##VIDEO ID:QIhECCp3R6E## mber 17th council members I've been advised by Council that we need to go into an executive session to discuss a Personnel matter can I get a roll call for an executive session please yes yes yes ex yes Ramos yes he got round yes or no yes I say yes to the those viewing and in the audience please be patient we're going to a brief executive session and we'll return shortly thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e got it and participants in the chamber thank you for your patience we are in the special meeting of the Nork Municipal Council on Tuesday September 17th 2024 council members I need to bring to your attention that council president mcgyver has resigned as the president of the council we need to take a vote on who is going to be the council president and who is going to run this meeting um Madam clerk I would like to uh nominate councilman Crump to become the president of the council any discussion seeing no discussion roll call please Council yes Crump yes Gonzalez Kelly yes King stain Ramos obstain got Round Tree yes Silva obain MC Iber yes thank you councilman Crump any opening statements uh let me first say thank you to uh my Council colleagues that voted and supported me in this endeavor to be the council president and I I I do Endeavor to be the council president and and be a councilman to all here um not just those that voted for me but I have relationships with all the others who abstained um you know we're moving into a new uh era I will say um and I I hope that as a full that we can support and move the agenda forward again I will be a council person council president for all include not just the council members up here with all the people who are in in our community thank you thank you can I get a roll call to start the special meeting Council yes presid Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president Crump yes council president council members I need permission to change the order of business to flip to the pre meeting because we do have an appointments and we have people that have been waiting U Madam clerk before you get started I just want to one be as a yes to start the special meeting that's okay uh R you forgot about me but it's okay yes to start the meeting and then I'm also going to change my seat certainly in they're in the pre council president council members we are on page 18 of the pre-meeting schedule item 8A is an appointment as a NK Municipal Court Judge part-time Samantha J mindenhall is Miss Mall present come forward you have an opening statement yes good morning I thank you to the council for considering me for this opportunity today and also um mayor Baraka for considering me for the opportunity as well I do believe that I have the necessary qualifications the requisite qualifications to serve as a part-time judge here in the city of nework um I currently serve as a part-time judge in the city of East Orange wherein I am responsible for handling and presiding over all of the matters that are in the Municipal Court traffic criminal truancy um Municipal ordinance violations Etc um in this the the county of Essex we also have what's called a cross assignment order so any judge that is appointed in one municipality in the city in the county can sit in any other municipality in the city and um excuse me in the county and I've had the ability to do so here in the city of nework for the past one and a half years um I've presided over every type of case that is present and I've also built a rapport with the um staff and with the other judges that are here in the city in the Municipal Court um in addition to those qualifications I also have a law firm that's present um it's been in operation since 2014 and we've been located in the city of nework since 2018 we're black woman owned and operated Law Firm um we handle uh Estate Planning and litigation matters and we also provide services to the community Through Community workshops um where we advise small business owners and anybody who's interested in um matters that deal with estate planning uh in addition to those qualifications as an attorney and as a sitting judge I also believe that I have had sufficient participation in the nework community um since 2008 I interned at the ACLU of New Jersey and 2008 was an exciting time in terms of the election and I was able to participate in voter um registration efforts and um your rights efforts within the city of nework and in the surrounding communities thereafter I attended Rucker school of law nework where we provided uh different services to the community Through free legal services I volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club here as well and provided uh uh legal programs for students at the youth house and as I indicated in my Law Firm we also provide workshops um for different individuals in the nework community and also in the surrounding uh towns so I do hope that in light of those qualifications you all deem it appropriate and deem me capable to serve in the capacity of a part-time judge thank you thank you miss m Hall any council members have any comments or yeah Mr chair I'd like to sponsor it's been moved and seconded thank you I just I just want to say congratulations you know um always believe that you know in order to make your Cipher complete that you really need a a great woman on your team and and I think the city has made a great choice thank you I appreciate that council president I just want to say to Samantha it's good to see you again congratulations it's a pleasure to have you back with us here in the city of Nork and looking forward to seeing great things from you thank you thank you thank you congratulations Samantha God bless you this journey that you've joined back in with us again thank you [Applause] next item 8B is an appointment to the Newark parking authority Vanessa a davis please come forward M Davis good morning president Council and the council members morning my name is Vanessa a Davis um I I am a long life resident here of the city of Newark I am also a retiree from the Newark police department with a little over 25 and a half years I currently work in our Housing Authority area as the overseer for one of the recreational facilities I am honored to uh have been given this nomination from a council and our honorable mayor I feel like I will be an asset to assist and do whatever is needed and required for this position here in the city of Newark I take pride in my city I've been here my whole life and I intend on continuing to do what is needed and required in these uh in the city thank you councilman R i' like to sponsor Vanessa Davis second councilman Kelly any any other questions or or comments council president I was just going to say Miss Vanessa is great to see you uh just want to thank you for all of the work that you do in our community each and every day um and looking forward to your service on the parking authority board thank you thank you for your service any question yes Council chair I do also want to uh you know thank Miss Davis I think she'll definitely be an asset to the parking authority uh as a long life activist here in the city of New York for young people and for the people of this city I think that um you you know you will bring a definite different lens uh to the parking authority that will be able to help them uh and and navigate the board in a way that it needs to go so thank you thank you M Davis thank you council president council members we are going back to the special meeting agenda in accordance with New Jersey Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to The Star Ledger the Jersey journal and the public large establishing the date time and location of this meeting in addition the agenda for this meeting was disseminated on September 12th 2024 at the time of preparation and posted on the website of the city of norc we've already done the roll call we are on page three of the special meeting agenda ordinances public hearing second reading and final passage item 6 psf is an ordinance Grant a 20-year tax abatement to 305 Wilson Avenue urban renewal LLC for a project to construct a self storage space in the East Ward is there anyone present wishing to be heard on this item anyone speaking on SP spsf good morning felici and Singleton you knew we was coming to this m you knew we was coming to this mic 20e tax of P baitman on the warehouse now tax abatements has stipulations that they supposed to abide by hiring newers Fair Labor we had this discussion once before came up with councilman Ramos and we didn't want to give a tax abatement what makes this piece of property for Self Storage are they going to give the nework residents a deduction in the rates they getting tax abatements aren't they getting the money from the storage and if they don't pay they going they going to auction they stuff off so why are we giving tax batment when we don't even have a budget yet you giving tax abatements tax abatements but you can't even tell the residents currently what their taxes will be for 2025 because we still on 2024 budget that's not even complete if newers if you didn't just see what happened and realize that this is not government this is not the way democracy works this is not what we do in the city of nework or any City in the state of New Jersey when you want to put somebody or step down out of a Council seat when you didn't even have a budget you did not even have a but it's not even complete due by June 30th yet you're having tax abatement tax abatements for what tax abatements for what got people fighting down DPW because they can't cash their checks we all saw it across Facebook isn't that under Finance HR people who came up here and didn't even give us a presentation of the budget an introduction of the budget yet this is what you want to do you just want to go on like everything is okay no it's not y'all need to stop I need to know each and every High School y'all went to because Civics was not taught history was not taught and make sure that those principles grandsons and grandkids are not in these schools today this is not what I was taught I went to St Vincent and East Orange High School this right here we read ordinances and resolutions at the time we were able to check and balance and do accounting work in high school we hire lawyers and attorneys and do all stuff and yet we cannot get official City business which y'all want to go on like it's okay and we gonna get these tax abatements and all these Market rates out well I reported you thank you for your comments next speaker Lisa Parker once again gifts to developers hold L For Me Hold L for me thank you 20year tax abatement when you have crippled us financially in this city with a deficit of $680 million and that's not including the debt the money that you borrow yet every time we come to this Council you giving away two developers 25 years 20 years 30 year tax abatement every time we see urban renewal written anywhere on your ordinances It's associated with a tax abatement and yet you don't have a budget for 2024 you're supposed to be introducing the budget for 2025 now you robing Peter to pay Paul because you don't have any money that's our people's checks are bouncing that work for a living and the sorry ass Union reps that supposed to be there advocating for the people as well as you have nothing for the people where's the tax amnesty for the homeowners when you gave us a 3.9% property tax increase taxation without representation nothing for the people we could go back as far as 2018 every year you submitted a budget there was a deficit we don't have we don't have Services we got a building over there sitting up there can't even they can't even complete the project ran out of money being sued by the vendors no project labor agreement for a living wage and health care for union workers to work on these sites you don't have here how much you charging for rent the square footage of uh the rental for a warehouse we never get to details but yet all of y'all do is yes yes yes according to what the dude on the second floor tell y'all to vote on and whoever is paying into your campaign cers y'all have made a mockery of this form right here for the people cherry picking your little candidates up here who's going to seat and instead of letting the people decide who they want to represent them cuz not n one of y'all up there represent the people and we are crippled financially let me say that to you all again new workers we're crippled financially while they're giving away 20e tax abatement to their friends and family and developers thank you for your comments next speaker uh good morning Shir McDougall uh first of all I want to say congratulations President Crump on your uh uh elevation uh I want to uh tell pres uh Miss mcgyver appreciate you doing that you know I think that was a respectable thing to do especially if you're going to seek higher office allow somebody else to take that spot so uh I I seen it as a little um honorable anyway as far as this um situation I'm always thinking big picture in the East W I know s that's your storage we need a business down there they need to be a business down there where there's people working consistently Around the Clock storage they can go somewhere else with the storage they could store it up there in the westw I told them over there on on sou on jav and Grove that's where they could have put something because again it's close to the highway you get storage again I'm thinking big picture like we need to again Seaport airport rail we need to be a a vector for transportation of whatever we're doing the semiconductor stuff we need to be at the Forefront we need to tell them we come back with a different a different bidder or somebody else we need some business down there that's going to have jobs I don't think a storage is going to create many work many workers Around the Clock you got tons of people down there those people want to work give them something for they can work tell whoever these people are we need more jobs we need more jobs I don't storage facilities we got enough for that tell the storage facilities they'll build up higher or whatever but uh more businesses I think we need more businesses and um that's what I'm starting us off thank you thank you for your comments next speaker Jesus help us 20e tax abatement for a storage place are y'all serious any of you serious about that you got a new storage building over there by pay tech you fix the one on First Street you got two over there in the north W you probably going to have seven over here in the South W you don't care nothing about that we not putting no storage place sir I just need to let you know we not putting no storage place on South Orange Avenue and Grove that ain't the look we need for our major Carter we ain't doing that I'm just telling I'm a West water today right this minute we not doing that we need something thriving on that corner it's been dead for so long we not putting no storage place to Rob by and see the orange doors up and down nope not doing it just letting you know what's the rate they going to charge storage places don't lose business they don't lose money because even if you don't pay your rent they sell your stuff this come on y'all Y what who's thinking who what are we doing we don't have no money y'all just raised the parking tickets to $90 what the what y'all doing off the backs of us off the backs of the people y'all letting all these illegal immigrants come in here y'all forcing people out their apartments with all those eviction cases at um the county there you y'all watching it you have done nothing to stop it you have not passed one ordinance to stop the evictions so the only person need a storage place is those who being put out those who moving from a nice apartment that they had over the South the west and the north W big houses they now got to move into this little crap that you building that you can't even fit a twin bed into the second bedroom that's only people need a storage place because they don't want to let go of their things come on Silver ain't personal but we don't need no storage down there we don't need a storage let them put the storage out on the highway so when you ride up and down the parkway we can keep seeing those we need to worry about the be here so let me D derve over real quick back to the riverfront ordinance last week that you told us was only the three buildings brand new building right there on marara Highway 21 that's riverrun when I stood up here last week and said to y'all what's going on with the whole plan oh no Donna just the three building y'all lie so much the building going up now when I leave here I will video it so the rest of North can see you're putting a brand new building up probably 70 stories right on the waterfront why wasn't we discussing that I know most of y'all don't even know because y'all don't ride around this city we don't need any more tax abatement being given you have already given the store away all of you you've sat there in the loud this now we fighting over stuff because we gonna illegally do things well I guess we illegally got in the Congress seat we're going to illegally put Larry in this seat and y'all going to cause us to really fight y'all now thank you for your comments next speaker that's all we could do when we come up to this mic good rhythms criminal cult that's running our slave plantation good rhythms criminal cult that is running baraka's slave PL ation cuz that's what you are a corrupt criminal cult that's running baraka's slave plantation that's what you turn the city all into a Plantation before I begin it's is sad coming here looking at y'all tax abatement committee the Equitable growth commission the union leaders the housing commissions you got here the affirmative action office you got here the affirmative action committee you all are absolute complete failure no other way to describe y'all and all the individuals who doing these reports the Equitable what uh uh Ruckers climb New Jersey Institute of social justice all these disparity reports that you're doing and doing nothing about you are a absolute failure to the ba who called on a ban for me to be removed from I my public speaking and my public meeting mrman please speak to the ordinance you are absolute failure because the ba don't he runs Revenue post to generate Revenue help the residents help us with jobs Equitable growth all this stuff this is speaking to the ordinance about tax abatement you are absolute failure and you think you going to tell me what to say out of my mouth and speak to an ordinance I'm speaking about all of this stuff within this tax abatement but we need a intervention a federal investigation once again into our tax abatement program that's what we need Matt plin attorney general that's what we need the controller of this of the state of New Jersey we've been calling on a IND dependent investigation into our tax abatement program when are you going to do it when are you going to do it we get no Equitable growth nothing here and you're not going to tell me what to say out of my mouth because I'm going to say it and I'm going say it loud and proud thank you for your comments you a failure thank you for your comments next speaker Good morning George Tillman Jr um I'd like to introduce again um some legislation 6f 6s and Fa the First Source linkage program and 6s and FD November 18th 2002 nework employment policy nor resident employment policy and the nor Employment Commission and also so I'm submitting the appointments to the Citywide Board of commissions to show that the commission the newk Employment Commission here you go excuse me here's the copies so the first copy is so I recently committed the ordinances again and I'm I'm I I'm under the hope that because you are attorney at law that we'll have some better discussions about this legislation and get some better movement in regard to getting this legislation enacted um getting the commission enacted the nework Employment Commission that is a part of the legislation that says that any economic incentive that we're giving out including this tax abatement that this commission is supposed to be enacted and a part of this process and again I'm coming before this Council again to ask that there's a injunction on these tax abat until the administration and this government is in compliance again that's why I'm submitting the documents to show you the law and I hope that um no one is under the impression that these laws are not in play anymore because these laws are still on our books and these laws are still supposed to be enforced and for this reason I'm going to continue to come here to protest against these tax abatements and any economic incentive that this government is giving out until the administration is full compliance of the law thank you thank you for your comments any additional speakers seeing none roll call council president council president oh I'm sorry I want I wanted to say something excuse me councilman so that area on Wilson Avenue is deep into the industrial part of Wilson Avenue there's no residents back there nothing it's going to be a 24-hour facility it's going to employ 30 people full time because I know there's a question about employment but it is a 24-hour facility and right now I've discussed it before and I'll say it again I have no problem it generates nothing for the city a piece of land there doing nothing generates nothing for the city a building there now will generate millions in property tax we'll generate payroll tax we'll give people jobs and right now it was an empty lot doing nothing not bringing anything of value into this city and so it's important I know people try to fight it but it's important that we generate and create people jobs to make this city a better place and you may not see it that way but now that I sit in the seat and I look at the bigger picture I realize how important it is that businesses come into the city generate money for the city which we need badly but most of all create jobs for people and this will create 30 full-time jobs 24 hours a day seven days a week thank you thank you councilman silin if I could just piggy back real quick it will add over $5 million to the pay to the property taxes any other councilman roll call Council yes mber yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes Nana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president Crump yes 6 psfb is an ordinance amending the tax abatement Grant to 40 Clinton urban renewal LLC for a project to rehabilitate an existing building and create 27 market rate residential rental units and to correct the minimum annual service charge in the financial agreement is there anyone present wishing to be heard on this ordinance Lisa Parker got a photo right here count the former council president sitting in the room with the Paramount asset group were you there negotiating for them to do this lease agreement were you advocating on behalf of the people once again with the political adviser the council president and this particular group here Shalom every time y'all y'all sit in them back rooms thinking that nobody knows what time it is why are they the choice for affirmative action why why we contining to give properties to people and we ain't even looking out for our own nobody has an answer to that but once again you've all been complicit in all of these ordinance that you put forward that y'all meet with these groups behind the scenes and they sponsor your events donate to your campaigns and then turn around and have the taxpayer pick up the tab for everything that y'all give to everybody else other than new orkers these are people that's already in business they know y'all are featherweights that's why they get these sweet deals but the collateral damage happens to the people that pay the cost long after y'all are no longer here my grandkids gonna pay for it once again y'all continue to make these deals that hurt the residents and nothing for the residents don't tell me about no you going to collect property tax uh silver on anything because where the details over the ware house you'll always come up with an excuse and a rationale for why y'all are doing things that hurt the people and don't give a damn about it always when you going to start working for the people it's time and newers if you out there tomorrow's election day don't vote for nobody that don't have your interest yall are disgraceful y'all have bastardized this forum and there's no equal justice here there's no fairness here cuz every time we come here we come with the same story why you giving away everything to everybody except the people that live here Shalom don't even don't even respect Gaza and the Palestinians disgraceful thank you for your comments next speaker our Council advocating for jobs over there in the corner silver you gave $40,000 of our tax dollars to put a gate around a park a public park a disgrace you yield you could have yield $440,000 worth of rental assistance for the homeless you could have yield that $40,000 that you wrapped the gate around our public park our public park you could have used $40,000 to create a job construction program for the homeless a cleanup program for the homeless and you got the audacity to sit up there and talk about yielding jobs y than revenue revenue for who jobs for who M bman Construction for who M bman please speak to ordinance Miss bman please speak to ordinance Miss bman speak to the ORD abatement for who what tax abatement for who what job Equitable for who it's bman what speak to the ordinance that's a tax abatement right it's about tax abatement you going to get your police again on me again what tax abatement for who there is even no no oversight of the tax abatement program no oversight of the housing Equitable no oversight of nothing in this city and you got to come here and talk about yielding jobs yielding tax base for us we are on this is about us this about tax abatement BS where's the abatement where's the abatement where is the abatement for the residents of the city Aven Urban where is the abatement Mr President where's the abatement we are referring to where is the oversight of the abatements where is that where is it since you want to Mr President tell me to speak about the tax abatement where is the oversight of our tax abatement program you gave $3.5 million to invest nor of our tax revenue That was supposed to go back into the City and you think we don't supposed to come up here and talk about where's our abatements and where is our jobs inequitable you think we don't supposed to talk to that when you give a batement out and we get nothing nothing are you kidding me thank you for your comments now this is this this is just bad Felicia Aon Singleton so May 19th 2021 that means some of y'all wasn't here it was a flyer sitting outside on the table that said Paramount and paramont was actually um redoing a building and the city was leasing office space for affirmative action the very thing that George come up here so for now for you to come up in affirmative action oi the the AO the iso all of this goes together as the city you allow them to come in and put 27 which would mean that they don't have to do the inclusion AR zoning market rate rent do you know how much a two bedroom going for in these storms by the train station $3,900 I want to know who in this room besides the six figure you know what I'm about to say people can afford that market rate apartment should not be put in but Paramount Paramount par mind every building they have has a tax abatement where are you getting money newk New Jersey is the Prime real estate to be you can be you can get anywhere you want to from New York New Jersey this is Prime real estate you don't have to get into bed with anyone they should be begging us to build we shouldn't be giving no tax abatements unless it was at the benefit of the residents I really can tell you I don't have the the strength in me this year has been so much I don't have the strength to really fight y'all no more but it's wrong wrong where's your moral compass where where is I'm looking out for the people that vote me in 27 market rate rents and you giving them a tax tax abatements mean people that the that they get a A reduced rate for a certain amount of time they pay a little bit of taxes but we losing money we already in a deficit everybody in this building is not getting paid equally everybody in this city is not being treated equally yet you want to treat the developers like they're the kings and queens like they coming in what do they give back to the community to so a grassroot development or grassroot organization what are these developers giving back not into your city Pockets not the $ million that that building down there in the Eastwood is giving back to the city what are they putting in the community and that's what you have to answer at night thank thank you for your comments next speaker y'all create this environment and those of us that live in this city that know the Sham and The Jig Is up we tired of y'all tired of the lies because every time we say something you think you can combat it then we come back with the proof how you think that makes y'all look tax abatement for Paramount some of y'all just met with them what kind of illegal stuff we got going on here why y'all meeting with developers that's illegal how many properties power my own somebody better come up here and ask it how many of the properties have tax abatement now Felicia just said all I know she did her research but how many buildings and if you don't know how many buildings they own and how many got tax abatement how you voting on this how Market rent what do they need tax abatement for why are we the only municipality first of all we the lowest paid Civil Service workers in the state and I can't wait till these workers wake up and come in here on their own as the residents that they are to confront this this is why we the lowest paid Civil Service workers this is why because y'all keep making these side deals it's all about your election campaigns it's all about your election office they have their kids and their grandkids and the kids they ain't even have yet making donations to y'all so they can keep filling it up none of you deserve a dime of what they've given you because you pour none of it back into your people so you they're going to give us 27 so they get a um um a 20 year 30 year how many years you giving them 50 I don't know but how many buildings and if y'all can't answer that then why is it on the paper the boy in the corner keeps dictating the schedule and you just yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes and what do we get nobody in Nork is going to be able to move into that building so my next question is how many market rate units are in Downtown North let's say from Bergen Street to Penn Station and how many of them are empty how many of these corporations get to write off that three four $5,000 a month on their taxes because y'all let them because you know people ain't coming here shooting on Broad Market broad daylight muggins drugs or they not moving here they going to Carney they going to Union they going to East Orange cuz they going to be right there by a shop right they going to Orange they not coming here they not coming here so what this going to be the new low income because you ain't going to do have no other choice but to put the section A people in there to get some kind of Revenue I need to know how many buildings Miss lad can come up Mr P could come up Larry you can answer it I know you don't know but let's get some answers to that thank you for your comments next speaker Shakir McDougal um I guess um so apparently the issue is when this was brought up just now it would have been nice for them to explain what were you correcting the minimum annual service charge now Mr Ramos you're the buildings guy you know uh from what I hear so far you know you're the guy about uh buildings and not so you know I'm smart uh I hear with the rate Cuts coming that Builders specifically are going to be reaping the first benefits so when y'all hear about the FED cutting rates probably going to be a 50% cut come on baby you know I'm on so uh hopefully you know the stock prices they talking about hopefully a whole full that's you know inflation is going down and so as long as more jobs again silver 30 jobs sounds light for as many people you got down there them people probably can get some more people working there we they probably need some outside cleaners inside cleaners tell them ad like 30 more jobs on that one but anyway these business developers are going to be reaping a lot of benefit from these new taxes that are coming down whether is the 25% where is the 50% so the fact that these people are seeking a correction to the service service fee again makes me wonder what is the correction about because again when you're going to go in and correct something usually you see something down the line that you're going to need to benefit from and so if they could just explain the correction was like were they paying $50 and now I'm paying $25 is there a percentage is there a annual rate that they have to pay that's going to be decreased because again I think that it's important now when I do have my when I do speak when I have my moment I'll explain to you some things because it's understanding why the process is the way the process so you have less implications or people just making stuff up because you've already kind of explained but at the same to again with this minimum service fee right explain why the correction what is the correction what was the initial stated what's this new stated because again just having words that was another thing that I had with the the budget it was just supposed to be said and and name only that do the work it's it's a lot of work I'm wondering why people don't want to work do the work explain please that's going to lead less people because again I'm a young I'm paying attention these developers got all these tax abatements and they're about to re benefits off these new interest rate cuts that means they'll be able to make more money on their property people are going to be disgusted at that especially if they don't feel like they're getting the quality of life that should come with that so that's my that's my part thank you for your comments any other speaker George Tillman Jr if you can turn to page of the document I gave you um 6s and FD November 18 2002 and turn to section 4 2 colon 4-2-2 the nor Employment Commission 2 col 4-23 established purpose of commission membership the commission to be known as the nework Employment Commission is hereby established the commission which shall meet monthly shall be responsible for the implementation enforcement and monitoring of the nework resident employment policy in a manner that is consistent and fair with all parties um Mr President this is not the first time I've come to this mic I've been coming to this mic for almost a year talking about this nor Employment Commission the issues that the public is bringing to you these issues are addressed by this commission there's no transparency between the hiring of nework residents this nework employment policy there is no oversight as the the speaker said of of these tax abatements of these economic incentives under our law how is it that our government is continuing to pass these tax abatements without this component of the law if you go to the page 18 that I gave you where it shows the nework Employment Commission is inactive which means that there is no commission overseeing this operation and this process which was introduced in the year 2000 and if you're giving out the tax abatement based on this same law how are you passing these tax abatements without the components of the law being [Applause] enacted so the public coming in here is is you hear all this passion and and this and this emotion behind the fact that we are not working these developers ow our city over $45 million you just gave away a tax abatement to another developer who owed the city $1.5 million where is it that we're benefiting from these tax abatements we're not benefiting until these components of the law are enacted and are part of this process because there is no transparency there is no accountability and there's no oversight of this law so at some point you you cannot look at the public in this way as though this these emotion and these passions have to be have to be subsided in this chamber we have a reason for this emotion thank you thank you for your comments any additional speakers any comments from the council Deputy Mayor and you come up and explain this matter for the public good morning council president council members good morning Allison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh this item before you is um an amendment because we have to change the annual service charge um what happened in 2019 is the owner filed a tax appeal and was successful in that filing so therefore the change is actually R uh changing the amount from 9,589 and13 and changing it to $ 51,2 43 and that was done through the tax appeal process and so when the tax appeal was successful we then needed to change the financial agreement to reflect the proper amount um that's what's being modified and being presented to you today thank thank you any other questions additional questions Council thank you Deputy Mayor thank you roll call roll call counil yes MC Iver yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana obain Ramos yes Scott rry yes Sila yes president Crump yes 6 psfc is an ordinance authorizing the mayor and or his design KN to enter into and execute the sale and transfer of city-owned properties is there anyone present wishing to be heard Madam clerk before we get speakers to come up can we get the uh Deputy Mayor to come up and explain this matter good morning council president council members uh Allison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh thanks for the opportunity to present this uh to the council uh this item is um the approval and seeking your approval of 11 development teams who were successful in a competitive processed to be awarded 11 sites so um about six months ago the city released a proposal for um developers to apply for these 11 sites it was an elaborate process whereby there were site visits um and there was a scoring committee that ultimately presented the final group of teams uh for these 11 sites as presented before you today um the exciting piece about this is that um as we've been preparing with the 11 selected developers that they are to get to closing by the end of the year and start construction by the end of the first quarter of 2025 we want these teams to move quickly so we've been working with them uh to have them move as quickly as possible um the last item I'd say before I close is to say that um the other piece that's exciting is this is all about Community we worked hard to have a community partner but also have a local development partner be part of these teams so that we're focused on Equitable development um and partnership throughout the city um one last item um if I could we did ask several of the we did ask everyone to attend and if for those that are in the audience that are being selected if you could just stand okay we we did ask them thank you for [Applause] coming [Applause] yes brother council president I'm I'm sorry for any additional uh added time but I just wanted you to see um in the full council could see some of the representatives that um did make time today to come um they're very excited um I will say I met with them last week they might be a little nervous because I gave them such strict deadlines and I really want them to be successful as our mayor does um and so we want to work with them to get this to the Finish Line um we're hopeful that the community will be proud of the people who are selected um through this process and we'll get to build affordable housing throughout the city great thank you and and so what are they building what will they be building on these slots just overall bear with me one um one moment oh I'm sorry thank you uh so overall there will be um proposed 300 units um and about 250 of those units will be affordable housing uh between 30% and 80% of the area median income there also will be other community benefits um including green infrastructure a learning Center a safe house an Autism Center and a medical center those will all be part of these projects that are going to be communitybased um really impacting our Wards and our neighborhoods so um we're really pleased about the partnership and we hope um that the council uh finds it favorably thank thank you Deputy Mayor any questions yes suppose that all of them have the financial wherewithal to do those projects and to be able to close in months uh yes um thank you uh council president to council member Gonzalez's uh question uh yes that was a key part of The Proposal that they had to submit was their financial capability to move the project uh to each of the phases as we talked about um when I met with the 11 groups who all came last week I did emphasize that we want them to be closed by the end of the year and then subsequently we want want them to start construction by the end of March of 2025 um it's that important to us and we need to move quickly Mr chair councilman councel yeah I just want to say uh first of all Deputy May I'm I'm excited about two of the projects uh two of the projects will will live in in the South W one being the uh autistic uh Center on Clinton Avenue that will combine with housing uh on the top and another being another uh senior location uh that will have uh the whole kind of livable roof uh exercise Center and uh you know places for development so I'm excited about about both of them and uh really looking forward to you know pushing uh to make sure that they get to closing one which is important uh and then to get through this kind of bureaucratic system so that they can be getting these projects so that we can uh see them in their full fruition council president yes Council I just wanted to say that uh one I Echo the same um statements as councilman Council I'm really excited about these projects it's nice to see local uh minority of folks here in the audience who are going to be taking these projects to the next level extremely excited about the Autism Center uh it's been a long conversation in the making during my first term here on the council we've been talking about it um and super excited about uh the work that Nissan's Place does and now they'll be able to have a home uh so and definitely here in the city of nor so extremely extremely excited and I just want to say congratulations to all of those who have been selected I know that the process was not easy um and it was a long long process and still a long way to go uh but definitely I want to support this project I would uh like to be noted as a sponsor a second sponsor councilwoman M ver seconded by councilman Council council president if I could just uh say appreciation to the team that put this together um the Equitable uh investments in nework communities is managed by Keith Hamilton and he's had a team of three people who have helped him make this happen so um hopefully with positive consideration today we will have two rounds 16 sites all moving our city forward so thank you again thank [Music] you roll call uh I'm sorry councilwoman round three I wanted to ditto what councilman Council and councilman MC Iver stated it is so needed um I'm congratulations to all of those who've been selected but if anyone knows about the autistic community in the city of nework and how it is not a lot of light shed on the needs and Necessities those individuals they call our office every day looking for housing looking for services so I just want to say congratulations to the individual Nan is done son's Place does so much work in this city sometimes out of her pocket consistently finding housing and uh for homeless individuals because autistic children as we know have real special needs not that we don't have other individuals that have special needs but there's not it's it's being differently abled on in any capacity but I truly am passionate about what Nissan's place is doing in naen so congratulations once again to all of you but for sure to the autistic Center that is about to open God bless you no I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry Mr Baka you can't oh actually I'm sorry no that's not I'm sorry we haven't started yet excuse me come to the mic please I I apologize I apologize it's my first meeting come on now all right come come to the public speaking is now open is there anyone wishing to be heard on this ordinance come come on all right everybody come on now good morning all um my name is nen Wright aru Baka I am a product of the newk um city of nework I was born and raised here and I am so grateful and appreciative and humbled by each of you who I have knocked on doors to get open for Children and Families living with an Autism diagnosis in our community and the reason I started this organization 12 years ago because I couldn't find programs and services in our community and I don't believe a zip code should be a reason any of our children don't get the services that they need within their own communities and I just have to applaud mayor Ros Baraka and the city council because you allow those doors to swing wide open by offering a autistic summer um Camp by offering swimming programs by offering other services within our community and I want the people in the community to know that there's work to be done and you're one of the few municipalities in our County that has opened the doors to make sure that our black and brown children get the services that they need the percentage of families that we serve throughout the state of New Jersey is the highest in the city of norc and I just want to say and I want everyone in here to know our lives of living with an Autism diagnosis is not easy we need Services we need programs within our community and I want to say thank you to the city of New York for opening those doors and making sure that you have not forgotten my children who I call the Forgotten ones so I applaud you and I thank you and I'm excited about this opportunity for us to have services within our own Community whereas our children will have quality programs not programs to just throw people in there who don't understand their disabilities but people who understand what they are living with and what they're dealing with so to you guys thank you I'm looking forward to this project I'm looking forward for the City of New York to be the model for other underserved inner city communities to follow so thank you thank you thank you very much Mr alaka and and let me just say thank you personally for what you've done for my family next speaker this is speaking on SPS F CS oh um I just have one inquiry in terms of what was just spoken on with the autistic um Community I don't know if it's okay to ask if you can share some information about that just so that you can make the community aware I I'm not aware of what's going on or the process if you could just lend some um understanding to that I'd appreciate thank you next speaker I'm I'm confused is this ordinance seat that we was speaking to right now yes it is okay so help me understand how the authorization of the mayor to transfer properties um Newark properties sale and and Redevelopment without a process who is it being transferred to invest newk or individuals this is this is like Wordsmith in here and and at the end of the day we don't know that we don't have access to the properties that that are being transferred into invest n I'm not against any organization that's out here doing the work and grinding every day to help our children our people and our communities but this is some nonsense here why are we authorizing more access to invest new for the properties that the people don't get to to have access to explain that one to me and at the end of the day invest Newark is a quasi governmental agency why are they shepherding all of the City properties now into this agency let's not get it twisted every time y'all come up here get people the laborers come here to support an initiative or support these ordinances it has nothing to do with what y'all are doing on the books with our property and the land we don't get you don't charge market rate for the properties that you sell $2.7 million for the Cita tow that y'all sold for $223,000 and put us in debt with legal fees of half a million dollars now y'all giving all of the properties to invest new every time lion ass Allison lad come up here she got a story but she don't never produce no documents for the time she's been here every time y'all ask for something year in and year out I'll get it to you will the public never sees that nor have we seen the access to the list of City on Prop properties I commend you community people that finally got a piece of the pie but this is something more systemic than that and y'all are going along with it and for every one of you up there that are preoccupied on your technology instead of paying attention to the people at the podium you're a disgrace thank you for your comments next speaker uh Mr Mr chair sorry prior to him speaking you know it is one thing to uh you know bash uh insults and and and and you know derogative stuff at the council right I mean you know people elected us to do this But to infer uh that one of our uh you know administrative people is you know uh in in a derogative way I think we should be mindful of that and and we respect people's right to have their right to speak to say whatever but I don't think we should come to the microphone and address people in that kind of derogative way because if it was done to them they wouldn't like it so we got to be respectful we really have to be respectful I just want to say that thank you councilman councel good morning everyone Council uh my name is edwiin Ortiz I'm the executive director for the returning citizen support group I am one of the awardees for site B um I want to thank you I want to thank the mayor Miss lad Keith Hamilton um you know the mayor had a vision and and to empower the community specifically black and brown community and when I look at the city council I'm glad that I see people that looks like me that represent my community um I'm Justice impacted in 1986 I was sentenced to 30 years in prison I grew up in nor councilman canana you may not remember but over 30 years ago my mother old gar me she rest in peace came to you and asked you to write a letter on our behalf for our sentencing hearing I stand here today because the judge gave me not life but numbers and I was able to make it home so I never you know got an opportunity to thank you but I'm thanking you here [Applause] today our Mission my co-founder alq Richard where he's at there over there hiding in the back um is to empower our community right so our goal our mission is to build affordable housing 100% affordable housing our mission is to create collocated services so that we can assist our children and disrupt the school the prison pipeline to empower our youth because we were once part of the problem but now we're part of the solution on so together right as a grassroot organization newk city council the mayor in the community right we can fight and bicker all we want but Muhammad gandi said be the change that you want to see in the world I want to I want to have an impact I want to change my legacy I want to empower my community which is people who are system impacted but I just want to say thank you thank the mayor councilman dpri because we're going to be building on your word we appreciate your support because we have to reclaim our community and I am grateful and humble to have been considered and awarded a site thank you thank you for your [Applause] comments next speaker yeah um good morning Council um my name is Al Witcher born and raised here in the city of Nork I'm a co-founder and director at the returning citizens support group a group of tessers impacted individuals um that's my executive director and my brother right there Chino we're actually twins I usually wear glasses so you could tell us apart I was born and raised here in the city of nor I own three Residential Properties in the west ward two on South 20th Street in What's called the jungle and another one on South 14th Street all number blocks um this project that we're developing in conjunction with nemiah Rising my day job I'm an organizer with New Jersey together we're a broad-based nonpartisan Coalition of about 50 different religious organizations and nonprofits throughout Essex marvs and Hudson counties we have Jersey City together which lost in 2016 we have Mars are together which lost in 2021 and we have Essex together which lost last year um I am the senior organizer here we have 18 member organizations 10 of which are based here in York including churches and nonprofits we partnered with Nehemiah Rising which is part of our larger structure our larger uh um Coalition they're based out in New York they've developed close to 6,000 affordable housing units mostly in New York and blighted neighborhoods we partner with them to develop over here the site on South 10th Street we're going to develop 42 units it's going to be 50% or below the Ami we're actually shooting for 40% or below Ami 20% of the units are going to go to returning citizens the returning citizens support group is going to own 25% of the unit units we specifically asked to develop in some of the worst neighborhoods or so-called worst neighborhoods because we want to be in the hot spots but we can make a difference we are the ones that used to be a part of the problem now we're going to be a part of the solution when we do do the project we're going to make sure that black and brown faces are going to be there on the construction site from start to finish from groundbreaking to ribbon cutting we're going to make sure that nework residents are a part of the process and we really appreciate city council Allison L Keith h Elizabeth seagull mayor Ros Baraka for granting us this opportunity because they see the vision they believe in us and we support the city and city council 100% thank you thank you for your comments next speaker congratulations so sad they don't see the vision that's why it took so long they don't care that's why it took so long and when you live here and you know what we going through these have to be said despite the greatness of your program despite what you guys are trying to do these some evil folks here so guess what Donna ain't clapping for nothing till I see the brick and mor happen cuz I know how y'all do bring them up here today Black Faces oh yeah we doing something oh yeah we doing something oh yeah we gave him something and then Thursday after the election y'all will take it all the way from them we know how y'all play this game we know how y'all play this game very well so I'm excited cuz I have a six-year-old non-verbal granddaughter have one yeah so it's needed you never thought to put in an autistic Park in this city it's the problem I don't care whether he was sitting up there or not he wasn't talking about it autism been a problem for years and if you got to I don't know about them because I need to take my granddaughter so I don't believe that either we don't protect what we're supposed to prot Tech I would love to know what these other properties are cuz we know the games y'all play cuz the moment they don't curtail to what you want we know what y'all do that's why the fed's in here because of property that's why y'all in trouble the boy next door the boy you keep following that's why y'all in trouble that's why they took boxes out of here tax office mortgage all of that it's been taken out of here the county we know I hope that the properties you giving these people are free and clean cuz we know how y'all do that too oops oh we forgot Bill Bishop owns that we forgot Jeremy Fox owns that we forgot we gave this to this one because we were sitting in the negotiations to get that money for your cers you gave it to them with a handshake trying to think there's no no paper trail so if these prog programs go through in these buildings I'll be amazed cuz you're going to do hush because you're gonna do to them the same thing you did to the Valentine lot people same thing so y'all think people forget see people talk because they don't know what they talking about we live here I do this for a living the dollar houses what a joke the program for the people that work for the city firsttime homeowners what a joke how many people you did none how many properties you've taken back from people how many people have paid and you've rooked them and because they don't have money as individuals to take you guys to court they lose the property you haven't made one of those people hold not one and you've even done it to some of your friends and family thank you for comments next speaker it's like insider trading here huh insid of trading selective enforcement is what it's called no offense to the organizations that's reaping the benefits cuz we do need that but my question is is that how is any how's other ners that have that's been doing great things in the community Enlighten about this uh selection process how was the selection process can somebody explain [Music] that how how you get selected for this development with all the newers that's doing great things in the city anybody partnered with Local 55 who came in with a plan to uh rehab all the V vacant properties in the city of New anybody anybody partner with uh the young individuals and youth bill to build the vacant properties in our city anybody thought about partnership with them I know y'all ain't GNA partner with women Bill my organization who got women Builders building and in unions and with Union books and on union jobs I know you're not going to do that but it's the selection process for me I mean like this ordinance right here transferring whatever properties to invest nor how are people chosen how do people know about the developments so they can put their organizations can somebody explain [Music] that and y'all ever decide of of of partnering with uh Local 55 what's going on with them we building are they still building your vacant properties around the city Wayne Richardson where are you what you doing you've build where are you to help build these vacant properties you know around the city anybody doing that no you you're sitting here you know giving your friends most of them is baraka's uh I said that lady got to be some akin to crump when I said that to Lisa and she came up here and you said oh yeah uh thank you for doing great things for us such and such you said it out your mouth all these your yes people but the real Nas that's out there doing com who helping them to get thank you for your comments hi my name is Stephanie and my name is Joyce Ojo s I'm not really good with public speaking but I just wanted to thank you guys for giving speak up into the mic please okay um I just want to thank you guys for giving my New York based familyowned my minority and women owned business the opportunity to serve and support the community my parents have worked in new Yark Public Schools removing lein asbestos from new yor public school since um 1998 um we were given SF in collaboration with Urban League um as a resident of New York and a former student of Ruckers New York I see firsthand the struggles many face with homelessness um this development project is particularly meaningful to us as we believe it will play a vital role in addressing the housing crisis and I just want to thank you guys again for giving us [Applause] opportunity good morning felici aw and Singleton so I don't have my little interviews with the people that y'all selected and I was coming up here to say that it had to be had to be for us the ones that stood up and seemed like a nice plan but I want to know if the sale and Redevelopment plan is that Comon from invest nework because I don't see that in invest nework and was the nework qualities people um committee put on this to because it says Redevelopment ain't that part of that Redevelopment the equity plan like y'all not putting it all together I I don't have nothing to say about the developers cuz I done grilled them and they didn't gave me answer for answer never hesitated I mean if you prepped them you prepped them good but I don't believe so I believe that they got their head screwed on right y'all don't come with the answers so I don't know if y'all trying to finagle like Donna said whatever but y'all gonna see meet y'all match because people from North are not stupid you can thank the mayor you can thank Allison lad and Keith Hamilton I guess Keith Hamilton is the design KNE that the design cuz I thought that was Alison lad we can get up here and invo any opinion that we want to about people we are displeased with your actions we've been doing this for 10 years for 10 years and now you want to bring up a program that's now Community organized or now has people from the community and you want us to be excited about it 10 years we've been lied to we've been cheated we've been abused this is like a toxic uh relationship abusive relationship and now you throw flowers at us and we supposed to be happy I'm happy for these developers but anything that comes from y'all in housing we question and we have the right it's our first amendment right first amendment of public speaking we have freedom of speech as long as we're not defaming your character as long as we're not saying obscenities about you and if we do and it's not true Su us we have that right thank you thank you for your comments next speaker Shakir McDougall uh here on this one and um yeah I worked last night okay 11: to 7 at the hospital so understand I'm here for my people and I'm G make sure I make that effort to be here and reference to this and so you know I have some plans and and so I just want to contingency plans right because I remember one of the mayor's Representatives came up here a couple weeks ago and she was talking about how sometimes things change and so when you talked about the financial part about it you know I would like to know what are the contingency plans that if the finances don't go out you see what I'm saying because what I think about is you know somebody you you don't got the money we've heard we've seen that happen but then somebody else come in and take that property and use it for another resource like are there contingency plans in place to is though these properties have to be these these exact things you see what I'm saying because again for you to expect something to come and then they're like oh well we couldn't get the money up or the money didn't come through or I think you know even the weather can be a situation so what happens if there's a storm and they don't get to start by Spring what are the contingency plans in place that these people have to do what they say they're going to do and if they don't do what they say they're going to do they're going to be repercussions because again false hopes again these people are talking about people have been lied to and so to have false hopes and thinking again right there on Clinton na okay and and chatwick they were supposed to be Development Center or whatever was supposed to be there right next to the to the um the the uh laundry M there's supposed to be stuff there and it's been Rubble so they tore stuff down and proposed that they were going to build stuff and they haven't built it and then you wonder why the community is is is just despaired because again you promis people something you should be on on on record that I'm going to do it and if I don't do it this is what's going to happen so I mean I think that that's that's reasonable to ask so um as well as um and I and I I think what one of the people was saying again it is a little it's a little wordy and I think it's it's it's on purpose but I guess my question would be you know as a man and who who plans to be in leadership why is it always directing the responsibility on somebody else to to put their name on it on these agreements like you should be able to stand up and say I want this and I'mma stand on it I'm not going to delegate responsibility for somebody else to do it if this is what I believe in and I want done then you should put your name under it and you should be doing it so I would I would think that that's something um uh you know he should consider thank you thank you for your comments next speaker George Tillman Jr uh I'd like you just to go to um 6sn fa on page three when it talks about economic incentives and I I want to direct your attention to um item number three city property with is Coveted for a private sale for or nominal consideration which shall be annual market value of $25,000 or more so um again I just say that just to let you know that these Landa land sales also fall under these economic incentives and also that commission is a part this is supposed to be overseeing this process as well um I'm in agreement of course with it um one of my groups was successfully um got some developments in the central Ward and we're going to be starting developments in a couple of months and I posted it that we're um recruiting applicants from 18 to 25 we also opened a job policy office right here in 17 Academy Street in the central Ward for those projects the way it's supposed to be done according to the ordinance so even though my group is a part of this process with these these land cells and this Redevelopment I'm still in protest of this government not being in compliance with these laws because even though good things happen because I'm able to go out and hire nework residents I'm able to set up a office in nework to set up developments in the central Ward which these developers supposed to be doing as well because there's a responsibility to hire new residents there's a responsibility to the ward council to see these developments in your ward in South Ward is supposed to be a n resident job policy office just like the one I set up in the central Ward I'm not a councilman but I got developments in the central Ward to make sure that Central Ward residents in nework are working on those projects that's the way this process is supposed to go forward so I'm asking this this this this Council yes pass this absolutely but we have to get to the business of monitoring residency job policy without this commission developers going to continue to not pay our city without this commission they'll continue to not pay um uh n residents High NK residents so until we get our commission nor Employment Commission in place we have to address this Mr President thank you thank you for your comments any additional speakers okay we get some followup from uh deputy mayor in the meantime are there any questions or comments from the council at least two specific issues Council I mean uh Deputy Mayor is one was is there a deed restriction on these sales and uh the selection process uh yes council president council members Allison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh yes the process uh was publicly released um and all notices were released publicly for anyone who was interested in participating in this program both round one and round two uh Not only was it on our website but it's was also done through social media and I believe there was a notice in the newspaper so all of the stuff is available and I really encourage people who are listening uh Beyond those and Chambers as well to participate um because there's so much good work that's happening and sometimes you may hear repetitive information about how there isn't access but there absolutely is access to anyone interested in doing Equitable development in the city uh second the um property list uh council president as you may know is publicly listed on our website and it has been it is updated quarterly because um things change um because people ask to submit for letter of interests and anyone can also Al apply um I don't believe we received many from those that are here in Chambers but if we receive them we absolutely look at them um strategically and we move them forward but the list changes it changes every quarter um because that's the the nature of real estate the third part is is there will be deed restrictions on the property um and they will be um at least 20 years uh for the affordable housing um and oh I'm sorry council president one last thing for clarity uh I heard invest newars mentioned many times invest nework has nothing to do with this effort um these properties are being sold directly to the 11 selected development Partners from the city uh pending your uh consideration thank you any any follow-up questions or concern coun from the council thank you Deputy Mayor thanks roll call Council yes MC Iber yes Gonzalez absolutely yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes SOA yes president Crump I I'm actually going to abstain uh my wife is actually on the board for Nissan's place so but I do support all the different projects 6p P SF D and E are traffic ordinances D is an ordinance amending the traffic ordinance by changing the permit parking hours on various streets in the East Ward sponsored by councilman Silva second by councilman Gonzalez and E is an ordinance amending traffic by changing the meter parking hours on Ferry Street in the East Ward again sponsored by councilman Silva second by councilman Gonzalez is there anyone present wishing to be heard these ordinances I'd like to ask the councilman what hours are you in in instituting permit parking because I think the last time we were here and this was deferred you were talking about um something like 6: AM or 6: PM to 6: am how is that helpful to the residents in the Ironbound that can't find parking now the parking authority don't work during those hours nor do they issue tickets nor can we get the parking authority to address the the uh illegal parking going on in the city right now so how is this helpful to the homeowners that live there when you're compounding it with the Iberia project and all the other projects you got going on in the East Ward how is this being helpful if you said permit parking um Monday through Friday up to Sunday Saturday whatever it is during the day and the evening permit parking that makes sense but when you are putting an ordinance for something that don't make sense on hours that the parking authority isn't even working tell me how that's helpful to the residents thank you for your comments next speaker saying none councilman Silva uh yes so this is a culmination of two years of meetings with uh my residents that I hold every quarter and one of the things that was always bought up was permit parking so when my residents because the East W is a workingclass community go to work every day uh anybody could park there when they get home from work at 6: pm. they find a parking space close to their home instead of having a park three four five blocks to get back to their home some of them work late um and have to walk uh alone three four five blocks to get home uh so this way it creates more parking in front of and on the street so um this is two years of the community advocating to me to try to make this happen we were doing prior to me getting there uh we were doing streets when people wanted permit parking on their streets they would submit a petition and sign the petition and so we were doing a street here A Street there this is the first phase of a pilot if it works between Union Street and Merchant Street from Lafayette over to Market Street so all those side streets whether it be Union mcarter uh Prospect Jefferson uh Adams Monroe Madison vanan poke um Merchant Street will get these uh signs posted I hope engineering could get these put up as quick as possible because what's happening like I said my residents are having a park three four five blocks away during the day we haven't decided yet if it's going to be 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. so when uh Council mon Silva gets home at 6 PM I'm just using myself as an example there's a parking space when I leave for work in the morning at 6:00 AM which most of my community does 5 6 AM uh the parking is open for businesses for people to come and park on the side streets to utilize the businesses on Ferry Street or off Ferry Street so these are the hours that uh my community uh felt were the necessary hours to create permit parking so again it's a pilot program if it does work I hope to implement it throughout the East War throughout the Ironbound so again my residents when they get home from work don't have to park four or five blocks away thank you councilman Silva any other comments or questions roll call Council yes MC Iver yes oh I'm sorry that's okay yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes yes Ramos absent Scott rry yes Sila yes president Crump yes council president I would also like to thank uh the ba his support on this uh our engineering director for supporting this I appreciate them working with me and getting this done thanks so noted thank you and I apologize I'm used to voting after Council M counsel next item 7 r8a through C are all waving special event permit application fees A is for the Essex West Hudson labor council's annual Labor Day Parade sponsored by councilman canana you have a second second second by Council woman brry B is for the Hy Street Festival sponsored by councilwoman mcgyver I'll second that one and C is the St Paul sound appraise a September to remember Community block party sponsored by councilman Council SEC second by councilman Gonzalez roll call Council yes M Iber yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos absent Scott round Tre yes Silva yes president Crump yes council president council members it is 11:53 we are at the end of the special we do have a pre in preparation for tomorrow's meeting the question before the counc president council members is do you want to take a minute to go through this agenda and that way hold the public speaking to the very end or do you want to do to let's let's go through the agenda go through yes okay roll call to to adjourn the special need a roll call to adjourn the special order to move forward Council public speaking will follow immediately after the pre yeah roll call Council yes ma Iber yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos absent Scott rry yes Silva yes president Crump yes council president council members we need one minute for the tidwells to adjust for the pre council president it's okay council president council members we are on page three I'm sorry page four of the Prem meeting agenda item five reports recommendations of City officers boards and commissions any questions comments seeing none ordinances on first reading 6 psfa is an ordinance amending the facade Improvement program by amending eligible facade improvements and forgiveness of the repayment of the facade improvement loan sponsored by councilman Council second by councilwoman Scott rry questions or concerns see none 6p sfb is an ordinance amending closing cost program to increase the term of the loan and accordingly decrease the percentage of the Forgiveness amount for each full consecutive year after closing in which the subject property is the primary residence of the borrower until the closing cost loan is fully satisfied sponsor it by councilman Council second by councilman Kelly any questions seeing none C is an ordinance granting a 20-year tax abatement to 369 378 18th Avenue urban renewal LLC for a project to construct 11 market rate residential rental units with one affordable housing rental units in the central Ward questions seeing none D is an ordinance granting a 25-year tax batement to Riverfront quarters urban renewal LLC for a project to construct 64 residential rental units in the East W any questions seeing none e is an ordinance amending parking prohibited at all times to prohibit parking at all times on Beacher Street on the east side between West Kenny Street and Hy Street and the central Ward sponsored by councilwoman mcgyver second by councilman canana any questions seeing none f is an ordinance amending parking or standing prohibited in areas at certain times for street cleaning to prohibit parking at certain times on Beacher Street on the West Side between West Kenny Street and Hy Street in the central Ward any questions seeing none G an ordinance amending cannabis to permit and regulate adult use and LIC cannabis establishments sponsored by councilman Kelly second by councilman Council questions yeah Mr chair you like coun we had a uh cannabis committee meeting this morning and uh you know through that conversation we wanted to ask of the administration uh is there a way that we can uh create an office of cannabis uh Affairs uh that can um you know look into the matters that are going around especially with some of these uh convenience and smoke shops and other places who are uh you know selling um things that they should not be selling without the proper permits looking at Revenue generation and then also having a real laser eye focus on what is going on at the state level uh in terms of you know turning around applications information um and trying to enhance what it is that we need to do as a municipality to be in front of these issues Mr ba good morning council president to councilman Council yeah the administration is looking now into uh establishing a separate office to address cannabis smoke shops um and entities that are operating without the appropriate licensing and to your point two to make sure pull the mic up better I'm sorry to make sure that uh the state process is streamlined as much as possible or at least that we are uh laser focus I think is the word you used in making sure that the applicants here in the city of nor get through the state process as well as the city process with as few hiccups as possible so your suggestion is under consideration right now thank you you're welcome Council M Gonzalez yes as I understand you're not supposed to smoke the weed on the streets they say You're supposed is is is legal but it's not supposed the same way that you are not supposed to drink on the streets H so why is it the in the police enforcing the law um I'm not sure I'm I'm prepared right now to adopt that position I'm certainly prepared to have a discussion with the director of Public Safety to bring to uh his attention your concern that enforcement of uh smoking marijuana in public needs to be stepped up I I'll bring that to his attention thank you you wel any other questions concerns uh thank you Mr B Moving On 6 psf is an ordinance authorizing the mayor and or his design to enter into an execute an agreement with Boles LLC for the sale and Redevelopment of city property any questions seeing none I as an ordinance amending rent control by making various Corrections sponsored by councilwoman mcgyver second by councilman Kelly any questions seeing none resolutions 7 r1a is a temporary emergency Appropriations to provide a temporary emergency appropriation for the sub Regional Transportation Planning program any questions thing B is the return of a gift to provide for the return of the Mother Cabrini statute sponsored by councilman Silva any questions seeing none but we need a second for that you say councilman Silva yes a second I'll second it 7 R2 a through C are private sale Redevelopment agreements a is to create a sidey yard for the adjacent owned property at 140-142 Leslie Street in the South Ward Mr chair we're going to ask that this item be deferred we make an adjustment and some amendments with the uh Department of Economic Development bir do we keep the uh from Council second second councilman Gonzalez B is to use existing to provide parking to adjacent property in the South Ward councilman councel can I ask that this item be deferred as [Music] well second for the affirment second second by round Tre Council round Tre C is to provide for new construction of a two family home and rehabilitation of a three family home to sell at market rate to City of newk employees in the South Ward I'm going to ask this item be deferred as well sir second for deferment second second by councilman Kelly 7r2 d is acceptance of Grant funds 7 r2d and E are both acceptance and application of Grant funds D is for the production and preservation of affordable housing and E is for the identification and removal of barriers to affordable housing production and preservation any question council president I just uh I know this is going to be voted on tomorrow but I just want to uh one in spirit and in light uh thank Congressman late Congressman Donald Payne Jr uh who was um vocal and Advocate about us getting these two grants that we're going to be voted on to accept tomorrow uh more a federal funding to support affordable housing and housing here in the city and our Housing Initiative so uh definitely in spirit we we should be thanking him even in his absence of body on Earth um because work is still being done that he advocated for the city of nor on behalf of absolutely councilwoman mcgyver um if we a question with the 7r2 E deputy mayor uh just an overall I guess high level breakdown of the grant funds for that the $4 million yes uh council member I'm sorry council president uh thank you Allison lad director of Economic and Housing Development so the first item um is $8 million and this was a direct Congressional appropriation uh that um council member mcgyver spoke about uh by our late Congressman pay um the purpose of us bringing it to you today is so we can accept the grant um and then thereafter we'll be able to uh work with um the Council on how we spend the funds it is 8 million and in our conversations with HUD uh the office that's managing this it's very flexible um and we'll be able to do a lot with this $8 million that our late Congressman was able to allocate to the city of nework so at this time there is not a special um lies list whereas the second Grant uh the 4 million um is does have a specific budget allocation for each um of the four million there and as we as you move forward with the uh allocation of these funds appreciate if you could share that with the council so we're aware of what's going on with those funds we would be happy to council president thank you any other questions next item 7 r2f is a motion to defer this item 7 r3a is to provide construction management and inspection services for the iron V roundabout safety Improvement Federal project any questions seeing none 7 r8a will be deferred 7 r8b is recognizing and commending resolutions 7 r8c is expressing profound sorrow and regret any questions additions seeing none see um oh I'm sorry councilman Kelly um yeah sorrow and regret I just want to add um uh Miss Edna's mother Miss Somerville um ivoler I'm if I'm saying her name wrong I apologize but her first name is is Miss uh Ivor AV v o i r l Miss Somerville she lost her mom I want to add that please do we not so add that to the thank you thank you councilman Kelly anything else yes can we uh also add uh Frederick L uh Washington to uh Sor reget that is the uh late husband of Kesha raspberry who is one of the supervisor administrators and the director's office of Department Recreation culture Affairs and Senior Services so we want to send our condolences to her and her family uh on the loss of her uh ex-husband thank you councilman Council any additional seeing none Communications we dealt with earlier at the top of the meeting 8 C on page 19 is an ordinance amending a lease agreement with lsid Properties LLC for the purpose of updating and amending recital any questions from the council anything from the administration on this no no Right Moving On 8D is an ordinance amending traffic permit parking by adding Adam Street between Oliver Street and Walnut Street on the west side of Adam Street daily from 6: p.m. to 6:00 a.m. in the East Ward sponsored by councilman Silva a second second by councilman Gonzalez councilman yeah I just want to explain this so this is what happens when a street that's off the be path and away from what I'm trying to do uh uh off the side streets on ferry gets a petition and submits it now they have permit parking but everyone around them doesn't and so now this becomes a situation for the other streets that are surrounding Adam Street to find a parking spit because all those people that were parking on Adam Street before who may have lived uh a house or two in on the side street can no longer Park on Adam Street and that's why I think it's important that we do section by section instead of street by Street uh because then it creates a problem for people living in that area and they can't park that's it thank you councilman Silva uh councilman Gaz yes the parking authority had at one point in time indicated that they were that they were going to do parking by sections I I don't know what happened to that they say it was supposed to be a SE section let's say a in the in the north W will include a lot of streets the same would happen throughout the city I don't know what happened with that but it's something that comes to mind now that you are doing it in the Ace W thank you counc uh Madame clerk can we send a note to the parking authority to see where this is or if this something that they are working on right now certainly thank you any other comments questions seeing none council president council members we are now in a 30 minute public portion public speaking portion of this meeting where each speaker will have three minutes to speak please state your name for the record is there anyone wishing to address the council Miss Bradley good morning council members hello my name is fakira brly and I want to State this not n one of us are flawless each and every one of us have flaws so what I'm about to say you can take it and run with it if you want to I don't care this for the people in the back over here keep my business out your mouth and I'mma say it like that so hello my name is fakira Bradley har inter richness I've been attending these meetings for the last couple of years in good faith even though the odds were stacked again against me I am with a child first and foremost and under extreme stress due to the negligence of CNC management the housing authorities of nework New Jersey a b amongst a bunch of other people I've been residing at 200 Georgia King Village for the last four and a half years I'm grateful even though I was supposed to move about four months ago Deborah mson was supposed to secure my unit August before August 19th of 2024 to noville no unit and the notice from tiarra Thomas who lies under oath the property manager at 250 Georgia King Village who's going to jail for perjury meaning lying under oath I have concrete proof set in stone I need more time to find me a place on my own in fact it is not my fault all that I'm going through it's due to the fact that I quot on to them be being boozing me scamming me robbing me bullying me harassing me physically attacking me twice two people who were sent to try to destroy my character lies will never destroy the truth I'm being provoked to act out of character nope I'm not g to do it I already started my process if you know what I mean all I asked was my rental portion to be properly deducted they got upset and sent a couple of more people one of them who I just mentioned Deborah Matson to destroy the rest of my mental and physical health not gonna happen I'm 10 steps ahead of you right Tiara Thomas Daisy marudas Deborah mson the lawyers of CNC management and no Housing Authority I need my voucher I've been holding my voucher for the last four and a half years I'm not the type of person that mov from here to here I got every rent receipts they scammers they embezzlers they coming to lock my door you got the excuse me the copies tiarra and his here my messages Deborah mson tiarra doing side robs I got the concrete proof they better not come lock my door because I'mma Be at the Robert Street I am a productive gangster a highrisk interventionist right and I'm with SH I take care of my grandkids thank thank you for your comments next speaker I'm going liars cheaters and Steelers heart you want to restate your Motion in full my motion is that we uh disregard or absolve ourselves from voting for an individual uh to fill uh councilman former councilman pay's vacated seat and that we allow the voters of Newark to decide who should sit in that seat in a special [Applause] election mild Crump second that we didn't get a special election for Mildred's empty seat Crump you went and sat there temporarily said you wouldn't be seeking reelection or fulfilling that seat we didn't get a special election for that we are done with you cherry picking who represents the people because at the end of the day whether she gives up that seat and you sit in it it's nothing more but the same of what we've been getting lying stealing cheating and not representing the people today even even in a special we supposed to have speak portion after your special and we supposed to have speaking portion after the regular meeting all of this executive sessions bastardizing the public forum suppressing the people from having a voice and then to have you the representatives represent our interests that was from when you try to seat somebody and at that time it was rajj Baraka speaking from my phone what he said let the people decide who should be representing them and last I check you got parking authority you got the uh Dynasty from your mama on the pay it you you a principal in Brick City peace Collective and a counsilman tell me one job you doing efficiently and effectively that impacts the people all of y'all been sitting up there year in year out never pass one piece of legislation to help the homeowners but every time we come here y'all giving gifts away to your friends to your family the property the land the contracts the deals when y'all going to start representing the people tomorrow's an election day people don't vote for nobody that been sitting here that ain't never had your interest thank you for your comments next speaker Monera Elman once again I'm G say good rhythms corrupt cult that's running our government the tax abatement committee once again the equable growth growth Commission the union leaders the Housing Commission and the economic development land Grabber where is she at where she at um that's running our government you are absolute failure and there's no other way to describe you the economic land Grabber you need to do a better job with advertising our city owned properties and land to newers and to local businesses and to other community organizations now you got up here and you know whatever you talked about and the list is was here the list was there the list was there and here and there and there but the list ain't given to the homeowners here the list is not given to the local businesses here the list are not given to other community organizations here where is the list do a better job at advertising in the list to other people besides baraca friends and family and now the president friends and family another thing the former orange attorney Eric peniton resigned from the following uh for withholding federal investigation subpoenas into a ongoing allegation of wire fraud misuse of federal federal funds and other alleged crimes now now he's withholding our budget and also a failure to present our budget in a timely manner okay where's the pink slit this man gets almost $300,000 salary off the backs of local people head this is this unacceptable this is a travesty and something needs to be done now what's going on with our budget is this horrible unacceptable and then another thing under the US 18 242 deprivation of rights under color law that lady right there she should be under a federal crime uh uh charged with a federal crime and a person that violates a person rights under color of law this is their penalty they should be fined and also should be in prison for no more than a year that is a federal offense deprivation of Rights is a federal offense how are you skating out of here without a a criminal allegation comments M Pani next speaker good afternoon um good afternoon good afternoon to council president and the fellow council members thank you for the opportunity to speak today please state your name for the record please certainly my name is Cali to fips I am president of Ivy Hill neighborhood association um I live on Tuxedo Parkway in the Ivy Hill section of Newark in the west ward um the reason why I am here is to Advocate on behalf of the residents that live in the Ivy Hill area by the park um I we are revisiting an issue that we've been having of regional Urban flooding um we thank you for the attention that you did address to it earlier on a few years ago and we were hit with um hurricane Ida should say superstorm Ida the challenges that we're having at the moment is with increased rain flood rainfall that we've been having and it's not going away it seems to be getting worse the rate of the water that is falling in our areas is devastating our region although we may be at a high point the urban flooding that has been created from the construction building that's happened with Sean Hall University that water is pouring into the park those pipes are flooding the park the water then flaws from there it flows down our streets the rate is crazy I myself walked the streets when we had a heavy storm about three weeks ago just so I could lay eyes on they say it starts at the park is that really what's happening I had to take video of the amount of water that went over the curb and it's just flooding down the streets the surface flooding has gotten to the point where people have had to walk kneep in water and it wasn't just regular water it's sewage water so I do want to say thank you first of all because I don't want to be remiss on this you guys did install s um flow meters to check out what's happening with the waters underneath the ground the problem we were dealing with is the surface water there was so much water that was flowing off of everyone's drive you could almost lose your footing just walking that is the rate that this water is falling the construction that happened at the park the pipes are not big enough to carry that water what was intended for years ago our WEA of haard has changed homes are getting flooded a woman had 18 to 21 inches of sewage water in her basement I had to turn around and walk back because the water was getting too high and it was no longer safe so we're asking for yes you installed original catch Bas we thank you we've heard that there you guys will be increasing the sewer lines we thank you for that because the water is inundating the pipes the problem from the surface water though we need more catch basins that water's blowing straight past is not going down and the surface water that goes into the sewer line manhole covers is inundating that and bringing that sewer water up so we need help so I'm here to raise that concern and to just ask for more help we thank you for the plans that you already making underway we thank director Kareem adim for being responsive and hearing us but we still need more assistance thank you thank you for your comments next speaker fici off and Singleton that more than them pipelines when y'all gonna listen to me I I won't ever know you still got to clean them catch basins Eric you didn't give me that schedule when they clean the catch basins nor um did y'all do anything about it the scene you saw in the chamers earlier that's a aggravated frustrated resident upon the flunkies that say they're connected to this Administration you know that I have been fighting with that person it it just pleases my heart to see that the lies are coming out but you don't want to hear it this is what I get frust with with a lot of people cursing me out because they're aggravated they're frustrated they they don't have representation and then you got people coming around saying that they that they represent you they're on behalf of you the councel or the mayor I wasn't worri about that but at the end of the day I'mma say what your responsibility is to do the right of representation and councils and this is from the New Jersey Supreme Court the right of representation in councils of government is one of the most fundamental perceptions of democracy and indeed was animated principles that gave a rise to our Republic perhaps level of government more directly touches the lives of the people than the municipal government although this appeal and they're talking about the appeal for a municipal vacant seat although this appeal may arise in a partisan scrotum between factions it also can happen within political parties and a nonpartisan when a seat is at state it is the right of the citizens to have a voice in their government in their choice of representation that's from the New Jersey Supreme Court and all I'm asking you guys is to do what's right you know the well I'm not going to say you know the laws you're supposed to be reading those ordinances and you should be voting as if you were on the other side of here not voting on what other people have to say we've been telling you about them pipes Ivy Hill and Cen Hall been fluting I keep telling you the more you build if you don't can reconstruct the pipe you're going to cause an overflow that's the sewage P Valley is not equipped to handle it he should tell you that tell him Larry the the pipelines that go to the P River it it can't handle it Nork is not not big enough and if Kareem don't know I'll show him too I don't have no problem with him but I'll show him too at the end of the day it's a problem with your sewer and your storm drain runoffs and you won't get it fixed do I gave you Georgia King Village scored a 22 on Hood I gave you uh up there seat and Hall come on bro we can beat them we can beat all thank you uh for your comments next speaker good morning Donna Jackson good morning M Jackson sad day in this city y'all gonna just do what y'all want to do don't care nothing about the people and Mr Crump it ain't personal but we sick of y'all doing what you want you know this community is not supporting none of you up there the little bit of support that you guys have is reflective in your election numbers 60 70,000 people per Ward and none of you top 20,000 the mayor only made it to 13,000 we can't stand y'all and this is the reason why no cap on evictions you have no idea what's going on out here in the community what happened to the two officers that was running at the last council meeting on Broad Mark you doing anything is Fergie still working who was held accountable how you how our children running and you running with our children that's unacceptable unacceptable somebody shooting and you running I'm paying you to be the cop unacceptable why is Fergie still here I refuse to call him Fab or whatever the heck his name is I don't care why do we keep having these inep directors who don't know what they doing now residents you need to understand why your trash is not getting picked up because this Council right here is not doing anything to ensure that the workers at DPW get paid so now they pulling people from public buildings to go pick up their trash that's why I sitting out there because they're in Revolt because they're not getting their overtime in the timely fashion not that this is something that just happened but this is on your watch still children from the summer youth program have not been paid some got one check and not the other how people that work for DBW getting paid out of the summer youth program how what kind of illegal stuff I guess oh you know what Raz got to pay for the resort and the hotel over in GH okay I get it now y'all just taking all the money and doing what you want to do with it you're a part of it you vote Yes to this stuff and yeah it hurts but we tired of y'all too we tired of it the people in the community know the truth they live here they live here do the sewer cleaning trucks even work when the last time we bought some new ones y'all charging all this money in the water department 30% increase on the water y you know y'all just get here oh we're going to have a 30% 20% increase on the water uh 2017 we're going to increase your water bill by 30% so we can play for the L service lines and then did nothing to reduce that once the 100 million came in from the feds thank you Donald Payne and Donald Trump and then $120 million y'all got from J D that we didn't even need come on come on put a moratorium on evictions put a moratorium on these rent increases help the families that live here because your workers that work here don't even make 30 40,000 a year on your watch and you wored about $20 an hour that's only $800 a week uh rent is two and 3,000 thank you for your comments next speaker good afternoon George Tillman um I just wanted to share a bit of information uh regarding some things that we're doing in the community um currently um we are taking some applications from nework residents from the ages from 18 to 25 for some upcoming construction developments in the central Ward I'm the contact person you can reach me at 973 583 0033 that's 973 583 003 3 we're looking for 18 to 25 year olds men and women preferably in the central Ward right now because those developments that we do have are in the central Ward however we are um looking for nework residence City Wide because we're looking to do developments all over the city um there is on the job training that we are offering for qualified individuals um we're asking that um any churches nonprofit organizations Community Based organizations reach out to us so that we can continue to build our community Workforce so they can participate in these projects throughout the city of nework uh again my number is 973 583 0033 we're recruiting nework residents from ages 18 to 25 I ask that you contact me immediately because those developments are coming up um very quickly we are going to ask that most of those that uh that have no experience we will be putting them into some classes that are being offered the OSHA 30 classes which are very important that each individual learns about safety regulations before they go on those construction sites so um with all that being said um I Look to join with the council members and the other Wars because what we're doing in the central war with this job policy office um sometimes the community has to do things when the government don't do them and have to do them ourselves however um I do like to work with the individual counselors in their Awards so we can set up these things in your Ward so that your residence and your ward can work as well on those construction sites thank you thank you for your comments next speaker yes good morning all um two things our rights are being disrespected um are unable rights and um I'm going to be speaking more on this I sent a follow-up email and again um I just want to remind you on record um councilman Silva that I still want to be a part of any safety um efforts and meetings um to help out in our community in that way I want to also put on record again as well as the email that I want to be involved in any educational efforts um that um councilman Ramos is leading up because um our kids are not being educated and it's going to lead to a future of uneducated citizens and uneducated voters and this is how we get people in place right who are not protecting what it is that we want and need as Citizens it's not about how people come up and say what they have to say it's about what it is that they're saying and when you come to a place of leadership you should be able to address what's going on from an emotional maturity standpoint and not about your feelings or emotions but about hearing what the problem is right and not the way that it's delivered and that's not happening now and it's proven to be extremely detrimental to us we have illegal immigrants that are in this country when we have a process and we have leadership that is promoting that and in promoting that my concern is that democracy and our rights are just getting pushed totally off the table and that can't continue so we have to force the conversations to make sure that that's not happening and it's not just that there's another in um another issue that's Brewing yesterday there was a gentleman from City Hall that went live and he went live about his car being illegally taken they said it was for an investigation and then they lied and said it wasn't for an investigation he had video with the officer saying it was for an investigation and it wasn't now when they take a car and impound it for an investigation the person is not supposed to be responsible to pay for that vehicle but they told him he needed $1900 approximately so as he ran back and forth to enties to City Hall to the police and doing his due diligence in terms of process when he got down there yesterday or the day before they actually sold his car and that shouldn't have happened and because he is a sovereign like I said he doesn't follow the constitutional rights right he's not following the rights as it pertains to corporate rights which we are in the process of since 1913 since they took those rights away and we have rights as being disrespected Ed we have rights that are being disrespected in terms of me just being a constituent in my community and not being invited a participatory in whatever meetings happens that take place you cannot do that and we're going to start doing everything we could do to work against that so I would like to work with you guys please consider thank you for your comments any other hold on a second any other speakers any other speaker anything from the council well let me uh let me clarify something then you can let me let me do the council first Mr Deputy Mayor yes thank you uh council president so a couple of things one is the young lady was here from Ivy Hill about the flooding um I'm having that situation in the East Ward where homes that have sat for 30 40 years never flooded and now they do flood so uh I actually reached out for uh council president uh because I saw uh two shiny brand new Pake Valley trucks parked in the parking lot in the East Ward uh getting something to eat and they were nice and clean and so I reached out for council president to give me a number uh because as anybody knows I'm not a big fan of Pake Valley nothing against my Council colleagues who sit on but I'm not a big fan they contribute and I've told the ba this they contribute zero zero to the the East Ward in the community in the city in general zero uh so I'm not a big fan of there so uh that young lady if she's still here we can give you a number because they have the responsibility and the owners should not be always on the city of nework they have a job to do as well so if she's still here I can give her that number oh that's who I called uh to help me clean out some of the issues that I had in the East W the uh responsibility should not always fall on director adem and his team Pake valy should be held accountable as well uh the second thing is October 2nd is our public safety meeting uh you nine o'clock here um I'll speak to councilman Ramos to send out the invites but we are having a meeting October 2nd at 9:00 am um uh Miss Jackson I just want to get back to her because she had said something about a building across the street from um NJ Pack that's being built as you could see the buildings that we voted on last week not even up so that part of the parcel on the riverfront wasn't included it was a small section in the East Ward that included the buildings that are not even built there's not a foundation up there's nothing up there's nothing as you drive by mcarter Highway you could see that building is already taken shape so that had nothing to do with the what we passed last week of the Redevelopment project it's a small triangle section of the East Ward that we utilized to um to uh in the development process of building up that area so that building has nothing to do with um with that what we passed last week or last month or whatever it was and the last thing I just want to touch on so I inherited what was called from councilman Amador aest fund and it allows me to use that utilize that money back in my community one of the biggest uh things that I've done was the down Bottom Farms um uh Pop Warner football I've given to organizations I've given to associations I've given to churches I've given to schools I've given to 70 different organizations uh in the East Ward and in the city and part of that money uh that I inherited from councilman Amador was because hes back in I don't know what year it was 2016 18 something like that built a power plant uh in the East Ward and gave councilman Amador Community benefit and I inherited that Community benefit like I said I've given to 70 different organizations in the East Ward in the city after two years of meetings and again the two years of community meetings that I hold quarterly and business roundtables that I hold quarterly the complaints from my residents from my business owners were the permit I can go down the list the permit parking um and a bunch of other uh issues but one of the issues was the area surrounding the park and so I use no taxpayer dollars zero zero taxpayer dollars to pay for that fence I said it last month at the meeting that there's no one else on this uh Council but me who takes responsibility for that fence I will take responsibility for that fence but I did not use taxpayer dollars to fund that fence I use the fund that I've like I said I've given out to churches and Pop Warner and Eide and other schools to have events uh organizations up to like I said 70 at least that the last report was given to me uh but I did not use taxpayer dollars for that fence I want to make sure that we're clear that it's Community dollars that were used that I used uh to improve the East Ward that I use like I said to help out whoever needs it with funding uh uh to to have an event or to do something so I just want to make make that clear thank you council president thank you councilman Silva councilman Kelly uh thank you uh council president um I just wanted to address um the flooding situation that that Miss kala um president of of the Block Association brought to our attention um yes it's it's getting worse you know I'm only here two years but in the two years that I've been here it's getting worse but I'm a lifelong newker and it's getting worse that I've seen just being a norer but when it comes to se Hall and when it comes to Upper Ivy Hill section we have addressed it I see um director adim talking to miss khita so I I know that they probably already spoke about some of those issues I don't know if um if M director adem just wanted come up for the record just to say certain things but uh you know we have we've been dealing with this every time I call um you know he's been present he's you know from pictures to reaching out to the state to reaching out to FEMA so it's it's still an issue but it's not an issue that's going unnoticed that's going untalked about we we've been dealing with it uh immensely you know it's it's a problem and then we have been dealing with it and like I said I see director back there talking to Miss K so I don't know if you want to come up uh director okay I got you they'll come up afterwards do it in the Motions thank you all right anything else thank you Council M Kelly anything else Council woman M kyver thank you so much council president I just uh wanted to address uh two quick things uh regarding public comment uh one was one of the speakers was mentioning about the list of properties that are available to the city that changes quarterly um and the list has been online for quite some time actually for years um but anybody who's interested in seeing the list of properties that are available in the city can visit our website at www.or newjersey.gov um and all of those properties are listed there as mentioned by our deputy mayor of Economic Development um she has mentioned multiple times that the list does change quarterly as we continue to move properties off um and add properties but those are uh definitely there and then lastly I do just want to address uh something personally uh Congress council president Crump um there was some statements made about how I should be in jail getting fined I I just want to make note to the public that I have not been charged I'm not going to jail I have not been convicted um I'm not violating any rights I just want to be clear about that uh folks come to uh the mic often to talk about their facts um and that's exactly what it is is their personal facts um and I want to just put on the record about that because we don't want people to be Mis um you know misinformed or given the wrong information when they come to the podium stating certain uh information like that so thank you so much council president for that time thank thank thank you councilwoman well said any other speakers I'm not sorry any other anything from the council councilman Council yes sir before uh you know Deputy Mayor comes up after runup as to a tax abatement meeting uh but I definitely wanted to uh share uh one the uh excitement of having uh former council president L Monica MAA serve as council president of this August body uh for her years of dedication her work uh in this community uh since being a a young uh girl who has you worked and fought very hard uh for the rights of residents people young people youth women um in the city overall uh and I just want to thank her uh for all of her work her effort uh I know that there is you know a process that is going to be happening on tomorrow uh and you know our hope uh is that uh as she does well uh that we will continue to uh work closely uh with her and follow her and encourage her uh but just on behalf of you know our Council colleagues here all of them those who are are are present and not present uh we want to commend and congratulate you um on your service uh as the council president and we would uh be remissed I know from my office my staff uh from all the South Central love that we had uh we would be remissed if we did not take this moment uh to thank you for your service not only as council president uh but to this Council body and we just want to share that by giving you some flowers while you still can smell it oh thank you so much C yes thank you thank you so much very nice yeah that was sweet thank you uh councilman Council I just do want to say because I'm following councilman Council as well to a tax abatement meeting now that they've been waiting for us for about 20 minutes um I just want to say thank you so much for the opportunity to serve as the council president uh those know I've been serving since 2022 as the president and has been my um absolute pleasure as the council as a whole we've tackled many um you know uh some difficult things um see matter of fact all difficult things of getting a lot done but a lot of progress has been made around our infrastructure abilities and progress our affordable housing um our reimagining Public Safety we've done some great work um on this Council you know underneath my leadership with each and every one of you and I just want to thank you each and every one of you for giving me the opportunity to serve as the council president um and I want to say to uh council president Crump I wish you well um definitely here for any transitional uh you know advice anything that you would like to work on um and I really just wish the council underneath your leadership the much the most success as possible so thank you to you all and thank you to the administration our amazing fabulous clerk uh Madam uh Daniels as well as the uh residents uh who come and visit us each and every meeting here and those who don't come all the time but to you as well for your support and you know your uh willingness to show up with us each and every time so thank you thank you uh councilwoman rre yes um so I was talking to uh city clerk um Council uh woman mcgyver I've got to get used to that um to actually present through a presentation and I was instructed to just wait because we got some great things for you you really do um you're gonna be missed your courage your outspokenness um being a woman that would stand firm in spite of the adversities and against the odds um this is not an easy seat these seats are not easy they're not for the fainted heart and you shown that you did not have a weak heart in spite of whatever came our way so I too I'm congratulating you on your future and thanking you for The Sisterhood that you've shown me for the little bit of time that I've been here I don't know what my future holds only God does but I'm praying for a great future for you on the new Journey that you're about to Embark upon and in spite of everyone's personal opinion my personal opinion is that I love you and I thank you than you for all that you've done and all the love that you've shown me as a sister not just here as a colleague but outside of these chamers so I wish you nothing but the best and it's not over because I'm gonna see you again even when you get to Washington God bless you thank you councilwoman councilman Kelly um we we got to let her get to this tax abatement meeting but uh I just want to say thank you you know um thank you for uh being straight up with me right um you gave me a perspective of these council chambers and uh uh I'll say approaches and I and I thank you for that because I probably would have been uh a little outside of myself you know what I mean so I just want to thank you for helping me streamline my approaches to different things it it really helped me mentally you know what I mean so thank you thank you councilman Silva yes uh council president or ex-council president uh our relationship started when I worked with North police and I always know how hard you fought for the people I was present I was there uh always walking the area or attending meetings so I know how strong you were of an advocate for your community uh I'm I was a witness to that and I just want to wish you the best success for you and your family going uh forward thank you Council Sil but I I really said I think I was premature last week when I said my my thank yous but I concur again with everything that everybody said God bless you God speed we are always here for you and we will always be there and thank you for all that you've done in your service to our great City and we'll continue to do thank you thank you CC M all right should have some music as you walk away off today don't walk away yet don't walk yet let's let's let's wrap up the the meeting uh to the administration and we have Deputy Mayor Brockman Muhammed I just wanted to clear a few things up but I wanted to say something about L Monica but let me clear the two things up first one all the kids in the summer program have been paid if you have not been paid then uh we still have some checks at the and pay cards at the Ba's office that we've been calling kids so that they can come pick up their checks and their pay cards we will be calling them because we're closing out the program so until those cards are um picked up we will be reaching out to kids to pick them up so M Donna if there is a child they may be waiting in the ba office uh we have not I want to be clear because I don't want this to go out there in the world no person this is we funds and it would be a federal offense to do this there are no weo funds in the summer program spent on sanitation workers I want to be very clear there may have been some kids assigned in sanitation I want to be clear no federal money goes to be spent to um pay um sanitation workers that work for the city but I really wanted to say something to my sister man my little sister sister who um I've always admired from the day that I met her and uh you know it's crazy because I got a son her age and you know I called her my little sister but I'm old enough to be her dad and and the crazy thing is man I it sometimes make me feel so proud to see what she's grown into over the years because I knew there was something special from about her from the day that I met her and I just want to say that you did a wonderful job as a cent World counselor person you did a wonderful job at the council president uh you know it's no secret how I feel about you you know I'm probably be I ain't gonna say I'm be the last because I know you got a husband but I'll be the next to the last person that got your back and you already know that um despite of what's said I think you've taken everything um you know what I'm saying in context and I think you've been mature um enough to handle the situations even the negativity has come your way you you stood your ground you've held your head and you held this council meeting now in a in a way that I hope that the current council president Larry Crum which I congratulate you on my brother uh I hope you following those footsteps um because um I think you did a wonderful job as a council president and I know going to Congress you gonna rock it I can't wait I can't wait I'll be in a nursing home when you running for president see you congrats my sister thank thank you Deputy Mayor anything else from the administration we got a director adem coming up all right director Miss Jackson Miss Jackson hold on a second I hear you Miss Jackson but hold on Miss Jackson please m M Miss Jackson just let's we almost finished with the meeting Miss Jackson and we can have all the conversation you want all right thank you director Council council president uh Council council members yes just uh to talk about the the city and and uh the flooding and sewer system um even up in the west W that project hasn't ended it's still in the feasibility stage right we are awarded money from uh the state and the uh FEMA to do some work up there um people think we finished because we're not out there however just want to remind everybody during Heavy Rain events um everywhere floods not just the city of North areas flood that haven't been flooded in decades Parkway was flooded 78 was flooded 22 was flooded 21 was flooded three weeks ago um high intensity rain events however the work that this Administration has done over the last 10 years on the sewer system within 20 to 25 minutes after the rain stops the water goes away uh we do have enough equipment we got eight pieces of new equipment at the water department that goes out and clean the sewers right we do it we it's not a sewer it's not the sewer needed clean the sewer needed cleaning that mean after the rain the water wouldn't go away I mean it' still be blocked so we we we we spent over $100 million in cleaning reining and installing new storm water storm water sewer lines and sanitary sewer lines throughout the city and the developers as they bring new projects in we're making sure that they put in new sewer and waterline that has to fit meet and fit their price just wanted to express that thank thank you director anything else from the council the three of us left all right thank you everyone we'll see you tomorrow evening at [Music] 6:30 e e