good evening ladies and gentlemen I'd like to officially call this a public meeting of the mayor and Council to order at this time i' ask everyone to please rise for for a moment of Silent prayer and our reflection as we think about long time B employee Joe Russo who recently passed uh mayor Paul holer from Harrington Park recently passed and the residents that have been displaced by recent fires in town please salute the flag FL United States to theice please not the fire exits to your rear into the main parking lot to my left to your right into the main hallway New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public have advanced notice of and attend any meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest to discuss their acting upon in of this act the mayor and Council of the B Milford have requested notice of this meeting to be published that having the gate time and place thereof posted in the B Hall notices have been to the record and Bridgewood news commission discovering bodies provide essential Services through the establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents and the research and prudent plan and seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this government body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation this time I would ask the cor please call the councilman San H here councilman scky Hurley councilwoman Duffy here councilman gry here councilman Seymour here Council President Grant here mayor P here okay first thing on the agenda tonight is uh under appointments making a motion to appoint Rebel Bloom to the junior firefighter all in favor I any oppos well thank you very much and thank you for your service under unfinished business may get a motion of the approval of am minutes from the June 10th 20 24 work and close session meetings all favor I I any opposed and we have one ordinance up for adoption tonight it will be 2024 col 18 and M cler has the opportunity I ask for please read ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the B New Milford entitled building and housing to add section 10-11 entitled short-term rental property purpose of this ordinance once again is to prohibit the rental of Jewel unit for a period of less than 30 days and at this time I would ask for a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance sir all in favor I any opposed ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now would be your opportunity to come for motion Clos second all favor I any oppos may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on it's final reading second councilwoman sanen yes councilwoman Duppy yes councilman Bry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes okay under new business we have an introduction of aties tonight 2024 call 19 and when the clerk has the opportunity I would ask you to please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 19 Parks and Recreation of the revised General ordinances of the bough of New Milford to add section 19- 2B to establish rules for tennis pickleball courts okay purpose of this ordinance is to establish rules and regulations for use of the burs tennis and pickable Courts at kened Fields courts complex and Bailey Park um basically the things that are added um creates a situation where it's less intrusion to Residents um more residents will have opportunity to play and we will be protecting the actual courts from damage a motion to introduce this ordinance on first reading I have a question where would I be able to see it see the the additions um I it's online it'll be posted online post it out here and I can certainly send your if you would yes thank you sorry okay we have a second may get a roll call please councilwoman San yes councilwoman saki Hurley I'm sorry councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman C yes Council President Grant yes okay so item number one is joint Solid Waste video results administrator I'm sorry before we go to that the public hearing on this ordinance will be at our July 22nd meeting [Music] okay thank you mayor um as you know we had a a joint bid out with the burrow of bber or solid Bas we've currently been in a contract that had options for Renewal so it's been a contract we've been in since 2019 and uh we all know what's gone on since 2019 in terms of solid rased expenses so we were lucky that we were in for a number of years at a very reasonable rate we did just get one bid the bids came in last Wednesday on Tuesday and we did receive just one and it was from our current Haller and um we had put it out as a freee bid and a 5year bid and based upon the results um the results for New Milford we went from $393,000 41 a year to4 5 4,937 for 2020 beginning in October of 2024 into 2025 um while that may seem like it's significant given the uh current conditions I was actually relatively surprised that they came in at a reasonable rate they expressed the fact that they're very happy with the relationship that they have with newer and they'd like to continue working with us um I shared the results with the administrator in R Edge and she and I both agree that it makes sense for us to award the 5year contract considering uh it was reasonable and if everybody is any concurrence I'll have a resolution prepared for the next meeting to to award that 454 937 years that's the first year the second year is 467 47 the third year is 467 487 the fourth year is 478 3762 in the fifth year is 486 [Music] 312 anyone okay with that tell River Edge that we're okay doesn't sound like a big Choice actually the other choice would be to reject and go after fit again and that's only one the good news is they've been reliable when there is issues very respons there's always issues right there always issues so they're always very respons okay item number two is schedule updates okay so on Tuesday August 6th will be the Burrow's National Night Out sponsored by the new mil Police Department it's from 7: to 10: p.m. on Kenedy field more information it'll be on the bur website um Police Department's website and social media on Sunday September 29th is Northern New Jersey walk through praia sponsored by walk for praia and J it'll begin at 8: a.m. on the Milford High School football field for more information you can go to the northern New Jersey PRI social media page on Saturday October 5th is clean communities day sponsored by the the Milford clean communities the Milford environmental and energy commission and nor for DBW that is from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. at the DPW the rain date for that will be Sunday the following day on October 6th it'll also be on the burough website and social media and a late edition that came in is the Elks Carnival will be July 3rd through July 6th right here on patrolman Ray Woods Lane in their parking lot as usual is there any other events coming up that I failed to mention I have two September events mayor uh the friends of the library book uh sale will be on September 27th 28th and their garage sale will be on September 28th in 29th we've expanded it to two night two days instead of just one because last year it wented on Saturday we got an emergency permit for Sunday and everybody was thred to have it for today so we applied for permit for 2 days and it's been granted so I'm happy to say will be two days book sale in few days and they overlap but there will be more information as we go for yes I know everyone enjoys the garage sale STD lot of tender baners that day in town and the book sale you get the book sale excellent mayor I have some September additions have the mayor's Wellness campaign uh kickoff health fair as 11:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. that will be held at the uh YMCA and what's the date of that September 7th MH and then uh the following four Saturdays September 14 2128 and October 5th I believe that is October 5th will be a walk with the mayor and in various neighborhoods is that rain or shine yes yes rain or shine unless it's lightning unless it's danger unless it's dangerous lightning detectors I'll think about right but it's Rainer sh yes excellent anything else okay well I think that's a uh full list of stuff for now item number three is the administrative report thank you mayor um I have an engineering report tonight um not a tremendous amount of things going on but updates on the projects that we have right now the first would be the Boulevard and graphic Boulevard traffic signal meter and control cabinet were installed um last week and there's like a required phasin period so light the light is currently flashing which should be fully functional in the next few weeks um the Main Street streetcap the plans have been sent to the dot for review and the project will go out to bid upon approval French Brook uh the application was amended in the New Jersey DCA system uh and upon approval we will authorize the design at that project the pine and Ed sanitary sewer remediation um we this is one of the projects that we received and pressional appropriation for the project what I was not clear about until I attended a recent webinar is that now we must submit an application to the EPA for funding so that um seems to be a very involved process and going to be working with lenium and our engineer to try and hobble my way through uh Boulevard Phase 2 the plans for this have been sent to the dot for review and the Project's going to go out for bit of approval the volleyball court at Kennedy Field Sports Complex we've received a grant for $67,000 and we're working on a revised estimate in order to finalize the funding required to move forward with this project Hard Castle Pond improvements the Grant application was submitted to the ber County open space on May 3rd and we are awaiting a determination and the NJ doot fiscal year 2025 Road resurfacing project we're preparing an application for the resurfacing of Maran rosalin and Monroe and this would be for submission by the deadline on July 1st um other than engineering report I just want to remind everybody that the burrow Hall will be closed on Thursday and Friday July 4th and 5th in observance of Independence Day and that there's going to be just one meeting of the mayor and Council in July which is scheduled for Monday July 22nd I have a question um the new traffic light on graphic will that be sync with the traffic light on yes so it get syn by the count they actually do it thank you be weird that people think that wouldn't be but well there are places where you stop at one right and they're not s properly you can't blow traffic stop so this [Music] it okay any question other questions for okay everyone had a chance to look at the resolution are there any that need tocl for further discussion and do a vote it's not can I get a motion to file committee reports with the B clerk to be spread and full on the minutes all in favor I opposed okay let's go around give a couple of updates and going on and we're going to start with Council President Grant thank you so much the uh inaug event of the newal Arts committee was last week on June 15th it was a beautiful day and it was very exciting afternoon I must say um Alana uren sang beautifully and for each song she performed she used a different instrument very talented young woman and the the the dancers from Dance Dimensions um I mean had me in awe they are absolutely terrific all ages from quite young until teenager I suppose um performed separately in separate groups and then all together it was very Lively and they were superb and they are heading off to a competition and iced won awards before and having had a son and not a daughter I was not aware of how talented um and what a great place that is so it's wonderful and then we had a drum circle and the mayor uh played drums and did a pretty good job I will say so we're multi-talented multitalented yes um so it was a wonderful afternoon and we look forward to our next event and we keep you inform we know what that's going to be thank you Excell uh as council president Grand I just want to give a lot of credit to the Arts committee and all Al to the municipal EVS they've done some fantastic events recently mayor of course the mental health awareness day was a tremendous success at nights field Under The Pavilion uh for such an important cause greatly greatly attended and as was of course the U singing and dancing Under The Pavilion also at nicefield so it was a great day to be Happ weather you were right you said it was going to be a beautiful day and it was and I'm really happy to say uh again how wonderful it is that we have the Pavilion it is such a great place for events and I think it's allowing us up to many more things than we had before we were somewhat limited and you aren't [Music] anym Council gr thank you here uh tomorrow the shade Tre commission is going to meet uh that's still working on their fiveyear uh plan for uh trees uh hopefully that will be done by the end of the year should be uh what else is done Randy do you report on fire today no okay there was a frer today around 9:00 a.m. this morning at the book Chester about uh four Apartments uh got damaged luckily there were no injuries okay it started by a uh a uh electric strip that started to smoke and course fire uh course fire our PB was there our ppw was there and our fire department was there and uh everybody did a fantastic job for fire and said they were assisted by fire companies other towns yeah it was about was all points got fire thank you thank you C on thank you m um thank you for reporting on that councilman grasi um the fire department uh does have a very important uh Mutual Aid agreement with three towns and uh as of the month of June we have we our department has uh answered seven seven of those calls uh we had eight accidental fire alarms we had a fuel spill uh an art arcing electrical to uh out outdoor um sorry odors of natural gas to building collapse one and power lines down by uh probably weather related and after our next meeting I most likely we'll have a date for their fire awareness day is usually September or October um and it'll be definitely held at the nights um paring over in that direction um next uh the Board of Health metet uh couple of things that were very interesting that um the midb association was bringing to our attention the Health commission that this year um they expect that uh mosquitoes are going to be um a big pain in the but just to put it PL um and for your own uh information they say water standing water plus 7 days equals mosquitoes and the biggest problem in Bur County with mosquitoes is containers holding standing water so I want to give out this phone number and this name for Burton County it's Nicole Brown and she works for bur County Mosquito Control uh and she can be reached at 201634 2881 and any residents of buron County can call there if they are experiencing an issue with mosquitoes and they will come and spray or advise you as to or needs to be taken care of here so uh that's very interesting and that's EXC me do they sh do mosquitoes or have they expanded to deal with other insects such as um Lantern flies no uh because Lantern flies don't fight humans or past disease I think they're mostly concerned with mosquitoes because of their transmission of disease to to humans and uh the fact that it can be prevented you know we can than it ourselves you might want to also add that Serv Street charge yes it is we can we add the the name and the number on the website a picture and actually I do have a checklist from the county if you'd like to edit that and maybe put that on there to just and it was um midb and also handed out um small uh repellent cans of repellent and I think they're going to try to hands some out to on BPW and anybody that works for the bur that works outside it be great to invite them tonight out for a table can hand out information it would be great it would be great yes um and last with um with the Board of Health we had a really interesting busy meeting pardon me if I go wrong um one of our inspectors uh took a week long course about uh the noise Control Ordinance and is going to ask the Board of Health to review the recommended um I would say model ordinance coming from the state and we'll go over it at pardon me at that level and then we'll hand it in to you guys us guys and U we'll try to get that on the books as soon as we can and that's why thank you but wait there's more okay um what's the bonus I have to say congratulations to Matt and heading your two committees really did an outstanding job that day um I spent the whole day thank you yeah it was really lovely the weather didn't hurt but uh everybody had a good feeling the spot is really conducive to that type of gathering so well thank you and I should add thank you my thanks to the committee uh the Arts committee and to to the music allance who who worked very hard to put these two events together who were outstanding to getting it organized and putting on something that would be remember that would be enjoyed by everyone and succeeded [Music] and with the back toback events I think I was able to try every product that we it was was good everything's good we made a donation to the municipal Alliance on R ice cre that was that was or the um agreement we had with them because the Arts committee did not accept the donation it went to the um Municipal committee next year we will be able to accept donations so if we work with you we split it anyway W on St so I made large donation to The counciling ice cream huh the ice cream truck is always a a hit at at events all right thank you mayor um let's see uh my committees have been very busy um you'll have my report so I just have a little bit I'm going to start with mayor's Wellness campaign and then I have a little bit longer uh sustainable Jersey update for about the certification process so the mayor's Wellness campaign as I mentioned earlier is planning some neighborhood walks and they would like to collaborate with the historic commission to plan one of the walks because uh Milford has some really interesting places to see along the way so that that's they're very busy in the works with that uh sustainable Jersey certification I'm very sorry I we're in we've gotten reviews from our second round of submissions and the news is a little disappointing so to achieve our bronze certification it's we have to achieve 150 points Uh current 15 150 currently 70 points have been approved and 80 points were so we're short 80 points so the third round submission deadline is July 31st and the green team is busy uh doing the Outreach to get the follow-up information uh from on the various reports uh and they would request having information by July 15th so that they can prepare documents and have time to get all of that uploaded so there are some things that we probably need to have a conversation about like the um Fleet inventory is a 20 point priority action and uh the DPW has been doing a great job with the tracker but there are some requirements about having to create a a summary about driver training practices uh evaluation of Fleet efficiency and uh planning for uh improving planning and discussion of strategies to improve Fleet efficiency and reducing ghg emissions and uh any uh discussion about replacing vehicles with uh electric or bicycle patrols so bicycle Patrols I have seen many bicycle Patrols in other municipalities so it's uh so it's a big discussion and um i' propose that we have a discussion about it as a council to see where we go make a subcommittee or something on specifically about Fleet inventory is so is that um in your opinion is that the only way to correct those 8 points uh the fleet inventory is a 20 point uh action and well we have other actions that are underway so there's uh a variety of categories that we're getting into so I did not prepare a full report cuz I didn't I wanted us to get home before 10:00 so this is recertification this is recertification so one of the challenges that we have is that M they're being U much more uh um thorough with their review of reporting so they're asking us to be to increase our standard of practice in our reporting and uh and documentation so one of the things that we have is the green team is all volunteer so our sustainable Jersey certification coordinator uh team leader uh Anita Pinto is doing this all on volun many municipalities hire and have on staff a sustainability officer so this is a very big project to do so that's why it's like it's it's a lot to do so that would be I know I don't want to add to anyone else's this it would be an individual it because this person would have has to interact with all the Departments of the of the uh of the municipality for to generate the to help generate the reports so why don't we figure out what we need we go to each Le on we go back to our department heads and we get the information yes so I will be in contact with everyone about the details and specifics on yeah so everyone can be a parttime suain building [Laughter] manager so yeah and uh I know the July 4th holiday is coming up and it's it's a pretty big deal but the green teen's plan is to complete this third round and uh qualify you know complete the bronze certification and then work on Silver certification following after thatc and I'm complete thank you my report um New Bridge Landing did not have a quorum in June so I have no report on that once again I want to congratulate the class of 2024 the new mement high school graduation ceremony was really good it was a really good time um it was a nice shade and a nice breeze so it wasn't too hot the day before it was a d Middle School's graduation that one went very well and I had a participant in that one so that one was extra special um once again I want to thank the fire department and I want to thank all the towns that sent resources to our to our town to help out um I know we had a couple of um re soccer and travel championships some some winners groups and we have some Little League winner groups so we're planning on doing certificates in July if we all works well with roosters everything so we might have a bunch of uh bunch of our young young citizens in in the room in July giving our certificates which is always fun and uh I want to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day at this time I would ask for a motion to open up to the public second any ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments related to the good and Welfare of the bur now is your opportunity to uh come forward seeing that there's no member of the public that wishes to come forward I ask for a motion to close all in favor oppos may get a motion to approve resolutions 2024 col 14 2024 col 153 all in favor I any opposed okay ladies and gentlemen we will be going into Clos session when we come out of close no action will be taken and we will immediately Jour this meeting so may I get a motion to go into close session second all in favor I anyos just so that I can for the purpose of discussing contract neg Sor contract negotiations Das and Sarah Crossroad development that is the title of the post session second right yes thank you ladies and gentlemen for joining us enjoy the summer