##VIDEO ID:KPn5hESTfyo## e e e e e e e good afternoon everybody this is the new Heritage preservation Commission meeting for August 19th I would like to make sure that um everybody's had a chance to meet the minutes and if you have any questions or changes to please say so now otherwise we'll look for a nomination to accept it I make a nomination to approve the minutes for last meeting of May May 20th second all those favor I I I move on to I get my screen back okay I can't can't get my agenda up there we go thank you we have some design reviews lwood yep we've got one design review for sign for um the graay co-op um Amy Golden's applying on behalf of gray three South Minnesota Street um it is for new signage in the former side of the building that had um Subway sandwiches so it's the sign and some painting as you can see on the picture in your packet um the signage above the windows there on a back blackground black background with 10 s ft of signage going in there which complies with our um signage requirements for the downtown area I think they were allowed 12 square ft what's left on that building because they share the signage with the nor or the North half of that building which they got a sign two signs on the front and then a sign on Center Street and then outlining with the paint that gray paint around covering up the red striping that's on there currently um that is what we're looking at today got any questions or anything Amy's here to answer anything if we have anything I don't have any questions anybody else no I have a motion to approve a motion to approve as submitted second all in favor I I I all right that was easy thank you thanks Elwood any reports from the city um we got correspondence back from our architect on Herman shiple pushed it out they should be responding the end of the month is what we got on that that's all I've got well jeie and I are going to be applying uh for a scholarship to go to the HPC um convention that they have in the fall which will be in September down in Redwing if anybody else wants to go I would suggest you sign up for it too because you learn a lot and it's just a lot of fun get to see different cities and how they do things okay it's about City procedures and government or it can be a variety of things we never know until we get there what the agenda is going to be but we get there's usually the morning is usually class sessions and in the afternoon you do tours sign up the tours are really good the tour tours are worth going just for that when is this event or is it on the it's September 18th through the 20th usually on the 18th of Wednesday they usually have um what they had approved of sometimes we have to look at that tonight too right um where do I call or inquire about this well you should have gotten it online oh okay if you didn't um get a hold of I would stop and see El or or Beth upstairs upstairs forwarded cuz she forwarded everything out if you didn't get it your Motel your registration your uh okay mileage whatever for some reason my notifications from you have been getting lost it's a problem on my end okay all right sorry but it is worth I mean it is worth going I've been to them in the past and Redwings a great City to go to yeah yeah yeah my wife is from out that area anyway so well there you go 18th through the 20th right just thought I'd give everybody a chance to sign up yet there's still time so and and what is it called formally it is the Minnesota State Historical preservation okay okay I'll find it I I think I may have seen it somewhere wait all right I'll check it out other than that I don't have anything else to report um R brot log asked if I could just raise one question he was wondering when Georgia's Ballroom comes down since that falls within the district do we have input on what could go in there afterward afterwards for design review yeah have you seen the rough draft or the two designs submitted I have not well they were actually in the paper I think yeah they were yeah yeah we'll have we'll have that opportunity to to look at it and see what's what's going in um we're just waiting for the demolition to start right they keep saying this fall yet supposedly all the paperwork and money has been taken care of here all I'm going to last we the week the week before um they're still talking about getting demolition done this fall yet as we're starting the project that they were hoping to get demolition done and start um this fall but I don't see that timeline Happening Now anymore but um and I haven't seen any plans or anything yet come through our office for for stuff so but yeah it will it'll come in front of HBC for for looking at it um so go from there anybody have anything else they want to bring up all right this meeting is adjourned thank you