e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Applause] wo [Music] w [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] DJ DJ [Applause] go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] woo wo [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] Fury get [Music] here [Music] [Music] Nas CJ Leah [Music] the [Music] the [Music] that's okay yeah that's I'm [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning please stand for the pledge I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be seated where good morning everyone I am Miss Paula Castro the vice principal for Berkeley Street school and bf Gibb Gibbs and on behalf of Dr Chris mlles I am here to welcome you to this special day our moving up ceremony for our fifth graders fifth graders today marks a significant milestone in your lives celebrating your hard work growth and The Incredible Journey you have taken over the past years it has been an absolute honor to watch you grow learn and transform into remarkable young individuals you are today when you first walk through the doors at Berkeley Street School many of you were nervous and unsure but looking at you now you have faced challenges with courage tackled new subjects with curiosity and made friendships that will last a lifetime you we've learned the importance of kindness respect and perseverance values that will guide you wherever you go you have shown us what it means to be resilient especially in times of uncertainty you've adapted to new ways of learning embraced technology and continue to strive for excellence when the world around you is changing this resilience will serve you well as you move forward I am incredibly proud of you and the achievements that you've made both big and small from mastering mathematical equations to crafting Beautiful Stories from participating in science explorers to performing in better than broadway every accomplishment reflects your dedication and hard work as you prepare to take your next steps at David E Owens Middle School remember that this is the beginning of an exciting new chapter Middle School will bring new opportunities new friends and new challenges embrace them with the same enthusiasm and determination that you've shown here at Berk Street School you are capable of doing amazing things believe in yourself set your goals high and never be afraid to ask questions or seek help when you need it remember learning is a life long journey and every experience is a chance to grow to discover more about the world and yourself to the parents and families thank you for your support and for trusting us with your children's education your involvement and encouragement have been invaluable in their success to the teachers and the staff thank you for your dedication passion and for creating nurturing environments where our students could thrive your impact on their lives is immeasurable and to our fifth graders thank you for making Berkeley Street School such a special place you have left a mark on our hearts and we are excited to see all the incredible things you will achieve in the future congratulations fifth graders you are ready to soar to new heights at David E Owen middle school we believe in you and we cannot wait to see the wonderful things you will accomplish thank you and enjoy this moment you've earned it now it is my great pleasure to introduce miss Warren Oda our Acting Superintendent of Schools [Music] good morning students New Milford families and friends Board of Education Trustees for n Berkeley Street School faculty and administration today is a day of Celebration and reflection As We Gather to honor the remarkable achievements of our fifth graders to each of our students congratulations you have worked hard grown in so many ways and are now ready to embark work on an exciting New Journey in middle school as you move up to David E Owens Middle School you have so much to look forward to middle school is a time of new beginnings new experiences and Endless Possibilities you will meet new teachers who are eager to guide you challenge you and help you discover new interests and talents each teacher brings a unique perspective and expertise that will enrich your learning experience you'll also have the opportunity to take a variety of new classes from science labs and history projects to math challenges and literary Explorations each subject will open up new worlds of knowledge these classes will not only build on what you have learned in Berkeley but also introduce you to new ideas and ways of thinking one of the most exciting things in middle school is getting your own locker it's a small space that you can call your own a place to keep your books and personal items but more importantly it represents a step towards independence and responsibility taking care of your belongings and managing your time between classes are skills that will will serve you well in school and Beyond Deo also offers a wide variety of clubs and extracurricular activities whether you're interested in joining the science club playing in the band participating in sports or trying out for the drama club there's something for everyone these activities are a fantastic way to explore your interests develop new skills and make lasting friendships as you continue to learn and grow remember to always be your your best strive for excellence in everything that you do not just in academics but also in your friendships and personal development be kind be curious and never stop asking questions your journey is just the beginning and there are so many Adventures that lie ahead parents and families thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement your involvement in your children's education is essential and we look forward to forward to continuing this partnership in the years ahead teachers and staff thank you for your dedication and hard work you have laid a strong foundation for these students and we know they are well prepared for the challenges and opportunities that await them in Middle School to our fifth graders as you prepare to move up to David E Owens Middle School Embrace this new chapter with enthusiasm and confidence believe in yourselves take risks and always do your best the future is bright and we are so very proud of each and every one of you congratulations and best of luck in [Applause] [Music] Deo thank you at this time I would like to invite Mr lightband up good morning uh my name is Mr Lake band and I'm the orchestra and band instructor at T school um in addition to weekly lessons and rehearsals uh the band in the orchestra also performed uh four times throughout the year we had two winter concerts and two spring concerts um I would like to recognize the students in the Stream workers for first so students when uh when I call your names uh please stand up and remain standing audience if you could hold your applause until the end that would be great uh laia adig Rihanna bright Amir bukari Mia kamano Mercedes Haley calano Cel prah chetti Daniela Eric Isabella ferty Madrick Isaac Thea Mali Andrew Bowski pton Pino Gabriela Ron ariela Roman and Isabella Sera pante [Applause] and I would like to introduce the band orrey champagne Jesse Lucien Nicholas Taylor Kiera marata Charlene West Cruz ran Maria tab Nicholas Marx Zahara s Ryan vivon Justin show Joshua Joshua I'm sorry Joshua Joshua maros Steven baric Justin broy Justin Gibbs and we need a Justin bur but we don't have one Lucas Lombardi Giovani meion GI Thorne Noah gonet Christopher Tusk Dylan Sanchez Dean failes Leonardo pernice Adrien Loos and Joey P [Applause] [Music] congratulations to all of you and I hope to continue your musical education at this moment I'd like to introduce Miss AR and she will introduce the choir hi everybody um my name is aan and I the music teacher at Berkeley and I have had the pleasure to work with all of these fifth graders in music class as well as a select group in the choir um today I would like to recognize the group of fifth graders that have joined the choir this year and have worked so hard to put on two amazing concerts every week these students met after school to work on their vocal technique and learn challenging repertoire in preparation to perform together I am beyond honored that these students have shared their passion for singing with me over the past year as well as some of them for over two years from fourth grade I could not be more proud of these students and I hope they continue making music in middle school I would now like to ask all the fifth graders who participated in the choir this year to please stand up [Applause] [Music] [Music] may have a SE um I'm so proud of you guys and congratulations I can't wait to see what you do in David Owens next the fifth graders will present their kindergarten and first grade memories for I remember in kindergarten we did handprints on the walls I remember in kindergarten we played we went on a field trip to V on Peru I remember in kindergarten we played hangman and I was able to guess the word I remember in kindergarten we played on the playground and used the slide all at once I remember in first GR finding 100 pennies for the 100th day of school I remember in first grade the math was really easy I remember going first in first grade because of Co that was crazy I remember in first grade we had flashlight Fridays and all about me post [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi everybody morning my name is Mrs mindle or of Miss Lions whichever you prefer um and I'm here to introduce the reach certificates reach is an acronym for reaching Excellence through academic Challenge and I can confidently say that these students reached Excellence throughout this year this year we use perseverance and problem solving skills to complete a number of stem tasks in our tinkering with toys module we created stuffed animal zip lines a marble run and even a bungee for Barbie we became Structural Engineers when we designed and built Bridges out of Popsicle six that were so strong they even held the weight of a fourth grader for our last module we headed to Hollywood to create movies for our Toy Story module it's my pleasure to acknowledge the following students please stand when your name is called Justin Gibbs Lucas Lombardi Joshua Marcos Nicholas markx Jacob proko Audrey champagne Andrew pulowski Ryan bibon Justin Cho and Sh Thorne Round of Applause for our reach next up we have Mrs Santoro missan give the student council certificates back all right so student council is a club composed of fifth graders who exhibit traits of stewardship and responsibility it is the goal of student council to participate in activities that help not only the school but the larger community and I've had the honor of doing student council for many years and this group is just as enthusiastic as any this year the student council participated in a number of initiatives for positive change we began the year with the continued project our group continued our our partnership excuse me with the Burrows recycling program in which students collect plastic recycling from the classrooms each day and leave the bins out for bi-weekly pickup we participated in many events within our own walls such as reading to our kindergarten first grade buddies we set up a gratitude table during Thanksgiving during which students and staff set one another notes of appreciation and most recently we participated in a Berkeley beautification using funds from a generous Grant from the New Milford Education Foundation student council members along with parent volunteers high school art students and their teacher Lauren fenia refreshed our blacktop with Hopscotch Force square and many other vibrant games we also extended our assistance to larger Community by participating in a food drive for Mom's Food Pantry in burgenfield and we raised funds for a table totable in their bag of lunch help a bunch in initiative with that we raised almost $800 which helped deliver over 7,000 meals for people in need across the state of New Jersey through student council it is our hope that these students will take this mindset of stewardship with them throughout their time at New Milford and continue to practice it in their own lives for many years to come to help the world make a just a little bit more kindness on behalf of Mrs rigliano and myself I would like to acknowledge the following students for their particip ation and hard work in student council please stand when you hear your name Steven barisic Justin broy Amir barari Savannah Becker Audrey champagne denel Eric Nazi fiser Justin Gibbs Hannah Gomez Cameron Gillam Lucas Lombardi Nicholas Marx Joshua Marcos Aaliyah Moet Romero Kira marado Jacob pero Zahara son Isabella surpa ran tieta and kayn [Music] Walsh thank you all so much for all of your hard work it was a lot of M recesses it was a lot of work you guys did a great job congratulations [Applause] [Music] I would now like to call up Mrs backo to present the physical education [Applause] certificates I'm short it's my height good morning everyone my name is Mrs Aaron beam I am the Berkeley Street physical education teacher um this year we will presenting the physical education award to two individuals these individuals exhibited exceptional achievement in physical education class throughout the year in the following areas preparation effort cooperation attitude and participation the 2024 physical education recipients are Leora Rivera and Joshua Mar good luck to you all just a side note take care of your body it's the only one you have all right K2 memories not K2 they are [Music] I remember in second grade when we worked from home virtually because of Co and we got to stay home all day I remember in second grade on Google meet with mardino there was a glitch when you joined the Google meet twice and it would Echo and couldn't hear anything anything I remember in second grade when we could return to Berkeley during Co and we walked into the art room for the first time day I remember in second grade seeing my friends for the first time when we returned from online learning half of us were in the class and half of us stay online I remember in third grade writing the letters of the alphabet and cursive I remember in third grade we learned how to multiply I remember in third grade working on the state dial I remember in third grade we learned how I remember in third grade we had C that was so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cool good morning ber students Administration my name is Miss Andrews and I'm Miss FAL and we teach fourth grade at Berkeley Street School we are the spirit Club coordinators and we would like to recognize the fifth grade students who participated in spirit club for the 2023 2024 school year the spirit club members help organize and advertise for upcoming events to build school spirit and give back to our community this year Spirit Club wrote letters to Veterans sponsored a grade level color contest distributed distributed Valentine's Day grams throughout the school and sponsored other friendly contests including Green Day for St Patrick's Day and red white and blue day for Memorial Day at this time we would like to recognize the fifth grade students who participated in spirit Club when we say your name please stand so we may acknowledge your service you will receive your certificates after the ceremony please hold your applause until all names have been read Anderson Olivia vula Steven Bar Savannah Becker Brian Biv Justin broy KY Catalano Ali s kah Shere Justin Cho Carson Dante Dean pilus Angeline George Anna Gomez Joshua Marcos Giovani neon Aliyah Moet Kira moraca Leonardo pise Gabriella roen Sahara s jit Sara Brien tieta Nicholas Taylor kayn Walsh and Charlene [Applause] [Music] [Music] West thank you so much to all of the spirit club members for work service and positive attitude this year we wish you and the entire fifth grade class the best of luck at David E Owens Middle School next year next please welcome Mr Gia to recognize our [Applause] safety good morning berthday students parents staff and administration I am Miss Andrews and I still teach fourth grade at Berkeley and I'm and the school counselor it is our pleasure to be here today to recognize the fifth grade students who participated in safety patrol for the 2023 2024 school year safety patrol is an exciting opportunity for all fifth graders and it comes with a great deal of responsibility the safety patrol members are leaders in our school Community they are responsible for keeping our younger students um helping our younger students stay safe in the both before and after school they are Role Models within our school who set a great example of what it means to be respectful responsible and trustworthy our safety patrols are willing to go above and beyond when health is needed they are often asked to do additional duties within the school such as this year when some of our safety patrols assisted with greeing families at kindergarten orientation our safety patrols do an amazing job with any task that's given to them and we are grateful for their hard work and dedication at this time we would like to recognize the fifth grade students who participated in the safety patrol this year would all safety patrols please stand [Applause] thank you so much and best of luck to all of the fifth graders next year in Middle School keep working hard be kind stay true to yourself and you will continue to do amazing things next we welcome the students to present the fourth and fifth grade memories I remember in the end of fourth grade playing stumble gu with Mr gear I remember in fourth grade uh all the parents organized the Kickball tournament for all the fourth graders I remember in fourth grade doing the puzzle of the day every Friday I remember in fourth grade going to the Frank mil mineral mind for our field I remember in fifth grade we had field day and had snow cones I remember in fifth grade we had a we had we had a field trip to the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk Connecticut and we got to pet all sorts of [Music] animals I remember grade when to go shirts together it was a fun experience when we were all together and we got to see all the different colors of our [Music] shirts I remember in fifth grade we had a car wash and a water fight between the kids from Bley and Gibbs in fifth grade I remember ping Mr gar in the face during our Powerhouse field trip [Applause] [Music] actually [Music] good morning I'm presenting the most approved student award on behalf of the junior Women's Club of River Edge the club members are women from Riveredge Bidell and New Milford who are dedicated at to serving our communities the club would like to recognize the student who demonstrated significant Improvement in their time at Berkeley Street School through their hard work and perseverance the junior Women's Club is honored to present the award for most improved student to Briel loronzo [Applause] [Music] congratulations and keep up the good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] work at this time we are honored to present the principal Awards recognizing those who have excelled at academically demonstrated out outstanding character and have shown a commitment to their school Community these Awards represent not just indivi individual success but the collective Spirit of our school where every student's journey is valued and celebrated please join me in celebrating the dedication and the accomplishment of these exceptional students now let's begin with our first award ran Marie TOA [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and the last award goes to Justin Gibs [Music] [Applause] and now we'll begin with the certificates for promotion good morning everyone 5K please stand telia [Applause] a Olivia van Steven barisic free hope [Applause] bright Amira barari Audrey champagne [Applause] Nati Fisher Jesse [Applause] Lucien theia Mali Jeremy moranti [Applause] Giovani mononi Jacob [Applause] pero Sophia Petrolia Michael Santana [Applause] Nicholas Taylor Shion [Applause] Thorn Tyler umana Joshua [Applause] V congratulations 5K please [Applause] be 5S please stand Destiny Anderson Savannah Becker Justin broy [Applause] Mia C Mercedes pran [Applause] charity Lucas Cortez Carson Delany Isabella FY Angeline [Applause] [Music] George Hannah Gomez Jake gon [Applause] Nicholas marks Alina pathos Alicia [Applause] fam Jeremy Pico Dylan Stark [Applause] Sanchez Zahara song and Isabella [Applause] congratulations 5S you did a great [Applause] job 5G please stand up Ryan bbon shomo broad shenil KY [Applause] Justin Cho Matthew [Music] Colangelo Justin Gibbs Tristan cman Madrick [Applause] Isaac Joseph cotch stepen Langan gel lorono [Applause] Joshua Marcos Aaliyah mouet Romero Kira [Applause] marada Andrew pal [Applause] pton Kina Leora [Applause] Rivera Alexander Thomas Christopher tusy kayen [Applause] Walsh Charlene West Cruz congratulations 5 [Applause] G five bar please stand lassia out of Evelyn a Zoe [Applause] bonitz anit Kaz Ali cel Danielle Eric Dean facilis Noah gonet Rose G Cameron Gilliam Adrien losos Lucas lard [Applause] so leis Charles Mato malari Jero Medina Melendez Leonardo pice Nathan Prince Gabriella Rolan ariela [Applause] Roman J Sara ran mariea Jacob Vasquez [Applause] [Music] congratulations five [Applause] [Applause] at this time thank you so much for coming to the ceremony and at this time please fifth graders if you can please stand up and I would like and have the great honor to present the class of 2024 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] e it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] B [Music] [Applause] [Music] get DJ [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ready go [Music] that we [Music] [Applause] [Music] JY [Applause] [Music] got [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] at this time this does include the ceremony thank you so much for joining us and please plan to head back to Berkeley Street school and the PTO has put together some light refreshments and you can take pictures with your fifth graders thank you so much and having a great rest of your day e