second all in favor any opposed you you could all rise for the flag uh at this time the meeting will now be open to the public for comments if your comments pertain to students Personnel litigation or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since the board does not generally discuss such items in public do we have any comments on agenda it okay at this time can I get a motion and a second for the mullika Township Board of Education to appoint shant Lynch to the full to fulfill the one-year unexpired term ending 12 3124 pending successful submission of fingerprint documentation the candidate will be sworn in at the meeting following the receipt of the fingerprint documentation motion all in favor oain old business yeah just put that on there just as a reminder I think you uh any anyone who is required to do the training this year I sent the invites out one yeah you have to do go too yeah they sent me the list and it was a good catch because then when I went back to them looked at your yeah definitely go to and then the other thing was um was the election deadline is just as a reminder 4M on July 29 uh for petitions for the board board seats that are open for July July January you any new business we discuss the new Ela curriculum and its resources we will be going with into lit reading for K to 6 and into lit 7 to8 all this was discussed by Scot our curriculum supervisor miss Lynn presented and gave an update schedule school schedule it is still work in progress she will continue to update us through throughout the summer and Miss galini presented the new and updated Insight Health wellness program she will continue to provide information on cost to the district if this is a program that will best meet the needs of students in the district thank you um finance and operations uh yeah we got an update on the budget we confirmed the increase um we also got an hbac update uh we received a approval for an extension on there uh they gave us a project update that moving forward I hoping to get it WRA up before end of next before the start of next yeah so if you were asking about the hbac yeah just a project update on that uh they they started in fools as a matter of fact Steve was uh dressed today because literally they knew that the the students were out of there and they came in and it uh in full force today so uh yeah what he was talking about was the the finance part of this is we did get an extension so all of that money um that Andrew worked to get in the grant uh is going to be extended in in in full play for the project that was extended through September 30th right to give us time to get the project done and then liquidate so they even gave us more time than we thought and so we're on schedule right now for uh 8:15 substantial completion on schedule on budget yeah that's what everybody says when we're starting so yeah personel negotiations okay we discussed the Personnel issues and we selected some dates um for shared service meetings and we are happy to announce that we signed an M OA with the mtea it was 1145 I believe Wednesday night um we are waiting for the salary guides but I do want to thank both of our teams for you know putting the time and dedication to do negotiations it's a lot of work a lot of time a lot of energy and toly appreciated thank you likewise um so for correspondence the board did receive two thank you letters I'll pass them around um Audrey Lee for uh eight gr scholarships so any other correspondence uh update was going to be about the agback project but we already did that so I think we're good um at this time can I get a motion in a second to approve the May 22nd 2024 Board of Education regular meeting minutes an executive meeting minutes and and June 4th Board of Education special meeting minutes and executive meeting minut um is this a roll call or all in favor okay all in favor I any opposed and obain yeah we been busy uh the next item is monthly reports Just for information um at this time I will need a motion and a second for the Mulla Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent to approve items 8B through 80 second just all right then can I get a Rollo yes M CTS yes Mr roner yes Mr St yes M Warner yes Miss wild Brown she's pass at this time can I get a motion in a second for the Mulla Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approve items 9B through n g any discussion can I get a roll call Mr yes yes yes M Warner yes M at this time can I get a another a second from the mica Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the business administrator board secretary approve item 10 yes CS yes yes stain on P yes yes Miss wild yes can I get a motion in a second from the mull Township Board of Education upon recommendation the business administrator approve items 11b through 11 or h there am all thank you [Music] sir so did we get a motion in a second for I didn't hear a second second thank you I just didn't hear it I did oh uh do we have any discussion can I get a roll call Mr K Yeahs yes Mr rner yes I've SE an 11b yes yes he's wild yeah he's brown yes yes so at this time we're going to add an item um so I would ask the board to entertain a motion to affirm the non-hib as discussed in executive session we get a motion on the and a roll call sorry yes hers yes Mr ronner yes Mr solom yes M Warner yes Miss wild yes and Miss brownill yes um at this time the meeting will be open to the public for comments if your comments pertain to students Personnel litigation or negotiations do would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since the board does not generally discuss such items in public uh does anyone want to make a statement if you could please state your name well I have it in my uh oh hello everyone I'm car Munos the newly reti Spanish teacher at Mala school I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a few things I would like to thank the board members the PTA the administrators and my fellow staff members for all the support you've given me throughout the years overall I've had a positive experience at micaa school on unfortunately not all of my experiences at Mica have been positive for example being on a cart for the past six years my classroom was taken away from from me and assigned to yell when I first started or shortly after I started Mr mazone who was the principal at the time realized that I would not have a classroom for the following year as a result he was gracious enough to find one for me that was classroom 24 and it was also taken away from me and given to two teachers to two speech teachers these teachers only saw two to four students at a time as opposed to myself seeing up to 23 students at a time I asked I repeatedly asked the administrators to please find a class room for me even if it were to be a shared space to no avail that having been said the Middle School principal did find a shared space for me for the past three years for which I am I was very grateful last year toward the end of the year I had a heart scare I ended up going to the emergency room and to a Cardiologist for follow-up tests I brought a doctor's note stating that I should not be pushing apart I had assistance from different people people who pushed the cart for me for the rest of the year I asked administrators once again if someone would find a shared space for me to no avail being on the cart has been a hardship for me for several reasons it is hard to teach from a cart with all the materials that are required to teach an academic sub subject for grades prek through 8 not all teachers are nice some do not want you to touch their board or have students sit on their rugs it's terrible for the morale and for the subject I was the only teacher in the entire school who was teaching from a cart different teachers have taught from a cart in the past and their situation was made better in a speedy fashion they were all given a classroom I loved the student at Mica and I loved teaching Spanish I would have stayed on for a couple of years more if it hadn't been for the cart situation for the future I would like to ask you to please provide the next Spanish teacher with a classroom in my opinion this would show respect for the teacher and for the Spanish subject thank you thank you do we have anyone else who wants to make a public comment uh our next board meeting date is July 17 20243 PM the meeting will serve as a revised budget public hearing and is a board goal goal setting meeting um I do have a PTA update just give me a moment uh at the June PTA meeting they selected a new president and secretary president is Rebecca leak and the secretary is Jill Doty uh the PTA wants to thank Todd curl margarit thomaso and staff for organizing a great Carnival day they thank everyone who donated snacks drinks and funds they had a great great parent turnout and appreciate everyone who volunteered their time special shout outs to The Sweetwater fire department and Dave wise for fire hose fun the consalo Family Farms for providing blueberries the Rus family for a large donation of oranges and watermelon the spa at Harris for snacks Farmer John's for snow cone ice Ashley and Chris house for fresh and more snow cone ice the PTA was happy to support the end of year activities like middle school dances Pizza e8th grade Lake Day food and provide cookies for fourth grade clap out and we provided a new end of yearend activity for eth and fourth graders Legacy rock painting for the Roth Garden we hope to continue this tradition for years to come update we are done our meeting can I get a motion in a second to turn the meeting all in favor any opposed abstain thank you everyone