going to start we call to order roll call Mr Alro pres M calone Mr Dasa pres M coffinger here Mr Lombardi here Mr luno here M Ryan here vice president dun here president Gomez here pledge ALG I ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice board statements in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings law the New Milford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof in the record New Milford Public Library New Milford burough Hall and the main office of all new Milford Public Schools the board announces that under its long-standing policy it will not discuss in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off meetings of the board are open to the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command should be followed there are two portions of the meeting reserved for comments from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board requests that all members M of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking due to confidentiality and legal rights afforded by the state of New Jersey members of the public are asked to not speak negatively or in derogatory manner about any employee of the board or any student so we're going to start off with a presentation Mr kod thank you all right thank you for cing out some time Danielle good luck and your next chapter thanks you and I have worked together on a lot of uh projects over the years a lot of impactful projects so uh um best of luck this has this has been a 15-year Journey for me uh really 15-year research project in my time in the classroom um my time working with nonprofits and then my time working throughout the county and then in the state legislature and what I've noticed is not just open but public schools in general the Milford specifically though we're falling behind when looking at our alumni engagement in Outreach compared to private schools donbosco prep has 2,291 active and engaged obni their last fundraising event they raised over $1.014 million Del Barton Delbarton has a full advancement team of 12 full-time professionals and they just completed a 2 $3 million fundraising campaign now I'm fully aware that public schools and private schools are are vastly different I I totally understand that but the bottom line is is we need to start making steps to get our alumni engaged and we launched our alumni page uh is it we launched our alumni page in September um which I came and showed you guys and it's been great we've had over a thousand alumni register on there uh we get over 15 people every single day coming to this site and we've had over 3,000 uh unique visitors since we launched in September so how do we catch up we know that public schools cannot build out advancement departments with with 12 full-time professionals so there needs to be a platform that is able to invite the alumni in and keep them engaged so that they're willing to offer both human resources and capital resources in the terms of fundraising for example just this past week I set up uh one student with an internship at uh the state Senate Office of christen Cado and another uh student I set up with a internship at the State Senate Office of Joe Lagan I'm not going to be in Milford for the next 50 years there will be a point where I move on right I still will want to help out about the New Milford students the New Milford students are going to need a way to get in contact with an alumni like myself that is willing to help out so that's what we're trying to do here with the the pulse platform and we're calling it pulse because it is your hometown's heartbeat so we need to provide a living vibrant digital community that invites people to come and support their school so what we're going to do is we're going to provide team pages for all of your clubs your teams any group of students that want to put together their own page will be allowed to do so this will be a place that people can come they could get live updates and they'll be able to relive their memories through a a um a digital library okay which I'll get to digital Community Museum okay right now all of our memories are kind of scattered so what we're going to do in addition to in addition to the yearbooks what we're going to do is we're going to be setting up a way that alumni will be able to upload their experiences so if I'm a 1998 graduate and I have pictures from high school I'll be able to upload it and what it's going to do is it's going to compile all the pictures from the 60s the 70s the 80s the '90s user uploaded pictures and it's going to build out the digital history of each School community so next steps by June 2024 what we want to do is we want to establish the lni database which I'll get into in one second we're going to do the Milford giving day which I've spoken with Danielle about spoken with Lou Joe relli this I'm really excited about this is we're not Reinventing the wheel here we're going to do what every college in America does and on one day we're going to have the nilford giving day which is every organization whether it's it's School related or um youth related like Boy Scouts Girl Scouts anything that is servicing the youth will be invited and it is a 24-hour campaign you build out uh challenges between the groups and what we're going to do then is that is going to build out a comprehensive donor database for every single organization that we have theater band all the athletic teams so that as parents and their children age out right and your your kids graduate and then the next wave the parents come in all those donors and all those supporters they don't just go off into the wind it'll be compiled in one place so that the Next Generation can come in and build off of that it's the exact same way that the colleges do it it's the same way that the private schools do it we're going to bring it to the Milford um we want to grow the list of alumni and donors and finally we want to increase the access to Opportunities so what I did was any questions to this point yes so the intention for raising money what would you use it for so it would be it would be the people who are in charge of each of those organizations will be responsible for promoting what it is they're raising money for so let's say the Nord wrestling Foundation wanted to raise money for a new wrestling that let's say they will and I'll show you what it'll look like but they they'll be responsible for the distribution of the funds because they are separate 501c3 okay okay I had chat gbt put together a uh pretend alumni database okay so I put in I think it was 40 okay graduation year where they currently live their occupation email address phone number favored Milford High School memory they're LinkedIn and any extracurricular activities they were involved in okay what we're planning on doing is we're going to be sending out a Google form to the Thousand alumni that have signed up to the yearbooks okay so that was phase one this is phase two we're going to send out a Google form that's going to collect all this data and this data will automatically populate here on our uh nhhs alumni.org website okay we got a map here so you can see where all the alumni are all right now take for example John I talked to you about the wrestler James speeds who's going to be getting into engineering okay what so somebody like James what he will do let's say he wanted to reach out to somebody that is in engineering okay Eric Baker is an architectural engineer Kevin Hernandez civil engineer John Smith okay let's say he has a connection to basketball he could send him an email say do you mind if we jump on call for 10 minutes to discuss you know what a what a career in engineering looks like all right right so this is the the connecting the alumni to the students um to put them in a better position as we all know that the the current Workforce is developing at a rate that we've never seen before and so the students need as many resources as possible to put them in position whether it's for internships or eventually jobs and this doesn't just end you know when you graduate the idea would be that in June all of the current and Milford High School seniors will get brought into the auditorium we're going to introduce this to them and then we're going to have them register as alumni and then just continue every year to keep growing and growing and building on the the um the alumni database so this is where we're at right now all right this is the website that we have I don't I'm not ready to unveil like it's ready okay but this is the website I've been working on we are about 90% done uh we're going through testing right now okay so for all intents and purposes this is where we're living the Grand Vision is to get this once it's ready to go and let me just walk you through it quickly okay so each team like I said will get their own page even the Holocaust study tour the wrestling team Girl Scouts the swim club everybody that is like a nonprofit that that wants to have a page can get their own page each page then we had a this was many many years ago okay and again this is still being developed there will be an about achievements this says roast it should be rostered the roster can be built out there okay so each team will be able to kind of live right here fundraising okay so band let's say they want to do a Disney trip they can do it here you can donate $50 whatever all right people can leave their comments here and you can track it they'll be Network for all of your alumni this is kind of the original page but on steroid so to speak calendar as the teams fill in their calendars this will automatically populate here uh so you got kind of have a um 40,000 view of what's going on at the school Glory Days in addition to our yearbook all right each year and I don't like the way this is formatted right now so I'm going to tweak this a little bit uh each year you'll be able to upload any pictures from that year so let's say the wrestling team at the end of this year we will archive it and then it goes to glory day so 20 years from now you'll be able to click on 2023 2024 and you could relive the entire season for wrestling or um the Holocaust trip right all coling trips can be can get put up there everything everything will be in one location and then the homepage will be kind of modeled after Facebook right but it's going to be solely uh School clubs and activities you know we just brought the the students over the model you for we just brought 21 students over to Bergan academies I mean just two days of them high level negotiating and deal making and um there's really no no place right now like this for them to really promote the great work that they're doing so this is going to be something that you know the the kids that run their clubs will be able to promote it and things like that so we'll put this on the back burner for right now because we're still developing and and testing and everything okay so right now we're here and uh I'm really excited to get this part going because I think that this is a good crucial step in uh in getting this going so that's all I got for you I just want to kind of give you guys an update let you know where I'm at um any questions I have a question yes um I love this by the way um and I love the building up of the alumni platform but for um parents and other adults in the community that would want to have access to this page and be a part of the page is there the possibility of another page for us to be able to put our name as a resource yeah absolutely I mean take take my father for example my dad is a hackin saac graduate but he has been a new Milford resident for 45 years he put three kids through the school he's volunteered on every organization possible and if he wants to help out he should be given the opportunity so yes there will be an opportunity where it's not just the lni but it's also you know parents and and people that are living in the Milford as well well it's kind of an all hands on deck philosophy right I mean students need every resource that they can possibly lean on so that's that's what we're trying to do here that's great thank you okay that's great thank you very much appreciate it thank you you want me to okay all thank you everybody thank thank you superintendent Daniel chy okay so I'll I'll save my HIV and suspension report for Clos session okay so um I tonight I would just like to go over a few things that are going to be on tomorrow night's agenda for approval and I just wanted to give you a couple of highlights the first one being um the approval of the school year calendar so a draft went out we asked for feedback we received feedback we made a few changes to the originally proposed calendar and I just want to highlight what some of those changes are they're actually um three um the first one is that in October after surveying the um faculty and staff the faculty and staff overwhelming majority agreed that they did not need the second day of rashash Shana um but rather would rather have off the Monday before the Christmas holiday the 23rd as we were coming back on the 23rd just for one day so we made that change and that's reflected in the calendar and the other uh request from the faculty and staff was to make June 3 which is a an election day a no student day but a PD a half day PD day so we did that and then we shortened the year for the teachers by one day instead so on the day of high school graduation it'll be a single session day for students and a PM checkout for teachers so they want have to come back the day after that um so that's reflected in the calendar uh and also just so that you know uh the spring break will be a little bit early because Easter is so late in April so it will be the week before um the Easter holiday that wasn't a change I just wanted to just make note of that okay on the agenda there was also something um under curriculum called the approval of the higher education Student Assistance Authority agreement um the attorneys have reviewed this agreement and made some changes via an addendum so any the attachment you will say the original agreement and the agenda this is because um the state has now made it a requirement for students families to complete the FASA as part of graduation requirement um and then this is actually a student information sharing agreement to share with the state so that they know who has and who has not completed the information um the attorneys wanted to make sure that there was no financial information that was shared and that the only thing that was shared with the state was whether or not the students families completed it and also wanted to take the burden of helping families complete it off of the school system um it is a for any of you who have been through the FAFSA process and have not maybe you know Enlisted the support of somebody to assist you with that it can be daunting and schools felt that the state was putting us in a very bad position because then if we require as part of graduation requirement then they're going people are going to come to us and say well then you need to tell me how to build us out that doesn't mean we will not have financial aid night that doesn't mean that we will not bring people into to talk to parents parents about this but we will not be um we can't we don't have the resources to support parents in completing the fast f there is also a waiver process parents can wave uh the information and say you know I'm I'm not participating in that and the waiver counts as meeting the graduation requirements so that that is on the agenda for tomorrow um the long awaited uh approval of head football coach appointment is on the agenda for tomorrow William St is being recommended um after um an interview process we placed the ads in in multiple um Outlets to Garner a lot of um interest which it's my understanding that they did and this candidate comes to us both um very experienced and highly recommended you will also see that the assistant coaching staff right now says TBD because Mr coach shra needs the to be approved and then will assemble his uh his assistant uh coaching staff uh there's an p23 2498 is the approval of an additional spring musical staff member so in the past um we have had an assistant producer Miss berer used to split the role with um Miss Perna actually and so we are bringing back an assistant producer uh selio shinus graduate I believe 2014 he graduated with Kim corzilius they were in shows together and he's very much interested in coming back and supporting the program he is now um a certified teacher he also has a business degree and he will be working mostly on the front of the house um fundraising and all the things that are not part of the artistic part of the production so um I think that's really important for them to understand that running a show is both an artistic Endeavor and a financial Endeavor and that um it really does need to be both so I'm excited to to have him join join the um the team so that's a um join join the um the team so that's a um a revision to to the previous budget uh unfortunately uh Miss tuso has decided it is time to retire um so we will be accepting um her retirement tomorrow night obviously with regret and with great thanks for all of the time and love and dedication she has given to the program and the students of the community and um she will be missed and virtually Irreplaceable so it was a pleasure working with her um in finance uh number one 68 and 169 we are approving two two donations from Joe and Holly alyso both for the theater department and for the senior class I'd like to thank them for those donations um they worked tirelessly and ran a variety of fundraisers um in the you know in the hopes of being able to give back and their younger daughter is graduating this year so very sorry that I I hope this isn't the last of um their fundraising efforts but add them to the thing add them to the alumni thing right exactly exactly um Lauren will be talking to you laurena da will be talking to you more about the approval of the New Jersey learning acceleration program high impact tutoring Grant she's going to talk to you about that um and I've also put forth just so that just so that it was taken care of um really before my departure is an approval of the budget for the arp Professor funded 2024 summer theater program this summer um and I also want to to thank Dr uh Jim Alro of riverdell high school for allowing us to practice and perform in their Auditorium because after June 20th our Auditorium is going to be closed for renovations and things that need to be done this summer and he has so graciously um allowed us to finish practicing saying build our set there and perform um hope he doesn't regret that but we were we're going to talk about the only the only thing that will probably come of this is a custodial F he's not charging us um any rent so grateful grateful to him for that and uh probably what is uh going to be a very well-received uh information for the community is that Mr Rickard Deli our athletic director has very graciously agreed to I shouldn't say agreed offered cuz I didn't ask offered to volunteer his Services as head intermural flag football coach so that we can have a flag football team for the girls this year and Mr walren um who is a teacher in another District I believe a parent in the district whose child will not be playing on the flag football team has offered to a volunteer Services as an assistant coach of this intramural te so it's really important and Nicole I don't want to step on your toes at all because I'm sure you have a report that you want to give um so here is where we are with flag football we and we talked about this in December the biggest exp the greatest expense is the coaching F and we do not have a negotiated stien for this role because it is not officially approved sport um we didn't receive the funding from the Jets this year and as a result didn't have the funding to run the interal Sport with all the cuts that we had um last year so we were looking at um just not offering it because we just didn't have the funding so what's going to happen and we just dis did discuss this in committee is that they will volunteer their coaching services there will be no Transportation because it'll be four home games and four away games and the students and their families will have to transport themselves and so all that the athletes intramural athletes will have to pay for is the cost small cost of increased insurance and um the the refs so it going to be approximately $75 a player um and we're hoping that that gets us through this year as we look forward to next year it's really important to know that the um njs AA right now these young ladies it's an intermural Sport and if they run track or play softball they can still do this once it becomes an official njsiaa sport approved sport then the girls will have to choose they won't be able to do both so we don't know what the future of flag football will be in New Jersey um and this is obviously very much abanda for just getting us through because we have some girls who really want to play especially some senior girls who really want to play and so I'm grateful to the volunteers because um we wouldn't we wouldn't have without them um and the other thing that's on the agenda um under Personnel is the approval of acting super schools for our do of March 1st and the lovely weather that went out on Friday and I just want to say that I did not think of a better person to step in who is very well prepared and um very well apprised of where we are and um I hope that you trust in her as I do because I don't think she will disappoint you so and that's it and then tomorrow I'll do my good news any questions you I know you what we talked about with the I apologize it's okay yes and I did I did offer Mr lunam an opportunity to speak at the end of my report because he would like to um say A Remembrance for so yeah um on February 10th uh a gentleman by the name of John Goldstein passed away um John was my high school vice principal I believe after I graduated he may have become the principal of David E Owens um he was known as Mr Burke back in the day um subsequent to his leaving New Milford um he married his husband shell and with all the pitfalls in social media that exist one of the um advantages is that you get to reconnect with people and I got to reconnect with um John Goldstein over social media probably 12 or 15 years ago I don't remember in the time since then um I became very close with with him and shell as did my wife and my kids on several occasions we visited him in Florida and whenever he was up this way um you know he we we made it a point to go out um on a personal note real personal note more personal when my son passed pass away in 2017 um I got a you know condolence on Facebook like you know from hundreds of people but then when the weake was a few days later he just showed up and stood in line and came up from Florida and he was a little bit older at the time and that wasn't necessarily the easiest trip and especially on a fixed income Etc um but that's who John was years and years later he was still there for his students and um I think I think last I looked we had something like 250 you know mutual friends on Facebook and probably 249 of those were his former students and um he got very close to a lot of us um and as a true educator and you know we use the terms here of you know lifelong Learners you know he was a lifelong teacher and long after his days here you know he continued to educate and Inspire many um former newford students in alumni so I thought it was appropriate to just recognize his efforts to the district and his passing and um what a tremendous human being he was thank you thanks thank you okay okay assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction report Laura daa good evening everyone um on February 28th next Wednesday Wednesday or Wednesday Wednesday um New Milford High School Academy students will be embarking on an enriching High School Academy trip once again visiting many different colleges and universities including dalal's University molenberg College Arcadia University Temple University Villanova University and Princeton University uh students will be engaging in comprehensive tours of each of these institutions and there's some fun worked into their uh itinerary for the course of the days including a historical tour of Philadelphia as well as a dinner and some visits to museums so I know that the students always enjoy these trips um were you going to speak mention the what happens email that you received today because I figured this would kind of build I don't have but I don't have her name wait let me get her name keep talking okay um I know that these trips are wonderful opportunities for our students to get outside of New Milford and look at um higher educational opportunities that are out there for after graduation so we're always excited to offer these uh trips for them I also want to express my gratitude to Miss Williams who carefully and thoughtfully plans these trips for students weaving in all of the visits to uh different universities her thoughtful planning has not only broadened our Horizons but also ignites a sense of excitement and aspiration for higher education of students so thank you and kudos to Miss Williams before I move on to the grant do you want to I found it share the email so Miss Williams uh sent us an email today and we don't have the students permission but I I think she's going there so I think maybe not we won't say my name so a student an academy senior uh came into Miss Williams's uh office to with little tears in her eyes and very excited and nervous because she could barely get out the words that she was accepting to Northeastern which is no easy feet it's a great school highly competitive um and as she congratulated her the student said no you don't understand she said I never knew about Northeastern until our Academy trip last year to Boston and she said and I would have never known if I hadn't gone on that trip our trip did it and she and Michelle says I I love these stories and they happen year after year and next week we head to Philly and 35 Juniors and sophomores will be um we'll hope that you know like this student will find their perfect fit to run their Horizons a little bit so just happy that happy that works and that happens that has happened to us many many many many times over just because students don't you know don't necessarily even know to look at a particular school if youever heard of it before or once you see the campus you have a completely different idea some sometimes you think a campus is in a city I don't want to go to a city school but then you get the feel for it when you're there and you say well it really doesn't feel like that it feels like a campus so um these are great experiences for the kids very exciting um I just wanted to give you an update on the high impact tutoring Grant so as you know the Department of Education came out with the high impact tutoring Grant which was competitive funding for school districts aimed at supporting students who were um impacted by the changes in learning environment during Co particularly third and fourth grade students as a result of uh remote learning environments so we submitted the application back in the fall we were found eligible for an award in the amount of $14,990 um which we're seeking approval of those funds tonight f170 and then we began the pre-award process which was um a lengthy process going back and forth with the Department revising the initial application and we were um received final approval on January 25th following final approval approval the district put out a request for proposals for um seeking to partner with one of the Department's approved vendors tutoring vendors um who would be responsible for delivering these interventions and targeted supports so all proposals were carefully reviewed and scored uh I believe Dr cuchar may be sharing some information on that tonight or tomorrow night maybe you want me to maybe sprinkle um but tomorrow evening um we will be we are seeking approval for the high impact tutoring program coordinator uh I would like to draw your attention to p88 which is the job description for the program coordinator as well as P89 um the actual approval of the coordinator and the coordinator is going to serve as the liaison between the district and the vendor ensuring success of the high impact tutoring program uh by overseeing its implementation communicating with families communicating with the vendor and driving student a achievement maintaining um you know oversite on the benchmarking and ongoing monitoring of student progress um and that's all I have for you tonight I know that there's a few other little pieces regarding the um anoun approval of the vendor and when that will be forthcoming but I'll let Dr Kar update us at another time if she's not prepared this evening thank you thank you any questions for okay business administrative report good evening everyone um so first for the agenda for tomorrow night f23 24172 um rivell Regional High School asked us if we had um busing available and so since they're being good neighbors and allowing us to use their Auditorium I felt like we should be good neighbors um and allow them to use our buses so we're just charging them the cost of the driver and not fuel or mileage or anything um um so that's on the agenda for approval the audit is hopefully concluding and I hope to have that submitted in time for the budget so that we don't have budget revisions um they've been in District for the past like three weeks I want to say um so hopefully that will be concluding soon and the auditor will be here for a presentation as soon as that's available um we currently have a balanced budget uh we're in the state aid numbers that are going to be released later this month um we do have ideas of if we get an increase where we can add money and if we get a decrease what our Cuts will look like so we have all that in the plans but right now we do have a balanced budget um I believe it was last week one of our buses was taken off the road uh it needs a new engine and so it will be off-road for the foreseeable future unfortunately it's one of the buses that has a wheelchair lift and we do transport a student in a wheelchair um and so we do have a backup bus with a wheelchair lift and so that is now on that route um unfortunately if a bus had to go down it was fortunate happened in between sporting Seasons because we don't have sports currently being affected by uh a bus being off the road but depending um on when we can find an the engine that's currently in that bus is no longer built and they no longer make parts so we need to purchase a new engine um there is 20 years left on the bus so it doesn't make sense to decommission the bus and so we'll be seeking an engine and put a new engine in the bus and get that bus back on the road but for now we are down a bus which will affect our routes and Sports in the near future I actually just received Mrs Chanley I'm sorry I didn't get this information to you sooner but I just received it that we will have no cost increased cost to insurance for flight football so we'll be able to add them um and it will not increase our current umbrella policy excellent um in terms of the high impact tutoring vendor um I think we're going to need to have a special meeting to award that contract sometime hopefully next week um because we need to post it and go through everything again so I'll provide an update on that tomorrow night and I think that concludes my report this any questions for St any leing on board committee reports we had an athletic Comm committee meeting on the 12th but pretty much everything that I was going to report Mrs Shan stated with the exception of the just with the um exception of the outcome of pev me night um I just wanted to let the board know um speaking with Mr Reg Deli that even though it was split up over two nights and the past it's been one evening um they still were able to raise over $2,100 from that the scholarships so other than that everything regarding football and flag football was reported out by miss work another day depends on what happens on the day never any other report I have a question oh first thank so for that because it's been it's been a topic with the football coach I'm just curious what engagement if at all did the board the committee have in any of those discussions with any that presented because I was made aware that maybe some parents had some engagement so I just I want to understand that was a question that was asked by us if there was any Community involvement in the hiring process and we were told that the only the only people that were involved were Mr relli and Mr Manny CI but there was no Community involvement okay not that I'm just no no no that was a question that we did ask as part of the committee and and part of that too is to protect candidates you know some candidates May currently working in another District don't want people to know that they're applying candidates could be internal don't want hard feelings so um no invol um yeah I just wanted to say that we um held a PR committee meeting on Sunday thank you for all who took the time out of your weekend to attend um I planned on going over that tomorrow at tomorrow's meeting so I just wanted to mention that we did have the meeting and I would report on it tomorrow thank you any other committee reports no any correspondents this evening okay agenda items for discussion um any questions regarding board action any questions regarding educational programs and curriculum any questions regarding Personnel recommendations any questions regarding finance and Facilities any questions for athletics and co-curriculum okay any old business Stephanie um I received a phone call earlier today from councilwoman Hy Grant in regards to the email that she had sent to All of Us in uh regards to the um marker did we resend those applications I didn't resend anything yet I have to make additional copies you have to send a bunch of copies and truth be told I that we've been a little busy but it it will get done thank you we're going to follow up and send again and I guess we'll have to send another check is that check is obviously not there either I don't know about the process but I know that it's there was a cover letter yes a check and multiple copies of she seems very knowledgeable about the process so if anybody had questions I'm sure she'd be happy to to help did you have a question it was me but I received the same phone call she called All of Us oh you did too huh there you go okay I was going to ask anyway because we got the email yeah so was I was not able to return her call but I did see her call I'm on it we're on it not it I just I have I just have a question in terms of do we know what happened do we know if it was the wrong person if it the check is not cash like you know the check is not cash yeah okay because I looked it up on is there a way yeah I guess you could talk about sending it where someone has to sign for it like I or C hand deler hand deliver it at this point yeah yeah okay yeah I know there was a person um who is on another committee that we are both on and they looked into it because it's been a while and that person was able to verify that the application was not received and that's what it said in the email I'm just saying I'm just saying what are we what can we do to make sure that hand deler yeah that's why I said that that doesn't happen again okay that's just the backstory to it any new business no there no I open to the public as outlined in New Milford Board of Education bylaw 0167 each David made by our participant shall be limited to three minutes seek a motion Joe seconded by John tasta all in favor I oppos anyone from the Republic state your name sorry in town ly mil just curious I don't know if I missed it but where is the football coach from um I don't I don't have that information what he reside in or I wouldn't be able to Telles currently working I know the answer I know the currently working go ahead he's currently uh an assistant coach at buron cath he's been a previous head coach in Westwood uh I looked him up when I saw the name um Westwood I believe he won a state championship there 15 years ago or so I believe he's coached importantly as well um Tony you know any other places as a head coach you got it old there you go any other questions from the public okay I seek a motion to close the public Stephanie seconded by Nicole Dunn all in favor I oppose any board member request for additional information okay closed it is hereby moveed that the Board of Education adjourn into executive session in accordance with provisions of section eight of the open public meetings act chap 231 PL for the purpose of discussion and consideration of matters pertaining to the following subject student matter and Personnel the minutes of the executive session will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exist any a motion to recess to close John Dasa seconded by Andrew lardi all in favor I oppos no action will be taken when return no action will be taken when we return