##VIDEO ID:8oXFHinY1gA## all right we we have a forum team at six o'clock I'm gonna call the meeting to order this is Bob Connor chair of the newbry Conservation Commission I call the August 20th meeting to order and permit me to confirm all members are present and can hear me when I call your name please respond Mary Rimer uh yes here TJ Cony here Mick Brown here Dian Bryan Yes Woody Knight yes and Bob Connors is here uh good evening the this open meeting of the newburry Conservation Commission is being conducted remotely consistent with Governor Baker's executive order of March 12 2020 due to the current state of emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of covid-19 in order to mitigate the transmission of covid-19 we have been advised and directed by the Commonwealth to suspend public Gatherings and as such the governor's order suspends the requirement of open meeting law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location further all members of public bodies are allowed and encourag to participate remotely uh this order you can find poster with the agenda materials for this meeting allowing public paries to meet entirely remotely so long as Public Access is afforded so the public can follow along with the deliberations of the meeting for this meeting the newb conservation committee commission is convening by Zoom as posted on the agenda uh and town website identify how to join please note this meeting is being recorded and that attendees are participating by video conference all right well good evening everybody let me just clear out some of this paperwork uh upcoming meeting date September 3rd and September 17th at meeting Minutes review we have the August 6 2024 minutes uh that were in the Dropbox why don't we take a a moment to see if we have any questions Corrections or concerns okay uh hearing hearing none I'll entertain a motion to approve the meeting minutes for August 6 don't move do we have a second okay hey roll call vote all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody Iain I wasn't here okay thank you wiy Mick hi Diane yeah and Bob Connor vot yes okay first matter it's an RDA for 16 file in bu bad uh the applicant would like to continue the fence around the property with a safety gate installed along the side yard to connect to the backyard working are they're working with Woodward fence company uh Tim I had a chance to go out there today and to take some pictures on site and I see the property owner is present Helen good good evening you're you're I'm mute Helen it there you go so Helen I I had a chance I'm Bob Conners I'm the chairman of the commission I stopped by to to look at your yard today okay and it looks like you have fences going up the left side of the house along the back and I'm assuming you want to run it down the right side of your property yes okay where did you want to put the gate uh Helen on the on the left side on the left side the uh if you're facing the house the left side is has more room to put a gate and is more level where the right side drops down a bit right okay so team I was out there today the this is probably one of the highest Lots on on Plum Island uh as you're coming on the island it's it's after P hall it has a an oval shaped roof on it stands out and the existing fence uh is kind of a saw too install it it's above grade it's a solid fence uh two sides of it which are existing are all solid uh and the applicant wants to continue this on the Westerly side of the property down just down to the front of the house Helen or all the way down to the street no down to where the other fence ends on the other side okay you're coming up the back corner and you're coming towards the street are you going beyond the house on the right hand side or you be on the house the right hand side approximately about where the other one other fence on the other side ends okay so mirroring the the East Side yes okay I'm going to stop there I'm gon to open this up to questions Mary I'll start with you um I'm I seem to be having trouble accessing the Dropbox for this meeting so I do have your email that shows some photographs of the site but I don't know if there was a plan showing the limits of the the work that they want to do is it was there anything a sketch or anything that shows where this is where the fence is proposed uh you know what it unfortunately if I open the Dropbox I am not going to have Diane do you have the answer to that yes um if you look um use it's in the Dropbox if you scroll down at the very end there's a photograph it looks like it's some sort of photograph and it looks like the fence is where it's going to be is sketched on there like with the red little bit of like a red highlight looks like it goes back where the parking lot is does anyone else have that yeah I don't have anything for that's labeled for this meeting it's labeled 16 so you haven't got into the the folder 820 24 folder this meeting no I can't find it yeah that came in a Dropbox excuse me yeah I I had sent you a link Mary by email to yeah but it seems to be not didn't open it opens it like I I got a link to the green belt plan but have you drop below that that can you see the other file other folders no no I can't I have the same file open uh I'm seeing the same photograph can you shoot share that can you share that Nick Mick with us that'd be great or Diane if I will try what you have to do is go go to the email from August 14th that's the one that opens up the entire Dropbox okay let me find that the original email from Bob and I will see if I can 6 the trials and tribulations of not having a conservation agent yeah oh look at that okay Bing yep so um there is a sketch looks like download it okay yeah it's more like it's not really an aerial it looks like some kind of an oblique angle photo okay if I share this then you see it that showing yes ma'am yeah we're looking at yeah so we want to add this section here cor scroll up all the way down too all the way down yeah it mirrors the side yeah okay so the the eastly side which exists they The Proposal is to match that on the West Del side and connect it in the back okay and are we using the usual 50% open fencing what's what's existing is not 50% open but it's about it goes from 12 to 16 or 18 inches above grade and it it's kind of been installed in a in a Sawtooth f okay so it as you saw on the pictures I had sent you Mary how the the bottom was open on it okay wasn't tight to gr it wasn't tight to I guess if that's the case if you can keep it so that it's you know 10 or 12 inches above grade meet that requirement so Helen you're your existing fence doesn't go tight to the grade it it it it's stands up about 12 to 14 in in a kind of a saw to Fashion above the you it's above the grade you mean is there a space it doesn't go the fence doesn't go down to the ground what the issue is Helen is that either the fence needs to be what they call 50% open yes or it has to be above grade to allow Dune migration I know that may sound strange where you're about 12 14 ft above grade but those are the rates that we're dealing with okay um yeah the existing fence um not sure it doesn't touch the ground however um what was planning on doing was a 50/50 fence on the other side okay no that that's fine what is um the the fence that they have at um the um the restaurant on the corner they install that it's uh you know it's two fening and it's open 50% on each side y okay that works yep okay all right uh Mary anything else before I move on no I just would um recommend that as be a special condition in the in the RDA notation in the RDA okay uh Mick any questions on this one you're on mute Mick if you're no questions for me thank you B okay thank you m TJ any questions on this matter uh just one are any of those shrubs going to have to be removed to put the fence in no okay thank you TJ What any any questions for Helen on this matter no no questions or comments thank you okay and Diane any questions nope looks good okay I have no questions so so Helen what what we'll do is we will condition your RDA that it just memorializing that it has to be 5050 50% open to comply with the Wetland protection okay all right okay all right is there any any other questions that the members have at this time nope uh I'll entertain a motion to issue a negative finding for 16 Plum Island Boulevard with one special condition that it just we memorialized that will be a 50% open fence so moved second okay roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Mick Mick yes I thank you mck Diane sorry yes and Bob Conor votes yes thank you Helen okay um so that means it's approved it means it approved what you'll receive uh a form with a negative finding with that one's notation once it is sent to you and file with there's a 10 business day waiting period where someone could appeal that so we'll see if we can get that out to you this week and get that going for you okay all right don't any don't start any work till you have that in hand in the 10 days has expired oh okay all right okay okay great thank you very much okay thank you uh next manner is another irda on 544th Street applicant would like to replace a dilapitated shed on the property with a smaller one it would be downsized from 144 squ ft to 80 square feet uh and they would like to install a Pergola uh I was I was on site today I had a chance to talk to the the property owner uh and the property owner had spoken with the building inspector the the shed that is being proposed to replace what is basically a storage container now uh is a Costco kind of prefab type of shed as is the pergola the the location of the pergula was going to be behind the existing deck but prior to the existing uh trees uh it's on their property they're not proposing to put it's a it's a temporary type perly you buy at at a big box store they're not proposing to put any type of pavers or any change in the surface u under where the perlar is going okay Mary any what's your thoughts on this one these are insector determine that these are temporary okay do you know what the distance to the Wetland is from this uh the I had Christy looked it up and she said a majority of the property except for the far leftand Corner uh is in a Zone X right it looks like it's about I mean on mass mapper it looks like it scales about 80 feet from the pond Edge to the back of the house there the back oh no where we on that this is 44th Street Mary not not while play okay yeah I'm gonna pass that on my comments here okay yeah it uh they're taking out a big storage oh right right and now I know what you mean yes my only comment was if if we could put that shed on cinder blocks or something to just elevate it above grade okay that would be fine with me okay thank you Mary I jump no oh listen Mary you're you're just keeping a a good eye on me Nick any questions in this one on either either one of those man yeah well I know this is a freestanding kind of PVC polyvinyl type of perola structure yeah how is it sit on the ground does it sit on like single pavers on four corners or does it have a center post how does it actually sit on the ground you know what it typically when they come I I hate to refer to like a tent type of steak that goes into the footings to hold it okay all right that that's pretty much how they go and probably why the building inspector deems it a temporary structure okay all right yeah I was just picturing this large plastic like deck or something like that so yeah it again you know what because one of my questions to Colleen who was the the owner uh was did did they have any anticipation or plan to put change the surface that it was going to sit on and and the answer was no and this would is this something that's taken up in the uh in the winter time or in the fall or and then they reinstall it in the spring it's not a popup style tent it you know you you've seen them in the park lots of Home Depot and other right I'd probably see one to go oh that's what you're talking right yeah exactly okay Costco has them all different sizes and okay all right ,200 you can have a perlar in your Yad I'm good okay thank you TJ PJ any any questions on this project no no no questions okay Woody any questions no no questions or comments thanks B okay Diane any any questions on this project no thank you okay and I have no questions um so team what I would suggest is Ju Just to memorialize that the the commission will entertain a a negative finding on uh reducing the size of the shed as mentioned putting it on cinder block just to keep it above grade and that there'll be no impervious surface or change to the surface underneath the perula so moved okay so TJ that your motion well let me do this is there a motion to issue a negative finding for 544th Street uh with the conditions I just mentioned that the reduced shed will be on cinder blocks and the surface under the perlar will remain natural so moved second second okay um all all in favor roll call vote Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Mick Diane yes and Bob Conor's votes yes so Colleen you'll receive a a form from the town uh with a negative determination it'll give you those couple of notations on keeping the shed elevated on cinder blocks and wherever you place the perlar on that General location that you you don't have permission to change the surface that that it's going to sit on great thanks so much appreciate time there'll be a 10 10 business day waiting period where the appeal period And once that passes then you're you'll be good to go okay thank you next order of business is 31 ral's Lane applicant would like to place a det detached accessory unit in the the backyard in the pool area uh it sits back 50 feet from the pond the zba has approved the project at their 62024 hearing it's interesting Tim Nuy has a bylaw that allows accessory units let's call them uh attached and detached uh in-law units now we all know that the state just passed a a new mandate that allows adus by rights um so Megan and her family fell under the uh the current bylaw the new ad Adu bylaw Ada approval as I recall has been told for six months to give communities time to address their zoning uh to make it you know to adapt zoning to incorporate by right um so with that um I was out on the site today there is a pond in the backyard uh the yard is fully developed it has a lawn right down to the water's edge Chrissy had looked up the wetlands on this uh and she said that the far leftand corner or the let me see if I can give you a point of compass does anyone have the plan can anyone pull up the plan I think that would be helpful there we go so here's the pond um and here is the repos structure I'm assuming and here is the 100 foot buffer zone so it's and there's this is 51 feet from the pond Edge and it looks from the Aerials like this is all grass is that yeah it's 100% green grass yep and it it would seem to me that the the one addition that would be required you if if we consider this it is obviously some erosion control uh separating yeah right there and in talking to Megan the staging area there was a basketball court uh in the front yard and Mary if you pull your cursor up here yeah it that's going to be the axis coming around the fence that way this way yeah they'd be staging materials uh would be staged on the driveway um they anticipate either a small mini excavator or Bobcat to to do this work uh they understand they'll have to put in erosion control you know prior too uh and this looks more it almost is a cabana for a swimming pool that's going to be adapted for their mother-in-law for Megan's mother-in-law but why don't I stop there and open this up to questions Mary any questions on this one um I I would just ask Megan if there is any landscape plantings that are proposed around the building yeah Megan you're on mute are you just going to maintain the lawn or you going to plant some shrubs or what are you thinking um so we're definitely maintaining the lawn and but I'm sure we will uh eventually you know put some plants and whatnot just to make it there's a lot of plants as you saw Bob in my yard as it is um so we haven't got that far we're definitely open to to plantings or are not planting I'm not sure what I think if you I think the direction we're going is if you're going to just maintain the lawn back to what you know restore any Disturbed area uh and then put in the erosion control um that would be fine planting would be something you may have to come back to us with if you had a particular P planting okay unless they're native in which case you can put them in without further permission so as far like native like Hy Rangers things like that that stuff is fine like what is that what you mean yeah approved list by the Commonwealth czm that would be great a list would be awesome yep okay well we could forward that to you okay but other than that uh adding erosion controls uh you know this is straight buffer zone project I think um I think I know this this lot fairly well and I don't believe that there's any some in some cases you have bordering vegetated Wetland that extends beyond the banks of the pond and um even if it's lawn if it has hydric soil that would still be considered uh jurisdictional Wetland but I don't think that's the case in this I think it goes straight down to the pond bank here so um I'm I'm all set except for the addition of the erosion controls okay thank you Mary Mick questions on this one yeah I noticed there's two proposed walls so I'm going to assume Megan those are those are uh chaining walls no those are existing they're existing yeah they're already there um it says proposed wall there and above proposed wall so those are in place looks like this plan might be older yeah right now there is um on the other side of the the pool area there is like cinder block uh wall and then it's one of those interlock masonary walls it's probably about three and a half feet four feet out of the ground so those are existing right and so Megan part of the plan is I would assume to run Electric and Plumbing out to this unit right so um be good to see that we can cross all the dot all the eyes to see that on the plan where trenches already there it shows the plan it shows proposed who are in water location okay all right thank you out in the driveway yeah those we did an addition that's already there we did it um through the list of the you the approved um excavator tww uh Jesse over there with them when we did our audition and it was advised to us to bring over because we were thinking about doing this to bring over the water and sewer at the same time to the area of course nothing is is hooked up it's just waiting um to be hooked up and that's what's proposed on the plan so that's in place that's in place son yes oh okay you know what's amazing mck when I went out to the site originally my big concern was getting equipment access to the area without disturbing and then once I was able to walk the site they just have the perfect Thorofare in right from their driveways around the pool uh almost following that trench or following yeah exactly right and it it it's a walkable grade it's yeah that's I think all it you know just sorry for not seeing those two things on the plan um yeah just and going back to what Mary said just dating the plan with you know the the proposed uh ER you know siltation barriers and erosion barriers yeah but otherwise I you know I think I'm pretty familiar with the property it's very well developed as far as landscaping and whatnot so yeah it it's 100% Green Line yeah thank you mck TJ any any questions on this one no further ones nope thank you TJ Woody any questions on this project nope um I'm good thank you okay Diane any questions on this matter nope okay are there any raised hands from the public at this time we do not see any okay are there any other questions from the members um I have one other question does is there any other outstanding uh order of conditions on this property for the pool or the patio or anything that's within the buffer zone do you know if there was ever a filing for those you know what I am not aware but let me just check and see uh Chrissy had sent me something oh okay no she had sent me I had reached out to Chrissy and asked her to check um I am unaware that there are any outstanding ERS should just confirm that but it my only suggestion would be that either the plan be revised or we make a note in the RDA just so we don't confuse ourselves in the future that everything that that says proposed is actually existing the exception of the new structure here as all these proposed things you know on this plan are not what we're voting on so either we need to get an updated plan that eliminates the the proposed um notes yeah or make a note as part of our decision that that's the case okay yep all right uh I'll entertain a motion to issue a negative finding for 31 Ral flane uh with the following conditions one that a erosion control barrier will be uh installed uh at the 50ft buffer line and two that the proposed existing uh retaining walls are actually to be noted as existing so moved okay do we have a second okay any further discussion before we do a roll call vote do do we want to have any condition that there the agent be notified prior to start of construction so that we there can be at least a where this is new construction to have a preconstruction meeting just to make sure everything's understood absolutely contractor y so Megan typically what what we require is prior to your your contractor starting that he schedule a meeting with the conservation agent to do a site walk through and go over kind of the schedule and sequence how he's going to do the project and he can I'm so sorry so before before he starts do I reach out to you Bob well you would just not you'd give Chrissy a call at Town Hall uh okay we're going to have a new agent starting of September 3rd okay but I would just contact the the town uh contact CH Chrissy okay and just they were about to start and just to do a site walk is that what it was a preconstruction uh site walk with the contractor and the conservation agent okay does the buffer zone have to be up first or no that will all be decid he they will that will that would have to be up before he started construction uh but it could verify the location of the of the barrier it will we'll have this written into your your finding so that it'll be be self-explanatory so team we're going to amend the motion to include a preconstruction meeting with the conservation agent TJ do you w to second that again show moved okay Diane second all right okay uh roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Mick Diane yes and Bob Connor's votes yes all right Megan you're all set we'll try to get you this the the the form this week there'll be a 10 business day waiting period before you can start and and again you'll you'll want to talk to the the town um about doing a preconstruction s okay okay great um do you know last question for the preconstruction um how could it could it be say the excavator can't start for a month could I still have my contractor meet before does it what's how soon before the project starts does that have to be lined up is there frame for that typically whoever's pulling the building permit okay with schedule the preconstruction meeting and and typically it's 72 hours prior to construction okay what I would suggest is just get it once you have your your negative finding in hand and it hasn't been appealed uh that you have your contractor reach out and walk through with the agent yeah or or myself if the agent's not available okay and if he walks through it with you even if the other things can't start be after SE like if it's like two weeks after that that's still fine to start yeah long as it's 72 hours prior to okay that's the minimum before let me let me put it that way that's that's the minimum before okay okay all right thank you okay thank you Tim I just want to make a couple of notations here before I move on to the next matter okay all right next matter is a RDA for 26 Northern Boulevard applicant would like to install a generator on an elevator platform within a gravel driveway area with no dist urbance to the vegetation team in the Dropbox um you had access to it and there was a proposed uh typical raised platform actually the contractor that is doing the work called me and typically what he does is uh install 4x4 press treated he goes down a couple of feet uh and builds a platform from there I think actually he runs a so if the platform is 3 ft by 5 ft um you'll have a 4x4 in each Corner uh he'll go down a couple of feet and and I want to say he connects a 4x4 underneath it so that the post are sitting on a 4x4 that's horizontal uh to the vertical post that's the typical platform he's been using on the island these wait a minute that's the photograph there Bob that's the yeah that was that was just a that was one thing we talked about when David had come before us we were were I think that was our our only yeah that was the only open area was typical yep typical yeah and we didn't have a kind of a plan or what the structure was going to be right right that was it what was the what was the makeup of the platform yeah yep okay all right uh questions any other questions Mick any other questions on this one I'm good thank you okay TJ any question no at all Woody any question no thank you Bob okay Mary any questions on this one nope thank you Mary Diane any questions no and Bob Connor has no questions do we have any raised hands from the public at this time yeah what are you doing no does not appear that David is someone in your house want to want to raise heard [Laughter] you okay uh hearing no additional questions I'll entertain a motion to issue a negative finding for 26 Northern Boulevard show moved do we have a second second okay roll call vote all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor's votes yes so David we'll try to get this form out to you this week uh there'll be a 10 business day appeal period uh once you have that in the 10 days of have gone by you're you're good to go thank you appreciate it chairman and appreciate the commission thank you all right so team we have see here so we have two we have a couple of outstanding enforcement order uh we have D file number 050 1344 which is expired to wo Road Sunset Club uh the at the last here meeting uh the owner mentioned that he was going to have his application a submitt in by today uh there was a communication we did get a revised plan that we put in the Dropbox uh Millennium engineering was uh inundated with covid apparently and what they've done is they they're going to get the uh submitt in by our September third meeting for a hearing at our September 7th 17th meeting that's the revised uh proposal on that so that's just an update any questions on that was everyone able to look at the plan it it went I I think I had forwarded the email to you both all of you as well you did okay but so hearing no questions I'll move on 105 Northern Boulevard un permitted work uh waiting for the a change waiting for the actual Beach Grass to be available and we do have a revation plan on file so there's no further action required on that okay next matter is a continued public hearing D file number 0501 1431 80 Boston Road David Rimer for Essex County green belt and Mary I bet you're going to recuse yourself uh this was for a construction of a 5 foot wide gravel all access Trail and a wooden 12 by 12 viewing platform team as you recall we had a site visit I think it was Mick Diane and myself uh David remma walked us through the site and we had discussed a couple of proposed revisions to the plan really memorializing what they would like to do or as an alternate what they may do and David why don't I turn that over to you there was an updated plan that went out to all of you it was in the Dropbox so David why don't you fill in the gaps that I overlooked thank you Mr chairman my name's just as a matter of record I'm David Rimer uh with the exus county Green Belt Association um want to thank the Commissioners who came out last Monday to our site walk on August 12th um I can share my screen it might be the easiest way to quickly go through great D thank you couple of the plan revisions um are you seeing that yes great okay so there there are basically three things we talked about um at the site walk that would be um revisions of the plan and I'll just go through them sort of one at a time um without having the other plan up the first I'll just explain them the first one was to extend this section of Trail here are you seeing my cursor yep yeah so we hadn't originally included an upgrade of the probably 50 F feet of trail that goes from the edge of the parking area to the beginning of the new Trail so it just made sense to tie that all together um so we were asking that as a revision to our original plan um the second were was a detail on the plan which if I zoom in a little bit I don't know if I can I think I can do that um you'll see that we we talked about including a um a wooden so so the slope is going from sort of west to east here um and we were uh we proposed putting a sort of a small wooden uh uh uh stop board along the Downs slope edge of the trail to sort of retain this stone dust material that the trail will be made of so um we have that added to the plan and that is um it's it's a little hard to see here with the let me see if I can move um so here it is here's here's the the board that would be along the trail and there will be a piece of rebar that will be sunk in to hold that board in place so one side it'll have the stone dust pushing against it the other side it will have a piece of rebar every every four or five feet probably to hold it in place um and it'll extend a little bit above a grade to retain the material on the as it slopes down so so that was the second revision and then um the third revision was back to the original plan was that we would like to do a little bit of um clearing in this what says C project note number six um so this is the viewing platform here that folks would get to and and sit and look out over this large Wetland um we'd like to do a modest amount of um clearing here so if I can get my um I'm gon I'm gonna back out a little bit so there's General project notes and if you look at number six it just talks about within the resource area between Flags um B5 and 13 that we would do a little bit of pruning um some removal of of some invasive plants like Buckthorn and multifloor Rose and and maybe a a few of the of the Dead standing um trees and and dead standing wood and branches that are there so essentially other than that we we're not changing anything that we've propos to date and so i' i' I'd be happy to answer any questions about those revisions um and discuss the project anything more with the commission if they have any questions thank you David So team and we did the site work the the actual the first 50 feet of the walkway is existing and we discussed refreshing that uh as you're they're doing the work to make it to make it monolithic with the proposed walkway so that that's an existing existing access walkway this is yeah this is existing yeah and it was to refresh that to while they were there doing the work it it made sense to to get it all all addressed and all on the plan I'll stop there and I'll entertain questions from the members TJ any questions on this one um I'm I'm assuming normally I would listen to Mary's questions and comments on the the new clearing that were uh proposed so I'm assuming you've uh already got the stamp of approval for for that so I I'll say no I don't have any questions okay thank you TJ Woody any questions on this project no questions my com only comment is it looks good looks like a good project thank you yeah you know it I've not been to this area but it's an interesting area and Woody something tells me as a kid you might have hung out on this area from time to time yes I'm very familiar with the area thank you Woody Mick any any questions Mick you were on the S sidewalk with us you were in bag you are very in the field on this one yeah so uh no I think the only other thing we discussed uh David was there was going to be some removal of of some trees and I think if we can capture somehow just that we do a quick review if if you want to Mark those trees for clearing and just I think give us a heads up and we can come out and do a quick one of us Bob or our the conservation agent come out would we why don't we just we would we would have as a condition a preconstruction meeting prior to perfect start with the with the agent and we can make a notation just to review to be honest I really didn't see any trees of any size where we where it was flaged right and I think we had discussed you know the stuff you had mentioned there was some Deadfall and yeah and some other dead there was like a very poorly you know poor health uh Cedar that was yeah there was one right in this little stretch of Trail here there were a couple of probably under six inch caliper yeah not in very good condition um on trees and and and and that would be the only place including over here that we would do any significant removal of trees anything in here would just be pruning um and you know a little bit of invasive plant removal which um not native no native species would be removed right no I I think that the the the idea of doing a Vista Cut is a great idea you know there and really kind of enhances that whole viewing platform I think it's a good thing and it'll probably keep people coming out there but yeah I would think any major trees that are going to be removed say greater than you know three inches dbh or something of that nature you know just Mark those so we we can we can just get eyes on them at the preconstruction meeting that would be great the biggest one is that big huge leaning White Pine that's right Trail that's get that out of there sooner than later okay I think you you have approval to hack that one down yeah that's going to be a tricky one yeah anything else no that was it thank you okay thank you mck Diane any any questions on this one no I hadn't been familiar with the area either so the sidewalk was good yeah okay I do not have any questions at this time are there any raised hands from the public at this time I'm depending on all of you fellow members and David included to see my screen everything else okay all right do any members have a request for any additional information plan Amendment or adding additional content to this notice of intent NOP I do not hearing none uh do we have a motion to close the public hearing so moved second okay okay roll call all in favor TJ I Woody yes Mick I Diane yes and Bob con all right so team uh this is the time we would typically discuss uh any special conditions uh on this on this matter the the preconstruction is a prerequisite of our normal order of conditions General conditions um anything else I think David you you you've got a feel for what we're looking for if you run into something before you start preconstruction would be the time to run it by the agent it if it reached a level that he felt it would need to come back to the board for a discussion then we would address it at that point that's great yes I'll uh I'll await the appeals period and and the Order of conditions and then we'll uh we'll we'll plan our project around that okay I'll entertain a motion to issue an order conditions for 80 Boston Road with our usual conditions roll call vote all in favor oh do we have a motion so moved do we have a second okay roll call all in favor TJ I Woody yes Mick Diane yes and Bob Connor David as we do not have an agent we we've been recommending to the applicant uh to submit a draft order of conditions for review to expedite the process so we'll we're going to leave that ball in your court okay I think is there is it is is there a template and and and maybe Mary can help me with this is there a template that you start with yeah you know what uh Chrissy should be able to help you with that certainly Mary okay okay happy to do that David okay good night every everybody thank you for your attention night okay all right uh we have a general project discussion Governor's Academy Wendy Reid uh I see W is Wendy Wendy on the call hi Wendy here removal of a collapse Culver on the property work in partnership with the Northeast Mosquito Control in Wetlands Management District to remove a culbert collapse from the Paka River tributary on the property there was something called calm Island in parenthesis I'm not sure what that means but when they why don't you give us your name and your position and give us your presentation sure so I'm Wendy Reid I'm the environmental manager at the Governor's Academy um so I just wanted to have an opportunity to discuss with the commission we intend to file an applic an ani this fall for the project um I know Stephen uh the wetlands project coordinator with Northeast mosquito has had a couple conversations with agents in the past but I don't know that it's been communicated to the commission so I I really just want to get your input to help us scope it as well as anything you'd be looking for um in terms of conditions so the project itself is um restoration of a culvert uh there's about a 6 acre area of marsh that's brackish tidal freshwater uh it was previously farmed um and we have a map from the 1930s where two earthern BMS were actually constructed on the Northern side to prevent the Parker River from draining through this Marsh um the area we're looking at is a Farm Road that went out to Corn Island which is in right the center of the marsh um and yeah thank you you can see the the dot where the Culvert is it's about a 10 foot wide Farm Road just a gravel road uh and there's about an 18in Culvert uh which has collapsed um at various periods over the years um rocks have been added to try to shore up the road um and so this is this area has been on the radar of lot of local state and federal agencies interested in restoring this area of the marsh and we've met with a lot of them and just recently uh decided to partner with the Northeast Mass mosquito and Wetland um District on this so the study that I included with my materials is a feasibility study that was done in 20 9 UM on behalf of the uh czm and that that talks about all three of the areas but specifically the um the Culver that we would like to restore So the plan or you know the tentative scope right now is for um the mosquito um and wetlands group to do all the Contracting work they would remove the Culvert remove any Rock that's been added uh try to reshape the banks of the creek to try to restore it to the original condition um and then we plan to just we don't need vehicle traffic out there we just want to put a foot bridge that will span The Creeks so there won't be any you know anything installed in the creek um and so that's that's the extent of this project it won't do anything about those burms but I think you know longer term that is that is an interest for some other agencies to to maybe take a look at those um the interesting thing and kind of cool thing for a school is that our students have been engaged in talking about this project and they spent the spring uh collecting chemical physical biological um data um out in this area and so we want to see once the cul's removed um what impact that has on the vegetation and the uh the Aquatic species and so forth so it's really exciting opportunity for our students as well as restoring the um the ecological Integrity of this Marsh okay Wendy why I stop you there and sure open this up to questions from the members Mary questions uh Wendy um Wendy excuse me yeah thanks Wendy this looks like a great project I know that it's it's been sitting around for a while and it some of the title monitoring that I is associated with it is back you know dates back to 2008 I think in your in this somewhere down in here shows the title monitoring um I think there's some hydrographs that were included yeah yeah um and and that would typically be required one of the things that I'm wondering is is is this um what is the state of degradation behind the Culvert is it fragm Mighty is it that looks like Cattail there it's mostly a cattail Marsh um the Culvert itself has been you know this was in 2009 um and that's you know almost 15 years ago and the cul is almost completely blocked um there's there's um scouring pools on either side that are quite large from you know as the tide goes in and out um the students discovered um you know a fair number of dead fish um that they just get trapped on one side of the Culvert and can't get through to the other so um yeah it's it's definitely an area that needs some some attention and and this is on um Governor's property it's not on public land or anything no it's on Governor's property yeah and is it in rare species habitat it is not it's a it's an AC EC but it's it's not it doesn't have any identified um species AC okay it is yeah that that whole area is okay so yeah you I mean there are some permitting hurdles um it were you thinking of filing this as an ecological restoration notice of intent um no unless you think that would be wise um we're kind of following the Northeast um mosquito and wetlands uh group's lead on this um they suggested a straight noi but if if you think differently I'm I'm happy to look into that well it may trigger an e it may trigger meepa review if it's an AC yeah and so the ecological restoration notice of intent would help you um avoid that okay yeah qualified I know with the foot Bridge added I don't sure if that would U make a difference it may not um but that's one thing you to consider is there's in for the rest of the members who don't aren't aware there's a separate form a separate notice of intent process for ecological strict ecological restoration that meets certain criteria that are um previously established and one of them is stream daylighting which this would essentially be um and you can look at the criteria Wendy and see whether or not it qualifies and in which case you it's kind of a One-Stop permit so that would serve as your water quality certificate as well and you know so you you might want to do some leg work to to find out about that and also you may need to update your title monitoring um because one of the concerns is that whether or not you want to go back in time to the original Channel Dimensions or if you want to recreate something that's a little bit more restrictive given sea level rise there's a concern that opening up culverts too much or you know or eliminating obstructions too much can also lead to unwanted you know flooding of marshes beyond what a high Marsh could sustain or whatever whatever you're trying to create if you're maybe it's low Marsh habitat I'm not sure what the end goal would be for your restoration if you just looking to have it continue to be Cattails or is it if it's converted over to frag mitees you know what what what's the end goal for the Restoration in terms of the habitat you're creating and how is that affected by the culbert size you know the new channel size so I guess I just would caution you about you know there may be an there you may don't you may not need to meet stream Crossing standards for that are applied to freshwat streams okay you may be more concerned with what the title amplitude is in there and the um the Hydra period for tital flow in and out and making sure it can get out so a little bit different considerations for Coastal um coverts than Inland ones but okay if there's something I can do to help along the way um you know feel free to reach out okay great I appreciate it thanks um Bob you're muted when I was sneezing I didn't want to share that with my fellow Commissioners is your is your intent to replace the existing covet with like size 18inch CET no our our intent is to restore the creek and just leave nothing there and have a foot Bridge go over okay all right you know we've considered maybe not even having a bridge um but it would allow students to go to the other side to collect data and so I I think it's worthwhile to to permit everything at the same time I think they would probably allow you to do to do that under the ecological restoration noi so look into that okay Mary anything else nope okay thank you Mary TJ any questions Wendy on this not at this time Woody any any questions on this project this proposal uh ju just a quick history question um when was the COV installed out of total curiosity does anyone no well so we have a map from Circa 1930s um and it shows the CT written in so it's not clear whether that was part of the map or somebody noted it on the map after um but but we don't have any records it's interesting that in in this report um at one place it said it's a granite Culvert another place said it's vitrified Clay and um stepen from the wetlands group said he thinks it's metal so I'm not sure that that may help us identify when it was installed once we take it out but okay thank you it seems like a great Project tonight just out of total curiosity I know yeah I'll let you know years or 100 years so yeah thank thank you wiy Mick any questions uh about this project no no I think uh Wy I think this is a great project and uh any way we can help just let us know okay great question thank you Mick Diane any questions on this project no thanks Bob okay and I have no questions thank you for this detailed presentation sure and we look forward to your submitt okay very good thank you so much okay thank you all right team that is our last agenda item under Administration staff reports and updates uh I need a drum roll here we have a conservation agent update has hired Mason perck as a new agent who will start September 3rd his CV was put into the Dropbox Mason lives in bfield I had a chance to meet this young man over the weekend uh energetic personable and I think he's going to be a good fit for the town and he was he's currently or I think he's still working for Mike D rozer at this point and Mike has been before the commission many times and enjoys a good reputation within what community his brother apparently is Tyler fck who yes is a reviewer at D former also former D Roa employee but is the reviewer and he he's doing the review of the sueding order out at Cricket Cricket Lane Cricket okay but also I think was he there for the driveway superseding order oh for Steve yeah okay you know that's I so I I met Tyler because I was at that that site visit okay so Tim that's all I have uh Woody any words of wisdom you want to add to the Newbury Conservation Commission at this time um no no nope no not at the moment no pressure way no pressure unless you think that's something I should talk no no no no this is listen team it's 7:05 PM this is good meeting Bob good Stu any any any final thoughts or comments um there uh one final thought that uh the mass Association of conservation commission's fall meeting is coming up in uh I think it's late September they've great workshops if anybody um wants more information I can send it to you it should be free for Conservation Commission members and it's great opportunity to get um you know Bear Down on certain specific topics and you could pick which um workshops you want to go to are they all are they all uh Zoom type workshops or are they in person they're in person they okay yeah I we just uh Chrissy called me the other day and she wanted to know if if the commission would approve our annual dues to to Mac and I said if you paid them before you should pay them again yeah so Mick any any any other thoughts before we no no I don't have anything I thought this was going to be an 8:30 meeting looking at that agenda Bob so nice job moving things along well you know what it what I've learned is the amount of work that the agent actually does in between our meetings and it's uh the the value of doing a site a site inspection prior to the prior to the meeting tonight and getting to hear from the the owners directly just it's insightful and you get to offer a little guidance to that you know the dos and don't so but TJ I was I was gonna say that you your spending the photographs prior of the meeting was really helpful so that was uh getting those photographs help apologize I didn't send them out to everybody because I didn't want to have it be considered deliberation so Diane's mad at me that she was black balled on that's okay that's okay you sent it to the important people that's fine well you know what I I didn't have a chance to put them into the Dropbox and then label them correctly so that they actually made some sense TJ you had your hand up you get any anything I just you know speaking to the work you've been doing uh while we've had no agent uh just wanted to compliment you on that I know it was it's been a lot of work and uh September 3D can't come fast enough to get an agent to free up some of your time and energy so thank you for all you've been doing well thank you Chrissy our Administrative Assistant has been doing a great job and and the am calls the amount of calls that she gets every every day is mindboggling it's just believe mindboggling because but I think the the good thing is Chrissy works with Peter the building inspector because he's the admin for both so there's an overlap of stuff coming in that doesn't fall through the cracks uh and you know what it it's it's a team effort it's a team effort so well with that I'll entertain a motion to adjourn show move back in okay roll call all in favor Mary yes Woody Mick Dian yes yes yes 708m this is go enjoy dinner might be a new record efficient very good you guys have a good night good night thank you all you bye bye