##VIDEO ID:fk6RbVVd-bg## e e e e okay so it is 5:15 on Monday August 26 so I will call to order this meeting of the new Human Rights Commission um the first thing on the agenda is the approval of minutes from the July 22nd meeting if everybody wants to take a peek at those and review let me know if you have questions or changes I'm wondering you weren't at the last meeting but we had talked about the speaker and we were thinking had more information she just said she was unable to um with some personal things that came up she was unable to prepare a presentation at this time so she said if anything changed she would reach out okay any other questions or comments if not I would entertain a motion to approve the minutes from July 22nd I'd move to approve the minutes as written I'll second that I'll approve say I iose same sign that motion passes um next thing on the agenda is the budget report um and we'll discuss this further down on the agenda we don't need a motion on this at all but just for reference um with all of our expenses we have $1,337 51 left in our budget or no 1,68 .96 sorry and we can discuss that when we get down to that agenda item does anybody have any questions about this okay we'll move to the events committee so the first thing in the events committee um piece is the inventory of the Human Rights Commission items so there's first the list of the things that have been distributed and then the items remaining at City Hall um so it just goes through the Varian blast parade the national light out and the Brown County Fair and what we gave out at each event and then what we have remaining is this based on janal's organizing and Counting everything I believe so if so I just want to un record commend janal for organizing all that thank you thanks doing that no problem I'm kind of weird like that but it's really cool to see how much we gave out at each thing so that's really nice and it was easy to you know when you worked at the fair Booth to I assumed did you have a hand in getting all that counted out and ready yeah to just kind of have it in front of you yeah we didn't give out as many signs at the fair as we did last year most people didn't want to carry them yeah but when I was in the booth I also think um because they were the same signs as last year right weren't they so people might have had them from last year I know we had one from last year I didn't think of that for next year yeah yeah they've held up really well so I guess that's good but people don't need them this year um so there's a list of what is remaining um and not just supplies that we hand out but just supplies in general that are at City Hall so 78 lip balms 197 stickers 30 kindness and social justice stickers 31 HRC brochures 83 large bookmarks 48 business cards um the URL link doesn't work on those but it takes to the city website 46 protect protected class printouts from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights three summary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights two elanar Roosevelt quotes one no discrimination signs six critical race Theory approximately 3x3 a statement of the HRC purpose a statement of the QR survey code uh want a yard sign just ask and then 89 yard signs and then miscellaneous supplies for setting up the boo we only have one more event on for the year two two more events two more events for the year and we don't have a ton left in the budget so I think and I think that I know we're going to talk about it later but I think some of that budget is a lot of it will be eaten up by the yep education committee contest stuff so um so that's just informational we don't need a motion on that um so the next is the new Al Night Out summary EV of the event held Thursday July 25th does anybody have a summary of that I was not there janal did awesome yeah Casey and I were there y there was um I think you know there was a good crowd over all at the event and you know people would Bop by and and you know kids like stickers and lip balm um handful of people scan the QR code I don't of course know how many actually took the survey but yeah I think it's a good thing to be at a lot of people were asking for bags because that's what everyone was going around doing is like collecting stuff from from places so I don't know if next year we want something to think a bag that The draw bags or something maybe move away from like the bookmarks and the stickers at least the bigger stickers they haven't been as popular of late people really liked the other stickers that we got the new stickers the the um the one that said be kind the colorful ones and then even the social justice ones I found were hit at least at the Brown County Fair um where I sat at the booth yeah those were popular mhm and they were inexpensive really yeah it was like 5.99 for 100 or something oh wow okay which is not bad yeah so do we need more stuff for the events this year or are we thinking we're going to let's let's go through them and then we can Circle back um so then Brown County Fair summ summary of the booth does anybody have any comments or summary on that at all I was only in there for one shift um I had a bunch of other commitments but when I was in there it went well people did like those stickers I had a lot of people pick those up yeah I thought the giveaways this year were good people liked both the stickers and the lip balm I did have a few people scan the QR code one person was really interested in it um and I even had someone come up to me with um like a civil rights complaint I wrote it in the notebook that was in there and I I was going to send out an email and then it just left me I I took a picture of what I wrote and I will send out an email um I'll be vague cuz public but she has a child that has special needs who lives in a home like a group home and she felt as though the group home was taking advantage of the fact that the child has some intellectual needs and some developmental needs and was manipulating the child to not want to spend as much time with Mom this was mom talking to me mom wants her to be at home more but Mom feels as though the center wants her to be there more because they get paid when she's there so she thought that maybe they weren't ing to her all of her rights I think when we've had and may please feel free to jump in if correct me if I'm wrong but I think when we've had people cuz I've been approached a few times with those two I think that we've understood that our role is we're supposed to help them if they want to file a complaint with the the Minnesota y the Minnesota HRC and then if there's something we can do if there's any way we can assist with like educating and stuff that's what we've done in the past sure in that particular situation there's actually the ombudsman's office that handles complaints for folks in long-term care facilities so depending on the lure of where this person is living that might be a place too to direct them I did um encourage her to take the survey and then like I said I wrote down um what she said and said that I would pass it on so I will send an email and then I guess maybe so do we forward it to this um um do you have her contact information we could give her that information yeah and the information for the um Minnesota human rights because there is a process to file yep yeah complaint and I can get you the edsman info okay anything else on the fair do we know any of the responses I we'll review them later yeah it's on the agenda um I had heard something about like um Financial worries and things like that I don't know if like at these when we have booths if we can have County information on sources just there that's a good idea um that like packets they can take on resources yeah that's a really good idea yeah okay I think any resources connecting you know connecting human rights with just anything that they we have available just information is helpful because not only does it give people information and resources they need but also so it kind of highlights what human rights is you know kind of all about it's pretty broad so I really like that suggestion Casey I um recently for um a city council meeting and wanting to know Social Services provided by the county went on the website but also um they've got an excellent brochure that lists all their services contact information and even subsets of what that uh service might look like so it's a great idea to have that uh partnering with what we're doing out there is booth and contacting people MH anything else on the fair okay then the next item is the South Central Minnesota pridefest parade which is Saturday September 7th um we did already submit our registration do we have an update on partnering with prism and one new w I know for one norom there wasn't a whole lot of or the last meeting was a busy time and there weren't many people so I think at this point we have two people that are willing to come but we're going to talk on Monday at our next meeting about it as well and I think we'll probably be able to generate a few more okay so um and then are we do we have people I apologize because I was not at the last meeting do we have people do we need to do a sign up or just kind of um Gather in on who from this group is going to be there I think we T talked about it last time and knew that there was at least a few people available so when I get a little bit closer Lisa usually sends out the registration information to everybody just so we can see what time we need to be there and line up and all that stuff um and then the other event that we have um and the events committee met on this on August 20th is the rural welcoming initiative so the city council got a stien from the um real welcoming initiative to help put on an event for welcome week which is September 13th through the 21st so the events committee met and we decided to attempt to put on an event using that stien um the thought is and we have a couple things going on the thought is to do it on Friday September 20th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and the point of it is just to kind of create a space where people can come we um a diverse group of people can kind of just feel welcome have a place to meet see connections kind of see what available in our community so our plan is to do it on September 20th like I said is a Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 um there's basically two locations um we were the first thought was to have it in the parking lot here by city hall because that's visible from Broadway and they use it for like um vendor fairs and theyve use it for farmers markets and stuff we have to submit a request to the city council to see if we can use that space their next meeting is the 3D I've submitted the documentation to request to use it the only um concern is that that because it's a Friday it would bump into the weekday um people would still be parking there before 5:00 so just figuring out how to clear out the space in time to get um set up and then the other spot would be the road next to German Park and I've already reached out to park and wreck and they blocked that off for us so we'll have a space it'll just kind of be we won't know till the third what space we can use so the first space is going to be the city council parking lot and if not then we're going to go to German Park we're trying to get food trucks and we've kind of split it up um some music we would like to partner with and Janelle sent it out to the city the chamber to partner with other um businesses in town nothing okay and see if they want to send up little booze to kind of just share what their business is about so just trying to engage as much as possible what did I miss I feel like I missed something I didn't bring my notes I believe that there you guys reached out for one new Al and that's on for Monday as well yep so I reached out to one newal I also reached out to Amigo State newal um the contact for Amigo still Su she did get back to me she did say that they would be interested and that that time would work and at least at least Amigos Stam could have a booth there um she said some of their members do have food tracks and might be interested so she's going to she asked me if I had a flyer to tr for her to translate and I said well we didn't have a flyer yet but I would ask about it I don't know maybe putting together able to make one is a good idea the only thing is we just won't have the location till the 3D so that's why I me we could put location to be determined and then just throw that on like location like on there yeah and so I did just tell her if you could just translate the email I sent you for now that has the date and time and then I did tell them the city parking lot so we can change that if you need to I guess question if we have for sure that street like you're saying the street would be a backup would it be easier to just go with that so then we have a location because then we could publicize a lot better we totally could like I said it's on the city council agenda um their only concern was will we have enough time to block off the parking lot that day because it is a work day I just feel like if you're waiting till the 3D and then putting up PO like that's not a lot of turn around it might be better to make a decision right now and just say let's go with the backup plan and then we can generate some posters and stuff we had talked about it just because on Broadway we thought we might get some more traffic um and then I had reached out to someone with I haven't heard back from about bouncy house and the puppet thing too um but that's why we had talked about that plus there is a uh walking tour for like the downtown area that's 20 bucks a ticket for a new welome that day um so just trying to piggyback with that too but I don't know like I I agree if we have something we might as well just full steam ahead just the street in front of German Park where the farmers market used to be is that yeah okay EXC me I mean I know the re the reason they moved it away from that location is just low visibility and I mean I think it'd be much nicer to have it up here really do adjust the time to six to eight then we have that Gap we'd still have to wait though for approval is we no matter what we have to wait for approval from the city council so that's the only thing we could totally adjust the time even 5:30 to seventh yeah basically just have to put up the barricades the reason why I like this is because even if we don't get flyers or posters or information out to people they can see it and they just walk up I agree what's this you know I think to rely on cuz I don't know how far we're going to reach we didn't have a lot of time to put this together by the time we got the information and then we were able to put together an events committee so you know just kind of it's nobody's fault it was just kind of like how it worked so we don't have a lot of time so that's why we really wanted to try and get it on Broadway just because of the visibility so but I could do is I could adjust my application to city council too and just say we're going to push the time back a little bit and maybe that would help them yeah kind of and I can get a flyer made so then right when we get a go-ahead if we do we can do it yeah and then also a peach jar I'm thinking that's the thing that the schools are using to send out that's a good idea stuff to people and then I also um was hoping and I can reach out to Lisa I've done this in the past is if maybe just should get like five minutes on K J and just speak about it and I'm willing to do that again all in the city's Facebook page yeah so we have kind of all stuff ready to go for advertising we just need to finalize the date the food trucks probably have Facebook pages they might share that too I mean I feel like personally knowing the date and the time is more important than the where because I'll inevitably forget and be like okay where was that again and so like I I don't need the as much lead time you know what I mean as long as I have the date marked off I'm like okay we're you know it's true true I did reach out to so food trucks come to the hospital a lot so I got that list from our Hospital coordinator and I did reach out to all of the non-american selling um trucks I haven't heard back from any specific truck but that was just on Friday so I'm going to give some more time and see um so that and then oh sorry no I reached out to the ones that were not on that list and I also I've only heard back from one and that was they already had something booked so we'll just that that's the only other thing too is this something that we would have a booth at and yeah and one could have Booth um a contact from so I sent it out to the new mailing list and I got one person back so far but she represents the women League vote women of Voters League of Women Voters League of Women Voters thank you and then she also has connections with heart of newal and she thought both of them would be interested so she's going to reach out to them and I invited both of them to have boots so that's where I've gotten so far yeah great and the one thing too when we're looking at Flyers just cuz we're trying to throw this together really quickly is just asking like if you want a booth we were just asking if they bring their own table just cuz I don't know how else we're going to coordinate getting everything done in such a short amount of time I told them they'd have to bring everything they need for their yeah please yeah we just have concrete yeah another good time to push the I mean we'll get to it later but talking about the community need survey because again I feel like we need to do a better job of promoting that or explaining it or all of that I know we kind of rolled it out last minute but I think that would be a good thing too like we have the responses we have and we'll review them but just to keep keep it up especially yeah I think it will definitely help because if we have it out there and just promote it a little more is that that can the survey go on like the Facebook page we don't have can you do that with Facebook page but the city's Facebook the city could yeah I mean can you do a QR code something that has to be approved or do we just ask Lisa you have to talk to Lisa I'm not sure what the we can ask Lisa and see what the rules are and then yeah yeah I just wasn't even sure if a QR code worked you just a link like a l link heat and then since earlier we talked about the idea of having some um the like the list from Brown County of their services I will call them tomorrow and see if maybe they want to be there and if they can't be there cuz you know it's after their work hours if I could at least get a supply of their brochure that'd be good that'd be great and if anybody has like thoughts of any business or person or organization they want to include in this like I said we're kind of just doing on the fly so feel free to reach out it's just kind of open to any organization you feel would help yeah welcome so the statement on yeah welcoming week is through welcoming week organizations and communities bring together Neighbors of all backgrounds to build strong connections and affirm the importance of welcoming and inclusive places in achieving Collective Prosperity so that's kind of you notice anybody who would be interested um kind of just in fostering Connections in a welcoming environment would be welcome to participate okay so pass it on to my work if you might be interested um so then that would lead us to um do we think we need any additional items for this year keeping in mind that we do have to allocate a portion of our budget to the education committee for the poster essay and video contest it looks like we still have a decent amount of the stickers all the social justice ones do went through a lot huh I don't know I think there's enough and then maybe the signs might go a little bit more when people don't have quite so much stuff to to carry otherwise if it really is only like five bucks for 100 that might be something another pack of stickers if that's mhm it looks like you went through like over 100 they're so cheap I would get more of those over 100 that night or that at the fair so are we think we want to try to get those for the parade next week for the welcoming week for the welcoming week are we bringing anything to that parade in the past we brought Candy okay yeah normally somebody will just buy it and then submit for reimbursement and the last couple prays we spent about a hundred bucks but we probably need to be careful with that because I think our budget is pretty tight at this point so we need to think about the money for the uh cuz we'll be paying out for the prizes that's what I'm saying I think that um when she did figure out what the total would yeah maybe we should go down to education talk about the prize amounts and then we'll see how much we have left anybody have any other questions comments concerns ideas on the events committee okay um so education committee report so the poster essay and video contest so the documents are attached um so the letter to the schools the one thing I would say for the letter to the schools is I know that we had talked at our um committee meeting about really emphasizing the prize money on here so like even something with like we were going to maybe title it like want to win 100 bucks something like that trying to draw those kids in and give them some motivation to actually do it so that would be just a suggestion I would have would be to like put like a headline on there or something that's going to catch them but so we want to get this out in time we want to get this out probably before the next meeting I would assume is that the thought open October 1st to November 1st so okay um so we could talk in September right yeah yep but what I see right away is that we already don't have enough money for this Y unless so we have to look at unless you count 500 for doing the event next month when do we get that oh that I'm not sure I can check oh sure yeah that that right I'm not sure how that do you know mayor how that gets into the that stien um I don't know but I again Lisa I can I'll reach to Lisa when I do reimbursements it's generally they hold the money and then you um submit your invoices and payment will be made so and that's one thought you know for that $500 typen for that event we could do those stickers and candy or whatever we want out of that cuz at this point specifically at this point everything we have so far is not anything we at this point need to pay for because the food trucks yeah so we haven't heard back so that would be something to keep in mind as we're looking at this one suggestion I can just see right away is it looks like we have a first place and then two places after every first place if we just make one place after every first place and we'd save like maybe $200 that was my thinking also so is there a $100 okay so there's one two three four categories and each one has $100 so there's three categories there's a poster an essay and a video okay and then the essay and video are only for there's there's age groups okay so there's F fifth through e8th and 9th through 12th age group for just those two and then the poster one has two younger age groups as well so how many total prizes are there these would all be prizes if you're looking at that prize levels those are all prizes so there' be a first place for each of those categories in each in each oh I'm particip I didn't know there was a reason for the random for those of you that weren't at the last meeting is we're really trying to draw the kids in so even if you don't think hey I'm a great artist give the poster a try anyway maybe you're the random one that gets drawn and we really want to emphasize the prizes because we want to generate more involvement could we do one first and one random yeah hadn't we discussed last time limiting those random prizes to um was it one for the I want to say it was two for yeah the whole poster group whole poster group or something like that I thought we' figured out that it was in the budget so yeah I I don't think that we meant for two random prizes for each age group for so there would be a first place for k3d a first place for 46 first place for 79 first place for 1012 and then two random $25 ones for the whole poster and then the essay the two first Place prizes and then two randoms for the essay mhm two first place prizes for video and then two randoms so that'd be six randoms versus yeah there's a lot on here that I was going to say I thought we had been closer on our look at the video and rewatch The section for the notes when I was doing the minutes I was like what did I write down trying to do math sit so so if we did that then for the poster it would be a 450 cuz we'd have $400 prizes 1 2 3 4 and 225 so that's 450 right in this and then for the essay we'd have 250 250 because we'd have two hundreds and then two randoms MH and then for the video we'd have 250 again 200s and then 225s so that's $950 which is I think significantly less than what we were ourg now yeah that sounds more like what we wereing last that's what we were thinking and then so then we would still potentially $18 left in the budget a little money if we need to get more stuff if we need to do some candy and stuff there's your candy candy for the Pride Fest and then we could use that stien to do some things for the stickers for the other event cool yeah I would love to make a motion to have someone purchase $100 worth of C candy for the Pride Fest would that be separate from the other one then yes okay second I'll approve say I I same sign so that motion passes to approve $100 to spend for candy for pridefest is there anybody willing to do that that will for sure be there you okay with that okay I'm 50/50 that I'll be able to make it so okay and then would we have a motion on the welcoming event and I would just suggest we just want to be cautious not to spend all of the dipen because we don't know what else we're going to incur as we kind of go through this again but would we want to do 100 again for candy and then maybe like a round or two of the stickers if they're really only five bucks or roughly five bucks depend on the type one was like $6.99 one was like4 .99 so maybe doing like two rounds of them so we have enough if they went that fast and and then we could use else we have last left to okay would we have a motion on that I will make a motion that we uh spend $100 on candy and buy two rounds of the stickers for the real welcoming initiative second all approve say I I oppose same sign and do we have any motions on the prize amounts I motion for the adjusted prize amounts with the fewer of the random prizes I'll second that I'll approve say I oppose same sign right and that motion to adjust the prize amounts passes any other comments questions I did reach out to with the grand about having them display um the winning um posters and and Essay well I don't know if the essays were on display previously but um and they are interested they just don't know what that would look like exactly and I didn't provide you know all the information so I can continue to be in contact and see if we can figure out I know when they did it the last time we didn't have a ton of entries but they put all of them up not just the winning on but there wasn't a whole ton of them yeah and then they did put the essays up as well they had them cuz most of them were just like a page okay so so they had them just up on the wall y say that they have limited staff right now so the support they can offer is kind of limited but um yeah we can maybe we could offer to like set it up or something it was really cool for the kids sure and if we were going to do that is that something we could add to this letter like mhm that entries will be displayed or something yeah just say entries to be displayed at a location loced check what the library as a backup maybe or I don't know if they do that here that looks like here there's not as many people here probably right that come through here so a couple things on the letter sorry kind of skipping back and forth under this item um so the letter to schools so September we have to put a date in um the first question is do we want to reference the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights United States Bill of Rights for Minnesota Human Rights Act keep or remove that is the question I think I think we should remove it I think the fewer words PE the better for people to read through no and it's just encouraged it's not saying it's required so okay have a motion on every piece piece of this letter could could we probably have to motion to approve all the changes I would assume go ahead sorry well I'm just thinking could you tell people not so much that they referenced it but if they were looking for starting points that might be a good thing for them to look at sure like you could put that maybe down on the bottom or something just like noting well all of these well not the not the poster but the essay and the video like they're that is from the Declaration of Human Rights like that's what the question is you know like all these areas mhm so you could see like more you could put a note on here like more information about protected classes found in yeah there you go found it so it's not so much as a requirement but just sort of a helpful hint you can find more information abouted some suggested references are this and then I mean maybe a link to um the Human Rights Commission mission statement and just a couple other things for them like a springboard versus yeah like you said recommending or en know what equal opportunity and means so we could take that bullet point out and just add a note on the bottom yeah just like suggested references and you could we could link it there so okay video topic entry should be what to what minutes and length and then do we want to limit number of students in each video I don't know that you need to necessarily limit it like if they want to do a whole group like obviously they're are not all going to get well I think it's a prize for the entry well that that could be clarified so like prizes uh prizes are $100 for the first place video just so it's pretty clear you can't get eight people in on a video and get 800 bucks yes I like what said um prizes per entry clear we'll have to adjust that under each oh yeah and yeah I think yeah we're going to have to the the 25 in each of the four categories yeah like under the poster T so we'll have to rephrase that a little bit yeah what were the minutes last year how long was the video this is a new new I think you probably don't want it to be super long 3 to 5 minutes if you're going to be reviewing to where I think you can't be more than 10 minutes long yeah yeah I mean I don't yeah I don't foresee people but you never know I guess say 10 I mean 10 would be more than enough don't you think I'm thinking 10 might even be a lot but you know of people I wouldn't do more than minimum or should we not put a minimum we we could not we could just put up to up to 10 minutes a TI to to 10 minutes yeah I think that's good yeah um explain how to submit videos yeah how do they that is a good question how are we going [Laughter] to that would partially be up to Lisa but like my thought like if I was doing this for a school assignment I would create a folder and a public folder and let people upload into it is what I would do but I don't know what that would look like exactly for her okay but I could maybe talk to her about that okay who has the draft of this that can make edits I believe Lisa okay okay but I can cuz I was going to do the QR code thing as well and then the QR code add info regarding the QR code what else anything so we would have to approve motion and approve changes and then reach out to Lisa to make the changes is that did we come up with a date yeah when do we want to send this if it's not opening till October 1st I wouldn't do it too early right because then it's like I'd almost go just like a week before I agree because otherwise it's going to get lost yeah and the fact you know right when school starts people will be busy busy they haven't until November 1st so honestly like right before the week before yeah so what would be a week before October 1st um the 24th there you go 23rd wanted it just the Monday 23rd before 24th yeah so I would motion to make the changes that we discussed and for September 23rd to be our date and see what Lisa thinks second okay all approv say I I same sign that motion passes and then she'll have to make the same changes to the press release and I would assume the Press relas same day everything goes out the same day yeah makes sense I see she has in here a video waiver release form so I wonder if that as I'm looking at this if that should also be included in the letter Y that participants would need to attach the waiver I'm assuming that's why that's on here okay anything else on the education committee poster estate and video contest and your plan was to distribute it to the schools to admin or kind what was your thinking there so we made sure we did a better job of letting teachers and we had talked about posting and sending out one of those Peach jarach fores getting on the Facebook page possibly posting at the library and hoping with a QR code on there it'd be easy to submit to so they wouldn't necessarily have to drop them off they could submit them via online with the timeline you're hoping that teachers would want to incorporate it hopefully incorporate it into their lessons because it's related to the election mhm so they could use that for like a writing prompt for the day or something and then they'd be able if they wanted to do that they could send the sheet home okay with the kids because the teachers obviously wouldn't submit it the kids would submit it themselves and the teachers how did they find out about those things in the past I've asked for it to be displayed and I put it up like in our work room so the teachers have that okay I think we talked about trying to make some connections and even if we're able to go in the school and talk about it but I you know logistically that can be tricky and like where do you go when school assembly or you going to like just one class like I think that was part of the problem with that who so who is Distributing to the schools are we breaking that up do we need to determine that yet that wasn't discussed just how we were going to do it was more so so do we want to break up break it up right now break it I would because the next time we meet will be the day we want to distribute it so I feel like we need to make sure that it gets distributed on that day I can take new ax and I can take public that's what we've done in the past is there anyone that would be able to do the mvl mvl or riverband right I can I can do riverband I can do mvl and I can do St Paul's as well it's across the parking lot from us okay so perfect anything else okay then we'll move on to other business um so the community needs survey is attached the responses um we got we didn't get a ton of responses but like Sarah said I think it was new we were first trying it so not that we don't want to have done the survey and that's it we want to keep utilizing it but these are the responses that we got and one person had no response the questions so it doesn't really count as a response I'd like to comment though like the rest of these look like they're very well like they they didn't just click something they actually put thought into it had some good thoughts reading and and I thought even though there weren't that many I think it's pretty representative of how people feel overall yeah from what I've heard and if we can get more of this like this can inform what we do moving forward into the next year like if we're going to do speakers things like that we can use this information we can definitely talk about this at the rural welcoming event and I think I mean does everybody feel comfortable explaining it I mean that might be do we all feel like okay about it none might have been me because um I didn't know what it was and so I clicked on it just to see what it was and went through the questions just to see what the questions were y so that I could explain it to people so that could have been me yeah we should check it out and yeah then we can all speak to it as we're using it yeah is this something that we're encouraging any person including youth or are we limiting to just is this like I think if they're old enough to write it down I'd like to hear from them yep I think anybody who wants to respond or if a kid wants to tell their parents what to put in there MH okay so we'll it's a good start yep yeah do you have that QR code somewhere it's with the other event I put it in a little frame and it's in there so it would go with EV vent supplies wherever yep I just didn't know if you how to the digital copy of the digital cop as well to maybe share with us if we wanted to just solicit this feedback from people that we encounter absolutely and I wonder if that is a link that can be put on the city yeah we can I can ask Lisa about that okay okay um the other thing is the art wall so there was a newspaper article and then an editorial about the art wall um so the art wall Park had a lot of hate speech displayed on it again and some citizens went and covered it up but just concerns about forward in the community about um the hate speech Just continuing to show up on the art wall and then there was an editorial as well that just spoke to that that happened and then then there were citizens who went and worked to cover it up I thought they were getting rid of that they did get rid of the building the and it's actually a lot of it's in the tunnel and tunnel is covered but this stuff was covered and it things have continued it hasn't been as much because it's been checked on frequently but it has continued to be an issue slurs references to race orientation I mean it's Park and pretty this does Park and wck own it or the city of New Alm owns it who owns it well the tunnel and stuff you're not actually supposed to be painting just the wall which the idea of that I you know in my great that yeah that you can go make this art but yeah if it's if it's hate messages being spread that's not I don't know if there's something that can be done like camera I mean can there be a camera but is it illegal to post hate speech in a public space it's not a free speech right that yeah so even if you have a camera I don't know what you're going to do about it so I believe but I'm I'm I don't know for sure but in my conversations with the city management uh they wanted people to go to that location rather than put graffiti all over the city and are very um diligent about painting over if it's reported to them they want to get it painted over as quickly as possible it was reported to me I told management and they were going to take care of it immediately so I don't know I wonder if there's a way that they could possibly check versus the community having like there's community members that are signing up for shifts and having to go down there because it's popping up so frequently and to just count on someone happening to notice it and report it versus people having to check I don't know if that's something that Park and wreck or I don't know how that works right how often they go down there I just I think it's so terrible that you have kids riding through there and they're seeing the n- word on the wall or even the swear words just a curse words but that's very true I mean I mean is it can the city have rules for the graffiti wall I mean Simple Rules like no c words and no hate speech well because then at that point then can they possibly follow through with some sort of consequence I don't I don't know what that looks like I I don't either we to talk a good question to ask the city or the police you know what are the laws on that but I feel like um once the building went down it seems like that's when stuff started to get more full in the tunnel cuz you know the area of you know stuff you could paint got smaller cuz I used to bike like daily not for a number of years and I mean nothing was in the tunnel for years and years and years and I recently walked in there and went oh my gosh I haven't been in here for a long time it's like covered I mean all to all it's covered which isn't inherently bad but I mean it's not going to be illegal so it's not going to be a legal conversation but it can be a cultural conversation like we don't tolerate that kind of thing this is supposed to be familyfriendly it's supposed to be fun for kids and youth this is not a place to spread this message and so I think there can be rules whether they're aiz or a different story but we can still say this isn't cool yeah I would agree that's I mean just setting like I think because it was in the paper there was a spike then that very well could be like oh we made the paper let's do some more it very well could be kids are weird like that and I don't know and maybe M I don't know if you can speak to this but what I know our role is to advise and not to do things directly like to take actions directly so does is there a way that we can advise city council to ask Park and wck to take some different action like more checks or something like that is that within our privy or is that what I would do is encourage uh a member here to meet with um city with our city manager and ask what what direction can be taken and then if it needs to come back as a formal request or recommendation from this body then you could do that okay I'd like to find out what I don't even know now I you Peak my interest once again you know I mean what what department does it even fall under you know is it the property is it city is IT Park and wreck I think it might I mean I think it's Park and wreck but like you said about the tunnel is the tunnel Park and wreck or is that a different department I'd be willing to meet with I would yeah we could we can go talk to and I can I do we need a motion for us to do that I think just by consensus you could say somebody is going to do and see what works seems so simple like can't somebody from the city be driving in their truck with a a supply of spray yeah yeah part of getting your truck every day spraying the weed down there you I oversimplify things so I'm not getting I can't say how this would work but I I think it would be hoovie to find out and then if we need action from this commission we could do so okay perfect pretty sure I've seen a garbage out there so somebody's emptying the garbage yeah city workers driving down there like doing stuff on the soccer field and stuff so they're down there doing stuff pick up a can of paint compliments of the new Human Rights Commission don't have that kind of budget Sho string now right now maybe next year ha to see something it is such a cool yeah to cretive just people need to be respectful like these are our you know this is what we expect and I want to thank the citizens that you know wet and cleaned it up and abolutely are continuing to and are continuing to out okay um next is legislative update I do not have anything does anybody else have anything they're aware of okay and then city council leison which is me um I went through and watched the previous ones there's nothing um related to human rights for the last couple so nothing to report there and then current human rights issues nothing in the agenda but is there anything anybody else would like to bring forward I would just like to bring up something I thought was very positive I was at a convention and visitors bureau meeting last week and they were discussing images to use to encourage new as a destination um and one thing that I believe they're moving forward to with or seriously considering is being more inclusive by using images of not just white people let's put it that way and and um what are we really looking at and what is missing and what we're promoting and so I was encouraged when I left that meeting that it looks like it's going to stick and that they are going to be serious about doing that so just wanted to share that with you thank you yeah the heart of noal um action team the safe routes to schools and active Transportation team is doing a new SE safe campaign so if you've seen those pictures where kids are on bikes you know like see me I'm on a bike you know um it's time to redo those it's spend some time and I know we really want to get a diverse group of people to do the the photography to be in the photography so um I can share that when that comes out and we definitely want to cuz it's just kind of a volunteer basis so seems to be people who are connected to Heart of nolm so um you know anybody that wants to be in a poster for um safe pedestrians safe biking all of that we need people I did one last year I'm a terrible actress but you don't have to it's it's a still it's photography so you just have to look like you're riding your bike happily I guess do you have a bike with a little one little baby seat on it you can there you go as long as you got helmets Safe Transportation thanks okay anything else so that brings us to the date of our next meeting which is Monday September 23rd and with that I will entertain a motion to adjourn move to adjourn second all approve say I I oppose same sign this meeting is and thank you thank you