##VIDEO ID:ozB2JnWsMcA## e e e e e good afternoon it's 4:00 on Thursday September 12 2024 we have a quorum so I'll call this Library board meeting to order first item on the agenda is the approval of the agenda so I will make a motion that we approve the agenda as shown do I have a second second have a motion in a second any changes Corrections all right hearing none then all in favor say I I I any opposed all right same sign all right the approval of the minutes from last week's meeting which are printed there and I will entertain a motion to approve the minutes as shown so move I have a second second I have a motion and a second to we have any discussion Corrections that need to be made that anybody's aware of all right hearing none and all in favor of approving the minutes from last month say I I all in favor I mean uh any opposed okay motion carried all right let's get into the financial report April we are 67.4 n% through 2024 and our budget is approximately 66.1% expended bills paid during August included $14 to Demco for book processing supplies $1,482 to gaget metal for HVAC unit repairs $175 to Minnesota Elevator to replace an emergency phone battery um in the phone and the elevator $455 to traxium for um the library cards that won the library card contest and $2,820 to Schultz Plumbing to replace the water fountain next to the service desk which was an expenditure that you had approved at your June meeting we also purchased a new microph film reader for $588 which included the PC for that um reader as well with funds from the melon Foundation Grant um and we also paid $500 to the Minnesota Library Association um for annual conference attendance for the reference reference and youth service Librarians and $329 to the American Library Association for core Forum conference attendance for me um I also will note that the city council had a work session at their August 20 or at after their August 20th meeting and they didn't have any comments on the libraries budget as approved by the board and then I just wanted to also note um I took a look at um you know the fact that we're 67.4 n% through the year and 66% expended is kind of a close margin but when you consider that the furniture purchases for the um meeting room and the security cameras um which we paid half of that project already as a deposit um those items are coming from the libraryies fund B balance we're actually closer to approximately 61% spent well that's good CU I was going to ask about that cuz I noticed in years past we've been about 5% under and we were still under this year so not a big deal but thanks for explaining that that brings it more in line with where we normally are at right and there's a lot of stuff going out this month one question I have had is on the uh HVAC unit repairs it seems like every month we're having an HVAC unit are we in any danger of the thing going out on us or so this is for the HVAC unit above um the hallway that leads between the children's apartment and the main library um and this is one we're watching closely it's not one that we've rep um replaced in recent years this one is about 20 years old so it's getting on its replacement time so um our maintenance techn has been keeping the city building official informed of all the repairs we're doing this one so that we can keep an eye on replacement because once we start getting nickel and dimed it's probably time to start evaluating that right so how many absolutely how many HVAC units does the library have um it's between six and eight I I have a list of them but it's kind of B section of the library um like for the for instance the older building with the children's department has um two units one for the children's room and one for the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame and then there are um several over the main part of the library two of which were replaced within the last couple years so then since we have so many maybe in future when you uh indicate there's costs going out for repairs you can indicate which one so that we don't get confuse because I only thought there was a couple and then it's like you know that many so that would help so then that way we if we look back on records we could say oh you know there's each one has gotten a little bit of work here and there it's not the same one every time um for the minutes then this is unit number six all right any other questions on the financial report all right then we'll move on to the library Department activities report and statistics um so our collection development Librarians which includes Our Youth Services librarian our reference librarian and our assistant director Megan um um all attended training for the collection HQ software on August 14th and 28th um collection HQ is a collection management tool that helps us analyze our collection use and focus our purchasing and weeding efforts in the library um so what it's helps us do is run reports that show us which items are circulating well and are most used and in possible need of replacement which items may be out of date based on the topic and um age of the items and then also which items aren't being used and then also has some it um tools for us to analyze um the percentage of our collection that um has focus on Dei topics which is diversity equity and incl inclusion um so we've started to work with that um that tool is provided by TDS so there's no additional cost to us from that they're using state state funding to support that for us and right now we um started they started a three-year contract with the tool so we'll have a while to learn it and and use it we're really excited about it it's um you know we can run reports from our our integrated Library System but this offers a little more analytics to us than is available and kind of take some of that work off the librarian's shoulders so what the uh why the focus on the Dei topic is is that something that's built into the program or was it something that was asked for us to be looked at or are we just being proactive in case anybody ask we'll have that at the ready it's built into the program but it allows us to be proactive and we're considering that we want our collection to um represent our community but also um give a window to the the greater World okay um and then we um that new equipment for the memory lab has started to a lot to arrive thanks to the melon Foundation grant grant um we have received the new microfilm scanner and computer and monitor and those are now up and running and and we are in process with the um the mobile memory lab um we've received several of those items and we're working to get that all set up as well and then we are turning our attention now to looking at the Pod for the memory lab the enclosure as well as the study room pods and looking at our our space and how we can make that work and then um our programming and Technology Services librarian has done a lot of great work building Partnerships with organizations including Brown County Historical Society the State Street Theater the grand Luca books and more and he's working with one New Alm to plan another human Library event for 2025 um and the friends of the library had a meeting yesterday and approved a donation to help support that program so um we'll have that available for you to approve the next time donations are approved and then just to note that the city moved all of our fax lines to digital fax lines which slightly changed the process of faxing and the staff end um but that didn't have a disruption in the service that our Patron saw it was a pretty quick turnover and then I just wanted to note in our statistics that Library staff took 86 questions on mobile devices during August so for us that can include things like helping patrons with settings um logins and more um our programming and Technology Services library and assisted a patron who had questions about how her Smart TV was interacting with her VPN her virtual private Network um and I took questions about which e e Compu to buy so it's often challenging to answer some of those questions because of the wide variety of devices um and tools that our patrons are using and the various skill levels and experience that our staff have because it's kind of Hit and Miss with some of these things that we can't necessarily spend time training on because it's not something we receive frequently but we may have some personal experience with some of them so I just wanted to point that out that that's part of the services that we're providing um and it's kind of hard to draw hard and fast line as to where the technology help starts and ends with some of these things but we do what we can and then um use the the research skills that we have to try and point our patrons in um um in the direction of more information so if you find that you you can help them do you take it upon yourself then to say you'll research it and get back to them or do you refer them to somebody else who might be able to help them more it kind of depends on the situation um you know like for this person who had questions about her TV at home we don't make house calls we don't we don't invite people to bring in their TVs and hook them up in the library for us to troubleshoot so it kind of depends on you know um what the situation is to you know in that that instance if we um we couldn't answer that we might Point her in the direction of her provider for that VPN or we might provide Point her in the direction of like the TV's manual or a combination of those things things um so it's it's okay on a basis basis by basis um and then I just wanted to point out now that we have um collection HQ we've been focusing on weeding The Collection again um so Librarians we did a total of 979 items in August which is great um weeding is really important to make sure that we have a collection of items that are in good shape and appealing to our patrons and that they're easy to locate that they're not buried in unused items um so we we we weed based on how often things are getting used the condition of the items and then the accuracy of the information contained within um and that's important to us because the total number of our items in our collection also factors into um what our TDS fees are each year um that's part of the for formula that's used and we currently have about 74,000 items in our collection trying to keep it within a certain range then so you don't go into the next bracket um the rough goal for us has been to keep it under 80,000 items um we have been hovering in that 72 to 75 for quite a while now um but we would like to get a even a leaner and meaner collection because there are it brings up the question then does the library even have room for 80,000 um it would be tight there are sections now that are quite tight so it would be full shelves at that point I think okay anything else April is that good good on that good to go any other questions for April then all right then we'll move on to programming right our genealogy Club meets on Thursday September 19th at 6:30 p.m. this month they'll be meeting at Martin Luther colleges library to learn about the resources available there um our even even evening Story Time meets on Tuesday September 24th at excuse me evening sensory Story Time meets on Tuesday September 24th at 600 p.m. and our morning sensory Play Time meets on Thursday September 26th at 10:00 a.m. um so those focus on a a lot of play with the stories um whereas our normal story times focus on songs and and the stories themselves so this is a little bit more active for um kids who thrive in that kind of setting and those have been popular for us and we offer each of them on once a month and then our weekly story times meet on Mondays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. all right any questions for April on the programming all right we'll move on to the Brown County Library board update uh the Brown County Library directors um met with the Brown County Commissioners Commissioners on August August 29th to make our 2025 Appropriations request the Brown County Library board requested an increase of $5,000 and the Commissioners were in favor of the increase um and I just want to note that commissioner borker recognized the public libraries programming um and all of the Commissioners Express their appreciation for our our services to our Brown County residents all right any other updates on the Brown County Library board all right now we get to the fun stuff we'll go into the action items be a little more interactive here first up is resolution number 2024-25 approving the updated lost and found policy this is the second reading and adoption the library director recommends that the library board adopt the updated loss and found policy to indicate that loss and found items may be stored in the library staff's room in addition to the library director's office and the library's safe this will improve the library staff ability to assist patrons when the library director is not available to open the office the policy was last updated in April 2024 so it's fairly recent the attached policy draft shows the proposed change in red and if you look at the policy draft it's the three words that were added in there Library staff room added to the locations where the loss and pound stuff can be found um so I will entertain a motion then to approve the updated loss and found policy I'll move I have a second second hey I have a motion a second any discussion this is going to be pretty easy then all right so then just Dustin you want to call the role Sarah yes Dustin yes Vince yes Ivan yes Manan yes Lynn yes po yes Carl yes all right motion passes let's go to the next item this one resolution 20 24-26 approving The Collection development policy this also is a second reading and adoption the library director recommends that the library board adopt the attached draft collection development policy the existing policy was last last updated in 2002 we're talking ancient here the library director has Rewritten the policy to be current with best practices and the new Minnesota statute 13451 access to library materials and rights protected both the existing and draft collection development policies are attached as well as that Minnesota statute 13451 access to library materials and rights protected and a miniex article that provides more context access to library materials and rights protected an explanation for Minnesota library workers the City attorney reviewed both policies and suggested no changes to the draft policy so I'm going to wave a reading of this it's a pretty lengthy document uh but uh so I will entertain a motion though to accept or approve the new collection development policy so move I have a second second and we have a motion and a second are there any questions or discussion all right I have one under the selection criteria which is list a whole bunch of bullet points and it kind of goes into a pretty good overview of of the selection but one of the items I was wondering about is when you're making a selection do you look at the availability of what's available at other libraries in the TDS system to see like oh there's a boatload of them out there we don't need to get one when we are replacing items we do um when it's kind of initial purchase we are thinking about usually the demand of our local patrons for that item okay so if somebody's requesting it there must be someone local that wants it and there's probably other people that would want it so great okay y so if you know if it's Jame one of James Patterson's first books but 15 other libraries have it and it's just a replacement for us that's a time where we might not replace that item because it is easily available to us but if it's the the newest James Patterson then that's probably something that we'll buy okay and that would probably go also if you have multiple copies and you're only replacing like one copy of it or something right um there are some things that we just automatically Buy multiple copies off of the bat because the demand will be there and it will be consistent for a while and then when demand falls off then we can get rid of you know however many copies we have that are grubby at that point I must I also have to comment I found this interesting that under the children young adult sections got a little Latin in there in local parenes which I thought meant crazy parent but I had to look it up and it was in the place of a parent when I first saw that in local parenes and I thought of crazy parent I thought maybe it's like the Geico commercial with the ant problem expired expired so that's all I have for for any questions or discussion I just had one u in the weeding evaluation criteria there are limitations imposed by lack of storage or display space does that come into when just as you just mentioned you know some places are really um um there's a confined amount of space then we rely on the do you rely on the other libraries in our system we do um to a point you know if if we're getting a lot of requests for something that's you know older or what or you know even more recent we would be more likely to purchase that if it's one request once a year then you know less likely based on um space and then that's another situation where you know we look at um do we really need three copies of this book anymore not based on the circulation so for space reasons we can you know get rid of two thank [Music] you I um wanted to share that I spoke with uh April yesterday about this particular policy and in general other policies of the library as to where this policy is going to be found and how it can be found and who it's available to and I it was a good discussion for me to learn some of the things I guess I wasn't totally aware of and perhaps April if you could summarize some of that information that we spoke about for the board I think it may be helpful to some um sure um Carl and I talked about you know if if there's somewhere where the policies are currently available a to the public and they are not um we would certainly provide them if upon request we do have access to you know to give that to anyone but the goal for us right now is to get them all on our website so they're easily accessible to patrons and staff um from one point um the reason we've waited on that is because we are currently looking at reorganizing our website ahead of translation which is one of the activities in the memory lab Network Grant so once we have the website reorganized our plan is to have the policy manual available on it thank you all right any other discussion questions all right Dustin call the rooll Sarah yes Dustin yes Vince yes Ivon yes Manan yes Lynn yes Hope yes Carl yes all right motion passes then now the next item is similar in nature it's res resolution number 2024 d27 approving the reconsideration of Library resource or material policy and once again second reading and adoption the library director recommends that the library board adopt the new draft reconsideration of Library resource or material policy the existing policy was last updated in 2008 the library director has rewt the policy to be coverent with best practices and the new Minnesota statute 134.5 one access to library materials and rights protected both the existing and draft reconsideration of Library resource or material policies are attached the City attorney rev reviewed both policies and suggested no changes to the draft policy so I will make a motion that we approve the reconsideration of the library resource or materal policy do I have a second second I have a couple seconds okay um any discussion all right I've got some questions so in all right let's see in the new one let see under one two three on the fourth paragraph it goes into um an appeal the appeal process and then the last sentence in that is the decision the library director is final and nupl will not entertain requests for reconsideration relative to the same complaint for 3 years following the initial request for reconsideration I think that should be a separate paragraph um because the paragraph starts with being the the appeal process but then this basically says it summarizes and says the decision of the library director is is final so I think that should be separated out that's an easy change um one of the questions I had is if you look at the looking at the form at the end of the form it says the library director please indicate the dates the dates request for reconsideration was reported to and you have a number of organizations there there's no mention of that in the in the the the policy itself and I'm wondering if that should be mentioned before they find out when they're filling out the form to say oh I don't I don't want I didn't know that it's going to all these um it's in the last paragraph of policy y oh yeah all right I missed that sorry thanks for clarifying that all right and that that is in the new statute to that it must be reported to the Department of Education but I just didn't know that people you know and there was also an indication of the Privacy notice where it says that the uh this request for reconsideration should be will be uh consider Ed public data and maybe disclosed to third parties so you know that depending on on the person's uh U St stance on on privacy they may just decide Wow since it's going to be public I'm not going to do it and um we put that on there kind of a as a general disclosure closure to anytime we're taking Patron information it's also on our library card application okay just so they're aware of that um but the the state the information that the state would require is um the name of the item and the reason for the um challenge as well as what the library's action taken was all right that's all I have anybody else I just uh happen to think um with respect to persons who can file a challenge I believe the policy restricts it to um members of the community citizens of new home and and or those who hold the library card is there any restriction on um Geographic range of the card holder um or is it possible that someone from of State uh could ask for cards and begin uh sending in challenges um that is a possibility our current um outof State cards are considered um transient cards and so they're good for you know a range of 3 to six months depending on the situation um of the patron um we do consider those people our patrons they're new on public library card holders um so it's that's certainly something the board could decide to to restrict well it could be something that somebody moved out of the area they were in the area they moved out of the area they still have a valid library card that's another come back with and see their children and come to the library because they're here for an extended period of time and want to read books or magazines I want to challenge no I'm just kidding just come back just to challenge EXA well you never about one thing about the statute though is it limits really limits the reasons why you can challenge and so so I think someone who is who has maybe not the greatest intentions would be that would be the biggest limit they're going to they're going to run up against it's just what's in the statute now that we have to comply with it's good I don't want to go down the rabbit hole but a non-resident card holder it would seem to me if we wanted to look at it even further might consider having to have had certain amount of activity on their card in order to be eligible to file the challenge but that's that's not something we track no yeah okay uh that explains that um we do one of our goals is is to update our circulation policy that um talks about who can and can't have cards and how we issue them and what kind of card is issued and what is limited or not limited by that card namely um the overdrive collection or Digital Collection um so that is a uh one of our policies on our list to update and once we've updated that it's possible we could come back to this policy and do an update once that that information is clearer for us as well sure I would I think those two kind of walk handin hand with the your your question about those card holders okay but the second paragraph also kind of addresses the uh from patrons who reside outside the new area and do not have a card it kind of indicates that they uh they can uh wish an exception but that has to be submit they have to submit a written petition to the library director and then they'll have to go through um the process of you know whether that exception is is approved or not the Reas the reason I wrote it that way was to include our rural patrons and we do have patrons who reside in um nicholet County where we are the closest library to them but um um and we also have patrons who um live in blue Worth County but have a New Alm address so it's it's kind of a challenge to make sure that we're we're allowing you know the patron who are using us as their library to to um you know have this right for their Library use um while limiting it to our patrons who have a can kind of a vested interest in the library and but you want you want to do make sure that you've got the the local community covered in the broad right sense of the definition and that brings up one question on that that last paragraph that I had uh that I wanted to have separated out it indicates that the uh the decision the library director is final and NL will not entertain requests for reconsideration relative to the same complaint for 3 years following the initial request for reconsideration so is that mean by the same person or would it be regardless of person so say someone says uh this is just an example that you know we don't want Huck fin to be you know because of the the nature or the the verbiage used and then you know you you reject that that complaint but then somebody else comes in like a within a year and and also says I don't want Huck fin it's somebody different so when you say reference to the same complaint is that the same item for the same reason okay that would limit um groups whose focus is on getting certain items out of collections right cuz it could be like a conspiracy going on on where okay you do it this week you do it next week you know and we'll just keep barraging them and Y and the reason the reason that we chose 3 years is that um that would allow for some change over in the library board so that it would not be the same group of people reviewing the same request oh when it was made so that you know CU that could change opinion of the members of the board yep yeah okay um and then kind of a wrap up on this then is how how often does is there the request for reconsideration come through I mean have you have you had any in your term as the library director I've had one when I um it was in between Library directors in the summer of 2018 um and I and the children's library and reviewed the complaint it was on an item in the children's collection that they were concerned was not appropriate for the age level so we looked at you know the Professional Resources and every did everything according to the policy as was written at that time um and wrote a formal response back and the patron didn't have any further comment on it so overall it's not a lot we don't get a lot of it so there are libraries that do experience more but for us we have not in my time all right any other discussion I I just want to compliment you on your work on this policy and the previous one they're such important policies and even though there haven't been concerns you know tomorrow could be the day when things change we just don't know and um the new policies as written are um they're so complete and so thorough and I just wanted to say Well done thank you thank you I umum really um was grateful for the feedback of our professional Librarians as well um whenever I present a new policy to you it's after they've reviewed my drafts as well and had their time for comments and questions too so that's very helpful to me yeah I'm sure to them yeah and I think I read in there somewhere too that they indicate that the uh the policies will be reviewed on a regular basis and I don't know how often these are reviewed but the ages of 2002 and 2008 that to me that's you know it's time to update them um a lot of libraries have a policy on how often policies are reviewed and we we we have a lot of policies that need to be reviewed that are are old like this um and so my goal is over the next several years is to get all of them through the Board review and update what needs to be updated and then based on where we are at with those policies kind of overall at that time um look at a policy for for that so that we can just plan that we're looking at these five policies during this year you know right and if there's no changes that need to be made if they're still valid and and consider it up to date then we can just acknowledge that hey these have been reviewed no changes being made y right can you give us a ballpark number about how many policies there are in total um I would guess about 25 I think that that could be condensed not too bad I'm sure not too too bogged down and uh no red tape all right any other I was going to just add and it's I think probably because I'm from the old school but uh once I think the U updates are completed and where you want them and available some place on the website it may not be a a bad idea to think about discuss possible codification of all the policies into something of a manual of sorts with uh it organized such that when you refer to a certain policy instead of referring to a a particular paragra graph or page that you're referring to a letter or a number so they can more easily identify areas of concern or issue relative to the policies individual policies yeah maybe having like a log in there that indicates when it was uh uh reviewed and if no changes are made or if changes were made but we can get into more of that minutia later on all right anything else all right so we have a motion and a second to uh approve the reconsideration of the library resource or material policy with the one change noted of separating that one sentence out into its own paragraph So Dustin you want to call Sarah yes Dustin yes Vince yes Ivan yes Manan yes Lynn yes Hope yes Carl yes great motion passes so now we'll go on to the next one the next few should be pretty quick resolution number 20 24-28 accepting Optimus Club of newal donation this is the first reading and adoption during August 2024 the Optimus Club of newal made a donation of $654 to no Public Library the library plans to use these donations to purchase Wonder books which are books with built-in audio components and woodles on his saying that and which are handheld devices that provide learning and play through all audio approaches um the library and there's pictures in the of the both of those in the uh in the uh resolution here the library Board of the new Public Library accepts these donations with gratitude to the Friends of the new Public Library so I'm sorry there is a typo though with gratitude to the Optimus Club I was going to I was going to mention that it's okay so that that's one change that we'll we'll make sure that gets noted so I will uh accept a motion to accept the Optimus Club of noal donation so move we have a second second any discussion all right so will the uh uh the board will accept the uh Optimus Club of no donation with the change noted that it's to be the donation with gratitude to the Optimus Club so Dustin you want to call the rooll Sarah yes Dustin yes Vince yes yvon yes Manan yes Lynn yes Hope yes Carl yes all right motion passes next one is an interesting one resolution number 2024-25 proving of removal of bookdrop trees that's people yeah probably Sparks people's interest what the heck is that during this is the first reading and adoption during the recent 20 August 29th storm two large limbs fell from the trees in the library's bookdrop structure and there's pictures included in the resolution the city's engineering department recommends removal of both trees the southern tree has base rot and Northern Tree does not have much structure left the street department will complete this work the library director recommends addressing the area where when the library staff work on a strategic plan activity to create update the outdoor space and then I had asked April about uh will there be any charge to the library for this removal and she indicated there will not be correct so the trees are small enough that the street department has the equipment to them okay okay so it looks like you actually took the the one picture while it was still storming yes so did someone notify you or did you guys hear it crack and and we did not hear it crack but we looked out that door and saw one branch down and then 5 minutes later looked again and the second one was down so it looks like somebody was riding in the rain out there they had their bike out there is still there so luckily no cars were hit or anything any other damage so all right so I will entertain a motion to approve the removal of the book drop trees I'll move that was quick you have a second motion okay so we have a motion and a second any further discussion um so the staff have talked about some ideas for that space and we'll bring it back to you when we have done more research on that but um we're not sure what that might look like yet the idea of what they've done the outside of the space with the books and the for the book drop that's really cool so so if they can come up with something just as creative for the inside and I'm sure they will all right Dustin you want to call the roll Sarah yes Dustin yes Vince yes Ivon yes Manan yes Lynn yes Hope yes Carl yes well this is uh this is proving to be an interesting uh term for me where cuz we removed the the uh Boulevard trees and now we're removing the trees in the back so I didn't realize Landscaping was part of the part of what I signed up for all right the next resolution what's that there you go next resolution 202 24-30 approving replacement of the panic button system first reading and adoption the library's current panic button system runs on a landline and equipment that is no longer reliable and has recently failed routine System test the city it Department recommends replacing the current panic button system with a system that is hardwired into the library's fire alarm panel the new system would be faster and more reliable the library currently has three Panic buttons this project would add a fourth button to the system the city it Department recommends awarding the project to Precision alarm because they currently manage the library's fire alarm panel and other alarms for the city Precision alarms attached quote total is 1535 this is an unbudgeted project the library director recommends awarding the project to Precision alarm and using the library's Reserve fund to pay for the expense so uh it's pretty self-explanatory we can I mean if you want to look at the quote you can but it's it's not terribly exciting um basically explains the provide and install four hardwired Panic alarm switches the switches would be connected to the starlink cellular communicator and have no other interface or audio audiable functions this is the most secure and fastest way to get the signal to the monitoring service regular testing of these sensors should be conducted so I will entertain a motion to approve the replacement of the panic button system and the Precision alarm quote so moved and I'll second that okay do we have uh any further discussion what led to the uh recommendation to add a fourth panic button um at the we have panic button at the service desk and it is kind of off to the side right now and so thinking about staff being able to discreetly and quickly push that button led to um the decision to have one on each side of the service desk because we have St two stations close together on one side and one station on the opposite side of that desk okay good so then once the button is pushed that sends a signal to the alarm company and then they will notify then the police yes or it so the panic but goes to the police then right yes okay so you don't have Gates that come down and everybody's locked in and okay going on yeah yeah so it is a silent alarm to right so the patrons wouldn't know no okay all right and the question I had is on it says the the quote indicated that the regular testing of these censers should be conducted who does that do they this company come in and do it or do you do it and notify them hey we're testing this we can do it either way um I schedule I have kind of an end ofe list of things that I take care of that need to be tested or batteries replaced for this kind of thing and so that's on my list to test it annually um so usually I test it with the building maintenance tech do you think annually is iici is that what this company recommends or would it be monthly or yeah no um when we've had them come out they recommend annually um and then the system itself does kind of system tests and that's how we knew it was failing because the um the company um that currently manages it for us kept getting those failure tests so they were able to notify us that that was happening all right any other questions all right hearing none then Dustin Sarah yes yes Dustin yes Vince yes Ivan yes Manan yes Lynn yes Hope yes Carl yes all right that motion passes the final motion for today is resolution number 20 24-31 approving the 2025 Library fees and fines schedule first reading this will be we'll be not voting on this until next month the city of noal annually revises its schedule of fees as part of this the library is required to update its fees and fines schedule the library director proposes the attached schedule for 2025 fees and fines which includes the following changes eliminating the meeting room rental fees eliminating equipment rental fees adding a note that there is no charge for local or toll-free number cover sheets and we we can explain that have April explain that in a minute changes proposed by Library board members will be incorporated after second reading and adoption at the October 10th Library board meeting the schedule will then be submitted to the finance department for final approval of the by the city council the library director plans to submit an updated meeting room rental agreement to the library board for final approval in its December by the by its December 12 2024 meeting as well as request that the library's equipment use policy be retired and then these changes will all go into effect January 1st 2025 and if you look at the uh the fees themselves you can see in the area of red uh what is being changed so with the meeting room rental uh going to to zero equipment rental uh going to zero and then the indication of the uh it used to be cover page no charge but it says no charge for local or toll-free number cover sheets so that's basically just the cover sheet that would go with the facts right right so since we don't have to vote on that it's just uh at least not on this meeting we'll be voting on it next meeting so people get a chance to review it I do have a question though on the on the uh eliminating the meeting room and equipment rental fees I mean was that a big money draw for us no um I think if you look at the financial report we're only like five we've only received like 5% of our budgeted equipment rental fees for this year use of that has dropped dramatically over the past several years um and then the meeting room um I think we have budgeted this year to receive $5,000 in fees from that and the bulk of that is actually new cat's rental for the space in the library that goes into that Revenue line so really we're only eliminating about $1,000 of budgeted Revenue so they'll still pay their portion y as part of the agreement okay uh yeah that's in their um lease agreement with the city with with the library in the city and who knows maybe by offering the meeting room for free if people know about it you know they'll get more usage and more people come to the library right and well um as we look at our study rooms um we'll likely either have to have a study room policy or um adopt a portion of the meeting room policy to be a study room policy because then we'll have these different sizes of spaces that are available for use for the public more policies right all right anything else any other business anything that's cropped up in course of this meeting all right not hearing anything then we're adjourned thanks everyone thank you thank you