##VIDEO ID:q_UGmj84Hjs## uh tomorrow I'm bringing my daughter in e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e h back Mar I have this for you we good we good good good Mr tester roll call please M here M here Dr Hayden here Mrs gunderman is absent M Kay here Mr Morano here Mr Walsh here you have a quarum please join me in the flag salute IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and Justice all this is a public meeting of the Board of Education of the bur of New Providence adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with pl1 1975 chapter 231 in that a notice was made in conformance with Section 13 of the ACT whenever the business of the board requires it to convene to close session the session will begin no later than 9:30 p.m. at the conclusion of the need for closed session the board will reconvene to the public portion of the meeting at that time the board will complete any other business that may be before it and the public will then be given the opportunity to be heard before the meeting is adjourned good evening everyone um I actually have no comments for this evening um I do just want to take an opportunity to thank our custodial staff and Mr Testa for all their work and getting our schools ready um for our students to come back on Thursday um other than that Mrs zerle Dr zerle it's you thank you Miss kakaro um to begin um I just want to give a summary of our current enrollment to start the school year year at New Providence High School we will be starting the year with 656 students at New Providence Middle School 399 students at Allen W Roberts School 636 students 67 of which will be the incoming kindergarten class at saltbrook school 585 students 80 of which will be the incoming kindergarten class and 29 added District students to give us a grand total of 23 305 students um today was opening day uh for our teachers and our staff and we are very excited to welcome them back the start of the school year always brings a fresh wave of excitement and new beginnings the entire faculty and staff congregated here at the high school middle school facility where I delivered a message to all faculty and staff about the power of genuine connections as I visited classrooms today the excitement of starting another school year was certainly in the air as teachers were eagerly getting their rooms ready for the students to arrive this Thursday over the next two days our teachers will engage in professional development specifically around our belonging and Community initiative as well as artificial intelligence we will also have Choice workshops for our teachers which will include but not be limited to personalized learning trauma informed approaches for classroom management I ready refresher session for using the diagnostic and the my path features which we purchased this year for our English language arts program and a workshop on multilingual Learners which teaches um which will teach teachers strategies for use in their classroom I would like to thank Mr Keeny for putting together a very robust PD program for the beginning of this school year so thank you very much our first full day of school will be this Thursday August 29th Friday will be a half day for all students teachers and staff the middle school and high school will be dismissed at 12:15 and awr and saltbrook at 12:30 We wish all of our students teachers and families a wonderful Labor Day weekend we remain on schedule with our HVAC project timelines as noted in my July correspondence at Allen W Roberts which has the most work Dum this summer which has had the most work Dum this summer we anticipate pending delivery of switch gear that the air conditioning will be operational for the spring of 2025 at saltbrook school we will continue to receive unit ventilators and they will be stored in containers on the campus our contractor will continue to work on all required Plumbing electrical and any remaining preliminary work during our school breaks beginning next summer we will complete the remaining portions of the project and we do expect that the HV and AC will be operational by summer 2025 here at New Providence middle school high school most unit ventilators have been installed we will plan to complete the remaining portions of the project during school breaks and throughout the year at this time we expect that the entire hvn AC will be operational by summer 20202 2025 throughout the year Mr Tesa of course will continue to have regularly planned construction meetings to keep us on target I would like to thank the entire board for responding to my survey regarding our board retreat date um the consensus is that the board retreat date will be on Wednesday October 2nd from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm here at the high school middle school media center some of the topics that I did place in the survey that you guys chose to focus on were board governance strategic planning superintendent and board relations and transparency reporting and communication I am excited to engage with the board in this capacity and information is to follow for October 2nd I also have set up individual meetings with board members which will begin next week if you have not yet selected your date please do so um by looking at the email and just clicking the link and picking a time that works with your schedule we can either meet on Google meets or in person that is up to you and of course if you have any problems you guys could let me know um I would like to just point out lastly that on tonight's agenda we do have our security plans as well as our traumatic loss plan for our annual approval I'd like to thank Mr ug aloro for working on this with our team as well as with the New Providence Police Department um our one new plan that I would like to point out which is in your binders is the New Providence High School athletic emergency action plan the njsiaa has recommended this to all member schools and has recommended to establish emergency action plan specifically for sports Mr carangelo did lead this project with the assistance of Miss Nolan our athletic trainer and I would like to commend Mr carangelo as in the plan he did have to plan for 17 different sites that our athletes will and do participate on and they are all very unique to those specific sites so thank you to um Mr carangelo and that is on as well for approval that's all I have Miss kakaro thank you Dr zerle uh now I'd like to bring up Jonathan Keeny director of curriculum to give a presentation on the WIA test results good evening everyone can you hear that Kate no can you hear that how about that I didn't sound too good though did I okay good evening everyone what I'd like to do tonight is to report to the board uh within the 60-day time period from which we receive the results the access for the the access results for the multilingual Learners I'm going to start us off by just showing you quite a lot of letters I think it's important for us to start up front with just knowing what we're talking about so you can see the access scores are a whole arrangement of different assessments that we do use with our students to assess their ability in their use of the English language all our Lang anguage instruction educational programs now are classified as L programs they are serving our multilingual Learners in the past you may have heard of ESL students English as a second language students we have an E ESL program that um educates on multilingual Learners okay we have some s students as well those are students who limited or interrupted formal education we do have some students coming into the district who may have missed two or three grad levels during their education and consequently if they're also struggling as language Learners that can be quite a detriment to them so we do have a special program that we put in place for our s students as well so I'm going to report to you on the scores that we had for this year as you can see these access scores are used uh as a way for us to test the progress of our multilingual Learners and they are taken annually by all our K through 12 multilingual Learners the test itself monitors their skills and their abilities in English language in a number of different domains listening speaking reading and writing and as those scores come in the students are classified into one of the levels that you can see there one of the six levels from emerging from entering and emerging all the way down to bridging and reading as we get these scores in we're able to analyze these scores and any student who gets an average of 4.5 across all of these four domains we see here is eligible now to progress out of our Li program and graduate into normal our normal secondary or primary educational program so we're looking for an average of about 4.5 however there are some caveats to that they do need to get a baseline level in all of those domains so sometimes we have students with a 4.5 however do not get some of the baselines and some of the others which is why you can see there the bridging student one bridging student who is still working to make their way out of the program so how do we use this um we use it to look at the program that we have and to see if we have any students who can now progress out of our program this year we had 12 students who graduated from our L and moved out into our normal educational program we monitor these scores so that we can individually uh create programs for these students based on the scores that they get so we individualize that program and that happens at all grade levels even though we may have students of different levels within the same grade level okay so it can be quite a challenge we're doing a good job it made tremendous progress I think in the last three or four years of really addressing the needs of these students okay and our enrolling this year is 39 last year was 36 we have some transient uh population coming in and leaving you know so that can be that can vary over the course of the year so as I said I feel as if we've made quite a lot of progress in our Li program over the course of the last couple of years what we're looking to do this year is to continue Staffing we have a dedicated member of staff at each school for our L students we bought that in last year uh and we continue to do that so I think that's tremendous for these students this year as you will find out today when we talk about curriculum we have updated both of our K through six uh L curriculum and also our 9 through 12 curriculum for our life students to give teachers more resources to use in the classroom with those students we've added through our title three funds additional resources K through 6 and 9 through 12 uh s program uh students we've add additional multilingual resources as well and we are continuing with our multilingual counseling program which has been of tremendous asset and benefit to our multilingual Learners so our recommendations based on the scores is that we're going to continue with our sheltered instruction program our sheltered instruction program is a program we offer for all teachers of multilingual and S students and that teaches them a tremendous amount of differentiation within the classroom to help with their skills and help our students progress and we continue to offer the support and the PD for our teachers um as Miss Dr Zury mentioned we'll be doing that on Wednesday where we will provide training for all of the teachers uh in our our schools who have multilingual and S students thank you any questions thank you very much thank you Mr Keeny now is an opportunity for the public to be heard on any specific agenda item no I declare the public portion of the meeting closed I need approval of the minutes for July 25th business meeting roll call M hi M Garo hi Dr AB Hayden hi Miss Kay hi Miss Morano hi Mr Walsh hi uh Miss Morano action items for finance I'd like to move uh to for approval items one through 9 on the agenda and just a few call outs on here um item number five we are renewing the partnership with the Berkeley Heights YMCA for before and after care with awr and saltbrook this has been going on for a few years it's been very successful uh item number seven we are approving the price recommendations for the 2024 25 school year for pomptonian and then item eight is the approval for the Morris Union jointure commission um and our Boe for the vehicle and bus fleet maintenance for the year I just want to mention that in exhibit a um for pomptonian the tonian had listed that we will be serving B's head co Cuts this year um and that is no longer the case um they've removed that from the the menu but they're updating the menu at this point Thank You V call Miss kigo m g Caro hi Dr hson Hayden hi Miss clay Miss Morano hi Mr Walsh education Dr mson Hayden and pinching for Stacy I would like to approve uh items 1 through 10 as listed below yeah want so i' just like to point out that uh we are approving the uh mentoring plan the provisional teacher mentoring plan for the 2425 school year and I just want to pass it over to Mr ug Alero as well as Mr Keeny there are a few slight changes that I believe will absolutely benefit um our new teachers moving forward thank you Dr zery and good evening um we are very excited about additions to the district provisional mentoring plan particularly with regards to how we support and develop the capacity of our novice teachers beginning this year new teachers will use two of their in school professional planning days will be required to use those days uh for the purpose of classroom OB observations cure coaching and professional dialogue with their mentors or their department heads and we feel really good about that I don't know Mr Keeny if you can maybe go into a little more detail about how that would be used thank you uh yes one of the things we've really tried to do with our new teachers coming into the district over the course of the last three and four years is to provide them with more support to really help them to help support them across all of their needs so with the implementation of the ispp days this year through negotiated contract we thought it's very important for us to use two of these days to really dig down with the mentoring program and the professional development and their ability to meet with the department heads to do observations with the department heads to do some classroom visitations with the department heads to do some mentoring and some coaching with the department heads to really help support them with their instructional practice and to help them feel more integrated into the school environment and to help them with their P personal professional growth so I think it's going to be a really really very useful program for us to use thank you Dr zerle is there anyone that you would like to call out on the Personnel list that's sitting here did we oh I'm jumping around sorry it's been a long day sorry it's been a long day um V call is k m Garo hi Dr hson Hayden hi M clay m Morano hi Mr Walsh hi Mrs kigo Personnel like to approve items 1 through 10 listed on the agenda second is there anyone here special here tonight yes there are I would like to um introduce Miss Kathleen Adler she'll be come to coming to us from the moris school district she's had eight years teaching experience she will be a reading specialist at Allen W Roberts School while she was at the Mars School District she was an Ela teacher A literacy coach and a reading specialist so we're very excited to welcome her I'd also like to welcome Davey G oh my gosh I'm gonna say it incorrectly um gong G Calis thank you Davey gun Calis who will be joining us in the High School counseling Suite he will be reporting directly into Miss shadis and supporting her uh Davey does come to us with a very interesting background uh he was actually a aircraft technician um and he is looking for a changing career prior to that he did work for Morgan Stanley and he was a transfer agent uh we're very excited also to bring him on board and for him to be um a new face in the counseling Suite that both students and parents will be able to see so congratulations to you both we need a roll call First we're going to stop you right there see I'm I'm contagious roll call m m k m hi Dr hson Hayden hi Miss clay m Briana hi Mr Walsh hi okay now we would love to shake your [Applause] hand conratulations welome congratulations conratulations oh my God it's been a long day uh moving on with board policy Mrs kigo like to approve items one and two is listed below k um there the first policy is education equality policy is affirmative action and comprehensive Equity plan equal employment opportunities and petty cash and I think because it's his first day we'll let him explain some more take it away thank you um there are four policies and one regulation on the agenda tonight for first reading three of those four policies along with the regulation are mandated and they reflect minor revisions uh in the administrative code in the language of the administrative code the fourth policy which is policy 6620 petty cash presents a reduction in the amount that any single purchase by central office can be reimbursed from the from petty cash uh reduces it from $100 to $75 um and on tonight's agenda for a second reading is the artificial intelligence policy thank you thank you roll call Miss kiga hi M Karo hi Dr hson Hayden hi Miss glay Miss Morana hi Mr Walsh hi committee reports uh curriculum instruction technology micro microphone if you can thank you such a rookie um Rebecca and Stacy and myself with the help of Mr Keeny went through all of the curriculums that we've been provided so far we there's new New Jersey standards for ELA so we are proving addendums to all of those um approved a middle school media mashup elective curriculum um which we refined over the school year I got to read the robotics uh the robotics program and I want to go back to school because it sounded really cool and we're just going to continue to expand and refine the L programs and we'll keep going as we get more curriculums to approve thank you finance facilities safety uh nothing at this time we're just monitoring HVAC and you know being there to support everyone and Mr Tesa so thank you Personnel we have not we've not met right no no but I did well yeah but not thing we have but I did want to say that it was really nice um that the board every year is invited to welcome the new teachers and then this morning all the staff um considering this will be my last time I was um so glad to be a part of it and everyone is uh really enthusiastic and ready and it was really great to see and welcoming you and thank you Mr Tesa any old business new business anyone uh now was an opportunity for the public to be heard on any topic if you can just state your name address in the front hi my name is Abigail Franco my address is 222 runam Parkway uh so I'm sure all of you are familiar with the equity landscape report that was done for the year 2022 to 2023 uh Sunil um who is a part of the Amun committee which is a which has done a lot of different um events in town uh I would like to propose that at the United Methodist Church they are offering to hold a forum where we could discuss the findings of the report and open it up to the community to share any concerns thoughts or feelings that they have I would like to invite the board to come um and maybe share your thoughts and opinions and just sit and uh hear the community and their thoughts on regarding the report this would happen uh probably later fall um I would like to discuss like schedules obviously it would be optimal uh the most people who would be available to come to be there so if everyone could um think about that opportunity and I think it would be a really good chance as someone who I for for those of you who don't know I went to New Providence High School um and I think there's a lot of really great things here um and I think as a community there's always more we can be doing to to hear each other and uplift the voices and I think that um an open Forum would be a really positive way to invoke change thank you AB migil um and I see that you have the 476 page report in front of you I'm wondering if you read the whole thing um I think that the best way to probably start is probably why don't you reach directly out to me um I would be more than happy to begin that process with you I'd be interested to see what your thoughts were from the report and most certainly uh Mr ugal Laro as well as Mr Keeny and we do have some teachers and department heads in the building who were very much invested in the report and really taking it and digging into it um and actually tomorrow is when we're going to kick off with our entire faculty and staff a miniseries um of things that we want them to um be able to see from what we ascertain from the report so why don't you reach out to me and then we could start that process together anyone else seeing no one I need a motion to recess to close session personel for personnel Second Joe Joe thank you