##VIDEO ID:DAF1v95JRPc## good afternoon uh it is currently 3:03 on Tuesday August 6 this is the semimonthly meeting of the board of assessors we have Sandy Wexler myself Bud Kelly and principal assessor Jason deio we are shy one board member but we do have a quorum so we can continue with this meeting um m mchan is out of town we wish her the best left something downstairs unless it's part over there would you need one no I'm looking for my uh last meeting minutes but you know what since it's on here we'll do it next time okay all right so we will not review the pre prior meeting okay so we'll cross apologize we have the agenda I just happened to notice it right here I don't know where it fell not problem and you'll um you'll take over now at Warren and commitments draft meetings are uh minutes are available should you want to uh review them uh yes I have the warrants and commment that there are none to uh review okay so that's another strike any but I do have ex I do have those so I have a list here of five uh different packets I'm going to give you the cover sheet so there'll be a total of six signatures uh four of which are boat and one is motor vehicle fantastic I will keep the summary sheet to cross reference yes look at that $15 um this is AUST say six for you 15 again two times two times [Music] y for another $15 yes big big big for you sir thank you all right we have the next for for the 135 that's correct for you and then a big pack of here I enormous $2,274 the numbers do indeed Jive that is great thank you good be here one more one more and then a final sir here's this and here's this fantastic [Music] done okay your packet [Music] sir okay all right as we previously just that's it for that uh the Pats and exemptions um so as we previously discussed uh last week we would be reviewing par r31 0-36 uh to assess and reassess is owners unknown you see this is the property record card currently indicating the unknown owner in anticipation of unknown unknown this is a tiny little spot down Island Road little thing on the Sal Mar right that the map that shows it um so we had uh we were trying to collect on it we had a previous uh owner assess that but they feel that they are not the owner and we had a Capa Capa right uh which is the law firm that does our tax title stuff into it because whe we're going to do a tax taking on it and they have uh reviewed the ti assertion that's what they specialize in and determined that we should assess this C an owner and no because we cannot determine who the owner is so we've had the uh research done and uh we actually just have to part of the igr provided by the department Revenue uh says you know our diligent efforts uh that's what we've done and uh that we just have to as a board you as a board have to vote to uh reassess assess and reassess the fiscal years that we had assessed to a different owner so we what we're looking to do is reassess from fiscal 2013 Ford to an owner unknown okay so the bills have been going out for last decade yep to somebody who that has not paid them has never paid them well they were paying them prior but you know they you know maybe thought that they were the owner I can so is it that person there that's listed there I'm not going to say out loud yep that is correct yep okay so this this person was paying the bills up until 2013 yep and then felt that they just didn't own it anymore that's correct felt felt that they didn't they just just I don't know why maybe May cor Maybe the owner I can't remember the circumstances maybe passed away and it was his family that decided you know so that they uh said you know we don't we don't we own this correct well at a $2,800 land value a total card and then it at $10 per thousand or seven so you're you're not talking about $15 a year yeah $15 right might pay without even noticing it yeah so I'm wondering interestingly once this goes owner unknown does that something that the town looks to absorb or we will determine the disposition once we can determine the owner until owner unknown would we would have to go through and perfect the title to obviously okay and we're not I don't think that we really worry about this 43 of an acre no and we really don't get involved with that portion uh as far as what the town is the disposition of try to whether or not they're going to take it through tax title sorry to belabor this if you don't mind a couple quick questions so we have um the IG we have some we have some some bordering neighbors but but it's really just Marshland it really has absolutely no value whatsoever it's wet it floods it's Marsh yeah right and it's across the street from any of the the dwellings there's no contiguous parcel that somebody's living on yeah well when you it's this parcel right here it's this little TR yeah yeah and it's across the street from where the houses are right and this is all V this is all marsh land absolutely it's only up until you get in here where you can see some places that you can get into this little p so I guess it really doesn't have any value to anybody so at some point well we just do owner unknown and we lose $15 a year in C Revenue well because the town probably doesn't want it either that's right that's what I'm saying it's more it's more energy and cost to go through getting pered title we can go there is a process that you go through before it's not our our call but yeah I'd be surprised if it was worth doing so you have to assess it to the correct owner and if it's the incorrect owner uh you have to do it as the owner unknown and you know that then to advertise and all that kind of stuff you know uh search of the records in order to foreclose the right of redemption under the you know the land of uh land of low value procedure or through land Court proceeding because of the low value of it we may be able to do land of low value and and avoid land Court in order to do that if we want to I just still that's right so we don't know so it would be curious who who the abing properties are that it gets absorbed into ownership of those to they looked at all that believe me they diligently interesting y so it's really curious excuse me how long ago that would have been parsed out of of the larger lot you know you look at it you go okay so why is that wedge there it's a very curious wedge it was it between two farmers and said you know what here's your here's your spot for Sal yeah and this is the deed that we had had for the property and it really isn't the description for that parcel so okay so lots of lots of stuff doesn't line up yeah gotcha okay all right so so if we need to vote on deing it we have to we have to deem it deem to reassess from fiscal with the vote 2013 2013 forward forward to reassess and assess currently as an owner unknown so do we need two separate votes for this sure oh well okay so I make a motion that we put the parcel into assess it assess it as owner unknown y from from to fisal 2013 oh do I you can add that that okay 2013 forward I'll second okay second all in favor I okay so we'll do that okay then what the second one is the second one is then you know that's not just reassess those years but then to assess for currently going forward make a motion that we assess currently moving forward as owner unknown and all all right so that unanimously passed we're going to go ahead and um use that as continue that as uh now always the scintillating part of our meeting the public participation and I have no uh correspondence email um and there's a short line out there at time here anyway public com seeing none hearing none we will close that section uh and now we're going to schedule our next meeting yes I was just going to brings us into September to not hit labor dayes labor day is the second very early this year so um 10th 10th Yeah Tuesday the 10th Tuesday the 10th 3:00 same time 9:10 same place okay thank you no thank you for your diligent work uh what time are we done I at 313 and I would like to second that and we'd like to all in favor at 313