##VIDEO ID:VsZtLvpOXgY## e e e e e e e e e e guess okay yeah you weren't here for that one good afternoon everyone uh we're going to uh convene the meeting of the airport commission it's 4:00 Tuesday September 10th call the meeting to order um first uh item on the agenda is to approve the uh meet U meeting minutes from May 14th y I would entertain a motion to approve those minutes I'll move to the second oh I didn't hear the first yeah I second the motion okay motion and a second to approve the minutes from May 14th any further discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carried let's see now what did I do here um let's see old Business review and adopt the updated Airport layout plan uh thank you Mr chair and commission member uh this is more of a formality process the Airport layout plan was last before the commission when it was in final draft form um back that was probably May is of 2013 or 2023 I'm sorry um and we just uh it went through the federal and uh State review and approval process and we're just bringing that to the commission today for uh commission review and adoption that one of those things that just kind of fell off and we forgot to bring them back after we got all the agency approvals so it's uh no changes have been made since the commission last saw it um so really just more of a formality process than than anything else here today so i' be happy to answer any questions you may have yeah I would entertain a motion to adopt the updated Airport layout plan want to look a little do I have a motion so moved is there a second second motion on a second to approve uh to adopt the updated Airport layout plan any further discussion all in favor opposed motion carried motion to approve and adopt the Airport layout plan we just did that um update item 3.2 update on outstanding Capital Improvement projects all right thank you Mr chair uh just wanted to share with the commission couple projects we had going up at the airports uh the parking lot project is uh we're working on getting that project closed out um close out is pending on that we had to replace or do it some receding replace uh sign that got hit during snow removals um we completed the flooring project uh in the terminal lobby area the conference room and then the uh I'll call it the apron entrance um all that flooring has been replaced and has been completed um we have a task order with me me and hunt for engineering design services for the awos site work so that would relocate the AOS um to the southeast of its current location um so they are progressing with that and then once we get the site work done that's a project that mindat would then put up the uh weather station um once we get the site ready for them uh we've received the grants for the southeast apron expansion and the design work is we just had a kickoff meeting yesterday for that and that is being done in conjunction with the fuel system um so I'll just pull up that exhibit to refresh your memories um so this would be the apron expansion location here off the southeast of the apron and then the fuel system and then along with that would be the access road coming back um for fuel deliveries so we had that that kickoff meeting yesterday um more to come on that once uh uh design gets a little little further and we'll bring probably the 60% plan set back for for commission review um in the future and then um finally well uh one other item before um we talk about the crosswind Runway is uh if you've been in a terminal building Lobby we recently put up a digital dis uh display board um just sharing it's got a QR code on that for visitors to pull up the visitors guide uh norstar aviation's website and then um we also included a um kind of a photo of available heer space that we have for lease at the airport as well we currently only have two openings so we're almost 100% full and then we just put up some pictures of new home on it as well that rotates through so um kind of that was where that old trophy case that never had anything in it so that took that spot so and then last thing U that just started this week as well is the Environmental review for crosswind Runway 927 um we've been having monthly coordination meetings with the FAA and mot office of Aeronautics um for the past four months on that um so right right now it's just the environmental review before um kind of the land appraisal process starts so um really looking for wetland delineations and things of that nature so that's what uh what mean Hunt is working on currently on that one so that's the update I have for you today can I get the background on why we want to change the crosswind runway so uh yeah lot of history there um so that process goes back to 2005 as part of the master planning efforts um the current 422 was never zoned it is zoned now when we went through the zoning process last couple years um so part of that process was to eliminate and relocate the crosswind runway um primarily zoning and then to provide uh better wind coverage at the airport for for um for all wi conditions uh our current configuration I believe we're at about 92% the fa recommended minimum is 95 and with the proposed 927 uh orientation that would bump us above that 95% threshold also the existing 422 Runway is um kind of H hampers some development in that corner of the city up by Design home and in the Sarah Hill subdivisions so by eliminating that and opening that area up that would allow that subdivision to be able to be built out um and then with the new location of 927 be primarily agricultural areas that would continue to be farmed um that's real Cliff Notes version but it is a process that's um started back in 05 when the planning process for expanding the uh 1533 Runway and then it was always the intent to keep moving forward and then the fa had a policy change for funding which kind of took our funding away for the crosswind um at at that time at when we had the extension project completed um yeah agency priority changes and that's why it's been kind of kicked down the road as long as it has um it was something we were hoping to have done you know 10 years ago but funding is is the issue so we were able to secure that funding and to kind of complete in the Alp 97 is going to be a little longer too isn't it 2 feet is that is that it oh thought it was more than that well that two feet might come well the the whole thing it's so much money for probably 50 Landings a year I I don't agree yeah I I don't really agree with the the reasoning used for how many Landings that you guys thought you would have on it um with someone that spends a lot of time at that airport it's just um it's a huge block of money that's not going to be used I bet there's less than 100 Landings a year on that Runway but it's and there're 3/4 at the pancake flying well as a tail dragger pilot I would I would kind of not agree with that I much prefer grass and we use grass at every opportunity and when I'm out at the airport just watching there's a lot of uh Pilots coming through and using that just for the practice because tail wheel takes a little more and um I was on the Commission in Dodge Center a number of years ago when we expanded the airport there and the FAA re-evaluates airports every how many years I don't know and look at what the wind directions are uh I know new Al's main Runway has been realigned from what it was when I was a kid um and that was the asphalt and they had to rip everything out and start over so I I know that they do look at it every periodically I should say and do recommend uh that they be adjusted to get that wind coverage any other questions or comments for Joel please um on that apron designed for the fuel system I noticed on the side um on I guess you would say the southernmost Edge where the Hang uh past the hangers they have uh parking space but then they have Gap and then they have parking space and then they have Gap what's the rationale behind that rather than just having parking all the way along um Pro this is actually our our newest figure has shifted everything so that parking would be um with the hangers but um yeah once we get into design of that hanger uh extension you know that buildout area for that we could revisit that but the newest exhibit that um me and Honda's working on that's been slightly revised but ultimately it was really just parking for those hanger tenants or whoever you know if this is private hangers out in this location that would be parking stalls for them but um but those little cutouts maybe uh light standard um won't be lights out there but just um you said that's been redesigned anyway it's flipped now yeah it's slightly different than that but yeah you make a good point that it's probably more constructible to paved out all the way through and that would be something that we could look at once we get to final design of that access road okay any other questions for Joel no okay no action needed on that update we'll move to item number four new business item 4.1 review and Adoption of the revised airport Capital Improvement plan all right thank you Mr chair uh commission members this Airport layout or Capital Improvement plan is pretty much the exact same plan that you saw last time um that you recommended approval this one is just slightly different in the fact we had to shuffle some projects around to different fiscal years to make the the dollars work so um all the projects are the same they're just ordered differently to take advantage of different Federal fiscal year dollars so um all the notes on that are are just our way of kind of keeping track of uh this is AIP funds this is um CDF funding and local funds and um so yeah it's really just that reshuffling to make the dollars work okay no new fund projects have been added okay I would consider uh a motion or I would uh entertain a motion to approve and adopt a revised airport Capital Improvement plan do I have a motion yeah I mo i motion that we accept the uh Capital Improvement program report okay do I have a second motion on a second to approve and adopt the revised airport Capital Improvement plan any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carried on item 4.2 crosswind Runway 927 land acquisition all right uh Mr chairman and commission members um so we are in the infancy stage of beginning the land acquisition process for 927 so so um you know as as we talked about previously it's a process we've been working on for number of years so we're finally at the point where we're getting the environmental work done um and then we also would like to concurrently uh as that environmental work progresses begin the ACT um negotiation process with the property owners see if that exhibit will load so we are looking at we would be acquiring six tracks of land and those are noted in item number 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 so asking for U commission's recommendation today that you would recommend to the city council that we take the steps necessary to move forward so that's what the ask from the commission would be today Kim do I have a motion do I have a second second or motion somebody go all right I have a motion and a second to uh recommend to the city council that we take all actions and give all approvals necessary for the city to acquire the interest in Real Property needed for crosswind Runway 927 any further discussion all in favor i i i opposed I okay uh 34 one opposed M last item of new business airport emergency response Plan update all right uh lastly Mr chair and commission members um we Northstar Aviation originally prepared the emergency response plan for the airport back when they took over operations in October of 2020 I think October um since then northstar's had some staff turnover um we changed the ca frequency um so Amanda from norstar Aviation is here and she is their safety officer and um she thought it would be a good idea to update the plan and bring that to the commission for review and comment um so the changes have been noted I think we updated some phone numbers the sea frequency has been changed and then um the um it's also been sent to the fire chief and police chief as well for their review um this would be a document that once um if the commission chooses to do so today to recommend approval we would share or they would include that with their erps and Sops um policies and whatnot as a reference so ultimately you know on a scene fire or police are going to control the scene but this provides guidance and uh emergency phone numbers and things of that nature specifically for the airport um you know if we were to need to close the runway where do we keep the exes and who issues the nms and things like that so it kind of goes through um items like that that we wouldn't see on a normal car accident scene or something like that so um uh the plan is very thorough um and like I said pre previously was approved um but this is just an update to to that document so I'd be happy to answer any questions and um before questions we actually had the fire department up at the airport last week just on the drill night to make themselves aware of the of the the grounds in general and just kind of some materials kept on site and things of that nature so it's I think we have more training opportunities um in the future between the fire and and Northstar at the grounds doing some mer Mercy preparedness and things of that nature so and Amanda is here from Northstar if you do have questions for her as well so fire and police have the copy but they they haven't provided any feedback if it's similar did they provide feedback last time around uh there was yep so there they had it last time also um you know if you look at the airports Erp compared to what fire and I can't speak for fire or for police but for fire it's very similar in nature um this just goes into more detail on you know aircraft type incidences and you know different phone numbers and things of that nature so but yes the police and fire chief both had the opportunity to review last time and this time as well um they've had it for a little over a week and I haven't received any combat back from from either of them um so I'm just wondering U about the airport emergency responsibilities all of these that have been written up on uh page three here these were responsibilities duties developed with these people do you know or was that something that was proposed by Northstar and just given to these other um other authorities to say oh okay that's what I have to do here or is that was that before your time that's before your time Amanda okay well I can speak to that so a lot of that was they have this same plan over Mano so it was kind of boiler PL that was sent over but um yeah it was you know we sent that out and shared that um really to the fire chief and police chief you Brun Connie is listed on here as well uh you know we all work together and things of that nature so um a lot of that boiler plate language is kind of what's in our Sops at fire as well so um so it not necessarily everybody saw it but um it'd be the same instance that Public Works would be called in X situation you know with we had a car accident or storm that Dro bunch of trees you know um kind of similar nature they're always on call they have staff on call and things of that nature as well so um it's kind of just that same type of policy but just for the airport grounds itself so I see okay sort of a standard yeah any other questions for Joel okay I would entertain a motion to approve the airport emergency response plan which is just basically updates to a previously approved plan I motion to approve the uh airport emergency response plan 2024 thank you is there a second a second there's a motion on a second to approve the airport emergency response plan revisions um any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carried anything else for us Joel I don't have anything else for you Mr chair do you know what the status of that uh uh sea the SEF uh uh change good question I don't and I should should have in preparation today I should have reached out to Chris Amanda do you know any as far as I know he was try get yeah you should probably come up to the podium state your name and where you're from I'm Amanda I'm with Northstar Aviation I'm their safety manager um I did talk with Chris about this uh recently he said he's still looking at um at changing that sea as it was approved I believe last was that last last meeting that was approved um things have come up with um you know school starting and everything so he's been a little bit busy but I will revisit that with him as well but I believe the plan still is to move forward with changing that any other questions for Amanda while we have her up at the podium nope okay perfect thank you Amanda thank you with no other business I would uh entertain a motion to adjourn I'll move to adjourn is there a second yeah I like it too much yes I second that motion there's a motion and a second to adjourn all in favor I I opposed we are adjourned thank you