yeah or cut the just maybe two at a time good morning welcome to the special meeting conference of the New York Municipal Council on Tuesday December 12th 2023 in accordance with New Jersey Law at notice of this meeting has been provided to The Star Ledger the Jersey journal and the public at large establishing the date time and location of this meeting in addition the agenda for this meeting was disseminated on December 8th 2023 at the time of preparation and posted on the website of the city of nework roll call please Council absent Trump present Gonzalez absent Kelly present Pana here Ramos absent Scott BR tree present NOA absent president Mac Iver presid council president council members we on page four of the agenda resolutions 7r2 is authorizing the central planning board to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine if an area is in need of Redevelopment in the central Ward any questions or comments from Council Members regarding this item CA roll call Council absent Crump yes Gonzalez absent Kelly yes K yes Ramos absent Scott MRE yes absent MAA yes 7 R4 as is a stipulation of settlements for tax appeals okay they're a lot questions or comments from Council Members regarding the tax appeals councilman crom thank you council president uh not specifically to this matter itself but if can we get a uh a total amount of all that we've settled for uh in terms of tax appeals what the taxes were what uh the settlement was and the difference um do we have um do you want to answer well I don't even see someone here Mr PA I I don't um I'm not asking for it just make now you want to list yeah but I just was saying there's no one here Madam clerk if we can put a letter to to um the department I know the ba is here but sometimes I don't expect for him to take all of the notes back so if we can put in the letter uh for the request for Council MC and I'm sorry specifically just for 2023 of course any other questions from Council Members seeing none roll call Council absent Trump yesz absent Kelly yes monana yes Ramos absent Scott Round Tree Yesa absent mver yes 7R 7as is a contract with Grant subrecipient to provide emergency shelter service homelessness prevention and or rapid rehousing assistance for the YMCA questions or comments from Council Members regarding this contract and Grant CNN roll call Council absent from yes absent Kelly yes yes Ramos absent Scott brre yes Sila absent president M yes 7 R8 as is Professional Services contract for statutory auditing services with Samuel Klein questions or comments from Council Members Cenna roll call Council absent Trump yes Gonzalez absent Kelly yes K yes Ramos absent Scott ground tree Silva absent president M yes um Madam clerk I do just want to make a note for the folks that are viewing um online with us today as well as the folks that are here with us we are having a committee meeting right now that is happening so um three of our council members are stuck in committee meeting um doing their dual diligence upstairs with the cannabis committee um so that is the reason for a very um absent council at this current time they're upstairs doing some other work um and of course we send our well wishes with councilman Gonzalez who's out sick um today but definitely just want to let that be noted for the public and those who are watching wondering where if everyone was out doing Christmas shopping but no they're definitely upstairs I'm handling a committee um meeting right now and they will join us shortly absolutely next item is Communications item 8 as is an ordinance amending title two Administration chapter 10 Department of Economic and Housing Development section two city of Newark Municipal Employees housing assistance program to increase the grant amount from $10,000 to $20,000 thank you uh Madam clerk any questions from Council Members councilman Crome thank you council president um just just a question just to to I guess maybe for my own personal edification or just clarification in the legislation it talks about auctions um and and I just wanted to make sure that this ordinance uh is not just uh dealing with uh purchases through auctions but any purchase by an employee of the city of New York good morning council president counc M morning Alison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh for the item before you it is simply um the employee assistance program that will help um employees purchase uh through uh down payment assistance we are increasing it from 10,000 to 20,000 to match the live nework um down payment assistance program that the council recently passed and just to clarify because it it does say auction several times within the legislation it's not just or or it really isn't for auction what we're doing here it's really just for any purchases made by uh employees oh yes um apologies for um thank you for the clarification uh council president it is simply for any person who purchases a property in New York and if you're an employee Municipal Employee here then you also have the ability to use the funds thank thank you thank you Council thank you councilman Crump any other questions for Deputy Mayor lad regarding this item Cena thank thank you roll call Madam clerk Council absent yesz absent Kelly yes Ramos absent Scott brre yes Silva absent president M yes council president council members we have a presentation for the dockless vehicles N Gold program okay before we have our presentation we'll have public comment hi apologies that's okay certainly we are now in the 30 minute public comment portion of this meeting where each speaker will have three minutes to speak please state your name for the record is there anyone present wishing to address the council seeing none um I guess there's no public speakers that's a first for us here in the council um no um public speakers are here to speak so um Madame clerk will move along in the agenda I know that our colleagues have joined us from their cannabis committee meeting they were talking a lot of cannabis upstairs um but they're here um uh for councilman Council and councilman Ramos we actually already went through the agenda so I don't know if you guys want to take a minute to take to look over it I'm sure you already did but in the meantime we're going to go into our presentation for um the norc go bike and scooter share program as they're here with us today any questions or anything before we get started councilman Ros yeah I just want to be noted as a yes for 7R 2A um 7R 4A I'm sorry I'm trying to scroll these 7R 7A 7 r8a and 88a on Communications so know me as a yes just for um the councilman Ros and councilman council's um knowledge the 8A is to match the program that we already did with the Liv nor um we moved it remember from 10 to 20 and now this is matching that as well um so that's the reason for this item on the agenda that looks similar to the Liv norc councilman Council yes I would also like to be noted as a yes for sr2a 7R 4 a as well as 7 r7a and 7 r8a and 8A again want to uh thank the uh Administration for working with us and for uh allowing me to sponsor and our co-sponsor or on 8A thank you thank you so much councilman Council all righty we'll let councilman Silva get um adjusted um Madame President yes yeah could I just reiterate a motion that I put on the agenda oh absolutely that was my next thing councilman R was actually go ahead Council yeah from last Wednesday I didn't get a response back you know I know the administration is probably working on it but it was regarding the outside employment uh numbers um we just want to reiterate through your chair and the clerk and the ba just if we can get a list of the I don't know the top earners when it comes to outside employment and and more importantly what what is the process that the outside employment office is following in order to distribute work fairly uh amongst our police officers you know our office has received a number of complaints regarding the new process and you know allegations of favoritism and other things so I just want to better understand what the process is that police division is f following I know there were recommendations made by the public safety director about hiring an outside entity to manage uh outside employment so so maybe that's something that we can revisit uh in order to build confidence in the system that we currently have doly noted councilman Ros Madam clerk was the motion sent out to Public Safety do you know yes okay if we can follow back up for the request absolutely thank you um at this time any other requests from Council Members councilman Kelly I was just okay oh yes thank you so much um councilman Kelly any other no all right we'll have a roll call for councilman Ramos's motion second by councilman Kelly Council yes Trump yes Gonzalez absent Kelly yes yes Ramos yes Scott brry yes yes president mver yes anything else any other motions going once going twice all righty yes councilman crom see I knew that's I was wait that's why I was waiting apologize I apiz for the countdown I just wanted to congratulate all of the um last night uh or yesterday U several judges were confirmed to be Superior Court judges and we two of our own were confirmed and I just want to congratulate uh rosin Holmes Grant yes and the Estes for being confirmed yesterday and unfortunately they'll be leaving us but going to Greener pastors and being becoming Superior Court judges yes amazing congratulations to them that is so great all righty um anything else no no all righty councilman Silva any any um comments regarding the agenda do you want to um add any votes or anything no NOP okay all righty um presentation time we are now prepared to hear the presentation regarding the dockless vehicles NK go program director Wooten you want to open yes good morning good morning good morning council president council members um first IID like to thank you again for the opportunity um to present on the nework go program and the companies that have been selected to come in and execute the uh permanent program for the City of New York uh we had with us bird and vo president Chambers who will be here after a brief presentation to answer any questions that the council may have okay so um you know one of the things that the council has expressed and I know that this has been going on for a few years is um the need to bring the city to the Forefront um of Technology um and I think that when we brought the uh newer go program it um it it was to show the advocacy for sustainability um and and the use of technology in a way that our citizens could uh be part of it and uh find alternative ways to mobilize around the city that did not necessarily bring bring in more Vehicles actual motor vehicles um so just a a brief uh very very brief history of how uh things came about in the last few years where new or go um the program was endorsed and um by by mayor Baraka and um it Inception was in 2021 um when we were uh looking to plan and and have uh Outreach to the city to see how the program was going to be received um so so there was a competive application process back then um and two of the companies who happen to be the companies that were once again um successful for the permanent program in the temporary program which are ver bird and vo um one of the things that is is is it has to be noted is that all of this bring uh about of the pilot program U was a cost neutral to the city as um there were um uh companies put in place for the tracking of their data and um most of the management if not all of the management is coming from the traffic and signals in the department of engineering um so the pilot program has been extended to the fall of 2023 uh while we are setting up ourselves to become permanent the department of engineering as I mentioned before over uh actively oversees the operations of newer go uh we have an active dashboard which is available to the public public um I'll give you a little more information uh further in the um presentation uh the uh program uh was uh recently passed uh creating a permanent um by Council in August of 2023 but that was not before reviewing the data and U the Lessons Learned for the past two years as a pilot uh bird and vo were once again selected um and then what we did different was we did bring more companies for competitiveness and to see that to make show that nework was getting the best um of the companies that we have um available in the area um again ver and vo were um the successful biders um with that not only a very impressive Fleet but a very impressive uh management and um Community geared um you know community relations and outstanding service so it was it was good to know that they were the ones that were successful at the end of the day um the next couple of slides shows you the overall um of the progression of the program okay and now as you see in Fall 2023 we're looking forward to starting the permanent operation um and uh obviously making sure that uh all the uh uh questions and and and all the uh reservations that the city or the council may have are addressed uh we already working on some of those uh we're going to touch on that later on the presentation so the uh newwork War pilot again was from 2021 to 2023 um in the meantime there was room to adjust the fleet to make it more accessible uh for more Riders so you'll see at the beginning there were uh the regular scooters and little by little you began seeing uh bicycles you began seeing um um the the ones you know the the the more accessible ones um all over the city so there was a lot of lessons learn even during the pilot um they were allow uh allocated thousand vehicles per company uh to be operated in the city and um the uh accessibility to the clients is via an application all the information and their contract um agreements um are done um electronically virtually um right now uh one of the things that I I I I good to know is that um both companies made the to hire local when it came to um the Fleet managers the mechanics um the service uh uh uh uh Crews and the people that come to pick up the um the uh units that are left behind they made um a promise and they delivered on the promise of having uh Newark residents as their employees so when it comes to the ridership overall um it's it's good to note that um close to a third of the population of Newark either has an account um or um have taken one of the trips and uh if you can see here in some of the um the data gathered in the last few days um 100,000 individuals have accounts and we have 1.4 million rides in the city of Newark to date um 79% of those 100,000 Riders are New York residents in fact so we know that the resers are taking advantage of these programs um and um 60% of the of about 800,000 trips were Tak to schools to um work and local businesses so it is bringing in um accessibility to to local businesses so it it's part of a broader um impact um the program is making um another um fact to to uh uh note is that uh we like I said before we are doing realtime data so this is generating ways for us to um in the engineering sense per se and there's open uh opportun unties for other departments to gather data and know how the residents are using the program and how they're mobilizing um we see that uh through right share report the the company that we used to track our data um it could tell us where um the concentration of most riders or how we're um mobilizing across the city um the strongest ridership is in fact um to downtown to and from Pen Station um in um right now to date we have about um 84,000 trips starting and ending there um which is 5% of uh the ridership um overall uh all generators are uh Military Park bro uh Broad and Market Streets uh Ruckers and NJ campuses so the students are also taking advantage of these programs um as well as you know for um uh programs across the city if you're going from one park to another um Riders are using it in that sense um now Citywide it's also important to knowe that um there is ridership uh in all ws and this graph uh shows you uh an overall of writers ships writers ship to date um with as I mentioned before uh uh the majority in the downtown and Ironbound area but it is spreading across uh and is being used uh across uh other Wards and that's something that we're noting that we want to incentivize uh citizens to use it um across the city so we are using this type of data to make sure that um we make it even more accessible and find out what to do so that other Wards can take advantage as much as the downtown and Ironbound uh or the central Ward and eastwards um for uh overall uh new work has come to the Forefront like as I mentioned at the beginning uh because in a poll uh I would call it worldwide but the cities that you see here in this slide um Washington Denver Milbourne um Australia so on and so forth New York is in the top 10 ridership since we started this program and this program has only been around for about two and a half years uh we're going on a third year now um you know it it's one of the highest writers ships in the market to date uh which is one of the reasons why you know it just makes sense it just is proper to move on to a temporary a permanent as um you know it it it does show that it's an overall win across the board for the city of nor uh new work uh permanent pilot to permanent uh program so um just a couple of notes uh the permit for each uh company uh has been set to $125,000 per operator and then we have um 25 cents per trip that's something that we're not doing in the pilot um so now we're going to find source of Revenue by having the companies uh uh operating permanently um we have established a renewable two-year permits uh and um require and re revised or uh policies uh when we put it in front of council to become permanent that was all included in that um documentation to make sure that what we learn again is it's uh applied now and the program gets optimized um so overall in um operations uh we have uh 15% of vehicles in equity zones and uh we combine an average of 1,200 vehicles per day just over half of the pilot vehicles um there's no um instances of operators exceeding the cap um we have two trips per vehicle per day that's what's averaging right now so we know that um all units are being used and that's also source of data that we can gather to make sure that um uh these uh vehicles are being used and they're being successful um so when it comes to the community I just want to know that um you know both companies uh along with the nework world program which is the city of New York um are are are making sure that the community is heard um we have a regular surveys that I I sent out uh to writers and non-writers as well um some operators go door too to educate businesses and um owners on Commercial corridors uh on the usage and um how to if they do become a new sense to their business to let us know but I I don't think that is the case at this point I think it's more on how can we get more access to the units um early responses are uh demonstrated that 37% of the trips will be via car in line with industry averages uh so we are reducing congestion uh emissions so this does align with the overall um City's goal uh of maintaining sustainability um just a couple of notes uh 50% of writers uh survey by bir visited local businesses so we do have data on that as well and 61% of writers survey by vo say they don't own or have access to a car so we are servicing the people that needs it in across the city um as you can see there's some comments from um gathered from the surveys that we wanted to share um also worth noting is we do collaborate with other um agencies across the city to see how we can better serve um not only the community but the agencies that um provide services uh to the residents so we uh collaborated with ndd and um constantly collaboration with the city of nework um we had a survey it took place in 2022 and we have over over 350 responses and uh out of those responses two-thirds of it were not writers so there is engagement even with the citizens that are not utilizing um the units um so when it comes to the survey um we we held public meetings um there's uh for nor riters the lead the lead uh leading concerns is safety overall safety uh the utilization of the of the equipment um having helmets and ridership on sidewalks and so on and so forth uh it's it's worth noting that those are things that the council have brought up to us and some of the things that we are going to tackle today as well um as as per the dashboard um sorry got a little bit ahead of myself here okay um the dashboard I mentioned it is available to the public um you can go to public. rhare report SL nework and um ridership locations routes um major point of access are all displayed um online um some of the metrics that we cover in our end for the city are pop rout popular routes uh the distance of the trips and duration uh the total trips a daily uh you know the new maps highlighting ridership because we do want to make it accessible and want to find out you know is it less in the West for why why how can we make it more um accessible um and um the again just just to know the r share uh report operator does come from the fees that will be paid by the companies to operate moving forward to some of the questions that we had um received from Council um in citizens and and our colleagues here in the city um so there were questions on idle times and like I said burden Bo are here so if they want to join me at the podium um we had um responses and idle time so these are some of the um bullet points that you know we we were able to find through looking at the data um what uh we are going to implement in the future is for example if somebody from the city um that operates from engineering department or the city overall calls in that the unit is somewhere that they it shouldn't be um it'll be a two-hour response when um citizens call in it'll be a six- hour response because we have to do the the the um how do you call it uh finding the location and everything um the numbers to call the companies and websites to access the companies are um shown here um just for for those at home uh for bird is 86625 2442 and for vo is 855 836 2256 and I do want to add that um our service in the City 4311 if you have any units out there uh we also collaborate with 4311 and they will um send the information to engineering so these units are picked up okay for uh Rider safety and education another um important point that was brought and you know it's at the Forefront in our end to make sure that people and and citizens are using the units properly and they're stay safe um since the last of the company you can see um we expanded the app um and uh remove any under agent unauthorized accounts so we just have to make clear uh ver verd and vo per state guidelines are only available to adults 18 and up okay at this point in time so um the underage there is enforcement on underage Drive uh writing there are um several uh things in place that the um companies can can tell you um more in detail um there are uh scooter safety trainings that have been facilitated today um and uh it it's just education every time you know we have the chance uh as a group here um we try to you know facilitate courses and so on and uh provide a safety uh uh PPE we call it uh uh helmets and so on when when there is um events across the city uh for safety education again um just to know um per the data that we have available out of the 1.5 million rides um the data proves that 99.99 99% um have been safe they've gotten safe to the destination without a problem um again out of 1.5 million so so on that front uh you know we're very proud that uh the data speaks volumes and that you know Riders are are are are using these units are using it safely are getting to their destinations and some of them are you know using it for uh for uh round trips which is also um good um for the usage of the of the uh units um now another thing for safety sidewalks are not permitted to be ridden um that's also state law um and then helmets are encouraged um for anyone above 16 but again and you know we're not expecting anybody below 18 to be riding this machines and um one last thing to mention um that you know that the companies are committed um with uh having competitive pricing um in discount programs across the board um I mentioned the the N the numbers the phone numbers for the company if anybody has any more questions across the city or or the city council um they you know they are available over the phone they are are available um on the app um and uh without further because I know that I got you know I I we had a little lengthy of a um presentation I just want to bring in um the bir and VI representatives to um introduce themselves and um address any further Council questions thank you very thank you so much director for the um information at this time we're going to go to comments and questions for C members just in the sake of time um that definitely want to be respectful to their time so any questions or comments um from Council Members councilman Ros thank you Madame President um you know I appreciate the presentation from director wooden and it's good to see uh representatives from the two companies that are here with us I I think we've articulated in great detail you know a lot of the issues and concerns that uh the council members have expressed in addition to uh residents from our community you know regarding um you know the lack time in in abandoned uh scooters in in the neighborhood and and sometimes the amount of time it takes for your representatives to pick up um uh the scooters uh incidents of riders not complying with traffic safety laws within the city um incidents of minors underage children who are riding around uh in these scooters in an unsafe manner City you know we've we've witnessed it directly as drivers within the city as um so you know those those are the things that you know I'm concerned about I think it's a great resource for for for for the city for for people who live here but I also believe that there's a lot of quality of life issues that have emerged as a result of this and you I just don't understand how some of these scooters can stay in a particular location for days at a time in between writers ship so you know hopefully you could help us better understand that process and come up with measures where we can address some of these concerns uh in a more timely fashion you like us respond to that or sure okay so I'm I'm Joe bot um a policy and Partnerships manager at vo um with me this is Austin marshburn from bird and Jeff Hoover who's our director of government our policy and government Partnerships at vo just take your questions one by one uh councilman you know in terms of pickups um we have in the rules and regulations there's a codified rule as you saw in the presentation of a two-hour pickup response if reported by city employees six hours if reported by anyone else um and that's for complaints that make it to us and so I think one thing we're we're working on on facilitating or being better at is is increasing the understanding of the public and members of the public of how to get in touch with us and how to bring attention or or make an actual complaint so it makes it to us I'm sure you've all been in a situation where someone comes in and says we've had this complaint forever and you haven't received it yet or it didn't make it to you so I think we can do a better job of of Outreach and whether it's you know collaborating with 311 and providing resources to them on how to direct people to us in a and create a straight line um then we can make sure that we're being responsive and also in our rules and regulations it's actually codified that we have to report on monly basis to the engineering department how many complaints we've received and how responsive we've been that's part of the new program regulations that have been baked into going from Pilot to permanent um you know in terms of vehicles sitting and not being utilized we've also talked uh collectively uh about piloting a um and agreed to Pilot a 48 hour um you know idle vehicle response time meaning that if if it's not being utilized we want to get to it faster and put it in a place where it can be utilized um so we have to continue conversations with the engineering department on where areas like that would make sense where we're seeing this problem um like what are the flash points in your respective wards where we can uh improve upon that process so those are some things we're doing with regard to complaints and idle vehicles um you know terms of safety that's um as you heard we have I think a pretty impeccable safety record in terms of um when you look at the number of trips and the number of incidents um that that number is not an exaggeration all of the nines after 99.99 were a legitimate calculation um and so but what we can do is we can continue Outreach to not only inform Riders on safe practices like how to signal um you know use the bike lane instead of the sidewalk uh but also Al just you know helping car drivers and people who are encountering these devices know how to react to them as well and I think that'll happen over time as the they continue to be used on a more widespread basis um but we can do a better job and I think you probably saw around City Hall we collaborated quickly um on some joint safety Outreach and social media um information and we'll continue to do that and continue to part with partner with local organizations like easy ride and others to put on safety classes and make sure that we're doing our part to make sure that this continues to be a safe alternative uh Transportation method um and lastly on the on the issue of underage writing issue to tackle um I think um we we've been in conversation to make sure that we have mechanisms in place so that if receive a report uh of an account like if someone reports a device is being ridden by an underage person that we can proactively take steps to suspend uh that account um and or require them to you know explain or provide some verification um to us so um but I think when we talk about underage rioting we want to make sure that we don't because there were some discussions about and suggestions I think by council at the initial meeting um about some strategies and I think one of the things is we just want to make sure we don't create Equity barriers to individuals um who you know either don't have access to a bank account um or don't have an ID and things like that so that we don't create barriers to the to the uh service um that may or may not solve the underage routing problem so we we're continuing to have that conversation um and maybe seeing if we can even talk to kind of local police or partner with the schools uh to increase Outreach and information so that parents know what the rules are um so they're not allowing you know miners to ride um and also creating mechanisms for us to enforce it internally as well just as a Austin marshburn senior director government Partnerships at bird just as a doubling down on on this program right one of the things we see as we move from the pilot to the permanent program is that you have here is a true partnership with two companies in the city and that true partnership means we owe you a lot of things right we want to make sure that we're building a better program we have 1.5 million rides 60% of non- riders that have been surveyed have said this program should continue so a majority of non- riders think that this is a benefit to the city but that doesn't mean it's perfect yet we need to evolve this program to make it work better for your constituents but specifically when we think of 311's as we move to the permanent program many cities you know we don't want to recreate the wheel make people un like figure out that there's here's the one I call if it's a vo here's the one I call if it's a bird through the 311 process in most cities we can just connect that directly to um our backend system so we can work we can um action it immediately um we can work with New York go to do that specifically on safety and on underage writing a large portion of that as well is to ensure that we are educating the um educating parents to help them understand that your your your kids cannot ride if they're under 18 they are not covered and that is a problem for you um to that end we can work with the city to um ensure that we are using facial recognition technology to ensure that people that are under 18 aren't writing now some people look like they're 31 when they're 17 but we'll get most people in that way but we can't stop a parent from taking that taking their phone and and give using their credit card and putting their their kid on there there is a level of personal responsibility that we want to enforce and we want to work with the city to make sure that when we do hear about that we are suspending those programs we are suspending those those students from writing but again this is about thinking about how do we build a better program over time working in partnership with the City to create the outcomes that you're looking for thank you uh councilman Kelly uh thank you council president um good day to you guys I think uh just like councilman Ramos I think this is a great resource for our city um continues to help our city move forward uh just the one of the issues that I that I'm asking is um for the violations I know you have you have um you have the rider take pictures when they when they drop off um the vehicle but sometimes the vehicles are dropped off in driveways in front of people's homes they're they're left in parking spaces they're it becomes a nuisance to people who are are driving automobiles or who are trying to park in their homes or they have to back out you know and then uh I've heard of incidents in in my neighborhood where people leave it in somebody's driveway so somebody have to get out of their car move it and then a robbery happens because they use it as a tool to block the driveway so what I'm asking is are there violations in um you know in do you have violations that will allow the the rider the card user to be charged extra money or and what is that fee if so do you have those policies in place yeah so to answer your question we do we have the ability and we're we're part of our conversation in the last couple weeks has been around that violation system and whether it should be more severe um and and we're because I think when we look at the statistics we don't have a huge number of people who who get repeated violations because either they get once they get hit with a monetary fine they either correct the behavior or they leave the platform and don't use anymore and don't write anymore um but we do have the ability to automatically escalate something so if we heard of an egregious Behavior like that and it was reported to us we would ban the person from the platform both providers would ban that person from the platform immediately um and and part of why we have the end of ride photo um process is because that way we can make sure that we are fairly attributing violations to the actual person that did it because there's also instances where people will come upon a device and either knock it over or they'll pick it up and move it so they can park their car you know if it's if it's like on the edge of the street or they just pick it up and move it so they can open their car door and they move it out of the way so we want to make sure that if we're GNA impose a penalty on someone that we're doing it to the person we can attribute the behavior to if that makes sense um but we we are having an ongoing discussion with engineering um about the the severity and we're going to monitor and track you know violation data and and continue to do that on ongoing basis what what penly is currently in place like what is the fine if someone leaves it in a parking space or in a driveway or somewhere it doesn't belong what is the penalty in in place the present time so it's I think the I think the monetary amounts in the providers and the pilot were were not consistent but close I think that they um they're escalating so they begin with a warning and the person receives an explanation saying you parked this inappropriately because you blocked a sidewalk please don't do it again and pay attention to our rules access our app if you have questions about how to park correctly and then from there they go they move to monetary fines and they start small somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 or $20 they move up to 50 and then 100 and then if you reach a certain point you would you'd be suspended or potentially banned from platform gotcha um and I would say that no one has no one ever gets a $100 fine because they leave they leave before that happens which is a good thing we don't want people um we don't want people making the service deg degrading the service for the others that take the service very seriously for themselves understood you said something something about facial recognition for minors so we use Amazon uh facial recognition technology um when we work with cities to uh look to see what age the uh the person is and that facial recognition technology takes an estimate using AI to decide if that person is 25 plus or minus some you know level of you know plus or minus 5 years say that person is then decided to be over 18 if they're 25 plus or 10 years then we force them to show us an ID so you're currently using face you recognition in the city of Newark we're not currently doing so but we have we can speak with the city of New York to do so if that's something that's interesting to the city thank you councilman CR thank you council president I I have a couple questions for the administration at the end but for for for the gentleman in front of us right now um just a question in terms of the number of the you keep keep track of the number of incidents that have occurred uh during this pilot um in terms of obviously injuries and I know of at least one death that has occurred so we do keep track of of all of the reported accidents and we keep track of the ones that have a reported injury the the death you're referring to I think the council president referenced this in the prior meeting was not on a shared device um it was on I think it was either on a personally owned or or different device but it was not so we had zero ha Zero fatalities during the course of the pilot okay so how many incidents or accidents have occurred three I yeah I believe it was it was a handful EI less than three or five that re required medical attention out of 1.4 million kasine I just wanted to to add um so engineer engineering actively collaborates with MPD the moment we hear reports that there's a scooter incident um we collaborate with MPD for the um the incident report one to make sure you know that that the person because it still involves engineering as it is a formal transportation we just want to make sure that if there's any other engineering measures that need to be implemented and two to see if it is one of the companies that are running so that we can step in and um collaborate as to what needs to take place after um lessons learn or whatever it is um so uh rest assure that engineering is collaborating with MPD to make sure that and I could tell you um you know uh solidly that that that um death was not in one of the um operator apparatuses because we follow up with MPD and we make sure that it is not the case okay and and so when an incident occurs you are contacted by the police department when an incident occurs um we have to put that in place but when we find out that it has been a scooter we follow up with them so that's something that we're trying to reverse in R into with engineering um when it occurs with with the companies we know right away okay we will know and so you you your office monitors uh police reports or yes so most of the time if not all of the time um we don't hear about it because it's not one of their scooters you see what I'm saying so again if we find out that it has been one of like a dockless unit we still follow up with NPD to make sure that it hasn't been one of the units so how how do you you just said when you find out how do you find out so so um traffic and signals does keep track of what's going on out there um we keep in constant communication with MPD um what what that's the main source you know um our our traffic and signals unit um collaborates constantly for vehicle accidents and for um dockless accidents um and then the news obviously so we just want to make sure and again um Council mccr uh the moment it happened in one of these units we know all we know almost immediately because we collaborate and we have the data up uh collection and based upon an accident that occurs are there any is there any followup or determination as to or or investigation as to why the accident occurred whether it was uh human error or maybe some malfunction with the devices sure thing I'm going to leave it to the companies because they know better the process um can sorry generally when an accident occurs um the police department will get in touch with us because it's our property um and from there we will uh give them all of the data that occurred on that ride including where the ride started where it was when this happened Etc and then they'll do their investigation um to uh look to see exactly what happened with the scooter it will be in their hands until um their investigation is done and then they will um give our property back and we will then also do an internal investigation to figure out was it Hardware was it user rare what do we think it was we'll collaborate with the NPD or the police department in general General to uh figure out exactly what was the cause okay and the few incidents that have occurred have they all either been human error or or combination of the two or human versus a mechanical I believe in this case uh they were usually a they were usually caused by a car um and not by the scooter rider themselves okay Council I'm sorry I'm so sorry follow up to so so the incidents that you're you're stating like I've heard reports of because of erratic writing that these um scooters more more than it's reported have accidents by running into to to Vehicles right that are driving are those incidents captured if the if the driver of the vehicle doesn't report uh an accident like how how prevalent is that right like you have a underage driver on one of these scooters are zip zagging through traffic and they happen to hit a person that's waiting at a traffic light or someone that's cross driving through an intersection is that something that's more common than what the data would actually show us I I don't think it's more common because I think in that instance almost I would say probably 100% of the time we would get a call from the customer about that issue because a lot of times they're concerned that the vehicle like we've got calls of not necessarily New York specifically but our customer service team will receive calls saying a vehicle hit me from behind and the vehicle's damaged and I don't want to be responsible for it I just want to let you not report it and if nobody calls us to report that then we're not going to know just like the police wouldn't know but how many scooters do you pick up that damaged like that you have to take offline and do major repairs because you know the rider that scooter may have used it properly or gotten into some kind of accident that was never reported is that that's something that that you see with your with your Fleet I don't think we see that on a widespread basis I don't have the specifics for you but I can tell you that our technicians when they find vehicles in the field they do a field test and they shake it and move it around and drive it start it stop it make sure all the components are working correctly um and also so you know councilman Crump when whenever there's an incident involved involving one of our vehicles our customer service has the ability to remotely disable that vehicle until it can be retrieved by by our team so that nobody else can ride it until it's been checked councilman Silva oh yeah good morning um I'm going to just go on with councilman Crump and councilman Ramos and I can pretty much assure you because I've heard so many complaints that there's more accidents than your 9999999 that you're aware of I can assure you that they're just not being reported that's all it is uh what happens is that uh I my area has 900,000 Riders like you guys are almost 900,000 most of them are people that are utilizing it to go to work uh they don't have a driver's license they don't have any means of getting to work so this is how they do it and I said it before when I was out there at River Bank at Riverfront Park that uh my community is in need of these uh uh means of transportation because again mostly immigrants in my community and they have no way to make a living and get to work so I I commend you guys in uh the engineering department director wooden uh I'm definitely for this uh but to say that there's not more incidents that you guys are aware of is not true I'm telling you things are happening uh when a vehicle my question to you is uh I'm a police officer pulling up on a scene of an accident uh and who I who do I put down as the insurance who's going to pay for the repair of my vehicle who's going to you know who who am I pay the the most likely the person that's driving that scooter doesn't even have proper identification so basically as the driver of a vehicle that just got hit by a scooter I'm left with nothing uh I'm going to have to pay for the damage to my car that seems to be the consensus and as a retired police officer I'm telling you that uh we have no information on the insurance company or any information to put in that second box in an acent report so it becomes a a major issue something that you guys need to maybe sit down with NPD and and go over uh when neighor poor to a scene also since I have the most drivers in my area almost 900,000 I want to work with you guys to possibly do some training classes as well I think it's important that we get it out there in Spanish uh class taught in Spanish because I'm letting you right now most of my uh Riders are Portuguese and Spanish so it's important that we hold some type of uh training in those languages as well uh so that was it it was just more of a concern that you were stating that the 999.9 and I'm telling you 28 years of law enforcement history I can assure you the numbers are a lot higher than that they're just not being reported so I think one thing we could do um and we've been doing this a little bit in some markets is to conduct some Outreach with New York Police Department like you said we did collaborate with them on National Night Out so we have some relationships there but um I think we can what we've done in some cities has gone to meet with police departments directly and and say Here's how you get in touch with us if there is an incident um you know your specific questions about um you know I think probably would come down to like determinations of fault um if the scooters at fault then there's one scenario if the driver of the car is at fault that's another um but we've cooperated in providing you know when when we when there's an incident and we receive a subpoena we we send the information to them so they can conduct their investigation um but we can do a a better job of of getting Outreach to them to say this is what how you get in touch with us and how you submit requests for information and all that yeah so not to get technical or anything we don't witness the accident right so we just put down what the driver the vehicle says and the driver the scooter says my question is that if inevitably the driver of the scooter is at fault who pays for the damage to the vehicle when there's no information in the box so our both of our user agreements squarely Place responsibility for that on the rider of the vehicle and that's a problem and and I would uh first off thank you all for for having us council members and and council president um it's a pleasure to to speak to you all today you know the I I did want to address you know kind of one thing that that speaks to really questions raised by council member all all council members who who've spoken thus far and that's really I think our obligation and and commitments we've made um since we really started this conversation in November is is you know to more proactively engage with the community I I think if I may be so bold I I do think we did a good job over the balance of the pilot I between the two companies we showed up up over 50 community events but I think the thing that we will do differently in in addition to continuing to show up at community events where people are already Gathering is to show up directly in your Wards um so long as as you're willing to have us um at your ward meetings and and we're certainly willing and and eager to make that commitment to to be in every Ward over the course of the year and each year that we have the the uh pleasure of being permitted to operate in nework also coming to council and addressing you directly on on the progress and status of of some of these things that we're we're working on and and that the reason I mentioned that is it ties directly to I think the questions that have been raised by each individual member it's not reasonable for us as as The Operators to expect that residents just know um how to report to us or get in touch with us on the Myriad of issues that have been raised here and that touches on everything from you know councilman council member Kelly the the vehicle you know sitting at the end of the driveway it's not reasonable for us to expect your constituent to just know how to get in touch with us to come pick it up and so we need to show up in your ward and tell your residents how we can be of service to them council member Silva uh relative to safety classes not just conducting them but conducting them in Spanish and Portuguese um and finding opportunities in your ward to to speak directly to your residents who so uh uh roundly depend on on these scooters to get to get to and from um and and that also includes finding opportunities to to do better one thing director wooden highlighted on on one of the slides is during the pilot we had an obligation to pick up a scooter um if it had not been organically written in five days uh that rule is changing in the permanent program down to three days uh so the restrictions or the the obligations on our end are getting tighter uh but we actually are are opting uh hopefully opting into taking that a step further and talking with you all talking with Community leadership in one of your Wards to identify places where you know vehicle sitting is is a particularly acute issue and something that's particularly top of mind and understanding you know what commercial corridors might make sense for a 48 hour requirement and so we really want to do uh a we we would love the opportunity to dive deeper with you all to hear from the leaders in your respective words to understand you know great so we have a set of rules but like what is where is it critical for us to to take those a step further on really on our own accord and so that is one thing I really did want to highlight that you know should we uh should we have the opportunity to do so we we would really appreciate uh those conversations kind of deepening um with with each one of you thank councilman Council yeah Madam chair thank you so I'm I'm a little confused um because at the last meeting that we had with them I'm hearing a lot of conflicting information right I'm hearing stuff about we had Community meetings and no one is sure about when the community meetings were then the individual just indicated that he would like to come to our community meetings to talk to folks about what has happened so I'm confused about that I'm confused about the local hiring practices because at the last meeting he indicated before that there was a five-day process but at the last meeting he said that they would pick these things up within 24 to 48 hours which they still are laying all over the street so I'm concerned about the local hiring practice how many individuals work here from the city of nework that are uh uh uh uh have actual jobs the poor retrieval time of these mechanisms are are horrible um he discussed uh Relentless of times because I get calls from the county park have they got permission to put these devices in County Parks they're all over County Parks I get calls from our partners in in the county uh uh about this and and then how many apparatuses have been returned to you and your organization that have broken Motors right so if the if the motors of these apparatuses are broken and and and I spoke about this at the last meeting because this is what the the the folks out here in the community doing they're breaking the apparatuses then does that mean the apparatus becomes a part of community property and will never get picked up and stay in all of these areas or or when do they get picked up what is the worst area of pickup that that you have um and I'm still uh uh a little interested in finding out where was these public meetings held at so uh council member Council I I think to to speak to the public engagement piece I think to the distinction is we we would typically attend public I guess public events not necessarily meetings sponsored by your respective offices as as council member to constituent uh you know Town meetings but rather concerts and festivals and National Night Out and things like that folks or places we know residents and and visitors are going to be um and that lets us kind of speak with and distribute helmets to and ride credit to as many people at once really as possible kind of touch as many folks as we can and so I think that's the distinction we we have not uh been invited thus far and and I I if I may be so presumptuous I I'd kind of like to invite ourselves um to your respective Town Hall events um and so I I do not mean to imply that we showed up to a great many things that we did not the the things where we attended were you know Comm community events for lack of a better term if if that if that distinction is appropriate um on the the local hiring side I can say I believe our team right now numberers 23 um I'd leave it to bird to yeah I mean we have a local entrepreneur that we work with that uh she has 10 employees as well so we are we have 11 employees in the in the city of New York all New York residents um incredibly important to us to uh help help to Foster not just ridership to small and local businesses in New York but also to Foster you know thriving a thriving business itself in New York so you have 23 total residents that work in the city of New York and only 11 from from the city of nework no no two different companies so 34 34 employees from New York that work in nework in total for the two companies to handle 1.5 million Rod shares in collection and 24 to 48 hours of picking up and and moving out do you you believe that that's enough employees to handle this this this type of ride share I mean generally I think the the data shows that we get to most of our scooters within the preferred the prescribed period of time and that we will continue to do so and if we have to make that happen even faster we will do so and continue to ramp up to do so how do you draw down on on on the data that that you utilize how do you like quantify that in terms of pickup schedule so if if if I'm an average resident and I can tell you that I've seen an apparatus on a block for four days and you're saying that your average pick up is 24 to uh 48 hours that passes your your quantifying of that picking up of the Machinery the average would not pass the city um and the engineering department is able to set um regulations within their uh thirdparty provider ride report that shows uh any scooter that has been idle for a certain period of time so if it goes idle it hasn't been used uh over the time period that's prescribed that will be called a point against the company that that happens to right and so they have the data to get to see exactly um how well the company is whichever company it is is complying with every rule that's in place and can those rules are also flexible so if we choose to say in the Ironbound District to say that they can only be Idol for 48 hours then you can choose in that District draw the district lines that this is what the rule in this area is so you have all the data and the city will have all the data continues to have all the data at their fingertips and we are working with you all in order to evolve a program that serves newer residents so do we have the data on the amount of Def uh machine that is broken the maintenance reports uh we provide maintenance reports uh to the city uh each each each month but those maintenance reports um wouldn't necessarily say exactly why the machine was broken right we didn't see why the machine was broken just we know that it had an issue and we had to fix the issue to maintain the scooter do you keep uh data on how many come back broken mod is defective how what what is the number out of the Myriad of machines that we have all around in the community what what what do those numbers look like and if the machine is defective if there's a motor broke is there an opportunity for replacement does the company know that the machine uh has been tampered with and move someone expeditiously to handle pickup or service yeah as my colleague said when a person tries to utilize a broken scooter we get a report that it's broken when that happens we also disable that scooter from being used and send someone out to pick it up it's in our best interest to do so to get it off the road so that we can maintain it and if it is available to be fixed that is great we can put it back on the road if not we can utilize the parts that are not broken to help fix other scooters as problems come up it's in our best interest to get off the road and so we do and if if I may add to to speak to that issue so you know via scooters uh not actually unlike any of your cars have you know little miniature onboard computers located between the handlebars um you know our our sensors receive about 60 different inputs um at any one time speaking to everything from battery health to if the scooter is upright or not um but um you know if if one of those uh indicators sort of goes offline um we have the ability to remotely disable the vehicle uh but critically and I think somewh your question councilman um the the GPS location uh remains and so it does tell our team exactly where that scooter is um and gives us the opportunity to go get it even if uh unfortunately vandalism and theft you know there are issues in every Market um if someone steals the battery the onboard computer itself um has a backup battery and so we're able to still locate for a period of time for several days is locate that vehicle um even if someone has taken the the principal power supply to it are there tiered work schedules or are the the the companies or individuals that you subcontract with create their own uh work schedule and and if not then what what are those work hours is it a three shift hour can can you explain uh yeah absolutely so I I can at least speak for vo here um our our team in Newark our employees um we that is foundational to our company ethos um where all all of our workers are are vo employees um meaning that they're also eligible for things like health benefits and paid time off um so these are good jobs that we're creating in in nework um and as a result they they not only have specific schedules where they you know they show up for a shift and we do operate for second and third shifts in Newark um but also uh within that shift period of time they're not just out there sort of circling around every employee we have a program that's called no your Zone and so um every employee will go back to the same piece of territory day in and day out on their weekly schedule which also means you know leading up to this meeting we've started handing out flyers to shop owners and things like that we started where the in the highest areas of ride concentration so that'd be in the central Ward and in the Ironbound um but handing out flyers to shop owners of like here's how you get in touch with us if you need help the idea being is that those field technicians who are out there day in and day out are they're kind of walking a beat for lack of a better term and and ideally starting to build relationships with the folks and say so that you know the the bodega owner is gonna see hey like that's John from vo um you know I can I actually know that guy and can tell him I need his help and things have to shape up around here so um vo has a very uh we're very heavily invested in in our local local Workforce and and how many employees on the vo side again 23 right now 23 on the vo side and on that vo side you're saying that they have a three-hour work shift oh so you're 24 hours around the clock uh so we have three shifts three shifts and what are those shifts the I I'd have to get the specific windows for you but they're typically eight hour they're typically eight hours and so I think it's you know something like early you know early morning 5 6 o'clock in the morning uh through midafternoon like a a split like afternoon to early evening shift and then an overnight shift and the other 11 employees come from that's 12 like one a business owner plus 11 other employees so 12 other employees and it's the uh program works very similarly three shifts um those three shifts go um shift one starts at four in the morning um and it moves throughout the night um the benefit to that being that that allows us a great opportunity for charging at late at night and also maintaining scooters late at night and moving those scooters during the day as uh rebalancing moving and picking up scooters that are idle during the day um to ensure that we're meeting uh the expectations of the city is there any supervisory Personnel that follows around the workers after completion or area of site and do they provide a reportage back to vo or bird about um you know yeah so the way this the way it generally works is again we have our onboard computers that allow us to know exactly how many they've picked up how many they have been able to move how many they've successfully put back into proper locations and how many they've brought back to our locations as well and like any um company we also uh have like a secret shopper type of program to make sure that we um can stay uh can keep our out our workers you know working their hardest throughout the day thank you councilman Council councilwoman Scott rree yes um most of my thank you council president most of my colleagues have expressed most of my concerns but I do want to say this because I feel a little um concerned about the fact that when you stated that you attended public events and uh public community events and there's a big difference in attending those events as opposed to the community meetings for the wards so I am hoping that um my Council colleagues that we will move forward with that because you're already in the neighborhoods and you've been there for three years and to be in the neighborhood for three years uh or close to three years and then come before us and it's a great program I mean there are people that can't get a license that use these rides to get to work there are people that um especially young people in school college or what have you so it's not that I'm I'm not in agreement with the program it's just a process to get to this point that I'm not in agreement with how are we here now discussing how many employees you have and you've already been here how many employees are you going to hire um from the city of newk when you're talking about um 23 employees for vo being that's that's for the percentage and for the space that you're talking about cover covering we have 31,000 residents maybe they all of course don't use the service but it's just unbelievable that you tell us that you have 23 employees uh to cover that and then you say on one point that you have three hour shifts and then you have eight hour shifts or do you just have the eight hour three eight hour shifts that's what I got I wrote it down so all right so three eight hour shifts that's 24 hours spread amongst 23 employees is that correct correct okay you hear me three 38 hour shift spread amongst 23 emplo employees now if that's not what I heard is three eight hour shifts right three shifts per day yeah three shifts per day not three individual people so there there are several people so you rotate the 23 people is that what you saying yes that that's right and so there there would be several people per shift three shifts a day 24 hours a day and and I will say typically and and this is true in New York this is true in in every Market where we operate that the the number of the loal team is very very directly tied to the number of vehicles were permitted to operate certainly the geographic size of the city and some of the the you know kind of City specific factors weather vandalism traffic things like that will will have an impact but the biggest factor is the number of vehicles that were permitted to operate and by by the pilot ordinance uh that was capped at 1,000 vehicles per provider um and so that is that is the primary dictating Factor it and the population is a factor the geographic size is a factor but the the fleet size is the primary factor um and and so that that is really the biggest driver of the team size okay so you say the fleet size is your primary factor the community is our primary fact that's and what the community feels what we hear the complaints we get the circumstances that we're sitting here right now that you're explaining to us what you're going to do some of these things aren't even in place yet the relationship between North police departments not even not signed and not official yet so there things that are not the communication the bridging of the communication like the talking to and the getting the emails and who's communicating with traffic and signals some of those relationships have not been solidified yet so we're still talking about things that have not been done that you're working on getting done done so that that's that's all I'm speaking to un understood council member and and you know you have my absolute commitment that you know I think the the the S you know the the suggestion again if I may be so presumptuous we made when when we first began this conversation was that we would come to to this chamber on a quarterly basis but also uh that we would show up in every Ward um you know each year that that we have the pleasure to to be permitted um at top rate nework but if you tell us that like you need to you need us to come to to two Ward meetings a year once one in the first half of the year one in the second half of the Year we're we're eager to do that you know I I think I I wouldn't normally make a practice of speaking for my my bird colleagues here but you know we're determined to and I think I can say the same for bird you know we're determined to show up how how you all resp you know how you all expect us to show up and not you know it's our job to offer our perspective Ive it's your job to tell us what you need and we're here and it's ultimately our job to be responsive to what you tell us you need and so I I I you know absolutely your the the criticism that we showed up to kind of community Gatherings but not your W meetings is is a fair one absolutely and and we will uh you have my absolute commitment that we'll change that and you don't have to wait for us to reach out to you you can reach out to us as well understood thank you councilwoman any followups councilman Crum yeah thank you council president my my followup is really toward questions for the administration sure okay oh is it on this topic or something else it's on this topic oh okay gu sure go ahead sorry my first question is regarding the um based upon a pilot program are there what are the revenue estimates for the uh this program the yearly Revenue estimates thank MC um I'm sorry did you said the source of Revenue no with the revenue estimates so it's it's 125,000 for the the permit but there's also 25 cents per ride right or is it correct correct per per um ride yes okay so and that's Revenue that's generated to the city or it's going into a specific what the first question is that 25 cents per ride is it going to a specific fund for the city um so the 25 cents yes it it goes to to the city um and um it's yes so the 25 is apart for 125 from the 125 will be funding the um right share report so yeah it goes to the city so does it go to a specific fund you know Community uh uh Redevelopment fund the uh you know we have so many trust funds these days just to go to a specific trust fund fund for the city can you I'm sorry give me one moment okay so yes so I have I have uh Richard Fernandez here from the traffic at signals he is the you know the the the the person that communicates and um runs the program um okay you know um directly and that that's something that we're working I don't know um if you want to Rich morning everyone how are you morning uh Richard Fernandez principal engineer trafficing signals um I've been working with um Deputy um assistant director Ray Raymond consumtion to um create a trust for the money coming in based on the numbers from the pilot and the permit fees that we expect to get we are approximating about $312,000 a year towards uh hopefully infrastructure striping Paving potholes um anything that the city needs uh this is the goal the focus it it we'll go into a fund but the fund hasn't been created yet is that what you're saying correct and it'll start once the program is instilled well once well if the program is is uh approved it will begin what January 1 uh yeah hopefully yeah hopefully all right thank you that thank you answered that question my second question is regarding um so this is a 2-year uh uh permit process or the the permit is is for two years yes if 6 Months 8 months a year from now we find that the commitments and and promises that were made today are not fulfilled by these uh companies what is the process for us to revoke the permit um in the rules and regulations that was codified and the ordinance that was passed in August of 23 this year um the engineering department and the head of the department the director has the right to um cancel any permit due to any kind of um infractions by each company so the the does the council have the right to do that also um through legislation you you have the right to bring up these infractions to the director um and at that moment we we can make a uh collaborative decision on whether or not to revoke that perit the time so although we vote on whether the so although we vote on this process to go forward we don't have any say in term well H have any say we don't have the ability to vote to revoke the permit is that what you're saying um in the in the rules and regulations like I said it stated that the director of the engineering department has the right to revoke permits at any time for any reason so if any of the council members brings up a reason to the director or myself we can we can handle it right there at that moment doesn't need to go into a vote if you feel that it's that need so the director has unilateral authority to revoke Council mup if if um the council find said um okay good morning Corporation councel good morning how you doing uh just for the record Ken store city of North Corporation Council so essentially uh when when we have different contracts with folks like this who are you know given the opportunity Within the city uh the complaints that you all make are usually sent to the director and then the director then speaks to the individual company to get them to address the issues eventually if we think that it's not happening the way we want to move forward we just uh end the contract most most of these contracts have a termination clause in it and it's just that simple um it's a normal situation no different from garbage or what have you most of these folks that we're relying on for example garbage trucks and things of that nature we have complaints uh we we rely on these things you know fortunately to you know fortunately for these folks here um you know this is becoming a norm within the city where folks are using these uh these scooters within the city and they're gonna have to you know butt up their tighten up their ship on their side because uh as they can see the complaints are increasing uh throughout the city and we're going to heavily monitor the situation and I'm going to ask the director to uh continue on to take the information that you all give about the complaints and disseminate that to them and we're going to ask them to focus on addressing them or we're going to end this contract and that's by the administration yeah all right anything else Council MCR no thank you that's any other followup questions or comments well I will say thank you for coming out um for you know coming to present and also talking to us about some of the concerns I think that the Corporation Council kind of summed it up in the nutshell in terms of the many concerns hopefully um director you were getting notes of some of the things that are just bothersome um that Council are um putting out there um on behalf of constituents um and perhaps you know we can work to address those things I mean some of them like I said as I met with you all before this is not like the first time just in terms of trying to tack some of the low hanging fruits of problems um that you know we should be able to fix you know really quickly um but definitely you know we look forward to you know having a followup but definitely there are some just some concerning um issues just from hearing what uh many of the council members expressed not the first time but many times before um and I just think that those things really need to be taken a look at um I do applaud you guys for some of the work that you've already done definitely love the posters and the different things that have have gone up um kudos to that but just just in a matter of addressing some of the things that constituents are bringing to us you know every time you're out you're getting a comment about something regarding the scooters those are things that we you know I I believe they're all fixable like you know I don't think anyone's saying something here that is not fixable it's just the the will of the companies and and partnership with you director wooden and trying to address these things and and putting some staffing um and different other resources behind to address some of the concerns so definitely I'm sure we'll have more followup I thank you all for coming out it's good to see you all happy holidays and we look forward to seeing you back again thank you council president and council members we do appreciate your time and consideration thank you so much all right Madame clerk I think that concludes our meeting for today can we have a roll call to adjourn Council yes Grump yes Gonzalez absent Kelly absent Nana absent Ramos absent Scott ground tree yes yes MAA yes thank you all for joining us today we look forward to seeing you at next week's regular council meeting uh which will be our last meeting before the new year take care everyone be safe