it's just bottomless pit of money a off my e e e e e e good you guys good Rebecca good good roll call M here M Caro here Dr AB Hayden here Mrs gunderman here miss clay here M Morano here Mr Walsh you have a quum please join me in the flag salute I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands Nation God indivisible and justice for all this is a public meeting of the Board of Education of the of New Providence adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with pl1 1975 chapter 231 and that a notice was made in conformance with SE section 13 of the ACT whenever the business of the board requires it to convene to close session the session will begin no later than 9:30 p.m. at the conclusion of the need for closed session the board will reconvene to the public portion of the meeting at that time the board will complete any other business that may be before it and the public will then be given an opportunity be heard before the meeting is adjourned good evening everyone uh welcome to the 2425 school year in the beginning of a new era for New Providence schools it's an exciting time for our district and we have much to look forward to this year I'd like to extend a warm welcome to Dr zery sitting in the big chair now uh who has officially began her tenure as our new superintendent of schools on July 1st and I'd also like to officially welcome Joseph ugli ugli aoro as the assistant superintendent of Educational Services who will begin his um transition into his no new role on Monday so welcome Joe um I'd like to take a moment to personally thank all of our administrators and custodial and maintenance staff who have been really hard at work this summer um getting our schools in shape for the fall um the dedication and hard work in preparing our schools during the summer time is really a a Monumental task and it's really goes they go be above and beyond um additionally I want to acknowledge the efforts of H&S mechanical who has been diligently working in each of our schools since June to complete the rough plumbing and electrical work as part of the upgrades to the HVAC HVAC system in each school this work is being completed ahead of the installation of the new HVAC units when they arrive Mr Tesa will be providing more detailed information on this project during uh the course of the meeting um there's still plenty of Summer left and I hope hope that everyone is spending time with their families and enjoying the summer time and relaxing and um before we get back to school and getting back to work um lastly I would just want to remind parents of incoming um kindergarten in incoming kindergarteners that the New Providence Ed foundation will be holding their annual kindergarten mixer on September 5th from 7: to 9:00 p.m. at cresview Swim Club it's a great opportunity for uh parents of and I had look this up of the class of 2037 um um to get to know each other as school is just starting so um it's a great activity uh if you can you know pre-register that would be great on their website and um that's it Dr Zury that's all I have [Laughter] thank you Miss kakaro um I'll report out on enrollment um so for alen w Roberts we ended the school year with 680 students for saltbrook school 588 students for New Providence Middle School 414 students New Providence High School 643 students for a total of 2,48 students we had 34 out of District students for a grand total of 2,359 students um I just like to keep the board informed on our incoming kindergarten registration at alen w Roberts it looks like currently the kindergarten class will be 64 students at saltbrook school the kindergarten class will be 80 students we've had six new registrants for awr for first grade and 13 for first grade at saltbrook um I'd like to move now into um just a very uh preliminary view um and report of the AP test scores so AP test scores are always annually released during the month of July and they have been released um Mr Keeny in the fall during his assessment report will be going over these in Greater detail however I would just like to report to the board that um we're very proud of our scores this year kudos to all of our 10th through 12th graders who for the AP exams um I'd also like to acknowledge Mr Henry and his entire team they've been working very diligently uh postco um to really raise the numbers in the AP courses as well as the numbers of students taking the AP tests um this year we had 235 AP students compared to last year and last year we had 197 students this year we had five 135 exams that were taken as last year there were 397 exams taken the percent percent percent of students getting a three or higher on the AP exams this year was 89.7 n% so 90% whereas last year it was 83% we're also very happy to announce our Scholars uh just to give you an overview there are three types of Scholars AP Scholars the first AP scholar is any student with a score of a three or higher on at least three AP exams an AP scholar with honors is any student with a three or higher on at least four AP exams and also having a minimum AP average of 3.25 and the last is the AP scholar with distinction which is a score of three or higher on at least five AP exams with a minimum AP average of 3.5 so this this year I'm very happy to announce that we have 38 AP Scholars last year we had 26 we have 21 AP Scholars with honors last year we had eight this year we have 42 AP Scholars with distinction whereas last year we had 23 so this year we have a total number of students of 101 that will receive this Accolade whereas last year we had 57 the average score this year was 4.08 for those Scholars whereas last year it was 3.82 so we are very proud of our students who did sit for the exam they did very very well this year and like I said during the fall Mr Keeny will give a more in-depth analysis of the scores and that's all I have Miss kakaro thank you Dr zery uh now is an opportunity for public comments an opportunity for the public to be heard on any specific agenda item agenda items only seeing none I declare this portion of the meeting closed um I need approval of the minutes for the business and close session meetings on June 27th roll call M hi m g Caro hi Dr AB Hayden hi Mr gunderman hi Miss Kay hi Ms Morano hi Mr Walsh I'd move like to move on to action items Finance Mrs Morano I'd like to uh move to approve items 1 through 13 as listed below Joe uh just want to highlight uh on number 13 um our Law Firm Cornell Marino and Osborne has recently merged with firm methfessel and woral PC um we are going to continue using our legal council that we've been using for the past few years this is just something that if anybody's dealt with legal counsil a lot of different law firms are merging for um different reasons from an operational standpoint roll call M hi M Garo hi Dr abson Hayden hi Mr gunderman hi M clay hi M Morano hi Mr Walsh hi uh we have no Phil no facilities uh for tonight uh education Mrs gun um I'd like to move to approve items 1 through 10 as listed um wait backa okay all happening very quickly um just one thing to point out um number five we are approving the goals that we had discussed at the last meeting and everyone has copies of those committee goals in their hands roll call Miss kugula hi M Gara hi Dr Epson Hayden hi Mrs Gman hi M Kay hi M Morano hi Mr Walsh hi Personnel Mrs kigo I like to move items 1 through 11 this listed below any second Stacy it's a appointments resignations revisions um I have nothing unless you want to add something yeah I just have a few comments um on our resignations I'd like to recognize uh Katie Blanco who will be resigning she was a teacher here for a long time as well as our um k6 department head of language arts she dedicated a lot of time to the program and I wish her well um I also would like to recognize Mr Robbie yanado who was with our maintenance staff um he was a plumber for us for many years he was a very very dedicated employee he gave a lot of years of service here and I as well as Mr Tess I've truly appreciated all of his support throughout the years so we also wish him lots of luck as well he was a huge asset to the district it's going to be a huge loss for us but I wish him well he's moving to going to another District so roll call Miss kiga hi Miss Karo hi Dr Epson Hayden hi Mrs gunderman hi Miss Kay hi M Morano hi Mr Walsh hi board policy Mrs kigo I like to approve items one and two is listed below um so we did meet as an education committee and I did uh speak to Dr zery about the especially considering the new AI policy but I'd rather her tell you about it than me because she'll do a better job thank you Miss kigo and thank you to miss kigo as our board committee chair as well as our Ed committee which Miss kidigo also sits on with Miss gunderman as well as with Mi Dr emson um we did meet um I thought it was very important for the Ed committee to meet with me and Mr to talk through this policy as we believe that there will be a lot of relevance moving into the future um regarding AI um we do anticipate that AI is going to have a transformative impact on the future of education and that's why it's really important that both our teachers as well as our students identify and be able to navigate AI systems so we did uh put a policy together in this policy the purpose is to really establish what our educational purpose and goals are for the New Providence School District when it comes to the use of AI for both our students as well as our teachers the policy itself does go through privacy and data data security equity and access instruction about responsible digital citizenship monitoring and evaluation academic integrity and artificial intelligence tools violations of the policy staff use guidelines so um in August what the plan is during our professional development days we are going to be devoting half a day uh to focus on AI and to introduce our staff to the use of AI uh for themselves as well as for the students we are going to take a slow approach to this um however it was important for us that we had the policy ready so that we could share that with our entire faculty and our staff we're then going to follow up during our halfday PD sessions to speak more about how more teachers if comfortable can utilize AI um Mr Keeny is working right now with um with a software company called Magic schools and ultimately what magic schools does is it keeps all of the tools that we want only we want in a bubble so those are the only tools that can be used when students are here in our school building as well as staff under our domain however it's very important that we stress the importance of the proper uses of AI for our students as well as our staff because when they leave our building they are able to go on all types of check gpts open Ai and the like um so this is just a start but I'm really excited about it again I thank Miss Coniglio as well as the um education committee for um meeting with us and really going through this in depth call M kigo hi M Gara hi Dr Hayden hi Mrs gunderman hi M Kay hi Ms Morano hi Mr Walsh hi committee reports curriculum instruction technology St anything nothing new to report not reading yet no no and I double checked with John to make sure I wasn't missing you know but curriculum uh will be on the agenda I'm sure next month um Finance facilities Mrs Morano um we are going to cover some updates in uh old business so okay and Mrs kigo Personnel we did have a meeting um and um I I said this to Dr zerle and Mr Testa into the committee but I just want to say it again um I'm so grateful and appreciative to the leadership we have here because um there was something that was brought to them they um addressed it handled it and um it's just it's just really good to know that um things are are dealt with here to do the right thing by people and it's I really appreciate that so we had a very good meeting and think everything's going to be cool about it so thanks uh old business Mr Testa would you like to provide some HVAC updates for us sure before I I get into the update um for the rest of the board members because we have some new board members um I just let's go over to process when we do have projects um so usually what happens is after we have our construction meetings which in the summer happen every two weeks our first one was July 10th the last one was yesterday um I will email the committee the finance facilities Committee of what happened at the meeting and any of the particulars that go on in the meeting and then once the meeting minutes are done I send them the meeting minutes um and then on a monthly basis is when I speak to the full board um sometimes it happens by the committee chair and sometimes it'll be myself with regards to giving updates with regards to the uh projects with that being said uh um I had the meeting yesterday um and at the meetings I should add is it's usually myself Eli leader who's um usually in the buildings also uh our architect engineer uh the project manager and also the foreman on the job that runs the different jobs at the different buildings so the latest information I'm going to give you is based on our meeting yesterday um overall um to go back a little bit all the units for all the schools were ordered after the bids were awarded in October so they were ordered in the winter with a delivery date of mid June which was verified by the unit um the um the unit ventilators manufacturer uh with that being said uh we all planned on going full force as you know during the year that actually H&S was here doing some of the electrical and plumbing to get ready for it um and then he continued to do that in June thinking that the unit ventilators would be here in June so with that being said um come to our meeting yesterday well may me let me back up to the first meeting on J July 10th on July 10th um we found out that the unit ventilators were not here yet but in speaking with the manufacturer they said that it looks like all the units would be here by the end of July at that meeting on the 10th hns assured us that if we get all the units by the end of July they could finish the project this summer which I was very happy about at the time with regards to the plan and hns is um subcontract subcontractors being all set up with regards to each building so then we go to the meeting yesterday and um what I found out was the units for Roberts are about 90% delivered we do have them on site so Roberts we have most of the UV units and all the equipment that we need to get Roberts done here the last remaining portion of the UV units will be here next week according to our contractor so at Roberts we are very good with regards to materials um the switch gears for all the buildings and what a switch gear is basically it's the extra power you need to run the AC portion of the units the switch gears for all three schools are now pushed back to February of 25 our contractor did everything possible but there's just a shortage of switch gears so for all three schools the switch gears are will be delivered in February 25 and I'll get into that when we get to each school with regards to what that means for each school and again the switch gears are needed for the additional power to run the AC units so if you have the units installed if you have the our current power structure you can run the fresh air and the heat on the new units that they're putting in this additional switch gear is needed to run the AC portion so I just want to make sure we're all clear with that the other thing we're waiting for this summer and it should be here any day I hope uh we're waiting for approval from jcpnl because you cannot just um put upgrades electrical upgrades into buildings without getting approval from jcpnl with regards to running the additional lines everything that we need and the contractor needs to submit has been submitted to jcpnl we should receive those approvals soon that has no effect on any of the dates I'm giving you it's just something that we're going through the process so we'll start with Roberts because I want to make it nice and clear we'll go school by school okay so like I said Roberts received the majority of the units and then the last 10 are supposed to be delivered next week all Del uh demolition has been completed in the schools so at Roberts there was a much more detailed project with regards to removing ceilings removing old grids because the heat was in the ceilings um there's a lot of work at Roberts all demolition has been completed and the asbest abatement is just about done so at Roberts the saltbrook and probably here there will be some asbestos abatement uh we follow the state guins which regards the abatement the good news is we're almost done at Roberts and wday we get our air monitoring clearance which hopefully will happen tomorrow then we're full go with the rest of the building um so that's that's very good news um the contractor expects all the units all the ceilings all the lightings to be done by the end of August so in terms of Roberts in terms of having everything installed the contractor is on schedule um if you go there right now you you might be a little nervous but they assured me they have all their subcontractors set up we're set to go um so what that means at the end of August that the heat and air ventilation system will be operating in September the only piece will not be operating is the HC portion which I reviewed before that needs the the switch gear which will come in February they'll come in during the school year hopefully during one of the breaks put it in so then Our Hope and it looks like it'll be that the air conditioning in the whole school will be ready by the spring of 2025 as long as we get to deliver of the switch gears now the delivery of the switch gears have changed a couple times but this last date seems like it's a a hard delivery date and I'm pretty confident that they'll be here but again you know we're relying and we have no control over deliveries and as you see when we get to the other schools um what was said and what we received confirmation for from the manufacturer didn't occur and that's out of our hands I can honestly say that the Architects have been here every other week working hard the engineers are getting answers to everyone in the the field and H&S our contractor has been here throughout the year and in the summer so now we'll go to the high school middle school we have not received any of the univ ventilators yet as of today according to the meeting yesterday we're expecting our first delivery next Tuesday for 25% of the units and then what usually happens is once you get that first shipment every week after that the they're allow they bring in 25% so they come up with an 18wheeler the the only amount that they could fit on and they run them every week so with that being said by the middle of August to the end of August we should have all the units but based on the contractor because we're not getting any of the units to the beginning of August and that's only the first set they'll be able hopefully by the end of August to put in 50% of the units okay so what that means when they put in 50% of the units it go it runs on our old system meaning our old electrical uh loads and everything like that they'll run with heat and fresh air again the AC portion will not work until the spring at the earliest um the plan is for the remaining units is to try to get them done during breaks um and we'll see how it goes in terms of how many they can get done um we're really focused on trying not to um trying to keep the learning environment for the kids as quiet as possible we're trying to keep it that we're not trying to take away classrooms during during the year um we're trying not to shut the heat at certain Wings to try to put them in there's a lot of different obstacles that we'd have to go through trying to get it done when the kids are in school so what we're trying to do is do it during brakes depending how much they get done during the brakes will depend um how much of the school will be air conditioned come the spring and whatever is not done during the breaks then by the summertime of of 2020 5 the rest of the buildings will be air conditioning um the other thing is when we're doing this anything that's currently air conditioned that we weren't touching because all of our buildings do have air conditioning they will continue to have air conditioning I'm talking just the new units that go in in terms of the the additional load with regards to the air conditioning um with the switch gears if they come in February like I said in the spring um there will be enough power which will run the units that been installed so anything that's been installed will have air conditioning it just depends on how much we could get done here at the high school middle school and lastly at sawbrook the unit ventilators are not coming to the end of August right now so we will have no unit ventilators when the summer ends um the contractor will continue to complete the plumbing electrical reing preliminary work over the summer they will in be in during break to maybe get some of the outside work with regards to the upgrade to the electric done um but this uh room and this all the room is actually at saltbrook and all the units will be put in in the summer of 25 um because at in each of the rooms um where the univ ventilators now sit there's a aestus behind it um so there will be aestus abatement that will have to be done and you certainly can't do that with anyone in the building so saltbrook is a little bit more entailed um so we will be pushing that off and try to get everything done with regards to having all the preliminary work done and having all the lines run to the actual unit um so then when that when we're doing it in the summer it should be a pretty quick um go around um the last couple things I just want to talk about um each of the contracts and when we did bid all these contracts I want everyone to understand bless you bless you these were three separate contracts and we followed the formal bid process and hns was the low bid on each of the projects so by law um if everything's in line and if it's when our budget you award the contracts that being said they have due dates on each contract with any kind of penalties if they're not done by a certain date now with all the different um delivery push backs of the contract allows for that but the one thing that each contract has in it that there's no increase in pricing so labor costs that are going up equipment costs that going up won't affect us um I verified that yesterday when I spoke to them because they understand um what's going on also um on another end each of the schools are different in terms of the project they have different subcontractors there's different needs um some schools you know they have a different electrical contractor some schools need uh um some masons in terms of Louver work um so in terms of the subcontractors it's not one subcontractor for all three projects um I've been on site at all the different project projects the one contractor that is pretty much the same is the control contractor which makes sense um that will control all the units once they're done um and then the last piece is that um the frustration from the contractor I just want to let you know he had all the subs lined up from July to August in terms of Mason's um electrical work Plumbing work um to set the units in besides the ones that are running the lines um that now all have to be um pushed back to the next summer which is out of our control also so it's disappointing on on everyone's end from the contractors to my architect to us here uh but the one thing is we're working as best we can to get to the end um but we have no control over the delivery of the of the units everything was done everything was ordered in time as quick as we could get it the delivery dates were mid June which was close but that's what the manufacturer said I mean if you remember when we went back we re we rebid this twice so we could get to the award on a third time um so um fingers crossed that um everything comes in by the end of the of the end of August and then we'll store it we're still working on um where we're going to store some things um but we were going to probably have some containers in some of the schools some of the schools we may have them in in the classrooms if they're out of the way um so we're working on that plan right now with the contractors because we want to make sure when schools are open that everything's safe for our students um I think I covered everything but if you have any questions from the board I'll be happy to try to answer them Jim thank you so much that's very helpful um where do those switch things come from like really like another um I'm not sure where they come from I I could check but I don't like some really far away um well in in the spect they they say Americade so um there's a big demand as you know um if you look in in the newspapers you look at the bids there's a lot of lot of places doing HVAC work ton and um even with our manufacturer who's a huge manufacturer of UV units um they're getting tons of orders and then they're putting in in line and our is our project is a huge project our contractor does a lot of work and they said you know you call them and they just sayl you know we have so many units that we're making we do them in priority order of how we received them and we're doing the best we can so um it's unfortunate but the supply of the UVS and the switch gears are it's it's it's it's tough right now not known when we you know back in October of 23 when Kevin was here and he talked about everything and we were pretty confident we could get like the time lines are getting shorter and then all of a sudden you know we this is where we are today so so Jim I had a couple questions um are the project managers or the contractors are they looking into any options as far as like Expediting the process of how to get I mean the switch gears here in time are we looking at are there any other possible like companies or alternate parts that could do the same thing that we might have the chance of getting here sooner the the ORD is already placed so there already in manufacturing so for us to pull for them to pull out of it is almost impossible they've looked all over for the switch gears I I talked to him he there's only a certain amount of Manufacturers that make to switch gears and the ones that they need for the certain power that they need and they're speced out within each of the schools so it's GNA be very tough to do that um you know in terms of the UVS I talked to Pat yesterday who's the the H&S uh project manager he was on the phone with the manufacturer every three days for the last three weeks and that with Roberts and the other schools and they only could do so much um like I said they're making them as fast as they making them they're shipping them out um and there's really not much we can do in terms of Expediting it as soon as they get here they're going to work on them so and they're working on them at Roberts I was there yesterday I've been going there almost every day um and they're there they're working and they have the units so you know they're they're putting them in so I was just going to comment like following this through right go back to the beginning we initially had it at three years right and then it then they said well no we'll get it done in a year so essentially we're Landing in the middle right if you go back to the beginning of this whole process like this is like all expectation setting from those guys like I always thought it's going to take long longer than a year and then they came and said it was going to be a year so it's it seems to me like it's just we should have our expectations set for the summer of 20125 and just go from there yeah well when we we signed the contracts they signed that it would be done by the end of August so that's the disappointing piece so do we get any you mentioned penalties do we get are there penalties involved not at this point because of the delivery not coming in time so that kind of pushes everything back so it has to be reasonable also um and like I said they've been very good we we've we've been working really well together um there's a lot of things that are coming up in the field that they're going to do more than they should be and then we're we're changing things and you know they're always asking questions um so they're very responsive to trying to get this done um it's just unfortunate that we don't have the equipment because if if we had the equipment I was I'm confident that it would have been done I'd just like to thank Mr Testa um he has absolutely prioritized this um as it should be prioritized he's working diligently with the architect and the contractors and he truly is trying to do everything that he can and it is disappointing it's disappointing for us as well but it is completely out of our control at this at this time um we're going to do the best that we can with deliveries that do come in um I do plan tomorrow to send out a letter to the entire Community as well as the staff updating them based off of what uh Mr Tesa just EXP explain for the board um and we'll obviously be updating you as we get the information anyone else no um I have no new business if anyone else new business if not that now is an opportunity for the public to be heard hi just hit the but uh yeah hi Molly storth um 61 Colchester Road I prepared something so I'm just gonna bring it up I don't you know all you all know I don't like talking in front of everyone so but I feel like it's important tonight to say something all right so thank you for letting me take a moment as you can imagine I am incredibly disappointed in hearing the news this evening I know this project has been a large undertaking for our district however there was a huge support for this bond issue and what it would cover parents family commun community members all believed in every single one of you sitting up here to lead our school district I have believed in you that's what makes being up here even harder I know you are aware of this of this feeling of mine I voted as a resounding yes and worked diligent with you with my my neighbors to get the word out to vote on this particular issue it's important for our children's learning environment it's important for our teachers and their ability to have the best climate to teach our students and it's important for our community to be able to be bring in the best possible candidates for our school district and now all I feel is let down misguided disgusted this news is devastating devastating to my children devastating to my family I will be it'll be devastating to families that continue hear this tomorrow if I had messed up a budget of a multi-million dollar project and then I did not deliver the cutback lower grade project on time I wouldn't expect to continue to have my job how much has gone wrong with this project before we get it right and to my elected Boe members especially those on the finance facilities they Safety and Security committees isn't one of your goals to the board of ed website to monitor the bidding process and the planning of the districtwide HVAC project that was to take place in the summer of 2024 that's in all caps on my paper so because I would like to remind everyone that this is the summer of 2024 after tonight it's clear you will not complete this goal so where do we go from here I think everyone here tonight really needs to take a hard look at the work they're putting in and what steps you will be taking in the future to ensure that this project is finally brought to fruition with the tax players dollars that were laid out for it I believe that a discussion regarding accountability needs to happen in your closed door sessions as you see fit and steps to determine a very clear timeline with necessary steps on who's going to be held accountable for each of those steps this completion of this Bond referendum project isn't the boe's I'm sorry isn't just the boe's responsibility it's everyone in the entire School District so I ask you to please do better do better for all of our kids our community thank you soal I just feel like I have to comment on your comment um the way that you're portraying what's happening we we are moving forward with the project the best that we can we are we are bound by state purchasing laws we were Bound by how much money we actually went out for Bond and when the bids came in higher than what we had we had to make decisions we have no control over when the product comes to us we did our best to and followed what we felt the information we were getting from our manufacturers from our vendors from our Architects everyone wants the same thing we want this as much as you do believe me I I can't even begin to to tell you how disappointed we are but it is what it is it's not that we're not doing the project it'll be another summer it's not the worst my son went 12 13 years in this district with no air conditioning we've been working towards this and we're getting there howdy Brian Gardner 25 no Wood Drive um I don't have anything as eloquent as as what Molly just had um but I I do have some specific questions based on what I was hearing from a project management standpoint that I just love to hopefully get a little bit more information on um the the the thing that jumps out to me is is given the nature of the delay that we're experiencing how do know how is this a surprise yesterday as opposed to two weeks ago at the first project meeting or any point since we placed the order in October because hypothetically if if the if there's this backlog and the vendors are getting the manufacturers are getting these orders and all of this there should have been a lot more notice of the delay so we could have adjusted I my guess is that we probably incurred some cost planning for this that we didn't need to incur that maybe we need to incur again I'd be very interested to know what specifically the cost variations are going to be if there's going to be work done on breaks is there overtime are we responsible for that um you know you mentioned I think in saltbrook there's asbestos work that still needs to be done and it was I'm curious why that hasn't been done yet since that doesn't require the unit to be here answer so many questions i'mna answer I gotta do yes all right so with regards to the timing the delivery was supposed to be mid June MH um when they didn't come mid June that's when the contractor was starting to contact the manufacturer contractor was considering that they were going to be here at the end mid June our first meeting was July 10th so 10 days in he told me that he spoke to the manufacturer that Robert's UV units were coming in but the rest of them should be here by the end of July they were pushing for the end of July so at that point I said if you get him at the end of July are we good he said we're fine we had a meeting two weeks later later now we only meet every two weeks so I don't talk to them in between I only talk to the foreman um when I spoke to him yesterday that's when I received the news that was the first time I heard that some of the units weren't coming to the end of August and of course that's when I related to everyone else so I can't speak to the contractor on their end how much they pushed he he told me they were calling every three days and he said just at the last minute that the manufacturer call and said we ran into some delays and they pushed it back so I can't speak to um their end what they did I'm just telling you what I received yesterday in terms of the new dates no understood go Ahad with regards to additional cost no additional cost based on the the contract everything that they're doing is in the contract and as per as specs they did I'm not occurring reoccurring costs if that's what we're asking for the subs that were needed to come haven't been here yet because we didn't receed the units so they were on call um it it's all Union positions the union jobs of course um so they go to another location I would assume or another job that they have set up we're not paying for anything twice we're going to be able to slot them in when we need them that's up to the contractor when you say we it's not me it's the contractor that handles all the subcontractors what he knows he has his own schedule now he's going to lay it out to make sure it'll it gets done in the time frame and then we meet in two weeks from now I'm sure I'll get more information and I'll I'll give to the committee and then I'll report in August on what happens then with with regards to SW broke which is a very good question we can't get to the asbest until we take out the unit the unit is against the wall the asbest is the the little panel that's behind that's behind the unit can't take the unit out till we have the new unit so it's impossible to to to your point I would have loved to to taken care of all the aestus this summer can't do it because you can't get to it um once they pull a unit they'll see the aestas that they need to do what my guess is that's the reason why saltbrook looking at next summer is they'll pull all the units because we'll have them because the one thing that we did do which was a great decision making on our part is that we did not take out any units till we had a replacement unit because if we did that we'd be in a whole different ball game right now having a very hard discussion on how we were going to open school in a month and a half so that being said next summer we'll have all the salt brick units because they're supposed to be at the end of August so they could take all the units out remediate wants espe this radiation which takes some time because it be between taking it out you have to have monitoring you have to have air monitoring testing so we could do that next summer But to answer your question we can't get to it okay understand that makes sense um so I mean the the two final questions and I I get why under normal circumstances this wouldn't be a contract violation incurring penalty because it's a manufacturing delay but for an order placed in October I'm just having trouble getting over the the what happened on June 10 July 10th versus what happened yesterday yeah just the correct they didn't order it in October we awarded the the bid contract in October okay so after you reward the bid then the Architects um get all the submittals from the contractor because the bid says you know you use XYZ but it's equal to or equivalent so a lot of contractors they want to use different type of equipment not what's in the specs so then they send the cut sheets has to go to our architect has to go to the engineer if they don't agree upon it goes back and forth so that takes about maybe a month or so I don't know exactly when they ordered them but it was in the winter so I'm thinking December January the order was in when they place the order they have a date and they're supposed to get me the letter because I want to send it to the board from the manufacturer that said they would be delivered mid June okay that's all that's all the information I have on that understood and then from a contingency planning standpoint you know if February 25 is the date right now is there any likelihood that that's actually going to happen well that's what's going to be the conversation in the next meeting and believe me we will be on top of that okay um definitely okay right now I'm just trying to get to the end of the summer and we do have Roberts that is a full go so um you know we're trying to make sure that is all done and ready to open yeah um and then um like I said once we're done with that uh now that I'm aware of it and now I'm aware of these dates be assured that we will make sure that we're on top of the delivery of the switch gears so please please keep digging because there's still things that aren't adding up here so forward to more information yeah and I'm not sure what's not adding up and you know you could call me anytime you know I thought I was pretty clear I thought I was pretty thorough um so yeah I'm not sure what doesn't add up and I don't I don't know why you would say that but just to be I want to be any mystery just that on you know the first meeting in July they said everything was good to go by the end of July so what changed in between that meeting and the last meeting and why wasn't the GC on top of it to know that did we get deep prior prioritized for another contract or something like that like something changed in that two weeks that is now catastrophic right you know I I could check into that but the end of the line is they're not coming so from my point of view once they told me when their delivery dates were um you know trying to find out why now I'm trying to try to have a solution on what we're going to do to open school that's where my focus went yeah no I get it but in in hindsight going back you know in another meeting or two from now sure those are the type of questions that we may uh speak about um but at the at right now my focus is opening School in and and I I get that but in understanding the why helps us prevent it from happening again true in February true all right thank you anyone else I I I just want to say one more thing before we close the meeting I think it's important for you guys to know that the contractor is not getting paid for the work that hasn't been done so you know him not producing the air conditioning units he's not making any money you know he wants to get out of here as fast as we want him to be out of here um you know so he can only submit for the bills that that he's incurred to this point I think everyone is working as as fast as they can to get this to resolution I can tell you from a municipal standpoint I ordered a truck three years ago it took two and a half years and they told me it would take 10 months you know sometimes you're just at their mercy and it's out of our control and it's disappointing and and there's no excuse and there's nothing we can do about it though you know but rest assured we will get to the end and our schools will have air conditioning for all of eternity after that um you know but it it's a process at this point and we're trying to work through it um I need a motion to recess J Amanda