okay call a meeting order roll call please miss fesa president Mr kamsky here Mr danaro here mayor Morgan here Mrs Joffrey here Mr kogan here Mrs mcnight here and salute the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all public media Council pres count Union New Jersey adequate notice has been given in accordance to PL 1975 chap 231 annual notice or revision was made in perance of section 13 of the ACT uh before we go on any any further it is National Police Week and you know there's been a lot of uh civil unrest in in our country and um the police have been doing a y's job and I just uh a lot of people just don't really acknowledge their their sacrifice and their uh their work throughout the throughout the years so I'd like to have a moment of silence for the fallen officers of the past year so if we could please stand thank you very much I'd also like to thank the First Responders uh Rescue Squad fire department they all do uh they all work hand in hand and also thank them so at this uh point we're hiring a new police officer uh Denise if you could please read the title Please resolution 20241 140 is a resolution appointing Michael jerini as probationary police officer for the Bureau of New Providence County of union state of New Jersey have a motion please so moved second roll call please miss fesa I Mr kamsky I Mr Arno hi Mrs Joffrey yes Mr kogan yes Mrs mcnight yes hold like this it's easier I state your name I'm Michael J do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constition of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the sa and allegiance to the and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the police a police officer a police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability of and I see you are quite an Entourage I only your family but I know you uh do basketball coaching and we have uh half the basketball Entourage here from the high school and uh I know they they very highly have your ask to on and thank you for all the volunteerism you've done throughout the years for the burough thank you thank [Applause] you at this time all of you have seen to event so if you want to leave you you can do it thank you we're not congrats there is a good presentation coming up about Unity day you're wel to say that not that I don't think you're going to be good but kids are coming he great they lost one run game but uh yeah hit a couple good balls pitch I they play tomorrow too so [Laughter] tomorrow it's great to see you know Community Support in tou with the community local local kid nice to see your local uh volunteer local Pioneer as you said volunteer okay and we're going to who's given a presentation for race Unity day we have our group of students who are the coordinators and um organizers and running the event they're going to come up and they're going to give us a presentation all right actually if you guys wouldn't mind maybe you can go through and just tell us your names what grade you're in what school you go to and then we can go from there um I'll start uh my name is AB Sharma I am a 11th grader I am going to school at ucvts Academy for information technology um I'm anel yanan uh I'm an eighth grader at new Province Middle School uh I am Eric U and I am going to ucvts at Academy of Information Technology and I'm in 11th grade my name is Fatima Javid I'm an eighth grader at New Providence Middle School my name is lilan Yu I'm an eighth grader at new Provence Middle School my name is arushi devate and I'm a freshman in ucvts School of Design that's great and uh we want to welcome you I know it's not easy to come up in front of council and speak but you know this is also your your Council chamber so make yourself at home if you want to sit down and give a presentate whatever you want to do just feel it e and um you know go ahead we're we're we love a Unity day it's it's gotten bigger and bigger every year and I know uh I see Sunil in the back and uh we started that back in when Sunil 2015 or years yeah and it it's grown every year been much better so so welcome and and go ahead so the New Providence diversity committee is hosting uh our sixth annual Unity fair day and uh this time we'll be partnering with the Berkeley Heights diversity Council the Berkeley Heights YMCA the Springfield Unity project and peace of mind yoga counseling and Wellness Center um we're going to be hosting our event on June 9th from 10:00 a.m. to um 1: p.m. at the B Berkeley Heights YMCA the program of the unity Fair will celebrate the Oneness of humanity through many diverse activities performances and speeches including a salsa performance and a Bollywood flash mob participants will be able to enjoy boots from several organizations including guarding State equity the New Providence United Methodist Church and the new Provence High School diversity art and language clubs there will also be many cultural boots at the event representing some of the different nationalities in New Providence These Boots including the Nepali Pakistani and Ukrainian boots will have interactive games and displays so participants can learn more about the cultures in New Providence once the participants have gotten the chance to interact with the boots and watch the performances the program will end with a holy celebration uh so one part of the event will be passports and this will basically be a booklet of all the booths and with each Booth um people can take this passport and go to each booth and they will be able to receive a stamp after um doing an interactive activity at each of the booths and after completing of this booth um this passport people will be able to receive a reward for it um I'm talking about the food trucks that we will have in the unity Fair we will have an ice cream truck from Good Humor ice cream we will uh Neon Indian Cuisine will be providing Indian food the brisket guy will be donating brisket and Jose Bagel Cafe will be donating Bagels this will provide a wide selection of options and provide snacks and food for many dietary needs and restrictions um it'll all the food trucks are confirmed and will be there for the entirety of the unity fair this will support local businesses because they will of course be paid for this and they're we're lucky to work with them they're very nice and we're excited to have all these food vendors the sign up link for the event is in the QR code on the flyer we would have a volunteer recognition ceremony to thank all the volunteers who made this event possible by giving them certificates lastly we would like to thank the burough for providing holy colors and printing access as well as posting about the event on their website and the electronic board specifically we would like to thank nadina and nison for this tremendous support thank you um it is only f is only fitting to have the final event once again for the unity fair to be a celebration of the Festival of Colors holy as holy is the final event of the race Amity day we believe that the Indian festival should come right after once again the Bollywood flash mod um the plan is to bring this part of event to bring the center of the focus to the center of the area which which is where it's going to be taking place at YMCA um we're going to give a short introduction to hly and emanate the Vigor and energy of the unity day with the final words being uttered which are hold H which in Hindi means it is Holy music will be played throughout the speakers and around the perimeter and packets of color will be available for purchase as mentioned by um these colors will bring life to the YMCA and will end the ree Unity fair with a bank um thank you and once again this should just be added for the math club Booth the puzzle will be made [Laughter] harder excellent well let's time we we were at the holy uh uh event out outside you and I look like a commercial for the wonderful world of Disney you know it was great so uh looking forward to it is Council in agreement absolutely great well done thank you so much I had a miss it last year so I'm definitely looking forward to the whole event I just have one fast question um do you guys have a rain date or is anything for to accomodate that so if there's rain we would just move to the indoors perfect I have another question um you said there's a registration link is code on the fer on the so do you want you so people you want to kind of get like a little bit of a headcount is that what the you want people to register ahead of time okay yeah I can answer that okay the YMCA likes to have everyone registered because they're granting access to the pool and and the facility oh okay so it is it it helps us of course but but it'll be good for that reason absolutely so the pool the pool is available after the event I believe right sorry say again the pool is the col yes that's right maybe the showers possibly the showers before the pool there are some restrictions the way I'm say director is yeah we can't have holy colors in the pool yes no holy colors in the pool can you just remind us of the date and time again June 9 yes it's Sunday June 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. thank you perfect thank you thank you all thank you thank you great job great job thank you guys so much and Chanda thank you I know you have a lot to do with it and I didn't see you back there but thank you you want take a picture yeah yeah let me take a picture Alex want me take it with your pH great job so exciting is four of you are e graders so we have this for years and years to come we don't want to hi not really nice thank you guys so much [Applause] okay okay Fun's over sounds like fun it's be okay ordinance 05 please read the title Bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements in and by the bur of New Providence in the county of Union New J uh state of New Jersey appropriating $4,299 189 there and authorizing the issuance of 2,814 $5 bonds or notes of the buau to finance part of the cost thereof have have a motion please so moved second okay at this time we have a uh public hearing on this Bond ordinance and this ordinance only anyone wishing to address Council raise their hand yes alen hi Alan Swanson 47 of an Overhill Road I really just have a couple of questions um on number engineering number three installation electronic charging stations is that is that that's still just the plan for the one unit with two and and is it still planned to be over here that's correct okay that takes good thank you um Maple Street is is the plan for what they're going to do on Maple Street out there somewhere I mean I'm just curious is the it's uh it's a it's it's a big project it looks like here so coler's construction is still putting together the bid specs as soon as they're posted I'll have them up on the website okay I just um you going to try to take care of the flooding down there some of it um uh under the planning on the Oakwood Park playround Improvement I I just I I know that this was discussed and there was a little bit about the the timing do do we know what the timing is on on having that happen well we're waiting for the grant to be approved it has to be approved by the uh I guess it's a state okay they have to approve their budget before we can they can certify that we get them on so so you know it's kind of like watch this space kind of thing Allan um part of that project U includes a $750,000 grant that um the rec department received from the D but that is Incorporated in the state's budget so it hasn't it hasn't been released yet because the budget hasn't passed yet okay so the basically there's really no real serious planning that's happened yet it's planned it it's yes we already have a plan for it yes and and you know what the materials are and everything that I don't know well that could change right depends on the bond amount that we actually gr sorry that we ultimately get it depends on what we get and what we're going to put in the scope of it I think what we presented and Allison presented was the uh the large we want the big everything and it'll get probably scaled down from there depending on how much the grant is plus it's Jake is it Jake laot that is that what it is so it's specific to um an inclusive playground so it's specific types of materials and Etc right well my primary interest is is to just make a couple of recommendations in terms of the surface I I just I'm I'm going to want I'll contact them and find out where they are it's just it's it's to avoid some of the there's some Synthetic Turf out there that's not so great so that's all I just thank you thank you I think that would be great if you have if you have recommendations for materials that you can provide again just I I was thinking that this was going to be like next year kind of thing so that's why when I just that's I hope not it could be as soon yeah yeah so that well that that answers my question so I I need to get on it a little yeah I'm sure Alison I'll let you know too as well you know there's certain materials right that may be required depending on um regulations of of the grant right and things I did research it some um uh when it came up but but I as most of you know I was distracted by quite a bit by some health issues so I'm getting back in the swing of things now so thank you uh so thank you thank you appreciate it anyone else wishing to address Council seeing no one I declared a public he and close roll call please miss fisa hi Mr kamsky hi Mr justo hi Mrs jofre yes Mr Hogan yes Mrs mcnight yes ordinance 06 please read the title an ordinance of the burough of New Providence County of union state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 20 of the code of the burough of New Providence I have a motion please so moved second second okay at this time anybody wishing to address Council on ordinance 06 please read there raise their hand seeing no one I declared their public hearing closed roll call please miss bisa I Mr kamsky I Mr dardo hi Mrs jofrey yes Mr kogan yes Mrs mcnight yes all right um ordinance 07 please read the title an ordinance establ establishing tree removal and replacement regulations within the Bureau of New Providence have a motion please I'll make a motion to approve second second uh anybody wishing to address Council on this ordinance and this ordinance only yes um hi I just have one quick question um I when I was looking it over I just I guess it's it's not really a question it's more of something that to be aware of where it states in there that they're not operating U certain kinds of vehicles in the drip zone of the trees and whatnot um is that something I I just I think it's important that if there's a development that's going in that that there actually be some body going and checking uh on that um I I know that that we all agree that the issue related to the the Lantern Hill trees and and and how that was handled um probably wasn't the best way to do it um but it is an issue with development in terms of the developers not really paying close attention to the the larger drip line areas I that's not really accurate D was sent up to Lantern Hill and they checked it out me they said everything was was conformed oh oh I so I'm just saying that I understand what you're saying you're not going to have me committed and and get try to get you arrested I guess the uh the code official does go up there and check okay that's good yeah thank you thank you appreciate it okay anyone else having uh comment see no one C the uh public comments closed roll call please miss Bosa hi Mr kamsky hi Mr dno hi Mrs jofre yes Mr kogan yes Mrs mcnight yes okay I need approval of minutes for April 30th motion please so move second all in favor I no so be it okay we have correspondents from uh New Jersey do uh and I know the the applications are being processed Board of adjustment for uh 15 Cameron and Michael mazaka 41 Commonwealth about a uh fence application so um I see Mike's here tonight um might as well get this over with now why isn't this going to the board of adjustment yeah um Keith Lynch uh has had originally um denied the the permit because it was it would put the fence in the right of way okay Mike you want to uh just come up real quick and tell us uh and get it over with so you don't have to wait through the whole meeting I I have an existing fence along Osborne a you know where I live y 41 Commonwealth 41 it's on a COR Osborne and that fence is dilapidated falling down I don't want to put up a new one but could you speak in the in the microphone please over time the trees the Rosa Sharon trees there's about a dozen 15 of them they're beautiful especially when they bloom uh to put the existing fence back exactly where it is we'd have to cut most of those down so if we bump it out a little bit we can save those trees and put put up a nice fence kind to have a wind win of new fence save the trees so the um the fence that you had that you had recommended putting back I looked at the document I believe it's just a like a 2in uh what do you call it uh pick fence space picket exact same fence except for 15 years newer uh 4 feet high um in fact my neighbor we've all been measuring as we walk Snickers around town but right across the street that's 8 ft they put up a white vinyl fence and it's 8 ft I don't know how they did it without getting permission I don't know if they got permission or what but they just did it and obviously I like to do things the right way so I submitted the survey and I drew a line I said 8 ft and it's been weeks so I'm not sure I can get it done before the graduation party on the 22nd of June but that's that's the um application I guess it is to have that fence just that line down Osborne two feet closer to Osborne two feet closer it's 10 now it would be8 feet yeah the only thing is if we approve this then anybody else can do it and I don't know if we can set a precedent yeah but also understand that if you were agreeable to this uh you could express that but he would still then have to go to the board of adjustment for a variance so you're not if you were to say okay it's he's still going to have to go to well that that was my other question because there's no way you get on that docket before you do this graduation her son's graduation I didn't think that was part of the process I do have a denial from the board of adjustment I guess it is I thought it was conru they told me it was up to you guys because it's your property I don't need a variance because you make the call and like I said it's it's not it wouldn't be presedential because we can walk around my block and show you 8T f is all over the place yeah new build so it's not presidential really in my view and it's to save the trees too I'm trying to save these trees you want me to whack those down I can whack them down but we don't want to do that the thing is the ordinance is X and we we're up here and we're supposed to enforce the ordinance the board of adjustment is where you have to go to get relief we we that's why you don't see any count people on the board of adjustment cuz we have to enforce the uh the uh ordinance if I'm correct right how did these other houses like around the corner well apparently they didn't get a permit so all big well I'll tell you you know you know Mike and Danielle are I know them very well their daughter my daughter's a senior um Mike's a New Providence guy bornn and raised um you know I was walking around my neighborhood just today right walking my dog two three four blocks away from my house and you know I took 10 pictures of 10 properties with with um fences that looked within 10 ft of the sideline of the uh curb now having a corner lot I know being on a plan board over 10 years I know Corner lots are always an issue right corner lots have two technically two front yards right um and so you know the zoning board kind of even planning board you know they handle those properties you know meticulously to try and make sure that we're not we're trying not to burden the homeowners uh trying to make sure we're setting rules that you know they can do certain things because they are a little bit more um you know held to to certain regulations than than other properties um you know I know the zoning board recently I was on a zoning board call for for Wonder U like a month ago two months ago you know they approved the six foot fence on Springfield Avenue um with with giant orities on the outside of of the fence which will grow to be less than 10t you know to to to the curb so you know um you if the process here today is to approve them to go to the zoning board to get it approved I mean in my opinion you know I I think it's it's in our best we we should allow that to happen I agree Matt I mean prior to sitting here I was on the zoning board for 3 years and this was a common common application in fact the one my uh m reference I I remember being on that one so I I think as long as you present your case like you're you're doing to us I I can't speak for them of course but they're all rational individuals that um I don't know Pete I know you were on the Zone I mean I was on the zoning board as well and quite frankly I'm I'm not understanding why the process is any different here than what it's usually that it sounds like a a classic zoning board case I'm not sure why it wouldn't go directly to them to begin with because it's because it's being proposed to be in the Burrows right away which essentially is the Burrows property okay so um that that's why P necessitates to come here first I say so in other cases it's the property owner owns so this is and this is if it wasn't our right away then they would need to be here and they would go right to so if it was a typical corner lot or something like that would go right to the zoning board that's that's what I'm familiar with this fence is way back from the corner it doesn't obstruct any views it's in my backyard back you know where it is I mean it's not an issue sight lines aren't an issue with so is is the issue with the right of way that you're moving it 2 feet or because you're saying that you have a fence there now oh yeah it's there so is the fence on the right of way I think it's right on the right of way I guess it's not in the right of way it's not in okay it can't be right on the line I think it's right on the line now just okay so so correct me if from wrong then we're here to decide the right of way component of this application not that whether it that and the rest of it will be decided by a zoning board we're here to decide whether it's it's should be allowable to infringe on the right away and to the mayor's point he's concerned he articulated a concern that there would set a a dangerous precedent if I'm understanding everyone's Point correctly is that is that correct Al and according planning board and Zoning Board every application stands on its own merits so so you can't you can't look at it holistically that's why I mentioned the 2in picket style fence 4ot picket style fence which is about as minimal as you can get when it comes to you know sight lines and and fencing and like I said you know the six foot stock a fence which was recently approved matter of fact I was just driving up Maple AV and there was a up at the top a um shadow box six foot shadow box which is back Tob back zero you know look practically you know um right on the sidewalk right I mean literally up to the I mean so like I said you know each application stands on its own with the materials and and looking at the property I in my opinion I think it should be uh should be viewed by the Z board in general isn't the first I think 10 ft of everybody's property depends on the width of the street depends on the width of the street really so that would probably be pretty standard for a zoning board then I would you know in terms of the 10 foot M I would say so this is unique because again it's a corner property so it's the front yard right no one's putting a fence up 4T from the property line of their front yard most likely right so you know it would be the same case I guess if that was the case somebody wanted to do something to that effect but there there would need to be an understanding that in the event some type of work had to be done in our right way that fence would have to come down to allow the work well we had a word main break was it two years ago they did what they had to do and I would also and I would also say you know suggest that you know you you stipulate right that you wouldn't plant any anything on the outside of that fence like I said there are I've had 10 houses that I walked my dog like today that the arbites and they're growing literally to the curves right so they plant them on the outside of their fences but they they and there's these are Corners these are you know just like my neighbor directly across Osborne they put that to me not such attractive white vinyl fence and you got somebody from the town wanted them to put some arbites to soften it up cuz it's kind of like jaring in your face and so there's the fence at 8 ft then they have wood chips and arborian so Paul so I'm sorry I'm sorry no I was Paul the guidance you just articulated regarding you know the ability to take it down if if there was a need would that be something that the board of adjustment attorney would explain or you would provide that guidance to that would provide that asend generally what what I've done in situations like this is you pass a resolution allowing the construction uh installation in the right way with the condition that in the event we need access work whatever they'll have to remove it okay but just to clarify that we would be approving just the fact of sending it to the zoning board we're not approving the actual no I I I actually communicated with Keith a little bit and anticipated this and and I I think appropriately Keith analogized it to if you're a tenant in a building and you want to do something you need the owner's permission you can't just go to the zoning board so that's you know a similar circumstance that we're talking about here what you're basically saying to the zoning board is if you approve it we'll we'll allow it in our right of what so I would I would agree with Matt's suggestion allowing them to take it to the zoning board yeah I believe that you know again it's the job of the zoning board if we're going to be putting opinions in I think you should at least have the ability to go back to them I agree Lisa yeah I I I feel that it you know I don't I don't I mean I understand what you're saying as far as it being in our seat right now or in our on our plate because of the right of way but I feel it's more of a zoning issue um and like Paul said it would have to be stipulated that if we needed to get in there you would have to take the fence down and allow us to do what we needed to do I've been there 25 years and you know the closest we've come is that watermain break and and Russell Davidson comes in my backyard periodically to to uh Tri that tree and he takes the fence down because he has to so yeah that's not an issue I agree with everybody I I understand both sides and the financial liability would um lie with you but I think I agree with the zoning board also being the one so I guess the next step is that without without our on the other side I'll let Keith know because he going to have to let them know okay okay I have this application here for the variant so I'll fill this out and I get I get the everyone within 200 feet or so and ctif Ma certifi send them out it's fun all right it's fun so we're done and I would say it's also nice for the zoning board if you do have neighbors that support the application to come in sure I'm sure you won't have a problem with that and thank you for going through the process thank you very much the right thing to do thank you solution okay let's go to council business administration Lisa thank you mayor we've got resolution 20 24-1 141 it's a resolution authorizing the agreement between the burough of New Providence and Garden State fireworks um for the independent state firework ex exhibition uh this amount is not to exceed $115,000 uh this is the contract obviously for the July 3rd fireworks in town um yeah so all right I'll just keep whatever uh resolution 202442 is a resolution authorizing the agreement between the burough of New Providence and the county of Union regarding road closures of County Roads for upcoming community events uh some of these events are uh May 27th from 900 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for the Memorial Day parade that will be Springfield Avenue from Central to Gail's Drive Wednesday July 3rd from 5: to 11:00 p.m. for the annual Independence Day celebration this would be South Street from Gail's drive to Springfield Avenue uh Sunday October 27th from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for the annual street fair this will be on Springfield Avenue from South Street to Livingston Avenue and November 29th uh from 400 p.m. to 10: p.m. for the holiday festival and that will affect South Street from gails drive to Springfield Avenue uh resolution 2024 d43 is a resolution authorizing the agreement between the Bureau of New Providence and Park Mobile for daily pay by space parking at the Murray Hill train station um Park Mobile will replace our existing vendor for the daily parking at the Murray Hill train station and just so that everybody is clear um this will will not affect the daily rate for parking um that will stay the same uh currently that's $7 and it is one of the lowest just so everybody knows it's one of the lowest of all our neighboring communities uh Park Mobile is uh a mobile app it will make it a lot easier for our commuters uh there's a lot of our neighboring towns that also use it it does have a uh transaction fee which is about a dollar uh per transaction um so and if you looked at the prior um the prior uh vendor that we were using they had a 35 Cent fee so it's a 65 C uh increase all in every college campus uses Park Bol yeah it's a great it's I use it I've used it it's it's a good app so and that's it okay affordable housing na okay thank you uh so the next two resolutions um both have to do with the babish manor um so I just wanted to point out a couple of couple of things about what these resolutions are regarding so the babish building is a 22 unit affordable housing facility that is located at 101 Academy Street the land is owned by the burrow but the building is separately owned by a group called The Church Coalition of New Providence the building was built around 1998 and is part of the burrow affordable housing plan the church Coalition of new proven has hired a management company they're called the Albert group and they've managed the day-to-day with the residents since then um the building has housed our seniors and is a great place for them to live with convenient access to our downtown the library and our burrow hall for great things like our summer concert series um however over the years the building has fallen into disrepair most notably the roof which is a very which is a flat roof um has had numerous issues over the years and it's resulted in damage to several departments inside um the elevator has also been problematic plus regular wear and tear on refrigerator stoves range hoods microwaves Etc in addition about 6 months ago the church Coalition of New Providence defaulted on the mortgage it was at that time that the burrow decided to step in and Aid financially using our affordable housing trust fund this fund is something that had built up over time and that is made up of our development fees payments in Le of constructing affordable units on site of developments built in the burrow funds from the sale of units with extinguished controls and interest gener generated by fees this is a separate interest bearing affordable housing trust fund for the purposes of affordable housing and at this time we have approximately $1.2 million in this account um we can't arbitrarily spend this money um the buau submitted a plan to the state for what we um what we thought this could be used for uh to the Council on affordable housing and of course if the money is not used for Approved purposes the state has the right and the ability to come in and take it from us um once this default came to our attention the buau looked to amend its plan to pay off the mortgage and make necessary repairs so if you remember back in October we had discussed this at that point and the plan at that time was to pay the mortgage and sell the building for a nominal amount to another group who specialized in this type of building and management structure we would ensure that the building remained affordable housing for our seniors and would revert back to the burrow if any other use was suggested the Council on affordable housing took approximately 6 months to approve our plan and unfortunately the group that we were looking to sell it may not longer be interested however in the meantime it is our responsibility to ensure that our senior residents who live there have safe decent amenities so in addition to paying off the mortgage we are going to be using approximately we're going to try to approve to use $75,000 of the affordable housing trust to replace refrigerators stoves range hoods microwaves in each apartment which is consistent with the amended affordable housing spending plan I'm also aware that repairs are being made to apartments that were affected by the roof leaks um we will look to see what the next steps are in terms of who owns or manages that building but what we do know is that that building will remain affordable housing for our senior citizens and that it will be a good safe and decent place for them to live so with that said resolution 224-1 144 is a resolution of the buau of New Providence approving payment to Citizens Bank to satisfy the mortgage for Elizabeth Bish manner um so originally in our spending plan we had $550,000 that we had allocated this mortgage is for $430,000 so we will be paying off that mortgage resolution 24145 is a resolution of the Bureau of New Providence approving payment to Elizabeth babber Manor not to exceed $743 7845 for repairs and as I just mentioned that is um more of that money that we had approved for the spending plan that is going to be for refrigerator stoves range hoods microwaves in each of the apartments so I don't know if that's all 22 but we are looking to improve um and hopefully we'll just continue to make that a good place for them to live okay M community activities uh resolution 20241 146 is a salary resolution this is appointing John Jinta uh baseball coach for our summer baseball camp John is currently the JV coach uh so uh yeah we welcome his coaching skills to our summer program okay Alex thank you mayor resolution 2024-25 uh resolution authorizing release of cash bond for lot grading permit LG 2020-33 for uh 156 Pineway to Onset Construction LLC in the amount of $751 29 this is to release the cash Bond as a result of the close out of the project uh resolution 20241 148 resolution approving partial payment number two to TNS painting and maintenance Inc in the amount of $5,500 for the project known as the municipal center painting this is partial payment number two which covers the painting of the second and third floors and hanging wallpaper in the hallways the project will be complete in the next two weeks we're waiting for another roll of wallpaper to complete the conference room um supply chain yeah Supply just one roll just one roll uh resolution 20241 149 resolution approving requisition r241 00 for Hannon floors in amount not to exceed $ 24,56251 3- food 4776 4 for municipal carpet municipal center carpet replacement this approves the purchase for the carpeting of the first floor Lobby and the hallways and the walk-off mats at for the liid entrance lower level hallway and the elevator uh resolution 2024-25 one19 for cellan sun General Contracting Incorporated an amount not to exceed $ 56,216 uh mccp o number six for removing and replacing Belgium Block curbing on various Municipal streets uh just as it reads it's approved of Belgium Block cbang restoration on windland road and Madison Avenue okay Finance Dian ordinance 20248 is an introduction it is an ordinance appropriating the sum of $139,000 from the capital Improvement fund located in the capital fund of the burrow of New Providence for the purchase of a truck mounted sewer cleaner and all required accessories for the New Providence wastewater treatment plant basically this ordinance appropriates this amount $139,000 from the capital Improvement fund to purchase a new jet vac vehicle for the wastewater treatment plant which we all love including all required accessories the quote through sourcewell came in higher than anticipated the anticipated amount of $560,000 $753 3 c um we have $425,000 in the 2024 capital budget for the purpose and this 139,000 makes up the difference resolution 20241 151 is a resolution authorizing payment of the attached bills payable list in the amount of 11,610 7196 um some of the significant items are for the New Providence Board of Ed May School tax levy which is 6,994 19977 $3,345 555 and5 for the Union County second quarter um tax payment $620,000 principal payment on our uh 515 2012 bonds $16,999 32 which is for Union County second quarter open space tax uh there is $28,750 for Horizon May insurance payments the library appropriation for May of $98,000 258 9 98,2 588 and then 28,000 $87.50 is interest on those uh May 15th 2012 bonds which thank you for excellent Bond rating that helps keep our interest payments down thank you Alex personel sure two just two resignations resolution 2024 d152 resolution accepting written employment resignation from Janos botos as a class three special law enforcement officer uh for the police department of the Bureau of New Providence uh his resignation was effective May 6th of 2024 resolution 20241 153 resolution accept accepting written employment resignation from Emily Manion is a part-time human and resource manager of the Bureau of New Providence uh this will be effective June 28th uh of this year uh and I believe her last day in office is June 21st so I know the burough is currently interviewing for this position yeah want to thank John for his service uh for being aest I think he was over in s right yeah and what can we say about Emily she's been around a long time she worked in wreck for years and she um she's done a a great job in the Personnel H well human resource manager but um you know she will be sing this she lives in town and I'm sure she'll be around and she'll come back to visit all the time so want to thank her okay Shar service Pete resolution 2024 154 is a resolution of participation in the emergency building inspection program the office of Regulatory Affairs is updating its list of municipalities offering Mutual Aid uh this resolution allows the bureau to remain on the list allowing us to receive extra Manpower if affected by disasters such as hurricanes or flooding okay uh committee reports um we got a check from the county of Union from the uh Union County infrastructure a grant fund and uh we got $50,000 uh we usually get the $50,000 we really appreciate the county uh giving us this money and this year we're going to be using it for road paving so I know there's going to be a lot of Paving going on uh this summer uh I know the gas and water companies are you're you're working with them right bernardette with Marie and I think you said something like 20 30 roads are going to be paved this year somewhere in that range which is unbelievable we had what 53 last year so um you know this will help us out and plus the uh baple Street and I know uh Division Avenue is they're working on it now uh so we really appreciate that County helping us out here I went uh this morning to a ceremony where Citizens Bank gave a $10,000 check to one of our small businesses in town that's a poock tutors over on South Street and it's nice he and his wife live here in town we have kids in town so I know he's going to be putting that that uh money to good use you scholarships to our our kids here so besides that operations normal except for I don't know if you want to bring up the road closures and things illino okay okay Diane thank you mayor um we had our uh Board of Health meeting hopefully you guys are enjoying and seeing the on the website on the Instagram and on the Facebook page there's Wellness Wednesdays and there is also um a series of posts about uh for mental health awareness month um several items of note from that um there is a countywide public health assessment survey which is also found on those three uh methods of um social media I guess I should call them so um please fill those out uh it is uh what did we say May 21st that it is due something like that so please try to fill that out um mosquitoes control we had an abnormally wet spring so the county is actually worried about that so you know no standing water they are going to send out tips just you know be aware of that and um that's about everything oh um there is the senior's uh health tomorrow tomorrow morning um and actually um kudos to uh Jen um she is working with the county and they're trying to do more or or our our Westfield Board of Health I should say I'm sorry not the county and they are trying to do more uh collaborative things so that's really that was really cool to learn about that um Historical Society had their uh uh craft fair the other day that was a great success um Cemetery tours are back so look at their we site and um their social media for those dates and their flea market is June 6th um and also uh a local artist Robert Eno who is deceased has a I'm going to take some of your uh Thunder there is a special exhibit at the library so go over and look at some of his paintings actually we had St my husband and I had stumbled upon him at at a sale and so we actually have um one or two of his paintings too so I think some of those pieces are for sale some of them are for sale sale and the um proceeds will go to the Historical Society so it's a it's a really cool thing even if he did a lot of art artwork of things at the burrow unfortunately those are not for sale and uh he he he gave me a few before he left town he was an extraordinary man in fact he lived right two do down from uh Allen I think and um what a great guy yeah and um he he uh he was one talented guy and he left all these paintings to the Historical Society so that they could sell them and you know they're finally doing it so so it's exciting so that's it okay Matt thank you so uh Memorial Day Parade the Memorial Day parade is Monday May 7th uh mentioned it last meeting 27 27th sorry that would have been P um it was really nice one person walk uh it starts at 9:00 A.M with a memorial service at Veterans Park which is very very nice and touching um and then the parade will will kick off at 10:00 a.m. uh recreation still looking for classic cars if you have a classic car and would like to participate in par parade please give them the call also any other organizations or groups um you know get your get your information in so they can set the line uh fishing derby was last weekend fishing derby one of my favorites um I actually went down watched them put the fish in saw a bunch of big uh what they call Goldies right they're the big orange fish uh I was looking forward to catching a couple of those but uh I think it was a little bit late in the season for the Derby a lot of the grass had grown which made it a little bit tough tougher to catch the fish unfortunately I think only a few were caught that day which uh were Prize winners so congratulations to those winners uh there's still fish there if you want to go fish M if you have a license uh also would like to thank the police and the PBA for sponsoring that and Recreation as well for all that they do for that really great event um planning board Wonder resolution was approved so we talked about that a few times next steps now for wonders to submit plans and have our construction official approve those plans and they'll begin building out the Wonder restaurant is that going to be just on the first floor first floor yes yes um and just know lastly a little selfish uh plug here just want to wish my my daughter who's playing in the Elite 8 um for pen uh against Northwestern she's a new Provence high school graduate and a former Rebels lacrosse player so uh cheer her on on Thursday night on ESP and you yay y awesome great that's awesome we'll all be watching um nothing new to report mayor okay thank you that's good one um I think I mentioned most of my committees already of course affordable housing diversity committee was here uh we are in the middle of mental health awareness month so as you're strolling down Springfield Avenue the green ribbons have the QR codes on the back so scan a QR code and they have a random act of kindness so something positive to do mental health awareness that's it for me I uh nothing to report other than I I really appreciate you taking the time out for uh national law enforcement week I I have a good friend who's in DC right now and uh sent me some pictures from the vigil that they had last night which was which was beautiful and as you said the even the fishing derby as Matt mentioned the police department running it here and such a great job that they do we can't thank him enough so thank you you know it's unbelievable the the the community service you know the community involvement our our police department has in fact uh Jess she's the president of the rescue squad and they had the ice cream truck over there to uh show everybody the equipment and Joe Everly was a hosted that right the ice cream truck who's a a great Community partner and you know it's it's amazing what uh you guys do and our fire department we don't want to lead them out and we also have an emergency management team in town for when we uh get flooded or any disaster and they're like unsung heroes but when you need them they're there so uh I want to thank all our First Responders so go ahead I was going to say um we don't realize I think us sitting on the sidelines how much time these volunteers put in you know our First Responders whether it be the EMTs or fire um I was talking to one of the EMTs Carolyn uh before and she was saying how many hours like like when they're s like on a a weekend they'll take like the entire Saturday or Sunday and go and and work work shifts like they take so much time away from their family from their personal life it's really mindboggling um I mean they don't they sleep up there it's amazing yeah EMS does fire is always on call yeah yeah and it's and it's volunteer like we have to and they continue training they keep training to remember that constantly it's outstanding um other than that uh the municipal Alliance met uh last week and they're pretty busy um they're busy working on every 15 minutes which is coming up they don't want the kids to know the date I'm not going to say date um um they uh so yesterday they uh together with the uh mental uh the New Providence mental health uh advocacy and education committee they hosted Morgan's message at the high school and they collaborated with Scotch Plains so this was during the girls lacrosse game and uh Morgan's message is really is a a non is an organization whose goal is to destigmatize mental health for student athletes um they just want them to to know that mental and physical health are one are the same so they you not to have one over the other and really they got the message across yesterday they had shirts they had cookies that they talk to a lot of the student athletes there and and they've just been doing a really great job with that um some other things that Municipal Alliance has coming up uh QPR which we know is question persuade refer uh they have a session on that coming up on May 28th and that's going to be at the Berkeley Heights YMCA um that is a if you don't know what QPR is by now it's emergency response to someone in crisis so it's it's CPR right how CPR saves a person's life QPR saves someone who's who can save someone who's in crisis um how do you sign up for that um I if if let's see I can it's probably uh I we can send a link through we can post a link on our uh you on our website social media yeah I'll get a link posted so that's May 28th at Berkeley Heights um what else let's see uh there's an event coming up on May 22nd at New Providence High School and this is a parent program Joel ingersol is a world-renowned speaker and he really gets to the heart of the matter uh with parents and kids especially the high school kids and his talk is going to really focus on uh going away to college and uh the way they word it is how not to implode uh you know so and and just addressing some of the mental health issues around um you know sending kids off to school and and kids being able to to handle that on their own he's an excellent speaker he's actually from new Provence yeah families from town and that's it that's all I got can I just jump on to the every 15 minutes really quick um just another shout out to our police fire and EMS um because they all volunteer to do that program and one of the things because I've been involved in with it in the past one of the things that the guidance counselor and the teacher and you know everybody there they're always so amazed and so appreciative of how many alumni from the high school are actually still volunteering with EMS and fire department and it warms their heart to see them like we don't realize how amazing this network in this town is so and to you for doing the makeup do the makeup and we always need volunteers for am s fire well the one thing that really amazes me is how well they all work together and you know they they they just handle everything and I don't want to leave out the road department the road department is a big factor in that you know they they close down roads they do they everybody Works hand in hand so it it's really amazing then and I always say the the thing that really Shook Me Up was the uh the judge and the uh prosecutor and the and the public defender wow and that's that really is an eye opener it really is so um it is an incredible thing that they do okay um ber dead you're up thank you mayor um just a few things The Division Avenue um as you guys know um is a shared project between us and Summit uh the road was milled um yesterday and today uh the contractor has a few issues that they need to address on the summit side before they start Paving so the road is going to be a little rough the next few days um but they anticipate Paving early next week and Division Avenue will be closed to through traffic during that time um tomorrow we have a pre-construction meeting with the county regarding the replacement of the pic Street Bridge um construction on this bridge began in 2019 and soon after um they staged the area the project got shut down um due to issues with the contractor um it's been in court this entire time and I got notification that um precon meeting um is tomorrow the original project was slated to take 12 months um that's 12 months of full lane closure between us and chadam um so once we have more information on that um I'll share it on the website I'll share it with you um and we'll get something out to the community um but that project is going to be painful um just a reminder that the water main replacement began on South Street last night uh crj construction is handling the project and fun fact for the night is that the water main that they're replacing it was put in In 1902 is it um so it's no wonder we've had so many breaks probably it has to be um so there they started at Springfield and they will continue down South Street um to Central at various parts of this project different lane closures will happen and and the construction is all overnight um but during the day once they get to certain sections there could be um intermittent lane closures during the day as well so just be aware of the signs indicating the detours and last but not least summer hours for burrow employees begin the week of May 20th next week um offices close on Fridays at 1 from Memorial Day through uh Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day weekend so um employees who normally work a 35h hour week with an hour for lunch reduce their lunchtime to a half hour every day so that they can leave at 1 o'clock on Friday that's all I have that's amazing to play I mean are we getting years the ground yeah well when you say it like that that's crazy but this is what I mean I mean all it's not only here but all up in the Northeast Jersey I mean these these all the infrastructure is falling apart because you know there's only a certain amount of Lifetime for for these back in 1901 the two the trucks weren't that heavy right yeah no 18 wheelers going down yeah yeah I was surprised to to see it on their flyer I was like wow okay at this time we have public comments it's an opportunity for any member of the public to be heard about issues that are not on separate topics scheduled for public hearings tonight to facilitate norly meeting and toit all to be heard speakers are as to limit their comments to 3 minutes um anybody wishing to address counsel yes Kathleen you beat him to it uh Kathleen Dolan 12 Laural Drive um a question about the barabash manner so will the church Coalition for New Providence affordable housing corporations still be the owner of the building after the mortgage is paid off okay so they'll they will have the financial means to pay their property tax Etc or do they not there is no property there is no it's the owns the land so there's no okay okay um and then as we've been talking about it's Road season so uh I think last year we were going through some um ways of communicating with the public about uh what roads were going to be paved when and also so I'm wondering if that process is going to continue I I assume it will that there'll be uh you know the website will have an updated information about the paving and milling and Paving um but also about the gas line replacement water line replacement is there more of that going on and will we also get information about when that work is going to be done to our knowledge they are done with us um H to our knowledge okay um they haven't indicated that they're doing any additional work this summer oh okay so um if in fact they do it'll be on the website all right so the we talked about the fact that the gas line replacement project is going to be like a fiveyear project so are you saying that you think all the gas lines have been replaced or that they have up to that five years they have not indicated that they were are doing anything else right now okay it's their project not ours so right no I just thought maybe with all the conversations you're having you're getting an insight into that okay thank you anyone else seeing no one I declared a public comments closed I need a motion for items 1 through 15 please move second call please M bisco hi Mr kamsky hi Mr dno hi Mrs Joffrey yes Mr kogan yes Mrs MC yes I have a uh motion for adour so moved second that all in favor I I no so be it just want to uh you know thank everybody for coming tonight and um we would are we going to have a council meeting before Memorial Day it's the day after day after okay day after so everybody have a nice memorial day hopefully everybody will enjoy the uh parade and festivities [Applause]