good evening ladies and gentlemen I'd like to officially call this public meeting of the mayor and Council to order this time I'd ask everyone to please rise for a moment of Silent prayer Andor reflection as we think about residents in our community and the Greater Community who may be in need during the holiday season and of course our thoughts are still with the conflict in the Middle East I we hope for the safe return of all hostages please salute the flag flag unit stat stand thank you please not the fire it behind you into the main parking lot into my left your right into the main hallway the New Jersey open public meetings law was was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and attend any meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with this act the mayor and Council the burough Milford have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the bough Hall notices have been sent to the record in the Ridgewood news the mission of this governing body is to provide essential Services through the establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents and through research and prudent planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this governing body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation at this time I would ask the clerk to please call the V councilwoman s h here councilwoman sari Hurley pres council president ducky here here councilman gry here councilman Seymour councilwoman Grant here mayor patrino here okay first thing on the agenda tonight is unfinished business and at this time I would ask for approval of the minutes for the November 13 2023 work and close session meetings so move second all in favor I I any opposed okay under new business item number one will be overnight parking and then and with us tonight we have uh Chief Clancy who's going to starts off and then sure good evening mayor and Council uh when Co hit the pandemic uh the world got a little crazy we everybody was working from home going to school from home and uh our overnight parking enforcement was suspended and for good reason at the time um since then everything is you know basically back to normal and um our traffic complaints have mosty parking have have risen and risen and in meetings with our Council leaon and amongst ourselves and with other police departments everyone is bringing back who has it on the books their overnight parking statute enforcement um we haven't enforced it since I think 21 and we think it's a good idea to bring it back now um and think it will help with a lot of the complaints that we've been getting um you know prior to uh 20120 it had been in place for you know 50 60 70 years way before us um and most of the residents knew the deal um there was no parking between 2: a.m. through 5:00 a.m. Monday through Friday 2: a.m. to 5:00 a.m. um as time went on we real they realized back in the day that some people needed um permission once in a while circumstances arose uh then the police department used to start a uh a list each night of who was excused who had a good reason um excused from the uh we would use our discretion fill those cars on the street um that led to you know that got a little U what's the word out of hand I got out of hand and uh you know the desk officer at the desk in in the police station um did not even have time to answer emergency calls or anything the phone was ringing so much so we went to an online system um and we were in the process of going to a better online system when everything shut down um in in our planning stages of bringing this back we uh I've spoken with other police departments where there is a computer program out there which we have acquired where people can put themselves into a list that is excused for the night uh up to a certain amount of times per month we think this is the easiest way to do it fairest way to do it um therefore if somebody has ENT circumstances an emergency instruction they'll have permission to park on the street um within this the ordinance itself there are um it covers uh exemptions of streets that are not part of this ordinance and it's mostly around the apartments where parking is an issue where we have street street parking is allow so we're here to kind of recommend or tell you that we would like to bring this back uh we're thinking right at the beginning of 2024 yeah this is a conversation that's been it's been ongoing we have seen um more problems with the on street parking with no restrictions um the ordinance has always been in place we've just suspended the enforcement of it right and the streets that you mentioned are the same streets that were previously it was lard dry F dry buer we had an exception for tenant parking on certain streets none of that none of that would change no I think you're correct where I think we hit a happy balance where this new program will allow certain relief to to people and I believe this goes by Li plate correct not address that's correct yeah Lieutenant Pisano is here to answer any questions on that program he's kind of uh been installing it and uh you know running some practicals on it so uh if anyone has any questions we can refer to him but we have acquired it and we've been we're going to implement it as soon as we can and uh it seems to be working well it tracks it by car not by house so if you have two cars and you have you know eight days of construction four cars four days one car four days another you know you can get kind of creative that way if if you need to um but we think it's the fairest way to do it what is your target date for starting we'd like to start January 2nd which I think is the first Monday in Tuesday Tuesday it's well it's not the holiday so um Tuesday January 2nd 2024 and we we would if and when we get the okay December would be like an announcement month the the ordinance that we're looking at tonight I think it exempts it until 15th of January really okay de 15th to January 15th okay I stand corrected and we'll start the 15th or whatever that first Monday is you know cuz 15th could be Saturday or Sunday um so as you can see sometimes we we need a little flexibility with it and we we've uh we've spoken about this ordinance and um you know the the court is familiar with it most of our officers are familiar with it I think most of the residents are but we would do like a month of warnings a month month and a half of warnings on a car at night stuff like that we're not looking to make this a major we we also have residents that have moved in since Co who have never had the parking restriction so we're we're trying to it'll be a surprise to that we should definitely be educated and you know going back to what we did like other communities like d done it I think they did it a month ago yes month or two ago they actually put their restrictions enough in place right and I think one of the things we never thought of because there were parking committee meetings before Co one of the effects that I don't think anyone brought up was we've noticed the people like abandoning cars on the street parking them for weeks without moving them and that's something this would take care of things like that especially yeah kind of cleans up the street in that sense absolutely yeah absolutely um we we would use our sign boards in specific spots around town where they get the most traffic so people can see it obviously our our uh our web page Facebook whatever social media we can push it out on we'll try and let everyone know and like I said like a month or a month and a half of warnings rather than summonses I think that's pretty fair also and um that's what we'd like to start doing so can open up to questions or anything like that if you guys have any or any have questions for the chief or I have a question what is the summons fee I believe the fee for that is in the area52 OR $54 thank you yeah um double check on that tomorrow but pretty sure it's $54 yeah where I remember do you store the license plates in this program for perpetuity or it's just no I it's all web based so the program itself just has so you just have to come up give your name and address please exhibit one um so my understanding is is that like I ran some tests on it so if I put it in for November the plate uh it tells you at the top how many more times you have available if I change it to December it goes back to fill tell you the number that you have available for that month um and then I think once that month passes then just kind of goes and yeah it just resets itself just want emphasis it is per car not per house it's per license plate LIC PL per license plate that's it so and then we we have the ab ability to run the the reports to give to records and courts and whatever we need to I have a question for the lieutenant uh if someone doesn't use their uh their allotted amount for the month do they roll over no just it's four four times per month for for license PL so like the chief said if there's three cars they each that license plate for that car goes four times so people can rotate through which is there's no neighb over it's designed for the people who in certain cases need it you know which I think most most places in know for can accommodate just so you know like going back to when we did do it and used to work the desk before we're at these levels um I I could start the night and put in about 15 license plates of people who just had an open driveway and didn't want to put their car in the driveway uh it became a bit of a game you know it was a little unfortunate that they were abusing the system so this will put an end to that um and also a question that always comes up that nobody asked is uh snow when it snows no one can park on the street at all and our program you just click a box we would just show me before we came over here and it doesn't allow anyone to enter anything snow covered roads no parking whatsoever and historically we've been pretty good at uh handling that and the residents have been very good with that too so that shouldn't be a problem is what I'm saying my understanding is that this is not a very expensive program no no so that was helpful too yeah it was only a couple hundred bucks to get this and uh actually this program opens up a couple of other programs uh to us lies yeah that have to do with like pet licenses and uh construction things yeah so how would it work for pet licenses uh we actually didn't dig too far into that yet but um I can come back another time right and just to be clear a resident would actually go on and log in their license plate not not an officer correct correct somebody from home would do it themselves they would have have to like actively do it to get themselves on this you know exempt list for the night and um as the officers drive around between two and five in their section of the town they see a car they can pull it up on their uh car computer and see if they're on the list or not what if someone doesn't have a computer I know it's rare but it does people who don't if that happens we'll have to uh you know in a rare case where that happens we would probably allow them to call um but I think from what I see even my mom who's 80 has a phone you can on phone you can do it on the phone you can do it on the computer you can do it on anything with the Internet is there any limit or how many times you can give a um a ticket what happens um no if the car is out there every night you know violating the orance ordinance we can give it a ticket every night I think that would come more into play after they get it few where the judge in here at court would probably handle something in that sense rather than just getting a ticket every night than sometimes they do something like merge a bunch and give a little explanation usually how that works is there an an app can someone download an app to their phone it's just a it's a website so when we publish that website they could save the the link to their phone and then that will just bring up the website which will in come has a mobile version on I don't believe that there's an app for if there is that will be part of our information campaign because it sounds like it should have an app you're right I agree if it's just a website we'll put that out whatever it is and uh how right so built into the ordinance itself is yeah and when you when you log on to this whether you push the button to get on or you log on there is a disclaimer that we control and it can say um whatever we we can put in you know parking suspended for the holidays from I don't remember the days I think we did for Memorial Day to Labor Day in the ordinance so we can put in the disclaimer parking suspended for Memorial Day to Labor Day do not put your vehicle on the orinet list if somebody does let's say we suspended for a certain holiday I have any admin trators have the ability to go it and delete it so people don't use up there four times per month but the disclaimer and they have to agree to the disclaimer that's on the site so it's not display pops up you to your car you have to click agree for it to go to the next thing you put the car yeah most of the questions you guys are asking we we asked earlier uh we were on a zoom with the creator of this and uh other towns are already using this and have said it's been great and really helpful and helps the court helps the police helps records most important it stops the inundation of calls to the desk yeah it frees up the desk officer to handle emergency call always a problem yeah that was a big problem and uh like I said I think the The Next Step here would be an information campaign um just so everybody knows and Lieutenant Pisano and Captain Deo Captain deo's cell phone number will go on over probably I already gave it out they'll put up the side boards in the right spots and uh that's their specialty and uh you know moving around here here and there to to make sure everybody sees me we'll do what we can but this should alleviate a lot of the legit parking complaints that we have fielded over the last two years yeah I think it'll be a little bit of a change but you know we we once we get into the routin we've done it before so that's why we're not too up about it excellent thank you okay thank you very much yeah no problem thank you okay thank you item number two is committee on the Arts Grant thank you so much mayor um number of you I'm not an artist but I do appreciate the Arts and a number of years ago when I became affiliated with the art center of Northern New Jersey and also a councilwoman I realized that we should I wanted to bring more art into the burrow and I worked with the art center to bring in a display of art every few months and hang it in B Hall on that wall as you enter which is rather a bleak and Bland and empty and it really brightened up the place and people appreciated and was different forms of um paintings it was gal and oil and watercolor and it was I enjoyed it very much and each display would hang up for 3 to four months and that ended because of the pandemic of course and then um a sculptor who lives in Bergen County approached the library Board of Trustees asking if there was any interest in creating a sculpture garden and The Bard was very enthusiastic about it so I worked with the sculptor and others and we created the sculpture garden at the library and it was dedicated two years ago so more and more art is coming into the burough and making it more interesting more exciting and more beautiful or interesting certainly and the sculpture garden I actually wrote an article about it and it was published in the New Jersey municipalities magazine and earned the cover for us so in that magazine to every municipality in the state so everybody is aware that New Milford Has This Magnificent sculpture garden and then last year we were approached by Arts Bergen to find out if we'd like to join them with them in a grant to create three artistic benches and we of course agreed and the benches were painted at National Night Out and were placed around the burrow last month one is at Hard Castle Pond one is at the library one is at Bailey Park so we have been making lots of progress on on bringing the Arts world into New Milford and opening new MF to Art and so the it occurred to me that we should continue i' like to continue that and bring other forms of Art in this case performing arts and we now have the wonderful Pavilion at nfield which is absolutely the most perfect place to have outdoor concerts Outdoor Theater outdoor cor Coral um per performances and so on and so I'd like to create a committee on the Arts to create at least one one more events per year ranging um covering a wide variety whether it's a concert or Coral performance or a theatrical performance and hopefully have it at the Pavilion Outdoors where people can bring their lawn chairs and really enjoy a lovely experience so I have I if there are any questions I'd entertain them if not I'd like to make a motion to create the Comm on the Arts there any questions I know it sounds like a great idea oh and in addition I should say councilor missan H um because of we will be participating in the Arts we will be getting points towards our Sustainable New Jersey certification you know that makes me happy I makes I think it makes all of us happy because it does bring more back to the burrow for us to enjoy and and uh recognizes us and so I'm looking for performing artists or people who like to create events to contact me if they're interested in joining the committee the committee will be limited to 10 at this point so please I'd love to hear from you and I'd like to move make a motion to create the committee on thank you yeah motion second local please councilman s yes councilman Roi Hurley absolutely I think this is going to open up our town to each other and other towns as well I think it's a great idea thank you president Duffy I vote yes thank you councilman gry yes Council Grant yes thank you appreciate there'll be bylaws we have to update to add it right right committee for committee would adop but I me the mayor counil there are standing committees oh yeah we'd have to amend that I'll do it at the re the creation of the new committees stop their bylaws I would hope that we would have um be able to appoint committee members at the reord meeting oh and on which I I will be you will volunteer I will volunteer Ira looks artistic to me give him a pain brush I think committee on Arts is a great idea especially when you consider you know the art center of Northern New Jersey is Milford as well so you know it's a great Foundation plus we have fantastic things going on in our schools so I thinkes everything together oh we're going to get involved with the school watching band theater program exciting yes okay item number three schedule updates Saturday December 2nd Santa visits by helicopter sponsored by the New Milford Police Department and in New Milford Public School District um is it 9:00 I have a time off Gat open at 930 gates open at 9:30 so 9:30 we'll be at the new high school football field for more information you can go to the REM for police depart Facebook page on Sunday December 3rd is new milford's annual holiday tree lighting sponsored by the New Milford public events committee it will start at 6: p.m. at New Milford B hall for more information it's on the burough website and it's been on the office of the mayor Facebook page on Thursday December 7 is n milford's annual manure lighting it is also sponsored by the newford public events committee also at 6 pm at Milford B Hall and for more information it'll be on the bur website as well as uh the office of the mayor Facebook page Saturday December 9th is n milford's first Nativity lighting sponsored by newford public events it will be at 6 p.m. at the bur hall information is on the B website and the office of the mayor Facebook page and on Tuesday January 16th 2024 is the Environmental resource inventory celebration sponsored by the Milford environmental and energy commission it will be at 700 p.m. it will take place at in the Milford BFW and for more information it will be on the B website and we off the mayor Facebook page now in between all of these things the newo for police department is currently running their toy drive they're looking for unwrapped toys um it is going on now through December 15th and the drop off locations are the police department U headquarters lobby as well as there's a bin and Shop Right Santa's mailbox uh they are taking letters from November 23rd through December 24th sponsor by for police department and the mailbox is on the bur the bur Hall lawn on Raywood drive so get those letters in so we can get them to Santa and hopefully get it under your tree there any other events that I missed do you want to get the dator New York is January 3rd at 7.m January 3rd 7 pm. I just want to add that the environmental commission is going to be having it's going to be a fair they're going to have some uh presenters and speakers so there'll be it's a familyfriendly event and there will be food when that's the January 16th event [Music] cheese are you sharing the chees pl or should I get I'll just take those kisses moving on to item number four the administrator report thank you mayor uh for our engineering update the New Jersey DOT local area infrastructure Grant application was uh an application for milling and Paving on stuen Clinton rwood revelt and M the amount of $379,450 and the application was submitted to the do on October 30th the NJ do Boulevard and graphic traffic signal there's no change on this project the equipment delivery delays push the installation of the traffic L to Spring 2024 which is just around the corner um Prospect par basketball court lighting the foundations poles and Electric electrical equipment have been installed the prospect for playground the project was completed last week looks great um NJ do Main Street Street skate project the base survey plans have been completed by the engineer and designed as underway the French Brook Channel remediation uh materials have been submitted to the D in advance of a pre-application meeting which is to be scheduled um NJ doot 2024 Municipal Aid this project is for the mill and heave of the Boulevard North of Henley up to 451 Boulevard the projects being scaled proportionately to the grant Award of $189,999 which is just over half of the requested amount of 359 532 uh the borrows FEMA application for the elevation of 16 properties has progressed to the next level a notice was posted on the borrow website and advertised in the record on November 21st offering a 15-day window for comments on the application uh and um with regard to the borrow social media we're um just getting ready to start our Instagram page which will be hand inand with our face mayor Office of the mayor Facebook page uh that should be up and running by the end of the week and the next meeting of the mayor and council is scheduled for Monday December 18th we have just one meeting in December and uh that's it for me we're going to start engaging in Instagram so we can reach young people like me that's really a I'm in the Facebook group so we have a few ordinances up for introduction tonight the first one is 2023 col 38 and when the clerk has the opportunity i' ask her please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter bh4 of the revised General ordinances of the Board of Health of the B New Milford entitled nuisances thereby amending subsection vh45 entitled specific nuisances enumerated purpose of this ordinance is to revise chapter bh4 the revised General ordinances the B Milford to add prohibition of outdoor feeding to section uh4 D5 may I get a motion to introduce this ordinance on it's first reading aoll please yes councilman San yes councilman saki Hurley yes council president Duffy yes Council M gry yes Council yes the public hearing on this ordinance will take place at our December 18 mayor I just want to mention that um uh once again on inspectors from midb have uh identified a problem an issue and they have brought to us uh you know examples of other ordinances and and and uh we are making your work for your so it's a good thing excellent want to thank them for that the next ordinance for introduction tonight is 2023 colum 39 and when the clerk has the opportunity please read your yes an ordinance to amend chapter 7 of the Revis General ordinances of the B New Milford entitled traffic thereby amending subsection 7 -3.5 entitled exceptions to overnight parking regulations okay this ordinance is kind of what we discussed earlier with the uh with the police purpose of this ordinance is to amend chapter 7 entitled traffic of the advised General ordinances of the broad Milford will modify exceptions to overnight parking regulations to include a period from Memorial Day through Labor Day the week of Thanksgiving from December 15th through January 15 I got a motion to introduce this ordinance on the first motion second we get a roll call please yes councilman San yes councilman sari Hurley yes council president Dy yes councilman gr yes councilwoman Grant yes this ordinance as well the public hearing will be on December 18th next introduction awarded tonight is 2023 col 40 and when the clerk has the opportunity I ask you to please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter 22 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of new milord entitled trailers to rename the chapter Camp cars trailers boats and watercraft and to replace sections 22-1 through 22-3 purpose of this ordinance is to rename and amend chapter 22 of the revised General ordinances of the B of Milford to identify specific vehicles that are prohibited from parking on the street or public property may get a motion to introduce this ordinance on its first read second a call please councilwoman s yes councilwoman s Hurley yes council president Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilwoman Grant yes public heing for this ordinance will also be at our December 18th Mee okay the next one is 2023 col 41 when the clerk has the opportunity pleas read ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter seven of the revised General ordinances of the Barb New Milford entitled traffic thereby amending subsection 7- 3.3 entitled parking prohibited at all times on certain streets purpose of this ordinance is prohibit parking on the west side of River Road north of grand Avenue um so it's River Road the west side of the street from Oro border to the northly curb line of Grand Avenue get a motion to introduce this ordinance on first reading motion second may have a roll call please councilman s yes councilman srai Hurley yes council president Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilwoman Grant yes public hearing for this ordinance will be our December 18th me and the final one on the agenda tonight is ordiance 2023 col 42 when M clerk has the opportunity i' ask please with the ordinance an ordinance to amend the revised General ordinances of the bar of New Milford entitled salary adopted as ordinance 9101 and amended annually by ordinance up to and including 2023 col 9 purpose of this ordinance is to establish a salary ranges for all full-time and part-time positions uh this is something we have to do every year it lists every position in the buau and their salary range so for instance mayor 175,000 Noe I'm sorry that was police chief negative motion to introduce this ordinance second call please councilman s yes councilman sari Hurley yes council president Duffy yes councilman GR yes councilwoman Grant yes the public hearing on this ordinance will also be at our December 18th meeting has everyone had a chance to look at the resolutions are there any of that need can c for further discussion and or vote okay they get a motion to file committee reports with the bur clerk we spread upon minutes move all in favor I any oppose right let's go around real quick and get some highlights and updates and we will start with Council Grant um updates everything is working smoothly at the library the planning board is meeting tomorrow night to uh discuss the continuous discussion of the master plan and I've been working on organizing this committee on the Arts that's my report tonight excellent thank you Cy thank you mayor uh on November 10th Chief Clancy received a letter from a gentleman by the name of David J lron who is the regional manager of CVS organized retail Prim and I'm going to just read some e excerpts from his letter uh the actions of Sergeant Derek medic detective Jeffrey kesy and detective Samuel jeras Merit the highest Commendation and quality of their work represents the highest standards of excellence as one associated with new military police dep most recently uh he goes on to say most recently the investigations involved a repeat offended that has been targeting CVS schores in Bergen County including twice targeting our CVS location at 880 River Road in New Milford uh Sant medich uh detective compesi and detective Jas were able to identify and a Charged repeal offender who was linked to nine separate thefts in Bergen County with a total dollar value less of over $12,000 uh the identification and prosecution of this repeat offender is greatly appreciated by CVS and store employees uh he goes on to say uh as regional manager for CVS organized retail crime uh I've worked with law enforcement professionals across the United States I can confirm to you that uh three gentlemen uh are a valuable asset to our agency the citizens of the bar of New Milford and the law enforcement community so shout out to uh detective compesi Sergeant medic and detective jeras letters like that yeah s else that's it council president thanks mayor um I just want to remind the council that um the uh fire department specifically company one uh is still um an invitation is open to four members of the council to come on over and see their uh very very very very very old truck that they are hoping for a replacement so uh they would uh they are open on Tuesday before 6:30 or Thursday at 6:30 so please see me afterwards and I will convey uh our attendance to the chief uh as I mentioned before as far as the health department goes um just I I can't emphasize enough um how important the work of our inspectors is and how they have been coordinating with the um uh you know the PW and PD as far as pra maintenance as well as just keeping a good eye out in the off for um popup situations that uh can be handled at our level on the board of health so those are my three points I would I would like to just Echo that the the people that were're working with right now from mbon have been fantastic yes very helpful very pleasant very respons so it's been uh sounds like a nice change yes very good um is that at Fire Company one or two that's one I'm sorry I thought you said but I wasn't sure yes fire is there anything else no sorry it's okay thank you councilwoman s thank you mayor as uh the mayor has has listed all of the events that we have going on for the next couple of weeks so we've been a little busy right now it's a quiet time after the holidays so we're trying to come up with possible different little ideas and thoughts to maybe add on to the parade or another little event so other than that it's quiet with everything else the senior center active as always um between their exercising and having lunch and going out to different yeah there's never down yeah I can't keep up with all the things they're doing they're really buzzing um and that's really about it you know excellent thank you thank you Council s thank you mayor um the green team is uh rolling out the TRX Plastics recycling program as a software roll out so there's a bin at the um burrow Hall in the lobby right now and more information will be coming there is a uh Public Information Program on its way I have the bad news is the uh jip report cyber security is going to be very important this coming up year so it's going to be very important for everyone to F their trainings so time to get your trainings and make sure you uh stay educated uh I don't Chris have they posted those yet you'll be you'll definitely be you'll definitely be but don't delay on doing them because it's getting more and more challenging uh with cyber security uh the benefit of completing your training is that it uh improves new mil Bird's uh readings points yes we do we get benefits right chis also it helps protect us in the event that we have an we be able to show that but as long as we're going after point it is definitely a cost savings but the more certified we are there are two levels of certification so um the higher level of certification uh saves us more money great than so everyone's uh participation is appreciated uh and then I'll end with some good news is the uh New Jersey film ready certification uh is on its way uh slowly coming out uh I'm going to be coordinating with Sil Brea on uh identifying some locations the good news is that this program is uh the film commission had the state film commission has been moved to the um the uh the division of what I'm blanking I'm looking at business yes and uh so this is a really nice opportunity to support our local business Community coming up so uh more information will be coming out uh we're going to do a really nice job in making sure that everything uh all the te's are crossed and eyes are dotted as you can so do you want some of the Committees but commissions to think of locations that might be of interest yes for sure especially the historic yes we'll be coordinating with you and the sculpture garden we'll be highlighting those those things and I know we've been uh um having fun with points but I just want to uh finish up by saying that when we say when we're talking about points we're it's a celebration really of all of uh New Milford bur's hard work and it's really uh celebrating everything that the buau and the committies do and it also creates a foundation for the to be able to um apply for grant money and more funding to do even more better things more good probably anything else I'm complete thank you thank you uh the only thing I'd like to bring up was uh last week I did attend the flood mitigation advisory committee meeting and I want to thank mayor loyal of Westwood and the other Westwood Representatives that came to new milford's meeting uh basically we they are already establishing the CRS program which we are applying to get in so we were able to pick their brain on on different things and strategies that they've used to get in and to earn points so we were taking that and see how that's going to work in so I want to thank them for their time coming to our meeting and helping us out okay what's that is are absolutely making a motion to open to the public sove second all any opposed seeing that there are no members of the public present I ask for a motion to close to the public second all in favor I any opposed may get a motion to approve resolutions 2023 col 253 to 2023 call 257 sove second all in favor I any opposed okay ladies and gentlemen we will be going into close session when we come out of closed we will be taking no action and immedately journey this morning so at this time I get a motion to go into Clos second all in favor anyos thank you very much ladies and gentlemen have a great evening and enjoy the holidays