##VIDEO ID:Ig8-jcKEXLA## he's all in favor any opposed abstain we can all stand for the flag at this time the meeting will now be open to the public for comments if your comments pertain to students Personnel litigation or negotiations ask discuss public any agenda item comments any old business these are just items that I keep on here Kathy I don't know if you just want was kind of inform board about the pool the election last M day joy and I um when we were to the county clerk's office uh they were pulling the um I guess the N placement on the ballot so we went over and um was four or five districts there and they put our you have like a bingo machine it looks like and they put your name in a little tube and they pull them out so the ballot placement for um all the township been Min first Joy second chel is third and Angel May is fourth so and we're in col bottom bottom whoever they may choose look all the way down to the bottom of the ball please any new business ccul policy we discussed update on both elementary and middle school schedules want say thank you to everyone who's been working on them I know it's our thing we've been working very hard on it we also disc a new Spanish program that will be implemented this school year forward to hearing about it throughout the year and we also Revis the board of bed policy 9130 on committees um and it was also discussed about further training for staff Administration and board on hi thank you uh Finance operation uh we received an hbac project update that I think Tod's going to be going into more detail later in the meeting about uh we discussed that we entered into a shared services agreement for an occupational therapist with Bolam um we discussed uh launch balances are going to remain flat this year and we're going to work on pass two balances as well as a discussion of tuition for non-resident students uh coming from out of the district personel negotiations Mary Lou informed us that the mtea association donated $500 towards opening day Lunes and the board wants to say thank you uh we've received an overview of the staff opening opening day agenda we discussed Personnel shared services and we reviewed non-affiliated contracts any correspondence yeah so the HPA oh no wondering I'm sorry all right so now the update so the hbac update that um was attached to the agenda seems like not every day that it updates but every hour or two so that's probably not even valid at this point but we're very very close to the end there are um I'd say some of the some of the more priority punch list items right now are small but they they're small but they're the ones that have risen are the ones that could potentially affect opening the opening of the school rate so there's when they rip the ceiling tiles out in the very beginning to start running the pipe um there were electrical shorts and burglar shorts and fire shorts and so from the most priority down fire shorts have all been taken care of uh we've got some exit lights um and some other things that are and some lighting some LED lighting none in the classrooms but just in the hallway there's probably about six areas uh that the electricians are um addressing tomorrow and Friday and so it got to the point where I was rarely involved in the communication and so we just ratcheted up a step and so it was an email from myself to the president of the construction company with everybody else CC and it looks like we've got some good movement on that so I really don't exper any problems for such a large project in a short period of time uh I'm very impressed with the way where it's going uh there are some larger snags with programming that could get a little tenuous but it has nothing to do with that has more to do with the way the the boiler and the H stuff talk to each other couple things might have been overlooked but we uh that'll be a future of pleasantly surprised it's time get a motion a second to approve the June 19th regular meeting minutes and the July 17th 2024 regular meeting minutes effective session second all in favor July 17 any other exensions any Nays uh the next item is informational which is our month any feedback onary yeah I know no yes really would like to know that the state's not telling this yet anybody so today I'm crying so P my YMCA out there at tomorrow saying pending receipt of so we can have everything in place to go when it's ready to kick off this time can I get a motion and a second for the Mulla Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approve items 7B through 7K second it'll be they have to do the 40 hour course on their time and then they'll also have some Workshop time if they need it with a practice test and Sample questioning and all of that with our behavioral therapist who would be managing the program so that they're ready to take that 40h hour test before we hope before they go for it we're hoping uh well we want it before between now and the beginning of school but I don't know if we'll be able to make that we just we told him to start he gave me the right to have this ratified rather than approve so we told them they could start immediately upon telling them ASAP it's said what everything we do is become ASAP any other discussion call Mr proo M CTS yes Miss Lynch yes Mr rer yes work on F St workers and yes M Warner yes win bottom yes M wild and M yes at this time can I get a motion in a second for the Moa Town trip Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approve items 8 B through 8 e motion any discussion uh for the curriculum any major changes any new things got oh sorry cut out the middle yes uh Ela is that is that all right if I answer okay yes Ela was um was was overhauled at the state level where they they they chopped up uh or condensed some of the uh the areas math math had some uh more minor changes which we did not actually have to do we were told I think a week or two ago something came out and said you can leave it till next year but i' had already done it so that's new and then we did take um with we're not doing Middle School stem per se in the school so we've taken that which had a lot of computer science in it and we've embedded that into our middle school science classes uh you know with the robotics coding that we do and stuff and then everything else is pretty much same those activities will be infused into the science class yeah we we I mean it's it's we're it's a lot to put in so we're trying to you know they'll be working on it uh the first couple days trying to make sure we can try to fit that in because we have a lot of good stuff and everything yeah I saw the standards got put in then when I was looking at the activities yes so generally it's towards it's going to be a lot of stuff towards the end of the year when they can do it and everything like the the bridge building that kind of stuff that they they will still do and the computer science right because that's a stand that's the RO the robotic stuff that's where they learn to code and and do all that can I get a motion youts yeah abstain for myself on [Music] E and yes for the [Music] rest [Music] for yes Bott yes abstain wild yes yes any a second for the M Town Board of addication upon recommendation to superintendent approve items 9B any discussion I get a roll call yeah yes Lynch yes R yes Mr St yes Warner yes Bob yes wild yes yes at this time can I get a motion and second for the m board of education upon recommendation of the business administrator approve items 10B through 10g any discussion can I get a r call M yes M CS yes yes on yes to the yes bottom yes wild yeah all right at this time the meeting will now be open to the public for comments if your comments pertain to students Personnel litigation or negotiations we would ask they see the superintendent after the meeting as the board do generally does not discuss such items in hi there U my name is key salivan the ncbaa president um please excuse my fasses I had eye surgery on Monday so the light I'm very sensitive too um I didn't get to go on officially last uh meeting just because uh mixed up I thought we were a seven o'clock meeting but I wanted to officially welcome Miss Lynch to The Bard and your in and welcome Miss um de Francisco yes I'm get very excited about the start of the new school year um just want to officially say thank you to the custodial staff and just the great job that they're doing and um the staff themselves we are really excited about the B of school breakfast and lunch talking my line we talk food so just appreciate it and just look forward to a really good school year just want to add to that we had some great folks Cooper Lon donated and you folks donated so because of you very appreciative everybody does the breakfast and I can't wait bta's breakfast what is [Laughter] it looking forward did that as well so we appreciate you do so thank you thank you good luck to start of your school year uh we have anend so I think we'll do that next and then we'll I can get a motion and a second for the M counter Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approve items B through C on the agenda and the public see our agendum or should I tell briefly on the any discuss this is the the property but actually find [Music] been trying to sell it to the [Music] town getting have to see go yes any other discussion this time can I get a roll call yes yes yes yes yes bottom yes wild yeah yes and do our informational item so I did get an update from the PCA next board meeting uh our next board meeting is scheduled for September 18 2024 at 6:30 pm for executive and 7M for public PTA says they are excited for the new school year and have some fun ideas to bring their fundraising into the classroom this year they having a summer meet up at lb's lunchbox this Sunday from 4: to 6: PM everyone's invited they are providing breakfast to the staff on the first two days of school and will be at the prek and new student orientation to greet new students and their families the PTA is going to provide fruit obstacles to all students on the first day of school their first general meeting of the year will be Monday September 23rd at 700 PM in the library uh keep an eye out for ways to join the PTA at the beginning of school year and ways to get involved um at the last gentle meeting Miss Bel submitted a teacher Grant fund request for spiritwear t-shirts for the entire student body and it has been approved sizes will be collected early in the school year and ordered is there update yeah that's great um anyone have an mtef update we are done can I get a motion and second opposed