##VIDEO ID:kPrQnbE0ZBU## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good afternoon it's 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday August 20th 2024 we will call the city council meeting of the city of New Al to order we do have a very full agenda today um so we will get started with item number one consent agenda councelors what are your wishes I'll offer a motion to approve those second motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry moving on to licenses and permits item number 2.1 a tree service license go ahead Larry I'll offer a motion to approve the issuance a tree license for BK stump grinding LLC owned by Ben Kester 47 464 State Highway 68 new WM for the period begin August 21st 2024 ending June 30th 2025 subject to compliance with all city and state requirements motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry item number 2.2 a temporary liquor license for newm Area Chamber of Commerce I'll motion to approve the issuance of a temporary on sale intoxicating liquor license for the anal Chamber of Commerce to serve and consume alcohol during October Fest located at the corner of Center in Minnesota streets North and South Side the center on to Broadway Street on Saturday October 5 2024 subject to compliance with all city and state requirements I'll second we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I opposed that motion does carry uh section three is reports from counselors 3.1 summary of business conducted during board and commission meetings um I can start down on this end um Eda was busy lots of discussion um we looked at the hotel feasibility study which most of you know did recommend a Downtown hotel um so that was pleasantly received and sent off to folks and hopefully we get some interest in that area um the other area we spent a lot of time and discussion on was a small business and senent of grant program um a lot of discussion at the end of the day we ended up going with the staff recommendations to do five incentive grants for $10,000 each that'll start November 1st and end at the end of the year um those air we did the staff recommended a point system and they get an extra point if they're in the area of child care retail restaurants and light manufacturing light manufacturing yes um so U those again great discussions and and good work so um we did go into a closed session regarding the potential sale of um Garden Terrace um and we are looking at an updated um appraisal for that property and that's kind of where where that's at at this point that's what I have uh Heritage preservation met last night they did approve one signage request at uh 3 South the old Subway h building for uh the new newom food co-op which is now going to be called graze so that was is approved okay Park and wreck uh kind of a lengthy meeting uh the commission did receive the fee schedule for this year so they can mull it over looking at an average of maybe 2 to 4% across the board for the fee schedule understandable they actually approved it but it won't come to council yet uh there will be four more agenda items tonight Mr shugal will touch on uh most of them you saw already the dog park donation uh Lutheran Soler Services is on tonight we have some donations and I believe there's one other item I'm not going to touch on them because you're going to see in about 10 minutes thank you I've got nothing yep nothing new to report okay and I have no updates um outside of what less updated with Eda if everyone can silence their phones please item number four Communications um presentation of job classification and compensation study report for the City of New Alm we have Miss boomgard in here and we have Ethan l l rundquist joining us from FY in as well to go over this detailed report all right so thank you Ethan should be up um on Zoom he's up stuff yes we can see them on our screen oh you can okay okay you can go ahead and Ethan this is shaa well but we can't hear you oh Ethan you appear to be muted our end still can't hear you Ethan I think it's on our end because he's not muted right yeah he's um Ethan I'm gonna have you pause for just a second um Shauna can you give us any background while we look at um getting some volume for Ethan yeah so um Ethan's going to go through a report um just a a procedure on what happened with classification and compensation study update so just a 5 minute report um we'll go through more of the details in Clos session um today all right thank you and I'm just looking to see if we have any sound from uh Mr runquist Yet turn other we could put it on hold and come back I was going to say yes we can maybe table this item for just a moment and we will come back to it when uh when we hear in the booth that we have sound confirmed okay um item number five is old business item number 5.1 ordinance number 2024-the uh good evening council president council is John nisley planner with the city of newal this is the second reading and I just wanted to make a couple notes uh regarding this uh ordinance change number one we're waiting on a plat yet from the surveyor um and if we were to receive that plat in time we would include that with the resolution that would be recorded with this revision also uh because this is uh the city resoning property from residential to commercial we need a 2third vote of all the council members uh pursuant to state uh statute thank you perfect thank you Mr nisley that means we'll do a roll call at the end I'll make a motion to conduct the second consideration and of an adopt ordinance number 20248 n resoning real property from rt2 uh traditional neighborhoods single to two Family Residence District to B2 General business district of the city code of the city of New Alm relative to zoning in the city Z again we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councel warut and president Becker yes that motion does carry thank you item number 5.2 uh purchase of vacant property at 107 North Minnesota Street once again hello all right uh thank you uh so this is resolution uh or to offer a resolution to authorize the city council uh to purchase real property located at 107 North Minnesota Street and dispensing of the review of the purchase by the new home Planning Commission just a very brief overview uh the Brown County Board of Commissioners considered and approved today uh the sale of property at 107 North Minnesota street that was tax forfeited in June of 2023 uh to sell it to the city of New Alm for a sale price of $500 plus applicable fees it ends up being about $593 uh due to the blighted conditions of the property as part of the rehabilitation program um city is moving a single family home located at 320 North Broadway to the property at 107 North Minnesota Street um I would note that there is that 33,42 uh ,000 assessment that goes with this property for the demolition of the blighted home that was on the property that will be paid for um through the sale of the home to the new property owner excellent thank you Mr nisle I'll go ahead and offer resolution to authorize the city council the city of New Alm a purchase of real property located at 107 North Minnesota Street and dispensing with the review of the purchase by new home Planning Commission second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion um I just want to say how great is this I mean we're we're experiencing some um economic development in our city and we're actually taking a house and moving it to somewhere that doesn't have a house and I just I think that it's a creative idea we need housing and like to and I like to see this and um I just kind of wanted to make that comment for those out there that you know we do everything we can creative ideas included uh director jensson please call the role councelor Mac yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz councelor warka yes president beer yes that motion carries item number 5.3 we have a bid award to relocate Eda house from 320 North Broadway to 10:07 in North Minnesota Street all right thank you so for just a brief overview staff prepared trade specifications for bids to relocate a residence to relocate a residence from 320 North Broadway to 107 North Minnesota Street uh the bid bid package was broken up into different scopes of work by division um including the following uh division 2 site Works which is tree removal uh we received a number of bids for this and in fact we had two that had um come in with the exact same bid um but the bid goes to or the offer goes to gizi Tree Service uh for $1,200 uh to remove six trees that's five on the 320 North Broadway site and one on the 107 uh North Minnesota site division two uh division three and four was excavation demolition Demolition and Foundation uh low bid came in for M crawl construction for $35,790 division six is carpentry work uh Mike crawl construction um came in at $6,999 um he was higher on the uh the carpentry work but the other bidder uh bid three parts together and declined his bid unless they were all um approved together uh division uh 22 and 23 were combined uh which included Plumbing demolition reconstruction um of the water sewer and Ruffin in the back bathroom basement HVAC uh um demolition reconstruction and that went to uh JP plumbing and heating uh for $30,000 uh $30,900 there was a lower Bid And as we were going through the bids and reviewing them um the lower bidder uh did not have uh meet all the specifications in their uh bid package division 26 uh is electrical demolition and reconstruction uh the low bid was Full Service Electric for $7,150 division 31 is excavator uh excavation for the digging of the foundation hole at the new site and Mike crawl had a low bid of $1,257 so total uh cost um for those parts of the project was 9 93,471 those additional costs to move the house and garage from 320 North Broadway to a new garage slab um and the foundation at 10:07 um and house to the New Foundation at 107 North Minnesota Street uh gold Schmid house movers came in with uh the lowest price of $22,500 we have to pay for the assessment for the Demolition and disposal of the blighted home at 107 North Minnesota Street and that is purchase of the property at 10:07 North uh Minnesota street from Brown County um which with applicable fees is $587.6 and then electric and gas service fee for 107 North Minnesota street is $1,100 um so we come up with a total project cost of $151,100 365 um our timeline is to um if bids are awarded tonight we would call call all the those awardees um and try to set up an on-site meeting with all those contractors either later this week or early next week um and the contractor who would be moving the home would like to move that home before the end of September so this is going to move very quickly uh as we proceed here the contractor um Mr crawl um is aware of that timeline and and believes he can meet all those deadlines so that concludes the staff report Mr nle I think it's a great deal that we can do it and repurpose it so I'm going to go ahead and offer the motion to accept the bids awards for the lifting moving and reset of the Eda host from 320 North Broadway to 10:07 North Minnesota Street and purchase a property from Brown County at 10:07 North Minnesota Street second we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion thanks for all the work you put into it there been a lot of work yeah it has been thank you um those those in favor signal by saying I I opposed that does carry thanks thank you um just checking back with a booth on how we're doing on sound and if we're ready to move back to um it should work okay all right it should work all right um item we're going to just step back to item 4.1 which is the presentation of the job classification and the compensation study report completed by fyan Hood um we have uh Ethan with us from the firm yep oh we can hear you hi welcome we can hear you we can't see you that's okay all right and now we're on Chris's screen right now so all right fantastic all right the floor is yours thank you okay uh so my name is Ethan runquist and I'm from poity and hood and we were retained by the city of New Alm to conduct a job classification and compensation update um so I'm just going to walk you through like our process in methodology of the update and uh later in the Clos session meeting we'll go through uh what direction we want to take with uh the update so I'm going to zoom over to page one here the executive summary of our public report um so what what did we do um we re-evaluated the paqs under the safe job evaluation system which takes into consideration the training ability experience level of work human relations skills phys physical demands uh working conditions and Hazards independence of actions impact of the end results and supervision exercise of the positions so we use your current safe evaluation system and just re-evaluated those positions under that system and then we conducted a and then after reviewing the positions and then taking the data from the study um we conducted a market survey where we uh took the most statistically comparable entities uh through the use of a cluster analysis um which essentially takes into consideration the population distance to New all median household income local government Aid need total tax capacity and crime rate of uh of um all the entities within Minnesota um so essentially what this does is uh bring you uh give us a comparable list of the most comparable entities in Minnesota um after we established the comparable entities uh we uh sent these entities a Market survey um the market survey collected information regarding the position's duties uh their pay um as well as base pay structure information Health Insurance data longevity and performance pay information and allowance and reimbursement information um so if we found at least three comparable entities that were at least a 70% match in job duties we uh use that as a benchmark for our Market uh study within the positions um and essentially what we wanted to do here was follow your guys' pay philosophy of being at the 50% of the market um so we re-evaluated the jobs so that uh you would be at the median of the market um and we're going to go through a couple of the options in the close session meeting later today um uh on what routes to take to get there but that's about it okay thank you very much it looks like we do not have to take any action on this at this time so we will move on to section six which is new business um item 6.1 is adopt the revisions to the city pu and personal policy Manu manual Miss thank you president bector and counselors so this is a um there were some revisions to the earn sick and safe time um during the uh 2024 session one is a new exclusion for the definition of employee so now the law provides for the exclusion of volunteer firefighters um the league of Minnesota cities was pushing for this change as volunteer firefighters actually do not get paid an hourly wage and they acrew their earned SI and safe time at their primary jobs um the volunteer fire fighters have been acre earn sick and safe times since the beginning of this year since we had to put it in place but no firefighter has used that um time yet so what we're um asking is that they be remove from the earn sick and safe dime policy we will pay them out what they've accured at at minimum wage because they don't earn an hourly wage and make that change uh and then also the other change that we need to do is to add um that funeral you can take uh ESS for funeral leave now for a family member and that was changed again in the 2024 session so we're asking for those changes what's that going to cost us you have a number minimal I mean I $500 probably it's very minimal um on the cost for that okay I'll offer a motion to approve the revisions to the city pu personnel policy manual which will be effective August 21st 2024 second thank you we have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed that motion does carry um item number 6.2 is the airport airport bipartisan infrastructure airport infrastructure Grant offer Mr stadheim thank you mam president City councilors before you today is a consideration of a grant offer from uh the federal government government this grant would help fund the extension or the southeast apron extension at the airport uh this area is designated in the Airport layout plan uh for a future fueling station and in order that for uh aircraft to reach that fueling station uh this grant um or the apron would need to be extended in this location so this would be southeast of the large heated heer that the Lions have their pancake breakfast in uh to help familiarize your yourself with that that location um that would be extended to the southeast um and then future grants would cover that fuel system um at at a future time so this grant is covered 90% by the FAA a future State Grant would cover an additional 5% and the city would fund 5% or about $4,000 for this so um this was included within the 2024 budget for the airport happy to answer any questions you may have there is an exhibit in your Council packet um on P P well it's uh second to the last page on this item so do we apply for this or do we they send us a notice so the way this works is within the uh Capital Improvement plan for the airport um our consultant engineer prepares the grant offer and we submitted in um just in order to keep up with projects on the airport CIP just curious no it seems like something that definitely needs to happen in the future and if we have 95% of it covered I'm going to go ahead and offer a resolution and accept the grant offer from or for the bipartisan infrastructure law airport infrastructure Grant project number 3-27 70-22 d224 for the new all municipal airport and authorize the city manager and City attorney to execute the grant offer and city manager and finance dire director to execute any amendments second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warka yes and president beer yes that motion does carry item number 6.3 regarding task order number this whole process started back in 2009 uh when we conducted an environmental study on the airport for uh at that time was for the extension of primary Runway 1533 and then also decommissioning Runway 422 and uh construction of a new crosswind Runway uh since that time um our environmental study that we conducted at that time needs to be redone because it's been a number of years um so in 2014 uh the city along with our airport consultant we conducted a Crossman planning study to determine if that 927 alignment was the proper alignment um to move forward with um our current alignment for the cross when runaways that 422 alignment so uh with that uh study that was completed in 2017 and it was therefore determined that the 927 alignment for the cross one was preferred and would uh propose uh phasing out that 422 crosswind Runway uh after 2017 we then updated started the process of updating the airport master plan the Airport layout plan as well as the zoning update that was recently completed in 2020 um so and then along with uh the zoning Ordnance that was updated and approved the airport layo plan and master plan were approved in 2023 and then in March of this year uh city was notified that we received $2.5 million from uh federal government and congressionally directed monies for the construction of the new crosswind Runway at the airport so all that put together we are now starting to work through the process with the FAA um for the ultimate construction of crosswind Runway 927 so the first step we need to do in this is to do a new environmental study because the existing one is uh of date um and to be in compliance with new standards uh that have been enacted since 2009 so this task order with meeten Hunt is propo is proposed for those uh uh environmental review um studies and um whatnot so we can keep this project on task and on schedule to uh utilize those congressionally directed funds so um yeah uh just um this is the very preliminary step one and there's going to be multi more multiple more task orders multip more multiple Grant offers to keep this project moving on a it's a pretty tight deadline in order for us to use these Grant funds um that have been awarded to us so and I see 95% that's yep better grab it quick so I'm going to offer a motion to approve task order number 2020-61 19,38 5 thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion Madam president there is one more item I do want to note with uh task orders in this dollar amount over $100,000 the city is required to do an independent fee valuation that's required by the FAA to make sure we're paying fair market value for the engineering services rendered that was completed and actually um our quote from Meen hunk came in about $5,000 less than that if review so um just so the council knows we are getting fair market value for the services rendered thank you very much that's important as well any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I opposed that motion does carry item number 6.4 CIS mobile field reporting Chief borer president beter members of the council I'm in front of you today to um ask for permission to essentially purchase CIS Field Mobile reporting software and um it's in the price of $1 17,39 I'm asking to use our 290 account specifically and that's our Reserve account specifically our Public Safety Aid is where those funds would would come from um you know I know in the interest of time you have a very full agenda here but um CIS mobile um greatly enhances the officer's capability um on the street as far as generating the documentation Trail and accessing information if you think of like a lot of the information that dispatchers would have in front of them um they have that that capability um with this with this app um dayto day they would certainly have that back at the office but this you know gives them the ability to use this in the field one thing I I would have I didn't know which year to budget this for so when we received our Public Safety Aid um approximately last year at this time we were you know looking at you know good applications good uses of those funds and the public um Public Safety Aid the the P apps um Public Safety answering points are controlled by the Sheriff's Office and that's that's essentially by by state law and you know they received the funds to do that that the counties and the cities of the first class this definitely enhances those abilities as well the Sheriff's Office was the first one to go forward with this we're waiting for their report on it and it's been very favorable so they've recently you know if you want to say tested it they were the first ones to go the sheriff's office would certainly like all the law enforcement agencies within the county to implement this as well um it's a huge timesaver initially I had a little bit of concerns with the Tactical because you know if you're typing reports you know you a little bit vulnerable when you're out the field but um you know certainly by our practices I don't I don't think that that's a a major concern and it just simply provides more time on the street patrolling responding to Citizens um concerns versus in the office typing and doing the doing that part of the the job so um again in the interest of time I tried to summarize do you have any questions or anything about this this isn't anything that would affect directly affect the levy but it's still public money is there an ongoing fee for this just the one time no there's there's ongoing um like what they refer as maintenance costs approximately $250 a year okay thank you I'm going to go ahead and authorize the new on Police Department to use 17 $1,039 in the 290 fund financial reserve account to purchase the CIS mobile field reporting software license and Professional Services second thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion and just another note Like Chief Bard said these funds came from the public aid or safety Aid M so it's not as if that's a separate fund thanks for the info yep um what is the timeline like how quickly can you do this once you move approximately 30 days okay all right very good thank you any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I opposed that motion does carry thank you item number 6.5 special assessment interest rate for proposed for projects financed by 2024 bonds uh counselors this is an annual request that we usually follow up shortly after with the from the bond sale um it's to set the assess the assessment interest rate for the assessments being um the projects being conducted with the 2024 projects um and we usually go about 2% more than what the interest rate was for the bonds so with that rate having been just over 2.95% we're recommending 4.95% as the interest for any special special assessments levied this year I'll offer the resolution authorizing to set an interest rate of 4.95% for special assessments levied for projects financed by General obligation permanent Improvement revolving fund bonds series 2024 second thank you we have a motion on a second any additional discussion director jensson please call the rule councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warka yes and president beer yes motion carries item number 6.6 a public hearing date for a noise variance for newm Chamber of Commerce October Fest I'll offer a motion to schedule a public hearing for Tuesday September 3rd 2024 4:30 p.m. for request for newm chamber in Commerce for a noise variance to permit Amplified sound and music during October Fest for the following Friday October 4th 2024 at 3 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Minnesota Street in front of BNL bar between first North and Center streets and Saturday October 5th 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Center Street in front of ksky between Broadway and Minnesota street from 400 p.m. to 11: p.m. on Minnesota Street in front of BNL bar between first North and Center streets second thank you we have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed does carry item number 6.7 hermanfest 2024 requests thank you council president beter city council um this is the annual request from the Herman Monument Society to hold Herman Fest on on this year SE Saturday September 7th 2024 and this is the 12th year of this event uh no substantial changes to this event but coming to you due to the following um circumstances uh there will be discharge of cannons again at the event fireworks uh during the event and um closure of uh Center Street between garden and Highland Avenue last year one of the safety measures that was really went over well was continuing to leave the roadways closed a little bit longer because there's a lot of moving um pedestrian foot traffic and it's dark out after the conclusion of the fireworks so we looking to do that again this year and park and W staff has been working with the Herman Monument society and annual planning of this event again it's a well-run program so I'll uh I'll offer a resolution authorize the Herman Monument Society to temporarily Clos Center Street between Garden Street and Highland Avenue on Saturday September 7th 202 4 from approximately 8:15 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to accommodate the fireworks discharge during hermanfest and authorize the request by Herman Monument Society for the following during Herman Fest Saturday September 7th 2024 in Herman Heights and Harmon Park uh one Grant the exception to the city code 8.2 subdivision 3 to allow the discharge of cannons and fireworks during the event two authorize the discharge of fireworks at Herman Heights Park during the event permit is required as the City uh is the owner and three allow the fire department to remain on standby at the fireworks discharge site should their services be required this does not include crowd control or firework discharge activities zag thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion director Jorgenson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councel Schultz yes councelor wara yes president bker yes motion carries item number 6.8 Lutheran Social Services Community Center Senior dining rate Mr shugal once again thank you president beter city council uh this is a a request for the daily rate adjustment at the community center uh cafetorium for Lu Lutheran Social Services and their agreement with the city of New Alm uh Lutheran Social Services has long been renting the community center to provide senior dining and the City prioritized that over the years uh this in 2024 there was no rate increase in your packet you can see over the years what those rates have looked like um it did go to the park and rec commission LA on August 12 and the parking commission unanimously recommended a 3% increase bringing a daily rate of $541 Lutheran Social Services staff did attend that meeting they were also invited tonight to attend the meeting um um and they did speak to the commission and commission did ask some some good questions I'm happy to answer any questions that any of you may have tonight thank you uh my question is item a it says City's approximate expenses in 2024 that's our that's what our daily estimated yeah rate is yeah that's $100 approximately per day and that comes from Mostly staff labor time but also in is also use of C supplies uh you know Building Maintenance grounds kitchen appliances wear and tear um maintenance staff time to repair some of those issues and then also the replacement costs that come with that sure um next question is on B it says 8650 was their daily rate in 2014 counselors I'm just going to lean on you guys the the uh the veterans here um if you remember what maybe had changed with that I remember that meeting very well especially the 2015 uh we had a pretty robust discussion in this Chambers about how important this program is and how it keeps people in their homes and yes that maybe that costs us some but the overall value of the program makes up that cost however we have in the last couple years said why aren't they going to the county to get some funding and other places to get funding why are we funding most of this and they were going to do that I think last year they said were going to do that and I don't know if they did did they no council Schultz they did report that they they have not sought out extra funding and you'll notice that around 50% of the meals do go outside of new orle and I'm still kind of okay with that but then 50% of them are still in our community too and we want to make sure we don't lose the program that would be devastating um I would have probably supported a larger increase to kind of push them to um start seeking other funding but I'll support the recommendation mhm was in attendance at the park meeting and it was unanimous that we need to keep up with it I mean everything is going up times are tough everywhere right I am in a comment I did ask that question to them about the county they explain to us a different method how the county helps out the individual you know if they're on meal assistance from the county that's not giving anything to the rent of the building I want to clarify that you know uh the lady had said that but again go to the county or whatnot I also agree with councelor Schulz eventually we're going to have to go more um I agree as well I read through the lease agreement um and a three and a 3% increase I mean they're still getting this for a very very good rate um it's a good service but nearly half of these meals that are prepared go outside of our city limits um I know I received an email from a um from a constituent um and some questions from someone else um and so this is something that is on the the minds of our taxpayers um another thing is that um you know we are trying to and I believe Park and wreck is trying to kind of I want to say level the playing field and make making sure that all of the organizations that are in our user spaces are paying their fair share now again we're not looking to make a profit in the park and wreck but we're trying to make sure that those expenses are covered because we already do have the largest park and wreck budget per capita in the state correct me if I'm wrong on that that's correct that's correct right so we want to have these excellent quality parks and these excellent programs and we want to have all of these other things but they're really starting to come at a cost and and you know we can't really pick and choose which things we want to subsidize and so while this is a step in the right direction I want to be very clear that moving forward I would like to see either a quarterly or an annual fee charged to this group that is in line with what our city expenses will be thank you I'll make a motion to authorize the adjustment for the daily rental of the community center kitchen and cafetorium at the Lutheran Social Services in relation to the senior dining program to $541 cents from the park and wreck commission August 12th 2024 daily rental recommendation second thank you we do have a motion on a second any additional discussion um my only other comment is that I hope that those on the park and wreck committee next year um kind of remember this um and use some of this history um and that we just I think I think it's important um that we communicate to LSS what our intentions will be for them you know at least you communicate what my intentions will be um in the coming year so that they can plan and prepare because we have given them time and um and there certainly other other communities that don't want to lose the service just as much as we don't want to lose it and if we can kick in they can kick in as well any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed that motion does carry item number 6.9 Realtor Association of southern Minnesota Grant acceptance president Becker city council uh this is a request to accept a grant from the Realtor Association of southern Minnesota in the amount of $7,500 that would partially fund a new shade structure at the dog park uh the Realtor Association of southern Minnesota did approach uh Park and Recreation staff and we're looking for to make an impact in a public space that the community could come and gather in and we presented them with a variety of options and one of the options was a a new dog park shelter that we did have very uh wonderful volunteers that made that um original structure happen at the dog park along with most uh the fencing at the dog park and all that investment over the years so this would further enhance that amenity down there and uh uh would be materials that would uh last much longer we we're looking at um manufactured steel with the tin roof on this new shade structure the other funding for this would come from a dog park donations fund as well so no impact in the 2024 um budget so sighting on three sides then just uh four poles and a roof a I was wondering because I was like how are they going to see where their dogs are the original the original shelter was also a donation from Comcast um when we first put that program together I'll go ahead and offer a resolution to accept a grant from the Realtor Association of southern Minnesota the amount of $7,500 to partially fund a new shade structure at the dog park located at 527 South German Street second be a lot of happy dog owners in this town we do have a motion motion and a second any additional discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councel Schultz yes councelor warmc yes president beer yes motion carries item number 6.10 updates smokefree signage in parks and recreation facility Grant request president beer counselors this is a request uh for staff to apply for a grant from the Statewide Health Improvement partnership um or ship as you as many of you know it as to update our smokefree signage in Parks as you may recall you approved in 2023 uh when the state of Minnesota changed Chang the legislation to include cannabis use um in parks to to remove uh incl our smoke free policy to include cannabis now so that took effect in January 1 we were waiting on funding from the association of um non-smokers of Minnesota that funding did not come through as you can imagine there's a lot of different uh requests out there and um still getting everything squared away with the new legislation so we did uh identify that ship with a possibility for funding for this so that's what this request is for in the amount of $3,000 I'll offer the resolution to authorize staff to submit a Statewide Health Improvement partnership Grant application for updated smoke free signage in Parks and Recreation F facilities that includes cannabis second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion director Jorgenson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warka yes and president Becker yes that motion does carry item number 6.11 school resource officer agreement once again uh Chief president beer members of the council so in in front of you we have uh another contract so back in May of May 21st 2024 I had been in front of the council here as for approval of a of a contract which was approved this is very similar to that but if you know if you recall um last year about this time we were having some challenges at the state level with the school resource officer policies and ultimately everything got resolved but this was one change that um the legislature really felt was was important and um they highly recommend that's in our contracts and you know just it it's addressed so the only change between the other contract that was approved of May 21st of 2024 and today is in 5.8 that says the SRO must not use force or authority of their office solely to enforce school rules or policies or participate in the enforcement of discipline for violations of school rules so that's that's basically it and um you know so it' be a updated approved contract based on that any questions or anything that I can answer I know full agenda interest interest of time but I um it's important the school year starting here soon and um I would certainly appreciate this being basic language change so I don't have any problem with this I'll go ahead and offer the school resource officer agreement between the city and new Al acting through its police department and Independent School District 88 for one school year commencing with the beginning of the 2425 school year to manage the school resource officer program and authorize a city manager to sign the contract on behalf of the city of no second thank you we have a motion in a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I oppose that motion does carry thank you thank you Chief item number 6.12 receive vacation petition and set public hearing date for September 17th 2024 uh Dave schnober community development director Madame President members of the city council the process to vacate uh street right away in the city of New Al there are two steps step one is to receive a petition and to set a public hearing date a month later the city council conduct step two which is to have the public hearing and then to make a decision on whether or not to approve the requested uh Street vacation in this particular case we're talking about a piece of property that is um um located between South Valley Street and the railroad it's 8th South Street so it's probably about 90 ft in um uh length um the owner of the property is Jared Haynes and he is the one that has petitioned for its vacation he owns a property on either side of the rightaway um this segment of RightWay has never been used for Street purposes um in the month's time period uh between step one and step two staff will notify um city and P departments um local communication companies and then ad joining Property Owners to advise of this proposed request that would conclude the staff report I know we've done this in the past and uh I'm going to offer a motion to receive the petition request ing the vacation of eth South right away generally located between South Valley Street and the Dakota Minnesota Eastern Railway Corporation right away and set the public hearing date for the petition for Tuesday September 17th 2024 at 4:30 p.m. second thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed motion does carry item 6.13 Park and Recreation donations I'll offer a resolution to accept donations offered to the city of New Alm through the park and recck Department as outlined uh pickle ball General from Cynthia Schultz for $100 German Park paperstone from Laura reinard honoring John maen for 200 German Park paperstone from Karina allness honoring Cheryl cus for 200 pickle ball General from Daniel and rosemary cool for 200 uh totaling $700 second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion director Jorgenson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warka yes president Becker yes that motion does carry item number 6.14 library donations and memorials I'll offer a resolution to accept the donations offered from new and Public Library that include Anonymous $50 Linda linquist $50 Kim Jefferson $250 Kim Jefferson another 15 $ Bernice Schmid's $20 newm area foundation $32.50 newm area foundation $296 Teresa westrup uh $20 Anonymous 50 Marie golden 50 Anonymous 5,000 wow nice U Prairie peacemakers Guild uh $118 friends and new home Public Library $3,500 and Friends of the newon public library $1,200 we total cash donations um and physical donations of $1,755 15 second second thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion uh just a special thanks to those uh generous donors M yes thank you director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warka yes and president Becker yes that motion does carry uh moving on to section seven um item 7.1 is a closed session for labor negotiation strategies so um at this time the city of New Alm Council uh will convene into a closed session in accordance with Minnesota statute 13d .03 subdivision 1 Clause B to discuss labor negotiation strategies for AFS CME number 1204 L LS number 150 and the compensation and classification study thank you need a motion to proceed I would be looking to him for a motion to proceed motion to proceed in a Clos session to discuss labor negotiation strategy for asme number 1204 LS number 150 and the compensation and classification study second thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I post that motion does carry at this time we are moving into a