##VIDEO ID:Re_Ug2W3on8## call the meeting of the Newbury historical commission to order August 8th and time is 707 707 we'll start out by the Pledge of Allegiance [Music] to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay July minutes let's review the July minutes and see if there's any erors for for any uh errors or remissions let to t a motion to accept as written I move that we accept the minutes of the July 11 meeting as written second second all in favor I I'll exting because I was not here and either okay uh Treasures report the treasures report last time I gave the uh the the year end the closing and we had uh um the hang on I took a picture of it so Prett we had the $141 left in the in the uh general account I brought it time pretty close we had 34 uh 3,456 67 and that's in the special account and on the uh gifts account we had 2557 65 so what's changed and this time I didn't I didn't write it up because I really don't I didn't haven't gotten report from the town but um uh the difference will be is assuming uh you didn't ask for more than 1,800 same as last last year for our for our annual yeah so we should we should have 1,800 in there uh and then um and then the gift account is still 3456 67 and then we have an additional $130 that I got out of the gift box for just the last 5 weeks and that brings the gifts account to 2687 65 giving us a total of $794 4.32 okay so the one thing that will go up for this year is that we've asked we we asked for but we're not given the payroll uh numbers are supposed to go up so we're trying to figure out what happened we subit of the forms and everything and they didn't increase the payload like they were supposed to so trying to get to the bottom of that Chan working on that Jan cannot work on that conf of Interest no Jan was told that it is supposed to be the chair speaking to the Town Administrator that's what I was told about okay by the treasurer so okay uh website report um pretty much the same we have we're back online after having a blip for a little while having John put us on a more secure something rather that took a few weeks and everything's back online so we are supposed to now continue doing like social medias and stuff he's just in business but he wants to create our pages and stuff and I'm going to follow up on that it's just I haven't been able to you know down after the multiple weeks of trying to transfer the website over so I happened to see him yesterday he's he's very good so I'm not you know I know I asked him how 1635 was and he said it's good but they can't put it we can't put it on the town website still yet okay that going out to it should be fine but because the company that had it before y he has to switch over right and then it's all about like you know um Securities and right things for to get on the town website but so that's why it's not in case anybody looks on our website it's not there again but it's still out there in the web so right it's a process which is annoying but it's a slow process but I'm again like he seems to be very on it and like knows what he needs to do versus very me trying to like figure it out so yeah exactly good so I'm happy about that he's a definite upgrade you know so thrilled in that in that good and we be getting more photos and scans up that will still be on on my end to do it but like it's more of having him set it up completely and having it like not pick up and it's you know I don't have to worry about that aspect of he's keeping track of all that now which I think is better he knows how to fix it he's managing the platform you're managing the content yeah ex that's a better way to say it all right good uh correspondence a lot of it's just like busy still seriously oh the we did get an email that remember we we discussed the um things that were going in the field off um Scotland Road so they are going through with that so we got an email to say that um to to notify us that it was uh fired in commed to go forward with it with the town so the town so do the so we need to make sure that the town at the same time has the copy of the letter from Mass historical for them yeah that says they cannot do that no wait are we talking about same no apparently not the solar array on Scotland Road it was Tri cooperation and they were just putting there was a question as to whether or not that was a an indigenous site or but I don't we got the letter back from Mass historical and we saved it um they were saying that it was not should not be going in a historic land like that I don't remember that okay this is this there several things that have gone on and I don't believe that this one is that one um they're installing new antennas on the 121 ft water tank that's already existing as a telecommunication facility that's that was a separate issue that's what this this is what this one is oh then I'm confusing it yeah that's not I guess I was SP I confused you all with that Corporation field water it doesn't say no that's what it is except that there there is a water tower anywhere in new that I know of except in must be water tanks not in Oldtown right okay so now that we've gone around in a circle on that one sorry when I read it I was thinking it was the same one that we said that was no problem because they were doing something that we didn't we didn't wasn't going to affect anything it's been like three of the now yeah and the one recently was one we had no problem with at all and because I just got this makes sense silly me I assumed it was the same one but okay so we have no problem with it we didn't have a problem with it CU it's already existing in there just adding more antennas put anten so that should be I was going to say is that cage I if I can make a phone call from my house that would be nice I yeah there's like there's like nothing here right here no there's nothing weird dip some places I don't second floor front bedroom is the only place I can get two bars in the rest of the house if I get a line and I turn sideways you can't get a booster for the house though like some sort of supposedly way that you can get a Wi-Fi let's stay on TR sorry just on going to for the that least Grant there a grant program uh we got an email from Kristen who is now the town planner okay because M has officially retired even though she's still there helping and trying to transition everything over um what's the gr it's a cultural and a historic and cultural Opportunity Grant that they they're looking at um to celebrate the birth of the nation sweet our our nation so um how does that affect us what is that they we get it I print it right exactly right so I have all the information if anybody wants to know about it um or I can email it to you so is this we submit to get money from this spot is that it's not us personally but if we have something that okay so grants come out every day it's a competitive grant program that will award funds and to support programming and interpretation that tell the stories of the American Revolution in Massachusetts and increased tourism travel and whatever and I believe this is how we got into the um a discussion about the um signs okay it's a same idea um so if anybody's interested in the information for the grants and the details of things I can easily send this on um I don't know that we if we want to get involved in something um do we do we know if there's matching funds required is it to honestly I did not read all of it because it was because it because if requires 50% to go to to again we don't have a gr right grant program anticipates awarding up to 1.5 million 1 1,500,000 okay so um two greens that are pretty storic here yeah so there types of different there's all information about different types of Grants I mean if you guys want me to read all this stuff or if you want to read it um well if it's like the count of it like describe how the town the project relates to the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution so I mean the um we got the bened I was just going to say the up green because of it's was a train green and all that that was but what do we need that what we're going to get a grant for right yes yeah there's really nothing to be done there oh that pond is horrible okay so that's 2026 is is the anniversary you noticed it no it's just somebody pulled the cone on it so if anybody wants to know I can forward this to you forward that one to me I'd like to look at if there's no matching funds it might be something if it's matching funds is too much work yeah but if not yeah yeah because I don't think you have to go for 1.5 million you can go for something more iume that's [Music] lot there a preservation Massachusetts is having their historic preservation conference in Fall um I don't know nobody has ever shown any interest in wanting to go to any of these things and it's where is it $125 in w no if I have to drive that far I'm not interested if it's in like if switch whater no so adventurous well it you know I'm with you if it was something local then we could just go then I would be happy yeah I get back in time yeah I can get back in time make dinner but then we have to get we'd have to buy get the ticket get the thing and the registration which would have to be your money first right and then get reimbursed and travel food yeah and it's it's from 8 8 in the morning to 6: in the evening that's a Comm so there's just different topics advancing Advanced inclusive narratives on interpreting enslavement and Freedom restoring historic theaters um archaeological site preservation case studies I mean there's a lot of like really good information but again what's what committed committed we're we're a commission we're not a society different creature okay so we really didn't get a lot of really interesting it's all right up vacation and then Kristen rubs who's the new planning person uh director sent me forward me this thing from sad woodwood who was working with Wheaten college education and they're interested in interviewing people for their experience with the maram river who is that sounds like my program what is it like she just wants to know about she wants to sit and talk to 20 CL Cafe there you go it's CL Cafe we're doing that actually being re I got interviewed already and I've been reinterviewed now next with that yeah this is this is just yeah so we're good going along it's it's yeah it's climate Cafe it's uh it's just it's a group that uh this year is focusing on Marat River and kids come in and run the workshops and things and then I did a survey a couple years ago users up and down all the way up into New Hampshire and they've taken the database that came out of that the information and then the people that said contact us later if you want to and they're calling those people back and interviewing recording with on Zoom calls recording them and then they're going to make a movie out of it you this is all kids which makes me think of your kids which is the um the the other big thing that Aces that's it that's all Aces that's what this is so uh next thing under uh Schoolhouse is protection of lower Green from Treasure uh h metal detectors treasure Hunters um so you want to send a a memo to the admin for the Town Administrator well they've already they've already made aware of it because us calling the police yeah but you want signs for down here that's what I'm throwing out there yeah do we have to go through them through Town Council it's going to go through Town Council we can send them a memo if somebody wants to make it a motion just does it need to have like a town ordinance on it I've dur May so whatever rest put on so probably got to go to town meeting or something but I mean just the that's I was wondering do we well right do we do through town meeting or is it or what we have is already enough you just need to ask them what to do something uh yeah you need to stop the Comm window communication cuz they found Tracy off I think I think it was was it in Tracy's office that I called Jeff first and Jeff called Tracy Tracy called the police department and they forgot to post it so the next day they were back so we called again and then and then she recalled the police department heavily and and then something happened so so there they're already aware of the problem they're aware of the they found the the ordinance because I guess you can't dig up a field that's used for manicured fact any a manicured lawn type of place that especially if it's usedful like soccer or such things so there already a law on the box right so we need signs that's they they could put the sign right underneath there no parking on the green sign I mean not so they're not spread all over the lawn just the fact that it's posted then then you'd be able to say You' be a lawn sign cuz Robin and I have throw them off yeah we only have like one or two signs down that end is no signs should put something over here yeah so just just because they come in here and park in front of the school and so they they'd have to drive right by that sign and if we put one over here sign over there MH I mean right it's just the fact that it's posted so that you can so that normal citizen can come out and point the sign saying you can't do that so I'm going I'll send an email to James and CC Tracy send it to James that's his job yeah the diffuser of information so so and just historical commission would like to know what steps we need to take to get no treasure hunting signs put on the lower green stand that it's a legal yeah what it situation and it needs to be done correctly okay so that would be good because then we can you know we don't have it covered with signs or something but enough that people can't say I didn't see sign so well again if we see him out here we can point for the sign the way we are now we see them out here we have to call the police yeah you want to you want to deal with the police they'll take care of installing the signs when they get to it yeah so okay so I will send information to James S and no the town administrators admin okay of course they don't have one but that's all right who's the guy that says if we need anything to contact him he is the assistant Town Administrator not the administrative assistant tongai okay whatever his name is that's what I'm thinking that's it yeah like right away for the official like very simple can you send that to James so she can send it to James J J yeah that's a great one where'd you get that the internet oh goody you just didn't happen to have one no I I started looking for examples and I Sav it I'm sure it has to go to Tracy then it has to go to the Town Administrator and then want all of those people to prove it I mean Town administ Town Council Council it has to go to Tracy and it has to go to Town Council Town Council has to send it back and then they will send the aoda to facilities Chief James to install the SI that was exhausting it is that's how they do it okay um roof update um James town facili chief is contacted me on the roof shingles and I need to get back to him right away as far as our what our choices are and uh so tonight we have looked at the two choices um and we have narrowed it down to our first choice and second choice and would you mind making the motion Bravo Canyon gray and the um what is it Cedar what's the name of Company Cedar yeah it's on there cedar cedar cedar out of Colorado I move that we uh recommend um as a first choice for the roof shingles the bra um Canyon gray and as a second choice the cedar Walden that Canyon gray is the shake sh if that needs to be in there okay I second that second all in favor I done oh one other thing on that topic uh if you didn't see in the newspaper I think it was Wednesday's newspaper I was thinking it was uh Thursday's but it wasn't this ear this morning uh there was an article that Newbury got a grant that got some money to do a couple things one of them was $20,000 for the school roof this from the state are we sure we're not talking about the like high school roof old school house Ro old school house roof make they're doing the Triton yeah they oh I see it's that it's that old schoolhouse so I Tron old school and and 20,000 is not going to do any good the set the school house sure all right just make sure yeah but anyway that was in the paper though I meant to bring it I didn't bring it I saved it you know does that affect our 100,000 that is already allotted to us do we save money because of that we not in charge it's just they handle facilities not involved in it so yeah that and that's like the elementary school no I know that's what I was asking it it's it's to um was that the roof or the one for the electronics that they doing something to they're putting they got a gr they got money to do some kind of um technical stuff so the the the cooling the heating are better regulated and and save a lot of money that's the I don't know about that one yeah that's the KN School regular the elementary school yeah all right Rich was your update on the windows so at this point um the ball is in James's Court um he uh I don't know whether or not he has posted it he said he was going going to posted on whatever the site was that was necessary to be posted on bids or something yeah and and I I haven't heard anything about any more bids at this point we have two bids the original two the original two the one from the window woman of New England and the one from old Bostonian right so we most likely end up with old Bostonian because proba so window woman of New England was like triple yeah it was it was $60,000 uhhuh and and Bostonian was um I had it was like 14 or something it was dramatically less okay okay and it's got a pretty stringing scope of work so yeah they're they're pretty much you're not going to be able to cut any Corners it'll do it right and and I'll reach out to uh to James to find out what the status is of that of posting that and if any any other bids have come in I think we're supposed to have three bids and we only have two so do you don't have to wait right you just like default after nobody comes yeah go exhaust it all sound sound buying practices have to be used and then once you cannot do that you'll just go with one of the sources of the other I'll follow up with James on that find out where he's at okay good uh next thing calendar for coverage yes I know I'm here one and then La is L I'm G two weekends three weekends and I'm not available this coming weekend I can be available yeah get an airplane tomorrow morning and then I'm done 7 okay what have you got the 24th and 25th a 17th and 18th so you can put me down for 25th 25th okay the [Music] Sunday and and who's doing even you're on the 11th yep okay 17th I'll take the 17th I'll take the 18th which is the [Music] Sunday 24th can do the 24th that's a Saturday and that takes care of no one more okay then we have the 31st that is Saturday Saturday okay I got it in my calendar and but which one where we at we're at the 31st now of which month August August I'm I'm gone that weend 55 years 31st happy anniversary Saturday that weekend okay September September the 1st of September I'm good either day I mean I can you're here in September I am here that weekend okay so the first is a Sunday I can do that one because you'll have just gotten home you're already doing the one right in front of it so okay so now we need the 7th which is Saturday September that's I can do that or Sunday depending on whoever I'll take the seventh I'll take the sday okay then I'll take the eth and the next weekend the 14th yeah that's the start of trails and so um it's from 12 to 3 instead of 11 to3 last year we did it 11: 3 12 to 3 and it runs for three weekends yeah we got new signs you weren't here saw the email great should we be open that extra time is that what you're suggesting well I signed it up for 12 to 3 that's what we did last yeah so I was just saying so we just stay open from 12:00 to 3: during this time so we start on the 14th of September is that correct yeah my daughter's birthday is the 21st so I would like I would like to avoid that I'm not available on the 21st figures I can do that so I'll do the 14th you'll do the 14th yeah okay I'll do the 15th only be even though I've got the weekend before that because I'm not available the next two weekends so I'll do the 15th okay I'll let you need to remember that um Eva are you anywhere trails and sails yeah uh what else what you I'm doing the 21st what else you have okay I can do two days in a row it doesn't matter if you want to do the 28th also then sure it's another do you know do you know when the sons and daughters annual meeting is I usually like to be here for that one cuz they come down to the you know what we'll have a meeting again so if something get shifted we can deal with it how's that is the 15th a long will that be a long day then yes so I me just change the time on 12 to 3 12 to 3 this is the calendar it's going to be in the anyway so but I take a picture of ITA can't remember all so what's left the 22nd which is a Sunday Sunday I'll take the 22nd Sons and Daughters the 28th and then we have mother gold St Mother's Day that's an interesting I'll take the 29th Sunday and then we're to October so you want to go through October or wait till the next Mee wait let's wait so that people find out this stff comes up okay all right so I'll take pictures of these two so okay good August 10 when La calls ask on yeah that's what he does who's doing August 10th Rebecca right August 10 two days from now right loing track I'm gone I'm gone day of the um Sons and Daughters okay meeting they'll they'll all be at the Jack wet house but you get a lot in that day what time do that start um 12 the the tour over there Stu should we have one person I usually like to be here that here or I might even come by just because you're out and out I well I know so many of them and it's not like it's that far away yeah and I usually St with there before I come here least love to see me we like to see you too this is SE any other unfinished business we need to deal with this point anybody else have anything before the board for the nighty evening pick up sign thebr since in the last three weeks our aame is sitting back here but the signs at Staples is it paid for yeah paid for last year's money okay so they need to well let me know because I can always go there I go to all da I mean if one of us can get it that's between Home Dep and there all the time Walmart I'm at Walmart all the time buying things there so many things the uh I don't know lawn or Rich that fire extinguisher needs to get hung okay to be code it has to be we don't do we have a sign that goes with that no I really wish we could have had a prettier one that look not so bright red I always that yeah wish that work see it's if you put it in the corner back here I mean it's it's accessible you don't you don't want it over here come into the fire depends on where the fire they want it by the door so it needs to be visible by the door yeah yeah so just right behind that chair on that on that back wall side on that wall is there a hook with it in the box so I don't know you can get the sign of home going to make the eyes saw look bigger but is it okay to be in the vestibule like it doesn't need to be in the main room needs to be close to the door it needs to be you want I think not in here yeah if you got if you got to go into the fire to get it it's not a good idea and if the fires by the door you stand there and watch not or maybe make a phone call notop manifesting Fires going to hang it behind the door no like maybe on the wall under the hooks or something on the wall on that side I'd say then you can put the chair there or something we'll see just okay this um the mattress for the schoolhouse y yes that was submitted why why wasn't this I don't know why was I have I I have to try to find I I don't even know how to find out I guess I'm going to have to I'm going to have to send an email to um Elizabeth L I know her I mean I don't know who is it it's the man you know the person I know I know the one who did it yeah a J Dog Armstrong I'm I'm going to just ask J already how we can find out I thought I did but I I must not have so um because we no how do you know if it if it got rejected I know it's not on there because lower historic District's been trying to find it right right so why why you know that's the goal getting on there I guess the question is is what was wrong with it maybe the best thing I can do is to scan it and email it to her and ask right if there's more information needed well we're going probably have current forms which are pages one right what i' would like to start it if you if you scan it could you send me a copy because even if it's even if it's not complete or on the right form we'd like to would included in our district it's going to be dependance a couple months ago I think it was so yeah we already have it it is rain yep you should have gotten it at the meeting when it was discussed is what she's telling you CU that's how she has it the meeting okay Iain a motion to adjourn I move to rejourn Second all in favor at 745