good afternoon the AGA session will be now follow immediately by the city council febru 74 we have a of we have of correspond by C we have some organizational matters we have a public hearing we have ordinance cons meeting number one amend management ordinance we have ordinances on first read one is to authorize the gr right away and area agreement to Johnson Hospital number two aniz to am inance to amend and supplement the rise ordinances of the city of this is for zoning number five in ordinance to amend and supplement the Revis General ordinances of the city of this is related to canab license in our regulation and number six an ordinance authorizing and ratifying of certain AB then we have resolutions 1 to 43 ascept 41 resolution number one apprend amendments two appr three authoriz tax certificates number four approving ofal license for the is elected five appr authorized the police department to participate in fund for the city of person foro is for the fisal year 2023 program six approve resolution support reolution New Jersey seven approve resolution authorizing the sale of personal property eight approve contract to ourc doing business as National Auto n appr contract with international corporation 10 approve amendment of resolution 022 324 with associate societies 11 approve authorization to participate with the Highland Park for the firewor display on Wednesday 12 approve resolution2 13 approval resolution 022 352 with Arc 14 approvable contract with onsite service in 15 contract with absolute protection company 16 appr contract with air company 17 approve a border contract with noria Corporation and with Earth bre 18 approve a contract with 72 hoursc naal 19 authorization to ass count ofation to 20 a resolution to authorize the transfer of City properties to the of ucation 21 resolution 052 353 regards 22 approve amendment of resolution 052 352 regarding 23 approve Amendment resolution 0146 24 amendment to bank depositories and cash management plan for calendar year 20245 advice a consent to we appointed Municipal Court Judge of the city of K Taylor 26 relation of the city no ordinance requested by Jr 27 approve amendment of res1 requested by rml construction 28 of C performance guarantee of 19,700 and, to Francisco 29 approvation to advertise for cbbg Cy project 30 resolution 12262 requested by ER company 31 authorized tax collected to tr over payment and several tax and accounts 32 resolution authorized amendments to City H appr resolution2 with inist with business as First Corporation appr resolution to refer the current development plan to the planning board for and Report 35 appr request for use of city property request 176 pairs 36 appr request for city property requested By Request use of city property and requested by thean Foundation For Suicide Prevention 38 approve request for use of City property and C requested Elementary school9 request for workers Elementary School 41 was request of the city administrator 42 authorized application and execution of agreement with New Jersy Department Environmental Protection Program 43 authorized application and execution of Grant agreement with New Jersey Department of government section program add to part Baker I'm sorry part then we have items for discussion by the council for the comment and dates to be memb next city council and review session will be Wednesday February 21st of 5:30 immediately followed by the city council meeting at this time is hold to order council member Anderson here council member C here council member Ferguson here council member Fleming is absent council member Gaskins here council member Sor lewick here council president escavar here please be advised that the no requirement of theed meeting act has been complied with and Sai that is that the anual noce gave sufficient notice of the time and place and of all public meetings of the municipal Council of the city of has been f with the city cler has been placed on an appropriate Bo in City home and has been transmitted to the official newspaper for the city of namely to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all and tonight I ask to Jo this moment of Silent to remember that we lost last week and both of them contributed to our city the first one is Mr Robert Mason Robert worked for Elijah's promise for many years and while he was working at prise he dedicated his work to outreaching and helping individuals with dependency to heal through recovery his love and passion for his work impacted many lives in our city and the next person is Jeffrey Vega Jeffrey was a friend colleague mentor to many he worked at new tomorrow for 22 years of which 14 he served as a president he was an exceptional leader a Visionary who had the ability to bring people together to work towards a brighter new Bron Weg or at residence students and businesses during his tenure at NBT Jeffrey was a catalyst of change in our city and his contribution in addressing social health and economic issues in our city led to the formation of many student and Community Based program like the spans laborhood project and the W socer program it was an honor to have known made Robert and Jeffrey rest in power thank you council member Anderson council member castan yes council member Ferguson yes council member GS yes council member Sora yes council president yes at this time um mad has the correspondence director to the Departments yes council president the correspondence received by the city office has been fored the appropriate departments for further action at these times I'm going to call for nominations for Council vice president for 2023 2024 I'd like to nominate councilman John Anderson for vice president of the city council I'm sorry council member Anderson yes council member casan yes council member Ferguson yes council member Gaskins yes council member Sor lewi yes council president Escobar yes congratulations thank you congratulations you want say a few words councilman minister [Applause] I I st your John Anderson do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey state of newers Jersey and that I will bear and that I will bear true Faith true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of council vice president Council vice president of the city of New Brunswick of the city of New Brunswick according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations uh thank you to my fellow council members I'll try and do the best of my ability always remembering uh to do the best one for my mother and one for Mrs Egan thank you thank you also take this opportunity to welcome our um CC member council member Mr Ferguson just um SW in a few minutes ago and so would you like to say a few words just really happy to join and and looking forward to serving and uh thank you for support and really looking forward to learning a lot so let's go welcome I'm going to move there agenda a little bit um for now we're going to go into the ordinance that we have um before us in second meeting we have an ordinance ordinance 12402 it's an ordinance to amend the management salary Ordinance do any of my fellow council member have any questions or any comments regarding this ordinance we are now going to open the the floor for open public hearing or only if you have any questions please come up you have up to five minutes for your questions good evening council members Charlie brille Brunswick Bruns today uh wanted to ask about a couple of positions I see in the ordinance first of course the police chief listed at range number 98 range number 98 has a minimum salary 90,000 and a maximum of 223 of course we only have one police chief can somebody tell me if approved what would the police chief salary be um I don't have exact salary this is just an ordinance to um clean up your Ann quity positions Ines so we don't know what the police chief salary will be say he doesn't no he doesn't have that information right here at this moment will will it be changing based upon this police chief all the of police department um now we have a police chief the management ordinance ised for not um can anyone tell me what the current salary is for the police CH it's it's around that top but I ex I'm not prepared thank you it's changing it would be good information for the public and the council to have before you vote on it um I also notice uh public information officer and there's two of them there's a public information officer and a public information officer part-time public information officer is under 93 salary range 93 starts at 42,000 goes up to 999,000 and then we have the part-time is listed as a special one can somebody clarify for me special one is that where it says S1 is that the same thing that's correct okay so I see that one is a minimum $3,500 salary maximum 68,000 salary big difference there we have two public information officers uh you know one is in the room now Mr Baron the other one is Mr Miller and can somebody tell me which one is parttime and which one is not part time Mr Baron is part time Mr okay and will their salaries be changing I see the reason I asked you have certain titles in Old so I see the parttime one is invol does this mean Mr Baron will be getting raise and approved so I I I understand Mr C's question but I think it's important to context that the salary ordinance is not directly reflected of the employes who are getting paid it's the range in which that position can be paid to and and this governing body has the opportunity to this process to be aware of that um regarding the salaries of different employees um each year that City go process in which there increase in salaries warrant if it's merited it's in marketing agreement and have to adjust the ceilings on all of these salaries to accommodate whatever that process is so will Mr Baron be getting AR raise um I Mr Baron is in the same process as all otheres in the city sorry for interesting so he's part of the Union no he's not part of the it's a management salary or right so then you all decide the salary who's the you off city council correct no city council doesn't get to decide the what that not okay but you said the range the range is from this and so does this ordinance change the range for the part-time public information officer this ordinance adds the parttime I see so was never contemplated that there might be a parttime public information officer adding it in but uh yeah I guess I'm just somewhat at a loss for what the other public information officer does since we never see him and I understand he's making $80,000 a year and apparently that's going to stay the same under this correct within the range matter of fact I don't know if it is Right 93 oh no goes up to 99 okay all right well I think those are the only questions I had on on the salary or thank you thank you good evening council members of my name is Robert Basquez uh I attend hlc high school and I'm here with a particular agenda of mine there is a current movement movement happening in our state and the country recently New York has f for this I'm sorry to interrupt you I want to hear you but at this time we only talking about this specific there will be a moment that you can come back at the public SE section of the the meeting and we would love to actually hear you about that thank you thank you thank hi yes Daniel Mo due to where you're saying that you don't know the salaries and whatever would you please give me a meaning or what what what are you approving someone stand up and tell me what are you proving for you're telling Mr P oh you don't know who's getting this who's getting this so what what is this resolution for can you tell me in detail we are not approving salaries M Danielle with this ordinance what we are approving is the range that a person in a certain specific position title is able to get paid so it's a range between if I could be you know between 30,000 to 80,000 and then deposition we are not setting salaries here we're setting a range where the can for well no matter what like I said as a resident of 47 years here I just see you guys as what very dishonest people a bunch of crooks who get to get people paid what do not to do their jobs addf or we need to thank you just um for the protocol in order to be able to talk at the council no you need this at each point you may stand up do you name if it's related to this ordinance and then after it is related to I want to I don't understand can you make me you keep saying range you could say that a range could come from 10 to 20 so when you're saying a range on the salary what is the range somebody has to know something I'm embarrassed I'm a resident here and you people all sitting here as supposed to no numbers and you can't say it range come on Mom there's the information has been provided and there's probably how many positions are in that orance said there is every position in the city is within that ordinance and it refills those copies and it shows you what is the position and what is the salary range and we show you the meeting if you want to see it but he was provided before thank you do you want any motion L yes motion motion to move second council member Anderson yes council member casan yes council member Ferguson yes council member Gaskin yes council member Sor Lin yes council president esar yes now we have ORD on first reading we have six of them or to authoriz the granting of the r and Sky agreement to university hospital and property Corporation over and across the POR of the city's Right Way known as Street and Street I move the ordinance sitting down February 21st 2024 at 530 p.m. council member Council vice president Anderson yes council member C yes council member Ferguson yes council member Gaskin yes council member Sor L yes council president esar yes we have number2 City traff 39 Street add Street apartment and 264 s Street ordinance sitting down February 21st 530 second Council vice president Anderson yes council member castan yes council member Ferguson yes council member gasan yes council member Sora leway yes council president esar yes we have ordinance 02243 is aniz to the revised General ordinances of the city of title 16 developmente 16 plan abuse minor plan we smokes and night glov the4 second Council vice president Anderson yes council member C yes council member Ferguson yes council member Gaston yes council member Sor Leck yes council president yes now we have ordinance c122 four is I theis General ordinances of the city of title 17 zoning second meeting to be held on March 624 530 this is to expanding Z down march 624 530m second Council vice president Anderson yes council member pan yes council member Ferguson yes council member gasin yes council member Sor leway yes council president esar yes we have 22404 and ordinance to am and supplement the general ordinances of the city of proposing tile five business licensing and regulation 519 licing underation I move the ordinance down February 2124 Council vice president Anderson yes Council m c yes council member Ferguson yes council member gin yes council member Sor lewi yes council president yes then we have orance 02246 or or authorizing and ratifying the acquisition of certain abandoned properties in accordance with the abandoned property Rehabilitation Act by the exercise of the power Mo ordinance setting out February 21st 530 p.m. second Council vice president Anderson yes council member castan yes council member Ferguson yes council member gin yes council member Sor yes council president has yes at this time before we prepare to have a presentation that we have tonight I'm going to ask um DMR Senator Schneider to give us an update um related to the last presentation there was some questions that they were able to get us some answers yes thank you thank you Council for your time I appreciate it I'm Michael mowy with TM Architects for some of you that have met me I just want to read through the response that you sent back to the council's questions and the Public's questions out loud and as you guys know the presentation that we had presented is conceptual in nature and subject to change it's just to capture a vision of what George Street could be so in regards to snow removal snow removal we likely address on a block by block basis within the George Street area we' work within the city of New Brunswick and City Market to identify the available equipment and to determine the best location for snow piling in the event for larger storms for light snow events we would anticipate salting in the plaza or any of the other options that would be chose in the advance of a storm we would have excess piling snow and designated areas we would initially anticipate these areas to be alongside the side streets not directly on George Street and it could be dedicated to a designated parking spot as an example of one of those places to have the snow loaded on the other option would be to be remove the snow and deliver it to a larger public park or open space in close proximity next is an 88 compliance question any plan that will be designed will be in full compliance with ADA requirements in the state of New Jersey next is question on sufficient trash and recycling the plan includes to have an 8X 36t area designated for trash and recycling located on Bayard Patterson and Church Street which are intended to be large enough to support the needs of the businesses along each of the blocks B sizes range from 32 to 96 gallons and can be placed back to back the conceptual plan also includes 12 bins at each of those locations and they can be increased to 20 bins per location the bins are designated to be lockable and rodent proof and come in a variety of designs and colors TR receptacles will also be provided for the public within the pla that goes beyond the businesses and the intent is that those receptacles will be picked up on a day-to-day basis and placed into the larger BS public seating public seating can and will be provided the location type design can be determined as the next part of the design process as far as project cost our scope meaning DMR our scope of work was initially for the study to not include a cost estimate as part of that our scope and is premature at this point in the process to give an accurate estimate we would recommend as the next step in this process to move forward with a survey to better understand both the underground utilities and the above ground services that could be needed to more accurately get a potential cost estimate for this project with that information we we can give an appropriate cost estimate for underground and above ground improvements as needed with depending upon the option that chice bike Lanes bike lanes are a crtical critical component of any City design and as part of the next steps we would recommend engaging in a dialogue regarding bike access to George Street from surrounding areas and neighborhoods as it pertains to the specific option option two which is the Plaza option the concept plan does not permit bicycle use within the public Plaza specifically for safety issues regarding the public this is intended to create a safe pedestrian only Plaza that require bicyclists to Dismount their bikes at the entrances and exits of the park and for the other options bicycle Lanes can and will be added to the plan within the street public restrooms the conceptual plans do not currently provide public restrooms within the design however public restrooms can be provided with infastructure if they are simply required emergency access as part of the initial process DMR met with both fire and police department and coordinated with respect to all the options not only one option the necessary Dimensions to allow for emergency vehicle access from a state stand option two in particular which is the closed Plaza provides an 18t clear area on both sides to service both sides in in case of emergency for George free property we anticipate re-engaging with both departments as part of the next steps to ensure all safety concerns are addressed as part of the design development the other options provide access along the proposed Street it's just option two that has the full closure approach programming this was not part of our initial scope of work as far as DMR tased and we agree that it is a critical component to the success of the project we consider that City Market would be taking the next steps of this programming for George Street depending upon if the design moves forward and what option would be selected and as far as hosital architecture this was not considered for the initial C of plans and we anticipate this would be discussed as part of the next St thank you for your time thank you for providing those um answers to us and I'm pretty sure that we will continue this conversation as we said at the last minute um moving forward thank you so much thank you so at this time we have a presentation um hearing presentation from is a conceptual to talk about the Cal plans for Alec Baker park in connection with the DP ACR Park development funding and Par friends that we are looking forward to get so I would like to have Mr goldber this Mark are you ready yep sorry it's all yours the floor is yours thank you council president thank you member of the council um tonight we're going to be discussing the renovations Baker park potential renovations to Baker park with the grant that the city's applying for for up to $1.9 million of grant opportunities um this is made up of two different grants one with the urban Parks grant program for $500,000 and one with the Green Acres Park devel fund for additional $1.4 million excuse me um if awarded these two gr sources they could uh the funding to renovate the parkone in the city's cono plan the city seeks the input from Park lowers and general public regarding the costal renovation the concept plan provided by our parks department is here on display um it's also available on our website at survey Al Baker park is a 7.3 acre of recreational space located on renson Avenue at Helen Street the grounds provided a comfortable area of sun and shade with partially wooded boundary of Brook and adjacent homes to town homes on the north and west boundaries with regard to the environmental impact of this renovation could have I offer the following from our environmental impact assessment first as the project involves renovating amenities already located at the site and involves only updating or replacing the S there will be no additional environmental impacts second the replacement of the old baseball fil with the soccer field may increase usage because of the popularity of the sport in the community however there is no reason to believe that this will cause any increase environmental impact according to the trust for public land report and assessment done by the city's parks and garden commission the city and our parks department are concerned the following welcome identification signs of both entrances with arbs enhan crosswalks at the park entrances on both M Street and Ellen Street a new entrance from the adjacent Town homs into the park for a total of three entrances enlargement of the parking area at M Street entrance a walking running Loop throughout the park installation of sidewalks into the park to connect to the walking Loop the former baseball field will be repurposed into a soccer field with Nets uh and also a practice field the basketball courts will be reconditioned and upgraded an additional allpurpose Athletic Field will be installed at the site of the former tennis court um a fit station with exercise boots will also be installed a water feature like a splash pad to encourage residents to visit during the warmer weather will be installed uh and completely inclusive playground I think the further installations will includ the picnic area reallying families spend the recreation time together in the park a dog park with separate sections for small and large dogs for residents in the area a gbo with small sitting social area between the basketball court and the dog park closer to the M Street side overall landscaping and planting of fruit trees and other trees and shrubs um you should also be aware that survey was uh placed on the city website on January 23rd and will remain open until 4 p.m. on February 22nd the survey has been available in both English and Spanish and everybody's invited to participate uh if you have any more detailed questions the city superintendent of parks Mr salsa and um the landscape architect for the city alexos are also here answer any further questions thank you before I entertain any questions from the council and then from the public I just want to thank um the N Park and G commission for your support into this um application for for GR appreciate it yes I think Mr Gold prob wanted to also note that the renderings here show Department's current condition and then the color rendering show some of the proposed items you spoke about in block form not pry detail really get a sense of how are also available online like to see them online any questions from Council Members any comments the uh entrances to the parks uh there is one with the grade on it down by M Street that correct have Al Baker there one at theend of Ellen Street is a an opening and then there are two openings on the side you say correct those are directly into the apartments or the houses yes another additional question so at this time open for public comments any member of the public who wishes to address the council good evening hello my name is Charles Bergman uh 13 Stratford Place in Brunswick I'm also uh have the privilege to serve as chair of the city's parks and Gardens commission and I just want on behalf of the parks and Gardens commission um say that we very enthusiastically um uh support these proposed uh renovations to Baker park Baker park has been at the top of the parks and Gardens commission's wish list for many years in terms of a park that could use some additional TLC uh personally I also uh uh lived for several years in Renaissance station not far from Baker park took my kids there sometimes and it has not been in all these years that I've been in Brunswick a heavily utilized Park despite the fact that it's in a heavily residential area and I think that these upgrades especially the amenities that are are going to make it more attractive to families the entrances that are going to make it more inviting um to Residents in the area will hopefully go a long way towards bringing more positive use more families and residents into the park to enjoy um the new amenities and make it uh really a standout neighborhood park so we're um grateful for the parks Department's uh work uh on this and the cities work on this and hopeful that uh the funding applications will be successful thank you in the park hello city council it's me again yeah are you want to take about the Park yeah about the park oh no oh wait I let you know was I let you know sorry don't worry I'm sorry it's it's a w it's a Wednesday sorry Hi um street so first I want to say I appreciate um the you know opportunity for public input um and you know really the information that's very helpful um and I did see the survey and I appreciate that that's open for the public as well it's good to know what the deadline is um one thing I do want to ask about that I didn't hear uh you know as part of the current uh plans for the re maning Park is any sustainability aspects uh such as plantings pollinator ging um recycl materials you know if that is something that is you in the in the plan somewhere be incor I will defer to Mr salsa Sala um good evening uh we could uh absolutely uh incorporate a pat Garden uh we are going to be uh planting some uh fluit trees uh throughout the park so that might be something that uh what kind of fluit trees uh cherries apples so we will make sure that that um f thank you for you we will to keep it in mind this is yes Mr counil President the purpose of public hearing is for this type of input so what you are saying will go into the record um for future CLS and thank you great thank you um and then I also just want to not that I hope that with you know whatever Renovations are made to the park that uh you know an effort will be made to maintain the current level of of tree cover because I know that that sometimes is a sacrifice uh as redesigns are happening I do think that's an import this Park thank you hi that's Daniel Mo for I would like to say thank you to the parks department I have to say I thank Mr T plenty of times he responds to my uh things matters with Parks my question is I have to say I did not get a chance to see the ordinance for while uh will this finally include new new water fountains and uh what restrooms in this now uh Mr Sal is that the original list we do have a water fountain uh that's Incorporated in the funding uh bathrooms public bathrooms we don't have it's a small park but that's something that we can definitely uh look into in the future with markets to use that we're opening uh it's going to get well okay my main concern due to where I've been talking about for so many years old old water water fountain pipes due to wear and having an issue with the water not flowing right over there so that's really my number one thing I hope we do see an upgrade on is the water the water fountains over there safe water thank you great job good evening my name is domic buffler I've been a resident with Bron in close proximity to Baker park for more than 10 years um Baker park is the number one Park I visit with my children um I would like to ask speciic spefically about trees um and I know there are many uh grown trees in B Park I have not heard a specific mention of them um I would really in particular be interested in if they're going to be all chopped down and as part of this plan uh um I I'm asking this because we've recently observed fista park there were many old trees that provide a lot of shade and shelter that were all uh cut down uh in my view unnecessarily um I would like to ensure that um this plan for Baker par does not include um chopping down of healthy old trees that provide Shelter From the wind and from the Sun for uh anyone that goes um and uses this part thank you thank you we don't have any plans for taking down the trees uh the concept the work we're going to be doing is to kind of uh work underneath that tree canopy uh without having to disturb any of the existing uh you know large trees that are there now and you will be adding more uh yes we going to be adding more fruit trees and flowering trees but as far as like the existing tree canopy uh we have no intentions of taking any of day okay I did I did review the plan so I was not quite sure it's conception because you're not going to see all the trees that are there they're not going to yes thank you anybody El from the F wishes to com in yes please briefly Charlie crille I uh wanted to first of all thank the parks and Gardens commission I had the pleasure of attending their recent online meeting where this was discussed and it seems like there was a tight timeline to be able to get this hearing done get uh an application submitted and uh they deserve credit for moving it Forward quickly and for putting out a survey a bilingual survey and uh um you know pleased once again to see a public hearing here at this uh this meeting um my you know April I visitors par this weekend and our you know obvious huge takeaways that is very underutilized um I think when we were there there was maybe one other person there and it was a beautiful weekend day so I think yeah anything we can do to make it more inviting more accessible to people uh especially pedestrians uh will'll go a long way towards making the most of this public space I also question to ask um is it possible if you could just get those is it possible that I order saying to put a a soccer field but because we already had a um baseball field will it be feasible because I know Baker park I've been here all my life so I do know Baker park so would it be possible to keep both or we have to go with one or the other cuz I'm thinking about the kids the kids can benefit because the kids of Le bronic play baseball and soccer and that would be a good spot for them to practice that if we're able to accommodate that Mr um unfortunately we can't accommodate both baseball and soccer uh however you know pickup games for kids that are you know want to play uh after school uh the field be big enough uh where they can play it's just not going to have a back stop it's not going to be an official field but it's going to be an open field so um we're we're conceptually it's conceptual like I said conceptual plan um baseball field at Baker park as you know hasn't been used uh for a while so um there's a a big demand for soccer courts uh and that's the reason why but I mean the kids are more and welcome to have pickup games and um you know if we need to do any type of temporary striping for any kind of uh uh that it might be going on we'd be more than happy to accommodate that thank you anybody else from the wishes to comment on this matter well thank you um again thank you to the I appreciate it we done with this part let's proceed and now we going before we go into the resolutions I wanted just to get some updates also one of the last meetings we were asked about the climate action plan for so Mr jul if say pleas update us to where we president MERS of the council mind I'll read my my notes so that clear the city was word Grant from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for technical assistance developing a community energy plan also known as the plan the grant funds were used to engage Greener by Design LLC uh for set Services greeners by Design is a New Brunswick based company experienced in offering comprehensive services with successful development and implementation of energy environment and resiliency projects in the public and private sectors the plan seeks to create specific strategies for the city to pursue in the immediate future to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the local energy system the proposed plan will drill down on Municipal operations including Vehicles Municipal Vehicles fleets and buildings as well as public policies and programs designed to reduce Community emissions starting in January of 2023 UniFi design began reviewing the Sustainable New Jersey and Community energy plan work plan template and have been meeting and communicating with City officials to obtain community and City information that this information research efforts by cre by Design will be utilized to create the plan as of the date as of today Greener by Design is in the last stage of completing the preliminary draft plan over the next few months City officials will review the preliminary draft plan for completeness and provide opportunities for public input and comment ultimately the mayor and Council will then take action to review and adopt the plan prior to July 1st 2024 I'll continue to provide you updates and I'm available for any questions you can have thank you another update that I wanted to provide is a few more at the last meeting also there was some questions about what is the city doing or what are we doing about the drug crisis as you know the city doesn't provide Direct Services we depend on Partners to provide those services to our community nonetheless um hover I know that the police department has we has some prevention programs um in the city especially the schools um can you talk a little bit about what prevention drug prevention programs we have in the school system and sure uh D and great have been long-standing features in the BRC public schools for longer than I've worked here uh in addition anyone we come across who unfortunately suffers from an overdose uh there's been a law in the books for a couple years now called Blue cares and we provide literature an Outreach as to how to uh Venture into recovery if they so choose to top of that all of our officers are equipped with Naran and we definitely use it thank you so much and then lastly um res is here at if you could give us I wanted to have a an update and of how is the homeless out team working and Co gr thank you m president members Council I actually have five program areas if you don't mind I'll update everyone on five program areas within the department of human and Community Services the first area is code blue and they're all somewhat interrelated on some level so today our codu uh season we have had 53 codu events and that's beginning in November of 2023 uh to our current date in November there were 13 events December 14 events January there were 20 code blue events and in February we have had six to date uh the warming center located on the second floor of 81 remson Avenue Unity Square has a capacity of 26 guests the average number of guests in the month of January were 19 we have uh engaged laundry and janitorial cleaning services for cleaning blankets which are provided by the City and uh the warming Center itself respectively there are currently four staff members there is a proposal for the second uh item a day Center the day Center is being formed through a partnership with the Urban Health collaborative located at 24 Kirk Patrick street operations are daytime February and will begin February 20th the operations will consist of hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. the provision of hygiene kits clothing food and other support services such as case management Workforce Development and counseling which will also be offered to guests the division of human services will be assisting in the marketing messaging Staffing the himmet the homelessness information management system which is run by the county uh intake process and supplies the uh the city is also a recipient of a grant where we created Municipal homelessness Outreach teams or mhot the mhot Outreach has began uh conducting questionnaire activities as early as January 2nd of this year while the scheduled Outreach dates are Tuesdays and Thursdays for two 4-Hour periods the team has also done Outreach at C blue the dignity Center and with Elijah's promise the city is divided into four zones and the schedule is built around Zone coverage there is collaboration with the middle sex County coming home office as well as the Mexican consul to make sure that we engage all populations the dignity Center which operates year round it operates Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at Memorial Stadium 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 12: noon to 2:00 p.m. hot showers clothing and hygiene supplies are also provided at that facility lastly the municipal homelessness prevention Roundtable is a initiative that was begun by our director and the division conducts a Roundtable meeting the last Wednesday of each month for all service providers in this in to uh this population outcomes have been two Social Service open house events and the facilitation of project KET which coincided with the County's point in time count for homelessness uh and in general the round table has provid a better collaboration between all of these service providers that are within the city thank you so [Applause] much at this time we are going to resolutions we have resolutions 1 to 43 except 41 for um any members of the council have any questions or any comments about the [Applause] resolutions you know not at this time we're going to open the floor for public comments on the resolutions not yet for Resolutions um you have up to five minutes to address the Council of the resolutions only one time up anybody who wishes to address the counc forward I have I know you said resolution re from the anybody who has any comments on the resolutions I just want to make sure I was hi yes I'm going to start off with uh 19 uh this been to see a big increase I know the is only getting $90,000 for uh cot L I have been talking to Mr Jones on certain EV and I've also been seeing uh other locations as well I'm hoping to where can you please tell me what this with this upgrade of $60,000 what would be new due to where I have to say I see a lot of things with C to where I volunteer and work with a lot of homeless feeding giving passing out coats and everything but I still say it is not enough due to we wow to only put 27 or 29 people for cold blue due to where wow you already had a man that froze the death on Townson Street in uh uh excuse me the end of November beginning December December and wow honestly I had rescued another one from freezing to death what that was the beginning excuse me the beginning of January so like I said I I'm good to glad to see more money but like I said do I see enough help being helped out here no I do not now you see that wow women are going into cold blue with their children due to where wow and I know how some of these drug users react to where I like I said I help them on the street but they know how to work with me cuz I know how to help them but I do not find that appropriate due to where wow please open up a woman's shelter due to where you have enough men but I'm seeing too many women homeless and due to where honestly too many people are scared to go to cold blue due to where they're being robbed of their belongings now I did talk to Mr Jones and I appreciate God blessing for working with me answer asking me question questions due to where would you please tell me within this money will lockers be included because I seen that several other code Blues listed where you're able to put your belongings and no no worries about anybody stealing your your belongings so the the grant amount provided by the county um as you may recall in our previous discussions previous years the amount County provides us and that Grant is not nearly enough to cover the cost you go and um we were with this increased amount of money unfortunately seem been continuing moreal events as well um so this money is used to provide the warming shelter um you heard Mr speak about the services required to me provid a clean space you heard speak about the laundry services to provide clean and fresh blankets um the facility does need to be up uh maintained and so uh we are very thankful for the increasing the grant amount um unfortunately it's still shy what the cost program is to the city thank you well like I said I don't see how wellow uh peran boy can have their their code glue where they got last year got 152,000 not exactly the exact number but close to 152,000 well wow their C their cold glue is much better wow you don't allow people in who's drink nasty attitude or drug o over attitude due to where they're allowed to have a me meal just in case somebody has a health issue due to where W they also have security due to where I know it's a situation sometimes like I said and I know how it is when somebody I have family number I've been through it due to where drugs or alcohol can have a temper and do to where security and you can't tell me it's not true how many times have I walk by just walking where what police are there due to where a certain matter du to where so like I said please I hope due to where like I said per boy I've been seeing a lot of other C Blues with the same amount of money to be better I'm not saying I'm not appreciating what it's a big increase over $60,000 but wow for new BR to be in this situation I think we can still ask for more and start doing better come on like I said 47 years born and raised here new brunic was never like this thank you you know maybe something that we could do when the a is out there maybe promote that the firsty has one that other towns have one maybe that would a the challenges that we are presented in so thank you for that information Mr thank you may you say your name please so that way I'm Dar um from I've been here a little longer than 4 something years thank you but what I will say is that um what I see in the city I I I love it and I do know that money is a fact wait a minute I don't want to interrup you but we we still in what resolution are you talking about I'm talking about the PO blue what we're talking that's what talking um $65,000 Daniel where it is a lot of money we the time not a lot of money but um is there any other way that where we could put it out to the public to wear maybe like she was saying more people would like to volunteer being we're in the setting and it's being recorded So I know that we we used to say volunteers now we have staff following the hours but nonetheless I would suggest that you get in touch with director Keith Jones on Mr Department they're the ones who are Manning the C blue so if there's any need of any other assistance they might be able to provide you with that information okay thank you could even once again Charlie pville uh speaking of per I'll start with number five uh police department receiving funds from peroy can somebody just explain uh how this came to be it's not from per it's not fromy it is a Federal grant that is administered by peroy for many years and it's dispersed between off the top of my head us wdge it just says in the receipt of funds from the city for yeah because Min right now Min yeah appreciate that um we'll move on to page four at the bottom code blue uh wanted to clarify so $1,951 is a grant from the county middle sex which time period is this for is this retroactive for the 53 nights so far this year or is this forward looking to next next winter he discover November of 2023 to April 2024 okay so so basically most of the money's already been you spent is that fair to say it hasn't will be by a okay and I did want to ask I asked at the last meeting about harm reduction of New Jersey New Jersey harm reduction network uh when Mr Jones was here in uh 2023 he mentioned there was going to be a partnership regarding code blue involving that organization I was hoping to understand what happened to that and see if that's not the case anymore does anybody know I will follow up on that Mr I don't have the answer okay I think that's what you said last so well I apologize I omitted to give you an update on that tonight but I will make sure that the next meeting you will have an update Mr I appreciate it I intend to be at the next meeting I thank you for that and I I you know did want to you know speak up uh 26 people I thought it was 29 but apparently 26 being the the limit of how many people can be accommodated is really um precarious right because I know might be that the average for January was 19 people who took you up on the offer but I know that at least some nights in December it filled up and people were left with no no good option um I think what I said back then still stands that the city really needs to find a bigger or a second location for this I think it's great some of the stuff we heard today about a day Center and collaborating with with uh you know another nonprofit I think that's really good and the Outreach is really good but at the end of the day if we've got you know 35 people who are got nowhere to go on a cold night you've got to be able to accommodate all of them uh you just have to I think that that's what the law intended that's what you know we all want our hearts and as a practical matter to save lives we should be doing that so whether it's you know the guest house which used to be used or other public buildings that are just you know sitting there with nobody in them uh you know we've got to have have either a bigger or a second location and I think that's still is necessary um and uh I guess I'll move on to the next one is resolution 20 so the board of education is going to take some land from the city I guess at no charge when you're giving it to them this is on Roosevelt Avenue near the high school can you explain what the plan is there what you know uh what will the board be doing with this land it's part of the expansion to the gym of the school L that is um owned by the city for sh that's that's pres they unov blot the city's own for years um we have no score um is Le exp gym Ed for educational purposes when they approached us we would uh give it to them allow to do that se I mean I've seen the construction going on there I don't believe that the gym is going to leave the existing property is this maybe for an additional entry to the parking lot or I mean is is literally the building going to an expansion expansion it could be for the extension of the parking area the access area I don't know exactly but that's think I think that' be the type of thing that the council should know before approving it the public should know what the plan is if if the city's going to transfer public land to another entity um so I guess I'll follow up with the Board of Ed but I think that uh you know if you're giving away land there should be a very clear good reason and we should know what it is and uh for comments yeah be back anybody else want to call me resolutions none resolutions Council vice president Anderson yes council member C yes with the exception of 34 not council member gas yes council member Sor council president es yes CC number first [Music] yes so at this time get ready at this time we are going to open up the floor for a public comment just um those who as I usually say during this meeting this is not a question and answer period This is a comment period uh we want to hear from you anybody from the committee from the public who wishes to address the council you have up to five minutes one time up and um thank you for having me again Council um my name is robt as you already know um I already mentioned that there is a big movement happening in the state right now and perhaps the country um we all know that nework has approved an ordinance that gave 16year olds enough the right to vote in new bun and this has became a very big discussion at school I've been talking with a lot of students teachers faculty and we got to a point where this discussion should be moved from the classrooms or hallways to here with you find people the people who govern and make impactful decisions um the so here I am to start the conversation for too long students have been subject to an environment where violence in other social issues had unfortunately became the norm for the community for too long lack of transparency and respect has had a real damaging impact on our city progress has has been made don't get me don't get me wrong but there hasn't been a mo movement a moment where people truly got together and started a movement that was based on fighting for fundamental for fundamental rights here's an example back then not even eligible voters could vote for their Board of Education member only the mayor could appoint people to the board seats people were sick and tired of issues that affected them during that era and so residents took action and started a movement and fought against a Sly unethical political machine and the people won like I said before there has been progress in the city but given the right to 16 and 17 year olds in new buic high school will emphasize the progress the progress being made in the city and even provide pretty beneficial perks like increasing the voter turnout did you know that only 3% of eligible voters casted their votes in last year's award of Education Election sadly those percentages have become a trend of low turnout and we need to fix that if we ever do this through an ordinance or whatever it can give schools an opportunity to develop and strengthen our Civics education there was no reason to think that a 16-year-old can't make an informed decision when laws are going to be affecting you directly you should have a say in who and you should have a say in who represents you 16 and 17 year olds deserve the right to vote in Board of Education elections so before I go I want the city council to do something for me I want you to go home tonight I want you to talk to your family members to your constituents to each other about this ISS issue they might actually have some good insight and and we cannot waste opportunity that can really change our city for the better because for so long this this has there this has been this bad stigma and frankly people are tired but we don't know where to start we start now thank you thank you so I I just wanted to say thank you uh I think it's great to hear from our youth uh it was very impassioned very well written and so I thank you and and I'm sure that I can speak for all of us that you know at least we will very much consider uh what what you've brought up you know as as El you spoken so thank you having to my colag you know I commend you for getting up and discing I know sometimes F be a little nerve-wracking speak up in front of a room really do appreciate you taking your time on here your unite to be here with us and to share your accuracy onal of here at SCH I for everyone thank you so much it's always refreshing to see our students our kids come in and talk to us right so um thank you for for coming okay anybody else want to public any other [Applause] comments hi yes Daniel Mo from Somerset Street like I said I have been a black resident of new BR for 47 years wow can I can I please know who voted to make new Bruna Sanctuary City in 2018 was it the city council or the mayor because wow with me being in court 7 hours last week with Christian romz Rodriguez wow and seeing he assaulted over 12 people robbed over 16 people three pages long but wow this man has never been really in jail because wow he's not a US citizen he's an illegal immigrant please how do they do the crime and don't do the time and what I still have to go back to court to this due to where new BR didn't never show the evidence please like I said how do they do the crime and don't do the time I will say I at this moment I'm just trying to stay calm du to her yes I give you my word I will be filing a lawsuit and I saw my grandmother's grave against new police department cuz I'm tired of of the harassment and and the racism due to where if you can't treat people equal you do not belong on this Earth and like I said for me to like I said with Suzanne cor Ling announcing that wow my phone was not on a Tracker to the public sitting up there when she was President well please tell me how do I know every license PL wow your black vehicle 20 years old gfx black charger a o majority of your unlock cards kvw o but majority of your cards gm9 oh majority of your unlock cards are you e am I reading from a paper no I am not and did I tell Lieutenant Hoover while to try to work things out I am not no damn crime member I am not no no no damn prostitute being followed by your officers and the main one that was Mr I'm not even say Mr that was Mr Alexander unz badge 326 car 9116 I'm tired of it do I have the evidence to prove what I am oh yes I will but I will tell you for New Brun Police Department putting me in handcuffs last Thursday with disorderly conduct due to after I was assaulted mace with police police mace and assaulted and I have a concussion and wow those two have not been under arrest and for you to let that woman go first oh I guarantee you wow you will have a lawsuit wow if that's what talking loud please how many videos due to her yesterday why because the man wasn't black due to her on the corner of fren and Harvey wow drinking his beer cursing at the police did he get arrested oh did the video I posted before with the young lady on rson Avenue yes suck my dick cop suck my dick cop well excuse me these are the correct words I'm not trying to disrespect you but like I said wow did any of them get arrested no they didn't and like I said you still see that I'm I'm suffering due to where the second time I was taken to the hospital volunteering down to Second Methodist Church due to where I can't lean over while these two are not arrested and like I said you br put hand put hand handcuffs on me that yeah you've been wanting to make me a criminal but what I get $2500 a month month I do not get section8 I do not get food stands I pay my own damn rent all my bills new brother you've been wanting to make me as a criminal why because you hate to see black folk do something good while first trying to arrest my son and you tried to arrest my nephew due to her false arrest and what you give me a ticket in Park after hours due to her what I really calling an amulance some someone what do I have enough to go down the line then what you tried to that's my son due to him and his friend what put charges on there where they got stabed and they were the victim and wow you just keep harassing riding around just harassing do I have playing videos most certainly I do but like I said for you to say that wow my phone isn't on attractor oh I guarantee you to the public when you said my phone isn't on attractor wow we'll see were you scorning to tell lies or what like I said I'm not no damn criminal and I'm tired of New Brun the police department and I guarantee you like I just said out of all the stories with JT Miller what Ling saying my next you got arrested but he never was what make him lose his scholarship for $150,000 what and like I said what you just keep coming at me for one thing I I don't care if it's dismissed every case has been dismissed I don't care du to I'm tired of the damn harassment and you will all pay next please street thank you sorry I'm very short um a only class43 San Street um first I I just wanted to say I wholeheartly agree with the things that um Mr G brought up earlier about uh 16 17 year olds in be able to vote in the Board of Education elections for the schools that they're at you know very sensible that the people who are most impacted by uh that governing body's decisions should be allowed to weigh in on who is representing um and I do think that it's a you know good movement to pay attention to now that that wall has started to um I also want to say I I do appreciate the diligence in providing uh program updates especially um in providing uh time for the people who are actively work on those programs to speak at l uh what they're doing I think that's well worth the time so we wanted to say thank you for that um on the matter of the George Street uh the future George Street uh concept um I appreciate the confirmation that public seating will be included asum that we move forward with that pedestrian Plaza idea um and thanks for addressing the concerns about public restrooms and and Cal architecture but I I definitely think that's something that needs to be uh swiftly decision has to move forward with to change think that's a priority from a community perspective um that's really in favor of incorporating bike LS and bike parking uh in the new design I understand the considerations be made about pedestrian safety um and where the cyclists are where the pedestrians are um I do think that making George Street a real Community destination um would be a good the city to invest in improving the interconnected like infrastructure uh especially that that needs into part of downtown and I can only assume that talking about the climate action plan and uh emission reductions that uh encouraging people to use low or no carbon forms of transportation um is a part of that conversation so I think that that's you know a good opportunity for the climate action planning and the planning R GE Street uh to coales you know uh something that we have been asking for for a long time the improvements to the bicycle infrastructure um I would definitely as the conversation moves forward appreciate some additional insights into what the transit plans or the bus rerouting would look like um if we're going with The Pedestrian only design um you know I think there's so much new to be had from a transition to a pedestrian Plaza but that's you we can't forget that infrastructure is such a critical part for how people move through the city um and certainly thus far you know in how buses have been roted with pretty lacking signage and you know no bus shelters uh for the you know the new ways that buses have been rooted that's I'm sure you know taken a toll on the ridership um and it's also deprived people of uh public asset that they really need so I hope that that is going to be part of a future up to really drill in on you know what are options for in public transit if it's not allowed to go down dur a street uh and then on the matter of of waste um obviously you know trash and recycling already incorporate into the plan but I um would also encourage discussion of how sustainable disposal of organic waste composting um since I'm sure that that's uh you know relevant matter both from a environment and climate perspective uh and from just the of waste disposal especially in an area that is likely to produce so much organic waste given all of the restaurants and food preparation um and then on the matter of the U the update that we got uh around uh services for um our homeless individuals um it's great to hear all of that especially at the daytime Center that's very exciting that that's going to soon be available um and I would love to just hear more the future about um um you know the ongoing activities uh of that program area um and I'm especially curious for the homelessness Outreach team how many active community volunteers there are or that you average number of volunteers that are out for shift um I'm sure that it's you know a great program uh you know it makes a big difference of does something exist on paper versus is it really thriving and utilized in your life so I would just love to hear more about the the scale of those activities thank Youk um I think besides the benefit of the council hearing direct from the public on this matter the arit ofm did hear this well as Mr Schneider the chair from City Center in the back which is good this is part of the ongoing conversation so this is very good to have that that information and I just want to um clear something the Irish team remember that was a grant so we have people who are working over that parttime it is part time one full time who's the manager so I don't think we have volunteers doing that Outreach we are playing with the grme from s Peters that we gave to us that's how the program started initiated and that's how I just wanted to go back to you yes ma'am um I have one question for the high school student CU I drive you guys every day I tell ma'am you need to ask me and then we can talk first and then I would like to ask the ne high school student he wants to have they they're having a discussion and they want to open it up to the public to hear um to let 16 and 17 year olds vote but can I ask the question like what do you exactly want to get involved in and you want want your voice to be heard you see what I'm saying so what I was say is Elliot um right after the meeting right we you get the information because that's a good question right how how the kids are going to get organized themselves that's something that maybe we can talk after the meeting and maybe getting that's why we wish to do so okay thank you once again Council Charlie pille I want to start by saying congratulations to the new member of the council Mr Ferguson you've come a long way since we first met many years ago and uh you I know we don't always agree on everything but I'm proud of you and wish you well um also want to uh stand in solidary and support of the young people here tonight uh Robert for his excellent remarks I think this is a you know Common Sense uh Civic engagement uh measure that uh you know you don't have to take it for me Governor Murphy supports it and a lot of uh people around the state support it including the city council of newer which I believe pass it unly um I have uh requested a meeting with the administration regarding transparency in public meetings I think were copied on some of these emails I never heard back can you ask Mr Baron status of my meeting request is Mr upates M president do we have a timeline where you put a timeline IDE not it's just a simple request you know I would ask that you know if the answer is going to be no give me the no if it's going to be yes let's set a date and move forward um that question that request was also at the the email your copy on partnered with a a request for some information on the vision zero partnership leadership committee uh Mr Baron pledged to look into that and let me know if the city had a representative on that committee uh never heard back is there any did the city have a a representative on the vision zero partnership leadership committee that I don't have any updates no any idea what I might get an answer you have I will follow up sure I'll look forward to that for those who don't know Vision hero is the concept of you know striving to have no deaths on our roads to have no fatal crashes no serious injury crashes on our road Network and unfortunately last year three people lost their lives here in New Brunswick I think it was more than 60 people around real sex County and uh yeah we need we need to do better um you know we can't can't have this continue um um I I also did ask at the last meeting and and haven't gotten any followup why did the police department stop providing incident details in responses to my uh request made pursuant to section 3B of the Oprah I cannot answer that question and I know that we have told you in the past they have the police department has given you information we have given you what is require you know how they want to report and why is it that be looking for if it's OA I don't have any control over that that's o That's the Department luten H do you have anything to add to this this has been told to him many times first time question very I look into it okay thank you I had at the last meeting but I'll follow up with the lieutenant uh speaking of the police department on dve was attention to the city website where you can see the major dis discipline report for 2023 you will see patrolman Alexander Yunis suspended 60 days for neglect of Duty an internal investigation concl Ed that he violated departmental rules and regulations pertaining to an officer's performance of Duty by failing to give suitable attention to a call for service involving suspicious property there's some more details in the description but I wanted to ask the counsel if you have any comments about this officer he's apparently still employed by the department despite those coming and I offic so I'll I don't have have done comments in the past you have brought up something and again it seems that he was disciplined that he was you know looked to it and that's the that I'm going to say I have no idea you it I understand the report was recently shared know a legal requirement now annually January 31st I believe it's posted um I have to ask the fire director is he still allowed to drive City Vehicles why is the question besides is he still authorized to to to drive we have a issue with him driving I don't think so I think that he drives his vehicle I have seen him right is it you know in terms of that I have SE him I see him I don't know in terms of what is if it's personal I'm not going to go with that's something that okay well I think you should look into this is it true that director RS crashed a city owned vehicle in North Brunswick on January 9th thank you I still have some more questions if after the meeting thank you okay am I going to get an answer to the one that I did get off before the buzzer can can somebody tell me you CR vehic if it's something that we are able to provide you I'll get that information something that we are able to so thank you anybody else from [Music] [Applause] theing what was that I canot answer that question she said she saying I am I'm not able to answer that question at this moment thank you so we had a motion on the floor and a second okay noted Council vice president Anderson yes council member casan yes council member Ferguson yes council member Gast council member Sor L council president es yes thank you