[Music] it's officially called this meeting or session meeting in the mayor and council's order at this timeone rise for a moment of Silent prayer Andor reflection as we think of our United States military at home and abroad please the pled I pledge the United States of America to the stand please not the fire exits to your rear into the main hallway into my left your right into the U I don't think so no that's the only one okay you the New Jersey open public meetings law is en acted to ensure the right of the public have advanced notice of and attend any meetings of public parties which any business affecting their interest to discuss their accordance with this act the mayor and Council the B Milford have caused notice of this meeting to be published Having Eight time place thereof hosted in the bur Hall the notices have been sent to the record and origal news Commission of this governing body is to provide essential Services through the establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard the infrastructure provide Fair honest courious and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents and the research and prudent planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this governing body cannot do all things to all people staing attitud taxation at this time I councilman here councilwoman saki Hurley present councilwoman Duffy here councilman gry here councilman Seymour here Council President Grant here mayor patrino here okay before we start with the agenda I'm going to ask for a motion to add resolution 2024 col 147 the title of it will be accept travel soccer recommendation from the recreation advisor so second second all in favor any opposed I said that will be 147 okay a motion to appoint Andrew lard to planning board alterate so move second all in favor I any oppos Mak a motion to establish the affordable housing committee as follows mayor Patrina councilwoman Duffy Council President Grant second all in favor hi okay under unfinished business may get a motion to approve the minutes from the May 29th 2024 public we have one ordinance up for adoption tonight and it is 2024 call 17 and when the CL has the opportunity ordinance an ordinance to in chapter two of the revised General ordinances of the bar of New Milford entitled Administration to replace section 2-19 call and 10 entitled special Law Enforcement Officers purpose of this ordinance is to establish the position of a special law enforcement officer class two May a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance motion second all in favor ladies and gentlemen the public anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now is the opportunity seeing that no one from the public wishes to ask any questions on this ordinance i' ask for a motion to close the V some second all in favor I I any oppos may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on Final reading motion second get a roll call please councilman sanus yes councilwoman Rocky Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman SE yes Council President Grant yes you under new business we have one ordinance for introduction tonight it is 2024 col 18 and when the cler has the opportunity I ask you please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the Bor of New Milford entitled building and housing to add section 10-11 entitled short-term rental property purpose of this ordinance is to prohibit the rental of dwelling units for a period of less than 30 dayss may get a motion to introduce this ordinance on it first reading motion second all in favor iOS yes councilman sanus yes councilman srai Hurley yes councilman M Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes the public hearing for this ordinance will be on our uh June 24th meeting okay item number one tonight is bile Park tennis courts so uh last week we we've gotten um a few um we contacted by a few residents about um noise and and people at Bailey park for anyone who doesn't know biley Park is the Sut Place cross from G school um we know that there was large crowds gathering at nights mostly due to the explosion of pickle which is been wonderful uh upon further inspection we noticed that there was was damage to our courts because instead of using our Nets and our pickle ball lines people have created their own pickle bow lines and have created four or five different pickle B courts inside eight so when we remove the tape there's been damage to the tennis lines the surface and some of the tape we haven't gotten up yet they have to put some Solution on it to kind of protect the courts so at this time the courts are closed until PR noticed until the surface can be properly repaired uh we are taking actions to make sure that people who have a key you have to sign up for a key they will only allowed to uh resident can only invite three guests from out of town you'll be controlling the amount of people on the courts you're no longer allowed to bring lawn chairs and coolers and other items onto the surface and we are putting out new signage to help remind everyone of the rules of the courts good just remind me are there lights here on the court so they can play what time 10 lights will not go on after 10:00 so when it's dark to turn the lights on you actually have to manually push the button to turn them on and they will go on for one hour but after once it hits 10:00 they either go off and you cannot turn them on there have been huge crowds there and I hope that the um police will actually Patrol a little more somebody actually sent me a picture of a main urinating there oh God so and a number of residents have shared with me that know that there has not been a um a respect of the 1H hour play rule so they've been waiting and not able to um access the courts that's one of the issues uh milter residents I was told when they approach the courts they're intimidated because there's so many people it's almost like they were having tourn every night and that's not what's intended so we going to people are actually also bringing dogs onto the courts as they sit on the sides and watch they don't sit outside they actually sit inside and we have plenty of chard um children watching their parents for clean up as well good okay item number two is schedule updates excellent on Saturday June 15th is mental health awareness sponsored by the Milford Municipal Alliance it'll take place between 9:30 and 12:00 p.m. at nightville Pavilion more information can be found on our website and social media also on the 15th is the dance sing and drum at the Pavilion sponsored by the New Milford Arts committee that will be from 2: to 4:30 also at the nfield Pavilion information on that is also on our website and through social media on Tuesday August 6th will be our annual National Night Out sponsored by the newford police department it'll take place from 7:00 to 10: p.m. in Kennedy field information is already on social media and will be on our website on Sunday October 6th sorry uh September 29th is the northern New Jersey walk for araxia sponsored by walk for araxia will'll be at 8:00 a.m. and it'll be at the Milton High School football field for more information you can go to the northern New Jersey proxia social media the this will be our second time we're doing last year was the first one it was a huge event great event so they chose the milord again so we're very proud and happy to be the host and on Saturday October 5th is annual clean communities day sponsored by the New Milford clean communi New Milford environmental and energy commission and the New Milford DPW this from 99: to 12:00 p.m. at the DPW information will start coming out on our website and social media and the rain date for this is the following day which should be Sunday 6 we will be gring hot dogs at that event we will not be will we will that's your favorite part and addition is I just want to mention that on Monday June 24th is the New Milford athletic Scholarship Golf out sponsored by new milary High School athletic department will'll be at the Rockley Country Club and it starts at 8: a.m. anyone who wishes to participate will go to the luncheon please contact Joe Rick Deli information is on the uh new School District website is there any events that I missed or upcoming I have I have a couple so uh Saturday September 7th is the mayor's Wellness campaign healthare it'll be held at the YMCA starting at 11:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. it'll be outside if it's rain it'll be moved inside to the YMCA and then uh there will be uh every Saturday in September there will will be a walk with the mayor y every Saturday September you to get your steps in the May so so the opportunity is for everyone to come out and go for a walk we're going to explore different neighborhoods in the community and uh it's going to be a fun time and what time does it start at each walk uh right now they're planning 10:00 a.m. is the working time and at each walk there will be a health uh expert so people will be able to talk about nutrition and wellness so there will be some when so it's a very casual informative time excellent so get your get get a new pair of sneakers said you had some shoes with you I don't think they'll fit him though my neighborhood okay moving on to the administrators report thank May uh since our last meeting we've been advised of two Grant Awards the first is a local Recreation Improvement Grant through the Department of Community Affairs and it's for the installation of a volleyball court next to the basketball courts at the Kennedy Field Sports Complex the grant request was for $83,400 7,000 so we may consider using some of the bur's open space funds to complete the project if necessary the second Grant is from the do for $350,000 for the resurfacing of portions of stuen Clinton and Lynwood Avenues this grant request was for $379,000 um so we may end up needing to scale the project depending on how the bids come in good news for the burrow uh in February the burrow adopted an updated commercial and moving movie filming ordinance as part of the pursuit of the film ready designation from the New Jersey motion picture and television commission and this PE past week we had two inquiries on the use of the burrow hall for the filming of an Apple TV show and a major Motion Picture nothing's confirmed at this time but we are looking forward to the possibility of being part of a film project in New Milford we they actually came out and inspected so uh the bid opening for the joint bid with River Edge for solid waste collection scheduled for Tuesday June 18th um and we're anxiously awaiting those bids we've been in a contract now for uh I think 5 years at this point with the renewals that we had and it was favorable prices and we all know that A lot's changed in the last 5 years so um burrow Hall is going to be closed Friday June 21st in observance of juneth and the next meeting on the mayor and council is scheduled for Monday June 24th that's it for me thank you mayor any questions now can I make a comment related to New Jersey ready just do not mention any of the people that came no that's all right I just want to say that I've been working on this project to bring this this business de and economic development to the burough so it's really exciting to hear that they're coming so I just would like the public to know that there's this is a great opportunity for the burough and for local businesses so yes abely I just wanted to mention that the last piece of the puzzle for the traffic L graic Boulevard is controller box we are in contact with the manufacturer it has been delayed and we're working on getting it to the BU as soon as possible okay resolutions has everyone had a chance to look at the resolutions are there any that need to be pull further discussion and or vote remember that 147 is the uh Recreation committee resolution [Music] okay so real quick why don't we go around the room give one highlight Council first thank you mayor I have nothing to reported this Council just briefly we are confirmed for our six annual domestic violence awareness Symposium I will have the final date at the next meeting but it will take place in one of the last two weeks of October um and the county has reaffirmed its ongoing support at the high school again at the high school yes during that the end of October get and the prosecutor's office has already selected two uh survivors to tell their story so planning is already moving excellent thank you can I have two can I have ir's highlights yes so I have uh two quick highlights the Bergen County oton Society hosted a birdwalk in New Milford wood last week at on uh Wednesday June 5th I was able to attend and it was a fabulous day weatherwise and every there were about there were 18 people attending 20 uh in total including myself and uh donino there was overwhelming appreciation for the maintenance of the pathways and the Accel accessibility to being able to walk on the pathways and it is such a great informative walk I learned a lot there are a lot of nesting birds back there and I highly recommend and I highly support gr employees being able to take out take an opportunity to experience that walk someday uh my second highlight is the green team will be uh training on the psng residential energy Grant uh with sustainable Jersey bringing we'll be bringing uh uh information to residents on how to uh be more energy sustainable and July 10th is the third round uh deadline for sustainable Jersey certification submission all right your turn thank you thank you um well what I we had as everyone know knows I think that we had the U Hall of Fame dinner on Friday which was a great success we had a great turnout um the people there were Thanking us for doing this they thought it was great to honor the residents in New Milford and what they've done and they learned a little bit about more of the history of New Milford which they were surprised I think the recipients they were touched it was a very it yeah it was a warm event it was kind it was kind of cozy I know that's a silly word but it was kind of cozy everybody who was there was happy to be there absolutely yes it was and a little history they learned a little history they didn't know about the building that they were in that was built in 1902 I believe it was that it was a um bowling alley or skating ring so that was fun little building it is an odd little building but inside it's not no no oh it is well no it used to have this a roof in a parking lot sure it wasn't your shoes um and that's really about it now thank you thank you council president thank you the library is working diligently on a contract or an agreement with the Tet Library so that the services can be merged while the Tet library is closed in the fall for we not quite sure how long that will be and also the library wants I want to acknowledge the fact that the lights in the parking lot at the library are going to be changed to LED bulbs that will be a savings for the burrow and um helpful in that area and again the new norford Arts committee's first annual event is going to be June 15th at The Pavilion at nights field and it's going to be exciting there's going to be a lot of VI activity there yeah singing dancing drumming what could be better and I have it on good authority that the weather's going to be fabulous yeah exactly how going um just to Echo uh councilwoman saki early's comments about the Hall of Fame winner very nice who goes thank you to the commission I know you guys worked hard on it so thank you it was fun um question will you do it again each year yes okay no every other year two years but whatever names we have that weren't put in this this year they'll just be transferred to the following year got um I have a a Board of Health meeting Thursday night um I have also met with the um property maintenance committee and some other things that I'll report at our next meeting but I did want to point out everybody if you got this if page 44 the timeline for the municipal action on your repord all hous kind of spells out what we have begun to talk about so check it out that's thank uh New Bridge Landing their meeting we actually uh they didn't have their meeting they could not get a quorum so it's going to rescheduled in two weeks but I know that they are continuing to work on the barn fundraising for the museum that's going there also they're doing a lot of planning for bread to 50 so they are working with the state trying to get you know people to the area and celebrate so open this time can I get a motion to open up to the public motion second in favor Ladi and Gentlemen of the public anyone has any questions or comments related to the good MILF MILF now is your opportunity to speak you can look as hard as you want there's no one sitting there see that there's no the public that wish to speak I get a motion to CL motion second we're going to do the resolutions but I just want to remind the public uh tonight we will have a Clos session when we go into Clos when we come out of Clos um no action will be taken and we will immediately adjourn this meeting so before we go into close Mayan a to adopt resolutions 2024 140 through 2024 147 second all in favor I any opposed a motion to go into close session second all in favor I anyos thank you ladies and gentlemen and um congratulations and good luck to all that are graduating new school or you know new residents at private schools so um should we introduce our our our attorney for the evening I don't know your last toia um this is Patrick toia from John shanan office so welcome offici before we close welcome Mia EAS come by any is that a record