here we go sorry about that we had some technical difficulties next thing on the agenda is appointments you get a motion to appoint Joe relli and haly Orochi to the mayor's Wellness campign second all favor anyos well thank you very much Joe and key for being part here we appreciate it under unfinished business may I get a motion for the approval of the minutes from the March 25th 2024 Clos and public session meetion to Second all favor any okay couple of the ordinances are up next first one up for adoption is ordinance 2024 col 08 and the clerk has the opportunity to ask pleas me the ordinance the year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget Appropriations limits and to establish a cat njsa 48 col 4- 4.14 purpose of this ordinance is to authorize an increase in the annual budget that exceeds the appropriation minut to establish at the c bank and this is an annual thing may get a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on the second all favor ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now would be the opportunity seeing that there is no member in the public president may get a motion to close the second all in favor anyos may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on Final REM a roll please councilman s music yes councilman yes councilman ducky yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes okay the next one is orance 20124 call9 and cler has the opportunity and as conclud this on ordinance to authorize the Improvement of bouevard from M Avenue North approximately 2,150 ft in Bine for the Barb New Milford in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $264,000 to pay the cost thereof to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes and anticipation of of the issuance of such bonds purpose of this ordinance is to authorize the appropriation and issuance of bond to finance balance beyond the grants for the paving 200 defeat of the boulevard may get a motion to open to the public for public hearing on this all favor I anyos seeing that there is no member of the public that wishes to comment on this ordinance may I get a motion to close all in favor get a motion to adopt this ordinance read Mo a roll call please councilwoman Sam M yes councilwoman saki Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes next one up is 2024 col 10 and the cour has the opportunity to ask for tu3s an ordinance to amend chapter 19 of the revised General ordinances of the bar New Milford entitled Parks and Recreation section 19-3 fees purpose of this ordinance is to modify fees for certain recreational programs we get a motion to open to the public for public hearing on this motion all in favor any oppos ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has anyone any questions on this ordinance now is the opportunity and seeing that there are no questions from the public may you get a motion to close the motion all in favor I any oppos may get a motion to adopt this ORD on Final motion second a roll call pleas councilman s yes councilman Rocky Hurley yes councilman ducky yes councilman gry yes councilman SE yes Council President Grant yes okay 2024 call 11 has the opportunity pass an ordinance to amend chapter two of the revised General ordinances of the borrow of New Milford entitled Administration thereby amending subsection 2-20 entitled fire purpose of this ordinance is to amend certain sections of ordinance 2-20 to conform with the newly adopted Fire Man rules and regulations of The Bu of fire depy making a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on thisin second all favor I any oppos ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions on this ordinance now is the opportunity seeing that no member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance May motion to close the vot all favor I any oppos get a motion to adopt this ordinance I'm final councilwoman San yes councilwoman s Hurley yes councilman ducky yes councilman Graham I'm sorry Council councilman gry yes councilman seamour yes Council President Grant yes okay we done with adoptions moving on to new business we have a couple of ordinance introductions first one being 2024 call 12 when the clerk has the opportunity ask ke the ordinance Bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and machinery and new communication and Signal assistance equipment in Bine for B and Milford in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $445,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such fonds it's one yes yes purpose of this ordinance is to authorize the appropriation and issuance of a bond to finance 2024 Road program acquisition of police and fire department equipment may you get a motion to introduce this ordinance first reading get a roll call please yes Council s yes Council Rocky Hurley yes councilman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes okay the public hearing on this ordinance will be at our May 13th meeting next one for introduction is 2024 column 13 and CLK has the opportunity to for Tuesday Capital ordinance of the B new mford in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey authorizing the making of various public Acquisitions and improvements in by and for the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of $162 $162,600 [Music] and improvements for the public library fire department Department of Public Works police department and the office of emergency management making a motion to introduce this ordinance on it first reading motion I get a roll call please yes councilman s yes councilwoman sari Hurley yes councilwoman ducky yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes the public hearing for this ordinance will also be under our May 13th last one on tonight is ordinance 2024 col 14 and cl has the opportunity or ask please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter eight of the revised General ordinances of the bar New Milford entitled parking and parking lots thereby amending subsection 8-3 entitled handicap parking on public streets purpose of this ordinance is to amend section 8-32 of this ordinance to add a designated location for a handicapped parking on F Drive NE a motion to introduce this ordinance on I a roll call please councilwoman Sam yes councilwoman s Bley yes councilwoman Dum yes councilman Bry yes councilman Seymour yes council president yes the public hearing will also be at our 13 so item number one is updates the list is getting long again so let's do a rund down on Saturday April 27th is the annual Arbor Day tree seing giveaway it is sponsored by the for CH tree commission um time will be from 9: to 11:30 a.m. at the ppw uh information will be on the ver website and Facebook page on Saturday May 4th is the Milford paper shredding event sponsored by the BCA and the Milford BPW the time will be from 9:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. it will be in the swim club parking lot that will also be on our website and our Facebook page May 4th is the friends of the library antiqu appris sponsored by the new friends of the library it's from 10:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the new Public Library um information will be on burrow website burrow Facebook I'm sure Library website Facebook page ands of as and I also saw flyers in on Monday May 27th is mil's annual Memorial Day Parade sponsored by the milord public events committee the time will be 9:00 a.m. uh the March is from the senior center to the B hall information will also be on the bough website and Facebook page on Friday June 7th will be New mil's Hall of Fame dinner sponsored by the new historic preservation commission I don't have the exact time yet but it's coming out it'll be at for the Athletic Club I know the tickets will be approximately $40 a piece and information will be coming out later this week on the burough website Facebook page and store preservation will be making some announcements um and I have Saturday on June 15th is Dan Pavilion sponsored by the Milford Arts committee it will be from 2: to 4:30 p.m. at the nights field Pavilion and information will be on the website and the Facebook page does your committee have a Facebook page yes we a couple weeks ago information is there any events from any of your committees that I failed to mention I do have one question here AR day I think was from 10 to 12 you could be correct 10 to 12 [Music] day yeah June 5th we have the U Bird walk with the bur County Autobon Society June 5th is the bird walk it'll start at 10:00 a.m. and uh it'll be at the mil wood and we'll meet at The Swim Club parking lot excellent get that out as well I have an event to add uh this Thursday evening April 18th mil High School is having its Junior and senior art show Inception at the newk um at the art center of Northern New Jersey on centers 3 of course from the fire station um the reception is from 5: to 7:00 p.m. I hope everybody can come this always a wonderful event we have such talented students in mil Wonder cl to work so I hope fun I was going to say there AAL yes abolutely I don't think that we yeah we can open the unfortunately we haven't turn it over yeah there are no other events we can move on to the's report okay thank you mayor uh I don't have a long record there um just short engineering update I did get an update regarding the traffic signal at graphic and Boulevard they're now putting the receipt of the equipment and installation um at either June or July uh TV date we'll see what happen happens um repeating that an announcement I've been making for the past few meetings the Ping place for districts 8 and 9 which has been at the library will be moving to the Berkeley Street school gymnasium multi-purpose room beginning with this June's primary election the meeting room at the library is too small to properly accommodate the new voting machines uh the change in the PO location is going to be noticed frequently through multiple mediums from now through election day and information Al be printed on the sample ballots that will be nailed in advance of the election in addition uh the county is promoting early voting and that information is also published on our website uh and it is available for the um June primary as well it's the exact same voting experience that you would have on Election Day just is without the lines and the confusion ni um and then uh just an update that this is the only mayor and council meeting that we're having in April our next meeting scheduled Monday May 13th at which there will be a public hearing on the 2024 Municipal budget I don't have anything more information that IED already have is there any questions for theator okay everyone had a chance to look at the resolutions if there any for further discussion and ask for a motion to file committee report at the B clerk spread on second all favor I any opposed let's go around real quick just give a couple of highlights we start with Council thank you mayor uh the Green Team and environmental commission continue uh their good works uh the uh green team was awarded a partnership Grant from psng Energy Efficiency partnership program this will be residential Energy Efficiency Outreach campaign none of these titles are really easy all of these grads are very complicated titles but essentially what they're the uh benefit to our citizens is that the Green Team Will Be inform sharing information about uh Energy Efficiency programs that PS offers to help residents become more help find uh programs to help them with their homes and apartments um uh mayor's Wellness campaign had their first meeting and they are in the process of planning uh a launch party/ health fair that will be in September and uh they're also going to be planning in uh some walk with the mayor so the working title is know your neighborhood walking talk with with the mayor here and that will include uh some health professionals walking along with so people have an opportunity to meet their neighbors have some conversations and uh it's all work in progress so we're looking forward to developing that and keeping you informed on the details yes and you told me already that we can't be walk no you'll have to talk to the nutritionist about that because I think that they they will have some healthy options but they'll help you figure out how to how to how to how to order our healthy options off the but yes and I need to thank you because this has been years in the Mak getting the wellness committee we came really close and the co hit so thank you for picking it up and bring it to where we are having it's huge yeah it's the uh the committee is coming together it's a very Dynamic group and we have a fabulous chairperson with Kelly Grio y so all good so I'm complete with my report thank you thank you Council willr thank you mayor at this time they really too much I what you said all say by R never let that definely not to keep it4 there'll be a amount of that and the other thing that was kind of discussing and working on is I don't a number of years AG they did a tour a working tour of the not of some of these older homes and areas that I mean I just learn that part of town I think patri [Music] most thank you thank you on your beautification pardon me uh I continue my meetings with uh Vince Hill uh creating a landscape plan for uh our new night field at the Northend of town uh it's very exciting planting is soon to begin uh in the next few months um and our theme is help so I'm trying to make it yes um so let's see under uh fire Department business they continue to work on membership and uh uh always busy always a busy Department uh for the mon month of March we had eight Mutual AIDS uh four CO2 detector four alarm malfunction five Accidental Fire alarm three gas over natural gas ERS and one over um gasoline and uh see and one motor vehicle crash um also last week the department answered the call for a one rescue uh that z river and I will I'm sure report forv was a joint eff so uh we're proud of them as always uh for of Health Net and our register as reported we had for uh the month of March also three marriage license 22 marriage transcripts 114 death certificates 39 dog licenses two cat licenses and two Heth and Food Service lies excellent thank you very much Council mki thank you uh those you who haven't noticed down by Kennedy field the DPW putting in the final touches of Arbor vies at the South End of the field they had to take down a couple of trees that were rotting uh this should also help us to put up a sound barrier uh as far as our our recycling goes for the first three months of this year uh our costs are about $4500 less than last year that's the good news the bad news is for our Solid Waste for the first two months because I don't have the third month uh we have gone over last year by $1 19,500 so people have thrown out a lot of garbage and to Randy's comment uh last week we had a 16-year-old girl jump from the bridge into the hacking sa where we had four of our officers respond to that one other officers jumped in after her because she was going under uh he held on to her for about 15 minutes uh until fire rescue came with the boat uh and saved them uh so a shout out to our Police Department our fire department and also we had help from orale and riverge so our First Responders are always the First Responders and they do a great job in this to that's it thank you mayor thank you how thank you mayor uh well this past weekend of course we had had a tremendous opening day for little leag and it was a great parade and just a great day for everybody to be out and a a chilly windy day but an exciting start to the season and I just want to let everybody know that the registration has started for kickball with New Milford Recreation and uh our flood mitigation advisory committee continues to work hard to keep the Milford safe in his meeting as we speak mayam excellent thank you council president gr thank you mayor the library has been busy as usual and AR which has been there since early February has wrapped up its time since today is tax day so we are two for this year I'm sure they will be back next year the neop Arts committee is having an event on June uh 15th as ance mayor it's going to be daners from Dance Dimensions in town it will probably be some students from the high school giving a short performance and then there's going to be an africanamerican dance grp which is going to be very exciting well and lots of dancing and lots of enthusiasm and excitement uh and the new Arts committee has created a Facebook page so we will be posting our event as soon as we have all the final details and our logo is almost finalized so watch out for it should I think feel like it the friends as you mentioned is having friends of Library is having anti appraisal on May 4th there's a scho fee and the limit is three items per person um it's from 1030 to 1:30 mid4 and the planning board is meeting tomorrow night to finalize this master plan everybody is welcome to attend it's been a long year of work on it and it's working very good so I'm very happy thank you you welcome yeah we have to thank the planning board a lot of work goes into the master plan something 10 years so this this time it is 12 years 12 years because of way do so um the other thing I have is from historic Mage Landing they are continuing to fund raise and for their Museum that they're building they are in the process of applying for uh grant funding from the New Jersey historic preservation trust fund so they had reached out to me and asked if this body would um do a letter support for that effort so does anyone have an issue of uh not supporting or supporting totally absolutely appreciate it they appreciate all okay they get a motion to open to the public motion all favor any opposed ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments regarding good Milford now is your opportunity seeing that there's no member of the public that wishes to make any comments May motion to close the vot thank all favor I any opposed may get a motion to adopt [Music] resolutions resolution 2024 105 2024 Co 112 all in favor I any opposed there any other business for this councel if not I would ask for a motion to ad motion home Pap any post thank you ladies and gentlemen and uh enjoy the spring weather that comes and goett soon'll be your then [Music] we'll I