for for [Music] what TR for for for for [Music] she for e e e for for [Music] [Music] Happ [Music] be [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] la [Music] Happ [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Applause] good evening at this time please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain remain standing for the national anthem [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh [Music] a [Music] [Applause] please be [Music] seated good even evening to all of our families Middle School staff Board of Education members Central Administration and the class of 2024 it is my distinct honor and privilege to stand before you today as we recognize and celebrate this amazing group of eighth grade students in two short years this group has accomplished a tremendous amount and leaves behind a legacy for future J Junior Pioneers to strive for reflecting upon this group of students I first remember meeting so many of you at the seventh grade orientation in the June of 2022 in the same Auditorium while there was excitement to join the middle school and officially become Junior Pioneers there was also some butterflies some trepidation some uncertainty in your facial expressions and voices this is truly the first event when you come together as Rams and tigers realizing you will be joining forces together in September again we met for our second orientation in August and while many of those same feelings may have been there I saw new excitement I saw eagerness in your eyes I saw a group who was ready to embark on a New Journey you started a brand new chapter in your stories two years ago a story has led to new and memorable experiences your competitiveness was on full display at our field days where you showcase and demonstrated true teamwork as a class you competed in events and activities as part of the color wars during kindness spirit and Red Ribbon Week events you participate in the Middle School talent show where you're able to put on full display your wide range of skills and talents you took part in a career day where you showcase your Inquisition and future goals this class took part in pins nights in a student versus teacher volleyball game that further showcased that competitive Spirit during the quiz bowl and brain show events you continue to work together towards a common goal and showcase your knowledge in multiple multitude of areas you participated in events and competitions through the stem teams Math League Robotics and TSA where you placed at the top in many prestigious competitions your participation in the character education shout outs highlighted the many acts of kindness from your peers and the staff and genuine appreciation for one another you danced the night away at glow party dance and red ribon week dances and most recently enjoyed more time together on the eighth grade class trip to Kalahari you participated in a year-long Endeavor as part of the eighth grade Capstone project tackling the many troubling Global issues we face today through this project you showcase an understanding of the importance of learning about other countries cultures traditions and values and how you could help solve difficult problems throughout the world Additionally you were the first eighth grade class to take part in the new rotating and drop bell schedule where you took part in new electives Dove deeper into your studies as part of our personalized learning initiative and Conquer not one but two Bell schedules in your two years at the middle school as a class you've written quite the book these past few years that you always remember and can look back fondly upon along the way you receive many Helping Hands who also deserve our recognition and praise I would like to recognize our Middle School teachers and staff who have worked incredibly hard over the past two school years to teach you important content attributes to strive for but most importantly how to be good people and helpful citizens your work together as a student body and staff serve as a reminder of what true teamwork can accomplish thank you to the entire Middle School staff for all of your efforts for our students also I would like to take a moment to recognize two Middle School teachers Mr katano and Mr Romeo who are retiring after 60 combined years of service to our students school and [Applause] District thank you R and Bob for all of your years of service guidance and support we are extremely grateful for everything you have done during your time at New Providence Middle School we will certainly miss you and wish you the best in in retirement in addition I would like to recognize one more retirement of an individual on stage this evening our superintendent of schools Dr melli is retiring after 20 years of service to our district the average span of time for most superintendents in the district is only a few years yet Dr michelli's state in New Providence leading us as a district as superintendent for 18 years Dr melli your leadership loyalty to this district and genuine love for New Providence is something we will always remember we thank you for everything you have done for the New Providence School District and wish you much happiness in your [Applause] retirement I would also like to thank all of our parents and families for your incredible Support over the last two years we are all grateful for the morals and values you have instilled in these young adults to allow them to grow and flourish in our school and community and finally to Dr melli Central Administration and our Board of Education thank you for all of your incredible support and Leadership allowing these students to pursue their passions and Achieve successful outcomes at every turn students as the proud principal of the middle school and high school I always find immense Joy and having the opportunity to continue to work with each of you as you transition to the high school I have the privilege of working with you for six years while many of my administrative colleagues do not have that same luxury I as well as everyone on stage and out in the audience know you will continue to create lasting memories together achievements worthy of County State and National recognition and continue your growth as students and people congratulations class of 2024 and I look forward to seeing You in September at the high school at this time it is my distinct honor to introduce valedictorian Benjamin Weinstein [Applause] good evening I would like to start by saying I would not be in this position without all the amazing people in my life Mom and Dad thank you for being the best parents I could have asked for and I'm not just saying that because I have to whether you're helping me with homework give making me dinner giving me my friends a ride home or going outside to have a catch you're always able to make my day better Aaron Weinstein you sure are something you prove to be a moderately helpful brother in these past couple years I used to think I disliked you but much so sure I feel that way [Music] anymore to my amazing friends you've always supported me and made made my life enjoyable and finally to my teachers whether it's your knowledge enthusiasm or friendliness you've made you've all made these past few years both educational and enjoyable throughout this journey of middle school I feel that our relationships were what truly defined us a great motto I love to live by goes as follows show me your friends and I'll show you your future I wrote The Following poem that looks at this concept and some other ideas through the lens of a soldier a bunny and a butterfly sent to war with his Fate In His Hands the soldier tracks into foreign lands where poor become rich and Rich become poor he is no longer who he was before another Soldier sits across the river with fear he remains in a quiver knowing the dangers of untraveled Roads standing alone his pass the roads another sold sorry moments later when separate glances met with all the enies in their mind set they saw the struggle in each other's eyes so the first Soldier swam across the river and to a new friendship this this gave rise out in the forest a bunny resides for years she has had no one by her side all alone she used to cry believing her fate believing her life had gone a the load her bunnies were on her tail so her wide smiles were always a veil for the lonely pain Underneath It All every time she Rose she thought she would fall but then she met the best bunny around and she finally felt safe and sound they stuck together until the end replacing her emptiness with a Dependable friend and far away a caterpillar moves along crawling forward to the pace of his own song but his Tempo is not where it needs to be and the others around they surely see so then he realized what he had to do improvements to make the world whole sow but he worked hard day and night to turn his wrongs into his rights and now in case in a cocoon the caterpillar will become a butterfly soon he who was once falling behind has found his eternal light and now he will shine but beyond soldiers bunnies and butterflies a much more important concept lies and this concept you will see is something called positivity for those who complain and those who Gran will reap the Harvest they have sown living in a life of pain and despair their confidence and happiness will wear for those who think positively know with every fail an opportunity grows and with every loss they will learn and with their friends a great life they will earn and there is no such thing as a fruitless Endeavor and the opportunity to grow last forever in this poem Rel the relationships between soldiers bunnies and butterflies are meant to show how people can improve because of their friendships or mindset with the two soldiers both are clearly worried about the new situations just like many of us were two years ago when our schools came together the bunny story represents that of a person who previously had low self-esteem but eventually started spending time with people who made their life easier I know that many of us have faced countless struggles but like the little bunny we found people who could help us overcome those challenges the caterpillar story is one of self-improvement a part that many of us have taken or will take to bring out the best in ourselves the final idea that I included in the poem the one which I specified as most important of all is seeing the good in the world instead of the bad this positive mindset is like the old question is the Hat filled glass half empty or half full when we see the glasses half empty we leave ourselves unfulfilled in wanting more but when we see the glasses half full we we can feel gratitude for and cherish what we do have and if life ever finds us in our lowest moments we must remember the quote from the great Nelson Mandela I either win or I learn with every discouragement we grow ever closer to becoming the people we want to be so as we step forward onto Road as unraveled and enter High School I ask that we swim across the river to help our fellows soldiers I ask that we support the struggling bunnies we see I ask that we give ourselves the chance to enter the Cocoon and become butterflies and of course I ask that we as a student body see the glasses half full if we Embrace gratitude for what we have and look at what we don't have as room to improve we will find that when we fall we will always rise stronger thank you [Applause] for for [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] your [Music] [Music] the [Music] you [Music] have [Music] [Music] you on ground you let [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] br [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] great job great job great job job don't [Music] at this time it is my distinct honor to introduce salutatorian Owen Ste bordner [Applause] teachers family friends Mr crello Mr Henry and administration welcome to the 20124 Middle School convocation my name is Owen Steed Warner and I'm so happy an honor to be here with all of you tonight an amazing writer wants wrote two quotes I think strongly resonate with us as we journey forward in life remember our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest that is the nature of Hope and the most important step a person can take it's not the first one is it it's the next one always the next step class of 2024 the world we live in today has its challenges but we are so equipped to meet them headon throughout our journey at mpms we have learned to collaborate on multiple group projects most recently the Capstone we've come together to make Amazing Music whether it be in orchestra band or chorus our academic experiences have been enhanced by the many clubs you have access to examples being peer leaders stem robotics student services World languages Dungeons and Dragons Mo most importantly we've grown as a generation that recognizes the importance of accepting differences and knowing that those differences are what truly enrich our lives and along the way we found ourselves surrounded by people that support us in our cheering for us and want us to do and be our best we are all truly lucky when I started Middle School I was dealing with a pretty serious medical issue and life was incredibly unpredictable but even as scary as that time was I remember how supportive my classmates and teachers were how supportive the school district and administration was and how it seems like the entire New Providence Community came together to support my family and I we are all forever grateful class of 2024 my message to you is never give up when living our best life is not without challenges when you feel like everything is caving in just take a deep breath and know that you have people who care about you and who are cheering you on they are all here tonight in this room wishing nothing but the best for you I wish you all the best too in closing the class of 2024 and I would like to thank every teacher who has supported us these past few years and many who went above and beyond you have all left a lasting imprint on us we would like to thank our friends some old and some new thank you for being there when we needed you the most to all of our parents Guardians and family members thank you for always believing in us for always supporting in us for never giving up thank you for everything we love you class of 24 will be great congratulations and best of luck [Applause] just for [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Applause] I e [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] just [Music] great job great job great job great job at this time it is my distinct pleasure to introduce PTO co-president Mrs Paretti to present this year's outstanding student and Amy altenberger award recipients [Applause] on behalf of the New Providence middle school PTO I'd like to extend a warm thank you to all of the parents teachers and administrators who have supported us over these last two years whether you donated your time money or both our sponsored events could not have taken place without your help I'd also like to acknowledge and thank my fellow PTO board members that have offered their time skill sets and resources over the past year thank you to ruple Kay Lee Stacy Howell Katherine hiber Jennifer Neer Hofer Liz Lee and Jerry Fletcher but tonight is about our students each year the PTO is honored to recognize four students for their contributions to the Pioneer Community two for citizenship and two for outstanding student the recipients are chosen by the faculty and will each receive a $50 gift card donated by the PTO when your name is called please stand to be recognized and remain standing until both winners have been announced your gift card will be waiting for you in the office tomorrow morning our first award is in honor of former special education teacher Amy altenberger who taught at the middle school from 2004 until her passing in 2009 we present the Citizenship Award in her name to two students who have continually shown the following qualities that Amy herself had shown kindness optimism selflessness patience concern for others and compassion it is my pleasure to present this year's Amy altenberger Citizenship Award to Mia [Applause] franois and our second recipient to Brandon [Applause] Baron you may be seated our second award for outstanding student is also given to two students who have shown the following attributes academic standing and achievement good citizenship self-discipline school spirit involvement in school activities good character traits and leadership ability I am pleased to present this year's outstanding student award to FMA ched and additionally to Christian Raymond you may be seated to these students and to all the members of the New Providence Middle School class of 20 24 we would like to say congratulations on your promotion to high school we wish you the very best over the next four [Applause] years at this time it is my distinct honor to introduce assistant superintendent of Educational Services Dr zery [Applause] good evening Dr melli members of the Board of Education parents families friends faculty members and the class of 2028 I'd first like to congratulate each and every one of you on your promotion and I'd like to give a round of applause for our valdi dictorian and salutatorian who delivered wonderful addresses for their peers students this evening should be a night of both reflection and anticipation as you reflect on your middle school years I most certainly can attest that being a middle schooler is definitely not always easy my mom has turned 70 and we're throwing her a very big party and so I've been looking around for some old pictures and I recently found some old photos in a shoe box something that most likely you cannot relate to as most of your photos are in a cloud somewhere but definitely your parents grew up in the 90s understand the shoe box anyway in this shoe box there were pictures of me and my friends from my middle school days and oh boy did I want to go hide under a rock somewhere I had braces bangs and my outfits were just atrocious I'm not sure if I was going for the grunge look the preppy look or the denim everything look but I clearly had not figured that out however as I sat and reminisced on my friendships my love interests as well as my teachers and my overall experience my appreciation for that period of time in life grew it was a time where physically and emotionally I navigated a roller coaster of feelings which I had to learn to manage I experimented with different Hobbies as well as social groups to see where I fit in one of the best parts of that time of my life life was the Independence that emerged for me I was able to be out at the mall without my mother Watching Over Me ride my bike just about anywhere that I wanted and visit the local strip mall where I would load up on Push Pops and Warheads but along with this Independence came a great deal of responsibility I look back and realized the lack of experience I had in my decisionmaking my time management and my peer pressure to name a few I realized very quickly as an eighth grade student getting ready to enter the world of high school the importance of maintaining strong connections with my family and seeking mentorship and guidance from trusted adults that could help me develop a strong sense of myself so that I could lay the foundation for my own personal growth as you anticipate High School know that this is a significant step in your educational as well as your personal Journey my advice to you is short but impactful embrace your uniqueness as no one in this world will be exactly like you be your authentic self because this will bring you peace and contentment overcome your fears don't ever let your fear hold you back as the freedom that you seek lies on the other side of those fears take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way as you never know what may Peak your interest and lastly make mistakes our mistakes are not failures but stepping stones for Success this is your journey no one else can claim it so give it everything that you got I truly look forward to seeing all that you do and accomplish congratulations [Applause] see Lucas asins miles [Applause] Aston Emily barington [Applause] Taylor Bara Bianca birdie Juliet [Applause] Benward Brandon Baron Emily bber Drew blanken Baker Samantha vaski anuska bodun silis Brandman Noah Briganti Alan Brer Zoe Bruno Logan Bunton Raina Burton Audrey Kai McKenzie Calvary Emily Capco Lucas Cardona ree kuso Alesandra [Applause] castellana Max s Zachary Chan Albert Chen Nathaniel Chen Tyler Chen Abigail Chun [Applause] Luke cifarelli Robert [Applause] Cole Sarah Cruz Giana [Applause] [Music] D Charlotte Dana Jaden dealo Nicole Don brocco dardo Dan Egan Sarah [Applause] esito Emma espanol Maximo [Applause] espanol Michelle FIV Penelope f [Music] Olivia Fallon Megan [Applause] Fanning Kate frell Nicholas F Matias fettis Zilla Nicholas fettis cerilla cayb fenan Addison [Applause] Fitzgerald Lucas Fletcher Mia franois Emma fuches Dylan gagleard Sophia Gallow MOA Nelly Garcia Diaz Jaden Garcia Rodriguez Alexander gigliotti Lauren Gillan Colin Goldsmith pus Gomez Michael [Applause] graian Dominic green Greg gski Aiden Grizz Joseph Griz will gan Courtney halderson Aaron hlin Tamar Carell Isabella hwood Jonathan Henry Annabelle hotz [Applause] Leo [Applause] Hong meline Hill Sarah Hill William Hobs Maya Hong Ella hopler Laura HMA Sienna how Kos ikada Lena ingel Brandon Jacobs FMA ja Aiden Jang Navia Joi Nyla Caba Juliana Ceres Sophia kamian kave Kadar n Nicholas Keller Alexis ker Madison Kesler Maggie keville lar kova Jackson kleinberg Sophia Klein Elizabeth Knight Emma cot [Applause] Lisa kova Anna kach Natalia kochek yena krishi Juan Co oo Larry Li Laos Jamie [Applause] larubbio Zoe Lazarus Elana Lee Naomi Lee Jang [Music] Lee Natalia loronzo [Applause] Leo zzy L Kaitlyn lock Aaron Luber Brooke mcau Kati Manion mat Manar Violet Marie Louise Martel Stella mascarena Rowan morizi meline MC Killian mcisaac Kate mclen Liam mcmanis [Music] Pauline melik Cassandra [Applause] Meli Danny Mela Connie Marcado Cole Merck Gavin Miller [Applause] Sabrina Miller Arya Mishra Amy Montes Ryan Morgan Caroline Mundy Grace [Music] [Applause] Mundy Kelly n martinz noas Lou Nicholls Shan neerhof Kate Noak Mika Michaela Nunes joa Paul Elizabeth Pingo R petum Nicholas Paretti Max cooie sedon Ry Christian Raymond an rajie Sydney r Zoe [Applause] Reigns Jose Ramirez Sydney [Applause] renier Callum Rankin Kiara Reed Ella Reinhardt William Reynolds [Applause] Dylan viia Carter Robins Emma Roberts ni Nicholas rosika SEL suer soan suer Garin s Gabriella [Music] selo Darius Sardi Roman sasov Lulu skinia Samantha [Applause] shra Andrew Shum Benjamin shurter anay sha Devin [Music] Shaw Zachary Sheen James short pton Simpson Noah slba Jackson Smith Addison [Applause] snam Roman swingle zahar [Applause] tabara sh Sao takanaga sopia Tapia Demetrios [Applause] sanos Amish viir Leilani valz Ryland valy Brett van [Applause] buker Sarah vanyan Willie Vasquez aan via aara [Music] VI AO to no Kumar Melanie vova Taylor verella Jason wtel [Applause] Yao Wang Isabella wenner Lily Weinstein Addison [Music] wiel William Wilson Ka long Emily Sha anelie [Music] yonen Lilian youth Zachary zis Benjamin Zaba [Applause] Owen Steve [Applause] bordner Benjamin Weinstein w [Applause] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] la la [Music] [Applause] than 3