e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Mee call to order call pres m c Mr dasta M caringer here Mr Lombardi Mr lunam here M Ryan here vice president D here president Gomez here please stand for the col Ali Al to the flag United States America and for stands Nation indiv andice for all in accordance with the provisions of the new open public meetings law the new military board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof in the record New Milford Public Library New Milford burough Hall on the main office of all new Milford Public Schools the board announces that under its Long Sing policy it will not discuss in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off meetings of the board are open to the the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command should be followed there are two portions of the meeting reserved for comments from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board requests that all members of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking due to confidentiality and legal rights afforded by the state of New Jersey members of the public are asked not to speak negatively or in a derogatory manner about any employee of the board or any student okay Committee of the whole I seek a sec I seek a motion to approve minutes for March 13th work March 13th close March 14th close March 19th regular March 19th close meeting 1 March 19th close meeting 2 and March 27 special close I need a second Cheryl calron all in favor oppose okay so McKenzie is not here today so we're going to start with the state of the district review of the budget for school year 2024 2025 yes um Mackenzie did email and say that she had a conflict because they were getting ready for their dress rehearsal for the show so she did apologize and um we tell her no problem and we look forward to seeing her on stage this weekend good evening everyone and Welcome to our District's annual budget presentation also known as the state of the district address for the 2024 20 25 school year this evening serves as a pivotal moment where we collectively assess the state of our district and chart the C course for the upcoming school year tonight let us reflect on the journey we embarked upon together over the past year a journey marked by triumphs and challenges each one shaping us into a stronger more Unified District we've encountered unprecedented obstacles that have tested our resolve demonstrating our unwavering commitment to providing high quality education no matter the San last year was a testament to our resilience as a community and we look forward with a renewed sense of purpose and determination while minor in comparison to last year's reduction the 2024 2025 budget reflects a loss of $1,730 in state aid funding still our budget continues to reflect our ongoing commitment to our students we have prioritized academic co-curricular and extracurricular programming ensuring that no Staffing cuts are necessary essential services such as tiered interventions special education and Athletics have all been preserved additionally we have we have focused on class sizes across all grade levels to ensure optimal learning environments for all of our students we continue to provide rigorous and engaging curricula aligned to the New Jersey student learning standards we integrate social emotional learning to develop students social self and social awareness and responsible decisionmaking we ensure all students have high qual access to high quality opportunity ities regardless of background or abilities we Implement policies and procedures that promote diversity equity and inclusion within our school Community we build Partnerships with families and Community organizations to support student learning and well-being we support opportunities for Clear career exploration skill development and real world experiences emphas izing critical thinking problem solving and adaptability we prioritize the physical and mental health of students through wellness program programs robust counseling services and health education we leverage technology to enhance teaching learning and communication furthermore we are investing in key facility projects including the renovation of a K1 IBC classroom two small group instructional spaces that will be converted into a full-size classroom and the renovation of an underutilized high school classroom for increased student use throughout the entire school day through the utilization of school Development Authority or SDA Rod grant funding and capital reserve funding we look forward to the anticipated installation of a new roof at bfgs elementary School a new roof at New Milford High School and the um High School auditorium HVAC these infrastructure improvements are essential to modernize our facilities enhance safety measures and provide an environment for optimal teaching and learning experiences looking ahead we anticipate the need for a referendum to address our broader infrastructure structure requirements while this presents a significant undertaking it is a necessary step to ensure that our facil facilities align with our educational goals I am confident that together as a community we will navigate the challenges and continue to build a brighter future for our students I would like to take a moment to extend my appreciation to Dr cochar for for her preparation of this budget Stephanie's leadership strategic insight and commitment to our educational Mission Have Been instrumental in guiding us through the complexities of financial planning her attention to detail coupled with her Innovative approach to problem solving have ensured that our budget not only meets our current needs but also paves the way for future growth and success I would also like to extend my gratitude to the leadership the entire leadership team for their contributions and thank you to those who are in attendance this evening including Dr Chris amales Mr dalala Mr manuell Mrs Tori um we have M Mr Peroni here uh Miss Perna Miss ginley Miss pelic Castro Dr Bennett perau and Miss Peter front did I miss anybody okay this is a really nice turnout thank you all for coming um your ongoing commitment to the students of new alur doesn't go unnoticed thank you for your support okay um I actually went on to I was going to move into the exciting part with the students but I think I'm going to pause here and we will shift to yeah uh we'll go to Dr perau and then we'll do the slides and then we'll do the video at the end of because that it's so F okay where should can you flip that to the screen and it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter where you I think that's more important absolutely okay right so thank you for the opportunity to discuss budget for the upcoming year what's good to be back I appreciate the impact the department of special services has on the overall budget as a board you have been extremely supportive over the years for all of our programming needs your support has allowed us to maintain robust programs for all students with unique learning needs I recognize that not all students can be educated in our district at this time we anticipate 16 students attending out of District programs while their needs are currently not able to be met here in District we are always looking to bring them back into New Milford I'm happy to report that we are bringing two students back into our district at the middle school level educating students in the least restrictive environment alongside their peers is always our top priority the past few years you have supported us to open new classrooms based on needs this has allowed us to maintain students in our school Community we now have a bubble of 10 preschool students in our IBC program who ret turning school age and required programs these 10 students will be included in the K1 class so the first grade students are now moving up the kindergarten students are moving to first grade and the new preschool students are moving up into that class so that would create a rather large class to maintain in the highest quality of programs we must open another IBC classroom the first need is a kindergarten first grade class to be housed at Berkeley school this will allow students access to their peers we will then have a preschool class in each Home Building allowing students to transition then to the next level which would be kindergarten and first grade all of that in their home school which we haven't been able to do prior to this this makes for a more inclusive environment for all educational goals will be better met with tailored instruction in a smaller setting the budget impact is one new teacher we then looked on the same slide here at our current grades two through five class so it's one classroom that was educating students in grades two through five we were meeting um our requirement is there can't be more of a fouryear age gap between the youngest student and the oldest student so we were in compliance with that however as you can imagine what that looks like with our students there with the current configuration we would have 10 students if we kept that classroom as a grade two through five class we would have 10 students in that classroom something else to think about besides the 10 students there's a teacher in all likelihood there would be five instructional assistance all in that one area which really is not in the best interest for our students and their growth so we have to look beyond the number of students and concentrate on the totality of all the people in that classroom space this includes therapists teachers and instructional assistants so we are planning on splitting the current 25 classroom into a grade 23 class which as you can see we have six students and a grade four five class which would have four students there was no additional stff need as we are eliminating one of our three IBC preschool programs and the position will be shifted from the preschool um classroom to the grade 23 section which is the new section so there's no increase in staff for that next Slide the other bubble of students we see is in our IBC class at the high school next year we are projecting 13 students students in the program along with the 13 students there will be a teacher and at least seven instructional assistants that's again dependent on what their IEP says along with the 13 students there will be I'm sorry throughout the day related service providers are moving in and out of the classroom to provide mandated services to maintain the quality of the program this is another classroom that we must split into two sections our plan is to have a Grade 9 10 section and then a grade 11 12 section the grade 9 10 will allow us to help students with transition start those prevocational skills in the grade 11 12 more um Community Based instruction more work site Readiness for them so we can really you know dive into those goals there um the impact of the budget is one additional teacher the demands placed on teachers in our IBC programs are great they are expected to individualize learning to support all of the unique needs of students requiring ABA methodology having larger class sizes strains the resources and the professional staff throughout the school year this can also create stressors for students as well with the smaller class sizes our goal is to reduce Behavior incidents and will allow more intensive interventions in all of our specialized programs we continue continually collect data will always consider the impact of our the programs we have my hope is to provide an educational environment and benefiting both students and with IPS and their peers we are able to maintain our nights of Learning Resource room and in class support programs without any impact to the budget our unwavering commitment to excellent special education ensures that every student receives the personalized support and resources they need to thrive academically socially and emotionally are there any questions um at the high school how many uh IBC are there nowed eight and it was large you know they're in one classroom having eight students I believe that there are six instructional assistants and a teacher so the program that we were offering this year we made it as successful as we can but it was a large number of students and remember the students are young men and women so we take up a lot of space it was it was a challenge but we we Thrive also a high level of activity in the classroom yes yes and when I talk about the stressor so one student might be disregulated and having a bad day that can then transition to other students there that you know are sensitive to noise and um you know a little bit of chaos and disregulation so that could have a very ripple effect that's what I talked about the stressors that it could cause for other students too are we receiving any students from other districts in any of these program we have two students that will be in the grade 11 12 section they've been with us through Middle School I didn't feel comfortable telling their directors that they can no longer attend our program um we have not been able to bring in as many students as we typically do because our programs are so full so um the students that have been here I feel an obligation to see them through to you know they graduate can I just for the board um when Dr per said one additional staff needed that means an additional staff member in special education not an additional staff member in the budget we through retirements and resignation there are other positions that we're not filling so we're not adding an additional FTE to the budget it's simply the special education department requires two additional teachers Eddie any other questions she's reading my got I think she thinks FTE I think that's why we're good balance she's reading my mind now so yeah scary thank you um so for some of the budget highlights to start it's sort of like a how did we get here um overview we this in the 2425 budget would be the third consecutive year of a significant increase in the state health benefits plan should it pan out right now the projections are are 11.7% 7 11.76% for direct 10 11.93% for direct 15 and those two plans are the employees are contributing on a chapter 78 basis so they're paying a percentage of the premium not a percentage of the salary um and then a 3.13% increase for the New Jersey Educators Health Plan and a 12.51% increase for the Garden State Health plan and those two plans are paying on a chapter 44 basis which means the employees are paying a percentage of their salary instead of a percentage of Premium so this budget takes into account a 9% increase for this for the benefits line um like Mr OA mentioned last year we had a reduction in our state aid of $ 62,200 10,7 $130 um and we do have aging facilities so all of those things are sort of the the stress the stressers and financial constraints on the budget um and what this budget is proposing is various supplies we've um done a really good job of hiring maintaining our buses and so um we no longer are Contracting many of our routes we're even looking into this year um none of our non-public routes were um picked up for bid and so all any student who lives in town and attends a private school received Aid and Lou and so we're looking at some of those times and perhaps taking some of those routes in districts as a cost savings should there be enough students on a route um and then we also did in the 2122 year begin a direct install project which took took a look at our um energy and gas bills and um we went high efficiency in our boilers at um Deo and both elementary schools the high school unfortunately has Steam Heat so those boilers are not high efficiency and then we have high efficiency lighting throughout the district and so this is the first the 2425 budget is the first budget that's going to realize some of those savings and so we're able to reduce various utility lines we also um like Miss D mentioned the capital reserve we plan to um it's actually going in the newspaper on April 28th um we're bidding the high school roof project and the BF Gibbs project we actually bid them separately so they're two different bid so they potentially could be the same contractor two different contractors um and so the board is going to take some money out of capital reserve as well as use Rod grant funding for that um internal we have various maintenance projects that are planned for the summer of 2024 um one of them is the renovation of a K1 Berkeley classroom which will in include a bathroom in the classroom that meets the regulation for a kindergarten classroom requiring a toilet um they gives small instructional spaces or not to fullsize classrooms at the high school we have an elll room that is um sort of partitioned off into a storage closet we're looking different ways to expand that space to enhance the student learning um in that room we have various room um various classrooms in the high school that will be uh have air conditioning installed we also have the majority of Berkeley Street School receiving air conditioning we are renovating a high school classroom like Mr mentioned we will be removing um what we actually called The Learning cottage from the Deo property it's currently servicing as a preschool trailer that classroom will be moving inside um to one of the one of the buildings and we have various other maintenance projects scheduled for the summer um replacing lighting ceiling tiles painting stuff like that um we were able to maintain all of our staff and programs with Integrity like I said we're not adding any additional staff um nor are we reducing our sta so our FTE for the 2324 budget are the exact same as they will be in the 2425 budget um there's just a shift in the staff to meet the needs of our growing special education population this is the um the breakdown of the totals for our Revenue sources you can really see how what it looks like on the pie chart because the majority of our revenues is the is a tax levy 261,000 can't be used for anything else other than exactly what it was stated in the budget and what the board designated as the project um that the funds are going to be used for the next highest category is 4.6% of the budgeted fund balance that's from a prior year budget um of surplus that we can use to fund the 2425 budget state aid is 99.6% of our total revenue transportation from other leas is .1% but this really helps us offset some of our cost some shared routes um for our non for our Public Schools who were required to transport to Bergen bergant Tech and um Bergen bergant Tech TI burrow and berant Tech parin um and so we charge the other districts who we transport for that um we also receive .1% of Medicaid which is a program for semi um the tuition from the other various school districts is 2.4% this has been sort of hovering around there it's a little bit less because like Dr perau mentioned we have such a demand on our from our own pord students that we're just not able and we don't have the seats available to offer to other students the tuition from other individuals is um primarily our over the moon preschool program that allows us to maintain an integrated program and so that's parent paid to included in that is also if we have any students who elect to come to New mford that don't live um in new mford they pay us a tuition and then this is the total breakdown of our revenues but again instead of going through the numbers I think it's a little bit easier to see it on this because so much of the budget is taken up by um Sal is at 51.9% health benefits is 15.7% facilities buildings and grounds utility energy is 6.2% the general education budgets which is comprised of all the administrators and their their budgets to run their buildings is 2.1% special education is 1.6 Athletics is 0.5 insurance which is our umbrella policy and our flood insurance that we use quite often is 3.9% um trans transportation is 2.5% included in that is some gas um we spend uh 1.1% no .1% on gen general education tuition which is going to Bergen Academy is ber and Tech um and then we have 5.3 like Dr Pro mentioned of the 16 students that are placed out of district and then the 6.9% is the capital reserve which matches um our revenues and so the this is the impact that it will have to the taxpayer the average assessed home currently in New Milford is assessed $ 332,750townhouse ,000 it's $530 increase in taxes the Shane and aeden are you still with us thanks for there um okay great so now we get to move on to the exciting part uh the unveiling of our annual District video I'd like to thank Miss Paul Castro and Miss ginley for their leadership throughout this project and um really stepping in and taking the lead uh with all of our students historically we've had two students two students and then it grew to three students working on the project and then this year we kind of tossed the rule look out the window and expanded to eight students um and said more the merrier and we had a really really exciting time so I would first like to recognize all of the students who collaborated on the project um two of which are here to join us this evening we we have sitting with us in the a audience tonight Shane s choco and we have Aiden Birman we also had working with us Juan Hernandez Christian Coro Elise Breville Liam malari Aliana Estes and Nicole Morales um as I've said in years past this is my favorite project because I get to spend uh time with our students and go through all of the buildings and it's just a whole lot of fun uh Shane and Aiden is there anything that you I don't want to put you on the spot and you don't have to say anything but is there anything that you would like to share with the board about your the project the video speak for itself you it was fun it was fun fun did you have a favorite part or do you want to wait till we see it we watch it first and the volume is the volume yes okay great thank you I had one word to describe New Milford is innovative New Milford is unique POS exponentially great a family is amazing New Milford is except New Milford is extravagant is a wonderful place to go to school [Music] one word that I would say describes new milord school district is inclusive I know that my program focuses on inclusive learning and making sure that all students are working in a universally accessible and inclusive environment to make sure that we're meeting Learners where they are and providing them with differentiated education so that they can be as successful as they [Music] can this year for 2024 we're really focusing on learning new things for readers workshop and Writers Workshop and one of the things we are doing is having PD with Co conter and she's teaching us all new things that we can do with our units of study and incorporating one of our units was writing opinion pieces and we just finished that and working with the students on doing many writing and reading units and really focusing on our manyi lessons and making sure that they are fulfilled with everything that the students need [Music] you [Music] [Music] I would say one of the things that I love about new Miler is that diversity and inclusiveness um I really love you know how there's students from all different countries and uh different cultures and that's something great you know for the entire district and for our classes because every student gets to bring a little bit of their own experience with their families about their cultur their languages so I enjoy that very much and I'm sure everybody all my students do as well [Music] the best about Berkeley uh for me is a sense of getting to know who the kids are and we do through morning or afternoon meetings in our class we do an afternoon meeting during this time it gives the kids a way to express themselves and to talk about things that they've done and it really allows us to see um how we come together as a community and it allows kids as well as myself to learn a lot more about each other and it brings a real connection to every [Music] the best part about being the principal is really getting to know and forming a relationship with every one of my students and the staff and really finding out and thinking about what makes individuals pick and how you know I can help in any way people and serve them oh [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] uh best part about being a principal New Milford High School is uh working with my students and staff every day is something new uh unpredictable at times but the students really make it special and uh I'm very fortunate I've been the Principal here since uh 2010 and um these 14 years are been really the best years of my teaching experience uh the best part about 2024 actually was uh a few moments ago um where I sat with oela Chik um on her birthday and explained to her that she was our valorian for the class in 2024 so that was a special moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] my favorite part about D Social Studies is that there are constantly new ideas and events that affect our course of history going forward so it's awesome to take you know the events of the past and then connect them with different events that are currently happening now and it allows you a lot of leeway with students to go over a lot of topics that you don't really get to touch on in other subjects I think it'd be really impactful to their Futures and it's it's all information that um is is helpful to that down the line the best part of 2024 so far has been uh the feeling in the building especially in the high school with the uh boys basketball team being in the state playoffs it's really cool to see uh just the climate among the students and uh everybody coming together and support the [Music] team we are proud to say that this is Wings Academy's e8th Year we're still in 18 to 21 transition program but we are now part of we're an IBC program so [Music] Shane and Aiden thank you for your hard work your the the your work on this video really ref reflects your creativity and collaboration um I do have one question for you uh without putting you too much on the spot how was it you in terms of your experience working with eight people on a team who all brought different ideas and thoughts and and um you know it was a an extended period of time that we were working together so how did you find the experience it was a learning experience it was um how do like it was an experience where I could U meet up with um everyone across High School all the days and Shane would you mind would you mind standing would you mind standing up is that okay you don't have to we just move over to the other even if you want to just pull your chair over so we can because um yeah there now we can see you that's fine um it was really fun because I could meet with other um people in the grades and go down to the other schools and also Wings about um finding out what changed to for us and like today um what really changed in the community and um what new things are now in the schools and how the children are learning and what they're doing now is it different than when you were down there yeah that's great um it's always exciting taking our team to Wings and um the other elementary schools which would be the school that whichever student didn't attend they kind of see the other side Aiden is there anything that you want to share oh yeah well first of all I didn't even know the thing so it was really cool to um check it out um going back to all the old schools is like really cool cuz I got to see a lot of old teachers that I hadn't seen since like Co and stuff and it was really cool to go to the elementary school again um the Middle School while I was just there but you know it was still still cool um obviously I go here so it wasn't much different but it was very cool and for the project I thought it was really fun I thought it was um start off a little confusing because we were all getting our footing but once we got like a streamline like a string of events like we got the films I kind of started everyone off um Christian and Nicole they did like the editing Juan also did some editing everyone did a bunch of stuff and I thought it was a really good collaborative project yeah I think from the first time that we met and talked about what we were going to do until the end when everything started Ed coming together there was it just was a lot of progress that was made over the course of time so it was a pleasure working with the both of you um you keep a lookout for an invitation in the near future I will be inviting you for lunch um to celebrate with amongst our team the eight of us your hard work and um we really appreciate all the thought that you put into this and thank you for coming tonight yeah so I have a question for both of you um first what year are you both I'm a sophomore sophomore and I'm a freshman freshman so going through this experience and really sounds very much like this are you now interested in this type of field in some way I so I've always been kind of exposed to this stuff for like about a couple years now my dad works with a lot of like this type of stuff so I've always been like somewhat like I just kind of do fun sometimes and when I got this opportunity I thought it was pretty cool so you know I took it and uh I definitely would like to keep keep keep on going with it oh that would be great yeah awesome um so when I was like in 8th grade when I was like selecting my electives and stuff I like found digital media I didn't know what it was at the time so I just selected it because I wanted to try something to new and when I first uh got into digital media I just took photography of stuff and it really um brought me into a new field of what people can do about taking pictures and now this year I took um what was it videography and yeah it it brought me into um what video um videography is and how it's really fun in its own way there are whole Fields as you know in your D there are whole fields of of professional development and also being able to get into that field somehow so I'm I'm excited because you're both you know freshman sophomore so I can't wait until next year they already were very professional I think um miss ginley and miss pastra would agree with me when they came they had their equipment they had these I don't even know what all of the equipment is called we walked around with the um stands the microphones the big lights that we had to get onto the bus that took us around schools um so it was really neat to to see how well versed they were already with all of this equipment and uh even in editing piece the components and programming comments yeah um just a comment great job I thought you guys did an excellent job um if you think it was cool seeing all this stuff since you've been to these elementary schools I went here many mo ago uh I'm not going to say when what year I did different it's not it is well we have we had horse drawn car but um you guys really I think captured um what makes me Milford special that has not changed that it's always been a special place um even when when I was back in you know the schools over there so but you guys really just captured uh the changes that have been happening the the spirit of of of the town and the and the high schools and all the schools so so thank you for that Joe is older than me thank you thank you and thank you for you know letting us do it as well so thank you a I think that concludes her presentation yes um I think that concludes our presentation so thank you for coming this evening question any request conf the budget presentation any questions from us any okay as outline in Milford Board of Education bylaw 0167 each statement made by a prit shall be limited to three minutes to speak a motion Page seconded by Nicole D all in favor oppose does anyone from the public have any questions regarding items on the agenda okay I seek a motion to close to the public Stephanie second and by Nicole all in favor I oppose okay we just take a few minutes yeah yeah is it yeah pause just take a pause okay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e report I have okay so Acting Superintendent of Schools report Lauren DOA um I have good news to share with everyone tonight April has been a great month it's been quite busy and our um on April 18th and 19th both of our elementary schools welcomed incoming kindergarten students um to our schools the children participated in fun activities with the current kindergarten team and the parents met with administrators counselors and School nurses orientation ran smoothly and these were exciting and heartwarming days the final session of our elementary Parent Academy was held on the 17th and focused on social emotional learning and wellness our elementary teams receiv received very positive feedback and are already thinking about how to enhance offerings for next year on April 22nd students at Berkeley and Gibbs participated in special events in celebration of Earth Day both were a huge success and even the weather worked in our favor at the middle school this month Deo achieved several notable academic distinctions firstly congratulate congratulations are in order for Tinley Biggins on her acceptance to the tech Trek Camp an esteemed Organization for girls passionate about science we hope she has a wonderful learning experience at the camp addition Al we commend kayn Bandini for being one of the 24 Runners up in this year's Matman contest facing competition from uh 1500 students Nationwide kayn's achievement highlights her exceptional skills and dedication in New Milford High School congratulations to the New Milford High School students of the month 9th grade Julia Friedberg 10th grade Lea Grady 11th grade leani San Pedro and 12th grade leam Murphy special thanks to Mrs Zachary and the safety ambassador program n MHS students provided intervention and skits to our second graders at both Berkeley and Gibbs on safety measures in parks and at Home New Milford was selected for this program through the Robert Johnson University Hospital shout out to Mr adio and our community service students for their recent visit to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey in athletics New Milford High School has achieved level one status in the nfhs school honor rooll program for the 2022 2023 school year marking a significant National recognition of the athletic Department's dedication and commitment to our students and Community New Milford High School joins a national community of schools that prioritize the professional development of coaches and the overall learning experience of students the new mford High School baseball team will be playing at cover Stadium formerly Boulder Stadium on Tuesday April 23rd against Park Ridge at 7 p.m. this past weekend marked our annual pediatric cancer softball classic with 16 teams from around Bergen County participating despite initial weather challenges the day turned out great resulting in another successful event special shout out goes to Jerry Kagney who dedicated the day to ensuring the fields were safe lined and PR throughout the event New Milford softball and baseball are excited to announce their second annual Rec senior kns uh softball's event will be held on May 7th at knightsfield facing off against creskill at 700 p.m. baseball celebration will take place on May 10th against Midland Park at La Barbara field also at 7 p.m. stay tuned for announcements regarding senior days for the remaining spring Sports the New Milford New Milford Athletics Varsity Awards dinner is set for June 3rd at maos in Hawthorne invitations have already been sent out to families the annual golf outing is scheduled for June 24th at Rockley all funds raised during the event will go towards athletic scholarships your support is greatly appreciated for more information please contact the athletic office current PE teach teacher and assistant softball coach P Patricia Bernardo former L Zito of Loi High School along with former player class of 2014 Carly leco will both be honored at the bcwca County Softball County Softball semifinals as two of the top 50 County softball players of all time congratulations on this honor and finally in our technology department uh the tech department has been making significant progress with the migration of the new website with plans for the launch scheduled sometime during the summer this transition will enhance uh user experience and communication across all channels as well as accessibility for our community more information will follow as it becomes available and that is all of the good news that I have just two um reminders we do have the High School Musical the production of Beauty and the Beast show times are Friday evening 700 p.m. Saturday evening uh Saturday day 2:00 p.m. Saturday evening 7:30 p.m. Sunday during the day at 2 p.m. and also next th I want to say it's next Thursday May 2nd is next Thursday May 2nd already W yeah is our uh scholarship dinner and I I think that's also at MOS okay well I was going to look on my way there so wonderful um and that's it for this evening s Everyone Else yeah I would s everybody and then is that the thank you do you have the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction report no we're we're actually going to combine them okay moving forward just so it's just right doing two reports business ad initiative report no I have nothing for you this even thank you any leaz on board committee report Tony just uh tonight we have the first reading of a whole bunch of policies and regulations the committee met um I think just prior to spring break virtually and uh majority of of what the board's going going to approve tonight in first reading is really a bunch of semantics as laws change in the state therefore the policies change and um I appreciate the support of the committee it is somewhat of a long night Mr do got us through it and um looking forward more policies in the future anyone else um after our discussion yesterday uh about the status of certain things that were going on I did reach out to the members of the finance committee and we are going to meet in the very near future um to kind of talk about the you know some of the statuses of these things the projects potential referendum where we are with the architecture company um and then we'll bring whatever findings we have and discussions we had to the the the large board sure anyone else any correspondence no this evening okay board action I seek a motion for BA 23- 2476 77 78 79 80 81 82 I need a second page Ry all in favor opposed okay educational programs and curriculum committee Stephanie CER and make a motion to seek approval for c23 d243 1 and 32 any second so I I need to abstain from um 2324 32 um as my family gives out two scholarships that are part of that approval any a second Cheryl Kon all in favor okay oppos Personnel recommendations having the recommendation of the super antenna I seek a motion for B 22-23 163 p 23-24 52 8411 10611 11617 11819 1220 122112 12314 I a second all done roll call Mr Alo yes Miss Cal yes Mr dasta Miss cof yes mram yes Miss Ryan Yes vice president D yes president Gomez yes okay facilities and F finance and Facilities committee Cheryl Calon I seek a motion for the following F 23-24 14822 .203 214 215 216 217 28. 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 uh 232 233 234 235 236 237 and 238 and with special thanks obiously uh the administration uh Dr coar uh uh Mrs oasa just for the work that you did in putting together the uh the budget you need a second P Ryan all in favor oppos Athletics and co-curricular committee Nicole dun I seek a motion for AC 23- 24171 181920 and it also again just like to acknowledge the Gent the people who have volunteered with some of the positions that are listed yes thank you everyone for volunteering meet a second Stephanie coffinger all in favor I oppos policy committee Anthony Albero this evening I'm seeking the board's support as I make a motion for the first reading of the fing policy following policy regulations uh this resolution is p 23 24.5 policy 1140 policy 1523 policy 1530 regulation 1530 policy 1550 regulation 2200 policy 2260 regulation 26 2260 policy 2411 policy 3211 regulation 5440 policy 5570 policy 5750 uh we're moving to abolish 5755 policy 5841 policy 5842 was a long night policy regulation 7610 policy 9323 policy 2423 regulation 2423 policy 24 31.4 regulation 24 31.4 those are the recent updates in the state and then in resolution policy 232 24.6 uh the committee under Mr dasa's leadership looked at some existing policies that we we observe needed some revision so we are putting for for the first reading policy 2418 policy 2430 and regulation 2430 a second P Ryan all in favor oppose okay any old business any new business okay open to the public as outlined in email for Board of Education bylaw 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes I seek a motion Joe Lam seconded by Nicole Dunn all in favor oppose anyone from the public Matt any questions okay I se a motion to close to the public page page Ryan second by Nicole Dunn all in favor I oppos any board member request for additional information Tony when when the time is right I would love to know um how many of our current eighth graders were expected to the county school systems not necessarily proprial but the County School Systems I know there acceptances are coming out now now so I'd be curious to know how many students are accepted from the current eth grade class like beremy okay I have one thing I don't know if it's appropriate for additional information old business or new business and there's nobody here for me to hear this but I wanted to recognize um in the process of creating the budget uh um I wanted to recognize really the the work that was the collaboration that was done between uh the board and uh the teach sh Union um and uh in some of the things that we discussed and the concessions that we made really on both sides to compromise to get the budget to where it is I wanted to just recognize that um that that they did uh you know do their part too as far as as as getting to where we are with the budget thank you anyone else no last night there was a request for more information regarding the um number of hits from the start of the school year from September we've P that I'm not sure that we made it into the report if it's not in there I will umude that in my update you okay thank you I seek a motion to adjourn Pony Alro seconded by charl C all in favor oppose okay our next meeting is Tuesday May 14th thank you I