76 approve award contract printting 37 authoriz to advertise with M Tre facility expion 378 approve rejection of bids for water treatment plan approvement specification number 93721 W 379 approve reward contract with iway Equipment Company New Jersey Incorporated one excavator for the division of par shade trees not to exceed 8,572 from the sourcewell co-op contract 80 approve a water contract with tiny mobile robots us LLC proprietary fuel pay robot includ 314 81 approve 39 between 18 railroad W LLC and St Brun for New Brun Police Department's enforcement of Motor Vehicle and traffic regulations loc 18 Railroad Avenue block 68 11 382 resol resolution authorizing budget transfers 2023 Municipal budget 83 approve authorization for emergency appropriation 84 approve approve renewal of liquor license with special ruling for leano Incorporated inative liquor license number 1214 33726 85 approval water contracts with Rosen bow LLC s like a wrestler the one mid Tower lad truck for the fire department not to exceed 1,7 88301 that's also a source Co-op contract we have Castle remember and so forth will come for council member Anderson council member C here council member Fleming here council member gin council member Sora lewick is absent council president Escobar is absent Council vice president Egan here please be advised that the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been compli with and satisfying the state that the annual notice which gave sufficient notice of the time plac in cond of all public meetings of the municipal Council of the city of New BR has been fed the city clerk has been placed on an appropriate B board for the city wall and has been trans the official the city naming the home news for please stand for pleas Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all as this being our last city council meeting for the new year like to wish everybody a happy and healthy New Year and all the best Anderson council member castan yes council member fling yes council member Gaskin yes Council vice president Ean yes we have resolutions 273 to 285 anybody from the public like to speak on any of the resolutions you have five minutes please come up to the usual spot over there yes Mr how you do yes good evening Council Charlie crun Bruns today um can I get some information about the liquor license number 12 uh it says inactive do that mean it's in pocket or is there a location for go ahead go ahead there's no location for the liquor license um it has been inactive since 2004 okay um can I also get a little information about the robots number eight field painting robot Mr yes um it is a novel device proprietary system it's a self-contained robot if you would that uh through GPS will actually lay out and will line Fields football fields baseball fields what have you uh we had a demonstration we're actually impressed with it um and we think if we fully utilize this we can reduce our Manpower required to line the fields purchasing one yes um also the water treatment plant there's two items here five and six the uh advertising for a membrane treatment facility expansion can I get a little information on that project and also the rejection bids uh right after that for the treatment yes Mr Wallace please yes we uh had three bids returned all of them above uh the expected uh cost of the treatment plant the lowest bid was almost 50% higher than what we were expecting it to be um so uh we're going to reject the bids take a step back and we're going to divide the project into into pieces it it lends itself to that and try to see if we can get more people interested more more contractors interested in bidding on a smaller project uh and in the end the total hopefully would be the same so so does that me the first phase of the first you know chunk of the project would be the membrane treatment facility expansion Mr W uh yes that was always intended to be the first phase okay can I just get some basic information on what that looks like is there a certain number of cells that are being added or capacity what it looks like or would it um we're basically going to double the uh the capacity of the membran cells um right now there's four cells we're going to add um four more units uh they're going to be high pressure membranes as opposed to low pressure that we have so it'll it'll look different uh but it'll it'll essentially double the capacity thank you very much that's all thank you anybody else seeing on resolutions seeing nobody else anybody like to move res council member C yes council member yes council member G yes Council vice president yes we will now move to the public portion of the meeting if You' like to ask the councel to speak to the council you have five minutes to come on up anybody like to talk to the councel five minutes yes Mr Crow how are you doing good evening again I'm well yourself good uh just a few items tonight I've been meaning asked for a while um Jack Communications used to work for the city and then earlier this year a switch was made to another uh you know vendor uh why was that what what prompted that change Mr Jules so Jack Communications was no longer interested in providing that service to the city and we had another contractor interesting so they pulled out in the middle of the contract I he didn't say that at all I don't know why you're saying that he said okay they that's a question go yeah the semantics of it I don't have my pile in front of me but that's the answer and and by the way I do have something nice in my hand on so if there's like a minute left if somebody could just give me a head up but I have to bring up this uh really problematic situation with the ethics board so just to catch you up I did file a couple complaints years ago against a member of the council Mr Clem those complaints were heard outcomes were determined uh votes were taken by the ethics board to resolve the complaint but the signed resolutions documenting those uh conclusions were never filed with the clerk's office and so I filed an open request last year to try to get these I've raised it to the ethics board in their Council numerous times and they say they're going to put them together for me and complete them but it's been a year and a half now and so i' I've lost faith in that process and I wonder is to the higher authority here Mr Shamy is that something that that they're they're supposed to be doing I I know you're not the board attorney I'm not the board attorney and technically I don't have any control over the ethics board if you will independent counil I can certainly my question to you is Mr cral entitled to the what he that he's asking for well if there was a resolution adopted it would be a public document that he would be entitled to so that happen you're entitled to it Mr you should we should get it yeah fortunately I have the meetings on video so you can see for yourself what was said but proper paperwork was not filed and that's a concern of mine um another concern code blue so we talked about this at the last meeting Mr Jones said quite clearly that they've been reaching capacity almost every night so they can accommodate 27 people keep them indoors out of the cold on a cop um and and you know hopefully save some lives that way but there's more than 27 people showing up so people are turned away in some cases they're directed to the lobby of 25 KK Patrick Street where they can you know sleep with the lights on on a cold floor if they want uh but also some people aren't comfortable doing that or don't for whatever reason can't get to that location so they've actually this is what I hear from folks in the neighborhood Who depend on code blue they sleep outside the code glue location in the hopes that someone will leave and they can get a a warm cot inside so we are over capacity it's cold you know today it's rainy there was no code blue last night um I think we need to do a lot better and at a minimum we need a second or a larger location that can accommodate everyone who's willing to to show up and play by those rules and be a part of that it's heartless to leave people out in the cold and um I'm curious what the council's going to do about it are we going to get a second location has any anything changed since the last meeting I I I don't know about a second location but I do know from the mayor's office are down and trying to work on the problem with the homes and the blue so whether it's a bigger location or or something different leave the situation I know everybody's trying to work I talking about quite frequently I recall Once Upon a Time the Housing Authority community room was supposed to be a backup location and it's obviously far enough that would require some Transportation but something has to be done when you get to the 28th person of the night who shows up and you know it's be freezing cold you call the code blue and you only have 27 CS you've got to you got to have a plan for the 28th person since it's happening all the time and I think that needs to be urgently prioritized like you know today like before the weekend getting another location Lord knows the county has the money they have a $400 million budget they contribute 90,000 to help code blue exist in the first place here in the runway you know we've got to put something together you know getting more cops getting more locations and getting more people out of the they don't die um I'll okay well I guess I'll just uh get to the good thing so I did want to note that this Council changed the rent control ordance this year and I spoke to Mr Dominguez and learned that the change from one standard to another of how you're calculating inflation uh meant a pretty big difference to renters in because the number that was being used would have been like 7 plus% uh meaning that you know the C the old cap on the ordinance was 5.5% so it would have meant that you know renters in rent controled housing would have seen in many cases a 5.5% increase but thanks to good work from Folks at in Bruns tomorrow and uh you know others who sign petitions and showed up at Council meetings um you know the the law has changed and now I believe the standard is something like 2.3 can I confirm that is a 2.3% make it's 2.8 from next 2.8 2.8 so 5.5 versus 2.8 it's not everything we were asking for but it's a meaningful Improvement and so I just wanted to reflect on that and thank everybody who played a part in doing that um because it is going to benefit people and now we need to build on that and we need to actually make improvements to the rent Control Ordinance and the state laws regarding rent control to eliminate loopholes and ensure that those protections apply universally to all renters here so thank you and that's all I wish you a very happy new year and um happy New Year to you too thank you would anybody else like to address the castle this evening anyone else see nose motion to Anderson council member C yes council member Fleming council member G Council vice president yes thank you Happy New Year to all the employees every room