##VIDEO ID:474ZS0UjgGs## good evening this open meeting of the newb Conservation Commission is being conducted remotely consistent with Governor Baker's executive order of March 12 2020 extended until March 31st 2025 due to the current state of emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of covid-19 in order to mitigate the transmission of covid-19 we have been advised and directed by the commonweal to suspend public Gatherings and as such the governor's order suspends the requirement of open meeting LW to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location further all members of the public bodies are allowed and encouraged to participate remotely the order which you can find posted with the agenda materials for this meeting allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely so long as reasonable Public Access is afforded so that the public can follow along with the deliberations of the meeting please note this meeting is being recorded and that the attendees are participating by video conference all right hang on everyone I just want to make sure that I'm we don't have anyone in the waiting room okay all right I see Mary Mary here okay great all right let's go to the first order of business sorry for the delay in opening the meeting team going to blame it on crowd crowd strike or whatever the heck that crazy app was that shut down most of the country for for a couple of days all right upcoming meeting dates uh August 20th September 3rd and September 17th meeting Minutes review uh the July 16 2024 meeting minutes uh will in the drop box why don't we take a mo moment to take a look at those see if we have any comments Corrections or concerns okay any any questions or concerns on this uh hearing none I'll I'll entertain a motion to approve the minute meeting uh for the July 16th meeting as written no moved second okay roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody oh Woody Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor's vote Yes all right next order of business um Team we've been adding we've been keeping these these enforcement orders on the agenda uh they are there's been a little bit of confusion there was a possibility according to our state delegation it was a likely possibility that uh there was going to be a tolling of permits uh and so we did share that with a couple of people that have enforcement orders because of expired order conditions that were recently expired and possibly might have been eligible father that they have been informed that in fact that never did that did not take place and we even when they were notified of the potential the enforcement order was in full force until uh it was either amended or closed so so I see Vince Gooden is on the call Vince why don't you give us a quick update on where you're at you're on mute Vince Hi how are you uh Vincent Goen uh 28 Harvard way I'm one of the owners of uh The Cottages commercial uh yeah unfortunately uh we had kind of pivoted to having the engineers maybe work on an an amendment uh in anticipation of the uh passing of the of the bill but uh when we saw that that it didn't happen uh as of what August 1 I believe um we informed them to kind of move back to starting a new noi at this point we're not going to try and wait for potentially the next legislative session it's just going to take too much time and uncertainty so we just figure at this point just to go in with the with the new noi um this point we've already had some discussions with uh Joe schara about um a couple of the of the U groundwater and um Garden issues that that we needed to finalize and we wanted to make sure that he was on board with with what we were planning on submitting to make sure that that once it got through here it it also got through the planning board and didn't get bounced back and forth so we submitted a formal um letter to him um not sure when in the last week uh the engineers did it but um hopefully we will have that finalized and then then be able to submit the the new noi okay Vince do you have a an ET a on when you be submitting the NOA I've told the engineers at this point to just make the Assumption given that they've had conversations with Joe already to just make the application under the assumption that that there's an agreement in place even though we haven't gotten his okay on any formal document yet um and if we have to do a last second pivot we will but at this point I'm I'm I've told them to move forward and that we will try and get it in in the next week okay so we'll we'll expect you to be on the August 20th agenda with with your noi application what is the how how many days does does notification I just want to make sure if if they can get if you you get it submitted I think it's getting it filed okay you you may not be eligible for your hearing on August 20th but I think the important thing is to get it submitted and get the clock started and whether it's August 20th or September 3rd Once you pull the trigger that that's what the commission at least my impression what the commission is looking to do just to get yeah definitely planning on having it submitted whether or not we make the the timing as far as you know the newspaper and and notices I that that I'm not sure okay so you you'll have a submitt in by August 20th correct okay team any any questions on that does that cover basically where we're at on this Mary any Mary any questions no I think uh August 20th would be two weeks prior to the September 3rd meeting and that would be the meeting deadline filing deadline for that meeting okay okay uh TJ any comments on this nope uh Mick any comment no questions thank you Diane any any comments or question for Vince on this no okay and I have none Vince thank you we'll uh let us know how you're making out and we'll expect to see your application submitted by August 20 great okay thank you then okay the next next matter is uh we have an enforcement order on 105 Northern Boulevard uh for unpermitted yard work uh in the Dropbox a replanting revegetation plan has been submitted uh the respondent was on the last call and they're ordering uh beach grass and anticipating a fall late fall uh planting based on availability so doesn't really require any other action on our part more of an update hey any any questions on that one everyone good on that one that's just more you know what team I it I'm keeping the enforcements orders on just so that we keep an eye on them and we get to monor to a little bit okay maybe we um skipped over an item Bob which one uh continued public hearings for 18 Temple B yeah no you know what we we the agenda was out of order we always do enforcement orders prior to okay the next the next matter is the continued public hearing got it okay thank you yeah sorry about that okay next order of business is a continued public hearing D file number 0501 1424 18 Temple Boulevard West for an addition of a deck elevated walk to dwelling and Reclamation and expansion of existing parking area team if you recall uh the the applicant was before us at our last meeting they had presented a scaled down version of the original plan uh I I'm aware that Tom Hughes has met with the uh the technical consultant analyst that had offered the original uh comment technical comments on this filing and we were just really awaiting Tom wanted to hold off us making any further determination until he had that opportunity to speak with the the analyst and so Tom I'm going to stop there why don't you introduce yourself and give us a quick quick recap of where we're at yeah sure um as the chair reminded the commission we wanted to um try to take advantage of the D site visit that was around the corner on a project that D did appeal after we felt we had addressed the comments on that project uh we did not want to have a second appeal so um the analyst was willing to meet me at 18 Temple after that site visit on the appeal and we went down there and I went through my response uh with him he actually was relieved he he agreed with me that things that looked like they were vegetated from you know from the uh photographs really weren't that it was pine needles uh he saw the unvegetated area he saw that the revised project was in an area with far less vegetative impact and really kind of right up against the house and that the location where the shed was going was in an area of invasive Honeysuckle and um and sand um so he he was seemed satisfied and uh gave him a full size set of the plans to uh take back to the office with them and uh we feel comfortable that we've addressed that and at this point unless the commission wants me to pull up the plans I would just ask that uh that we uh close and issue unless you want to see if then is any uh any ABS here I know that uh both Tom and Jenny are here my clients and they're anxious to move forward and get this project done okay well Tom why don't I stop you there and let me open this up to questions from the members and then from the public if there are any raised hands Mary any questions for Tom on this FR um my recollection was that we were comfortable with the plans as revised um I think we might have mentioned some special conditions although I don't remember what exactly they were Tom was going to work on an order of conditions yeah and I've started I've started three of them two for prior hearings from from the last meeting and this one I'm not quite done with them but but there's nothing I didn't recall any special special conditions on this project but I'm certainly yeah Mary that might have been the on 36 or 40 Northern we had a couple of special that we had added because they were tear downs and full rebuilds but anything else Mary I'll Circle back go through okay thank you Mary TJ any any questions for on this project no no questions I knew we were just waiting on the uh meeting with the D agent so if that's straightened out we good okay uh Mick any questions for no no questions here uh all up thank you than thank you uh Diane any questions for Tom on this project no thank you okay I do not have any questions on this project team is are there any raised hands I'm going to ask you all to look have about four open screens here and you're all the size of a postage stamp so I see that I do not see any raised hands any I don't see any okay uh do any members have a requests for any additional information plan Amendment or adding additional content to this notice of intent no nope okay uh I'll entertain a motion to close the public hearing so moved second okay roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ I Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor's vot yes all right team this would be the time we would discuss any special conditions that we may be entertaining um but as my re my recollection serves me on this one we didn't have any particular special conditions uh especially where the project had been scaled down dramatically but any any special conditions that we want to consider no okay all right I'll entertain a motion to issue an order of conditions for 18 Temple Boulevard West with our usual conditions show moved okay a roll call All In favor Mary yes TJ hi Mick hi Bob Connor Dian excuse me D and Bob Conor's V CH this has been a hectic day you know try trying to get into these meetings is actually worse than trying to run the damn things I think Superman thank you so much everybody and have a great night Tom you Tom thank you Tom the next order of business uh is a notice of intent D file number 0501 14318 Boston Road uh Essex County greenbell for construction of a 5- foot wide gravel all access Trail and a wooden 12 by 12 viewing platform I see Dave rmer uh Dave why don't you just give us your your your name address and rank and serial number Bob if I could interject just I would like to stain from this for obvious reasons that I'm married thank you okay David welcome thanks thanks Bob and Commissioners um right so I'm I'm Dave rer actually a resident of Newbury at 57 Boston Road um but I work as the Director of stewardship for the green belts Association I think many of you are familiar with with our work around the county and in Newbury um so so we have uh a a property at 80 uh Boston Road called the Jenny lulus reservation it's also got some other names it it it often goes by uh the name for rock or Devil's Den um and there's some old silver and other mines that are on this property it's a it's a really nice property with a small parking area I'm sure you're all familiar with it if you go to the transfer station you drive right by by it probably every time um and um so quickly one of the things green Bel has been trying to do across the county is is is create more what we call All Access or ADA Compliant Trails um we identified an opportunity to do do that here at the lulus reservation um so um that's the plan that we put forward with the notice of intent um and um can share my screen and pull up the plan if that would be helpful that would be great David okay let me see if I can pull that off are you are you seeing that yes we can David thank you great okay so let me just uh if uh you look up here in the um upper right corner you sort of see a an orientation of where the property is um it's actually several Parcels so 80 is one of two Parcels we own we own 82 as well which is actually larger than 80 but 80 is where this project is occurring um so if if if I was to orient you a little bit at the far right side of this plan is Boston Road and then we have our small gravel Park can can you see my cursor moving great yes we can so here's the small parking area that we have for about six Vehicles the existing path that goes up and out and eventually across a boardwalk and out onto the rest of the property um this is what we're proposing here which is this five foot wide not completely level but never more than 2% grade 5 foot wide Trail leading out to this wooden platform that we would build that would also be uh ADA Compliant and accessible we've had the wetlands delineated um and and they're on this plan and the and the buffer zone is shown as the red line so we've stayed outside the buffer zone um um oh no I'm sorry we haven't stayed completely outside I think that's the uh we are let's see no I'm sorry this is the buffer zone here so we're we're we're within the buffer zone but the red line is Oh I'm sorry the red line is the erosion control barrier I stand corrected so so we are operating within the buffer zone but not within the resource area itself the Clos we come to the resource areas right here at the beginning so um very quickly the process would be there's there's a there's a small amount of vegetation clearing that would need to happen no large trees but some undergrow smaller trees kind of under six inch caliper type trees um and then we would um so we would hire a someone to do that work and then we would hire someone else to come in and do a little bit of site work to prep the area for the trail build the trail and then the final piece would be to hire a carpenter of some sort to come in and build this this deck which um we do have some detail of that on the second sheet here it would be on helical piles so not on poured concrete footings or anything like that these are examples of the helical piles they work very well we've used them in other other other areas um and uh pretty straightforward project from that standpoint um happy to answer any other questions at this point ideally we'd like to do the work this fall we think it's probably a you know it might not happen in consecutive days the site work will happen with the trees and whatnot little bit of clearing and then we'll follow that up with probably five days of of Trail construction and then probably I'm guessing it's going to be least a week or even two for them to build out this uh viewing platform so probably over a month from start to finish would be the construction timeline okay David why don't I stop you there and I'll open this up but the questions from the members David one question what do you anticipate for using for equipment to do your clearing you thinking more mini excavator bobad or something what do you thinking yes um either I've been talking to a local a local a new Nuy or Byfield contractor that we've worked with who's done other jobs for us um and Rob mevy some of you may know Rob um he's he does have a mini excavator that he thought would be the appropriate piece of equipment for this work um there's really not any like you don't need to bust stone or really do much there it's just going to be a little bit of grading might have to bring down the grade in some places bring it up and others to to make it level but yeah so mostly just a mini X okay and what do you plan on doing with the spoil the whatever yeah everything would go off site Bob okay unless it's unless it's reused to you know level or you know grade out the edges of the trail but we won't be um leaving any of the uh spoils on site okay and do you have a staging area shown on your plan where you're going to kind of stage from I it's it that's a good point and that's not shown on the plan but it would be the parking area Okay um where we would stage the lumber stage deliveries of gravel um Vehicles can park there Vehicles can be unloaded and loaded there it's it's not a large parking area but it's you know I mean he might unload the mini out on the street and and uh bring it in that way but you know a pickup truck or two certainly an a dump truck can back in to that spot and deliver gravel okay uh Mick any questions for David on this project uh yeah no you covered a little bit I was I had read some of the notes David and uh commend you you guys for for taking this project on really is a great thing uh but I know that part of this Trail here kind of at the southern end uh was to negate kind of that steep section of Trail right going down in right here right along there yeah so will you be abandoning that or try to limit access to that or is that still going to be open or it's a it's a it's a great question we so one thing I didn't mention but it was the very last paragraph in my narrative was that this project this property is subject to a conservation easement held by uh Mass fishing game oh okay and they needed to approve this any TR any new trails they need to approve they did approve this project um and I included that letter in the package um but they also requested that we close that existing trail that goes steeply up right here and then drops over some of some of you may remember sorry to interrupt some of you may remember the the maroh hawk nature school was very active at this site for oh six or eight years um a couple of years ago they moved to another site in Boxford and they've basically discontinued use of this site in any way so they used to have little campfires and little areas that they would take the children and and do outdoor activities so um and this was one of the main areas where they did it was right in here so so yeah this Trail will get closed and basically this Trail will now just come around I think we might let people come back up to the null but we'll close the trail coming back to the lot so just be this single Trail going out interesting oh great no I I like I said I think it's a I commend you and the your Association for taking this project on it's a great thing thank you as far as the the tree removal um you me you're not going to be like pulling roots and try to leave root systems intact we're going to take trees say it at ground level as far as stumping things off if you're going to be removing you said up to six inches I mean diameter but about three inches dbh basically I think that's what I read I don't I don't think there's you know any too much larger than that um we're basically kind of wo the trail through the trees when we laid it out so there are some large Pines and other trees in this area as you will recall and uh there is a pretty large one that's fallen over in the beginning here that we need to uh remove and we would remove the stump the stump ball in that case and any of those smaller trees that would be in the in the path would we we would we would probably want to try to dig out those root balls um just to stabilize the soil a little bit more but we don't Envision any really large trees needing to come out okay yeah and just if we could i' I'd love the opportunity to maybe walk the trail with once you have kind of the trail staked out and your trees to be or plants to be removed staked out i' I'd like the opportunity to just take a walk with you and and see what we're g to what we're going to keep and what what's going to go um and we talked about grading things like that I would TR to encourage you unless the soils are Vis you know visibly impacted there indication of impact try to reuse any soils you can on site one it's going to you know maintain soils in situ and minimize you know spoils that you have to remove and and have disposed of so um that reuse what soils you can on site that would be my suggestion yeah Mick I anticipate a site a site visit too yeah before we okay I think that would probably be the next step but so Mick I'll Circle back with you too no great no David appreciate it thanks the okay TJ any any questions for for David Rumer on this project yes David on the um Boardwalk that's listed that's right off of the path in the northern section yeah that border what what is that where does that lead to it's going right through the resource area and is that going to be active of is that existing that is existing um it does cross um the Wetland there in that location um and it was um constructed I forget the year but we when we um did some work around this parking area um we permitted a bunch of things through the new Bri Conservation Commission that included this Boardwalk so it's been in place for since we've owned this property which is now probably close to 15 years um and it's uh just a sort of typical wooden uh planked uh Boardwalk it's probably 30 25 feet long 30 feet long something like that and what do it lead to other Trails or yes I'm sorry so yes there are there's a there's a fair significant trail system on the on the balance of the property that you can sort of walk out loop around and come back um so yes there are I I'm not showing the entire trail system on the property I can provide that for the commission if they'd like um but yeah this is all these are all existing trails and then there are a slew of existing Trails out on the rest of the property okay is the there a um plan in place to maintain that and how that's being maintained and worked on and cleaned um we have not really had to maintain it since we built it um it's a little bounce the the wood is still solid it's a little bouncy you know in the middle um um because it was built on um not on on a post driven into the ground but it was built on what I'll I'll use the term sleeper so like a like a couple of 6X sixes stacked across and then it's long planks 2 by 12 or 2 by 10 I can't remember planks laid uh you know longitudinally down across these sleepers so um so that that was how it was constructed at the time often referred to as a bog Bridge you see them on trails and the appalation Trail or whatnot um and uh so that was a technique that was used the short answer to your question is no there's not a necessarily a plan in place to maintain this but it's in Fairly good shape still usually we get 20 or 30 years sometimes out of these wood wooden boardwalks okay DJ any anything else that's it okay yeah David I I I I think if I was picking up what TJ was looking at is in the past on these new new construction matters uh we had one at the trustees a reservation up in Old Oldtown Hill yep um and I don't recall whether or not they had submitted or we had required a a maintenance plan of just the new work certainly sure all the whatever is existing but a site visit adds a lot of clarity uh to absolutely eight and a half by 11 plan on a on a monitor but great TJ any anything else before I move on no we good okay thank you TJ Diane any questions uh for David Rimer on this matter no I me I read the packet it was a good presentation I know D just gave it a file number so I don't know if they're going to have comments or not um but if we have the site visit we'll know by by then I imagine yeah certainly yeah there were no technical comments and the number actually came in this morning and where where it came across the the portal which which was great to get this thing rolling uh so so David I'm going to open this up to see if there's any public comments uh but I'm I'm thinking that we typically would ask for a site visit I think it will add a lot of clarity sure to to what it is and give us a chance to to view this uh Wonder of nature out there I I've not been out in this area to be honest okay but look forward to it okay team any other members have any followup questions for David before I see if we have any raised hands from the public okay hearing them are there any raised hands from the public I do not see any at this point I do not see any Bob okay I do not all right do any members have a request for a site visit uh additional information plan Amendment or adding additional content uh to this notice of intent yes all right like a side visit okay well why don't we do this uh David we've typically have been doing these on Tuesday Mornings okay and again I'm just going to throw this out here uh uh August 12th is next Tuesday we typically do these around 8:30 if that works uh but we've done them at 7:30 as well to accommodate busy work schedules of of all parties team 13th 13th is 13th is Tuesday yeah yeah okay I'm just quickly looking at that date and I think I think that will work just fine um okay mick how does that look on your for your schedule you're good Mick thank you all right well team why don't we do this is 8 o'clock a good time for everybody being that we'll get this out of the way before all our schedules really kick in good for me all right 13 we're gonna schedule a site a site visit for uh Tuesday August 13th at 8:00 a.m. and at the addresses 80 Boston Road is there parking over there we can park out on the street David and then walk in or there is um but I am now seeing unfortunately a conflict on Tuesday the 13th before and I was going to ask when would the next available morning be if we could do the 13th but I finally was able to get into my actual work Google work calendar to see that I I have a unmovable uh conflict that morning how does Monday the 12th work for everybody we're just going to move move it up or forward I guess any almost any other day that week I'm free it just so happens at that morning um well actually Monday would be the better morning for me Monday the 12th is good for me Monday or Thursday Monday how does the 12th work for you work works for me okay TJ how about you I I'll be away on Monday okay well we'll we'll send you pictures in a postcard there you go all right so team why don't we do this uh well schedule is for Monday August 12th at 800 am and again David this be parking for three or four cars down oh yeah problem okay plenty of room and we'll meet on site there and let me just check the weather not that this Hardy Bunch would be afraid of a little rain but Monday looks like it's going to be a perfect day okay uh so so David I think the just a couple of questions we're gonna just looking at my notes so we're going to do the side visit for Monday August 12th yep uh proposed equipment uh is going to be a mini excavator or Bobcat but nothing nothing larger than that correct the supports are going to be the diamond peers is what Diamond I meant Diamond Pier not helical yes Diamond pier and the staging area is going to be the existing parking you'll haul in haul out correct and I think Mick's comment about uh on the stumps depending on the size caliper tree we're cutting down in the past we've just had them cut flush to the you know to the to grade right but you're almost looking at scrub brush I think we'll get a better idea what you're actually looking to cut uh and you want to pull it out you're the I think we are in some areas it's it's it's it's quite open actually because there's some pretty large trees in there okay I I don't I I I I would be concerned if we were leaving a larger trying to build the trail over a flush cut stump would be challenging you know um and I don't know if we can you know but we'll we'll look I'll take a closer look at that before Monday and we can discuss it on Monday but I I think we're avoiding we really tried to avoid any large trees when we laid out the trail okay do you have a do you have a cross-section of what the finished surface is going to look at look like David um let me get back to the sharing because you're proposing a five foot wide gravel hey looking gravel pstone kind of um we are looking at CR basically Crush Stone okay so 38 38 minus okay um material um yeah you're trying to create a a relatively compact surface for wheeled exactly right exactly that's is that 38 is that like an ADA Compliant material yes yes yes it's often referred to as stone dust and uh yeah very fine very we're talking about putting a small you know like a little bit of a wooden edging on it both to contain the material and you know for any wheeled vehicles that would be used there that they wouldn't sort of be able to easily Veer off the side but do we have a crosssection I um you're seeing the plan on your screen right yes but we're saying the original plan I just don't see a detail that gives us a don't know if there was a crosssection of the uh I know Mary's talking to me in my left ear and Commission in my right I can't seem to expand the um view well you know you know what David I I think what when you find it would be great is if not we may need to add a cross-section just so when you're coming in for a a certificate of compliance it's be no confusion on what you're going to be using 6x6 six uh curves on the border uh for containment or 2 by whatever on edge okay let's see I'm sorry oh there it is there it is yeah it is there I'm sorry I was fumbling around there a little bit um yeah so what he's calling stone dust um so um about he doesn't give a exact width of it there but I think if you're going to add the wood if you're going to add a wood curb on each side of it David i' probably add it to add it to the plan yeah just just put that in there so that three years from now and everyone's trying to sure get a certificate on this that yep great that's Clarity all right uh okay so David I I'm going to assume you want to request a continuance ofing yeah request a continuance and we'll see you at the site visit on August 12th at 8: a.m. at 80 Boston Road okay uh I'll entertain a motion to continue the public hearing at the applicants request to our August 20th meeting don't move we have a second okay roll call all in favor TJ hi Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor's V David thank you see you on Monday okay good night everybody good night hi thank you excuse me Tim I'm just making some notes here all right next order of business uh is a minor modification request to an existing order of conditions uh if you recall it's de P file number 0501 13926 Northern Boulevard uh and if you recall it was an order for work to replace an existing deck that had fallen into disrepair uh and actually there was a walkway that that went down to the through the Dune at one point they were looking to expand it uh to 36 in which would have triggered that being elevated they elected to just maintain it and keep that in place uh it's a renovation of the Interior there was comments made at the public hearing that they were going to add fixed Dormer extensions over the windows uh but there was no outward expansion uh from that uh from the building outside of that uh I see Dave Mullen is on the call but Dave did did everyone get a chance to see uh he's looking to put a generator in his parking area it is gravel uh he's proposing putting it uh on an elevated platform and running it back to the house and I guess the question was he wanted to come before us to find out what our thoughts were on this uh and if we were going to proceed as a minor modification and he he could just uh add the platform location to his site plan and we can go from there but David why don't I open it up to you why don't you just give us your name address and and correct any misinformation I may have provided thanks chairman so again David Mullen I purchased 26 Northern Boulevard two years ago and to the Chairman's comments uh I've done a a modest um exterior renovation doing some interior work that had been 22 years in the making uh looking to add a generator originally wanted to put it up closer to the house out of the parking area given how uh sensitive parking is here and how much parking is valued here unfortunately having it two feet above grade near the house with Windows and uh HVAC which is attached to the house it unfortunately wouldn't work so I'll be doing the 24in platform in the driveway uh it is a gravel driveway there'll be no vegetation Disturbed uh but was going to add it to the to the current order of conditions for vegetation that I will be replanting for anything that's been Disturbed as part of the the walkway and then any of this renovation which again I haven't gone outside the footprint of the home so just wanted to make sure that put in the generator in the driveway piping the gas from the corner of the basement to the generator which is just a couple of feet uh wasn't going to be a problem for the commission okay David why don't I stop you there and I'll open this up to questions some the members Mary question for David um yeah was the the sketch that you provided was that the only thing that was submitted was there anything written specific request or anything like that unfortunately no I think we just provided the location of where the generator would sit in the driveway based on the site plan that had been done as part of the walkway um it was just showing you the location that it would be in the driveway it's a gravel driveway in the corner with with the pipe that would go from the corner of the basement uh to the generator so unfortunately didn't add any specific commentary on what we were looking to do whether Bes size a generator but it would be on the raised platform that is the standard as I understand it okay so is it like a metal platform or something how is it elevated yeah it's a great question I don't I don't have the specifics but we can make it whatever the commission would would recommend um whatever material is is is best and required yeah I'm asking just because you're in a velocity Zone there as you probably know um so we just can't have a concrete base on it or anything but typically we use helical piles or some structure like that and it looks like getting up the two feet will get you out of the that velocity Zone um based on the toppo that you have on the plan um my only question is just procedurally like we don't have a specific request that's been submitted and typically we would do this under a request for determination it sounds like in past we've done um generators under request for determination and under the other other provision of minor modification there's two ways of uh modifying an order of conditions well one doesn't really modify it at all it's just a minor modifications a field adjustment to an existing order of conditions so it it's just a minor kind of a minor adjustment that doesn't really increase impacts then there's an amendment to the order of conditions that actually um you get a new permit and you know it's you go through the the um a butter notification process and and all that um I'm not suggesting that we necessarily need to have an amended order but at least an RDA I don't think this is a minor modification if you had come in with this any other way we would probably handle it under an RDA that way you get the public notice in the newspaper and it gets it you know we have the actual paperwork that we can act on right now we don't have anything to really specifically act on so I am only objecting to the process I don't have any concern with the actual work it seems like that's a really good location for it to put it right on the um the crush Stone driveway and it would minimize the impacts in that location I I think the guidance that was given David was get before the commission and then take the next step from there so that it and it and again I think Mary the last half a dozen generators have all come in as rdas right that's what I thought y with a pretty standard guideline um so yeah just more Awkward to try to use it as to tag it it's a little bit more Awkward to try to stick it to an order of conditions when it's you would have to do that under an amendment process and that's a longer process so I'm just suggesting an RDA and that way um we have all the paperwork as long as you're not too time sensitive it's a pretty simple form like two-page form and and you can resubmit the same sketch and then you'll have something to act on that's my recomendation okay yeah I think that that was the whole point what where we had an open order of conditions could you do the RDA or did you have to what was going to be the we we know what the most efficient way would be which is exactly what you've suggested Mary which is the the RDA so yep in this case where we have a stamp survey plan we know exactly where it's going in relation to the the FEMA flood zones which is helpful we don't always have that so that that's helpful I think my previous correspondence with you um Bob I thought it was reversed I thought that we approved the generator and this was for the deck repair so had the project first they all all become some version of the same yeah all right Mary I'll Circle back let me go through the rest of the members but I I think we get a decent plan to go forward Mick what are your thoughts on this one no I totally agree with Mary I think going through the RDA process makes it a little bit smoother probably easier on your end uh David uh just as we get there I think helpful to us as Mary mentioned a little bit more detail in a plan of the construction of the platform and I might suggest be seeing it's in a kind of a driveway area maybe some Ballard you know just to protect that that generator unit and your investment right% yeah right yeah and just detail on that constructions and what type of you know bids or or some type of you know vehicular protection could be used that's that's my only suggestion kind of make it go smoother for everybody but you know all in all like I think the location's great and uh I think your plan is is good we just go for the right process thank you Mick TJ any any questions for David on this matter no more than already been said okay and Diane O'Brien learned attorney what what wisdom do you offer on this none none here um just the difference between the RDA and the field adjustment so the field adjustment would just be something that it wouldn't apply here because this is more of an additional thing that's being added it's not really a change it's a fullon addition of something yeah if you're if you're increasing impacts or you're doing something that would require additional conditions you know that aren't covered under the existing order for example yeah minor modifications can be clerical corrections to the order or or um changes in planting plans and things like that that really don't require further review or or public notice hence the modication yeah okay okay any anything else Diane no okay so so David I I think you have some direction from the the commission it it actually is probably going to be a little easier process and uh talk to Chrissy and we'll I think we can get you set up there is a I think it's $150 advertising fee it has to be advertised five at least five days before uh the meeting it's not a public meeting but it's it's notice to the public so all right David any any other questions for the for the commission no I appreciate appreciate the input we'll follow the process um and hopefully with the U determination applicability will will be good I appreciate it very much thank you for the guidance thank you David all right next matter team is uh I don't know if I see anyone from the the next matter is a general project discussion it's Whiffle tree works one marshmal lane Damon J jerson if you recall team this came in about a year or a year and a half ago uh and it was going through the planning board it was going before uh the select board because it required a special permit and they they there was a recommendation that they consider filing a an 501c3 and that seemed to have streamlined some of the process and that is what I've heard uh is is what they're doing they we I did put in the file what was submitted but this is at its U beginning stages at this point I don't know if there's anyone from uh any of the jerson here that want to talk about this but there was a A Narrative of what they were looking to do but we do not have a submitt a formal submitt of any time this was more FYI and I think we'll be piggybacking on what the planning board is doing as I recall Mary you were you you were you on the commission when this got approved because as I recall they were there were some easements conservation restriction easements on the property is this the D the access to even stride Stables well yes there's a barn there that they've been using for music and they were trying to uh use it for more of uh Arts Gallery oh right okay kind of and it was it never really got before us um but I mean it really comes down to this is if what they're planning to do is going to be within jurisdiction then they need to come in for minimum an irda or noi what is it that they want to do they still the same they have an existing Barn y that they're they've been using uh for Arts they do I'm not I don't want to use the word a flea market but they kind of you do a art gallery type of thing uh on a semi-regular basis or that's what they wanted to where local artists can okay display in that but I think the big thing is parking where they going to park and you know what disturbance or impacts they're going to have to anything we have jurisdictional and Diane I see you have your handra yeah I remember this they were talking about like weddings and we had discussion about parking and porta potties and right and they they compared it to Spencer little I think I think they wanted to sort of do that and as I recall Diane Town Council was the one that came back and and basically informed them that um if they came in as a 501c3 um it was a much different process and a much smoother process than if it was you know for profit so yeah I remember but that's all I that's all I have team to uh that's really the last matter that we have on our agenda um and again I don't see any raised hands does anyone have any any comments I think we'll just kind of wait and see and let that come back in when it when we have something that's officially before us but yeah I don't even see where the wetlands are on this this one so I yeah they they're going to need to whatever the plans were would have to be updated with was my one question I'm you obviously this kind of evolved before I was on the commission but I didn't see anything in the narrative or either of those two documents where it even mentioned Wetlands or Wetland impact so I don't know how it would fall under jurisdiction maybe I would probably just need to see a site plan or something butg doesn't show any Wetlands yeah wasn't it that there was a conservation easement that had been granted right a long time ago by like their parents or something and and it it required the I forget I'd have to dig out what we what we did because I this is just from remembering yeah as I recall we actually had sent off a memo uh we had a request for a response from us and and basically it was just following the requirements of the the conservation restriction and if if I am Mary in and you might know better usually that does that have to go the Secretary of State as well once those have been accepted or there's usually are higher authority than just it does have to go to DCR for approval uh and um I don't know what there are different types of restrictions so it could have been one that was held by the town or one that was approved by the state so we' have to see the language of it I don't know I'm just gonna see if I have I think it was the town yeah I think next level above like local jurisdiction would be DCR DCR yeah well you know what we'll have to hence we'll have to get further information I I'll do a little research too to see what as I recall we had to send off a memorandum uh to the select board we had there was a process there under special permits they they may have to ask us whether or not the work that they're doing is consistent with the SE okay uh Team other than that why don't we go to the administration section does anyone have any other questions before we go to the administration section no nope so I I guess the town I I haven't had a CH chance to talk to a to a Town Administrator but I I guess they've had some interviews on uh the job application for conservation agents uh and I I think that there're you know what I'm giving you third pan information it looks like there's Hope on the horizon I'm not sure who or or whatever but it's uh it's been a team effort just not having an agent has has made it a real Challenge and chrisy our admin has been doing Yan's work and but it's a it's it's been a challenge so team that's that's really all that I have to report I two two things if I could add sure I would just may to go around and ask oh great thank you um one was the um extension order that we issued for the uh that we approved for the trustees um for their salt restoration they have not received that and so I just wanted to see if that was something you could put on your list Bob I sent you some an email about that yeah I I saw that Mary what what what I'm actually going to do is go back over the last 70 80 days and see what's been approved what's been issued we've been able to get out the coc's and uh small stuff yeah yeah the the the easy stuff we've been asking the Consultants to submit the you know the draft O's for our review until we get you know back up to full speed but that's really not a bad idea a lot of different commissions ask for draft documents on on submittals it's I think it takes a little pressure of the the agent to redline someone else's work yep and and I'm happy to help her with the extension if needed the other thing I wanted to sort of put on our radar um is that we really need to update our beach management plan um so that we don't have to file an emergency certificate next year for Beach cleaning and go through the whole rigma R again with natural heritage so um I'd like you know it's something that we're going to have to probably do ourselves as a commission unless we have an agent but we're going to have to approve it nonetheless you know as part of a a filing but I think we need to get that on on our radar so we can have something moving moving forward so we don't end up in it sounds like a great sounds like a great late fall early winter project Mar but no no you're right not an August project no I agree right yeah an not a project without an agent man I'll tell you this is so all right any anything else TJ any any final thoughts comments Nick anything no I just uh was going to ask is there any process with Brad's abdication which I give him crap for every time we see him so a quitter we call him a quitter absolutely quitter uh recruited me and then quit right so but uh no is there any process that you commonly go through to to search out new members of the commission you or it's really more organic okay it anyone that has an interest we usually just tell tell them to reach out to the Town Administrator uh or or to the select board um showing an interest those that have a CV or a resume would would be best served to send that in but you know what the the good thing we we haven't had a quarum issue it it gets a little dicey though when you're at six and and then it we all know how last minute things driving I literally stop working around 2:00 on on meeting day just so that I'm not coming out of Boston and and cursing you know a traffic trying to get here to open the meeting but but uh no that that that's pretty much it me um I think there's been a couple of people that have shown interest you know what happens where it meets twice a month and and sometimes and then you have probably 50% of the time you're going to have a site visit um you start getting into 30 events a year that you're you're committing to you know 24 meetings and minimum six to 10 site visits or or more but it's that's to be a once a month is a nice committee to be on a couple of times a month with site visits gets a little more of a challenge yeah just good to know if I do run across somebody that might have interest I can direct them towards uh reaching out to the Town Administrator yeah that that that that's a normal process yeah we do have a number of people whose terms are expiring next year too so Dian O'Brien you want to you want to be a conservation agent you're an attorney you're B lawyer I don't think I'm qualified what's the pay and Benny's on that uh I'm gonna retire in a couple of years deal it it you know what I it it's the administrative part of it that is just moving paper really is is is the hard part but it's it's the most boring part of the job where I mean I I think our past couple of agents who I'd like both of them they're more outdoor woodsy people that want to be outside they they want to be make great game wardens you know with that they're just out in the nature and not in the office and I think I you know being on the field with Sean a few times I think that was really his Forte yeah yeah a good report with people and think he had a good kind of an outdoor guy hunter and uh but it's it's always the paperwork that it not getting the meeting minutes done not getting stuff posted not getting documents out that that's what usually sets the world on fire we are not a papist society not yet whatever they tell you but all right team it is now 7:18 and I will entertain a motion to adjourn so moved second okay roll call all in favor Mary definitely AJ I am I I sure check all the boxes thanks Mary Mary I I'll check U thank you again I I got a little jammed up trying to get this whole meeting open tonight understood I'll get caught the right thank you appreciate your patience see you on Monday thanks bye guys