roll call Mr Alro pres Miss Calderon here Mr tasta pres miss coffinger here Mr Lombardi here Mr Luna Miss Ryan vice president Dunn president Gomez here Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Ali to the flag of the United St States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all board statements in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings law and New Milford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the burough Hall in the New Milford Public Library notices have been sent to the record in between twin bur news the board announces that under it's long-standing policy it will not discuss in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off meetings of the board are open to the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command should be followed there are two portions of the meeting reserved for comments from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board request that all members of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking due to confidentiality and legal rights afforded by the state of New Jersey members of the public are asked not to speak negatively or in a derogatory manner about any employee of the board or any student okay Committee of the whole I seek a motion for approval of minutes October 17th work session work session October 17 close October 18th regular meeting I need a second hey Ran all in favor I oppose okay our student board representative report McKenzie hello everyone I hope everyone's having an awesome November so far so our student council has been busy doing great things tomorrow November 16th we're hosting our faculty versus students volleyball game fundraiser this fundraiser is to raise money for upcoming Martin Luther King Day Service events students will face off against each other in the first bracket so seniors will face the sophomores and then Juniors will face the freshman and the winning team of these two will face off and then the final winning class standing will face The Faculty be sure to come support the volleyball game tomorrow in your class colors to show your school Spirits also on December 2nd our student council members will be helping out Miss Bernardo in running the Santa breakfast we're excited to help out in ringing the holiday season we're also planning a winter Spirit Week the last week before winter break we'll have fun dress up days including holiday letters pajama day and more to soon be announced and we're also in the process of planning service activities for Martin Luther King Day in other awesome news tickets are officially on sale for our fall play she kills monsters I have an amazing poster here and this is an amazing show with a super talented cast you don't want to miss it get your tickets at nmhs that is nmhs and here's our coaster created by our very own Tilly which is Jamie live that maybe you could show it to the camera yeah hold it up there the oh yes and the dates for the show are December 7th 8th and n9th in the James africano Auditorium so that is mar thank you anyone have any questions or comments I just want to say you're wonderful but the um the art the artwork like all of our programs they have you know the the the show we have the music musical Talent we have the kids acting and everything else but the artwork too like the students I mean really all of our shows have been original artwork so and that this one's really good I like it I think it looks like some of you yeah Jamie draws them every time and she actually draws them to look like us it's really cool and I S I saw them practicing today I don't know if you're all aware of this but there's a little bit of um I don't know can we call it swash buckling but there are definitely some swords there's some swords fighting and um didn't you have some cool yes very cool tell you want to tell us a little bit very cool we have two fight choreographers who come in and teach us like the safe way to properly battle combat and Stage it's really fun interesting there you go so you're in back great idea McKenzie can you tell us what those service Day activities consist of yes so right now we're in the process of planning them but usually for Luther King Day our student council does a presentation in the auditorium but we wanted to switch it up this year so we could actively serve our community rather than just watching a presentation so we're planning to do things that will serve both in our community in our schools and also our outside community and the fundraiser will raise money so we can purchase things that will help so for example if we wanted to maybe make cards for local hospitals we can purchase paper to and markers to help make the cards excent it how's the college application process going Kenzie um it's it's like a little stressful um the early application dates like come like coming at you but luckily I finished all the early application ones so now I just have to do the regular decision one so it's a little bit of a break in between okay good how much longer do you have um well January 1st is a lot of them so I mean I probably shouldn't save them for too long no do your does your um your fight battle work work orator like work with adults at all for a friend in real life so the company is called cause and effects and they I think they do choreography for mostly shows but I'm sure you could get in touch them I'm sure they would do right great question well thank you McKenzie I know you're busy so you don't have to stay for the meeting thank you thank you J thanks so much than superintendent of schools report Daniel Shanley okay great thank you um so uh before I give my report I think it's important for me to at least revisit um the matter of HIV that came up yesterday and then address some of the Fallout that has sort of been permeating in the community and things like that since last night's meeting I just didn't think it would be responsible not to at least address it so um um but before I do that I just I want to address something else so I I recognize and forgive me but I'm reading so that I say everything I want to say I recognize and respect the fact that when we are called to lead we must be willing to be misunderstood at times um criticized for our decisions and challenged and even accused and even fully rejected I mean that's part of the job I understand that um and I also understand that everybody's entitled to their opinion however I'm really strugg struggling with with numerous false comments that are being made to defame the members in particular of my administrative team the district is at a disadvantage because we cannot respond publicly to incidents that include students so and we also cannot engage in social media vter so essentially the members of the public can say whatever they want in an open session or on social media whether those comments are facts or fiction and the district is never in a place to defend itself we all have access to social media and I think we've probably all been guilty of exercising our keyboard muscles in an impassioned chat on a social Media Forum at one time or another it's very easy to do that when you're sitting behind your phone or your computer and there are but there are plenty of things that are being said about our schools about incidents of HIV about things like theft in the schools about rampant drug use about violence and about the responsiveness or lack of responsiveness of the district um and our willingness to communicate with parents so if your intention out there was for us to see it and read it all then you've been very successful because as we tell the students private pages on social social media are never really private um it also means that we know who's saying what so I just want to remind everybody that everyone has a right to their opinion and a constitutional freedom to speak and to post however I do caution you against false speech especially that that might cause harm to somebody's reputation or livelihood because it could open you up to civil litigation so please be sure that when you make claims about my team or about about things that are going on in the district that you have evidence of those claims and that you're not just relaying um irresponsible Peet the team here including everybody who works for the community and everybody who is an employee of the board work very hard to serve the students and the families of this community and it's important that the public knows that this district has a digital history of every email that has been sent to us when it was opened who read it if it was forwarded if it was responded to and when by whom and we have that same level of detail regarding our incoming and outgoing phone calls and the details of which can be retrieved if necessary and everybody is told here that there should be no expectation of privacy when you are using District technology we also have an intricate camera system which is is regularly daily relied upon to review incidents investigate situations and unfortunately this is what the world has come to education is not exempt okay I also ask everyone to take you know they say believe uh half of what you see and none of what you hear perception is reality I understand this but there are usually three sides to a story the way I see it the way you see it and then the way it really happened and emotions get very heightened when we're talking about parents advocating for their children that they love more than anything in this world trying to fight for what's best for their children we understand that but we believe that we do a good job of advocating for your children as well and we never lose sight of the fact that we are responsible for your children and we take that responsibility very seriously and I can assure you and you could ask any member of The Faculty or administrative team here that if the staff is not protecting your children their greatest challenge will be me so public comment at the board meeting is an opportunity for the community members to make comments however it's not a place where community members can have most of their issues or concerns resolved we have an official a chain of communication that is posted on our website um it is under central office under Board of Education and it says chain of communication I respect that chain of communication the board here respects it and the parents need to follow it if they want a resolution to their concerns most parents the large majority of parents are very supportive very respectful of that process and we are incredibly appreciative of that but clearly after last night we are in need of continuing education on the laws governing harassment intimidation and bullying so we are going to provide a refresher for everyone I've spoken with Mrs zacher today she is our district anti-bullying coordinator um and we are going to work on a presentation for the January meeting on HIV except the difference between between HIV and code of conduct Etc with close attention to the policy and the law and it will be live streamed and saved on our YouTube page for future reference so please be sure to tune in to that important meeting in the meantime I encourage parents to read policy 5512 it is long I don't know 20 Pages maybe it's comprehensive and you will see how many times it has been updated because we revisit it regularly most recently I believe was in April so it's current I think it's important that we show each other a level of respect be it on social media or anytime because we're all supposed to be in this for the same reason we're all supposed to be in this to create safe nurturing environments where our students can grow where they can flourish they can learn we're supposed to be in this together and communicating with each other and in a proactive way and anything that undermines that just sets us back and doesn't allow us to um do the good work that we're supposed to be doing which is educating um our children and advancing programs and initiatives for them okay so first and she's not even here I would like to um congratulate our incumbent board members for winning their seats in the the Board of Education elections thanks to special congratulations to vice president Nicole Dunn to Mrs Ryan Paige Ryan and to Tony Alro um we're happy to uh be able to celebrate you once again on December 8 and 9th just a reminder that the tickets are on sale to see the young adventurers edition of she kills monsters at Berkeley Street School they are conducting mindful walks and they are a hug huge success the students have been participating Outdoors to learn how they can tune into nature to help them acquire self-regulation skills that they can use to help calm themselves and be more present parent teacher conferences were very well attended in both of the buildings a true Testament to the strong homeschool partnership that they enjoy at perly and the Halloween parade was wonderful the children the parents and the entire staff enjoyed showcasing the variety and creativity of all the costumes in Gibbs on November 8th many of the students celebrated National stem and and steam day with their classmates this is a day specifically dedicated to promoting and celebrating the wonders of science technology engineering and math back in 2015 the Congressional caucus on stem education established this special day to raise awareness about the significance of stem education and encourage students to pursue careers in stem Monday November 13th was World kindness day and on this day they reminded students how to how one act of kindness can change a person's day in a positive way they're going to continue to focus on the importance of kindness throughout the school year we recognize children caught being kind throughout the recognition of their kindness Bolen board and through positive office referrals and morning announcement shoutouts uh Mrs Tor would like to thank all the parents for their presence and collaboration during parent teacher conferences for decades research from around the world has shown that parents involvement and engagement with their children's education and including parent teacher conferences and PTO school events and atome discussions about school can lead to higher student achievement and a better social emotional outcome the BF Gibb student council is holding their annual Thanksgiving food drive through Thursday November 16th and all donations will go to Ascension Church food pantry at David eowen congratulations to this month's Deo nightly values winner Rex magdadaro Rexx consistently portrays the expectations set forth for our students of acting and interacting in kind and respectful ways keeping the space clean welcoming and easy to move in taking care of themselves and others and always winning willing to learn new things this is a drawing oh there was a drawing done um on a monthly basis for those who received nightly values cards and the staff issues them to the students who are caught follow following the school expectations Rex also earned an Amazon gift card which is provided through our high school buddy program we're happy to report at Deo that our staff and students have successfully rolled out the new smart Pass Program staff can now digitally track where the students are in the building which will ensure the flow and safety of movement in our community this has also maximized our time in class so thank you for supporting this important tool this is something that they've been using at the high school it's like a whole pass system but it's digital and for Red Ribbon Week on October 27th they ran a schoolwide food collection we can uh with we can say no to drugs was the theme it was done for the local food pantry the Church of Ascension in New Milford over 100 articles of food were collected and delivered okay so congratulations to our new Milford High School student of the month recipients for October we're very proud of their accomplishments Carlos Gomez in ninth grade Vance Thomas in 10th grade irm inan in 11th grade Jake nard in 12th grade Mrs waserman coordinated an event with French National Honor Society students to create a beautiful display at Deo to celebrate the national French week special thanks to the French Honor Society artists for their special contributions like they were saying uh Miss Safari Mrs Safari of pasek Regional School District and the former New Jersey educator of the Year wanted to express her sincerest appreciation for allowing Mrs ferenstein and our amazingly talented student to perform at the New Jersey County teacher of the year Retreat the audience was blown away by the level of their performances and their displayed professionalism they truly represented our school and our district in the best possible way they were so lucky to witness music education at its finest and we should be very proud of our students accomplishments under the guidance of Mrs barenstein our students also attended the PV celebration of cultures on November 2nd Miss Kirsten Lee recently attended a professional development Workshop hosted by the College of New Jersey and at the conference she won a classroom set of arduinos which are microcontroller kits for building digital devices to provide our computer science students with Hands-On technology the marching nights completed their fall season with a wonderful performance in the 79th annual North Jersey band Festival in Clifton they were one of 19 bands that performed that evening and we are so proud of their work this season thank you for all of your support of the marching stand congratulations to our All County and all League fall athlete recipients the list is long but it's worth mentioning every student accomplishment boy soccer First Team all League Martin alpar Josh sperlin Nicholas Perez Prince delva and Juan Hernandez second Team all League Dylan Murphy Gavin Carrick Alex arima Luca suich honorable mention Travis bzi second Team all County Juan Hernandez third Team all County Josh sperlin girl soccer second Team all League Emma henes honorable mention Juliana broy girls tennis First Team all League Jasmine nativ naad second Team all League suc abas Ashley chelik Alisa verati honorable mention to Teresa maravia OA OA and Veronica thank you second Team all count County Jasmine natividad girls volleyball First Team all League Natalia Kowski second Team all League yika cardosa honorable mention Joanna angales cross country First Team all League Kevin sanami Sebastian Herrera peda second Team all League Jonah chako Ethan do Los Santos Grace Lampman honorable mention gave Fernandez you're not typing this are you I was like I'll just give you the digital honorable mention Gabe Fernandez and McKenzie Forte football First Team all League James Spates Joseph tenant Giovanni nicod nicod Jersey Ryan Cole tataro Jake Johnson second Team all League Jaden canuel Kyle tenant jeremes Davidson Christopher Dunn Liam Burns Lewis plaid you didn't even know that there you go honorable mention Joseph marcario yand del m P up congratulations to coach Tom kizzy who is named Liberty division boy soccer coach of the year the Hall of Fame dinner is next Monday night at maloos in Hawthorne honores include Pat and Tom Maggie Allison Hanson AJ scopa Christy Victory will Walsh the 2013 girls soccer and 1998 wrestling teams and congratulations to each of the honores and a special thank you to all to the Hall of Fame committee but wonderful achievements for our students the annual pbne night will look a little bit different this year and will be held on separate nights due to scheduling conflicts and use of the facilities but the dates for that will be shared soon in special education the new preschool IBC class opened at Berkeley school three students transition to the new class with one instructional assistant and the students are enjoying their new setting and winning over everyone at Berkeley school they are so cute and and the tech department the tech department has good news too tech department has introduced um they've been doing it for a while but they want us to share Tech tip Tuesdays we love Tech tip Tuesdays each week the team sets out to provide interesting and helpful topics in technology and education the department would like to remind you not to click on links in emails when you don't know the sender and cannot verify the sending email address as legitimate and they send us these tests all the time to see if we will fall for these things and last month I fell for it because it was a Dunkin Donuts certificate it was a Dunkin Donuts gift certificate and I failed the test and I had to take I had to go through the training but then this month when it came through I don't want to tell you what it was I didn't fall for that one okay also this month the tech department went on the road conducting classroom and office walkthroughs in each building to check in with the staff to ensure the functionality of all new classroom equipment the tech department will be sending out an emergency contact test on Monday November 20th you should receive three things a text message a phone call like with a voice and an email if you need to update your information you can do that in the Genesis Parent Portal so there's already a popup on the website right now if you go to our website there is a popup telling you that this test is coming on Monday the 20th and there's a link embedded in the popup so that if you need to check your Genesis parent portal to see what your contact information looks like there you can do that right now okay and congratulations to our very own master of all things technological Dan PRI and Annette got married on on Halloween in costume they married by the mayor was lovely okay extra well extra the next board meeting is Tuesday December 5th and we will have two presenters that evening we're doing one meeting in December Dr Matthew Murphy who is going to talk to us about a profile of a new Milford graduate and support us in that work and then Frank MSO of solutions architecture who will be speaking to the board about the process and timeline for planning a board uh Bond referendum uh and I wanted to wish everybody a Wonder wonderful Thanksgiving and that is the end of my report thank you thank you any questions okay assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction report Laur D um good evening I do not have a formal report this evening but I did want to highlight two items on our agenda under Personnel we will be approving staff for two of our Title One programs first is p67 the title one grade n extended school day program um which consists of targeted small group sessions based on identified student needs uh njla and benchmarking data really drives the identification process and subsequent instruction p68 is approval of high school title one academic support for kns or the ask program this is a new program that we're really excited to offer um we are offering all of our high school students access to our content area teachers at different times during the school day and outside of the school day so um we will have availability in the mornings during lunch and even virtually in the evenings kind of like a tutorial one-on-one small group and um extra supplemental supports available so we're really excited to uh bring that program on this year I do do want to mention um you have seen that our title offerings have expanded as we transition to operate schoolwide programs yesterday I attended a superintendent Academy session on school business operations and the njs ASA lead attorney Marie laor was present with us and shared a legislative update and mentioned that there is a current bill working it way through the system it's HR 5894 which proposes a cut to Title One funding by 80% and also could affect title 2 um we rely on both of these pots Title One primarily drives all of our school Pro most of these supplemental programs and title two we rely on heavily for professional development and training it is something that um we are keeping our eye on as we continue to plan next year's budget so I just wanted to bring that to your attention this evening and as we have further information I will share that with you thank you thank you any questions is this administrative report Stephanie I mean Le's on board committee reports so I'm sorry I was looking at HR 5894 it's a scunner so I do have something it's written I will type it out we just had the meeting on Monday so um so and also um it was mentioned earlier so on facilities and finance we were talking about facilities first I want to start off by saying Frank MSO from Solutions Architects will be at our December 5th meeting to give a presentation to the board on everything that we discussed in our committee so I'm going to give you some highlights here but really the details are going to be there so that's why I'm not really going to put too much in in the minutes so um as we're all aware we have a great many facility needs and there was in 20 19 uh well 2018 and 2019 there was looking into a referendum within the district so a list was compiled of all the facilities and educational needs that were uh throughout the district that list was maintained and then most recently updated with the help of our uh business administrator and our supervisor of grounds as well as all the administrators in the buildings so that facil list is up to date and including and correct me if I'm wrong Dr G the items that we have already done that were on that list are now off the list that's correct right yes so so some of the things like Lighting in the in the in the schools we read we were able to do the LED lighting so that came off the list um the boiler and you know that came off the list so different things that needed to be done so those all the other things along with the presentation of what we as a board would need to do to go out for a referendum what we the steps we would need to take the timing in which we need to do those things how we would approve how we would engage the community all of the different um pieces to it as far as the communications with the community and all of that that was all presented to us from Frank so he will present that to the board as well this is not a presentation of a referendum it's a presentation of all of the things that we need to do in order to get that accomplished and how long it would take um so just for anyone that's listening we don't have a we don't have a list we have a list of items we don't have what's in there um the other thing is that as far as the community planning is concerned there is approvals that we need to get from the Department of Education in order to move forward so the first thing that we will need to do once we go through all of this is make that those determinations of what we would want to go forward with so that we can get those approval processes started as soon as possible um we know that sometimes things take a long time when we send it off to be approved um and see what else I want to mention in this and the other thing is that some of the items on the list may be items that could take years to complete so just because we select something to be on the referendum it's not like okay we selected all of these things and they're all going to get done in in the year it's there will be a timetable and the and priorities as well as whatever funding that we're be able to do but a really important thing for those that have not been a part of this process is that um there are certain things that we do and I don't know them off the top of my head some of the rules but there are where when we submit for those um we also get money from the state in order to and I'm trying to I'm looking at my notes Here why am I not here r no it's not the rod Grant SDA I just had a huge presentation for work today in my brain is I can't even add two plus two it's a really I I'll figure it out in a second but basically so we support we submit to the state they give us 40% back for certain projects right not all projects um but certain projects are so there is a substantial amount of money that we could also receive from the state for a lot of these projects that we want to do which is another reason why when you want to put it through that way so again I'm not going through the whole detail but this is what's going to happen so on December 5th there is another presentation happening that night I think Matt Murphy yes profile yes so profile of a graduate so those two things combined can really complement each other because when we're talking about the profile of an new for graduate and we want what we want for them um we also need to talk about what we're going to provide um and what kind of facilities we'll have so I don't know if anybody else on the committee wanted to add to it like I said I didn't want to get into too much detail because Frank is going to present to us in December but I don't know John or Tony Cheryl thought it was a good summer okay so don't miss the meeting it was it was actually a really good presentation and what what we came up with was at the end you know we could summarize this and what are our next steps and and we all kind of said we need you to do this again but do it for everybody so so it'll be really good all right great thank you thank you any correspondents none this evening okay open to the public for items on the agenda I seek a motion as outlined in New Milford Board of Education bylaw 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes I need a second John dasta all in favor oppos anything from the public no okay I seek a motion to close Tony seconded by Nicole Dunn all in favor I oppose board action I seek a motion for BA 23-24 2728 2930 I need a second Stephanie coffinger all in favor I oppos educational programs and curriculum committee Stephanie coffinger I make a motion to seek approval for c23 d248 Point 19 and point 20 second are you question second okay D all in favor I oppose Personnel recommendations having a recommendation of the superintendent I seek a motion for p 22-23 48. 48. 49 different oh here I P 23-24 48 p 23-24 49 50 52 57 58 5960 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 need a second Stephanie Center all in favor oh this is the Roll Call Mr Alro yes M cder yes Mr dasta yes M coffinger yes Mr Lombardi yes Miss Ryan Yes vice president dun yes president Gomez yes finance and Facilities committee P Ryan so I wanted to make a comment on that last one and say some people just can't get enough of us I think we all know 62 really um so uh so for the finance and Facilities committee I make a motion to seek approval for 23-24 45 uh 95 97 98 90 99 10011 102 10314 01516 107 0 108 10910 11112 13.14 11516 and7 you a second Tony Alro all in favor I I oppose policy committee Anthony Alro okay this evening we are conducting second reading and Adoption of the following policies and regulations which I hope will get the board support a motion policy 0144 policy 2520 and regulation 2520 policy 3217 policy 4217 policy 5305 policy 5308 regulation 5308 policy 5310 regulation 5310 policy 6112 regulation 61151 policy 6115 4 policy 6311 policy 7440 we're abolishing policy 910 we are approving policy 9140 we are abolishing regulation 914 in the second group we're doing a first reading tonight of the following policy 1642.1 regulation 1642.1 policy 227 70 policy 2419 regulation 2419 policy 3161 policy 3212 regulation 3212 policy 3324 policy 4161 policy 4212 regulation 4212 policy 4324 policy 5111 regulation 5111 policy 5116 regulation 5 5116 abolishing policy 546 0.02 and its regulation policy 8500 and abolishing policies 8540 policies 8550 so I guess I'm seeking a motion okay second okay so would you Steph me for a second thank you all in favor I I oppose any old business I think it's sort of new sort of old want to make a comment I just want to acknowledge um support action ba 23- 2430 um I just again I I did my whole discussion about the contract uh a while ago when we ratified um if you think I'm ever going to be able to remember what I said then you're you're hitting yourselves but I just wanted to acknowledge that that we were able to successfully negotiate this contract ratified it pushed it through um I want to acknowledge that I want to thank everybody that had a part in it again it was um very very uh it was eye openening uh to see some of those things um and I also want to kind of uh especially acknowledge the fact that kind of given the um the world we live in right the the types of things that could happen here that don't happen here the the things that happen at other boards that don't happen here but I just you know we may still sometimes need a fight coordinator but we do generally uh do okay we did okay uh together all in that room um and I appreciated that was my first experience with that um and I appreciated everybody that had a hand in it and again I want to just shout out again I I shout out Stephanie every time Stephanie kind of almost like single-handedly put the contract together um she is ready for law school really so I want to uh acknowledge her thank her she earned her fake 19% raise uh with this the fake one yeah the fake one so appreciate it everybody again um and thank you and I'm sorry I said that s because that's definitely going on YouTube I was joking America thank you any new business open the public I seek a motion as outline in New Milford Board of Education bylaw 067 each statement May Fire participant shall be limited of 3 minutes need a second call on all in favor oppose anyone in the public okay I seek a motion to close to the public for Andre Angel all in favor oppos any board member requests for additional information Andrew okay closed session is hereby move that the Board of Education adjourn into executive session in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL for the purpose of discussion and consideration of matters pertaining to the following subject Personnel oh covered everything yesterday okay to I seek a motion to adjourn Angel andard joha all in favor oppos okay see everyone December 5th thank you I was forget okay good