good evening ladies and gentlemen I'd like to officially call this work session meeting of the mayor council to order and ask everyone you please rise for a moment of Silent prayer and go reflection as we think about our volunteer and professional law enforcement as well as the conflict in the Middle East please salute the flag to the of the United States of America stand indice thank no fire exit behind you into the parking lot to my left your right into the main hallway New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public do advance notice of and attend any meetings of public bodes at which any business affecting their interest has discussed or acted upon in accordance with this act the mayor and Council of the B mil have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time in place thereof posted in the B Hall and notices have been sent to the record in the Ridgewood news the mission of this governing body is to provide essential Services VI The Establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard the infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents and through research improv and planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this governing body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation at this time I would ask the clerk to please call the all councilman San here councilwoman saraki Hurley presid council president Duffy here councilman grotsky here councilman Seymour here councilwoman Grant here mayor patrino here okay as we all know we have a very special night this is one of the favorite things that we like to do and at this time we are going to do the uh SLO ones first so I'm going to add if you want to say anything about s first yeah yeah we're going to say something uh I just want to thank everyone for coming um it's kind of an important night it's our first uh first ever slo1 SLO means special law enforcement officer so there are class ones we're going do that first and we have some police officers to swear Captain V is going to say a few words about the one program good evening everyone just give a little backstory on uh our development of our new class one officer uh division uh due to The Changing Times in the needs of the police department as well as stricter training regulations as set forth by the New Jersey attorney general are o police unit have been retired and the class one law enforcement offic program has been launched with support of the May Council a class one special law enforcement officer is unarmed and shall be authorized to perform traffic related functions spectator control and similar duties class one officers when appropriate shall have the power to issue summonses for disorderly persons from head disorderly persons offenses violations of Municipal ordinances and violations of title 39 parking and traffic Lots loal police department has hired four class one officers who have been attending the Burton County Police Academy two nights a week since September and will be graduating in December just in time to assist with the busy holiday season we invite the classman officers L marcario Rob Mitchell Shane cerie and Gregory Kumer to come up this morning Michael come up here come on down the next why don't we slide over in the [Music] [Music] middle [Music] around I state name I to Solly swear toly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the state of New Jersey contition of state New Jersey and the rules and regulations of the New Milford Police Department and the rules and regulations of the new police department and that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the united states theic in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do Solly swear and I do Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all of the duties all of the duties of the office of special law enforcement officer class one of the officer special of law enforcement class one according to the best of Li ability so help me God so help me God congratulations yeah this is a historic day in our burrow with class ones and um you know first we also have to say you know New Milford had a long history of auxiliary police tradition and they were wonderful for our town some of our officers have come from auxiliary police I was an auxiliary police officer and it's really done something to make the Milford the place it is today and much better they've always had a great relationship with the department and I think that's why things work so well so we also want to thank the auxiliary police for everything they did over the years congratulations [Music] keeping the uh police department at proper stamping levels has been something very important to me it's good for the town it's good for Safety and Security and I'd like to thank mayor patrino and the entire Council for approving us to hire two officers tonight when I got the green light to start the hiring process a few months ago we advertised and were inundated with resumés and applications over 150 actually uh weeding it down to 20 candidates to move on to the next uh um next part of the process was not an easy task I asked the captain s me lieutenants sergeants we went over a million applications resumes and and it was tough a lot of qualified people um during the interview part of the process the two officers that were swearing in tonight really stood out to us both of these young men were confident respectful qualified and really Rose above the other candidates I know both of them will be very successful here and we're excited to swear them in and have them become part of the nmpd family tonight the first officer we're swearing in is John riich officer ricko is coming to us from the Patterson Police Department where he most recently was was assigned as a detective to an elite crime suppression unit which I think just walked in obviously they're going to miss him he attended Burton Community College before starting his law enforcement career and comes highly recommended by active and retired law enforcement officer RT comes from a law enforcement family as his uncle was a police officer and his grandfather is a retired Chief from the Wayne Police Department who is here tonight I met him earlier today we now invite officer rwit and his family up here to be sworn in and take the oath I state your name do Solly swear do Solly swear that I'll support the Constitution of the United States that I'll support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the rules and regulations of the New Milford Police Department and the rules and regulations of the part and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and the same and to the governments established in the United States to the government established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do Solly swear and I do Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform justly perform all of the duties of office of police officer all the duties of officer police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go so help me go congratulations thank you I next we will be swearing in uh officer Desmond kelan officer kelan grew up in ralon county and also comes from a law enforcement family as his father is a retired inspector from the New York City Police Department after attending tapen Z High School Desmond enlisted in the New York National Guard 69th Infantry Division also known as the fighting 69th and was activated and deployed to jibuti in Somalia in support of operation enduring Freedom Desmond was honorably discharged from active duty and enrolled in American Military University where he would graduate where he will graduate with a degree in Homeland Security in the near future Desmond will be attending the next Burton County Police Academy class that starts in January of 2024 we invite officer Klan forward and his family to be sworn in and take the oath I state your name i j k you Solly swear you Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the rules and regulations of the New Milford Poli depart and the rules and regulations of the New Milford police depart and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saints and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in the state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do solemnly swear and I do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform and justly perform all of the duties of the office of police officer all of the duties of the office of police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations again thanks to the uh mayor and councel for letting us hire and uh thank you for letting us hijack the meeting for uh for a few minutes and uh we appreciate it all your support thank you and we want to thank you know obviously I thank the police for for everything they do in the mil just look around at the the great group of people we have we have an excellent department and people want to come here and that's the way we want to keep it so thank you chief for all that you did you got it we're going to take a two minute reset so if anybody wants to get out you can my how are you [Music] thank [Music] you do they want to take pictures [Music] know [Music] congratulations that's the next right away nobody wants to say here family [Music] thank you all right thank you thank you guys see a little bit all right I'll meet you [Music] so we are going to resume thank [Music] you Office of the mayor Proclamation whereas the B of New Milford recognizes strong families are the center of strong communities and the status of the family has changed dramatically in the history of this nation but remains a basic moral and economic element of society whereas everyone has a role to play in making families successful including neighborhood organizations businesses nonprofit agencies policy makers and of course families themselves we recognize that sound family relationships are vital to the preservation of the American ideals which are reflected in the moral spiritual strength of communs states and the nation whereas during Thanksgiving week we should all take time to honor the importance of families and recognize the special connections that support and strengthen families year round no institution can never take the place of family in giving meaning human life and a stable structure to society whereas Thanksgiving is traditionally a time for family gatherings and giving thanks for our blessings a time that reinforces our belief in vital importance of the role of the family now therefore I Mayor Michael matrino on behalf of the B of Milford and hereby Proclaim November 19th to 25th 2023 as National family week in our community emphasizing the fundamental role of families and promoting and sustaining the strength and vitality of the social and moral fabric of our town State and [Music] Nation next up on the agenda tonight is a few appointments at this time I would ask for a motion to appoint G santis second all favor any opposed I'd like to get a motion to appoint Kelly grippo and the dun to the municipal Alliance motion second all in favor I any oppos okay may get a motion to appoint Nancy d c Foster Lis marcario Vivian Davis darling minko line mcmackin Bob Ryan Kleen leing gr and Al Corone to the revolution New Jersey committee second all favor I any oppose well I want to thank everyone who uh reappointed tonight for volunteering your time to our burrow and making it a better place under unfinished business may get a motion for the approval of a minutes from the October 23rd 2023 public and close session meeting someone second all in favor I any oppos under your new business item number one is schedule updates okay so this is a new one that just popped up Friday November 17th is the New Milford junior football and cheer bonfire sponsored by New Milford junior football and cheer the time will be 8:00 p.m. in the bab ruthfield parking lot for more information you can go to the newford junior football and cheer Facebook page reason why they're having that is because we are very excited that the T Division and the junior division both won the playoffs and will be appearing in the Super Bowl so that's just great news and the senior cheer team and I actually think all cheer levels took first place in their cheer competition on Saturday morning as well so it was a really really good weekend for our football Ander program we'd like to congratulate and thank them and hopefully bring home another Super Bowl trophy on Saturday December 2nd Santa visits by helicopter sponsored by the New Milford Police Department and the New Milford Public School District it will take place on the New Milford High School football field and for more information you can go to the mil Police Department's Facebook page you the time start thatst it's 10 10 it's usually 10 in the morning we're going to look real quick usually 10 a.m. I know what it says usually but I posted the FL so let's look and see what it says exactly G open at 9:30 a.m. Santa is sched to Al at 10 Sunday December 3rd is the Milford annual holiday tree lighting sponsored by the mil public events committee the time will be 6 p.m it will take place on the bur ho along more information you to the mil B website or the office of the mayor Facebook page will start posting about that as well on Thursday December 7th will be the mil annual manure lighting it is also sponsored by the new public events committee will take place at 6 p.m on the newford B more more information you'll also find that on the bur's website or the office of the mayor Facebook page and on January 16th 2024 is our environmental resource inventory celebration sponsored by the mford environmental and energy commission that will take place at 7:00 p.m. at the mord BFW on Madison app more information it'll be on the bur website offic mayor Facebook page and as well as the environmental energy commission's Facebook page 7 p.m. are there any events UPC coming that I fa to mention this is what event is that this CLA is going to be at the true L thank you item number two tonight is the administrative report thank you mayor um the tpw has been working on the installation of a concrete block wall on Columbia Street adjacent to the Elks property the area has been overgrown for many years and encroaches on the roadway DPW met with the elves who support the project and have agreed to do their part by no longer dumping their Landscaping debris in that area the project is being completed at no cost to the burrow with the assistance of spend tree Who removed two large trees uh a value of approximately $4,000 and a donation of more than 120 blocks from public service electric and gas with an approximate value of $14,000 the work is being done by Public public works as fill in whenever Manpower is available just just a reminder the request for qualifications for the 2024 professional appointments is posted on the borrow website and responses are due back Wednesday November 29th at 12:00 noon burrow offices will be closing at 1 p.m. on Wednesday November 22nd and will remain closed on Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday and the next meeting of the mayor and council is scheduled for the following Monday November 27th that's it for me mayor is there any questions to the men okay has everyone had a chance to look into resolutions are there any of them need tocl for further comment and or vote um I just want to ask 248 um Chris that's with the usual yes okay thank you yes before I ask for motion to open to the public does there anyone have anything they want to bring up regarding the Committees new information I I correct myself I said Mrs that it's FL that will be coming s that night with Mrs thank you glad we got that settle wouldn't want to SL I just want to say that the allseason chamber players uh performed at the library on November 5th and it was well attended and a delightful concert I just want to mention um and congratulate the public events uh committee for doing a great great job on Veterans Day um we were all in attendance and uh as usual New Milford does a wonderful job honoring our vets on that day so thank you it was very nice I was going to say the same thing and you know it's amazing we put those the lawn signs of the soldiers and so many people stop and read them and look at them and I think it's just a great you know educational moment because so many people you know they don't realize yet the soldiers that that died from the Milford and and streets are named after them and they're on our Monument so I think it's just really a great outreach program it just happens every year it's one it personalizes it yes the photographs okay at this time I would ask for a motion to open to the public so second all in favor I any opposed seeing that there are no members of the public president I would ask for a motion to close motion second all in favor any opposed may you get a motion to adopt resolutions 2023 col 242 through 2023 col 252 so moved second you did you you made the motion all favor any opposed once again I just wanted to congratulate our two new officers in our court first time s once [Music] so I'm I'm jealous because I can't become a St that makes you jealous there any other business before this count just want to wish everybody a very Happy Thanksgiving yeah yes thank you C Happy Thanksgiving thank you Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving and to all good luck nights good luck nights absolutely this weekend make it a motion to close all favor anyos good night everyone good night