P the meeting to order roll call please miss Bosa present Mr kamsky here Mr dno here mayor Morgan here Mrs jofre here Mr kogan here Mrs MCN here to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all a public Mee Council Republicans County Union state of New Jersey adequate notice has been given in accordance to P1 1975 CH 231 annual notice or revision is made in conformance with Section 13 of the ACT uh tonight we have uh C want to come up and I'm going to uh read Proclamation where at every day more than 120 Americans are killed by gun violence and more than 200 are shot and wounded and whereas New Jersey has 427 gun deaths every year a rate of 4.8 deaths per 100,000 people a crisis that cost the state $5.3 billion each year whereas Mayors public officials and Law Enforcement Officers Across the Nation are working to end senseless of violence to protect Public Safety in community say sirve whereas support for the Second Amendment rights of Ling citizens goes hand in hand with keeping guns away from people with dangerous histories and whereas gun violence prevention is more important than ever as we see an increase of firearm homicides and nonfatal shootings across the country increased calls for domestic violence hotlines and an increasing City gun violence whereas on June 7th 2024 people across the United States will recognize National Gun Violence awareness day and we orange and tribute toon was tragically shot and killed at the age of 15 in January 2013 as well as other victims of G violence and their loveles and whereas wearing orange on June 7 2024 Americans are waging awareness about gun violence renew our commitment to reduce gun violence and pledge to do all we can to keep Firearms out of the hands of people who should not have them act we should not have access to them and encourage responsible gun ownership to help keep our families and communities safe now there would be result that I Alan Morgan of B Province proclaimed June 7th 2024 as National Gun Violence awareness day to honor and remember all victims of survivors G violence and encourage all citizens to support efforts toce vience people hello I qualifi yeah I'm also a survivor app okay we have public hearing on ordinance 2408 please read the title an ordinance appropriating the sum of $139,000 from the capital Improvement fund located in the capital fund of the Bure of New Providence for the purchase of a truck mounted sewer cleaner and all required accessories for the New Providence wastewater treatment plan okay uh this time we have public hearing thank you for coming ladies thank you thank you Mr May anybody wish to address I have no comment okay seeing no one uh no nobody else I declare a public hearing close roll call please I've seen a motion too motion so moved I'll second roll call please miss bisa I Mr kamsky hi Mr daro hi Mrs Jaffrey here yes Mr kogan here and yes Mrs mcnight yes okay I need uh motion for approval of minutes for May 14th so motion second all in favor I no okay uh we have some correspondents uh PSC and about electric and gas rate increases notice of public hearing pcng for clean energy future program County Union infrastructure and aid grant award letter and I want to thank the uh County Union giving us 50,000 again this year and we're going to use it for Paving um Rebecca klio um requests from the Coniglio to address their uh noise traffic quality of life issues and they have been referred to mediation by to judge deasi in June and I think this is what I told them to do three years ago uh city of summit ordinance introduction of Morris broad Crossroad overlay Zone uh any comments no let's go to cancel business Lisa Administration thank you mayor we've got resolution um or actually what I'm going to start by saying that these two resolutions go together uh these are the purchases that are going to complete the Third Floor conference room it's going to make it a better space for holding medium to large size meetings meetings with audiovisual capabilities and movable Furniture currently the only burrow space for this type of meeting is the Lincoln room which only comfortably holds 12 people so I think this will be a big Improvement I do know that there's quite a demand too for for meeting space so hopefully this this does the trick so we uh on you know with that we have resolution 20 24-15 it's a resolution approving a requisition r24 41127 for Global Furniture group doing business as Paramount FMS in the amount not to exceed $745 4.16 for office chairs uh this is contract number e c NJ 22- 23-8 and so this is for the uh obviously for the chairs for thir Floor conference room and we have 20 resolution 20 224-1 156 this is a resolution approving requisition R2 41138 for Uline Inc in the amount not to exceed $3,835 192 for the conference room mobile training tables and these are flip toop tables what is that exactly is a flip top table so they're they're similar to the librar tables that they have in their uh in the cony room right now oh awesome those are great they'll be able to Nest into each other in stack if we need more room in the room perfect uh resolution 20241 157 is a resolution approving final payment to TNS painting and maintenance ink in the amount of $2,200 for the project known as municipal center painting this is the final painting uh or the final payment for the painting and wallpaper on the second and third floor of the municipal center I'll tell you the it really looks nice and within new carpeting it was long overdue So yeah thank you for spearheading that yeah okay community activities M thank you resolution 2024-the I thank you mayor resolution 2024-the payment of the attached bills payable list in the amount of 1,142 6946 significant items include $881,000 $ 72525 which is county of Union 2 quarter 2024 dispatch fees $1 19,8 759 for Aurora and Associates safe roots to school engineering and design progress payment and $18,750 for MJ pepy and Sun's paving at Lions Park which looks amazing by the way and we add a lot of functionality um resolution 20241 160 is a transfer resolution approving the transfer of 2024 funds into Reserve or trust fund accounts for the purpose of the re the reevaluation or the revaluation I always say that word wrong State unemployment insurance snow removal SL storm recovery terminal leave and tax appeals and the next three resolutions um are all res resolutions providing for the insertion of any special item of Revenue in the 2024 budget pursuant of njs 44- 87 chapter 159 pl1 1948 so resolution 20241 161 is for County of Union 2024 infrastructure and Municipal Aid grants and that's improves in approving the insertion of the $50,000 from Union County infrastructure Grant into the budget to be used for road paving which the mayor just mentioned resolution 20241 162 is the national opioid settlement 2024 and that's approving the insertion of 9,492 34 into the budget to be used for opioid remediation and then resolution 2024-25 program 2024 and that's approving the insertion of $3,939 60 for the bulletproof vest partnership program into the budget and if you remember we have these special insertions because if we don't have these exact numbers at the time of our budget this is how we put them into our budget okay Personnel Alex thank you mayor resolution uh 202 24-1 164 resolution appointing Michael fola as part-time payr payroll Clerk and HR manager for the buau of New Providence his higher date is tomorrow 529 uh to assist and train with Emily mman before she resigns at the end of June Public Works uh as well a roll resolution 20241 165 resolution uh advancing Mike gmla to step C in the public works department for the bur ofen New Providence this is a stepup advancement as per the collective bargaining agreement resolution 20241 166 resolution uh advancing Ali I'm going to try it bernardet Den Dennis Kuru to step G in the public works department of the Bure of New Providence same thing step advancement as per the collective bargaining agreement uh resolution 202467422 meter Service Company Incorporated in the amount not to exceed $1 14,15 for 12in check vals for the low lift pumps at lift pumps one and two at the wastewater treatment plant Bergen County Co-op number 21-13 this approves the purchase of check valves for the low lift pumps one and two if anybody know what check valves are okay sounds familiar all right we can do a lesson later back it can allows the water or waste to flow only in One Direction and it stops come back resolution 202468 resolution approving requisition r24 011268 196 for replacement audio speakers for the South and Central uh Avenue crosswalk this approves repairs and upgrades to the audio capabilities at the traffic light at the intersection of South Street and Central Avenue as per the Ada audible pedestrians signals are supposed to be implemented in most traffic signals to assist the visually impaired as they can cross the street okay let's go to committee reports uh I just want to uh thank everybody who participated in the Memorial Day Parade uh the rain held off but it was so humid I wish it would have rained but uh it it's a HomeTown tradition here and uh something that a lot of different people like to uh uh enjoy watching and and participating uh it's amazing you have a lot of uh a lot of lot of participation with a lot of different Service Groups you know and the whole thing is about you know honoring our the our fallen uh soldiers and we go back all the way back to the Revolutionary War and it's nice to see everybody get together and keep that in mind and keep focused that it's a solemn occasion it's not one to you know you know just for picnics and things like that I thought your letter you read the letter from bill is it bill from Bill Mulo and you know he brought up a good point for it was always May 30th and then in the 70s they made it a three-day weekend it kind of took away meaning a memorial day but you know progress I guess um and every first Friday we have chat with the mayor in the Lincoln room and that's uh 6:30 to 8 on uh on not this Friday the following Friday so that's all I have Dian well and just to bounce off your comment about um the uh people who have served our country um the territories are back I don't have the exact dates we can look at you can look at the um the website for the Historical Society because John spone hour does a really great job discussing you know different um uh veterans who have fought in almost every war buried in our cemeteries a major general from the Civil War buried in the Presbyterian Church Major General llo that's really cool um and the in the only other thing I really have is cu I know somebody else is going to talk about every 15 minutes um is the historical society has their flea market on Saturday June 8th from 9:00 to 3 and something that I've never focused on is that they also take donations of gently used items so I know that the um bulk pickups are coming up so if you have something that you think might be somebody else's treasure you can drop it off at the salt boox and again that's on the historical society's um page if that's something that you'd like to do what don't you do every 15 minutes yeah were you at the presentation at the U assembly today no I wasn't able to I had a doctor with my mom no I wasn't at the assembly but councilwoman bisa was a very pivotal part of every 15 minutes so I want to give her a shout out thank you um she was um she ran the makeup every year every year well this is only my second time um but it was um a very important part of the presentation you know I was just going to thank everybody who who work worked on it I was going to thank you so since you were there and you did some much of it want to talk about that it's an amazing program um it happens every two years it's for the juniors and seniors in the high school um and it's a huge huge coordination effort um you have the police department you have fire department you have EMS you have the high school you have the actual videographers um several things of note this year which were really cool well every year that are a lot of the teachers and guidance will say it's amazing how many people on our volunteer rescue squad and fire department are prior students so that's always really cool to see those students who are actually in you know real life Heroes coming back and helping the high school kids um it was very very poignant because of some of the kids who were involved with it um our own uh Chief hen and um Chief Vinnie wo Fire Department their kids were involved uh another really cool thing was as they were interviewing the kids cuz the kids volunteer for this um as they were interviewing one of the kids was like well I really like to be behind the camera Dylan mangle and they actually let him do some of the filming and um the the photographs and stuff which was really cool but then the other really really awesome thing about our volunteer department and I know it's a little bit not about drunk driving and distracted driving which that that message is hid home and that's uh very poignant for everybody but the cool thing was it was incredibly hot and unfortunately it was just hot and some of the kids back in the room when I was cleaning up cuz they came into the room to take off their makeup they were saying you know it was really cool because everybody was in character but then you know the EMS worker or volunteers were saying you know you are you sure you're okay like come out of character are you sure you're okay you're not looking so good you're a little hot like they were that was a in character but then well actually no they're professionals it was it was amazing how they could pivot on so actually shout out to Jess um because you're so pivotal with the MS but it was just so cool to hear that side of it this time so sorry I keep going on and on but it was it was a very impactful program and today was the assembly where they the kids view it yeah and it'll be on it'll be on YouTube I think within the week so I highly recomend watch it today actually I highly recommend watching it on YouTube it's just you know it's not real but it's still yeah I'll tell you you know Joe narcisso I don't you know one of The Producers he's one of the most talented he's so talented that guy um one of my favorites but uh I did watch it like I said and and and I know it's not real right and Vinnie's yelling his daughter's in the car and I'm like I'm literally tearing up I'm like holy cow Vinnie Vinnie was amazing it's impactful right and I think that's the point voice was yeah they had a couple extra days usually the turnaround time for the video is not even 24 hours like they finish filming the court scenes and then they have to go in and edit and for the next morning but they had a couple extra days because of the extra day for vacation so it was the thing that always amazes me is how the police the EM the fire department and even the road department they all all work together and they all know what to do and they do it in the proper steps at the proper time and they're just amazing so we are extremely fortunate to to have all of our uh uh paid and volunteer people anything else that's thank you mat okay uh so just mention a few things from Recreation um just coming up this summer just want to mention a few items and some dates here uh we have the inaugural green challenge which is going to be from June 7th to July 15th uh that's on the website now you can go on the website and get the information sign up there'll be challenges throughout the the program for for people to uh to to take on and and uh there's a raffle and and all good stuff going on with that um July 3rd are fireworks we're having um we'll be having a DJ at MP fuel as well right fireworks at 9:15 on July 3rd summer concert series kicks off from July 11th to 18th and 25th always a fun time and National Night Out you know honoring our police EMS and fire uh in August at s Antonio Park August 6th 6 to 8 just wanted to mention those things now so you can get your summer calendars ready to go thank you um just real quick I went to the sustainability meeting on May 22nd which councilman kogan will will detail um also just a quick thought as we were all sharing our our thoughts from the the parade yesterday and and the events of the day um obviously a thoughtful day a a moving day um but at the same time also I think an extremely proud day and and thankful day for for this community that we live in and watching all the different organizations of good people and caring people and and giving people walking by so um just a wonderful day really Hometown field yep absolutely thank you mayor um I also have a reminder for an upcoming event on uh June 9th uh we discussed it at the last meeting is the diversity committee um is going to be having their Unity day we're working with the fine folks in Berkeley Heights so that's going to be at the Berkeley Heights YMCA at 10:00 a.m. on June 9th um highly recommend everybody come out and join the holy celebration at the end um this was very interesting I was um I got this yesterday um after the parade the Presbyterian church and I will hand this out um for the video um the Presbyterian Church is also working on food insecurity um that unfortunately has is hitting everywhere um and they are going to be doing drive-thru dinners um it starts tomorrow and I was reading on their website and I just want to make sure I say it correctly so on Wednesday May 29th from 5: to 7:00 p.m. New Providence Presbyterian Church will provide meals at no cost to residents of New Providence and surrounding communities the program is called drive-thru dinners and it will operate each month on a Wednesday evening to supply dinners free of charge to the surrounding Community those dinners are for those who might be having a bad day struggling to make ends meat or simply exhausted running out of time and unable to cook there need not be a financial need you are invited to come and enjoy a freshly cooked meal meals will be on a first come first serve basis meals will be available in single and family sizes and will be labeled with the ingredients the meals will be distributed on the driveway at the rear of the church just off the sake Avenue so it seems like you just need to drive up and you will be greeted by church members who will provide you with the dinner you know just another example of you know our amazing churches our amazing congregations just trying to provide a need for somebody so that's an outstanding program so it starts tomorrow and it will be once a month on Wednesday so thank you to the Presbyterian church we'll make sure this flyer is um on our video and um that's all I have Alex just real quick uh Matt already mentioned from the sustainability committee the next big event is uh uh it's through the recreation department June 17th through July 14th is the green challenge um anybody that signs up through the website um gets an automatic free gift from Union County but there's many other Raffles as Matt mentioned including a Yeti cooler you can probably win um uh the green challenge celebration will be on July 18th at 6 PM in Centennial Park so that's a very nice event a lot of good ideas and if you sign up you'll get a weekly email from um from The Challenge and to to give you some nice tips but that's all I have okay great Lisa since everybody has their calendars out we've got a couple more events um the friends of the library are busy planning the second annual murder mystery it's going to be on November 16th so there's plenty of time you can clear your calendar no excuses November 16th last year was so much fun um everybody was involved and part participating it was just it was just fun so if you can make it it's it's it's a great um fundraiser for the library um and then speaking of the library as well they are hosting a um they're hosting the Alzheimer's Association um on June on Wednesday June 12th from 12:00 to 1:30 in the cony room uh they're going to be there talking about um that all these are some of the Alzheimer's is not normal aging it's a disease of the brain that causes problems with memory thinking and behavior so they're going to go over some of the things to look for some of the stages of the disease the risk factors um current research and treatments that are available so I think that might be uh a very good uh event I think that um we did post it on our website so again June 12th from 12 to 1 um understanding Alzheimer in dementia June 12th you said yes I do have I'm sorry just to give a shout out because we have two Eagle Scout ceremonies coming up um Troop One is Patrick Banning and that's next weekend and then troop 63 the following weekend Luke bwon and Dylan mangle and I believe all three of them had really cool um service projects uh Patrick Fanning speaking of the library um was the the bench in front of the library uh Luke Clawson did something with the rec department and the tennis courts and uh Dylan mangle did something for the fire department so you know awesome kids doing things for our town also so shout out to them mayor love that Venture around the tree that's nice well done mayor if I may there's one other announcement um I just realized our next council meeting looks like it's June 11th if I'm not mistaken on June 9th will be the annual um New Jersey sharing Network 5K here in New Providence so just to make sure everyone's aware of that as well thank you busy weekend trying make me feel bad now I gota start working out for that I ran at cold turkey last year nice good for you you do it you can run it for me okay I'll walk Milly Bern Bern thank you mayor just a few updates for um Council uh Division Avenue is scheduled to be paved on um tomorrow and what's today I don't even know it's Wednesday and Thursday the 29th and 30th um Maple Street will be going out to bid on May 30th uh bids bids will uh be opened on June 18th um and we're hoping for a quick turnaround on that to get that project underway South Street water main replacement project is underway please uh take note of the detours at night and uh just a reminder that the pic Street Bridge replacement project will start in early July and I'm going to say this until you don't want to hear it anymore it's going to be a full road closure um that is anticipated to take at least 12 months to finish so it's going to be a big project and detours will be posted that's all I have okay this time we have public comments and anybody uh member of the public to be heard with issues that are not separate issues scheduled for public hearings tonight can help facilitate the orderly meeting and permit permit all to be heard speakers are asked to limit their comments to three minutes and they only speak of one topic yes uh Kathleen Dolan 12 Laurel Drive just um a couple of two quick questions and then I just wanted to comment a little bit more and wear orange CU um I just wanted to share some information um Mike pazola is that the dad or the son that's joining Dad the dad oh cool okay uh and I just wanted to make a note about how pleased I was that we had Linda kale as the Grand Marshall for the Memorial Day Parade I don't know was if she was the first woman to be um the parade Marshall that I don't know no I think Peggy wasn't Peggy oh Peggy broer was before okay good to know yeah cuz I forgot about Peggy okay good um so I just wanted to share some information about some upcoming gun violence awareness day um events that I didn't uh I didn't get a chance to say before um and we invite the New Providence Community to join us in all of these or one or more um so the first is this Saturday morning on June 1st in planfield and they are conducting a wear orange March um from their plain field Arts Center to City Hall uh the March begins around 9:30 and the ceremony will conclude around 11 uh the second one is happening on Friday evening June 7th which is National Gun Violence awareness day and that's going to be in Summit on the summit green where a wear orange rally will be held from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. and speakers from all over the state will share their stories and perspectives on preventing gun violence in our area that's all I have okay thank you thank you Alan Swanson 47 Overhill Road um I wasn't anticipating speaking tonight but I just a couple of comments that you made wanted me to to speak and and first of all I'd like to say I appreciate but your comments yesterday and and the letter that you uh that you that you read at the uh at the service at at veterans uh Park um you know like I said I I'm not a veteran so I when Bill wrote that letter to me I said you know let let's let's read this letter from his perspective you know I mean we all have our own perspective but I thought it was uh fitting and proper to to read his letter and he he was very emotional about it when I read it he was he he was all choked up so it meant it meant something I I understand that and um one of the things that has what what made me so appreciate what you said was that it it it really does great on me to be wished a happy Memorial Day um I think there's enough said about that in terms of why it GRS on me um but there's something else I I I wanted to say that given the proclamation and and that is you know we you know as we as we go through our lives we have significant experiences that that alter Our Lives you know deaths in the family births of our children serious illnesses um and things like that and so I wear a pin um as a survivor of of gun violence um because that uh the experience that I had was life altering um I I um I I kind of owe my existence at this point in in my life to to the doctors of Memorial Sone King cancer center and the fact that the the person who had the the gun in my stomach and said he was going to kill me didn't pull the trigger um and um I it I I I've never speak about it because it's a very difficult thing to to talk about because of I I see it in talking about it that at this moment and this happened to me oddly enough when I was in the Infantry of the US Army um and and fortunately for me the the most serious experience that I ever had related to to life-threatening was was that individual so I just I thought it would I just to give you a face of someone who has experienced um and survived um that experience I just thought it would I would share that with you um so that that was really all I wanted to say I I just appreciate you thank you thank you thank you foring I think we all understand death violence is important uh you know I I know navine and Lisa and Diana all working on this uh mental health a lot of it is stemed from mental health people not enough people places for people to go and that really need the help and unfortunately it's pretty easy to get a gun if you know where to go um I wouldn't know the first place where to go but you know I guess if you live in that environment like in the cities and stuff you know where to get the uh the the the firearm so um at this point I will uh P declare the public hearing close and go to formal action in a motion for items 1 through 14 so Mo I'll second call please m bisa i Mr kamsky I Mr jaro I Mrs JRE yes Mr kogan yes Mrs mcnight yes I have a motion for adjournment so moved second all in favor no so be it thank you all for coming tonight thank you go Rangers Go Go 8:00 a score yet I don't know I haven't looked really [Music]