good morning welcome to the pre meeting of the nework municipal Council on Tuesday January 9th council president council members I have a couple of quick announcements before we start the agenda the first of which is the clerk's office has ventured into new technology and with anything that's new there's always some Kinks and right now we have two one is the microphones are very sensitive and constantly on we have vendors addressing the situation but just be mindful of the microphones the second is the live feed is down what we're doing is recording the meeting and we're going to upload the meeting onto YouTube and play it on channel 78 but I apologize for the inconvenience this is just one attempt of doing the upgrades and trying to be on time with the council meeting schedules if we can I'm sorry I was going to say thank you so much Madam Clerk and for those who are hearing me excuse my voice um was sick over the break and I lost my voice in the process so I sound like Kermit the Frog today so I'm sorry you guys have to and take that and hear that for today and tomorrow so forgive me but thank you madam clir Billy Nota and kudos to everyone who worked on the new technology here in the chambers we know it's been a challenge in trying to update the chambers for quite some time and we're just working through it but definitely want to thank you madam Clerk and your team for getting us to this point and through the testing I'm sure it'll get better so thank you so much thank you feel better um council president council members we're going going to start on page 32 with appointments item 8B is an appointment to the status on women commission Miss White are you available please step to the podium thank you good morning Miss White thank you so much for being with us today you are being recommended for a appointment to the women's commission do you have a comment or a testimony to the council before we have any questions um I would just like to say good morning Happy New Year um good morning Madame President and to your fellow council members I just want to thank you for this appointment to serve the city of nework and the women's commission um at your pleasure that's my comment at this time thank you so much Miss White any questions from Council Members councilman Crome thank M working yeah thank you council president uh uh Miss White I I want to congratulate you I I think it's a wonderful addition to the uh commission I've known and seen your work around the the not just the city but around the state Jersey City other places so I want to say congratulations and I like the sponsor noce Crump second by councilman Council any other comments seeing none congratulations thank you Miss White thank you the second appointment is item 9A Dr Bautista doctor can you step to the podium good morning Dr Baptista thank you so much for being with us today you're being recommended for our federally qualified Health Center board do you have any comments to the council I'd like to say good morning to the council and thank you for having me as you all know the health and well-being of a population is a matter of social concern and as such it is our responsibility as health providers to not only address these in a medical fashion but also socially uh within the community and so I happy to be of service uh to the city of New York and thank you again for having me thank you so much Dr Baptista any questions or comments uh Council MOS I just want to congratulate Dr Batista for his nomination to the federally qualified Health Center um we've crossed paths um number of times in the last six months working on enrollment initiatives for um those individuals who unfortunately many times don't qualify uh for governmental health coverage coverage that directly benefits their children and I just want to thank him for his efforts around Health Care advocacy and Equity thank you so much councilman Ros any other comments CNN thank you so much Dr Baptista thank you again and thank you to councilman Remo for his uh comments and statements council president council members we are on page three of the agenda item five reports and recommendations of City officers boards and commissions any questions from Council Members or comments cnna ordinances on first reading 6fa is an ordinance amending title 10 finance and Taxation chapter 23 5-year tax exemptions and abatements by amending multiple sections and reinstating the granting of the five-year tax exemption and abatement for multiple dwellings commercial and Industrial structures um Madam clerk this item the administration had asked for to be deferred one more time um I believe they spoke to you Council MC Gonzalez um but we they need just a little bit more time so so we could just put it back on for one more deferment certainly any questions or comments from Council Members councilman Gonzalez president it's a I thought they say that we were going to revert to what it was before this change they say the last change was made so that they say the 124 in buildings up the say to5 I think it was would qualify automatically for tax arment I understand that was a meeting that I was absent where some other changes were suggested and I would like to I would like to know what those changes suggested were duly noted councilman Gonzalez we when we left our meeting that you weren't able to be present at they were um the administration was told to prepare a one pager for you um literally everything we talked about changed the conversation about the one to four automatic um and because we're talking about properties larger than 4 years units it changes the entire conversation so that's the one thing that they're waiting to get to you as the chair a full one pager with the recommendations that would be better for processing this these types of abatements um but there's going to be I know in our conversation not to stretch it on but we wanted to keep things the same for one to four units to allow automatic abatements but things that were larger than a certain amount of units we wanted to be able to have a different process so that's the one pager that's waiting to come to you councilman Silva any additional ads okay all righty next item public hearing second reading and final passage 6p SFA is an ordinance granting a 25-year tax abatement to Washington 303 urban renewal LLC for a project to renovate a five-story commercial building into a 10-story mixed use building consisting of 74 market rate resident itial rental units 18 affordable housing units of which four units shall be restricted to tenants at 40% of the area median income or Ami five units shall be restricted to tenants at 60% Ami and nine units shall be restricted to tenants at 80% Ami in the central Ward I'm sorry madam clerk to have you read all of that because I'm going to ask for the item to be deferred so sorry to do that to you like that do I have a second to defer this item second second by Council Tre certainly 6p sfb is an ordinance amending title two Administration chapter 10 Department of Economic and Housing Development section two city of Nork Municipal Employees housing assistance program to increase the grant amount from $10,000 to $220,000 sponsored by councilman councel second by councilman Crum questions or comments from Council Members councilman Gonzalez since the amount of money that that we have for this is limited how are we going to be selecting the the the candidates is in the first conference basis or good morning council president council members happy New Year uh Alison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh for this item um and our programs regarding home ownership all of it is done on a first come first serve basis um we do have an ability to modify the budget as needed to ensure that we have enough funding uh for this program it's funded by General funds and also it has no income restrictions for our Liv newwork program as you may recall it's funded by federal home dollars um and there are Income restrictions of 80% of Ami and Below but for this program employees assistance no income requirements General funding and it is a rolling application um and we can modify the budget as needed and the the is I understand from the previous meeting the amount that we have is like $100,000 uh yes um council president to council member Gonzalez's question yes annually we've budgeted um the $100,000 um as you may recall four years ago the amount was $5,000 per um employee so we had sufficient amount based upon the applications then a couple years later it was increased to 10,000 at this point we are um at almost full full utilization each year and next year meaning the Year we're in now I expect us to need additional funding and you'll see that in a budget request and the the $20,000 is a maximum that someone can get you say someone can come and and request 10,000 and get 10,000 oh uh fair question um council member Gonzalez yes you can um have a request less than 20,000 what we've seen though is that often times individuals are requesting the maximum down payment assistance thank you madam president yes uh councilman coun that wasn't me I'm sorry I had my is broke councilman Ros um do do we have data in terms of how many grants we've awarded in previous years you know you know obviously I think because of the increase in cost of housing from a purchaser standpoint in addition to renters these days is definitely a good idea to increase the amount that we're offering but um do we know how many um applications are approved on an annual basis yes um I'm happy to provide an additional confirmation by email but I can tell you that um for the employee assistance program we receive about 10 applications a year and that's just since I joined in 2019 um I do think that um part of it has to do with to your um Point council member Ramos is the cost of housing right now we're seeing um average costs of housing um in New York about 350,000 to $360,000 on average and I'm sure you're quite familiar with this we've also had our first house that was sold for over a million dollars that actually happened in our North Ward and so um the ability to be able to increase the amount to $20,000 or really help more um employees be able to live and work and own in nework and so we're excited about that um but yes uh to your point um it has been uh something challenging related to the housing market but I'll send you the data about applications and again it's about 10 a year that we see processed and advanced through to closing and the source of funds right now is home funds or a combination of home and and other sources um and yes I apologize uh so for this program employee assistance program it's General funds general fund um you'll see it in the the budget under like supplemental items at the very end of your budget um and then second for live nework um for our residents uh that live in the city and want to buy it's 80% of Ami because that is home funds I know that's similar to what the county offers as well thank you councilman Kelly uh thank you Council president a great day to you Deputy Mayor how would the um how will it be made aware to the the residents who would like to become applicants sure um so over the years we've had information sessions we've had things posted also through social media so we've done inperson and also um video uh Zoom sessions also we have information on our website and we have the ability for people to walk in and whenever anyone asks about home ownership programs we refer them to either the Liv nework home ownership program Liv nework facade renovation program or if they're an employee the employee assistance program so I have a a couple of people who've been asking me about this call in my office so I will refer them to your office or refer them to you with the offices you just said oh um sure council member Kelly you can you can send them to me and I'll ensure that our my office follows up thank you very much any other questions or comments CNN thank you deputy mayor council president 6 psfc is an ordinance creating title 21 elections chapter one School Board elections sponsored by council president mcgyver second by councilman Council questions or comments from Council Members councilman Gonzalez M president it occurred to me that say when you have let's say the young people voting 16 17 H whether they can be members of the board being 16 and 17 and I would like to to have clarification as to that because H let's say I believe that they would like the let's say the financial acument to deal with a budget of a billion dollars and I would love to see that there is some age limitation as to who can be a a board member you say who can vote 16 years old it's fine but I don't think that a 16 year old should be a member of the board and control a budget of a billion dollars in the school system thank you councilman Gonzalez uh councilman Ros yeah thank you Madame President you know I I did miss the introduction of this at the last meeting was I was under the weather and I didn't realized it was going to be up for adoption today but you know I I I definitely see value in US expanding uh opportunities for civic engagement um but enabling 16 and 17 year olds should should not be the end of it I think we have a lot of parents actually the fastest growing uh parent population in the city of nework are residents who are in many cases undocumented but do not have a right uh to influence policy that impacts the education of their children and we have a number of local areas around the country that extend the right to vote to individuals regardless of citizenship status uh so in addition to us empowering 16 and 17 year olds who are an important constituency group to vote in Schoolboard election uh I believe that we should also extend that opportunity uh to parents regardless of citizenship status and and that to me is an important uh addition addition to this ordinance for my support thank you so much councilman Ramos any other comments CN n corporate Council uh good morning Kor city of North Corporation Council uh so as to councilman Gonzalez's question in reference to uh the ability for the uh young folks in the situation 16 year olds or older to be involved with being a member of the board uh the legislation just speaks to being able to vote uh at the moment we're not at the point where we where we want the council to consider anything as far as them uh being an actual member as you know they have appointed members now that are involved with some of the process but this legislation does not speak to the ability for them to actually be appoint to be voted on as a school board member y Madame President yes Council m how do you give someone an the the ability to vote but not run for office right like like give me a legal opinion that tells me that we have the right to deny a 16 and 17 year old who at this with the same voice we telling they have a right to vote and participate in Schoolboard elections but yet they cannot run for those offices uh well I won't speak to a legal opinion but I will say that as we know we have folks who are on the appointed aspect of it right now uh who are appointed and served through that capacity uh I can't speak to the fact that there are anyone who is 16 years old that has been elected to do so presid yeah yeah I I believe we should have a like the Constitution of the United States does in in terms of the president you can vote for the president but you cannot be president if you are not 35 years or older so I believe that to be a more a board member we should have an age limitation let's say if you are not let's say 18 or or Beyond you cannot be a member of the board so like in that case it would explicitly indicate that someone that is 16 or 17 cannot be a a board member but I let's say if we don't have that in two years we can have a board that is composed of six and 17 years old controlling a billion dollar budget Madam chair councilman Council I I don't want us to to to switch the narrative or the focus of what it is that we're trying to do uh just recently this week Governor Murphy signed into law where 17 year olds will be allowed to vote in the primary and that doesn't mean that they can run for US Senate I mean state senate or State Assembly but it does give them a voice in the process to allow them to exercise their their right of democracy and I think this what it does on a school board level especially uh in school board races here in the city of nework where less than 3% of people uh are voting in in School Board elections and looking to uh not just increase voter turnout but democracy where the voices of of those students are heard about the quality of Education that they're receiving um and and getting I don't know if if it's where where we're going with the Dynamics of saying that uh if we allow a 16 to 17 year old to vote then we should also allow them to you know run or participate uh in in elections I think you know de democracy you know allows for uh the right of uh to allow them to raise their voices uh in matters that are important to them and monitoring a billion dollar Schoolboard budget um and influencing uh the way that those dollars are spent by allowing their voices to come out speaks volumes to those individuals that want to run uh for school board and to make sure that they are representing uh those individuals very well which would represent a new um demographic of people that have a voice you know in in in the uh process councilman Ros does raise an interesting point about uh allowing undocumented uh residents to participate uh in in the voter process and I I think that's something we should be able to look into and and carve the information out but I don't know if if it should stop wholeheartedly what is happening here I think that is something we can definitely come back to uh especially because we we're looking to be a you know Diversified City with all of the things that are happening around this nation now uh but then also trying to uh encourage uh the the intentful and specific need of people to be engaged in a voting process is is is tantamount to to what we're doing here Madame President councilman R MO I I agree with my colleague I I think the the intent here and it's a very important one is that we want to expand um constituency groups who are impacted by our public education system the rights who civically engage uh in the process of um you know influencing elections as a way of influencing policy and and and I believe uh allowing 16 and 17 year olds is an important step but like I mentioned earlier the fastest growing parent population within the city you can go to any traditional Public School in the city of nework and you can see it you can go to Belleville you can go to Bloomfield or individuals who in many instances are undocumented and because they're not citizens they do not have a right to vote but yet they represent such a large portion of the parent population uh that I think we would be um uh creating an unequal system if they if we're allowing 16 and 17 year olds to write which we should but at the same time ignore their rights as parents to to participate and civically engage in Schoolboard elections so I would ask through your chair and the clerk uh to see if there's maybe a way we can amend this ordinance or create an additional ordinance that would also enable uh uh residents who in many cases are undocumented but yet are parents of children in our public education system the right to engage uh civically in elections thank you councilman Ros councilman Gonzalez yes going back to to ouncil council comment let say allowing 17 years old to vote has let say in the in the constitution of the state of New Jersey says that someone that is not over certain age cannot be a a member of the assembly or a member of the the Senate so there is some way of pre including someone that is 17 to be to be a a legislator the same with being Governor but here we don't have anything that preclude someone that is 16 or 17 to become a board member now I believe it's important that we differentiate between the right to vote and the right to be elected to to be a board member and I believe that I I don't know if the language here doesn't say anything about being a board member if I have the right to vote I have the right to be elected that's what I inter interpret here so what I before we go on is there any other new comments about this item yes Madam shair Council M Council this is my last last item one uh the the state law when you go to pull out an application to run for the New Jersey school board New Jersey School Board Association says that you have to be 18 years years uh of age and older in order to run for uh any public school board in the state of New Jersey so it does have a specific age cut off where you can run for the board and and so I just wanted to you know make emphasis on that but still talk about uh the emerging and necessary fact for young people to be engaged in um you know this voting process and so even if it's the the school board now and other things later uh we we have to um do something for individuals uh who have died for our right to vote thank you councilman Council council president what I was going to say was the exact same thing which essentially is the application in itself speaks to the age requirement to actual run but this legislation is focus on the ability to vote and we should go forward with this actual piece of legislation if you want to revent something later on in reference to who can get elected we can do so thank you corporate Council I was going to actually make a statement as it's my piece of legislation on the agenda but I just want to say that as has already been stated um eloquently by councilman Council this is to expand the age of voting for the school board I wholeheartedly agree with councilman Ramos I do believe that undocumented parents should be allowed to vote however that's not the intent of my piece of legislation that is on the agenda today I think that is something that other council members can work on I'm more than willing to join any council member to do that to put that forward um but I'm not putting forward to amend my item to include parents today but I do support what councilman rmo said and I'm not making new terms or rules on who can run for school board those rules are already established and that's not something that this ordinance is doing this is is simply expanding the age of people allowed to vote in the School Board elections here in the city of nor so I just want to be clear about that and I'm not looking to do anything different with this piece of legislation that I've put forward Madam president Council M could I could I suggest that maybe between now and tomorrow we get U some kind of opinion from the New Jersey school boards um uh I I know councilman Council voted to alluded to the fact that you know School boards Association does uh delineate 18 years of age as having the right to um uh participate as a potential candidate but it also delineates the voting age right and we've we we're changing the voting age as a result of this legislation so I think it would be important and I'm sure we can turn this around rather quickly um you know and I'm not disputing uh Mr Stewart's legal uh Acumen but I do believe that the school boards association's opinion Rel related to uh who qualifies to serve on the boards of Education despite us lowering the voting age um would be helpful in this process and I do appreciate the fact that you have uh publicly supported the concept of us expanding the right to vote in a school board election uh for those parents that are undocumented and I would ask through your chair and the clerk um to work on that legislation as a separate piece but some that we can uh consider rather quickly in order for us to um expand our efforts to involve more residents in Schoolboard and hopefully Municipal elections in the future uh duly noted Madam clerk you can definitely reach out to school boards I highly doubt they get back to you by tomorrow at 12:30 but please do make the attempt to do so um but like I said just to make it very plain and clear this is not changing any re requirements to run for school board I just want to make that clear I'm not trying to calute I understand individual council members want to have opinions and want to be clear about certain things as they have the right to and I support that but specifically this legislation is to expand voting rights to 16 and 17 year olds here in the city of North to vote in the school board and definitely Madam clerk if you want to take a stab at creating I know that you didn't write this um but if you want to take a stab at pull in um some uh legislation together about um noncitizens parents voting in the Schoolboard election we can do that as well New York City just did the same thing and we can pull something from there um P probably similar to have that here in the city for the council to consider next item 6p sfd and E are both ordinances regarding multi-way stop sign intersections D is designating aington Avenue West in North 11th Street as a multi-way stop sign intersection in a North Ward and E is designating avine Avenue in South 20th Street as a multi-way stop sign intersection in the South Ward sponsored by councilman councel and second by councilman Crum okay and councilman R mosha said that he was sponsor the north War one and councilman Quintana was second any other comments regarding these items okay sien next item 6 psf f and g are both companion ordinances regarding the uniform construction code both sponsored by councilman Council and council president mcgyver as a second f is the increase fines and penalties for those in violations of sto work orders and G is to place a list pendings on those found violating initial stop work orders any questions or comments from Council Members seeing none next item resolutions 7r1 a through 7r1 C are resolutions of support for cannabis business operations A is for legacy Leaf LLC B is for station 973 LLC C is for white lily LLC go ahead that's it Sor I'm sorry I'm not thought you had more uh questions or comments from Council Members councilman Council yeah Madam chair I just wanted to you uh as the uh Committee shair just talk about the uh committee's um you know questioning and ensuring that all documentation and information that was needed uh was present and we uh did not find any um you know situ sitation that will cause alarm in terms of locations uh or documentations and so we just wholeheartedly support these three uh pieces of support L us thank you councilman Council any other questions or comments from Council Members councilman Kelly what locations are they in what Wards are they in well two in the East Ward and one in the central Ward but can we have somebody come up I see joshin in the audience to come up and give the address oh I'm sorry is it you K wor Council oh no well you got to go get it joshin is coming with the with them in in her hand council president the uh the actual owners of the entities are also here okay at the counc we just like the addresses hi good morning good morning Josh uh Joselyn Wingfield uh North cannabis uh so for um station Partners uh 973 they're going to be located on 2011 wri Street uh for white lily LLC they're going to be located at 228 Miller Street and for legacy Leaf they're going to be located at 100 Market Street thank you Miss Wingfield any other questions from Council Members Council yes councilman Silva just so you know the areas uh that were given the right Street and the Miller Street once are industrial areas within the the East Ward there's no homes uh around there so uh like councilman Council said they've met all the requirements and conditions plus obviously to me a big uh point is the location and uh so those areas are industrial non-residential thank you so much councilman Silva for that any other comments or questions okay CN n next item 7r1 D is an appointment of an interim qualified purchasing agent Miss philis glinton is Miss Phyllis glinton here no oh okay good morning Miss blayton how are you um thank you so much any questions or comments from Miss Clon yes uh Council mam chair first I I would uh definitely like to uh sponsor this appointment even though inum Miss glanton does represent what the city of New York's talked about for many years um working her way from uh the bottom to now becoming inum from a buyer to a purchaser to all of the standards in uh the purchasing department of procurement uh Miss glanton has fully had her hand immersed uh in that area and is a very qualified to uh lead at this time and hopefully that this inum can be uh turned into uh you know the inum tag will be taken off but I'm uh delighted uh to sponsor and support uh is glanton in his effort thank you so much councilman Council any other comments or questions do I have a second second second by councilwoman Round Tree Miss glanton do you have anything that you would like to say just hello everyone Madame President council members I'd like to thank you for this opportunity and I will continue to do my best to provide this city with all the services thank you thank you thank you so much m and congratulations thank you congatulations next item Madam clerk 7 R1 e through 7r1 G are Bid contracts and an amendment to a state contract e is to provide maintenance and repair services for the elevators f is to provide maintenance and repair of street sweepers NG is to utilize a state contract to purchase ultra low sulfur diesel and biodiesel fuel to include the Department of Water and Sewer utilities and increase the contract amount questions or comments from Council [Music] Members yes councilman Gonzalez Qui question regarding the elevators I thought that we were going to refurbish the elevators or or replace the elevators in some of the buildings and that some of the funding from Co or whatever was going to be used for for that ER we every year we keep H spending $1.5 million or about in repairing these elevators and the the elevators don't seem to be working any better any year so why do we continue to do that good morning good morning council president council members Dolores wooden um department of engineering director um this uh item is part of a a three uh uh part plan that we have for the elevators across the city uh City uh in building City buildings so um this one in particular is for a um maintenance a long-term maintenance contract so just to to go over what those three items are quickly um one is for an emergency which already in place and is keeping the elevators running as as you know as they as they break down um another one is to replace uh uh particular elevators uh you know uh completely um all of them in for example in City Hall every single elevator in City Hall uh a long-term um replacement plan in the next year or so we're going to begin that and this one in particular is a long-term maintenance program so that once we're done um revamping and once we're done um with the emergency contract that we can have the company Big Apple in this case um um service these elevators long term so that we minimize the problem with each one um again the ones that are being replaced are the wise and dire need and the ones that have um a way of functioning via maintenance are the ones that we're going to be taking care of in this line item so the ones here City Hall are going to be replaced eventually yes so the onon city hall and and some of the uh Public Safety buildings will be replaced that's another I believe the item is already passed and we're pursuing um the bidding process as we speak yes yeah is that the three of them the three that we have in most cases they say they are not working in the in in in conjunction they say it's either one is out or the other is out the one in the back is out so I believe that we have to do a better job of keeping them working that's right I agree 100% um CHC Gonzalez and that's why we have partnered with DPW Department of buildings department of engineering so so that we address this in a long-term basis and with longevity not just put a bandaid to it like we say thank you no problem any other questions comments okay see you then thank you 7 r2a through 7r2 are all Private Sales and Redevelopment I'm going to take them individually but I just won't be announcing that it's Private Sales and Redevelopment a is to build a two family residential home in the central Ward that's fine we can move it B is to provide development of a five-story midrise multifam building with 64 units 13 affordable housing units amenities and a community building in the central Ward I'm going to ask for this item to be deferred do I have a second second second by Council M Quintana were there any questions regarding 7r2 a my apologies CN next item C is to provide for new construction of two three family dwellings with a common driveway to sell at market rate in the South Ward questions or comments councilman Council find a mo okay any other questions okay CN D is provide for a new construction of an affordable 24 unit apartment building with 20 parking spaces and a commercial space in the central Ward uh in the last meeting it was a request from the administration to defer this item has the administration decided to move forward Deputy Mayor lad good good morning council president U for this item we respectfully ask for you to defer it again okay deferred we can do Council as a whole to defer again yes councilman Gonzales yes maybe the administration should consider increasing the price on this this is assess for $413,000 and we are selling it for $60,000 that's one8 of the assessed value maybe the administration when it's this resubmitted to us can increase the price on that do noted councilman Gonzalez next item e is to create an urban farm and holistic school with a permanent adaa compliant bathroom and a chicken Coupe to enhance production and enrich the soil in the South board questions or comments from Council Members yeah I'm good i' like to sponsor that fully noted sponsored by councilman council do I have a second second by counc and C any other questions comments okay Cena next item f is to construct a new two family home and sell at market rate in the South board questions or comments from Council Members I would like to defer that item councilman Council wishes to defer do I have a second second second by councilwoman Round Tree next item G is to provide for a newly constructed vocational training facility with classrooms and new construction of a mixed use development consisting of 18 affordable housing residential units 24 on-site parking spaces and Commercial and community space in the west ward questions or comments from Council Members councilman Kelly wishes to sponsor second by councilman Gonzalez council president yes councilman Crome have a question about this not not a negative question but just uh with regards to this project is you build moving into this project or are they just constructing well they yeah they're the owners uh Deputy Mayor lad good morning council president council members Alison lad director of Economic and Housing Development um I'll send the proposal to everyone that's in legistar to verify the ownership and will be actually locating in this space thank you that's it okay any other questions okay thank you next item H is to develop new construction of a 29 unit affordable apartment building for seniors with a parking lot and a South board questions or comments from Council Members yeah I'll move it okay sponsor would you like to sponsor yes hey councilman Council was is the sponsor second by councilman [Music] Kum any other questions next item 7R 2i is a Professional Services contract to authorize payment of state approved list of eligible training provider lists who train customers for the workforce via individual training accounts questions or comments from Council Members CN next item 7r3 a is to authorize the use of competitive Contracting for the procurement of dockless vehicles for use in the city's public right away council president council members there's a request to refer to defer this item is there a request to defer or request to return to Administration good morning again kyat stor city of nor Corporation Council at the moment we're using the word defer tomorrow we may be seeing return back to Administration we to make sure everything is tight okay okay 24 hours to figure it out all right next item 7 r3b is a bid contract to provide for the local Freight impact fund 2022 on mle Street Court n connect questions or comments from Council Members Cena next item 7 R4 a and 7 R4 B our Professional Services contract for financial advisory Services A is for public resources Advisory Group and B is for NW Financial Group LLC questions or comments from Council Members CNN next item sr4c is to provide for the issuance of a Redemption Amusement license council president council members there's a request to return this item to the Administration okay 7 r5a is an application acceptance of Grant funds to support the training and development of community health workers and response to various needs within the community questions or comments from Council Members seea next item 7R 6A is a settlement of civil litigation are we moving forward with this or is this being deferred I know we're going to talk about it in executive depending on what you're going to say we do need to talk about an executive session okay next item 7 r6b is Professional Services contract to provide real estate appraisal services for litigation Tax Matters questions or comments from Council Members seeing that 7 r6c is a pre-litigation settlement of a civil claim okay next item 7 r8a is a resolution in support of renaming the terminal in Puerto Rico as terminal 21 the Lewis Nuno Marin International Airport in honor of Rober Roberto Clement sponsored by councilman canana questions or comments from Council Members councilman Kelly um just a quick question I mean I love the legacy of Roberto kit I'm just kind of uh confused are we asking to rename a terminal in an airport in another city state yeah let me make explain to you um I spoke to the Puerto Rico legislature legislature have said that look a a a friendly request would be the the airport is owned privately not by the government of Puerto Rico the thing about this Airport is that Roberto left this airport uh other folks never left his airport and died from this airport at five minutes of flight uh Roberto's plane uh left terminal the ter from the terminal off from a hang sorry not terminal and five minutes into fight the plane crash in the scene no one in no one has a better tie to that airpo first of all that airport is not in San Juan but that's the tourism that airport uh is a property of the city of calina Puerto Rico the hometown of Roberto Clemente and for that reason we're doing the leg we're doing this resolution and urging other cities around the country uh with designations uh their airports going to and land in San Juan as it says here but that there be a wing that they terminal named terminal 21 Roberto K uh that is a request as someone who who's followed the life of a great baseball humanitarian what better than ask if you don't ask a question or if you don't ask then you you you you will not be getting an answer and it will continue that airport not to have and the millions and and millions of Puerto Rican Puerto Ricans left New York New York New Jersey Florida and as when they come into that airport there be a terminal name terminal 21 Madam chair yes councilman Council yeah I I uh very intently understand the intention of of councilman canan's resolution I just think that we have to make sure that we make the amendment that says resolution and support of renaming Terminal D in Puerto Rico so is is very specific and and I would definitely like to uh co-sponsor understanding the um just the uh civil leader of who Roberto Clemente was um outside of his athletic prace but his Civic commitment uh to Human Rights and the rights of black and Latinos uh not just uh in in the Latin countries but also here uh in America to not that councilman Council um councilman Quintana as we celebrate m day as we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King Roberto was the first man in Angel League Baseball who and I'm compassionate about it who had a communication very tight Reverend Martin Luther King he was the first player when the late Reverend Martin Luther King passed who told the commission of baseball at that time we're not playing we're not having an opening day into the late Rend Martin Luther King goes to rest and that was this that that was the kind of humanitarian this man where where the airport I was named after Lis marine and there was controversy back then but the issue is to asked the government of Puerto Rico as a friendly request to the owners of the airport in return in return someday you know I go my goal was I left that airport as a little boy and my goal was to day to return there and all my collectibles we donated to the people of Puerto Rico on behalf of somebody who left an airport and never came home but I will I left that airport I'm coming home to bring something with rment because me he's my icon and he is something that deserves that that that that level of respect thank you so so much um councilman quana uh Madam clerk if we could just make the adjustment um just like you know how councilman Council said to re word it a little bit and just doly know the councilman Council wish is the second any other questions or comments thank you so much councilman Quintana next item seven or eight B is a cable appointment of Mr artiles sponsored by councilman Gonzalez okay uh do I have a second second by councilman Quintana next item 7 r8c is an exception to public bidding to provide supplementation maintenance and Publishing of the codification of the general and permanent ordinances for the city of inor questions or comments from Council Members CN n next item sar8 D through 7rh are appointments to the supplemental Zoning Board of adjustments D is Jacqueline Colmes Hollis sponsored by council president mcgyver e is Amina Bay sponsored by councilman Crump f is quad midches sponsored by councilman Ramos G is Wilson picardo sponsored by councilman Gonzalez in h is Mariel Soo sponsored by councilman Silva thank you madam clerk just a note to council members we will be having some additional appointments at the next council meeting as folks are still working to get some names so just FYI these are not all other names we still have some more appointments great Madam chair I would like to uh second uh 8D and 8e 8 B uhhuh councilman coun oh on a b you say or D 7 r e d oh okay councilman Council D and you said e right yes okay any others yes councilwoman rre I would like to sponsor 7 r8f second be correct that um councilman Council said D yes thank you okay any others all right see youa next item 7 r8i is recognizing and commending resolutions and 7 r8j is expressing profound sorrow and regret resolutions okay next item 7 r9a is an application acceptance of Grant funds to provide a system of emergency preparedness for the protection of life and property with the Emergency Management agency assistance sub awward program grant for program year 2023 questions or comments from Council Members CNA next item 7ar 9B is an exception of public bidding to provide Emergency Medical Services questions or comments from Council Members CN next item 7r9 C is an application acceptance of Grant funds provide turnout gear for firefighters questions or comments from Council Members s next item 7 r12a is a Professional Services contract the amendment one to the agreement to provide professional Engineering Services for the rehabilitation of the panic aqueducts and construction inspection questions or comments from Council Members CNN Communications item 8A is returned to the administration okay duy noted item 8B was dealt with earlier item 8 C is returned to the administration okay duy noted pending business on the agenda item 9A was dealt with earlier council president council members that concludes the agenda we are now in the 30 minute public comment portion of this meeting where each speaker will have three minutes to speak before we go to public comments I see the Corp Council up sure uh I think there may be some miscommunication on my side um as to item 8 C which is on page 32 we wanted the item to be deferred so the two judge appointments you want to be deferred okay and then um again on my side on page 23 I know uh council president asked if he wanted to go into executive session we're going to ask that to be sent back to Administration oh great and then the same thing with um page 24 I'm sorry go back to the page number for the legal item which page was it uh page 23 it's 7 r6a okay so you're gonna return that to Administration correct yes please great no executive and finally uh 7 r6b which is on the next page which is Page 24 uh we want to turn that back to Administration as well so on page 247 r6b as in boy return to Administration yes all right Adam clerk you got that you want to him to repeat yes council president just before the Corporation Council ends uh Corporation Council you had mentioned that there may be an ex a request for an added starter uh that's correct there a request for exactly two added starters both coming from EHD look at that starting off the new year it's okay Deputy May I'm sure it's the Corp council's fault um good morning council president council members Allison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh the first added starter is um and we again council president sincerely apologize for added starters um the first one is 23-20 32 23-20 32 uh this is for um an affordable housing development uh in the South Ward it's called south side view the developer is is Adina Bayou who's been a successful developer across the state but especially in Newark um the request is for a home funds of$ 1,50,000 for the project and there'll be 40 units of affordable housing developed the Project's been approved already by the zoning board and is receiving funds from New Jersey hmfa the reason for the added starter is is that they need confirmation that the home funds have been approved by Council for State's review so again we apologize for the Urgent requests but that is the request on Southside view any questions from Council Members councilman Gonzalez like my concern is how Miss gets the properties say in the city because this is not the only project that she has this is like the third project that she has the one across the street the one on on Springfield Avenue and this one now in the South W how are those lots being allocated to her or to the company that she represents uh yes council president council member Gonzalez's question um all properties that are formally city-owned are sold in the same manner um the sold either by one they're sold by a competitive process one in which we're using the Equitable invest ments in New York communities which is our latest process uh second it's also properties sold to the land bank and the land bank sells properties to individuals and development companies and then third properties are requested by uh through the letter of intent process and are sold through letter of intent as approved by this Council once a Redevelopment agreement is submitted for your consideration um SEC the second point I'd like to make is that I believe we're fortunate to have local newark-based Developers uh women of color um developers of color who are advancing affordable housing that we desperately need in our city we hear numbers all the time about how we make our city affordable and one way is to create more units this property that is being developed has actually been vacant for many years collecting no Revenue in our South Ward and it's actually been a detriment to our community so we're glad to see someone go after and fight for State fun funding using federal dollars and also coming to the city I'll close with the applicant was successful in two competitive rounds for funding um as you know um especially since I came to EHD we have been using a competitive process to allocate funding um this project was awarded ARP home funds about two years AG ago under affordable Newark and then was recently awarded funds through the home process um application last year so um it is a transparent process for us um and we work hard to ensure that new workers also have an opportunity to development in our city thank you okay any other questions or comments yes councilwoman Scott R Tree I just want to picky back off of what um deputy mayor has stated council president thank you you know we hear a lot about where are the individuals in north and how are they benefiting and how are they developing this is a great example of a weekway high school graduate that not only went further in her career to get into real estate but then is also creating um not just job opportunities but housing so I am really really thankful and congratulate Adena going forward I remember this project when it started actually all three and I was there for many meetings with the community who wanted to make sure that they had input on what was going on that block along with Council and Council so we're just grateful and thank you director lad and thank Adena for wanting to give back and being a nor B um young lady giving back to her community and didn't go to Irvington or east orang or South Jersey to development right here where she was raised and was given her life thank you thank you J thank you councilwoman Scott Round Tree any other comments all right seeing none next add a starter yes ma'am um council president uh the second item is uh number forgive me 24-32 24-32 and this resolution uh would request that we speak about it in executive session if that's appropriate for Corporation counsel as it is a request to remove a board member okay and I believe we've all been briefed on that situ sitation um if we desire to have more information we can go into executive session to discuss anybody wishes to have some lunch in executive session okay so we'll have a quick executive forward thank you madam president and council members that's the that's where we are at this moment no thank you so much uh Deputy Mayor last stay Clos all right now we'll go to public session okay we are now in the public comments section each speaker will have three minutes to speak please state your name for our records is there anyone wishing to address the council good afternoon good afternoon uh my name is George Tillman um on December 20th at the last hearing of citizens um regarding the tax abatement I submitted to the the council two ordinances 6sf 1011 200000 the First Source linkage program and 6s and FD uh 11182 2002 the nework Employment Commission and N resident employment policy um after providing all of that information regarding the ordinances um from the repelling of tax abatement with the damages from the economic incentive to what's included in economic incentives tax abatements the loans land cell city contracts with all this information that was given to the council you still vote a yes I would like to know and have a reason why we voted yes on this on the granting of these tax abatements when it was clear that the administration is in non-compliance with these ordinances unless you read the ordinances incorrectly um that was Prov provided to you those ordinances clearly stated the fact that the administration was non-compliant with the employment new Resident employment policy which is attached to all these economic incentives which is attached to all these tax abatements so I would like uh an answer from the council as to why you're still granting these tax abatements and economic incentives knowing the law I'll Again State them again I gave them to you with the exception of councilman Ramos who was not here so I would ask that he be provided those ordinances for himself to review it is the law we're not here discussing whether the project is good they are good I agree with you every project that you presented has been good there's nothing about them that I would not agree that is not good the problem is that New York residents are included in the hiring and the new Resident employment policy is not being being enforced it's not being monitored there's no no no office set up there's no no n Employment Commission clearly stated in the ordinance that oversees and enforces these ordinances there's not been a repealment of any tax abatement the administration claimed that the language was vague and they could not enforce because of the good faith language the ordinance that was presented stated different and I will leave it at that thank you thank you Mr Tillman next speaker Monera buman is just so much to impact unpack uh in this little time but I'm just GNA um talk about this right now so folks think it's okay to keep trying to discredit and talk about Advocates who've been on the front line most of their lives just as this Administration uh this mayor of this Administration and his family so I guess you know saying that's the past administrations could look back and say you know how it feels to have Dawns in your side when you protested every last Administration in the city I want to say to Ras Baraka and the new Police director resign just just step down and resign like men your crime plan your fudge reports are not working New Yorkers need to call on you to resign fail leadership no other way to describe you as I'm going to always say and I'm going to continue being a thorn in your side when it comes down to addressing the needs the issues of our community I am a taxpayer I'm a city uh I'm a a native of the city and I'm a voter and I have a right to petition my authority with our grievances let's make that clear though I'm thankful that 20 people are off the streets thanks to the the fear the advocacy of all the housing Advocates from 224 when we raised alarm about what you did when you put them out of them homes um out of the shelter and the swelter and eat to when you put them out illegally at Rivier Hotel all around this city and you want to run around here and pat yourself on the back but we got thousands of more people waiting in landlord tenant court we got thousands of new public school students who are homeless as we speak we have people still around these streets homeless billions of dollars came into this city to address this homeless crisis and the the the the numbers of placing is not adding up it's just not adding up thank you miss punami your time has expired next speaker good morning good morning council president council members uh thank you so much my name is Niki Audi Vargas I'm an associate council at the New Jersey Institute for social justice I'm here to talk about um the ordinance from thank you uh title 21 that would allow 16 year olds to vote in Schoolboard elections um so again whether it's gun safety lgbtqia rights climate or simply the ability need to be taught the truth about America's history and racism and slavery young people are directly affected every day by Schoolboard and Municipal policies we know they care because we see them speaking out every day they are passionate they are Savvy in their concern yet these very same young people have no voice in choosing the representatives who decide the policies that affect their lives their Futures and the world around them that they and their loved ones will inherit we can change that and sometimes it's a matter of life and death lowering the voting age to include 16 and 1 year olds in local Schoolboard elections can foster a more inclusive and I know for this ordinance it's Schoolboard elections can foster a more inclusive and representative democracy and give young people a political voice we know 18 is really arbitrary lowering the voting age is constitutional and it's doable it will also get young people who are more diverse than older Generations in the habit of voting and create new generations of lifelong voters who will civically engage and Safeguard our democracy New York had a 3% turnout in this past election cities that have already implemented this change have seen young people turn out at Double the rates that adults do for their local elections also by involving 16 and 17y olds in Civics we are likely to increase family discussions about politics and local issues which will lead to increased voter turnout for all um the time is for change is here and the voices of our young citizens are vital part of that change thank you thank you so much for your comments thank you so much to the New Jersey Institute for being here again today and thank you guys for all that you've been doing um as we um push forward to try to make this a reality next speaker yes yes uh my name is David a while ago a couple months ago I came here with some uh residents in my building 130 Chancellor Avenue you all know about what they were doing illegally converting Apartments blah blah blah after I came and spoke and my neighbor spoke woke up the next day like half of norc was at our door you were there fire chief was there um nor Engineers were there people I've never seen before and you said when I was here we don't know we didn't know what was going on tell us and we'll handle it I spoke to y'all and y'all came like that I couldn't believe it you you opened up doors and saw the construction that these these stinking management were doing you saw them illegally converting Apartments St you put a stop to it the elevator in my building hasn't worked in months when y'all came this is about two months ago you came you bought the the the fire department Chiefs checked out the elevator the the owners are supposed to fix it it hasn't moved since then still got senior citizens children walking from the lobby to the fifth floor whatever and the management of the stink these these management people haven't done Jack they still collecting rent they're ripping off residents of the building for covid money one of my um res the one that we had started tennis Association she found out about it they're stealing money from the residents of the building they own the building across the street doing the same thing illegally converting Apartments to rip off black people your constituents so I don't want to yell and how I just want to know what are you g to do about it haven't seen a word y'all about anything management has haven't gotten a re re a rent receipt in a year and a half I don't know where this money's going they're sending out increases of 40 50% when I just found out according to y'all they're not even registered to own own the building to manage it so how can a bunch of people come to our your city take over building don't pay don't even have the paperwork to own it and just collect rents having black people continue to create generational wealth for them under your noses I just want to know what have you done to I don't even know the Management's name anymore you already know people of my building have been calling no heat no and they don't even answer the phone they don't care all they want is our money rent so what are you going to do what have you what about the elevator can you do anything I'm bringing it to your attention all of you know 130 chance to Avenue I know you so just do something let these the management of these people because all we are is money for them you know put some put some bite behind it because they they're laughing at you they don't give a darn what you think or say just keep aning up black people black City Council thank you for your comments uh councilman Council yeah Madam chair thank you you know uh David uh again you know as as I said before at the last Council Mee when when when the folks came up uh that most of these matters are in court so on on that back and there were some things that may be happening that you may not see that is being handled uh on uh the the legal side the the other situation about the elevator uh as as I talked about here uh very intently uh is that the elevator is not operable at this moment because there was uh fines that was given from our UCC uh Department that there was some malfunctions in the elevator that uh the the company and the management has to work on and fix and we've been uh working very intently uh to try to get a hold of them uh to ensure that these elevators become operable as it relates to all of the other things that has been happening illegal conversions and things of that nature that information uh is in court and uh we are repeatedly on top of uh the individuals at 1:30 uh to be able to get this stuff done uh and when we came to the building we came to ensure that we did a visible inspection to check to see that all of the the things that you talked about all of the concerns that the residents had was true uh and existed and then from that measure and we have to move on and do the things that is needed uh in the courts right and that's where we're handling these people and that's where we're fighting them at in the courts uh but rudimentary things that they know that they're supposed to take care of that they're trying to run and hide from we're on top of them as well as our uccc department and our Code Enforcement Officers as it relates to that elevator which has to be serviced needs another 5year inspection it had oil leaking so I can tell you all of the variables of which was wrong with the elevator and do I want to rush to have somebody fix an elevator or and do a ill repair that someone may be in in in harm I definitely do not right so I want to make sure that we're prudent in our approach to handling these folks and we've also uh going to reach out to uh uh the state as we uh sent some residents that was here at the last meeting down to our rent control uh uh office office uh to be able to handle and work with them and deal with them and to check out the subsidies that are attached with that building so that we can reach out to uh the state as is in regards and that so those are the things that that we're working on no one has has left 130 blind thank you uh councilman Council any other comments all right Cena next speaker good morning good morning hello happy New Year Council New Year thank you I absolutely love the passion that I have heard from the other speakers I love the passion from councilman canana wanting the name of that terminal to be changed because I'm from New York very familiar with Roberto Clemente living in the Bronx I'm also very passionate about what this young lady said me working sometimes in new Public Schools about having 16-year-olds very brilliant students as a matter of fact vote in the Schoolboard election because I work the elections as a poll worker and I will tell you that poor turnout by the adults absolutely poor more shameful anyway I love the passion from this young lady Miss barami passionate about and it's her opinion about things that are not going right in the city of Newark and the gentleman behind me that spoke about his building I am also very passionate about certain things that will be done eventually in the colonate Park Apartments by this ordinance an ordinance to amend title don't have my glasses on 18 chapter five or six anyway we're talking about the security guard ordinance I'm not going to blame the council any longer there's a couple of things a the ordinance is not written properly it's too vague b i sorry that you moved some of these issues into the court because as this gentleman stated trying to get things done in Superior Court is challenging it's like biting off your own spiting your nose spiting your face whatever that saying is all right we've been fighting to get the guards done and I do have a recommendation I think I sent an email to um council's Aid Freddy Ruiz about amending the ordinance making it a little bit more specific but I have to say that allowing the court to have the discretion and the public safety director to say yes or no to enhance enhance safety laws or directives in a building that they don't live in I don't agree with that I think it should be struck out amended in the ordinance there's also one other thing that I'm going to say in in article C or chapter C however you say it I had a gentleman come up to me saying hey the colonades is just one building the landlord wants it dismissed my time is up thank you Miss baline is great to see you next speaker okay CNN public speaking is now closed uh I will say to miss bodin's point because you know I can't just let that go um Miss Bodine is absolutely correct she is a resident of the Colones um it is a case that has been in our court for about a year and if you want to count before we made changes to the ordinance probably three to four years um the corporate council is well aware of it um it's sad that it takes so long to get Justice for um our residents here in the city of nor when it has to go through the courts the timing is just I mean you can just literally pass away waiting for Justice from the courts here and the city of Nork um I do disagree with one thing Miss Boline even if we struck out what you said to take out of the ordinance it wouldn't matter because the ownership of your building let me say the poor ownership in a slum landlord of your building um would not adhere to the rules anyway um and would not do anything they're supposed to do because they never do um and they would still just go to court and we'll be waiting because that is the bureaucracy we live in here in America and in in this city where a judge has to rule on things that are not proper not correct between landlords and CI so that is what we have to go through but it is unfortunate and I say that publicly the same thing I say to you on the phone through email the same thing I've seen to you five to six years ago it makes no sense that it takes this long to get Justice for them to do the right thing which the ordinance plainly asks for them to have one security guard so I'm going to keep saying that this is a case we've been following we put it back in court we sent code enforcement a thousand times it just makes no sense this is one and many but I'll rest there um because the corporate Council knows that this is something that I constantly complain about every ward has the same situation no matter if we're talking about security or illegal convergence or the elevator ain't working for years things are just still in court which takes too long when you're a resident that needs to have have security it needs to get up and down your elevator it needs hot water and so forth and so forth it just takes too long with that being said Madam clerk is there any other business for today no all right well we're going to go into an executive session before first of all I'm so sorry forgive me councilman councel comments and announcements from Council Members councilman counsel yeah before uh um executive session one I just wanted to uh uh acknowledge and the um Founders Day for the members of f Beta Sigma fraternity Incorporated but secondly asks if we can have a motion or written motion um that acknowledges January as Muslim American month doly noted councilman councel any other comments or announcements or requests from council members councilwoman Scott rree thank you I just want to um council president um speak to the affirmative action uh questions and remarks to the council I do chair the affirmative action committee Mr Tillman and I will be reaching out to Corporation councel we are having a meeting myself um councilman Silva and councilman Dee Kelly sometime this month uh to discuss and address of those issues that you brought forth we have to fully investigate and make sure that when we speak to these things that we are not just legally correct but make sure the legal representation is there to make sure that we're doing the things legally and ethically as we investigate so I think I spoke to you about that so we we are looking into those things and there will be a meeting this month okay and we'll keep you posted and in reference to how a councilman Council wants to name January a Muslim American month you're moving into a season in a couple of months of Ramadan we do know of the tragedy that took place on last week tomorrow night there will be a Muslim prayer held at the Robert Treat Hotel at 6 PM this is a Muslim event everyone is invited the entire Community um it's for Muslim prayer the mayor has called for peace and unity and it will be a tribute to our beloved Imam Hassan sharim and we still yet send condolences to mashid Muhammad all the imams have been contacted for tomorrow night pastors will be in attendance but it'll be a good look to see Community just show up at the Rober treat tomorrow night to show their love and compassion and their presidence um their presence um during this season for that Imam and our Muslim Community thank you thank you so much council president thank you so much councilman Scott rree any other comments councilman Kelly I just want to thank everybody um who came out to last night's meeting um where we just talked about the facts about the nuzzler ordinance that we passed um you know there was a lot of rumors and a lot of information that was false information that were put out there to the residents and we had everybody in the in the building and um we cleared a lot of that up so I want to thank the deputy mayor thank the mayor um thank everybody that came out to make sure that the residents got the proper information of how to move forward with the ordinance so I really appreciate all of the West reward residents for coming out thank you thank you so much Council M Kelly any other comments councilwoman scy rry just want to co-sponsor um councilman council's uh name in January Muslim American month yes it's already Muslim Muslim Heritage Month here in New Jersey because New Jersey passed it but definitely here in the city of YK we should have something so Council Miss scry which is the second councilman canel's request um any other comments I just want to Echo to councilwoman Scott Ram tre's uh comments in terms of Imam share um Imam Shar we had a very close relationship with him um here in the city I know that him and um assistant Imam uh Anar te there and the entire group have that we've been you know working together on ifar and celebrations and other um community events you know with the Muslim Community and it definitely is a sincere lost I know all of us um many council members were in attendance and at different you know meetings at his um homegoing service and it just is very disappointing is very disheartening I think the city at this point is just in a healing um mold to try to you know get through um dealing with our grief and getting through what happened and what occurred definitely a good good leader here in the city a great leader um that he did so much here on different fronts here in the city and definitely he will be missed so we definitely want to send our prayers our thoughts um here with this entire Council to his family to the Muslim Community to Masid Muhammad and everyone here um who was impacted by um the imam's work here in the city um spiritually and definitely um just the work here that he did in service um here in the city so definitely our prayers and thoughts are with him so thank you all for that and thank you councilwoman Scot around you for everything that you've been doing um with the clergy Community with that being said we'll go into executive session Council as a whole yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you all for coming today we look forward to seeing you tomorrow at our regular scheduled dat meeting the 1 of the new year starting at 12:30 sharp um just another note this video today of our pre meeting will be posted and will be AED on Channel 78 as our live was down today we ask that you exit the chambers if you have no