okay we're starting roll call Mr Al pres M here Mr pres M coffinger here Mr Lombardi here Mr lunam here Miss Ryan here vice president dun here president Gomez here Al to the flag of the United States of America and to theu for it stands Nation God indivisible andice for all four statement in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings law and the nor board of education has caus notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof in the record New Milford Public Library New Milford burrow Hall and the main office of all new Milford Public Schools the board announces that under its Longs policy it will not disc in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned on meetings of the board are open to the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command should be followed there are two portions of the meeting reserved for comments from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board requests that all members of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking due to confidentiality and legal rights supported by the state of New Jersey members of the public are asked to not speak negatively or in a derogatory manner about any employee of the board or any student okay we're going to start off with the Stu student board representative report McKenzie hello everyone I hope everyone's having a great spring so far so our student council has been busy in the planning stages of our annual prade Olympics uh we're discussing ideas of making our Olympics more schoolwide um to include more than just physical activities so for example rather than having Just Sports competition we're discussing having possible competitions such as maybe a geography beat or a math cathon or a fictionary stuff like that and we're brainstorming ideas to involve all the Departments of our school having both physical and intellectual challenges although we're still in developmental stage we're excited to potentially involve a broader range of our students passions and talents appreciating our academics arts and sports and everything else in between so we're eager to continue discussions and planning into making our Olympus a success so thank you so much for listening and I hope everyone has a great rest of day thank you any questions no okay thank you you're busy now I'm going to seek a motion to go into close Stephanie coner seconded by Tony Al all in favor it is hereby move that the Board of Education adjourn into executive session in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL for the purpose of discussion and consideration of matters pertaining to the following subject Personnel the minutes of the executive session will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists and then when we come out of close we'll go back into our me up e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay recommended action committee of the whole I seek a motion for the approval of minutes April 23rd work April 23rd close April 24th breed any a motion Joe un second by Stephanie Center all in favor oppos okay Acting Superintendent of Schools report assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction report Laura good evening everyone okay I'm going to start with the presentation of the hi report for the month of April at New Milford um high school we had zero alleged cases of hi at the middle school we had zero alleged cases of hi six cases forwarded um six no six alleged cases of him six cases forward to the hit specialist for full investigations one case was confirmed as meeting the definition of him two cases were unfounded three cases are still being investigated Berkeley Street School we had zero alleged cases of him and at Gibb school we had one alleged case of him and one case was not forward following the principle of preliminary determination and dealt with instead as code of conduct okay now on to the suspension report for the month of April at the high school we had no suspensions at um the Middle School two students each received two days of out of school suspension suspension totaling four days as a result of two separate infractions at Berkeley two students each received one day of in school suspension one student received two days of in school suspension totaling four days as a result of three separate infractions and there were no suspensions at Gibbs for the month of April the hid grades report for the 2223 Academic Year as released by The New Jersey Department of Education uh was made available on Wednesday and is now posted on our website for public access the max score for this report is uh 78 points New Milford Public School District scored 76 points High School scored 77 points Middle School David Owens 78 points Berkeley Street School 74 points and Gibb School 76 points okay I want to uh move into sharing some good news that highlights the incredible work and dedication of our students faculty and staff first and foremost I want to express my gratitude to the members of our leadership team their commitment and vision Have Been instrumental in in numerous activities and initiatives that continue to move our organization forward and that we highlight each month at our meetings um at the elementary school last week marked an important Milestone as kindergarten screening took place at Berg Gibbs on Wednesday May 8th and Thursday May 9th this year our kindergarten teachers had the opportunity to fully engage in the screening process feedback from team members has been overwhelmingly positive as many of the incoming kindergarten students recognized their screeners from orientation and had an opportunity to engage with potential future classmates Jason Patterson a graphic novelist joined the fifth grade students last week in both schools to launch their unit of study in writing the graphic novels unit enabl students to craft characters and develop challenges or problems for them followed by brainstorming believable resolutions um um students also explore techniques to create suspense including Cliffhangers at the end of their narratives uh during the session Jason Patterson guided students in brainstorming characters drawing from his own experience as a graphic novelist he shared insights and techniques using his books as Mentor texts to inspire the students as they embark on the work in this unit of study the workshop was interactive as it allowed students to ask questions and engaged directly with the author fostering enthusiasm for their upcoming writing many thanks to the pto's for their support and organizing um events like this for our students at the middle school let's start by congratulating Hannah Cho for being selected as this month's nightly values winner Hannah's commitment to embodying her school's values is truly commendable the service learning Club continues to impress with their dedication to community service they recently undertook a project to revamp the landscape at Deo and conducted a cleanup at Warren Park a by annual effort that reflects their strong sense of civic responsibility it's great pride with it's with great pride that we announced the participation of five te teams from David Owens in this year's Junior solar Sprints competition these students have worked tirelessly to qualify among the top 65 teams and we wish them the best of luck in the upcoming competition on May 21st a big thank you goes out to members of the Thrive club for their initiative in spreading positivity throughout Deo their efforts to post uplifting uplifting affirmations around the building ahead of State Testing period um have not gone unnoticed and lastly we're thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our Deo track and field participants who have set new records this season Zack Spencer set a new 55 meter record with a remarkable time of 6.8 seconds our boes um 4 by 100 relay team consisting of Zack Spencer Blair ID's Syler Bon and Sh Flores broke the previous record with an impressive time of 50.3 seconds Anthony Pino demonstrated exceptional skill by breaking the disc record with a throw of 91 fet and 10 in Selena surich achieved a new long jump record covering an impressive distance of 13 fet and 9 in and Sophia Alti showcased her Talent by breaking the disc record with a throw of 77 ft all of these achievements underscore the dedication talent and spirit of Excellence within the deom school Community um now for some wonderful news at New Milford High School let's begin by congratulating nmhs students of the month Sarah Lawler 9th grade Maria toos 10th grade Luke arola in 11th grade and Emma penz in 12th grade a special shout out to Mrs haow and all of the members of the band who recently performed at Ithaca College it's with great pride that we announced Lynn Tor recent Honor by the Bergen County uban Society ly was recognized as one of four outstanding Educators in Bergen County and received the prestigious dick ansburg teacher appreciation award for her exceptional leadership in Environmental Education congratulations Mrs torpy thank you to New Milford Fire Chief Mr Silverman and Dr cuchar for organizing the enlightening after the fire presentation by survivors of the seat in Hall College fire the seniors were privileged to view a powerful presentation on fire safety and resilience in the face of adversity um those were victims of the fire who put on the presentation and all of the students were very engaged I had an opportunity to pop into that kudos to the student Le Club trash the treasure for their thoughtful initiative in creating paper flower bouquet for patients at hackensac Medical Center the dedication of Kina o and all club members in Breaking the lives of others is truly inspirational and finally last night Jamie lieback secured the costume hair makeup award at the Bergen pack High School awards congratulations Jamie um it's also my understanding that there are additional nominations that are coming out so more news to come from the office of Dr Pro and special services since 1974 the New Jersey school boards Association has proudly sponsored special education week a time to recognize and honor the invaluable contributions of special education teachers across our state this year we're thrilled to celebrate under the inspiring theme diverse Learners Big Dreams amidst the challenges and triumphs special education teachers demonstrate exceptional compassion creativity and resilience they tell our instruction to meet individualized needs fostering inclusive learning environments where every student feels supported and value valued during this special education week let us take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to these remarkable Educators who Champion diversity cultivate dream dreams and make a profound difference in the lives of students and families join us in honoring the extraordinary efforts of our special education teachers whose unwavering commitment ensures that every learner has the opportunity to shine brightly and achieve achieve greatness thank you to all of our special education teachers for your tireless advocacy found with passion and endless dedication to the success and well-being of every student from the office of Mr relli and Athletics first uh we would like to recognize Kaye aroi and Joe relli for their participation in a workshop on mental health and Sport at metti St ium on Friday May 10th both Kaye and Joe received certification from the US Center for mental health and support administered by the New York Jets their dedication to promoting medah health awareness its Sports is admirable and we're proud to have them represent our district next I'd like to extend our congratulations to Alison dhy our head softball coach who will be honored on Sunday May 19th at the century Club lunch in for receiving a special BC WCA recognition award coach D's leadership and dedication to our softball program Have Been instrumental in the success of our student athletes congratulations coach do we also want to celebrate senior Christina buffman for being named softball player of the week by the njic Christina's exceptional performance on the field reflects her skill and dedication of her sport um congratulations to Lauren gagna our athletic trainer who recently graduated from nursing school on May 8th as her classes salutatorian congratulations Lauren on this great achievement and um we'd also like to recognize three sport athlete Kevin senichi who will be honored as the school's njsi AA scholar Athlete on May 19th at the annual luncheon uh Kevin's commitment to academic success and athletic AI is truly commendable as a reminder for all the varsity athletic dinner is scheduled for June 3rd at macaruso beginning at 6: p.m. tickets are still available in the athletic office we look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of our student athletes and coaches at the special event um thank you to all of our athletes and coaches and supporters for your ongoing dedication and commitment to our all of our athletic programs your hard work and achievements continue to make us proud okay I'm shifting gears just a bit um with an njsla update the administration of the New Jersey student learning assessments or njsla is currently in progress across all schools I'm happy to report that the implementation process has been seen was thus far with no significant technical glitches encountered um thanks to the diligent efforts of our dedicated staff and uh technology team and the careful planning that preceded the testing period we've um had a pretty seamless roll out we anticipate the release of the njsla score reports which are projected to be available by the end of June or early July those individual score reports will be mailed home to families upon receipt they will provide parents with valuable insights into your Stu students academic progress and will inform our ongoing efforts to support students needs effectively um a little bit of an an update and you'll see some of this on the agenda for tonight in regards to the high impact tutoring Grant um upon receiving this award we initially sought to establish a partnership with a New Jersey Department of Education approved vendor for the delivery of interventions and targeted support however we encountered several challenges particular LLY concerning the potential burden on families who would need to arrange transportation for students to offsite locations um located outside of our town for tutoring sessions uh so we went back to the drawing board and looked at more options I'm pleased to share that we've made significant progress in overcoming these obstacles through collaborative efforts and creative problem solving we've decided to provide the tutoring services within our district leveraging the expertise of our own teachers um so as a result we revised the budget amended the uh Grant and we will be supporting our own staff members who appear on this evening's agenda for board approval this will include allocation of resources for two high impact tutoring program assistant coordinators and 23 tutors so our um high impact tutoring coordinator that we had previously approved as you can imagine there's a bit more involved and rolling this out um on site with our own staff so that per person will oversee the entirety of the tutoring program and serve as a liaison between the families and the tutors the tutoring the program assistant coordinators will responsible their content specific so we will have one for ELA and one for ma there is a progress monitoring or data component that is required and we are um required to report that out because we are receiving this funding from the Department so they will be involved in collecting the data and reporting that out and we have the 23 teachers who will be providing the direct services to our students um we are rolling the tutoring out now and this will continue into the summer throughout the month of July uh tutoring sessions will be organized into two cohorts cohort one is scheduled to run from May 6th to June 21st cohort 2 will take place July 8th to August 2nd um we're really looking to bring this toing in District to eliminate those Transportation barriers um and the burden on families while ensuring uh Equitable access to our students um and supports and we look forward to continuing supporting their continuity of learning over the summer profile of a graduate we held our third meeting of the steering committee last night to discuss the profile of a new Milford graduate initiative um we did finalize the survey we will be disseminating the survey tomorrow we encourage you to share this survey with neighbors friends community members um families post it share it get it out there um your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to gather diverse as many diverse perspectives as we can the steering committee will reconvene in um is it June in June June 6 um on June 6 to an analyze the data um look at the results of the survey and then that is going to then inform the shaping of the final profile um we anticipate sharing the computer profile with our school community in the coming months and finally at our final board meeting for the school year on June 12th we look forward to honoring and acknowledging this year's retirees the meeting will commence at 6 PM allowing us to accommodate the Holocaust presentation at the high school scheduled for 700 p.m. and that concludes my report for thank you anyone have any questions okay business and initiative report Stephanie P yes good evening um just I know I've said it in the past but we will be receiving the bids for the roofing projects they're currently out is two different projects one for BF Gibbs and the other one for the high school the bids are due on May 21st we had walkthroughs last week that various vendors came to it was held on May 7th um we're hopeful that we're going to receive the competitive bids next week and that they will be available for approval at the June meeting with the work to begin on June 24th right after um there's no longer students or staff um we've been without one of our buses for a few months it needed a new um motor so we're excited that it finally is receiving the new motor and we're going to be getting it back be expected um but that will help ease some of our transportation needs we're right now in the process of submitting the extraordinary aid application we are also working on some of our cafeteria offerings and menu selections we recently purchased tables for the Middle School to replace some of the current tables and add additional seating there we're also looking to see what else we can add to enhance the experience for all of our students um off at the Elementary Middle School and High School level we are also planning our esy transportation routes and the planning of hopefully moving two buildings um should we get a competitive bid on the roof all of esy will be held at Berkeley and de Wings Academy will still operate as usual and that concludes my report any question uh cuz you mentioned the cafeteria so the cafeteria account I know you had mentioned a few times about people um having outstanding balances how is that still a big issue um I actually my office generates um by weekly um letters to families who have high balances we now have students find lunches for other students some students not paying at all um so it continues to be to be a battle on the um the high balances with some and what is our obviously we feed the good what is our recourse if any unfortunately nothing they passed a law recently about no lunch shaming but even students buying lunches for other students like is there there nothing that we can they so a student who has high balance is entitled to a meal historically they would be given um what would they call them it's like a a bagel bag um like a basic yeah like a very basic lunch now they're entitled to whatever the school lunch is but they can't have like the the extras so what happens a lot is they'll come they'll get the meal and then their friend will buy the soda or the ice cream whatever the additional thing that they want is so we're trying to combat a lot of that and we've historically seen the high balances at the high school level and it's now going down as well as kindergarten you have them across the board can you give an example what's the highest Bal over $1,000 wait in kindergarten you have to pre-order the meals yeah pay for it but correct and some they're like if they see their friends eating the lunch they'll go up and they'll say they want a lunch okay which is why we typically didn't have it but now they all want to eat the same thing I guess I don't know they like the school lunch they like the pizza I guess our menu selections are getting good okay got more kids eating but those that have such a high balance is it because of a free lunch issue in which case they should we should encourage them to apply for that so that that can be covered we do okay and that's not the case for a lot of these people no and I have some of them apply and they don't qualify some of them don't in so some of them do a lot of families do um but we do have definitely High Balan any other questions any these on board committee reports sure um sort of uh we we tried to have a finance meeting on May 2nd um and then we decided to kind of flush out what some of the issues might be it was really in um it was in uh response to the question that that John had asked during the last meeting so we kind of lefted out what some of those issues were and then we're going to try to Res time just um communicated to Stephie and to uh M like kind of information we looking for process of providing it okay very quickly um Lura and I have discussed at the next meeting um she she had a great idea actually was to do a walk through of the schools and actually do kind of an obser an observation of professional development is being used in classrooms so that would be um obviously a committee meeting would be four of us I guess that would go around and do that but um that's in the work so we'll let you guys out okay anyone else perfect any correspondents n okay open to the public for items on the agenda I seek motion as outline as email for Board of Education byow 0167 each St made by participant shall be limited to 3 minutes Andrew lard seconded by John dasto all in favor I oppose I seek a motion to close to the public Joe lud seconded by Tony Al all in favor I oppose board action I seek a motion for BA 23-24 8384 8586 8788 8990 need a second charl hon all in favor I oppose okay education you move oh I think you SK I skipped who I think we didn't do the minute were WR McKenzie we no written I did the minute till we open it happened very quickly because I don't remember you saying I okay I written was she here were you you're good yeah okay may we do okay educational programs and curriculum committee Stephanie Cofer I motion to approval for c23 2433 second Angel Lombardi all in favor I oppos Personnel recommendation having the recommendation of the superintendent I seek the motion for p 22-23 162 P 23-24 2424 89 0.151 13171 1251 1261 1271 28129 13 0.131 1321 33134 13513 61371 38139 140411 142 143 and44 roll call you a second Angel b roll call Mr Alro yes M yes Mr Casta yes Miss CER yes Mr Lombardi yes Mr lunam yes Miss Ryan I need to abstain from p23 24129 yes on everything else vice president done president go yes okay finance and Facilities committee Cheryl T I speak motion for f 23-24 23924 2412 42243 244 245 2462 47248 249 250 251 252 . 253 254 255 256 [Music] 25725 second Nicole D all in favor I oppos Athletics co-curricular committee hold done I seek a motion for AC 23- 2421 and22 any a second Cheryl Calon all in favor I oppose policy committee Anthony Al I seek the board support in making a motion to approve policy 23 policy resolution 23 24.7 which is the second reading and Adoption of the listed policies and regulations additionally policy 23 24.8 which is the second reading and Adoption of a smaller list of policies in regulation I need a second sure Stephanie Coffer all in favor I oppose okay any old business any new business okay open to the public I seek a motion as outline in mail for Board of Education bylaw 0167 each statement made by participant shall be limited to 3 minutes seconded by Nicole dun all in favor I oppos I seek a motion to close John dasta seconded by P Ryan all in favor oppos okay uh board member request for additional information okay I seek a motion to adjourn Joe lunam second done all in favor I oppose okay our next meeting is June 2nd at 6: p.m. what I say June June 12 my glasses off soon for