call this meeting of to Bruns parking authority to order please be advised that the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been complied with and satisfied in that the annual notice which gave sufficient notice of the time place and conduct of all public meetings of the New Brunswick Parking Authority has been posted on the authorities website has been filed with the city clerk has been placed on the appropriate bulletin board in the lobby of City Hall NE Brunswick New Jersey and has been transmitted to the official newspaper for the City of New Brunswick namely the central New Jersey home News Tribune as per the annual notice provided for in the resolution adopted by this governing body on December 29th 1975 uh you've received the minutes from the October regular meeting uh in the absence of questions or comments or edits uh can I get a motion to approve those motion second all in favor thank you Mr Karen okay uh few items I have uh first the new Street garage repairs uh all work within the garage is completed the elevator joints that had to be caught uh now we're waiting for the college area to close on December 19th for winter break so we can get into the college space and get uh From Below into the Gage section uh and now I'll complete the over there uh previous uh meeting I mentioned about adding uh electric charging stations to garages uh so we had a company come in and give us an idea of how much it would cost uh this this is this program where the state is offering incentives as well as psng and we also found out that the federal government is offering incentives it's basically 30 30% uh rebate uh if you uh install electri charging stations for government local government entities even though they don't pay federal tax they still offer this uh so basically to outfit all our garages with additional charging Solutions a total of 26 the cost of the project is $316,000 uh after all done with all the uh incentives and rebates it would come out to $1,410 how much $1,410 that's what cost L poet parking so I like to pursue that and uh move ahead with this project that's uh okay you guys and ladies okay are we going into the close session tonight yes okay yes I want to talk about that a little bit there okay sorry all right um I have two resolutions on on the agenda tonight one pertains to T2 software and I just want to uh review this again with the board uh this is contains to the new Bron prop uh prop Performing Arts Garage uh unlike our other garages we use license plate recognition at that garage so um your license plate is basically your permit so monthly Parkers they don't have an access card like you have here their license plate gets them into the garage uh we also offer hourly Parkers uh the ability to pay at the uh meters in the garage or pay by phone uh what this system does will monitor vehicles that come into the garage uh take their license plate and then if to determin that the license plate has not paid within 15 minutes of entering the garage the parking authority enforcement officer will be notified to go summon the um so we have a system there that is Antiquated that was put in five six years ago now uh this system also allows us to validate parking at that faity we're un able to do now which we get request a lot especially for special events at the Performing Art Center so we're able to so right now it's basically we manually have to validate so that means we have to put a person at the facility and as excuse me where you come you know are you coming to see this yes all right you could go in and then you know Chuck off that's one call two car three call this software will allow us to validate you know automatically through the system it's good can you go back to the front end of that process a little bit so I pull in the garage I park in the space my plate is supposedly you're not on the white l so now we're not a monthly part no just a hourly part so now on each level there's two uh let's call it uh pay by meetings all right and then you could also have the option of using Park Mobile which is pay by pay by your cell phone um so your license plate is red and then in the system the Software System it sees if you entered your license plate into either the multi the license the meter or via Park Mobile if you have not within 15 minutes enforcement is notified because you paid before at that garage so you a sign you give him a sign Okay so what happens when you so do you pay in advance like in that case so you pay for two hours would be there for two and a half hours you put your payment method in advance you get charged you go in and say I'm going to be there three hours so I put three hours of time in using my license plate so license plate abc123 3 hours whatever that comes out to $6 I pay by $6 pay by phone I have my account you know my li pl's already in there you know I want to pay 3 hours I pay through the app what if you're there for three and a half hours well that's one of the benefits of using Park Mobile Park Mobile tells you your time is coming up gives you a reminder a reminder and then you can pop it at that point otherwise you go and fill it up again if you don't you can just pay is there like a station like there is in Church Street so if you okay there's actually a station right at the lobby at the CR level much okay and then you have 15 minutes by the time you pay to leave no no no no you have 15 minutes to pay when you first enter the garage you pay it's it's it's look at it as a surface lot or even on the street you pay for the time when you park you pay for your time you pay pay a meter you don't pay after you come back say oh I was here 3 hours let me put my 3 hours time now pay the first Park in this garage thanks so that was that uh covers the t2 resolution and then we have the T Parks resolution uh T is a parking access of every control system um currently we use data Park equipment which I mentioned before has become obsolete it's becoming very difficult to to find report uh to find parts for uh the validation system connected to the data Park equipment has become outdated and it works sporadically so we're having a lot of issues uh which causes a lot more manpower to be involved accounting has to do a lot more work etc uh so we researched various Parks manufacturers and uh equipment and we deter uh met the requirements of the authority uh T was used by many airports municipalities throughout New Jersey and on and in the US cwise I feel we get the most pay for the buck and it also has a much more powerful validation system which we need there a lot we do a lot of validations uh with that being said I'd like to begin the installation of at the wellness garage which we have validations from the courts the jurors and the gym upstairs which is validation so in order to get that functioning more smoothly I like to move ahead with uh installing this inance garage the goal would be to install or to switch over two garages each year disect six garies switch over two each year are all T okay all right uh that's and that's uh cloudbased it's cloud and well I'm not a True Believer in total Cloud base so this the price that I have is a kind of a combo it's both cloud and it has a Ser I'm not sold on cloud I don't want to rely on Amazon to handle put yeah just the on of course that's what I worry about with the cloud most of them all have Cloud most of them are Cloud now yeah so I'm looking for someone that that also has U you knoww right anything else no that's it myy than um right uh it's too early for the final statement yeah that's what I fig so for with those stuv yeah when do you close 15 we wait for all theills to come in for me sir any public comments yes please good evening commissioner Charlie crille New Brunswick New Brunswick today um wanted to ask about some of those resolutions so um could I get the amounts for the purchases T2 and tia uh T2 is $2,595 and the TAA is $1,874 40 okay and T2 is just for the one deck yes and TAA is for the first two decks no just just Wellness just Wellness oh wow okay and I I got to say at first blush um not a not a fan of the uh you know requiring people to pay up front for the parking and then giving them tickets if they don't do it within 15 minutes how is that going to be communicated to uh the public since this is a pretty significant change when you went to it's not a change that's the current it's how it's been since it's the way it's been just the current system we have there is not be a different machine it's a different type of system more better more robust software right if you but the authority hasn't been giving summonses inside the deck you have oh yeah absolutely okay yeah and there signage when you first enter that you must pay when you a so it's definitely the uh we definitely have communication to the depart what's necessary okay fair enough I still don't think I ever under fully understood why that deck was done totally differently than all the other decks where you pay afterwards was there a um so I think what I think in the future that's more that more closely resembles what these systems will be in the future yeah yeah a lot of a lot of systems but also I add at the pack garage due to the ramp incline of the ramp we couldn't put a ticket spitter and a swipe because we're afraid it's so steep that if you I think I recall your breake you're going to be rolling into someone or rolling into the Gat this was right because it was too Ste okay and um yeah I guess my thought is you know you probably have a lot of people going there for the court and I'm sure your Council knows that sometimes you you go and sometimes it's an hour or less sometimes it's more and you kind of I guess if you don't do Park Mobile you just got to pay the maximum that you might use so I think it's not as user friendly as the other decks you know just my two cents um I I did see uh resolution for approving interim executive director am I correct to assume that that's keeping the same uh interim executive director find out yes okay and may I ask the terms of the agreements just continuation of the same thing for uh a full year or yeah yes and uh I guess I'll follow up to to get some information on the salary adjustments afterwards but I also had a few questions more generally uh Nokia Bell Labs uh obviously you all heard by now announced they're going to relocate to the former fing site um I was curious if there's been any discussion about parking availability uh you know can you give any insights into the Wellness deck and how much capacity that might have to to meet their needs so there's been some preliminary look at the the parking issue downtown in general that in specific we're starting a additional discussions now okay and so when you say there's been some you know talk is it has it been like a consultant hired or or any you know official work done or just talks I think it's just been we weren't even sure until a short time ago that this was actually going to be come to fruition and I think there's been a lot of issues post pandemic about who's coming back to work what is our actual supply issues of that nature so I think now we'll start to look more critically at what the actual need will be okay because I think also they said building opens 2028 yeah right right can ibody give me insight into the Wellness deck as it stands now in terms of like they have hundreds of spaces that could be relied upon or yes yes so there's hundreds of spaces that they can rely on on when if you go in there now looks pretty full but that's because the construction workers from the uh from the cancer instit paring and also the healing so right now that that's adding like 400 400 cars in there wow once they get their TCL for the garage they'll move those construction back over to that so then the the uh the usage in Wellness will draw got it thank you very much um wanted to ask about a meeting schedule for 2024 I don't know if one was approved yet I would just not yet first meeting is January 24th January 24th I'll try to make it I would ask that when you do set the schedule for the year you should have meetings once a month at least I think that's a a best practice and would be um you especially as you know things are uh in transition we still have an interim executive director a lot of different changes going on so I think it would be uh you know in the best interest of all involved to have a monthly meeting and and finally I did did uh want to ask if Mr Caputo is still on the board and if he's going to stay on the board I of course you probably heard that he's uh announced he's retiring as the Police director does anybody know if he's going to remain on this board no well by Statute he's on the board because of his position within the city I believe he's uh appointed by the mayor and Council right right but he's appointed as the police official in the city right isn't that the law yeah so so and and we kind of went back and forth his his position on the board uh was viable because he was the director within the city so once that once he retires from that position he no longer maintains that exception I see so he you know uh retiring December 31st he would have to leave the leave the board that okay so that's all I have for today thank you happy holiday everybody yeah you know while we're on that I just want to take a minute and talk about you know Tony kuto made a lot of important contributions uh since his uh tenure on the board began I think 13 years 12 years um and I wanted to just uh let the minutes reflect we appreciated all of Tony's work over the years he he was a valuable member of the board in act Parts okay any other board discussion people need to have if not we can move on to resolutions um payment resolution for December I get a motion I'll make a motion second I second all in favor okay next the 2024 budget yes this is adopting the 2024 budget it was approved by the state now we adopt it and then the state ad right that's so just look for approval to adopt okay so I'll make that motion to adopt second all in favor okay number three is as Mitch discussed it's the software upgrade for the uh Art Center Garage the t2 software T2 software let's do sourcewell Cooperative 5,595 32 I'll make a motion to approve second I'll second I have a question on that I'm Sor go ahead is that a onetime payment that we pay for that to buy the software yeah that's one time 52,000 and then there's an annual uh fee after that okay and do we have do they provide maintenance if something happens oh yeah okay thank you Mar okay all in favor all right uh next we have the resolution for the TAA Parks system through the Omnia Cooperative yeah this is through Omnia Cooperative uh again this is for the wellness garage $1,874 40 and it's important to point out that that the old software has been TOS Sunset it right they don't support it anymore so so once we buy that software is that we I know we want to do two garages a year so do we have to pay $181,000 every time we install it in a garage or is every garage well it depends on the cost depends on the number of Gates or lanes that you have so one garage like lower Char Street Garage will be cheaper than Wellness because we have more lanes All right but so to answer your question will vary depending on the number of lanes in each garage so this this amount is for just for the wellness just for the wellness okay uh can I get a motion to approve I'll make a motion and second second all in favor okay MIT elevator contract yeah this is the uh to maintain our elevator at the um up me this is at the P Street deck the new Street deck and the Church Street deck uh total of $16,200 this was through a public bid uh Jersey El was the sole respons for that looking for approval okay I'll make a motion to approve that I'll second that all in favor okay next next is uh pursuant to a non-fair and open contract process this is a resolution for financial services and that the parking authority engage uh bright Consulting AKA brigh rajer rman uh for a term of one year beginning January 1st through December 31st 2024 a fee of of $513 in2 we can I get a motion for that a motion and a second I'll second in favor next is a uh pursuant to non-fair and open contract process resolution for interim executive director uh Mitch Mitch Karen uh doing business as MK parking advisor and uh that would be at a rate of $130 per hour uh based on a 24hour week work week and that runs for the period January 1st through December 31st 2024 okay thank I'll make that motion second all in favor the last and the last resolution I'd like to go into close session before is approved um uh pertaining to salary adjustments great okay can I get a motion to go into close session I'll make a motion okay thank you second all in favor you good I'm using not this nice okay so we uh are back in Open session we have one resolution which is resolution number eight that's approving the 2024 salary adjustments for non-union employees we've had an opportunity to look at it are there any additional questions if there's not can I ask for a motion I'll give a motion and a second I'll second all in favor I I I and now I would like a uh motion to adjourn the motion second second it okay we're adjourned okay