good evening everyone and happy New Year like to welcome all of you to the uh official reorganization meeting of the new milord mayor and council at this time I'd ask everyone to please rise for a moment of Silent prayer and a reflection as we think of the families of the residents and bur employees that we lost in the past year please look United [Music] States stand indivisible andice for all thank you we start I just want to point out a couple of guests we have tonight we have our Senator Joe Lana who's here with us tonight an absolute Advocate from the Milford and anything we need he always helps us out especially during times of Bloods and when we're having bad things happen he's always there calling me up saying what do you guys need what can we do let's get it done so we want to thank him very much and we have former mayor Franky Barry with us and don't forget these fire is it's behind you into the parking lot into my left your right into the main hallway New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public advanced notice of and attend any meetings of public bodies which any business affecting their interest discuss their active upon in accordance with this act the mayor and Council the B of Milford have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the B Hall and notices of incent record and news the mission of this governing B provide essential services to The Establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents the research and prudent planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this government body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation at this time I would ask the clerk pleas call 2023 Council Ro councilwoman San here councilman sari Hurley present council president Duffy here Council gry here councilman Seymour here councilwoman Grant here mayor patrino here okay under old business un unfinished business for the year 2023 I get a motion for the approval of minutes from the December 18th 20123 public session meeting second all in favor anyos okay we have a resolution 2023 call 268 may get a motion to approve budget transfers municipal budget 2023 L second all in favor any opposed under new business how to make the motion to oh a motion for Cai 2023 all in favor any oppos okay 2023 is put to V and we're starting 2024 at this time I would ask the clerk to please announce the certification the 2023 general election yes thank you mayor uh we have uh certification from the county clerk for the 2023 general election for councilman IRA gry and councilman Matthew Seymour Council gry sure got it [Music] need right just raise my hand stand I say your name I Eric gry do Sol squar do solom square that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the bylaws and the byw of the B of the Milford of the MILF and I will bear true faith and Ali I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and for the government's established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do solemly swear and I do solemly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of counsil of the office of councilman according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability follow me she help me die thank you who's up ready I st I Matthew Seymour do Solly swear do solemnly swear I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey and the by [Music] laws what's Mo's rewi and the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the bylaws of the B of new mil and the bylaws of the bur of new MILF and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government's established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do solemly swear and I do solemnly swear and I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of counsel of the office of counsel according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me so help me God [Music] you know you think a deposition the translator he says this you like no you can't say he says this you have to tr what they're saying [Music] so we've never come Ed paid for by the taxpayers of state of New Jersey we have a resolutions assigned by the sen president and the speaker of the general assembly Ira M just recognizing your years of service um of course you know we've got know each other over the years all of us we're more like family than you know officials that's a good thing uh I've represented the mil for now for a decade believe or not um and you're stuck with me for four more years at least so I just want to say you know obviously we're going to continue this friendship and partnership uh and you know the mayor's right whenever things happen uh we're always there to help each other away and be that partnership uh because at the end of day we're family we care about our constituents uh and you know each and every town in District 308 now 16 pwn in the district are all very important us you know the mil is always important at the time we went so just want to say Happy New Year everyone God bless and you know we're always here for you me Chris and Lisa are uh you know we're wonderful so thank you everybody God bless thank you than we'd like to congratulate councilman gr Council Seymour and uhi do anything you'd like to say your opportunity thank you mayor you're welcome first I'd like to thank my wife she's going to tolerate another three years of uh not being home crazy hours etc etc etc yeah I'd like to thank the people of New Milford for having uh that faith in me this is the fourth in a row that I've been elected uh and I hope to continue uh on the same course and do whatever I can uh for New Milford and make sure things are done properly thanks everybody it's incredibly humbling to be here and it's a privilege to just say thank you truly honored to be able to serve the residents of New Milford and our in our entire Community I appreciate the support the trust the friendship and I look forward to continuing to serve for the next few years I thank my daughter McKenzie for inspiring me and coming here today to help s me in I love you McKenzie you're awesome thank you and thank you everybody so at this time I would ask the cler to please call the roll call for the 2024 counc yes councilwoman San here councilwoman saki Hurley councilwoman Duffy here councilman gry here councilman Seymour here councilwoman Grant here mayor patrino here at this time I would ask for a motion to nominate a council president mayor I would like to uh nominate Council the council second are there any other nominations from the council if not I get a v yes councilwoman San yes councilwoman saki Hurley yes councilman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes councilman GRE yes and I'd like to thank you very much for its honor and I'd also like to recognize um councilwoman Randy Duffy's tenure as council president she has done a phenomenal job and I hope I can do as well thank you okay Council Le on assignments councilwoman San hus environmental energy commission Green Team joint Insurance Fund mayor's Wellness commit councilwoman saraki Hurley historic preservation senior Advisory Board public events stigma free committee councilwoman Duffy fire department unification committee Board of Health and coming soon Chamber of Commerce councilman gry Police Department Department of Public Works planning board as the mayor's appointment Shay tree commission councilman Seymour Board of Education Municipal Alliance Recreation Council President Grant Library Board of Trustees planning board rent leveling Arts committee Community Development bcus Municipal Regional committee and mayor patrino historic New Bridge Landing Community Development OEM and Joint Insurance Fund this time we want to acknowledge our outgoing fire chief Rob O'Brien and the governing body wants to thank him for his service for the year and uh keeping the fire department professional so we really like to thank him on Saturday January 6th will be the installation of the new Fire Department officers they will Chief Jared Smithson Jr assistant chief Ross Ryan deputy chief Thomas Ryan Senor captain of company One D Stormer Captain Company 2 John Sardi Lieutenant company 1 Thomas Mulligan Lieutenant Company 2 Jared burval they saring it will be at 2 o' at Company 2 on Trenton Street if anyone would like to attend at this time I'm going to announce that all standing committees and special committees are dissolved and all individual appointments are terminated and leave to their offices and duties and interent appointments dissolve we're going to start on page three bur Attorney Kevin Kelly burrow auditor Steven Wilcox Bond Council Steve rogert risk manager Arthur hin labor Attorney John shanian bur planner Paul GLE tax appeal attorney Craig bang rent leveling attorney Lind schwager prosecutor Mark kello public defender Brian fik Grant Millennium strategies and David Schwarz bton County jff and Mel councilwoman sanus B photographer Bob veroni clean communities coordinator Vince kahill and Emergency Management coordinator Denise bran may I get a motion to approve those so second make a roll call please yes councilwoman San yes councilwoman scky Hurley yes council president Duffy yes councilman gry yes I'm sorry councilman Seymour yes Council council president CRA yes okay before we do the Arts committee may I get a motion to add the name Cynthia Foster to the appointment list so move second all in favor I any post we're going to do the Arts committee through the newspapers Arts committee one year Barbara Allen Francine we BR Michelle Ro M urina Stephanie coffinger Patty gray Lauren B FIA and CIA Foster beautification committee one year Whitley Gomez Debbie patrino zamar santus ofu Joel theage Nan John Duffy aronia dor Susan mol Municipal Alliance committee one year M urina Stephanie puffer Dela P Ryan rapael Rodriguez Michelle Roth jar haer Janet the men Jan zacher Noel coffinger dein Ryan Kelly grippo Nicole dun environmental and energy commission three years Lorraine aono golden Zachary Cay alternate one position far a flood mitigation advisory committee one year harn Petes Anna Molina Francisco winarta Santos arus Gomez Maria Teresa Santos Aras Sharon hmer Carl shenberger friend van we Richard L green team one year Anita Pinto algra menarik Jen [Music] Remy historic preservation four-year appointment darling minko lorine mckin alternate one position Vivian Davis Library board 5 years councilwoman hdy Grant and whoever the board of EDS W is going to be we don't have the yet actually mayor I think my appointment is just for one year one year okay since I'm not technically a member of the board I'm your representative got it I'm the same with the bo rep and official newspapers the record and the Ridgewood news you get a motion second all in favor any opposed okay before we do the planning board I'm going to ask for a motion to add the name Christopher long as a mayor's appointment to alter the two position so second all in favor I okay and Rec Advisory Board may I get a motion to add the name Robert belof as alternate 2 motion second all favor any oppos okay planning board class one one year is councilman I gry as the mayor's designation Class 2 one year tamy Kaminsky it's another mayoral appointment class three one year we're going to skip that one we're go to alternate one F alternate two Christopher law may get a motion second all in favor any opposed may get a motion to nominate a council person for class three one your seat motion I name coun I a second second all any post two for two public events One Year darling minko Tara Sweeny Kim Hunter armony Arina Alex Ray and jar hater Recreation advisory aard Anthony Al alternate one Rob de Ambrosio alternate 2 Robert belto rent leveling one year Bob Ryan Daniel Hinman Pablo Rivera Jack Linsky Doran Dooku Linda G and John the senior citizens Advisory Board Robin cumerford is De Reverend Anthony IV Ronnie Lazarus D Vino Rose Marie Vera make a motion all in favor any oppos okay almost there shade tree commission 5year turn Jean santis stigma free one year Ang leberg Jan Jackson jillet Williams Willis Gazo Adelina garabet Tera Sweeny Mo J and Zoning Board of adjustment we have a four-year term for joelo Justin Hicks and Alternate 2 anarie Ruiz po they get a motion some second second any all favor I any opposed okay those at all of our committee appointment assignments I'd like to thank every single person whose name that I read tonight for volunteering hearing and uh doing their part to serve Milford and it a better place and may get a motion to reestablish the 2024 finance committee as follows mayor patrino councilman mski Council President Grant S Mo second all in favor I any opposed may get a motion to reestablish the 2024 budget committee as follows councilman gry councilman Seymour and Council woman D so moved second okay anyos at this time I would ask for a motion to open up to the public or public comment hi post ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone wishes to come up and say anything regarding the good and Welfare of the bur now is your opportunity that's start call I know seeing that no member of the public wishes to come to Podium may get a motion to close the public Mo all in favor any oppos okay resolutions everyone has had a chance to look at the resolutions are there any that need to be pulled for further discussion and if not I would ask for a motion to approve to 2024 01 through 2024 col 58 motion second all in favor I I any opposed is there any other business this Council yes okay two announcements just a couple of schedule update reminders on Saturday January 6th as I mentioned in the mil fire department 2024 installation of officers will be at 2:00 at mford Company 2 on Trenton Street and on Tuesday on Tuesday January 16th is the Environmental resource inventory celebration it's sponsored by the Milford um environmental and energy commission it will take place at 700 p.m at the new BFW which is on Madison Avenue little more information on that and another Flyers are coming out right start posting those they'll be on the office of the mayor Facebook page and the environmentals Facebook page as well during upcoming events that anybody needs to mention mayor I just mention that this year's spring domestic Symposium has been confirmed for Wednesday April 3rd of R College me April 3 excellent our next meeting our public meeting of the mayor council I believe is on January 22nd and we'll have more updates on that because I know we have a RAB spining coming up in February as well yes first Saturday or second Saturday second Saturday okay we'll have more details on that and that February that's already on our website yes mayor may I add yeah uh may I add that uh the event on January 16th is a familyfriendly event and uh Mark gussen nature Mark will be our featured speaker and he'll be there uh presenting with some animals too so there's going to be a lot of opportunities and activities for fames EXC looking forward to it the ravings clinic is on February 10th February 10th Saturday February 10th at the DP at the DPW is there any other business for this Council if not I just want to say once again happy New Year we wish everyone a healthy and peaceful Year and may get a motion to adjud Second all in favor anyos thank you very much