Mr Al pres M Cal Mr tasta pres M Coffer here Mr lard here Mr luno here Mr Ryan here vice president dun here president Gomez here to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation god indiv with liy and justice for all in accordance with the provision of the New Jersey open public meetings law the New Milford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time in place thereof posted in the burrow Hall and the New Milford Public Library notices have been sent to the record and the twin bur news the board announces that under its long-standing policy it will not discuss in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off meetings of the board are open to the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command should be followed there are two portions of the meeting reserved for comments from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board requests that all members of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals one Speaking D the fall play she kills monsters young adventurers Edition although I don't want to give away too much I can tell you I'm playing a bug bear and this is my bu bear head um this is our Tech week and the shows are this weekend and as written by our very own DJ Gonzalez who plays Chuck bigs in the show come see she kills monsters a thrilling Journey Through the Fantasy Realm of new landia full of action sword fighting special effects and drama so intense you'll be at the edge of your seat come see us on December 7th 8th and 9th at 700 p.m. you can buy your tickets at nmhs that is nmhs be sure to get your tickets you don't want to miss this amazing show so now on to what our student council has been up to we were able to raise over $600 on the event to help support different Marthur Martin Luther King Day in service activities these activities will be run by different staff members for the results of the volleyball game the seniors ended up winning against all the other grade levels and also won three sets Against The Faculty congratulations to the seniors on winning the tournament in other news we're looking forward to our upcoming winter Spirit Week to lead into our holiday break spirit days will include Pajama Day holiday sweater Day family photo day Bard blowout day and holiday characters day we're excited to bring in the holiday season with our fun spirit days so that's what our student council doing currently what's it's a day where you can dress up with your friends and you know how fames send out Christmas cards you can all dress up alike so it looks like you would be taking a Christmas card together I don't think anybody who presents at the board meetings M Kenzie gets the smiles that you do when you just open your mouth whole Just Smiles when you speak wishing you the best this weekend thank you can I ask you a question yeah how many injuries were happened during the faculty for student fall actually an that I know of so we were we were a little scared like oh no it's going to happen but no noj happen does anyone else have any questions or comments well thank you for presenting I know you're still rehearsing and to than have a great show okay so we have um several presentations start with profile of Dr Murphy thank you good evening everyone good to see you again and that is a tough act to follow okay but if I knew we could bring costumes next time please tell me Dr coar absolutely and I know where I'm bringing my wife on date night this weekend but uh first of all thank you I want you know um as a former school superintendent I know how vital a school board is so while I don't know all of you I do want to thank you for volunteering and taking time away from your families to serve the New Milford communities it's critical part of public education and most people don't realize how difficult it is so I thank the board members for doing that um little background about what we hear tonight to talk about and that is the development of a profile of a new Milford graduate so we're going to talk about what it is what the process is and why it's important and along the way you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me um I do want to begin by saying kudos to Dr Shanley and her leadership team for bringing this initiative to the community I think it's critical uh for several reasons that we're going to talk about tonight but let's first start what is it and the best way that I can explain it is it's a visual representation of what your vision and Mission is okay and it's an infographic and we know we're living in the world of pictures tell a thousand words well now in 2023 it tells a million words and probably will be doubl by the time you know the end of the year comes on so you'll see I have examples of some profiles uh here um and you know let's talk a little bit about what the visual representations are right it identifies the skills and habits of mind what am I talking about well I'm talking about those skills that our students need to be successful in their future not ours okay if you you know look at what the research is saying employers now are not asking for students to be schooled in uh the Pearl if you remember that seventh grade awful book in my opinion right right it's not they don't want to know the main idea of Ethan PR another eighth grade book that scarred me in Pro River Middle School what they want is they want employees who know how to CR uh think critically know how to solve problems know how to communicate know how to collaborate know how to be reflected right so when we're talking about those skills and habits of mind we're talking about things that employers have identified as lacking in their employees a profile also represents the collective vision of the community so when I talk about the process today you'll see that the entire Community all the stakeholders will have input on what the profile of a new noer graduate should be and that's important because not only should your Educators be a part of it but your um family your uh parents should be a part of it um your rotaries your Town Council your senior citizen because it's one community and what these represent is a collective vision of the entire Community not as just a school board or not just teachers not just um students okay and it's cut off here but one of the things that I stress is your info um graphic your profile becomes your North Star and it's a phrase you're going to hear a lot over the next six months is it's the north star that brings everything together now following me it will be a far less entertaining presentation on facilities okay let's be honest we all know presented you know he's he's he's not the strongest present but but it's really uh great that facilities are following this initiative because facilities do impact learning okay and learning is impacted by facilities so what do I mean if we need students to graduate who know how to collaborate and know how to be creative then our facilities need to match that profile so that's what I mean by the North Star so over the next six months we'll develop the North Star for New Milford and you're starting the process process in all sincerity he's the best um you'll start the process of what the facility should look like to help match what the profile of a new know student should be so it's it's impeccable timing okay um so I'm not going to put you on the spot but if I was going to do you know the New Milford Mission without looking it's right I said without looking right right so we all have mission statements if you work in a company you have a mission statement school districts have a mission statement sometimes we have a vision statement sometimes we confuse the two they're not the same having a mission statement and vision statement what a profile does it actually becomes real for all the stakeholders so I did read I was in the back reading the mission statement there's a lot of words to it right one of the ways you're going to know you will be successful in three years with the implementation of your profile is that a student can talk to what does that profile represent a family member can talk to it a staff member can talk to it okay so that North Start becomes the common language for the district it becomes the safe place for when we're talking about revising curriculum we need to talk about making sure those habits of mind whatever New Milford identifies is part of the curriculum it's part of the instructional practices so for me it's taking your mission statement making it real and and actualizing it in the classroom so feel free to ask any questions as we uh move along so come January we're going to start hopefully the process of developing it we'll go out to the community I'll go out to the stakeholders the team will ask the community for their input on the uh qualities the attributes they see in a uh or they want to see as a graduate we'll put out a survey and ask for survey uh responses to this end and then we collect all that data we synthesize it and then you create the infographic some school districts I work with the students are a part of it sometimes it's just you know a professional who does the uh infographic per se okay so this was the iteration uh of the Ramsey profile of a graduate we started I started with a spreadsheet and I quickly realized I was an elementary school teacher by trade and not a graphic designer and then it moved along the way but if you look at the ramsy profile of a graduate touch scen okay this become this is the North Star for Ramsey so at the base of our we based hours on John wooden's Pyramid of Success if anyone is a college basketball then in the early 1970s he was a uh po of Famer coach at the bottom of our um pyramid is content we believe in ramsing or they I should say they believe in raming that content you need a solid foundation of knowledge a lot of people think in today Progressive education knowledge doesn't mean anything think no it's more important than ever even though knowledge is doubling every two weeks it seems like it's really important but it's not just what you know it's what you do with what you know and there's the difference okay and that's where your profile will come in and then on top of that or the four C's Ram identify critical thinking collaboration communication and creativity and then you go up in the pyramid to habits of mind and so forth but this is what the community identifi as important to them by the time they graduate in 12th grade these are the attributes the habits of mind that they want to see in their students okay so that's 6 months worth of work but it doesn't stop there you then use the profile on these four questions so when you're revising the curriculum you have to in intentionally plan that these attributes habits of mind and so forth are purposefully taught and assessed in your curriculum okay you have to plan your staff development around making sure that our teachers understand what creativity looks like in the elementary school what does it look like in the middle school so your profile while it's going to be wonderful and it's going to look great is it has far deeper meaning and a real impact on your school district for years to come especially when it comes the curriculum instruction assessment and also it's a great visual representation so I I used the pictures that I had from my district but I've worked with other districts you can see that these represent these um habits of mind are are in our schools and around our school district as reminders to our community of what we value R so that's a little car that we have you know which is the pyramid and so forth we still have our mascot with there still the Rams and so forth but these are just examples of visual representations you use these words this is something that I emailed out to the community and I will tell you that our profile was invaluable during the lockdown and the P pandemic to remind our community what we value most so it's a wonderful way for you to Rally around and show and continue to remind the New Milford Community what you value what hopefully I become a we here what we value in the sense of what what is the purpose of schooling new so that's in a nutshell Frank will be less time than me um questions just so you know I know Frank for a long time so questions about what the purpose is the process please how many districts are are using this um I I don't know I don't have data about it but I would say at my last count it was 15 in New Jersey but it's National like locally um I know Rivervale is using it um I'm working I worked with uh Little Falls West in my spere that's right many I just retired so this is a new gig for me how many years no it's just me okay so so his yeah well tell a little bit about your background oh okay so I recently retired as the school superintendent of frany for a decade and I knew early on that we needed we had a mission statement that didn't make any sense it was long it was convoluted the only time we we referred to it was during HUAC and depending on who the county superintendent was you needed to have it in every room you had to print it out so I knew that while Ramsey as you know is a is a well-run and high achieving District we didn't have a uh mission that was actualized so I was going to revise the mission statement you know through strategic planning and then I caught on to this concept of developing you know a portrait of what a graduate would be and then from there it rolled out and here we are so so if I can to um being going to school boards for different workshops right so uh last year last year year before it's been around a little school boards also offers as a as a service meaning that it's been around for a while when you're developing your mission statement to go the step further and don't just kind of do it within your four walls but rather go out to the community get the community everything that you just mentioned except calling in a profile as a graduate kind of doing all of that same stuff um and really getting the community involved in being involved means they own it too all right so that's really I think the benefit of this and so in that way so I I do appreciate that very much I did have a question though so the six months you said that this will be that would be the first six months of doing all of that um and then how long with the rest of the steps the the four yeah Miss I hand that over to the assistant superintendent of curriculum and then she so when you're revising your curriculum right you then think about those habits or those um have you those attributes sorry that you identifi and then you have to work it into the revision cycle of your ccum so what I have suggested is you don't do it sometimes the state mandates um a new requirement and you put an appendage at the back of it that says I'm going to do this holiday whatever the plan is for your curriculum revision is when you should then systematically think about putting in your attribut that you want in your curriculum so a year from now I don't know if you have plans for next summer but let's say you were revising Ela k25 then I would say let's purposely plan for whatever your attributes whatever you identify you mentioned um like participation from community and other stakeholders and I'm wondering Ramy who participated the most was it students was it parents was it alumni like I just want to know yeah so great question because um this uh I've been I was I was I was a superintendent um for over 15 years and there was nothing more disheartening than sending out a survey and getting 11 people um to fill it out and four of them I married a Ramsey girl where my Ramsey inlaw [Music] I knew it was because don't forget you come to Thanksgiving um we had over a thousand respondents to this survey okay so it really showed that we struck a cord to pages that the community was buying in to what it was now I think it's important to do presentations at pto's to faculty meetings um you know to the rotary to the Chamber of Commerce what whatever the stakeholders are uh before we send out the survey so we can bring awareness to the project answer any questions you know make sure they they hear from Dr Shanley myself other committee members per se about what the purposes we um we only let and I don't I don't remember the reason why it was just I think 10th through 12th grade students who had access to the survey because I think we felt um we tried to simplify the survey for language purposes and then when we were piloting the survey you know to middle schoolers to there's some sophistication to language and we wanted to make sure that the data was um authentic in a sense if we changed the survey too much then we weren't able to identify you know the 8 to 10 attributes so we decided after field testing to do 10th through 12th grade but every staff member so it wasn't just parents every Community member got access to the survey okay so you know one of the challenges we'll have come uh winter is how do we get you know to I presented at senior citizen uh group I asked them to forward the survey l so um you brought attention to the fact that very few people really know what the district Mission Visions are in most districts so can you just share with the board I attended a workshop that you presented can you share with the board the way that you um bring this to life let's say Vis visibly in the schools and the classrooms and through lessons for example so that everybody is cely aware of what the El go so so in our I I'm not on my laptop but this is an example okay so we believe communication they Ram Le communication is U essential so we then developed grade level appropriate signs posters of what communication looks like at a K5 level or actually your Princeton model K3 level or 3 4 five level 68 level 9 through 12 level so you will see signs such as this signs that say creativity signs that say reflection empathy around our school in our classrooms that are grade level appropriate and what I'm really proud of this is not St store BL okay this is part of the curriculum work so if we're working again on K5 Ela we're working on what does that look like what are the questions that should be guiding the area of communication so you know this is done in Cana and then I just went and blew it up you know like it it's but this is invaluable from an instructional perspective because everyone can use the word communication or creativ you know being creative no there is intention behind that and we have to make sure our staff understand it and as important our students understanding so um so that's the only example that I have in this slideshow your explanation okay I don't want spot um but I'm wondering if you can talk a little bit about the Capstone project oh sure how that really took a life of it own from the students experience yeah so one of the things that we did along the way is is this sounds great but how do you measure whether or not the students are doing it right that's ultimately really important sounds wonderful so we have what we call Profile projects in third fifth 8th and 12th grade so you take I'll go back so you go back to profile right so in third grade they have a profile project that doesn't Encompass all of this because right it just encompasses some of them and we we strategically planned out by third grade we I think we um focused on critical thinking and creativity so they have a performance assessment all third graders do in rans and then in fifth grade they have another one that builds upon those two we added another two on and then in eighth grade in third grade it's a group performance um assessment in fifth grade um it's TED Talks they can do a TED talk right so you need you need information right you need content and it was driven out of the curriculum so it's not a new project and then so for in eighth grade and then 12th grade every student to graduate has to do a Capstone project so everyone does uh um a defense of learning and I I'll get into the weeds a little bit it is a requirement the school board made it a requirement it's every student modified for everyone on the learning continuing and sometimes it's embedded in the class so if you're taking a 12th grade class in math you know going in that your profile your is that's that's the final of that class so to speak sometimes they do it as independent study so if you had an 18-year-old in ramsy right now they've already identified their problem of practice they're doing the research whether it's in class where it might be just a class where there's 25 students doing 25 different projects and the teacher just there checking in on them and then they have to present uh to four staff members their project okay so and there are checks along the way I'm really giving you a but there are checks along the way so it's not just a cap usually capstones are for your brightest of the bright kids kids in in high schools we believe every student needs to demonstrate the Ramy profile so they identify a problem they have to research it you know there's a whole process to it but they go in front of four adults and they're scored and they're assessed and if it doesn't pass for those of us who have doctor right it doesn't pass the First on you go back and rewrite it that's what happens so so it's 3rd 5th 8th and 12 does anyone else have any other questions I have a follow maybe other people aren't thinking it so a lot of this is is when we first talked about this and we talked about the profile of graduate talk about the profile of them as a as a new Milford as a representative of New Milford basically saying that wherever they go you know you know who you're going to meet and what they've done but academically not every New Milford student is going to Aspire to do secondary you know after graduation they may aspire to do something else so how how does that Capone how does that fit into that kind of a I I think it actually Embraces the fact that not everyone is College Bound right so um know where you go to school if you go to school not the person you'll be right and um I think it Embraces the fact that if you enter the workforce at age 18 you've been through this process so you know how to communicate you know how to collaborate you know they refer to some of these as the soft skills and just you know for the public those that are listening it is part of the learning standards no one ever reads the preamble to the learning standards but it's part of the learning standards they're not solved in my in my part you know I have a 20 23y old two different sets of students uh children I was talking to Frank about him because he's know my kids since they were little you know uh one is your typical Millennial and the other one is the work ofe who you know embraced Embraces this type of thing so I I think it actually for that student who's may not be ready to go to college or may not want to go to college I think this validates them even more to say this is not just about my college you know essay it's about preparing myself to whatever the future is that he or she may want to give that's the way we looked at it thank you thank you you so much Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah have a great holiday yes you too Frank go ahead and try to beat that yeah will this just [Music] contr perfect love it good evening everybody you I'm going to stand over here if that's okay I'd love to introduce you just you know camera perfect I just want you guys to be able to see the screen uh to the board and to the members of the public this is Frank Nino I'm from Solutions architecture this is our approved architectural firm and uh he off to come here tonight he's actually worked with Dr Murphy for a very long time so I think it'll be wonderful partnership moving forward yeah I think it's I think what Matthew's doing is great and I think as he said earlier facilities to impact learning and what you're able to do with the classroom spaces and be able to offer those those spaces that actually enhance the curriculum you're able to do more because the classroom's able to accommodate more and right now if you're static and not flexible then you're unable to do that so I think that's great and we do have a a pretty long history and uh we knew each other long before we worked together and we did work together in Ramsey and we passed the 42 million doll referendum in Ramsey and uh Dr Murphy I mean just really pushed us to do better to do more and that's kind of what we do is we're always not not here to outperform anybody else we're outperform ourselves so the program you're going to see and what we've done gets better every year and every time we do it we get better we add more to it so what I want to talk about is I I've been in this District since 2005 uh I was with here with a previous firm when I left that and started Solutions Architecture 14 years ago we continued work uh in District and we continued you know to look at the buildings look at the schools um and we got to a point I guess in 2018 where we started to plan a referendum because these buildings and you're not any different than any other District in the state of New Jersey you're not unique in terms of your facilities everybody pushes the facilities needs to the side to accommodate the educational needs of the district they take precedents so if we can get another year out of the roof we get another year out of the roof if we can get another year out of the boiler we try to squeeze another year out of the boiler it's a lot of money to spend and it's impossible to do it under your 2% cap so you try to do what you can and your facilities department does what they can to maintain the facilities what happens though is when you do that and you're not like unlike any other district is you continue to Kick the Can down the road and as you kick the can down the road the problems get bigger they become more so what you're going to see is in the during the planning process this is not something new it's not something that's come overnight this is something that we've talked about I came in in 2007 and did a facilities uh evaluation for all the roofs in The District in 2007 many of the rofes had two years left in useful life and warrantee many had 5 years left of useful life and warrantee and since that time in 2009 we did two roofs out of all the roofs in District we've been banding and patching and repairing because there's a significant amount of roofing to be done so let's talk a little bit about what previous referendum planning uh entailed so there's a little bit of delay all right so during the the last go around we looked at uh we were charged with looking at all of the school facilities and finding a way to review and prioritize the facility's improvements we wanted to not only improve the facility's infrastructure but we wanted to improve the student experience it was twofold yes there are Capital Improvements that have to be done they're you know we've done without doing them for far too long but then we also want to do what we can to improve the student experience so we worked we went through the buildings we Catal them did a facilities audit detailed facilities audit to make sure that we could meet District goals those District goals had to do with responding to change and advancing the district's best practices at the time it was also focused on Career concentrations wanting to make sure that we looked at stem steam Global Leadership Arts Performing Arts Environmental Studies to try and again enhance that student experience and at the time we were proposing uh a referendum that would include functional sustainable infrastructure and classroom renovation projects via a referendum vote and this was for March 2020 the slogan was students are the heart of the future and we need to invest in our schools and in the community I mentioned before the 2% tax cap it makes it impossible to manage your buildings and to do a significant amount of work at any given year you can't do all of the work that needs to be done but in spite of that cap you guys continue to improve your schools educational program standpoint capital projects and infrastructure have taken a back seat we have no choice put to address these issues before they get worse they continue to get worse this was three years ago so they've only they've not gotten any better in some cases we've actually knocked some off the list that we had here but at that time we were looking to take care of all these things that need to be done at that time we had a great opportunity which kind of slipped through our our grasp and that was we had Debt Service Aid payments from a prior referendum that were falling off they would have offset the cost of the up upcoming referendum by a certain amount we're dealing with aging schools at the time we were looking at buildings that average 64.8 years old now while I don't consider 64.8 years old for me I would consider your buildings at 64.8 years old in need of help um you guys have done what you can on your regular operating budging but it's not enough I'm here to tell you today it's not enough we have to do more the only way that you can do it is to do this do something in terms of a referendum and there's benefits to it at the time interest rates were very reasonable today's a different story so what do we do and how do we deal with it state aid is still available it hasn't gone away since uh you know it it came into play it went down in 2009 for a short period of time but State assistance is available if you are funding a project through a referendum and if it's tied to education or maintenance of a facility you are eligible for up to 34% in savings now when we ran the the numbers for the previous referendum a good portion of that referendum was eligible for funding we had some additions which are not funded at the same value as capital projects so it reduced the 34% I think we were looking at 28% in debt service Aid at the time because of the way we manage the numbers state aid is still available at the time these were projects that had been completed in house chairlifts cior windows elevator Clock Tower Plaza Ada ramps these are things that are done Peca throughout the years according to you know in the ability to try to get things done electrical service upgrades uh we did the inner Bridge Crossing at uh lldd facility at davidy Owens uh we did the 68 Suite we put in refillable water stations it's not that you're not doing work it's not that you're not doing projects you just can't do all of the projects that need to be done and the big ones the roofs the windows the the parking lots these are projects that cost a substantial amount of money July 18 we did our facilities audit in December we presented a facilities audit now the facilities audit was an order of magnitude of all the projects you could possibly do in District if you needed to do them and if you had the money to do them and it talked about $73 million worth of capital projects now you don't have to do all of those projects some of those are are Grand fathered so you don't need to change all the door hardware or you don't need to change hand rails and do things but this Court talked about everything that didn't meet code or was a self and safety issue or could improve the educational environment for kids after that we had meetings with the administration we there was a referendum committee that was established building principles to really establish the needs prioritize that list come up with one through four which are the projects we really need to do what do we want to do so that was established back then from January to April 2019 we reviewed the project Capital listing we talked with board options and chose from a variety of projects in order to get a palatable or what was thought to be a palatable budget for a referendum obviously money is the most important piece of all of this we need to get the work done but it also needs to pass and it all the community needs to buy in they needs to understand the need projects ranked as lower priority were removed to control the total cost and that's how we established where we were with the referendum from April 2019 to that present time the committee the Community Committee was established we met in this room there was 32 some OD people across section of the community senior citizens students uh parents parents who are or people in District who didn't have kids in school so it was a cross-section of the community and we had these meetings to look at the projects do walkthroughs of the buildings look at the conditions and the the respon response was overwhelming in terms of the need and the need to do this unfortunately at the time there were things going on in the town everything everything going on it was preco but uh it caused you know some some issues with the ability to push this thing for it wasn't the right time it wasn't felt to be the right time but all of these things the community the Community Committee the facilities audit they established a benchmark for PRI projects to be done and they established priorities again the enhanced learning environments was was a key component student and staff safety obviously in today's world we know that we need to manage and control student staff safety whe whether it's be entry vestibules whether it's be a 3D film uh you know uh ballistics film on Windows on first floor windows and then there's the blue one which nobody sees it's the maintenance and everyday items which really has no value because people don't see it they don't see the roof they don't see they walk by it every day and you know in spite of the fact that if the boiler goes down you lose school for two weeks you know on an emergent project it's something that we get we try to get the most out so we put a bandaid on it and we go on our way special projects we we we look to incorporate projects that would affect everybody in in in planning a referendum we want to make sure there's something for everyone so we want to not only just deal with sport SPS or performing arts or Visual Arts we want to incorporate everyone because that gives you the most buying technology projects the on to one initiatives core spaces all of these rooms where the public visits they should be visually appealing they should be inviting they should be in good shape so we have things that were part of the referendum priority I want to just walk you through the projects I want to walk you through the categories that were created we created these categories again enhanced learning environments that encompasses the the Arts learning General classroom spaces and well Wellness the student and staff safety obviously stands on its own as does operations the facilities enhance The Learning Experience so we need to upgrade those that was the way this look we looked at this from a capital project need now just to to understand the difference between a capital project and an educational project capital projects are those projects that that kind that you see here infrastructure projects electrical roof door doors windows door hardware as best as tile flooring Replacements Tazo concrete site work anything that doesn't really touch the educational environment would be considered a capital project so we wanted to focus on a lot of the things now you see cross outs on this list these are projects that were on the list originally when we looked at the referendum planning and have since been taken care of by the district through the capital budgets so these are projects that no longer have to be included now while that's a benefit to us because we can lower the cost because we're taking out projects cost of materials and Equipment have gone up since we did this so maybe we're going to be at a net even we haven't done the numbers because we still need to evaluate where we want to be roofing systems we had 84,000 foot of roofing system uh in terms of the high school all the sections that you see there that have not been touched since we did the evaluation 05 we did the main you the main roof we put a slate roof on the front of the building the classic part of the building uh but every other section uh you're going to see uh hasn't been uh looked at um so roofing systems locker rooms the existing locker room spaces shower rooms that were once used for group showering you know back when I went to school are now used for storage they're no longer used it's inefficient it's wasted space lockers are in state of disrepair mechanical systems need to be upgraded so these are things that need to be looked at you know existing toilet fixtures and floors are in a state of disrepair there's the another example of the shower room being used for storage uh window curtain Wall Systems we replaced one curtain wall system in the courtyard area off of uh the stair um as a starting of the of the project and that was the last one that we did in the last 10 years probably so but these curtain walls are single panel curtain Wall Systems they run from second floor to first floor at the high school they haven't been replaced they need to be replaced that's the condition that you're looking at on the right classroom lighting one of the projects that got crossed off the district has spent considerable time and energy to upgrade the lighting in the in the buildings all the buildings so that's a big number that number was about $4 million as part of this referendum that comes off the top the problem with it coming off the top is it's $4 million that doesn't get 3 34% so we need to we need to balance how we get funded for projects and what we do um Courtyard there's an example the exterior of the curtain walls the girls locker room on the right there's a rooftop unit uh it's still running they're putting changing belts and motors and doing what you can but that's long be long Beyond its useful life uh the existing wood shop exhaust fan it's in an older and state of disrepair the garage doors the exterior of the building uh this is your pneumatic controls for your building uh management system they're pneumatic they run of a compressor with air that doesn't happen anymore they're all digital everything's digital can be controlled on your iPhone we don't have that here we still have a Pneumatic control system we have steam piping you know a lot of the building is steam it wasn't converted to hot water so we have corroded steam piping these are examples of the roof you know they there water sits on them moss grows uh they leak lack of proper pitch to drains uh you know they're just getting blistered from the Sun there's a lot of uh uh open uh open uh they call them fish mouths they're little seams where the seams bubble but the Roes are in their beyond their useful life and really need to be uh replaced again another other examples of where they're in the shade and they're getting moisture and they're growing mold and uh flashings are broken and need to be repaired uh this is David E Owens the windows here are older in single pain as well some windows are broken and inoperable so you open the window and it closes down U not safe not not a great practice these are things that haven't changed so at David E Owens uh the pumps and the boilers were replaced um so that's these big old Behemoth boilers were taken out and new high efficiency boilers were put in so that comes off our that's a good thing again locker rooms the the floors One By One ceramic tiles you can see areas that are brown that where the tiles have been patched and pulled apart a lot of grout in a one by one tile you know breeds you know germs and things like that so you have to be maintained and have to be cleaned when we do lockers today we do p epoxy resin floors it's a monolithic floor with a a a floor drain in the middle you can hose it down with a fire hose if you need so the rooms are are much more again where we patched and grounded in tiles that have come up uh the shower is now storage similar conditions at all the schools lockers shower rooms used for storage uh this is a men's toilet that was out of operation and never repaired it's being used as a storage room as well hot hot water piping and the equipment uh rooftop units and Equipment are older the fire alarm panel uh with there's one component here that was replaced the main system is still older it's non addressable and needs to be replaced electrical panel boards they're out of date they lack the capacity for all of the added electrical needs of the district computers Computing stem steam science there's more Electrical uh load now and if we look to air conditioning that's been added and things like that it increases the electrical load of a building and therefore these panels need to be updated as well and all of the panels throughout the hallways need to be updated as well in order to support more power Hardware we still have non Hardware in these buildings it's non ADA Compliant it's non accessible in some cases the classrooms don't have proper locking mechanisms where the teacher can't lock the door without putting a key in it from the outside doesn't meet safety requirements we need to be able to have the teacher close the door lock the door from inside in the case of an emergency if she has to lock it with a key from outside that seconds lost Laboratories in the toilet rooms poor condition this is Barkley Street fire alarm panel this is again Berkeley Street's fire alarm panel and devices that need to be replaced um classroom lighting that we already covered has already been replaced exterior doors these are old these are older FRP doors and while FRP fiber reinforced plastic doors they're in great shape they've lasted a long long time at some point even if it's a break door it's going to go back needs to be replaced more examples of the toilet rooms and toilet room floors and here's a toilet that was converted to an ADA toilet but we pulled the fixture out cap the stuff in the wall but the wall was never really patched and repaired and things like that cracks in the tile floor water fountains old porcelain you know water fountains that should be replaced with water ADA Compliant water coolers or um bottle fillers even now we're doing more and more of the doors don't need current codes they have luers in the bottom of them so from a capital standpoint there's a lot of Need for work that has to be done in these buildings um and our list is hasn't changed I don't other than the stuff that's been completed I don't see our list changing our recommendations are still going to be and as an architect my biggest issues are envelope building envelope the exterior of a building the roof the windows the doors biggest issue because if the roof leaks it causes other problems ceiling tiles get stained light fixtures get ruined mold other things that you don't want to deal with so the roofs are my number one priority the windows what goods repl in the boilers if your windows are single pain you're going to lose energy out those so you're doing things that you know are counterintuitive so we need to fix on a global scale everything that needs to be done you can't only do that through uh a referendum so educational project needs you're going to see a list on the right uh or you on the right in every slide that's what the need was at the time that we originally did the planning under new Administration and current discussions things may change change so these needs may be different so if you see the little box on the left it says current dis discussions there's a question of a need for three team rooms our original design was three team rooms the weight room wasn't included so we want to add the weight room to the renovations we want to look at adding all toilet rooms they were very selective with toilet rooms that were being replaced before but now everything is be is going to be included so this was the high school we had culinary arts Renovations theater support space Renovations open classrooms uh that that were being uh pulled out and relocated somewhere else and we needed to fill those with with needed uh classroom space nurses Suite Renovations but current discussions are saying do we need a huge culinary chopped kitchen art you know culinary arts renovation do we make the open rooms that are adjacent to the performing arts space Ensemble spaces for Performing Arts so we're in the process of looking at whether this plan still what is it whe it still holds water whether it's still the appropriate plan for us so culinary arts renovation the idea was that this would be a very flexible classroom space that would teach students to be able to go out in the real world and obtain a job as a culinary uh Chef to be able to understand how that works learning about nutrition the science of food as well as preparation of food as well as using it as a banquet space to show off their culinary Creations so the room you know is is designed to be to allow the curriculum to expand as opposed to what we were what we called it home economics you know it was a crowded room crowded space this is the space that exists on the left now on the right these are culinary arts rooms we're doing right now uh projects on the lower level there was a a need to create a new stem Suite uh with graphic design and art and stem robotics um taking the lower level custodial Locker Renovations but now the question is you know what else can be there do we put the culinary across from this do we create three art rooms does GU guidance and storage room do we reclaim that room because it's it's wasted space it's storing things that are 20 years old do we weed that out and reclaim that space for something that the school needs and then again renovate all the toilet spaces uh new practice area and changing rooms new Ada toilets in the lobby things that don't currently exist that still remain needs Auditorium you know the existing Auditorium in Performing Arts areas what do we do to you know make this a better space not only for performances but for the people that come to visit on level two sorry poter is not responsive so level two project science room Renovations there's Suite 310 that needs to be renovated as well as theater toilets that need to be renovated um you know so we're in discussions about whether these projects still make sense science lab Renovations the existing science classrooms are inflexible that's the way they were designed back then um in fact we did these science labs uh you years ago but that that was what we were doing right the kidney shaped tables the rais and lower the lab lab and lecture in the same space now our science labs are very flexible every table moves every table's on Wheels every chairs on wheels it can be open closed set up in singles set up in doubles it's it's the epitome of flexibility which helps the curriculum uh the Arts design we talked a little bit about what would be in there better layout to supply the needs of the program most of the art classrooms have zero storage space zero cabinets the cabinets are rotted from moisture damage these all need to be upgraded an example of the existing art room uh cluttered inefficient lacking proper storage and what an art room on the right is what the kind of stuff that we're doing now again every table if you look at the bottom they're on Wheels the rooms can be reorganized there's Gallery space there the students can do an art show the rooms support doing more than what we were doing on the left lockers what a locker you know is now and what the locker room could be reimagined Sports Medicine Health classrooms there was a need for more efficient layout space for the boys and girls locker rooms the trainer Suite was small and inefficient dedicated team rooms for sports the ability to have uh visitors team come in during a game as opposed to just you know Milling about toilet room Renovations Sports and nurse throughout the throughout the uh the lower level uh science lab Renovations relocating and renovating those science labs to begin again to support the curriculum be more flexible be more uh efficient uh and then again in relocating things we pick up open classrooms that could be used for much needed uh uh program space all right uh David Owens um the interior uh level one projects uh these included everything from an enlarged stage to support the Performing Arts the stage prenium window is very small you can only fit so many people across the front so part of it was opening that recum window up expanding the stage out allowing in it to support the plays and the shows that are being performed there new health classroom renovating the locker rooms and there was the locker rooms with the two shower areas that are currently being unused we were able to pick up a full health full size Health classroom within the locker room areas accessible from the gym so we're able to reclaim underutilized space and unutilized space as well as looking at uh toilet room renovations on the uh level two there's a couple of classroom relocations things that are being put into as we do these Renovations we look at the building as a whole and we create better efficiencies sometimes you create a classroom space but it's out a sequence a sixth grade classroom may be down the hall and we want all of them together so we try to you know relocate and create uh relocate them so there's greater efficiency in the plan this is a just a blow up of the locker room that I talked about with the new uh classroom this is an example of what that locker room could look like and should look like if you notice the Lockers in the center are very tall in the existing plan there's no supervision you can't see what's going on behind it in the new plan the Lockers in the middle would be lower so that you'd have better supervision across the room you'd be able to see from one side to the other all right um Berkeley interior one so when we originally looked at level one in Berkeley the need was for a prek Edition two additional prek classrooms our current discussion is looking at the potential for four prek classrooms in that space as well as relocating other rooms and doing things so we need to evaluate and in order to evaluate capacity building capacity building need we need to look at demographics and updating demographics uh just an example of what the existing art room could look like and what it could look like reimagine all right all right uh level two this is capital projects these are window replacements and uh lighting Replacements in the classroom this was that back then lighting has now been done so we don't have to do lighting anymore classroom addition looked at two new pre prek classrooms the idea now would be to look at a potential for classroom addition if necessary after the Capacity Analysis is done the existing prek classroom is on the left the potential for what that prek classroom could look like uh again for uh students this was uh Gibbs and Gibbs also had an addition there was a pre addition there there was a greenhouse uh Media Center Loft to pick up the media Center's double height the intent was that we could renovate the media center at a second floor Loft that would pick up three small group instruction classrooms and still get funded for that service Aid because it's a renovation as opposed to new construction so the idea was to look at the potential to do that and the cost we now need to reevaluate and take a look at cost and where they are with doing a project like that toilet room room Renovations Boiler Room um upgrades as well uh this was an idea of what that Media Center Loft could look like so you pick up you do a mezzanine level and you do uh you know three small group construction classrooms up there the existing Media Center inefficient use of space the double height losing you know losing square footage and then what it could look like reimagined the pre classroom old heavy Furniture clutter not easily adaptable and what prek could look like reimagined and then we looked at projected costs so all of this entire process with all the projects we looked at we actually looked at a total cost of projects so capital projects all of the things that I discussed Windows electric roofs doors site work parking lots all of the things that needed to be done at the high school came out uh in terms of capital projects about $2,500,000 uh educational projects were about 10 million the total High School cost at the time is about $30 million uh David E Owens uh the work there capital projects the infrastructure was $14 million and the educational classroom work was almost $4 million for a total of18 million Berkeley was 5.5 million and 3 million respectively for a total of about 8.6 million and then Gibbs was about 5 million with 1.2 million educational projects uh for a total of 6.2 million the total cost of this referendum at the time was about $63 million now that was the overall outside cost the next slide shows the $63 million in the column on the left for each of the schools and it shows that we would have received based on the formulas and The Debt Service Aid $22 million $22.9 million in date in debt service aid for the project which would reduce the net taxable impact of $40 million so that's where we were at the time when this whole process ended and stopped we didn't submit to doe we didn't get to that process this is where we left off so this is you know you know a 20 minute recap of where we were at the time of of this process at the present time the question we have is what's next where do we go from here as a district the first step for us you know our recommendation would be to recommission a demographic study or and evaluate the need for new space right is there is there um is there a need for new space do we need to do that can we look at it from another way so the second piece of this is commission and Capacity Analysis so your your low range facility plan has a capacity for each building that capacity is based on District use it's not based upon how many kids are in a classroom now people say all the time well your enrollment is dropping why do we need new space because the way education is taught today is different than it was 10 years ago special education squeezes square footage you can only put six kids in a classroom if those six kids are in a full siiz classroom you've now lost square footage in your building you now increased the need forare footage so part of our analysis would be to look at all the rooms how many fullsize classrooms have small group instruction can they be divided can we pick up two small group instructions in one fullsize classroom and therefore pick up a full classroom these are things that we would look at the true capacity of the building as opposed to our lrp capacity we would look at your scheduling practices how many periods of day is every classroom used are they 6 out of 6 7 out of 7 8 out of 8 or are they 4 out of you have some that are not used all the time can we adjust schedule not saying that's the case I'm just saying we look at it from a holistic approach we want to resolve the scope of work in my opinion capital projects are are are a must we've kicked this can down the road as long as I've been in this District so and and it's not for not for a lack of trying it's because of what you guys are up against with money and budget and educational needs Taking precedence it's not that you haven't done homework reevaluate the tional projects listing and determine what makes the most sense re-evaluate the budgetary costs and the constraints where you feel it's a different board now so where do you feel this needs to be where does this referendum need to be for the public is it enough is it not enough that's what we need to reevaluate we need to take a look at the need and the appetite for a referendum I if you're asking me as a professional we again we kicked this down the road for far too long we need need to do something this is only going to get worse the roofs the windows the doors all of this stuff is only going to get worse so even if you said Frank tomorrow we want to look at the roofs the windows and the doors and that's it okay something has to get done that you're not going to be able to do out of your capital budget and then the other piece would be to determine a date for that referendum if you the answer is yes when when can we do it and New Jersey has special election dates on these times the fourth Tuesday in January nobody wants that we don't ever do a referendum in January because everybody's still paying bills from the holiday second Tuesday in March one of the most popular dates for a referendum last Tuesday in September another popular date for a referendum November 7th the general election we try to stay away from at all costs unless there is some incredible relationship between the town and the municipality because we don't want to politicize the school election so we try to stay away from it and yes there is an additional cost if you don't do it on the general election but again you don't want to tie to the mayor or some of a councilman not being for this and knocking it down because they're running for a spot uh and then the last is the second Tuesday in December which is another popular date and you're going to see in a second so according to school boards New Jersey school boards this was the list of referenda from 2001 to 2019 the number of Elections per year they depending upon what was going on when State funding kicked in in 2000 you can see towards the beginning there were a lot more referendum when the grants were being offered as it started to get towards the end it started to taper down you can see that anywhere from 50 to 70% of the proposals were approved and it lists the total cost this is probably the bigger slide though this is the total number of referenda in each month each election month from 2010 to 2018 uh in January there were 38 total referendum 59% pass in March there were 62 uh referendum 52% passed in April at the time you could vote in April it was uh 22 referendum 62% passed September 82 referendum more referendum than any other month uh 60% passed uh in November 31 referenda 73% passed and then December uh 59 referenda 61% passed so the most popular month for referenda was 7 was September with 82 referenda March had 62 and December had 59 however the success rates were flipped December had 61 September had 60 and March had 52 so surprisingly uh during the November District the 7 73% success rate it's it's attributed to the fact that everybody else is coming out to vote anyway so there's a there's a success rate in those cases uh back then it was a little bit different in terms of whether it was political or not you know highly politicized so we have what we call our referendum calculator we enter a number at at the time that we were looking at this and at the time we looked at what we were talking about it was November 13 2023 and there are a number of days to complete a phase and we estimate these but one of the biggest pieces is the doe submission date and how long it's going to take doe to review right now Doe's on month schedule four month schedule no 6 month schedule doe is taking six months to review the projects they've got seven reviewers doing 600 districts in the state of New Jersey and they just issued Ro Grant projects which they're reviewing they're doing any referendum projects the guy that was reviewing my nutly project couldn't get the project done for the nutly referendum so it's now postponed so that's how this works so we give s it used to be 90 days by by regulation it's 90 days they have to review we're giving 160 because that's what's out there now they squeeze it and we can get it reviewed quicker great we only pick up time but we need to be conservative in how long it's going to take us to do so at that time I was looking at Tuesday December 10th as a referendum to vote date when we originally talked about it we were looking he well can we do September does September work 2024 based upon the numbers back in November if we were to start doing this all analysis in November December 10th would be the more likely date now it's December 5th where are we with numbers it's now looking like we're going to miss December and we're you know going to be looking at March of 2025 if we're and again a lot of this depends on those upfront numbers how long it takes we've already done a great deal of the leg work in terms of the capital projects we still need to do demographics we still need to do educational do you want to revive the Community Committee these are all questions that you need to answer answer you need to think about do we want to revive that committee and take a process with them because that's going to take a month that's going to take two months so these are that that can if we can shrink the 90 days in the front the N our 90day submission time we could pick up some time but where we are right now is we're our vote we need 60 days prior to the referendum date to notify the County Board of Elections so we need to know what our approval numbers are so we can tell the county that this is the number we're going out for and this is it and that has to happen 60 days before a referendum so if it happens 60 days it pushes us all if we get approval by December 9th uh and and get our doe approval by November in this in this instance then it's the board approves it no December 9th we notify the C Board of Elections that puts the referendum out to February 8th which now makes it March uh because there is no election in February so based on what the calculator is spitting out again if we adjust any one of these these numbers we can maybe pick up some time but you want to I always tell our districts the best time to go out for a referendum is when you're ready to go out for a ref right to try to rush it out to try to put it out before people know the information to try to put it out when not everybody's aware of what the the process has been it makes it seem like you're either trying to put it out quickly hide it and our goal is always complete transparency this is an example of what that referendum timeline could look like so beginning the process let's say started today and we began the process we look at you know site evaluations and these are things that we've already done so we can eliminate that one to two months maybe it's one month but we still need to look at schematic documents and the cost estimates and Ed specs and prepare the submission packages so there's still some time that's going to be spent up front a month for the board to review the process to go through and and look at everything look at the budgets and then approve doe submission doe submission has to be made by June 7th so from this point to June 2nd that's what we have if we make the submission earlier that's better for us if we can finish compress the beginning part of the timeline maybe we can catch December again uh and then after doe we're giving doe 160 days to do the review November 9th would be the notes the County Board of Elections and then we go into public relations mode where we start to get the word out on the referendum and the vote would be March 10th 2025 again this is our off the cuff look this is not nothing set in stone here we're just talking out loud and I wanted to try to feel in my own mind where we would where we could potentially be with a potential referendum date okay so that's that's the where that's the where we were this is where we are this is how you know we get here just real quick a couple of things I'll cover real quickly and then you can ask questions our system is all about transparency it's about district and Community involvement it's about making sure that that need those pictures the walkthroughs of the schools are shown to everybody Solutions architecture offers a single Source referendum planning and marketing uh response you don't hire a PR firm you don't hire anybody else to do this we do everything we control the message we get the right message out at the right time um this is just our list of successes right now um the two that are up for vote nutly as you heard me say earlier was postponed from December it's now going to be probably March or September uh and then riverdell is voting on next next Tuesday uh and that is actually 18 million not 12 um but over the past over the past in 2023 we passed three out three referendum using our process using the the marketing and the the planning that we do $194 million worth of projects passed in March of of 2023 since 2019 we've passed 10 out of 11 referenda using our process uh the one that failed was in Midland Park and it was the third time they put field Synthetic Turf field out and M Park doesn't want synthetic care field it's the third time they tried it the third time it went down and that was the difference between us being 11 or 10 for 10 or 11 for 11 so the process is is a a long one it's a it's a plan it needs to have Buy in from everybody in order for it to be successful um we've got a great head start you're in a very unique position when I'm talking to most districts about referenda we haven't done all the leg work that we've already done here um while some of the changes need to still be made we've done a great deal of leg work so you're in a good spot question I know I gave you a lot of information I don't have a question I just want to say thank you this was this was all that you had talked about in our committee meeting and then an additional extra which is fantastic because we think as a committee this is what we had asked we heard a lot of this and we felt like my speaking on it or John speaking anybody speaking on it not for the rest of you that this is the first time you're hearing it please go ahead because we had our turn I I do um well I know this isn't exact or precise just a a rough idea so if we follow that timeline it went out for referendum March of 25 assuming that it passed um when how long after March of 2025 does construction start what's the anticipated length of it is it a year two years three years and then the last part to that is when does the tax impact first hit the taxpayers well great questions so the first question is depending upon the ultimate size of the referendum it's going to determine the longevity of the project right so if the referendum is in fact $60 million that's at least a 2 to threee project maybe more the other part of the world that we live in today is that construction pricing is not what it once was it is much higher so we need to be more strategic about how we bid projects today used to be where we would go out for a project in out for bid for a project in March March was the last Daye my firm would put a project out to bid for the summer today it's November and the reason for that is because there's so much work out there with bro Rants and everything else is that by the time you get to March every contractor's got a job they throw a dart at the wall now they try to get um see how much they can get it done for perfect example we did a project in l Park they passed a referendum $10 million 2 and2 years ago preco our budget numbers were preo they passed the project we went out for a unit ventilator project they passed it in March we went out the following year for a unit ventilator project 32 unit ventilators our budget was I want to say $3.2 million for all these all these unit ventilators in the two School bids came in $300,000 over budget the first year first time we felt there was only two contractors let's go out again let's get more biders let's give them a little bit more time to do the work let's loosen the constraints on them we'll get a better price and this was feedback we got from the contractors that bid the job the second time we paid the project it came make 700,000 over our budget the same two biders bid the project the manufacturer did not increase the cost one penny on on the equipment it was the contractor who felt he was two two guys were the only guys in town we went out to bid we went out to negotiations as is our right under the Rex the contractor came down the low contractor came down $50,000 when we told him we were rejecting the bids he called me up and he said don't reject the bids I'll come down 300,000 I said well why did you do that in negotiations I can't do that you what are you doing so now the district felt that he had us under the over the barrel and they said forget it we're going to reject the bids we waited 6 months every other construction element has come down roofings come down Windows have come down everybody's come down mechanical equipment pricing has come down contractors we bid it a third time we're $900,000 over budget we didn't change the scope we gave them more time to do the work same two contractors and we called seven contractors to bid this work this guy feels he's the only game in town we're going to wait another year the district has eight years to spend referendum on so we need my point for telling you the story is we need to be strategic about how we bid projects so that could make it take us make us take a little longer so instead of a two what would normally we would bang out in two years it might take three there's only enough time in summer to do projects windows can be done anytime during the school year because they're done on second Shi contractor will come in 3:00 to 11: bang the room out by the time you kids come in next morning it's like nothing happen brand new window boilers they're in an isolated area they can be done during school so there are there are areas in the building that we would phase and schedule projects to be done within a certain period of time so your first question was how long would this take uh the because of the March referendum it was really how long after the March referendum does it start so because of the March referendum there's we're already past our bid time for summer in March so we would try to do certain projects that could be done like we could put Windows out to bid because they're not going to be done during Second Shift they don't need the summer to be done we could put a boiler out to bid but the equipment is going to take longer to get that could be done during the school year but you can't do it during the eating season so we have to be strategic so for March we would usually want to wait till the next summer any big design projects would not happen until the following summer while we could put out some projects the first summer and then the bond so back when interest rates were 2% and everything was pretty low they would Bond you know Finance people would say let's only sell what we need in this year so they only sell the bonds for this year at that rate everything's good and they move on now because rates started to grow we're selling Everything at Once because we got to lock in the rate now as opposed to it getting higher later so we lock in the rate for the whole project now bonds can't be sold I think it's 60 days after and these are better questions for finance but fonds can't be sold until 60 days after the referendum because there's a they have to verify the results of the referendum so it takes 60 days then they can go and get pricing get Bond uh pricing and interest rate pricing and then have an have the sale and sell the bonds so they would typically be sold if it's March April May probably by June you would sell bonds and then you would have that money to rely on whatever project you wanted to do so to follow up to that yeah who makes the decision as to when to buy the boms your Finance people would guide you on that they are far more a student that than I am well bond counsel and your Finance yeah and we work with Phoenix we work with W as well so there are two you know we work with them the most and we listen to them yeah F they talk we listen um yes I I would like to thank you um for presenting tonight and taking taking the time and share all this very important information um I also because there may be some people um watching who are hanging on one thing that you said that I would just like to draw attention to and that is about um securing classrooms in the event of an emergency and yes we still do have those old door knobs and yes we still do have to lock the doors from the outside however I just want everyone in the school Community to know that our doors remain in locked position always and that we have other measures like magnets and other locking mechanisms to address old doors I just don't want anybody in the community thinking that we cannot secure our classrooms in the event of an emergency because we can but you're right we shouldn't have to go through all of that to secure a classroom door I just no it's a good point for all the for all the parents out there who are you know worried maybe just about that little tidbit um and I also wanted to um when we talked about the uh the classroom additions in the elementary schools and the reason why so we happen to have preschool programs and special education programs that are housed let's say largely at Gibbs and also on the back entrance of David E Owens and what we would really love to see happen in case people are wondering why do you need extra classrooms is because we would really love to see preschool children and students with disabilities in those very small classrooms housed in their neighborhood school with their siblings and not housed in an offsite facility let's say on the back of the video or all housed at Gibbs for example and then we wind up with a trailer and things like that so that that's why and you mentioned it when you talked about the the building usage and US usage of the rooms and that's why those um additions are necessary at the elementary just just so questions um so can we go back to the question that um the Joe asked um what is the timeline so if it were to be approved in March so when do we expect that this construction would actually start and when would it conclude outside numbers best case scenario or worst caseen best case scenario some work will be completed March of 202 or will be completed the summer of 2025 some depending on what those projects might be uh other work would proceed throughout uh the school year of 2025 but it depends on what the final number of the referendum is and what the scope is so it could be my my estimation on of $60 million referendum is that it's going to be a two to three two to threeyear project and you know potentially a foure project project for for a straggler of of projects you know windows are have Windows you're looking at 16 weeks to get Windows so just just to order after the contractor gets awarded and gets the windows it's 16 weeks before we even see that mechanical equipment is almost 6 months to get before you order so a lot of it is not the process of bidding it's waiting for the equipment to come in and wanting to make sure that we're we're being strategic about doing that the way only way we can manage the budget is to the more constraints you put on contractors the the more higher the price is so if you tell him he's got to get done by August and he's got to be done by August 15th he's going to charge it for August 15th he's going to factor in over time and second shift out so we want to be strategic to be able to get the best prices it's been we've been very successful at three so you think two potentially for your project okay um and then I think the number that you gave us just was the was like 63 mil 162,000 um do we expect that to go up is that the number that you believe that it could be or is that the number that it was if all of the scope stayed the same in this thing it would go up 30% okay but some of those projects are done right right I'm just trying to understand because because realistically if someone's watching this they want to know who what when where and how much so $63 million how much is going to be decided no no I understand but what I'm trying to say is what the people that are watching this are saying is how much is it going to cost the district and how much is it going to so I don't want to put the C before the horse but we still have to do the evaluation of the scope and the project and what I tell every District I work in the right the wrong information getting or the right information going out at the wrong time is detrimental the wrong information going out at the wrong time is detrimental so when people hear a $63 Million number they latch on to it we don't even know if that's the ballpark you guys want to be in you guys may turn around and say we don't think it should be higher than 40 million that's the number we're going to focus on but we also need to figure so the first step is to figure out what's that scope going to be if all these projects were going to stay the same regardless of what we've completed already and pulled out let's just say the for sake of argument this referendum was identical to what it was in 2018 construction costs have gone up you heard my story about the mechanical units those were doing univ ventilators throughout this referendum those numbers are going up 30% the window projects those numbers are going up maybe 10% certain numbers are going to go up certain numbers are going to come down we still haven't done that evaluation my my telling you this was to tell you where we were where we are is still I understand I understand if no one is trying to put out information that is notate I just want to be very clear but I think if we're going to take steps as far as like considering where we go from here what you know information to rely on I mean that's the that's the money question right I mean that's what I mean I mean I'm telling you that what I would think as a and I I just I need my time that I get you're can ask questions what I'm saying is from my perspective if I were a voter or I were a taxpayer and I'm not saying I feel any Wich way about this at all just to be clear so I don't want anyone to think I'm just I like to put the perspective of like what someone listening to this right now is going to say and these are the questions and these are the questions that we're going to ultimately have to answer as people that represent what we think the taxpayers of the community might want and what is best for the district so I'm not saying no I'm not saying I'm not for this but I'm asking the tough questions that people are going to ask us and at the time that we have those answers I think it's appropriate to ask the question right now we don't know that my answer to you is I don't know what the cost of this referendum is cuz you you as a as a group still haven't decided the scope of what's in this referendum if you told me it was exactly the same and everything that was in it was was the same I'm going to give you a ballpark to say it would be 30% right and I and I just you know I get it I I I know like the you know hedging and I know that we can't you know we're not going to say this is a you know this is what the number is but I think to ignore the fact that that's what people are thinking listening to this is really just I mean it doesn't you know and I'm not saying what at all I'm just saying that that's why the question was coming up not to you know to say anything else than that um just maybe to help Cheryl out but um I wasn't on the board the last time that Frank was here but I was on the referendum committee and um part of the process just so that everybody know and people watching know was that um you know a committee was formed to l to Frank and listen to ref of information we got together we had all of the projects listed and talked about and you know a number was come to was the $63 Million number all the projects and then one of the things that we were taxed with was when it breaks down toll impact would be house hold how many hundreds of dollars it would be per year did we think that number was reasonable and if it wasn't what number would be and how would we pair down those projects to make it more palatable to the community so all of those things all those factors those things were things that we decided in committees and then I'm sure with with board buyin and then um and then that information was supposed to go out to the public but then there was talk about it not being the right time and then the the pandemic came up and you know all of those issues so so there was a whole process and that number was exactly the consideration that the committee and I and probably the board of the administration also knew that the community needed in order to be able to say yes or no so I'm glad you brought that up because that is a discussion we were having that we are in a unique position that this like work has been done so that number is there but it's not complete I'm just saying that is so it could be a lot of different people but that's what I'm saying is that there was leg work done and so and I know there was I know that we don't know the number for sure but I'm just that is the question that's being asked that number is there that information has been prepared we've done this leg work and that's all I'm saying and I can tell you that when the initial numbers came down as a committee when we heard them we said these numbers are too high and then you know everybody was taxed with this is the number that we kind of think will will work you know how how do we get to this number so um and and that work was done but then as you know we have all discussed things have happened and since this has happened you know things have come off the list and I'm sure that there are other needs and wants that would want to be added to the list so a lot of the leg work has been done but I do feel that there is probably more leg work that needs to be done anyone else unless somebody else you so I just I want to say when I was saying what I was saying to Cheryl and St to what Stephanie said so I'm pretty sure I'm the only person that was there so um the reason why it did not go forward is because it was too high it was 40 million not 63 because it was after the Deb service a and it was that at the time it felt too high and we really needed to reconsider that work and then other things were happening at the time and then Co happened so it really just kind of solidified the let's not move forward with that that's number one so it was never something that we said okay this is the final number and let's go it was okay this is where we are this doesn't feel right and didn't move the other thing because I know people will listen and they'll listen back and and to your point hanging on something what I take from this presentation that was given was this is where it was and this is all in all in everything that was on that list some of those things are off that list so even if we're Allin on that list the the numberers lower also there were some bullets in there that said reconsider reconsider reconsider so those might come down is there something else that might be there in its place I don't know but I saw that too so from my perspective the number that it is was an all-in number before Debt Service Aid that number that you're saying there will be Debt Service Aid so it will come down and not all of those things would be in there so what do we do with the next step well the next step is to do all that leg work walk the roof walk the buildings walk the thing take the pictures do the analysis do all that stuff most of that was already done you don't have to walk back up on that roof to know what that roof looks like or any of the other rooms right the windows unless somebody unless somebody came in magically did something it's not going to look different so that's what I see as work that's been done the work that's been done that has to be done again is looking at our capacity looking at our future enrollment look all the demographic study all of that stuff has to be done again because it's a different Community we're we're just a different Community headed in in another way maybe so that definitely has to get done again but the the physical looking at everything that's there doesn't that so I don't think that the leg work of deciding what we're doing has been done I believe that the leg work of deciding what is in need of repair and update has been done it's up to this board and if CH and if decided to get a a Community Committee together to go through that list again and say what is actually something here's the number is this number feel good if this number doesn't feel good then what are we looking at here that has to get done and I believe again what I got out of what Frank just said was you say to yourself all right are we just going with the roof and the windows and the are we just going with the bare bones and let's not do the other stuff are we looking at you know where do we find that importance with the community and as the board then we have a number so as much as I understand the need to say all right what does that mean to me what we could do is we we then create a conversation around a number that is not the number so it's again pass board 40 million felt like too much that was after that service a so I mean being realistic so it felt like too much if this board says that feels like too much then we need to look at something else so I just I want to make that clear if anybody is watching or listening or thinking of anything like that is that that's what happened in the past and I got from the presentation that Frank gave to the committee and now to everybody else was this is where you were so everyone knows what's been done already and this is what you need to do to move forward and again if anyone is listen well whoever is listening or watching knowing that's not a number that is a high number and we will not go to that number because the the previous board didn't even want to go to that number okay so that's kind of just what I want to say because I I feel uncomfortable like we're doing exactly what Frank said which is making that number the topic and it's not even the topic we are far from that number right now we still have a lot of work to do over the next few months just F quickly I I I want to say um the longer that we kick this can down the road the more the more it's going to cost this town right think about it um aside from escalation and construction costs the cost of money now is two arguably three times what it what it was when the last discussion for referendum can things are going to continue to break they're going to continue to degrade so we need to do something yes just putting that in perspective just to be clear I don't disagree with that I'm not coming here to say we should I don't disagree with that at all what I'm saying is the reality for most people in this environment in this social this this community is that no numbers going to feel good whatever number it is that's the reality so let's just let's just be as Direct is possible and and and it is what it is you know like that's all I'm saying is that I'm not I just asked that question because I thought you guys knew I wasn't here the last time um but what I'm going to say is that no number is going to feel good whether it's 60 million or 90 million or whatever it's going to be and and I'm not saying that that's what it's going to be but what I'm telling you is it is in the okay that's going to end up on Facebook um what I'm saying thing is if we're talking true transparency which is what Frank was saying now he's sitting been sitting in front of me is true transparency let's just deal with the hard stuff too that's all I'm saying that's why I asked that question not to you know whatever but that's that's all I'm saying it's not you're right I'm sorry Pete are you okay good now and just transparency wise is this available for the public to glance that uh that's up to you guys is it is it something that we normally was it was during the time of referendum because we were starting to release information from the committee to the public this is more of what you did in the past um I because you didn't go after a referendum it's not current I I would be hesitant I would be hesitant to put the numbers up there but the process certain put the process there the pictures and I don't see downside to that I agree not putting the numbers I just think that the numbers are upol at this point the pictures and and the blueprints and things like that I think the photos are probably the best thing to share because those things haven't changed in most in most cases outside of the lighting and the boers and the boilers right um like even the building even the building layouts aren't necessarily but that's but that's also the other piece you may want to consider is that you know we could put the blowups on but you know we often don't put full plans just because security right the maps we definitely we certainly could put the blowups of the spaces because they don't tell the story of the building and you know those are things that we could do I mean this is more right now I think that right now for this time being the slide behind you that I just brought up is it's a big one with me and I'm always the bad guy because people want to say things and with the world of social media it it just gets out there and once that thing is out there people latch on to it and their talents are wrapped around it and that's all they hear and that's all they see and it's not just you it's not you guys this is It's human nature right we grab a number and we hold on to it like oh my God somebody said this next thing you know it's all over moms of of river whatever so and we've had this happen so for us even the right information released at the wrong time is a problem it's we want to control the information it's one of the things that we do very very well we do it in posts we do it in complete transparency on the district's website so just to give you an idea of how this would work once everything is nailed down and we submit to doe and you get approval from doe and we know what The Debt Service Aid numbers are we put a campaign together your website has a referendum page that referendum page has every component of this referendum broken down in what's called technical information packages from the floor plans to the scope of work to the budget estimates that a tax impact there's a tax impact calculator we we create we create a tax impact calculator which not everybody has the average assessed home in 10 right so we show in our slides the average assessed impact is going to be X not everybody has the average assess home so now they have to guess well what's mine going to be on your website there'll be a calculator they enter their assess value it spits out the number of their tax impact no questions everybody is informed we want the information out we want want everybody to have all the information that's available nothing get held back there is no semblance of well you're shoving this down my fro or you're hiding this from me we want you to know all of it we have frequently asked questions every time a question is asked there's an email address for the district every time a question is asked it goes into the frequently asked questions section on the website every question doesn't matter how big how small every question gets answered and ask and answer gets put on the website we show it as public presentations the big ones we put up in the presentations the rest we tell people to go into the website it is a complete and total transparent campaign so the process has to get to that point and I think as Paige said and we do have to nail down scope we nail down scope we can I'll give you the information I'll give you the numbers I want but we need to make sure it's a it's a right information thank you you have any questions though yeah just real quick um I and I'll be quick so to piggyback on what a couple of different people said you know and and Cheryl's point's good John's um Paige everybody's um the one the one the one thing that I would say is that um I don't I don't know that there'll be any number that the taxpayers are going to say oh well great I don't I I don't I think I think it's more of what's palatable than you know what's going to make anybody feel good but I think that the one thing that really sticks out to me in the presentation is that in the pictures that we saw superintendent Shanley referenced that there's clearly problems that have to be addressed right locker rooms roofs stuff like that there are things that have to be done and the fact of the matter is that's why we're here it's this board's responsibility we have the responsibility of the district to the kids to make sure that we are looking at this and we make the best decision cumulatively as a group that we kept and that's what we're going to do and you know whatever like going to the numbers whatever's thrown out and and there's things that might be nice that might be luxuries as page shed you know last time it was like no we weren't even good with this that's our job you know so so that's kind of the message I'd like to just whoever's watching keep talking about that we're going to do our job we're going to make sure that we go through all this we see what what's a need what's a want and what we can afford and what's a luxury and and this group I have all the confidence in the world we're going to work together to come up with a plan to present to the public to say hey we all put our heads together here right this is what we think we need and then you guys decide you know as taxpayers if you want for well said I I I agree with you I think it's a great thing and one of the things that we're going to do to make that easy for you guys for all of you is one of the things that we provide for you is a project selection tool that project selection tool is basically the spreadsheet of costs with every piece of scope in this project there is a column that says yes there's a column that says no you want it in you don't want it in you pick and you choose and it automatically changes the number of the referendum the number of The Debt Service Aid and you can then see on the Fly by removing certain projects or adding certain projects back what the cost of the referendum would be so it's going to allow you to pick and choose if something may be on the fence well what happens if we put this back in what happens if we put this so that will give you the ability to take this list and each of you have your own opinions of what should be priority one two three or four that's another thing that will be on this you pick the priority it's Priority One to you and you want to do all Priority One we do all Priority One um that and that spreadsheet is available just to the board members or is it on your website it is only available to the board members as yes and the I like that the calculator that you were talking about the assess home value we have a lot of mathematicians in our town and and accountants so we that will show how what the tax levy would be but will it give you information on how it's come to or calculated or it's just just their assess value and the number the backstory of that the Excel spreadsheet that's created that has the formula in it it's not shown on your website your website is an entry box for the assess value and it spits out the tax level that service when was the last time a referendum was passed in this town for school and how much was it it was before I came I came in 201 because the debt rolled off in 2020 it was a 10 it was eight it was 2008 or n and it was a 10 year yeah how much was it so 2009 right and that 10 million I'm just you KCK the camp then you know and you're not doing these major repairs so 2010 was the last time we asked the taxpayers to chip in some money to help us fix the schools it was actually to expand because I think it was Doo I don't know I wasn't on the board what was it 20 mil I'm sorry I I just know was 10 we looked it up time it definitely 2010 because the debt rolled off in 2020 and it was a 10e bond for $10 million I can look up what the scope was um I came and I was paying the last of that yes doesn't say so I got on the board 2010 so it was decided before I ever got on the board and it was taken care of something was taken care of because it had to do with it was either Berkeley or I thought it was Berkeley it might have been Berkeley and there's an addition to bery but I can get you the scope I'll go back to you it wasn't like this Andrew I I would say that it wasn't like this a long time ago and very small project comparably St okay the last thing I'll point out real quick is that what you're looking at here are not it's not p in the sky stuff it's not desires it's not you know this is need this is real real need stuff this is not you know you're not there's not pool in here there's not you know all right thank you very much appr appr super shley wow that was a good important very sorry no very important I'm sorry Matt Matt took your time yeah Matt it was Matt I'll tell him it's all Matt's okay so um okay I'm going to start with h good news at Berkeley uh fifth graders treated us to Fabulous in school Thanksgiving Day Parade the students applied stem principles to create truly extraordinary balloons and once again once again our older students served as excellent role models for our younger students by showcasing their learning in a fun and creative manner um better than broadway was once again a huge hit all of our students enjoy the performance some as cast members and others as audience members this year's Western theme allowed the students to Showcase many wonderful outfits including countless colorful and creative cowboy hats and I'd like to think that you may be the Taylor Swift concert this year um and you know put a lot of cowboy hats into the houses of some young pink girls with I know there's some pink cowboy hats in my house okay I Gibbs the Buddy classes partnered for shared reading experience this month classes from grades 3 through 5 partner with the class from grades K through 2 and work together on team building activities and this month the focus was on reading on Friday November 17th a group of students along with Mrs farer Mrs uh Mel Mrs corkran LED our monthly gifts Gathering and the theme was gratitude students engaged in activities that emphasize the positive impact expressing gratitude has on our mental health students learn that practicing gratitude can reduce stress enhance emotional resilience and contribute to a more positive outlook on life on November 21st the the newford high school marching band visited the fourth and fifth grade students um they actually gone to both schools the students are blown away by their talent and many of them look forward to an opportunity to join and I do know that um Miss haer thower has said that there are lots of times when the children get all the way up here you know to the high school and they say they want to join the marching band and they never forget when the marching band came to the elementary school you know way back when so these things do have an impact on our kids teacher teachers just like their students are lifelong Learners and on Monday November 27th all teachers in grades K through 5 engaged in professional learning with maicha ginley our math supervisor and Mrs mendle the math tips teacher focusing on math talks math talks is is a pedagogical approach that encourages students to articulate their mathematical thinking share ideas and learn from one another math talks encourage students to use Mental Math and help Foster Math Fact fluency we're excited to share more about this practice I had David Owens they had a very successful trip to Warren Warren Park for their annual adopt a Park event through the service learning Club more than 25 students were involved in this event and we give our thanks to Mrs Mion and her team of duers our eighth grade versus staff volleyball game was great fun I don't know we should have these these staff versus students games I'm getting a little nervous yeah people think get hurt we could get hurt K said on but I think there were some the eighth graders did take a game from the staff this year and they uh we will have to find uh a it says we will have to find a ringer it seems we continue to get older but our students always seem to be in tiptop shape so they had a lot of fun at the annual schoolwide turkey shot which is a knockout basketball game congratulations to Miss Burns our newest PE teacher at the middle school who took the prize for the final student staff game we held our annual giving Tuesday event at David E Owens and collected over 100 food items this year for those in need at the high school Miss Peter friend would like you to know that they had a successful nights for a day visit at the high school where some students from the Middle School were able to come up and Shadow our high school students for the morning and provided very positive feedback they had a great time and enjoyed their visit they also said they look forward to joining the high school in the fall Mrs Bernardo would like to thank all the students and staff that showed up this past Saturday morning and assisted with the planning of the New Milford High School holiday breakfast without our Collective efforts this event would not go as smoothly as it does all the students who volunteered for this event did an incredible job and the way our students represented our school Community should make us all proud we're very excited to share that Mrs fenia has been personally appointed by mayor Petrino and councilwoman Hedy Grant to serve on the New Milford Arts committee that will be created in January AR through the burough she hopes to continue creating meaningful art opportunities for students and members of the community she feels very honored to be asked to help further serve the newford community in this capacity we're thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Devin Ryan as the recipient of the New Jersey Chinese Teachers Association youth leadership award his outstanding commitment to Chinese cultural activities has not only distinguished him as a leader but also contributed significantly to fostering crosscultural empathy and understanding Devon has become a spokesperson for our school embodying the values of leadership commitment and dedication to celebrate his achievements he has been invited to the NJ CA youth leadership award s so congratulations in athletics the athletic department is proud to announce nighttime media students have been working on the creation of this new Venture for a year and plan to continue it its Ascent this year with previews interviews and photos of our winter programs the athletic department night reach and project UniFi are collecting new toys for their annual toys for Tops drive this will run through next Friday December 15th the New Milford High School Hall of Fame dinner was a great success on November 20th with four new individuals two teams and two contributors entering the hle thanks to everyone who helped make the N of success and all of you who could attend our annual winter basketball clinic classic annual winter basketball classic will take place on December 27th and 28th with six teams participating in two days of triple headers at the high school our annual pbne nights will take place differently this year as basketball will take place on Friday January 19th um and wrestling will take place on Friday January 26th and they will both be in the large gym and full schedules will be will be Shar share after the New Year opening days for each sport and just a reminder that all of the um schedules are on the Athletics website Bowlings opening day is today December 5th indoor track December 21st girls and boys basketball December 14th wrestling December 16th swimming December 13th competition cheer January 6th and wrestling January I'm sorry David E Owens wrestling January 23rd in speci education throughout the school year Dr perau acknowledges staff with special education shout outs her short media Clips highlight faculty and staff who go above and beyond for our students in our schools and so far this year the following people Reed a special education shout out Miss aavo um Gian aavo Adrien Rodriguez liano Samantha toland Justine Mills Cedric Brown and Matthew lures congratulations to each of them for their dedication and professionalism with our students in the tech department last week 19 new iMacs were installed in the David E Owens lab um who was paid for with user funding archive Tech tips are now on the website under the technology page which is great they're available to everyone um and every Tuesday we get a new tech tip um and anybody can benefit from these Tech tips the Theater renovation phase one is now complete um and both uh Michael Maher and Dan prit have been trained on the new equipment um and that project was also Grant funded improvements okay and so for m so in response to some of the concerns regarding um the HIV process and follow through in the district that have come up um it's important to know that that we are definitely responding to those concerns so we have taken some important actions regarding the re-education of some specific groups of students with high incident levels um marine zacher and her buddy students are working on a variety of lessons for the students they do a great job of preparing trainings that are specifically specifically targeted to the infractions that are happening and then the students and Dorene go down and conduct lessons with um different groups of students um we're very grateful for all that this sacker does and with all what all of the Buddy students do the Board of Ed um will be meeting in closed session each month at the end of the working session to review specific details of each HIV case and the findings and how the findings came to be so that's an important change that we're going to be making so at the end of every work session we will go into close to review that in addition to maybe anything else that we may have um on the close close session um agenda um the entire administrative team as well as all of our HIV HIV Specialists and investigators participated in a comprehensive training with board ofed attorney of Vic Lair yesterday we reviewed the law all the district obligations regarding HIV we reviewed a variety of recent and precedent setting case law in the area of HIV and spent time um he spent time answering our specific questions about how we should handle different scenarios different people had different questions depending upon their experiences it was very informative um and and super helpful and there were a lot of us who participated and in January there will be a Public Presentation of HIV law for the public at one of our uh a meeting here so of course we want parents to know that we take this law very seriously ly um and that we are hearing the concerns and we aim to create a welcoming in school environment for learning and growing okay on Thursday December 7th I remind you that it is a single session day for students and the faculty will engage in professional development specifically we'll be training um our new threat assessment teams in addition to some other PA on Thursday Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m. I know that McKenzie already announced but it seems like that was a week ago that she was here in costum I come out and see the High School drama the students are performing in this heartwarming play she kills monsters young adventurers addition tickets are on sale at nmhs um and for those of you who celebrate I think Hanukkah begins this weekend so on Monday December 11th uh 2023 Monday join join me for coffee and with my special guest uh Kelly Peter friend who is our supervisor of guidance at the high school to talk about guidance programming at the high school and just what a year in guidance programming actually looks like at the high school it's a little bit different than it is you know at the elementary middle school Tuesday December 12th is the day video ens Winter concert at 7M it is always amazing and it will be live streamed for any of you who just want to like pop it on and listen because the music is always wonderful and then on Thursday December 14th at 6:00 p.m. as the New Milford High School winter concert and normally at this meeting we usually have the choir come and perform in December but we had a lot of things on the agenda and most of the kids who are in the choir are in Tech week practicing for the show so it wasn't going to work out but this is a do not miss event and it will also be live streamed Thursday December 21st at 700 p.m. is the Buddy program comedy night just so that you know um these are professional comedians there are multiple professional comedians who are going to uh Entertain You you can buy tickets I posted it on the the the principes have sent out the flyer but I also posted it on the Facebook page purchase tickets I believe they're $20 for adults $10 for students it's a great way to spend your Thursday night on December 21st and it's for a great cause it supports our buddy program Friday December mber 22nd is the single session day before the holiday break wishing you all a restful holiday break and good times with family and friends uh remember books make awesome gifts and I see you all back here on January 2nd thank you thank you any questions okay assistant superintendent for curriculum and construction report Laur yes I have a report and I will make it brief are you doing any other reports Mee no that's part of the work session this was just my okay you mean my HIV and stuff yeah we do the HIV and stuff now CU we're Technic are we in work session yeah so I should well are we going to close we need to go into close okay for that so I'll report that out at the regular meeting two meetings we're losing which one we're in next one okay um so I just wanted to update you on some things that we're talking about at this time of the year looking forward to next school year we have been taking participating in program planning meetings with teachers across all grade levels and teams we are um finalizing new high school course offerings for the 2425 school year and we will be seeking approval for those new courses in January um we are are looking at a new web design class which will be part of our business department as well as an environmental science offering which will be part of the science department so um based on our historical njsla science data and their performance that we report on each fall we just spoke about that earlier um I think in October I presented on that we need to explore new means of increasing achievement and we are hopeful that by offering um a new science course it will provide students with options as far as which sequence they would like to pursue when they come to the high school so for example if a ninth grader is entering and taking environmental science that would place them in biology for grade 10 Chemistry Grade 11 and then they would of have an option of taking a fourth year of science their senior year for students not opting to take advantage or take the environmental science offering they would continue with the more traditional sequence which would be biology in grade n followed by chemistry in 10 most likely physics in grade 11 um all of the potential sequences such as those that I just mentioned will be Illustrated in the updated program of study which will be made public in January that will include descriptions on all new course offerings as well as um visual representations of which tracks students may take when choosing courses and just a very quick update on the high impact tutoring Grant I also um previously spoke about this that was the competitive Grant offered by the Department of Education we applied we were found eligible and we did now complete the pre-award process um so we are working on um ident identifying preparing a job description for a high impact tutoring coordinator who will oversee the use of funds as well as all of the program offerings we anticipate seeking approval for this coordinator in January more information as far as program offerings and um toring options will come as the program is is developed following that point and that concludes my report for this evening any questions so not to make you get into the leads of it sure but for those two course offerings just a curiosity environmental science does that have to be a first year like a ninth grade course or could it be a 12th grader like just wondering you know if someone was interested in environmental science when they get to the yeah it doesn't have to be a first year course but it most likely would be um I mean the lens that we're looking at it through is that that would push biology back to year 10 of someone who would follow that track and then get to just curious when they get to their Senor year they have more they have more availability to take more a lot of times that's where some students speaking from experience say oh let me take a few of these because I don't know what I want to do and now I can try a bunch of things so I was just curious if if that potentially but we do have other electives that are very popular among the students students I would anticipate that they would take yeah and if if I could just add you did you said the word track but I just want to clarify we really mean pathway because a track would suggest once you're you've taken something you can't Veer from that and that's not the case and that's why um the flowcharts that we're going to provide will show you what the most common pathway would look like for a student who starts here but that there are alternative Pathways so you will see that for a 12th grader environmental science will not identify as a common pathway doesn't mean that they couldn't take it right justo yes choice thank you is this administrative report Stephanie she half sorry um yes I have a report this evening thank you um first I would like to congratulate Mr Joe lunam on achieving the new board member boardmedical [Applause] to f23 24134 on the regular session agenda um because it's not something that typically we we've ever done it's um 23 24 last 134 um presco Board of Education doesn't have their own Fleet of buses um and so their 18 to 21 program similar to ours goes offsite and goes to various um different places and so uh typically this would happen on Mondays when an our program does or Wednesday whichever day our program does not go um and the dates that they provided do not conflict with field trips and if we have an IND district field trip our IND district field trip would take precedent and then their date would be changed and so this is um the cost of this includes the mileage the driver's salary as well as fuel so it's really no cost to the board and it's a way to offset some of our own cost by even just by a little bit um while also help helping a neighbor um and now my report really is heavy facilities actually um so our preschool program has incre has been increasing um over the past I believe four years we've added one preschool class per year um for the past four and I think historically before that um they had been significantly increasing due to Rising population of preschool students who we've been receiving from early intervention services um with that being said we've still been able to maintain all of the foury olds who are turning five into a K1 um classroom that's at Gibs however for next year we anticipate having more four-year-olds that will be entering and less first creators that would be exiting which is going to create a need to open an additional K1 class um correct so all of the special classes have historically always been housed at Gibbs but as Mrs Shanley said earlier um we are looking to sort of maintain the students in their home district and so we recently have been working with the architect to draw plans because in kindergarten we do have the requirement to provide a bathroom in the classroom and so we will be adding inhouse um similar to what we did last Summer with the conversion of the old science room at Berkeley we added a bathroom in that classroom and there's another vacant classroom that we will be adding a bathroom to to accommodate the rising student population and the need for a K1 special education classroom over at Berkeley um so we're really early in the plans on that but we do have to start planning for it now so that that work can happen over the summer of 2024 for the 2024 2025 school year um so we anticipate that opening in September of 2024 um so this is a little interesting we recently received some um SDA Rod grant money to the tune of 98,000 uh $697 um and so we had to identify a need so we submitted uh the architect was here and spoke about the grants that we submitted and what we included in that project was the high school roof and the Gibbs roof because both Deo and Berkeley we just did the uh portion of the Berkeley roof this past summer um so both of those roofs are now within their life expectancy and fully under warranty but the gibs and the high school roof are well past their life expectancy and in order to reduce the cost of the potential referendum we went out for a rod Grant we also included the high High School auditorium agback in that Rod Grant because that is also original to the high school building it's a two compressor unit we only have one compressor working so I say all that because the special education programs are primarily housed at the high school and Gibbs and so if the roofs are going to be done during the summer we cannot have students occupying those spaces um so we felt like a good use of the $98,000 that we were awarded was going to be used to air condition the Berkeley Street Elementary School so that we can house our um esy programs at Berkeley so we'll make a shift from housing them to gibs and move them to Berkeley and then we also had a late heat wave in September um of this year and we were we were able to identify several rooms in the high school that were inhabitable during those that time um it's very unusual that you know we get to those temperatures and we have to move classes but we're also looking at doing either splits or univent or whatever the case may be in some of those spaces as well um any of these upgrades will not impact any work that would be done with the referendum because they're all going to be tied electrically separate um and any work that's going to be done will reduce the cost so we're not trying to put money and just to undo it later um so that's that and then lastly the as was submitted on Friday December 1st um which is the report that will determine our funding for the 2024 2025 budget um we'll receive those numbers after the governor delivers the New Jersey state budget and those numbers come out in early March we are in the preliminary phases of developing our 2024 2025 budget that conclud my report thank you any questions for 98,000 so that's going to cover the two roofs no the air conditioning I know they're both more no they're both called Rod Grant which is very confusing this is a $75 million emergent and capital maintenance needs that the state received and then gave it to districts it was money that was uh given in fiscal year 2022 and fiscal year 2023 um and so we didn't use it in those years because we were doing the the roof and so we didn't want a air conditioned space where we had all these leaks um and so now we're we have to move forward because the roofs will hopefully be done now the rod grant that I was speaking about was separate from this emergency so the original Rod Grant was already submitted and we did receive the preliminary approvals we haven't received the final which is why we can't go out the b so I thought you might chat about our meeting at the county but since you didn't could I chat a little bit about our meeting at the county so um the county office called us in uh last week as well as some other districts to have a midyear budget review and we had the opportunity to talk about a program and instruction we talked about um special education and grant funding and we also had the opportunity to talk about fiscal concerns that um you know we just have as we begin to plan our budget so um and we're going to be talking to the administrative team about this a little bit more next week but one of the concerns that we shared in the room and part as part of the discussion is the fact that we have um you know an increase in uh negotiated um labor costs an increase for both uh teachers and administrators and an increase in the cost of healthcare um all of which is in excess of a 2% cap and then there's the increased cost of just doing business like we were saying before just how every the cost of everything has gone up and so that as we plan for our budget next year we will not be planning with a zero based budget where we say this is everything that we need let's see if we can find a way to pay for it because we really just fiscally can't responsibly even offer that so we're going to be taking a look at our budget where it is right now asking everybody to plan um moving into next year for less than where we are right now because even if we come in with the same amount of state aid as we had last year it will result in Cuts so it really is a concern for us we knew that going in this year was going to be a challenge and we're going to be budgeting um very prudently um moving forward and therefore well that will impact any of the little projects that we have been able to successfully do ourselves you know to offset that overall referendum possibility type thing but um um so it was a good meeting in that we're doing a good job and that we have been responsible and that we have had you know with Stephanie's guidance able to put money away into reserves and things like that um but it will be a challenging budget season yes oober sure you want to talk about that yeah sure yeah so um also uh kind of in our minds is the the liquidation date for the Esser funds the final pots all of those F funds need to be extended by October 13th of 2024 so right now we have in addition to some of the um upgrades that you mentioned in your report some professional a lot of professional development actually that is being funded by AR Esser um and we're exploring and looking at ways and how we can continue that but in a more um phally responsible and cost effective way utilizing some of our teacher leaders and experts inhouse um so that it doesn't feel like something is necessarily missing and so that we're not waiting until the funding runs out um to have to come up to come up correct so we're trying to be proactive in respect to that but that will or may feel a little bit different just because that extra layer of funding has been with us since the onset of the pandemic in 2020 Sean excuse for sure of course okay um any Le on board committee reports what you just saw there you go he said what he said he app that right um just really quickly I shared with the board earlier today and I know I just but I wanted to get it out to everyone we um had our athletic committee meeting last night with Mr rodelli and Mrs Shanley Mr doxa and members of the athletic committee um a lot of the stuff that I was going to mention tonight Mrs Shanley had mentioned in her good news report sorry it made it made it shorter um just Mr relli gave the committee which everyone has a copy of just a um a spreadsheet of the numbers how the participation has increased in all levels um through the fall and the winter sports notably wrestling we went up to from what a couple years ago P can confirm this like six to almost 42 wrestlers so that's a huge Improvement um we talked about the full full honors but that was also reported by Mrs Shanley mon at the November meeting um we talked about the swimming program and how which which is on the agenda tonight where we will actually finally have a closer Home pool where we will have two home events in Washington Township at the uh Bethany Community pool which is nicer for the parents because instead of practicing at 9:00 p.m. at night it'll be 800 p.m. and they'll also have it's an hour but it's closer and then the the team can also practice on Saturday mornings we are still keeping the co-op for hockey even though this year there's currently n anyone on the team but next year there is interest with eighth graders coming up um we discussed the spring coaches and the hiring process about the internal um interest versus external so just because we had the discussion last year um the internal process for coaches anyone that works in within the district can just submit a letter of interest because while their documents are already on record whereas exteral would have to follow the Apple track and just so the board aware is aware as well as the community the processes the interviews are done by Mr melli who then sends it to Mr Manny Pell and then the candidate gets s to Super recommended to the report and Mr R doesn't interview alone no that's that's um we also discussed new apps moving forward that are going to be started in the winter um something called group spot which is kind of very anyone that's familiar with Team snap um similar format platform um I know the football team uses remind so it's kind of similar to that and then Mr relli was saying that we were going to try to pile it in the spring activate but I know you were going to talk about Genesis genis yeah instead of adding a program use what we already have from within and uh one other thing Mr rodelli mentioned was that him and some other eight other athletic directors that I think is important um are going to have a meeting tomorrow night with the njs AA legislation to do a presentation on spectator conduct and they're hoping with approval that that would be something that we could look into moving forward when this like when we felt anyone of an athlete when we felt the paperwork online that the parents and athletes would fill out and have to watch a sportsman video sportsmanship video policy just to keep that the spectators um as well behav as the athletes and we set up our next meeting for March um 18th after the next season so the report was shared so if you have any questions please feel free to email me any questions um I saw it in the in the in the report that you sent so flag football we those you still don't know well flag football it says as a jary so what happened is the Jets had made that like a grant to multiple school districts and they are not funding that anymore so we're not the only District that's impacted by that so it's a discussion that um will be dis talked about in January to see if we're going to continue to have that Pro program because it is something that's going to cost anywhere between $6 to 8,000 it's not budgeted and it's not really a sanctioned program they are looking forward um Mr relli said that they were thinking about possibly making it a sanction sport in 2025 the njs the N yeah so but if that happens if you're a softball player for example you can't then play softball and do flag football So currently it's something that's going to be discussed or reviewed in January to see what they're going to do with that program moving forward like maybe a letter of interest a feeler program to the girls I guess who have previously play uh played but again it's not something that's been budgeted and it was money that was there that now we knew going into this year that we did not could not fund the f I mean we still have um other other sports that we currently do fund and maybe not enough um and so we have to you know make decisions about do we further support some of the sports that we already have um in a better way or do we you know use that money to fund a sport that's not even a sanctioned sport you know it's hard to so that's it's not in our budget so revisiting in January but well no the njsiaa is going to revisit to determine whether or not it's going to become sanctions for so we we don't have the money we it is not in our budget for the spring so it's not it's not in our budget in the spring the question came up at the committee could a booster club of sorts if they wanted to because there were 22 students who participated if they wanted to and could raise the money could they do it I said a booster club can essentially do whatever they want but you're looking at $88,000 with the refs and travel and bu but the but essentially if they did have a booster C that was going to do this they would be able to do them spring oh sure we wouldn't say no to them if they if they raised the money it's just that we're not we're not reading budget for do many of the students who are already involved in the flag football team play another sport during that season L changing the schedule week by week because of because of other sports and TR and TR okay thank you um any correspondence no okay and agenda items for discussion review with the tenative agenda for the regular meeting we hold onth today any questions regarding of board action any questions regarding review of educational programs and curriculum any questions for review of personnel recommendations any questions for review of finance and Facilities yeah sorry you beat you out I beat you beat Andrew out wow um f23 24132 um Mr Murphy who was just here so I have a couple quick questions so the $22,000 per day not to exceed 20,000 so the 2,000 per day do we expect them to be here for 2 hours 5 hours 8 hours what's a day no it's it's a full day and those days would be prated if they were part of a day and just so that you know so part of the esa Title One Grant requires us to do a few things uh community outreach climate and culture things like that so this would this is being funded because it fits and parent engagement because it fit it also fits underneath there but it would be part of a day and I just put the not to exceed because that's what we earmarked for that portion of the gr and then that was my second part question I I understand they're not to exceed it do we expect to spend $20,000 have we looked at this and said hey we're going to need him here for 10 full days or 20 half days or do we expect to spend 20,000 or is it just we've C at that and said hey we can't go over that in some cases I'm not really sure because we haven't fully decided all of the different places and people we're going to talk to so as far as going to things at night in different Community groups and events like that so I'm not exactly sure there is a proposal in your enclosure I don't know if you had the opportunity to there's a two-page proposal where he explains um all of that but that is what we have to spend on that type of activity for the grant that's it thanks Andrew and right below it 133 the pool um not exceeding 6800 is that the is that the amount we have budgeted for swimming is that similar to the amount that we spent the other pool a year ago that cost I don't know I don't know if they do can you speak to that please because we didn't we didn't cover the actual cost last night in the conversation goe so as far as school time everywhere has gone up significantly this is one of the programs that the Board of Ed has supported um and has his typically funded um and funded by paying for the coaches and the student athletes have always been expected and required to fund raise order to pay for pool time so it's not a program that has ever been fully funded by the board of education however um unfort and it is a co-op with Dumont um Dumont historically has not given us any money towards the program and has provided the transportation um when they got the estimate for the pool they've used I believe several pools one in Rutherford one in Loi yeah I'm not I don't know the details on yeah there's there's various different pools that have been quite a distance and like was mentioned before late at night um and so this year the pool cost has increased significantly and the student athletes are not able to raise that much money to cover the pool cost time um and so that's why it's the first time that it's ever been brought to the board to um to support the payment of the pool time because if it's not supported the students don't have the money to pay for it um because they have done some fundraising and I believe they've raised $500 they have another fundraiser coming up they anticipate I think they've historically always raised between like ,000 and $2,000 and the pool has historically been about half the price somewhere around the $3,500 um so this is significantly higher um this again is an unbudgeted cost but we did have money remaining from some of the Fall Sports um and I have reached out to Dumont um and told their ba about the you know this cut and SED that we received and now that we have this unbudgeted expense um New Milford has 14 swimmers and Dumont has 13 swimmers and so I've asked you know what what are they you know can they help us anyway and I said in Return I'm happy to provide some of the transportation because we have full-time drivers and they do not um so it would be no additional cost to us if we provided um the transportation so I'm still waiting to hear back so service number is the cost of the pool for the season you said it used to be somewhere around $3,500 the kids used to raise somewhere up to maybe 2,000 correct and then the remaining of that was paid for by the um the board because it came out of the athletic fund which is why it's never appeared on the agenda because it never came out of the current account gotta and since we don't have a pay to play right but it could be lowered if do yes uh just because this is coming on the heels of the discussion about flight football can you just explain why it would it both boards are being treated differently why we're we we're uh funding and I'm not saying that it is but I'm just saying the distinction has to be made for anybody watching as to what yeah so they can tell me that they say that and play football yeah want we say that loud yes so right now swimming is an njs AA sanction Sport and the collegate sanction Sport and um part of our negot iated coaching stiens Etc flag football is a club the way the French Club is a club it just has greater expense and it was being funded by a grant by the Jets to try to get flag football off the ground that's the goal to try to get it off the ground and get it to be um an organized and sension Sport but it's not there yet so currently it's a club um and therefore at this moment in time can't be treated as a sport yes if I can just add it was and swimming is not an unbudgeted it just we did not budget to this extent um but it it was included in our in our approved budget yeah and that's all that's what I wanted to hear out loud that the difference between Kaz that conversation and also why do want why can you tell me um well it predates me quite quite a while but I I believe there was a deal that was made when um I well actually actually I know because I was on the riverdell New Milford swim team um and so New Milford co-oped with riverdell and they were the uh riverdell was the ELA um and so sometime after that um newford didn't have a swim team and then it was brought back and when it was brought back there wasn't enough New Milford swimmers and so they reached out to Dumont um I believe there were some sort of relation I don't know right and it did cost the pool time back then was you know $100 an hour like it really wasn't very much um and so the deal was that New Milford was going to be the laa and that um Dumont was going to participate and provide transportation well you know 10 years have now pass correct and pool everything has just increased and there's no there was no formal sort of deal and so um we'll we'll be looking to change that thank you anyone else review of any questions for review of Athletics and co-curriculum I just want to say thank you to the people who are volunteering their time for the assistant off yes than back any questions for review of policy okay um more like a feedback this has happened before where we have two policies that are the same title but they're for two different groups so policy 3212 and policy 4212 both say attendance U but one is for one group and one is for another group so could we somehow in the title specify which is like I to on like support staff so if we could just do that that would be super helpful thank you and thank you any other questions or comments any old business any new business no all right open to the public I seek a motion is outlined to Mill for Board of Education bylaw 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes any motion John second by Stephanie all in favor oppose any comments or questions from the public please state your name in town Dan um first of all I don't know if you brought out your secret weon McKenzie because I was ready to come out with fire but she is unbelievable and she just she could stop a hungry tiger my goodness um in any case uh I thought that I would just update everyone on what's been going on since our last meeting and not dwell on anything that happened before that um first I'd like to start out by saying after that meeting obviously there was some challenges and reaction from the public whether it be social media I'm personally not not on social media so all the reactions I got were in person and there was a large amount of them so it was it was uh uh a a pretty effective um not that it meant to be effective but it was it was pretty received let me say um and nothing really negative could could supportive um but unfortunately a lot of similar stories which is concerning concerning very concerning um we still have kind of the if the tree falls in the forest method going on here feel transparency has not improved um and there has been additional challenges unfortunately in my opinion uh what I was looking forward to the meeting I came to was the pre- meeting I didn't even realize it was streamed or anything that's why I came to it the next meeting was the real meeting from what I understood was that Wednesday night and when our leadership was given the opport opportunity to address the community after something like that I think the opening was great um but it turned into a very self-serving almost arrogant uh and threatening type speech which was very disturbing and showed kind of the mindset and the character of where we were that was extremely disappointing one thing I thought that you said was brilliant is as a leader that opens me up to uh all kinds of comments right uh you did say that they were generally negative comments but what I'd like to add to that is as a leader it can also open you up to Celebration and you missed that part okay and that's what we want to see we want to see you celebrated we don't want to see you uh any type of negative comments but it's unfortunate that you took that stance and frankly it was a bullying and threatening speech I think it Rose to the level of an HIV to be honest and I don't think anyone really disagrees and why would you say that to the community I don't know but that was the mindset and that's what you wanted to do you accomplished it I thought you should have assured the community that you're doing everything you can we're going to put these things in place have 30 seconds I have 30 seconds yeah 30 I'm going to six minutes it's three minutes sorry well now I get a minute add it cuz you're interrupted next after that 20 less than 48 hours after that meeting my daughter was removed from school for wearing an Apple Watch an Apple Watch that she had on since the day one of September okay so now we're at a point where we're having personal vendettas and there's no other way to view it it's not the greatest coincidence in the world right Miss Chris mes or Dr Miss Chris M refused any alternative uh this was doctor ordered because the safety of my daughter was the most important thing uh she needed to be able to access her parent at any time I did have a discussion with uh Miss Shanley about it because Miss Dr Chris said she had no control over it and it wasn't her okay so now we know the principal doesn't even govern her own school this is insane guys what are we doing here are we going to continue to have no action aty to 3 minutes if your wife would like to add something that's fine but we have to limit to three minutes how come you're not limited to three minutes because our policy is for public the bo okay I would like you to run this by and I have the email proofs that I'd like to sit down with your it guy on and your your lawyer making false allegations that you are responding to emails when you're not I'll yield my three minutes unfortunately I can't get it all out but anyone else from the public have any statements questions yes please just state your name of town it's Rosemary and I don't appreciate you calling out my husband's last name it was really unnecessary um I don't know if everybody's familiar or not with the HIV policy and the documentation and what's stated on the website it does say that you should hear from regarding your investigation within 10 days of course after attending the meeting last month I realize that as a parent I'm left in the dark I don't know what's happening what the outcome is of this investigation and then I'm left with a letter stating that oh I'm sorry you your daughter was reported as being a Target and oh I'm sorry but the behavior doesn't meet the qualifications a legal definition of what harassment intimidation and bullying refers to but yet if you looked that up on the Internet my daughter was sexually assaulted and there was also a death threat so where excuse me so where does that fall under last month the month of October I filed an HIV report the month of November I filed an HIV report here it is time was taken to put together an elaborate speech and somewhat um threatening the parents of this community when we're just trying to stand up for our children but the time wasn't taken to pick up the phone to a to say you know what Mrs bright you should come in we'd like to sit down with you and have the discussion off the Record so it's not on the public eye so social media is a great platform like my husband stated to be praised or to be highlighted for your shortcomings and this is very unfortunate there is a problem you have a principal of an elementary school that is very um cold and she's not fit to be a principal she told me that my daughter would need to be removed from the school if she did not excuse me canot bring up Personnel I'm sorry you brought up my last name you brought up my last name you're supposed to stay your first no I did and she brought up my last name and this has been personal this is now turned into a personal thing my daughter is traumatized from this event I reached out to miss Shanley I reached out to the principal excuse me I'm sorry spee because you don't have to stop me what I do know is that my daughter found had to go back to school the day after being the day after being harassed and then what for so that the child that Abus that that made that comment towards her was still in the classroom we told the principal that for medical reasons because my daughter needed to feel s safe she needed to watch where [Music] watch that the Board of Education adjourn into executive session in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL for the purpose of discussion and consideration of matters pertaining to the following subject personnel and student members the minutes of the executive session will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists I seek a motion to close I mean close session sorry Mr alow seconded by Nicole Dunn all in favor I oppos CL okay okay I need a seek a motion to return the open sessioning the meeting on second by Joe lunam all in favor oppose okay now we're going to start our open open seek a motion open to regular meeting no you just I don't need to board statements um committee the whole I seek a motion to approve the minutes for November 14th work session November 14th close November 15th regular meeting Tony AAL seconding by andreww all in favor I just have I wasn't here for of for any of it thank you okay superintendent of schools report Daniel Shanley hi hi okay so we're going to make this quick I have to report out suspensions and HIV so um at the high school for the month of November there was one in one day of one in school suspension at the middle school there were a total of one two three days of in school suspension for three different instances two four six eight days of out of school suspension for four separate in instances Berkeley Street school there were two days of out of school suspension and at Gibbs there were no suspensions for the month of November okay so you know I think it's important I just wanted to uh say this about HIV when we um when we report out HIV and I said this before but I'll just remind um everyone here and the public a case of HIV as defined by the state of New Jersey has to meet a three-prong definition the first prong is that the victim needs to be a member of a protected class or have a real or perceived distinguishing characteristic and they had to be the target for that the second prong is that it has to take place in school on school events or have a Nexus to the school and the third prong is that it has to substantially interfere with the students education if something needs two out of the three prongs it is dealt with as a code of conduct violation the dis IPL if it met all three prongs or didn't meet all three prongs the discipline could be exactly the same a student could be suspended for 3 days for fighting but it not necessarily the fight didn't occur because the victim was a member of a protected class but the discipline and or the services such as counseling or psychiatric evaluation or anything like that the discipline and the followup would be the same having it equal the definition of HIV doesn't mean it's more severe or and it doesn't mean that it gets a more stringent or rigorous punishment follow through or Services okay so it's just important to know so when something is addressed as a as code of conduct that doesn't mean it's less than as far as the severity of the infraction it's just not needing the three-prong definition of agency okay so Berkeley Street Elementary School there were four cases brought to the principal for review all four were moved forward for a complete investigation one case was confirmed as bullying and three were unfounded Gibbs one case was brought to the principal for review it was forwarded to the HIV specialist for a full investigation and it was confirmed as bullying David Owens four cases were brought to the principal for review all four I'm sorry five were brought to the principal for review four were forwarded for a full investigation one was not determined to need a full investigation and was dealt with this code of conduct at David E Owens I just want to make sure this number corre one case was confirmed as bullying and three were not at the high school there were no cases brought to the principal for review in the month of November complete your report that completes my report assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction report Laur D I have no report this us administrative reports any Lees on board committee reports any correspond no okay seek the motion open to the public for items on the agenda ton Alro second by Joe lunam all in favor oppose okay I seek a motion to close to the public Stephanie Cofer seconded by P R all in favor oppos okay board action I seek a motion for BA 23-24 3132 3334 3536 I need a motion Nicole dun seconded by Tony Alro all in favor oppos educational programs and curriculum committee Stephany CER I make a motion to seek approval for c23 [Music] d245 21 22 and 23 give me a second Angela Mor all in favor iOS I make a moot having Personnel recommendations having of superintendent I make a motion for p 22- 23159 6 P 23-24 62 43 60 70 71 72 73 74 I need a second hey Dr roll call Mr Al yes Miss Calder yes Mr dasta yes M CER yes Mr lardi yes Mr aluno yes M Ryan Yes vice president Don yes president Gomez yes finance and Facilities committee page R um I made a motion for approval for f 23- 24181 n120 12211 1221 12314 12251 12627 71281 129 130131 13233 and 134 give a second and before we do that I just want to thank s Milford Education Foundation for that donation yes thank you I a second Stephanie coffinger all in favor I oppos Athletics and co-curricular committee Nicole done I seek a motion for AC 23- 24.9 10 and 11 a second Joe Lam all in favor iOS and I believe these are all for graduate they are policy committee Anthony Alo I seek a motion for the second reading and Adoption of the following policies and regulations policy 1642.1 regulation 16421 policy 22 270 policy 2419 regulation 2419 policy 3161 policy 3212 regulation 3212 policy 3324 policy 4161 policy 4212 regulation 4212 policy 4324 policy 5111 regulation 5111 policy 5116 regulation 5116 abolishing policy 546 0.0 2 abolishing regulation 54602 revising policy 8500 abolishing policy 8540 and abolishing policy 8550 a second John tasta all in favor oppose any old business any new business um no there's a request for additional I just wanted to say Daniel mentioned but I I was fortunate to be at the hall of fame dinner and I thought Mr rodelli and his office did a wonderful job it was a nice smooth writing program and I think we honored students or students adults and teams from like the mid 90s to like maybe 20101 and it was very uh impressive and heartwarming to hear you know children that are now 30 years old saying how much they missed their high school days and all their fond recollection and it was really really a good thank I seek a motion open to the public as outline new for Board of Education via 0167 each state remain by participant shall be with in three minutes joha second by Nicole dun all in favor I oppos I see a motion to close to the public Tony Alo seconded by Joe lunam all in favor I oppos any board member request for additional information the presentation by Dr we get that M I was writing wasn't you absolutely I see conversion to a journ Stephanie CER second by Tony Al all in favor next meeting is January 1 reorganization meeting thank you happy holidays everyone happy holiday happy [Music] holiday thank you look like I need it right yeah you look great you