e e e e e e e e e e e e e Mr M here Mr here Mr luno here M Ryan vice president dun here president here pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands na God indivisible jusice for all board statement in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings law the New Milford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof in the record New Milford Public Library New Milford burough Hall and the main office of all new Milford Public Schools the board announc that under its long-standing policy it will not discuss in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off meetings of the board are open to the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command to be followed there are two portions of the meeting reserved for comments from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board requests that all members of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking due to confidentiality and legal rights afforded by the state of New Jersey members of the public are asked to not speak negatively or in a derogatory manner about any employee of the board or any student okay now we're going to do the fun part of the meeting our presentation for the 2024 teacher of the year recognitions good evening I'm so glad that all of you could join us tonight it is with great pleasure and pride that I extend a warm welcome to each of you as We Gather here tonight to celebrate and recognize the outstanding achievements of our 2024 educators of the Year this evening is a true test test to the remarkable dedication and talent that permeates our school Community the Educators that we honor this evening have consistently demonstrated an extraordinary ability to inspire a profound love of learning in their students they've not only imported knowledge but also ignited a passion for exploration Discovery and growth that will undoubtedly a lasting impact on the lives of those they teach what makes this recognition particularly special is that our educators of the year have been nominated by their fellow colleagues a testament to the respect and admiration they've earned from their fears this acknowledgement from within our own ranks speaks volumes about the caliber of Educators that we're fortunate to have among us to our honor I extend my heartfelt congratulations on this well-deserved honor your dedication passion and unwavering commitment to Excellence serves as an inspiration to us all thank you for your tireless efforts and for the profound difference you make in the lives of our students each and every day to our Board of Education trustees and esteemed guests thank you for joining us as we celebrate the achievement of those except of these exceptional Educators together let us continue to support and uplift one another as we continue to shape the future um Leaders of Tomorrow so now I would like to start with our Elementary Berkeley Street School teacher of the year um I can call up Dr Chris M and we'll start our elementary andair you want to yeah just so it is my privilege and my honor um to be here today to represent Berkeley Street school as the principal and to honor Nicole degia who is our school counselor when I was driving over I was thinking about all the things I wanted to say about Nicole and I kept thinking of all these words so yes kind intelligent dedicated committed warm loving perfect and I thought what would be the one word besides perfect I would say that old adage that says um great things come in small packages she's Mighty that's the word I landed on Nicole is always there for for every single person in our building I could not do my job without her she is everyone's right hand she's calm she's kind she's cool she's Collective the children absolutely adore her the staff adors her this is such a tribute to you and the dedication you bring to our school every day we love Berkeley Berkeley is a special place and it is extra special because of Nicole so we love you Nicole congratulations so very well [Applause] yes of course [Applause] um and now I'd like to go on to uh BF Gibs Elementary School and we will recognize for Richard La so Dr Peron I just want to acknowledge um Laura wre she's here with her family tonight do you guys want to give I think um so Laura is one of the most dedicated teachers that I have had the pleasure of working with I think I can say that about a lot of people at BF Gibbs um but the thing that really stands out for Laura or your mom is that um she's really like tenacious like in a good way right like she fights for the children that she works for and does not worry about you know is this the right thing should I say this is it she advocates for the children and if you are a parent of someone who works with miss witri you should just rest at is that your child is in the very best of hands um so it is just with esteemed honor and pleasure that I present this war to you tonight and I know you just make our team so much better and she's also a Hoy mom so we have a little like it's crazy she doesn't get home till like probably 10 o' at night and then comes to work and does all of that so I understand first 10 how that how that is congratulations I'm at the point of my career where I have to write things down now it's my absolute pleasure pleasure to be here to honor such an exceptional teacher who's made a remarkable impact on Gibb School in our community Mrs wiri is the epitome of a dedicated teacher she not only brings a wealth of knowledge and preparation to her class but also brings a quiet and calm demeanor that creates a welcoming and inclusive environment her approach is as gentle as it is effective and her commitment to her students is unwavering what truly makes you special is your focus on individual needs you understand that each student is unique with their own strengths challenges and learning styles you take time to get to know your students to understand their goals and their dreams and find the best way to help them succeed her in-class support is tailored to each student ensure that they feel valued and capable achieving their best Beyond her incredible teaching skills Mrs witd is a compassionate and caring person she listens to her students offers guidance and is always there to lend a helping hand her dedication extends beyond the classroom as she often collaborates with parents and other Educators she create a comprehensive support system for all of the students we are so fortunate to have someone of your here on our team your hard work and attention to detail are a model for all of us and your impact on the lives of the students is immeasurable thank you for everything that you do each day [Applause] [Music] okay now I'd like to call up Mr dalala and we will be recognizing uh M Lind good evening everybody uh it's a real honor to be here to celebrate lindsy I've known her now for nine years um I remember L going into Deo and lindsy being one of the first person I actually ever observed and uh really feeling like um okay I'm going to go into this person I'm going to help them out and I'm really going to be able to give them some great feedback I was a social studies teacher at Middle School level for 15 years I got a lot to give here and realize very quickly that I have a lot to learn here um and the person I did the learning from was Lindsay uh she brings a level of organization a level of calm that is just really amazes amazes me every single day um I'll come to Lindsay at times and I'll be franking something I can't do this okay we'll figure it out no no problem and it just gets done uh I remember bringing history alive probably about seven or eight years ago to Lindsay um and uh she's like oh this looks like we can do this this looks good all of a sudden we have history a lot and uh every teacher is using it and uh and uh I could take credit for it but I would be false credit because it's really lindsy that brought it to our department brought it to everybody I I I'm I just have to tell you I'm just so proud of you and so proud of you know just being a part of who you are and what you bring to our school and our [Applause] [Applause] and now I'd like to inv and we will be [Applause] recognizing this is weird I don't all right stay say some really nice things let's go to your classroom that's where I go every day for lunch um um so I just want to congratulate Mr graph um he really has has done an amazing job over the course of his career um you know he would I remember him being one of the new people in the department right Mr Wilson yes and uh and now he's grown into one of the leaders of the department and um one of the mentors especially it's other staff so um just from an education standpoint um his students love him and it's not just for the conversations or for the relationships outside the classroom it's what he brings to the classroom you if you walk by his classroom every day at lunch you're going to see it full of students and not just hanging out there students preparing for the AP exam right and they're they're working and he's there helping them as he's eating lunch right so he's always giving up his time um outside the classroom whether it's it's mock trial or it's through uh coaching uh if you look up at one of those screens you're going to see coach of the year come up uh which is pretty impressive yet had one of the best years that he's had or new milford's had in basketball in a long time um and what's really really even says a lot about Hershey is that night they had uh beaten a strong walwick team okay little so yeah uh I'm trying to make it speci um we they had a huge win and what really was telling about Hershey is unfortunately it was really bad news we received from one of his players he one of his players had a tragedy in the um and they go from this high winning this awesome playoff State Playoff game at home right and all of a sudden down into this experience but the only thing that mattered was Hershey's player right he he ran to that student supported that student I was there and like I was coming down the hall he was already there you know listening to the student trying to work with him even with his poorly work in Spanish that she to work on but um he he was there for that student and he helped support him um and you can see from the coaching staff in general through his lead leadership everyone was there for him the players were there for him so it it goes beyond the classroom it goes beyond the instruction which he's one teaches multiple AP courses and our kids do very well um it goes beyond that he really truly cares for our students and he provides such an learning experience for them in and outside of the classroom about life uh his family wonderful family he youth coach now which he he loves too right most of and I also want to thank him too because my son's a sophomore um I probably talked to him probably throughout the season or even outside the season what should I do can I do this and and he's always been supportive of it um so I just want to thank you on behalf of our our our school and our district for all the work that you do apprciate I didn't want to get flowers for you but so PTO and I put a little something together you go see I think I'm [Applause] okay and now I would like to call Dr Bennett bro back up and we will recognize uh Michael coin as our special education teacher [Applause] of um so he was a football coach or is a football coach and he played football so I stay away from him uh so Mike we've known each other for a long time um and it's it's really it's it's an honor to to represent for him today and speak on behalf of the school and Department if you walk by his classroom and see the students that he he works with every day there's not many people that can do it well like him right he the way that he engages them um the way that reaches the Rapport that he's build with them that that only happens because of because it's Mike right very few people can can walk into that classroom be able to instruct in that manner reach the levels that he does and the needs of all the students in the room uh working with the AIDS as well um also in a collaborative setting stepping into other St other teachers classrooms working with them and partner with them um knowing the content as well being able to work in both those you know resource setting and the collaborative setting and then this recently this year taking on the transition piece right another thing added on top uh so he's only able to do that because of the skills that he has the dedication to the students here as well um very fortunate we have an R1 schedule so R1 means rotation one every morning I have the pleasure of standing at the door with Mr coin and we have a great time uh walking our students in uh so it would would not be the same without his humor um and his connection with the students I just want to thank you Mike you've always been someone that we can come to and speak to always been someone that everyone respects and it's a credit to you and your family Mr coin is more than a teacher he is a guide a mentor and a friend to his students he teaches the transitional classes helping students navigate The Journey from high school to the world Beyond his approach to teaching is grounded in humor and compassion he creates an atmosphere where students feel comfortable understood and valued one of Mr coin's greatest strengths is his ability to connect with students on a personal level he understands that each student is unique and tailors his teaching to meet their individual needs his classrooms are places of laughter and learning where students are encouraged to be themselves and take steps towards their own success Mr coin's impact extends far beyond the classroom he collaborates with parents partners with Co um colleagues is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure his students have the resources and supports that they need his peers hold him in the highest regard recognizing him as a source of inspiration and a leader in the field of education so thank you for your unwavering dedication and all that you did for our students at Milford High School this year we truly appreciate it thank you [Applause] [Applause] and now we would like to recognize our district educational support staff person of the year [Applause] it is with a men's pride and gratitude that I stand here celebrating Mrs empa me she is truly an extraordinary District Personnel teacher person of the year she goes above and beyond whose work has a profound impact on our students families and Community as a social work worker Mrs mamini wears many hats each one more important than the last whether she's managing cases for our prechool students or overseeing students placed out of District her dedication to her work is unparalleled she partners with families collaborates with colleagues and always finds a way to make everyone feel seen heard and valued what truly sets Mrs empini apart is her warmth and sense of humor you can't help but smile when she's in the room she has a way of bringing light to even the most challenging situations reminding us all that laughter is often the best medicine her warmth makes her an anchor in our preschool team grounding us with her wisdom and compassion Mrs mamini is not just a social worker she's a problem solver Confidant and a trusted friend she knows how to navigate complex systems ensuring that our students and our families receive the support that they need her knowledge and expertise are invaluable and her ability to connect with people on a personal level is truly remarkable we are a better place we are a better Department because of you not just through your work but through your kindness and Humanity [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so um I did fail to mention earlier that each of you will receive your it is being me um we did hold our teacher of the year recognition a bit earlier due to some changes in the calendar uh but I will certainly make sure that you receive that when they come in now I'd like to see if we could just recess for a few minutes to allow for some photos and then as I um am sure you all you can you're welcome to stay for the rest of the meeting you do not have to I'm sure that you have to get ready for tomorrow sure we take a 5 minute break thank you all for coming you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 1th through April 19th starting with New Milford High School we have two alleged cases of HIV two cases were forwarded to the HIV specialist for full investigations one case was confirmed as meeting the definition of h and one case was unfounded at the middle school we had five alleged cases of HIV five cases were forwarded to the HIV specialist for full investigations two cases were confirmed as meeting the definition of hi two cases were unfounded one case is still being investigated um Berkeley Street School we had two alleged cases of hid two cases were not forward forwarded following the principal's preliminary determination and rather they were dealt with as code of conduct and at BF Gibs Elementary School we had three alleged cases of HIV three cases were forwarded to the HIV specialist for full investigations one case was confirmed as leing the definition of him and two cases were unfounded now on to the suspension report for the month of March at new mford high school we had three three students each received one day of in school suspension totaling three days as a result of two separate infractions one student received an out of school suspension for one day due to a single in fraction at the middle school two students received one day each received one day of in school suspension totaling two days as a result of two separate infractions 10 students each received out of school suspension for one day totaling 10 days as a result of seven separate interractions at Berkeley we had um two students each received one day of in school suspension and one student received one day of out of school suspension uh in in school suspension four days is my math up there two students each received one day of in school suspension and one student received one day of in school suspension totaling three days as a result of three separate infractions and at Gibbs we had three students who each received one day of in school suspension totaling three days as a result of two separate okay um I am going to uh share a good news tomorrow okay and we also have the budget Presentation tomorrow um one thing that I did want to note that was added onto the calendar was the update to the district calendar so I had conversations with um our n president uh L esman and we had looked closely at the um emergency days and unused days so we are able to give the Friday blackout date I believe it is May 24th I don't have a calendar in front of me as a return day for all students and without um affecting the required number of days for students so so we are we've added that revision to the calendar for board approval tomorrow evening and then we are going to look further at the any inequity that may exist for staff um but we have to make sure that it doesn't affect student days because you need to still meet the state requirement so that is on the calendar um and I think that is all that I have for this evening do the assistant superintendent um no I'm not okay perfect I kept it late because I business administrative report Stephanie coar good evening um just very brief for tonight um a few agenda items ba 23479 is a um service agreement with the burrow they have already approved um this at a mayor and Council Mee and one of their I believe he's a recent hire um has worked on various school buses and so previously we had BR been bringing our buses to various garages and it's been very costly and so we've been really fortunate that the burrow has the equipment and the manpower to help us and so it's been really wonderful in maintaining our buses and keeping them on the road um as well as sort of a financial savings to have agreement so um it's similar to the agreement that we have with them for the SRO and SOS and that it's uh 50 50% shared um service agreement with them for Mechanical Services they can also service um some of our trucks usually our in-house guys can handle some of that but the bigger work we we take it to the burrow um the next agenda item is ba 23 24.80 the approval of the dental plan agreements this is a 3% increase from the current year um which is sort of typical market rate um and ba 23481 um is a renewal but it's actually flat so um both of these are are pretty favorable and both have been accounted for in the 2425 budget the next one that I would like to tell you guys a little bit about is f23 24230 and it's a withdrawal of Maintenance reserve for $100,000 which we will um if the high school mean IAL H equipment is done during the 2425 school year will offset the board share of the rod grant for that mechanical equipment the mechanical equipment is about a year out so it's unlikely that it'll happen during the 2425 budget um and should it not happen during the 2425 budget that $100,000 will go back into maintenance Reserve at the end um so last meeting we had the approval to withdraw from capital reserve to offset the roof for the high school and for Gibbs um we did get the final approval from the state department legal for the rod grants so we are going out to bid um hopefully those numbers come in favorable and we will be able to move forward with doing the roof um that will be awarded a special board meeting on May 29th should those numbers be favorable and we're able to rep so that one that'll go to the paper tomorrow and it'll be advertised um and the the timeline on that will be part of that advertisement um and that uh the last one was a late edition um is f234 236 and 237 and both of these is replacing an old for cost saving opportunity to to um go with a new vendor for some of our it internet services so there's cost evenings in both of those resolutions and that concludes my report for the season great thank you any liaison board committee reports no okay just remember guys um when we have a committee meeting there is a form to fill out to give a summary to the rest of the board prior to the board meeting so that we can read so that should be completed regarding any meeting we have as a committee okay does anyone have any reports no any correspondents none this evening um agenda items for discussion review of the attentive agenda for the regular meeting to be held on April 24th 20124 any questions regarding review of board action uh just um finan facilities we have an update I don't know if we can do now tomorrow on Solutions architecture I'm sorry can you just read what you're saying yeah for finance and Facilities we have an update on the solutions architecture okay anyone else the bo after are we just what is financing facilties board action first okay okay I thought I was confused I was like wait okay so anyone regarding board action any questions no any questions regarding review of educational programs and curriculum do you have any no oh okay no one any review of personnel recommendations any questions no okay so review of financing facilities so is there something on the agenda they bringing up regarding I just I don't remember he I was my agenda so when you get there um yeah I I just I've been out for a couple Mees so I apologize for that some work items got in the way of our meetings but um I I don't remember hearing about where we were with that if we're doing anything at all we sort of just pause that for now or what I think are you talking about Solutions Solutions like our work with them in regards to upcoming pending projects potentially um business yeah I know it doesn't fall under our agenda items um do can we just wait till the when we get to okay perfect um so does anyone have anyone else have any questions regarding financ and Facilities so uh 23-23 by reading through it can you just explain that a little bit more again that's the money that was for the trck but I'm just trying to understand was that bu that was budgeted and we up actually not meeting it so it was a while that's exactly what it is it's um there was a t it was done through TD financial a $2.5 million loan um that has expired and the project came came in um and we have 11,602 left from that and it currently is in the capital projects fund and it needs to be moved into the capital reserve account but that's exactly what it is from it's from the 20 1920 TV bank finance to finance the fields so this is it now it's done thank you that's what I was trying to figure out we're done that's off and it was about $11,000 and we're going to put back the reserve yes correct thank you any questions any other questions um any questions regarding view Athletics and co-curriculum Tony um I don't have my glasses regarding the first resolution um no cost to the board which is wonderful does it have any cost to the individual students involved the ice when we have the agreement with says no cost to the board which is wonderful but I'm curious as to whether our students or their families bear any cost do you want me to answer yeah yes this typically the um I don't know what the cost is but we this is an existing Co-op and I believe it's a three-year Co-op that is expiring um um so we're now reupping it and I believe in the past when we've had students participate in the program there is a small cost um I think they Supply their own equipment um but I can get further clarification on that okay any other questions are there any students currently participating in that this year there's not but next year I believe there's one student in eighth grade and I believe there's two in seventh grade that would potentially like to to join the team um and there was none this year and I believe there was one last year so e arising nth grad aring nth grad two seventh graders I'm not asking it's for next year but in two years if they see a woman there might be two more correct and I believe it's for 3 years so we would have hopefully three students participating in the co-op okay at least no any other questions I just want to sorry thank the three that are listed here for volunteering definitely any questions regarding review of policy no okay so old business John now now we can ask it ask it again you want to particular project that's what I'm trying to figure out yeah so we we were having them do a they came and give a presentation that we're going to do a review of all facilities and deter that's what I was try to ask you were asking um so following that was paused following the right am I not mistaken after we had the presentation in the fall I don't remember it was the same night there were two presentations that evening was Matt Murphy did profile a graduate and then it was um Frank so we internally we did start looking over the plans we started with the plans that we had from um the comprehensive audit that he did the first time we looked at that and I believe we had said at that time and I think it was at this one of the that so many things have changed even programmatically that would affect the plans and the facility um projects that we have in mind at that time so he needs to update those plans but we're not we're kind of in a at a standstill waiting to see when we when you want to proceed with that yeah I what's that I thought we left it that way I I last time I remember talking about it said we were not keep doing it keep doing the come and do the I have been doing the the roof project and I've also with that been having stuff that's already been updated because um like we've done the lights we've done the boilers we've done like a lot of the internal stuff and so there's an intake on now what equipment we have um so that's going into it so in terms of we're still in a process of cleaning up the existing but yes I that's sort of a thing that I it's an ongoing thing but it's not a complete sort of ready item because now the the roofs are moving hopefully moving forward which will be a significant portion to come off of that so in the next month we'll have a better understanding of what the full list will look like because that's going to be I mean we have the parking lot we we know what infrastructure needs to be done um but in terms of the Manpower and looking the roof is of the high school is really large and so the amount of time that they've been spending on trying to get those drawings prepared to go out to bid for that has consumed a lot of it um but it's also work that's moving towards a future referendum as well because that list also has to be updated so we we're sort of running two parallel trains um at least right now so there's there's definitely some crossover the work is continuing but in terms of a big project I'm not sure that until we know what's going on with the roof and some of the mechanical stuff that needs to come out of what was done in 2020 2019 um is going to be updated they also I think we' talked about this um we'll put like a drone through the school to get like where the doors are and so you have an interactive map so when you go out um we can't do that while there's students in the building so um hopefully that'll all happen in this this coming summer and so you'll have an interactive sort of map where you can walk through the school and see like what whatever it is that you want to see so yes we're moving forward probably if you want us to really move forward and sort of work harder on moving this forward we certainly can um but we've sort of shifted in trying to get the roof Roofing projects done to bring this overall cost down last we looked we were removing the projects that were already completed and prioritizing the projects that were still on there anding question so when we did discuss it one of the things we discussed was timing and so it was okay we want to move forward we want to get this done because there is so much time and it almost seems like I I know there's the work to be done but where are we in that time plan because that was really the the gist of it was it is it a September is it a December is it a you know a March like when are we going to try to go out and so it matters because we need that time to do all of the community work and everything else but I almost like I don't know if we still have a Target if we're just slowly moving well that's up to you guys I thought that's how we left um the way that iall it okay is yes we discuss it in finance but we also have other considerations in addition to the project of the timing and the work that it would take particularly with um the process to potentially new a superintendent and there were discussions that we had uh about that so I think why don't we go you know whenever we have a chance let's all discuss it um and see where we land I think I think I have a different I I remember the conversations with regard what we talked about in finance but because it was tied to a potential referendum and different things that were doing with the community and and the Outreach and um our Focus has been a little bit you know something else I I recall that that there were some discussions about whether or not we would you know the timing of it also why don't we that's where that was my but we're not we're not all in finance anymore so yeah so that that discussion if it happened in the committee I think that's where for me I think Mr dasta asked that in the committee that's why I thought it was yeah I think that's exactly what happened because of the timing of the superintendent because that's such a it just wasn't brought out that's why I like okay that's what happened but I don't know about his question we we we can definitely talk about it in more detail we can definitely have another meeting I you know I walk around with a reporter so I remember everything I don't but but um yeah we we'll definitely discuss it but that was my recollection but if there was some kind of you know yeah so I don't remember at our meeting discussing like time frame so that was probably more private in a committee um but I know we were discussing the projects that we're working on let's see if we can complete them and then find a whole new list and have a full evaluation well that's why I was just going to like what you said that's why I think it's important when we have the committee meetings to put that report together so the rest of us are all on the same page yeah I mean we the the the the one where I was the shair was really just mostly about the budget um so really was in that context and when we talked about the referendum was kind of in a different context and it was more in the context of like timing and like if we're going to go out in March or February December it wasn't really like just a finance meeting it was I know that was involved there's a lot of different things involved so we can definitely have a discussion um but it was certainly not just a in finance meeting um it was involving other people so we can have a conversation yeah the one fin had where he presented it and then we asked him to come here and present the whole board there a lot of inform and he came and did that and at that point my understanding was that it was for everyone so that we would continue to move forward we didn't have a date in mind but we wanted to get to get our ducks in a row so we could set dat now if that changed that's okay I just I was not it wasn't it wasn't a topic that was discussed as part of the committee meeting I think that committee meeting happened like the week where our former superintendent deped and I kind of stepped in it was like that week and it was a question that was posed right yeah so with that transition happening I think and the process in setting up the dates for you to move forward with your search I think it was at that moment like and the budget and the budget yeah it kind of all converged that once there for yeah and and just talking about the existing projects and things we had to you move along now is not necessarily there's the different track of whether or not we was a larger referendum so there's two you know parallel things uh that we were talking about so if it does come up again I would like to ask because I'm not in that if we can start to look in that way because how we left at any El spoke was the urgency to get to the referendum when we could because we do we are doing projects but there are many more that we're not going to be able to do and if we don't get them started they could take a couple of years before they actually come to fruition so we're even further out absolutely it sounds like we committee meeting yeah that discussion when he presented was on 125 just so everyone has a he want look back that's when we had it yeah yeah so um my recollection of that committee meeting was that there were kind of varing opinions um I know that that John and I um had kind of talked about it and had a healthy respectful and um kind of felt like it sort of got like we were going to discuss it amongst everybody because it wasn't like all four of us St one way you know whatever and maybe I'm wrong but that was my recollection was that it was going to like kind of go to everybody like you know after we had discussed it and it probably should probably time I know a lot of stuff has has happened yeah I remember the whole superintendent thing coming up and like my position was like well I I I thought we were kind of putting that on a back burner a little because we don't know who that person that and then your opinion if I speak for you was like well I think we should start the process you know and so I thought we left it like everybody's about type right and the point isone of it finite right as part of the board say yes we want to do this or not or you know put some sort of BU and take it back up when we have a you know fulltime super yeah I think that consider to I me the timeline was December we had a meeting talked about whether or not this was going to happen um our superintendent designed and we were like okay are we going to you know what's what are we going to do and then like not what are we going to do but like you know kind of plans moving forward the reorder happened in January um and then in February we had additional discussions where you know somebody did a presentation we had an additional meeting that related to the budget so there's a lot of moving Parts um and I think that you know before we even talk about okay what's our timing on the referendum I think we were having a discussion initially with our former superintendent about how we felt got in general so I don't know that we were at the point where we were like full steam ahead let's get dates on you know so I think that it's it's probably time for a discussion we can have in the finance committee and then obviously things have changed over um and then I I certainly don't think that it's a it's a decision that only the finance committee is going to make so it would be something we would you know around clients and then obviously have a broader discussion um with kind of all these different competing interests right we're dealing with you know you know big elephant in the room um so let's you know let we'll have a Time agre precisely what I brought yes you [Music] brought thank I didn't know I didn't know buiness only and my Rober rules so thank you for bringing it up I was confused it was an agenda item so I was like wait okay okay we have that any other discussion regarding old business any questions concerns no okay any new business oh old bu sorry a question and you you mentioned it in message the um the historic marker yes yes so um the initial application which was sent I want to say it was two years ago now was never received um we looked and the check was never cashed so I met with um Council President Grant we she was gracious enough to make additional copies of the application we um drove it right over to the member's house she lives in River so we confir that it was received and um we haven't heard anything yet but we know that they have it this time so okay any new business Paige I'm just kidding you John John okay Andrew spoken today okay open to the public as outline anyil for of Education bylaw 0167 each tiet made by a participant shall be limited to 3 minutes to see a motion Joe seconded by John all in favor oppose any comments from the public no okay take a motion to close to the public paage seconded by Stephanie all in favor I oppose board member requests for additional information Tony if if possible perhaps in our packet at some point in the future I'd be curious to know now that I've read about the ice hockey Cooperative any other Cooperative program we have and the ratio of board payments to student athlete payment Etc and perhaps participation rates I think can I answer that yeah um we are ending a co-op co-op with Dumont for swimming um we currently have so we're the Lea there and so there's no cost students as of the 23 24 season um prior to that the students were fundraising and paying pool time has increased the only thing that Dumont was supplying was busing I spoke about this at a previous board meeting because it was sort of a big financial burden because the board had expressed the payto playay policy and no longer sort of wanting to have the student athletes paying to participate and this was the only program um that the athletes were paying to participate in was the swimming Co-op um that has expired I spoke with the Dumont VA um who was going to bring it to the board to see what had happened that was last Thursday I not heard from him so um I assume that no call means a noo and so hopefully tomorrow we will have for you a approval for a swimming co-op with another District um these are sort of things when you don't have enough um participants of your own that you can join with another town um to have a team so that your student athletes can participate um and so it would be the first year that we would join with a new team should that move forward um pay to play do you just Define what pay to play is it is it just like like registration or league fees or things something like that like equipment or is it also like for example I know that the um the cheer squad pays for um like you know additional things that having to do with their competitions like got a pocket like is can you define like what what exactly the paper is I can there used to be a full pay to play I cannot speak to that I was not here when that was the case um I don't know if you have any information on that Lauren that would know what year that I think that happened you're asking about what it was no when it when we yeah but I don't I don't think my question is not about that some some sports will pay for things out of pocket and others don't what they do so I think that that's really the question there and for swimming the what they fundraised for was pool time that was it well it was like if they needed money for officials like there were other um sport correct they swimming also purchases their own uniform it's suit um whereas like a soccer team it's a shirt and shorts It's district and then they return it so she mentioned ANS and like they get the competitions they get that but there may other think they want to do on top of that yeah I just want to make clear because I know that you know someone might be confused like hearing like oh athletes don't pay you know it's not pay to play but I know that there are some sports where um players do you know or families do come out of pocket and like pay things okay correct if I can add just for clar if I can get clarification my understanding pay for play is payment being made by the student app family to the board not to The Venue not to the bus to the board so we don't currently have anybody paying to play with payments to the board or do we currently we do not okay so it's just being used as a term but it's not the actual swimming was they're paying us they were paying us they are no as of the 23 24 they are no longer paying Jo now I have to ask so the ice hockey we just talked about I'm going to assume that if we do have the student athlete next year Rising eighth grader right ice is is is that participant going to need to contribute towards ice kind of like Po time because I would assume so and if that's the case will they be paying the board or that it's not a regular payment it's well and the difference between swimming and ice hockey just to be clear is that that we're joining another Lea we are not the Lea so whatever that Lea's board has determined is what that student would be paying because they are joining the valley team so similar to what duman's issue with us was was that we no longer want these payments we're going to take that as a local thing we weren't making the decision for the Dumont board so their players were no longer paying um so it it goes both ways so we can't determine what ice time or whatever that team is going to contribute just because that's the team that we have for them to participate I just I when you said currently we don't and cor talking about 2425 that might not correct necessarily be the case this year absolutely if that participant get right absolutely and we were bearing the greater cost for the swimming correct we were paying the whole thing okay any other additional information request no okay seek a motion to recess to close Nicole seconded by John all in favor I I oppose and we will not be taking action when we come back so thank you for attending e