the vote is sorry all right and at this time can I get a motion in a second to approve the 202 2024 2025 inter contract for Mary L Francisco as per the county department education motion can I get a roll call your Cobo CS stal yes M wner yes Mr winter bottom have stain it's wild Brown yes at this time the meeting when I'll be Com or general comments your comments pertain to students Personnel litigation or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since the board does not generally discuss such items in public please state your name and your municipality Commons must be limited to three minutes per person you have any public comments I have one the M hpal lines um is co-hosting with the mul PTA in youron training be here in the cafeteria on May 14th at 6m and if you need a babysitter they will be doing crafts in the library with the kids I have a quick comment also I just wanted to update the board and the public that is here um I did attend the umir leaks trip in March sorry I did attend the fairy be lak trip I'm usually as um and I just wanted to say how great it was to see the kids have such a great time and the teachers did a phenomenal job students and everyone was respectful and interactions between kids and the teachers was respectful um and I thought that it looked like the kids had fun I had fun I actually got audience time I think it's a really really valuable experience for the kids that I hope that we can continue um and it was great to see the teachers and the students get to have that experience together because I think it creates a community and a family and and that they were parents there I have comment along those lines myself I went to the pl High School Musical Junior that was here last weekend it was my first time at a m play it was excellent I thought the kids did a fantastic job it was well run so my five and four-year-old had a fantastic time you know awesome there were so many kids that participated the room was C and I was there on the second night yeah they actually literally P out chair for people yeah they're out there's still people standing it was it was a packed house great some informational items then our next board meeting is scheduled for May 22nd at 6:30 pm for executive and 7M for public um I do have a PTA update so they say handbag Bingo was very successful they raised $21,000 which is most of their almost their whole budget um book fair is now happening Monday it will be open Friday night during literacy um they are planning teacher and staff appreciation week with brunch May 8th and gifts for all teachers and non-administrative staff they are planning to decorate the school for the spring they're participating in the narcon training with the municipal Alliance on the 14th they're planning an appreciation event for their regular volunteers and bigest donors um date to be determined they have just over $1,000 in teacher supplies per requests they're paying for food and ice cream for the eighth grade lak day they are also paying for PBIS rewards from middle for the end of the year and they are coordinating their Carnival Day event their next meeting is May 1st and they need nominations for president and secretary anyone's interesting in volunteering uh PF do you have any update then at this time can I get a motion and a second to adour the meeting all in favor oppos this sweet are you am