##VIDEO ID:4hKkQr_aPbA## okay uh this is a planning mod meeting August 21st 2024 as a preliminary matter this is Woody Knight chair of the Newbury planning board permit me to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present and can hear me planning board members when I call your name please respond the affirmative u p posos Hello Larry Murphy uh here uh Scott kter I can hear you and Steve manian here very good town staff when I call your name please respond to the affirmative Kristen grubs yes uh anticipated speakers present us on the agenda please respond in the affirmative uh Damon CH jerson whle tree works presid very good um good evening this is August 21st 2024 open meeting of the Newbery planning board is being conducted remotely consistent with chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 which extends the governor's March 12th 2020 or suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law until March 31st 2025 this order suspends the requirement of the open meeting law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location and allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely so long as reasonable Public Access is afforded so that the public can follow along with the deliberations of the meeting for this meeting the new planning board is convening by video conference via Zoom as posted on the planning board's agenda which can be found on the town's website in which identifies how the public may join you may join us by going to http semicolon zoom. us and entering meeting ID 832 7141 3056 passcode 10879 or by calling 1 1929 205 6099 us and entering the I meeting ID number and passcode when prompted please note that this meeting is being recorded and that all attendees are particip participating by video Andor telephone conference the meeting is also being broadcast live through local access cable channel 9 on zoom and at www.tn cv. org and the recording will be available on the Newber access channel YouTube channel um meeting materials were provided to the board prior to the meeting for review applicants or their representatives may be called upon to speak and if needed share information to the screen please State your atttention after you have been called meeting business ground rules before we turn to the first item on the agenda please permit me to cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting mans as chair I'll introduce each speaker to on the agenda after speakers conclude their remarks I will go down the list of board members inviting each by name to provide any comment questions or motions please hold until your name is called further for all attendees except board members and staff please remember to mute your computer or your phone when you are not speaking please use aods earphones with tablets or cell phones please remember to speak clearly in a way that helps generate accurate minutes please be aware that video participants can see you and that you should take care not to share screen your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording for any response please wait until I yield the floor to you and state your name before speaking if board members wish to engage in discussion with other members please do so through the chair taking care to identify yourself when you wish to speak public public comment there will be an opportunity for public comment and questions during public hearings after board members have spoken I will afford the public and opportunity to comment in or ask questions as follows I will see questions and comments through the zoom raised hand function video conference participants to raise your hand hover over the bottom of the zoom window below the photo gallery and click on the gray hand that appears please ensure that you name is fully and correctly displayed on the participant list you may rename yourself by using the more function next to your name telephone participants to raise your hand in the zoom meeting hit star n on your phone keypad I will then allow questions and comments for members of the public who have raised their hands in the order in which they are listed which is determined by the order in which people click on the raise hand function each participant will be called called on to provide his or her name and address and then ask a question or make a comment I'll afford the applicant participant or his or her representative the opportunity to reply your hand will be lowered when you have been given the floor for your questions I will then continue down the list of those in the raised hand column and again afford the participant applicant an opportunity to speak should there be a physical physical electronic submitt of questions or concerns they will be noted for the record and again the participant applicant representative will be afforded the opportunity to speak if issues raised have not yet been addressed finally each vote taken in this meeting will be conducted by roll call vote okay um before we start with the agenda I just want to say that uh our next meeting will be September 18th um we decided that at a previous meeting and um due to the Labor Day holiday and September 11th uh September 18th works best for the board um okay we have a submission um from Damon jerson wiffle tree Works level two site plan review submission for nonprofit educational organization at one M Metal um Damon would you like to give a description of your uh or presentation of what you want to do uh I feel like the full presentation will take place at the public hearing but the application is to expand the parking around The Barn at one Marsh medow Lane to allow handicap access and better better parking access for those using the facility very good um does anyone have any questions from the board I'll start with Pete no questions thank you uh Larry no I don't have any questions uh Scott Scott's muted but I saw him say I have no questions and uh Steve how do you uh no questions at this time uh though certainly uh when Damon mentioned parking being a resident of Plum Island my ears always perk up over that issue but that'll be for another day okay so on on this um we have to have a a vote to um set the public hearing date for site plan review in public hearing of Whiffle tree at one Mar um i' entertain a motion uh Woody just a point of procedure don't we first have to vote to accept the application oh Excuse me yes um I I backtrack here sorry um I would entertain a motion to accept the application I'll so move second second okay uh roll call vote Pete yes Larry yes uh Scott yes and Steve how do you feel yes and I wood chair also vote Yes okay um i' entertain a motion to set the public hearing date for September 18th our next meeting hey I'll I'll move to set the public hearing date for September 19th at 7:15 p.m. okay it would be the 18th correct oh I'm sorry the 18 you're right y okay second second very good roll call vote Pete yes Larry yes Scott yes and Steve how do you feel I would vote Yes if I were voting very good in uh the chair what votes yes as well so Damon we'll see you on the 18th for public hearing opening on the public hearing thank you very much for your time we'll see you then all right very good have a good nighty I just want to confirm it's on with the board like that hearing to be on Zoom I'm assuming yes on Zoom yes I just want to make sure because I don't think the vote um said specifically Zoom but that's our practice so that makes sense it didn't would you like me to restate the motion um sure just for clarity why don't we do that all right well I'll I'll move that the uh previously voted September 18th public hearing be via Zoom second right very good roll call vote again um Pete yes Larry yes Scott yes and Steve how do you feel yes and I vote Yes as well Damon we'll see you on Zoom September 18th have a good evening okay uh next order of business is uh old business we don't have any old business tonight new business we don't have any new business tonight okay um next thing on the agenda planning board Administration SL discussion um rules regarding agendas and deadlines for submissions of applicants and materials um we adopted this we adopted a do um do you have that to share Kristen we adopted this uh in on March 24th 2021 and um we're just bringing it up as a reminder um that this how we're going to operate business and um just wanted to refresh the bullet on what we did it would make uh life easier for um us as a board when to get the information in a timely fashion and for Kristen as well to get the information formatted so that it could be passed on to um the board members via email so that way we're not getting last minute emails on Monday and Tuesday for things that are on the agenda um does everyone recall doing this in the past yes indeed yes okay so um I don't know if this got emailed out to everyone or not but here it is and um I'll read through it real quick the playing board shall meet regularly on the 1 and third Wednesday of every month additional meetings may be called by the chair and scheduled as needed with proper posting of the agenda and accordance with the open meeting law meetings may be scheduled or cancelled preparation of agenda for planning board meetings the agenda for each planning board meeting shall be prepared by the planning director after conferring with the chair agenda items suggested by others members of the board may be included on the agenda with the chair's approval the agenda will close at 12: PM 7 calendar days before a regular bonly meeting of the board or no less than three days before any other meeting excluding Saturdays Sundays and legal holidays and no changing changes to the agenda shall take place thereafter except as follows any matter coming to the attention of the planning director or a member of the board after the above State stated closing time and considered to be an emergency matter may be incl included on the agenda the chair will be notified of any such changes consideration on matters of non-emergency nature May be allowed at the discretion of the chair if permitted under the open meeting law but may be tabled until the next regular meeting submission deadlines new applications drafts and of new applications to be filed with the planning board shall be submitted to the planning director for review for compliance with submission requirements no less than two weeks prior to the anticipated filing date application shall be filed at a regularly scheduled planning board meeting all other materials any materials to be considered by the planning board at a regularly scheduled meeting shall be submitted to the planning director in both hard copy and electronic format no less than seven calendar days prior to the meeting date at which the materials will be discussed this includes Revis documents for the continued public hearings and that was adopted by unanimous vote of the planning board on the 24th day of March 2021 planning board town of newb so I just wanted to remind everyone that we put that policy into place and that we're going to go by it and Christen will remind the applicants as they as time goes on here that this is how we're going to conduct business um well I I would just ask it um I'm a new board member um certainly wasn't even thinking about the planning board back in 21 but um put this in place March 21 and are we and or we have have we been consistently adhering um to the policy um of and on I think at times um we were very um very very accommodating to people turning information in late but um I find that personally my belief is that getting for board members and for myself anyways getting information on Monday and Tuesday and then putting Kristen in the position of having to get him into emails and get the information out to us and then for us to just the information hours before or the day before planning board meeting is unfair to the fellow board members I by following this guideline we'd have the materials well in advance and as a board and as board members we'd be more prepared and well informed for our meetings if anyone else has any comments please um I appreciate that um and I agree but um you know as uh as a board you know it's the um always the goal to be consistent you know with the adherence to policies um and and and you know of course you know we um we're giving and um you know we're um representing the town so I mean there's a little bit of a you know how how flexible do you want to be I completely agree with you with respect to um you know time uh that we need you know as a board uh because we are for the most part volunteers uh so when we get things on a Monday or Tuesday for a Wednesday night meeting um you know sometimes uh um you know it puts us in a um difficult spot you know if we have an outside or another commitment to really represent the town u in the best way possible which is uh to provide the time and the effort to review you know what's coming up before the board uh to put us in the town in the best position um um to get us to the best place so um I guess my question just goes back to you Woody um we have this policy in effect since March of 21 um what are we what are we looking for are we looking for just more consistency at following the policy or are we looking at you know strict adherence to the policy um I mean what's the what are we what are we after I would could I kick in here yes please yes so Scott you know in the past um we've really tried to we try to stick to to guidelines and sometimes uh applicants can push guidelines and in an attempt to facilitate applications sometimes things can you know get pushed in a way that they shouldn't so the intention from when this was put into place was to be fair not only to the board but excuse me there's a dog BL in the background but to the applicants themselves so there were guidelines so they knew what to do and really when they should be uh responsible to get information in so that the board do what it needed to do so this is basically just to kind of refresh everybody which where we want to be uh if we weren't always there you know we weren't always there but going forward I think this is where um the intent is of uh this uh this position if that makes if that makes makes sense a refresh um okay thank you for that thanks SC okay and then um what you can I just add one comment too ahead which is I as some of you know I started my involvement in Newberry planning serving on the planning board um at a time when I did work full- time I my job at the time had a lot of night meetings so I think the when I read this policy through I was um appreciative that it does intend as you just described Woody to give the board time to review the materials ideally it and for me it was really critical to get the materials before the weekend because that was the time I had to review things so I think you know just the timeline this lays out I think is um fair to the process you know it's it's you know it's a week and advance and then that'll give the staff time to get the information together get the agenda and get the information out to the planning board and to the public um you know when new applications come in we'll be putting you know uploading materials on the town website um so it it really does kind of think benefit everybody to strive for this um that said there are times and reasons why things come in later and you know we'll certainly do our best at the staff end to be reasonable about accepting things when there's a good reason that it came in late and when it's important um for the agenda so my perspective on that well iate perspective um and I guess the board um appreciates or would appreciate just cons a consistent approach across the board week after week you know month after month um March of 21 um you know is uh feels like a generation ago uh but um I would say that uh I think the board would rely on you and the board members could speak as well um to you know speak up let us know when you feel feel it's becoming um a little bit challenging or it's becoming a little inconsistent um and then you know we can also uh at any time revisit and make sure we're um you know on the same page very good um Steve you have your hand raised would you like to say something yes uh when Kristen mentioned the public my ears went up again too and I'm thinking um to do a paraphrase of Kristen situation let's say a member of the public and admittedly um public interest comes and goes on projects but let's say a member of the public was interested in something and they expected it to be in a week ahead of time because the following Monday Tuesday Wednesday they were going to be out of town and unable to review a document coming in late it seems to me that we really do need to be consistent about having plans come in according to schedule so that the public can be U as informed as they need to be or want to be and I'm wondering what would happen if U something didn't come in Tuesday for a Wednesday meeting and you know the public was unaware of this because when they went to bed uh Tuesday night shall we say there was nothing up to look at so they didn't bother looking to see what was going to be on on the agenda for the following week because it should have been posted and it wasn't and yeah well the the agenda has always been posted in a timely fashion has to be but um the information for the board and the information for the public that's going to be on a public hearing or whatever maybe um should be consistent and there should be there should be time to have it posted on the website site and for everyone to digest it so right and I misspoke when I Ed the word agenda I was thinking more about the documents being uploaded for review thank you Woody yep thank you Steve all right anyone else have anything to say on that matter or can we move on move on all right uh liaison reports and we have the zba Larry um yeah the um zba has not met since our last meeting and uh their meeting on the 19th of September and I don't know what's going to be on the agenda so I really have nothing to report at this time um then uh select board do we have a Kristen do you have anything on the select Bo um sure I attended the select board meeting last night um uh primarily for the public hearing that was opening regarding the um property at 34 Central Street which had notified the town um select board planning board Conservation Commission of the intent to withdraw the property from the um chapter 61a agricultural tax class classification use um for for agricultural land um so the planning board had reviewed that at an earlier meeting I think that July meeting um and made a recommendation to the select board regarding the town's right of first refusal on the property so last night the select board was um considering that uh notice and discussing um whether they were interested in exercising the town's right of first refusal on that property um so they actually continued the hearing um there was a little bit of discussion uh you know I clarified the memo that the planning board had sent or just reminded the select board members about um the planning board's recommendation and um there was a member of the open space committee who spoke about um the process related to consideration of the town's right of first refusal so the select board um wanted to get a little more information and so they continued the hearing to their September meeting which I think is um I'm not actually sure I think it's not till the 24th I think it's at the end of September okay so that was um other than that there were liquor licens and some business licenses um and I didn't stay for all of the meeting but I don't think there was any other substantive discussion very good um conservation met last night um there was there was only one thing on the agenda that really pertained to us it was the Sunset Club at um to Old Point they intend to they did not um the co the tolling did not pass legislation so they intend to um submit a new NOA and they had the at Millen Millennium engineering they had some problems health problems and um so they did not have that prepared in time and submitted so they're going to continue to the next meeting and that's the only update I have conservation so um next thing on the agenda um planners director uh planning director's report thanks Wy um let's see what's the news um so the town uh Clerk and uh the town received notice from the attorney general that the um multif Family mvta multif Family overlay District bylaw that town meeting passed um in uh the annual town meeting in on April was approved so um so that uh is the green light from the attorney general which is required within the 90 days after town meeting um the so that bylaw is in the books and uh official um the uh review of the bylaw for compliance by the housing and livable communities um agency of the state is still underway um they are prioritizing review of um towns that are required to be compliant by December 2024 Newberry as you remember was in the category of required to be compliant by December 2025 so we haven't heard from the um hlc about their review of the bylaw yet but wanted to share the Attorney General um letter um a couple grants related updates um we are uh partnering in a regional Grant with that mayor M Valley Planning Commission is putting in regarding um it's the Safe Streets for all program um that we've heard a little about the vision zero um project which is looking at uh crash data and analyzing um locations across the region where they're saty concerns for all users whether it's car accidents um pedestrian bike accidents so that project um that plan is finishing up this month and I think will be available for public comment um at the next uh Metropolitan planning organization um transportation meeting which is next week so as soon as that's available for public comment I'll I'll share that around um and I think I'll put a news release on the website as well for the community um but anyway now that the plan is being finalized the town is eligible for Grants for demonstration projects so the location that we've worked on with marac Valley um Planning Commission is the intersection of Elm Street and School Street um so this grant will be going in uh being submitted in the next couple weeks um and we'll know uh probably at some point in the winter whether um that's been funded or not the grant would be to uh it's as I said a demonstration Grant so it's um basically doing an engineering assessment of strategies to make safety improvements and then actually implementing on the ground in a temporary way so it's not new concrete sidewalks but it's Mobility mats or um ballards um different kinds of um crosswalks or solar lighting different strategies for that intersection to make it safer so it's pretty it's a pretty cool project I'm really thrilled that Newbery was chosen among the towns to be a part of this Regional demonstration Grant so um and they're pretty confident it's Federal um Highway money so they're pretty confident that the region will get funded so um let's see um I wanted to mention the border to Boston um has some activity for the Boston Trail uh the segment between bfield and town which has been um in the planning works for a long time as you I think most of you recall but the mass doot has hired a um Wetland surveyor to get out into that segment and update the Wetland delineation that was done prior to covid and is outdated so um so it's just good that that is moving forward um I've met with a new planner in Georgetown and they're they have an active citizen group um you know working on advocating for that as well so I'll keep people posted um on that let's see um and just a couple events I wanted to mention um there's two really good storm surge is partnering with the newre port climate resiliency committee to um bring two speakers um to the area coming up one is uh coming up on September 5th and the title of the um the uh speaker is talking on the topic of why Community is critical for climate resiliency so meaning social structures of community and how that um plays a role in um preparing communities for climate um impacts so that should be good that's September 5th 7 pm at the senior center in Newport and then there October meeting which um I don't think is on their calendar yet um is going to be focused more on at the home owner level like what are some resources and strategies for you know each individual property owner to take on their own property their home their yard their um spaces to uh have their property be more resilient so those are two really good ones um housing related just briefly um I attended a regional um housing for all summer social uh last week it was held in ipswitch and it had um representatives from all the coalitions throughout the NorthShore who are working on housing issues um housing um equity and housing affordability um it was it was just really cool to be in a room um with all different towns who are you know sharing concern about the price of Housing and the availability of housing um and Lieutenant uh Kim Driscoll was the speaker at that and she was she was great so that was cool and then last thing um amberry on September 18th is hosting with newb port a um another uh housing uh event called strong towns and my understanding is it's a a a n National advocacy not advoc but um Planning Group that really focuses on how to build uh strong communities and looking at the history of um Suburban development in particular and how to sort of reshape the direction our housing is going in order to provide more availability and affordability so September 18th for that one and let's see yeah um finally just we did receive five different um proposals for the Plum Island Turnpike resiliency project and um the review team is will be um interviewing having the teams from those engineering firms come in person um we're hoping to have a firm hired by um the middle of September that's it very good thank you Kristen hey Wy yes could I just throw one questiony hey um Kristen did we want to talk about uh mvpc and their request um um that the town planner actually be the mvpc uh representative and voting member and that uh the planning board member would then become the alternate member and I was very accommodating to that and I think that makes perfect sense so I don't know if you wanted to bring that up in your planners report so going forward that would make the mvpc report would be uh you'd be the mbpc leaz on do would we need a motion for that too to make that transition um yeah thank you Pete um for remembering to bring that up um uh yes I believe it would be good to have a vote for that um if the board is you know open to that as I think you all recall Martha was the um representative and I my sense from marac Valley planning is that you know works pretty well um to have the planning director uh be rep representative so um so I'm certainly open to playing that role if that's if that works for the planning board frankly I thought we already voted you as the uh commissioner um we had voted Pete oh so we can change hats very nicely Larry and I'm I'm okay with that and if you'd like to make a motion I'd be happy to Second it all right um so would the motion be that uh uh that Kristen grubs be appointed recommend to the select board that Kristen be appointed the uh mvpc commissioner from Newbery Town planner Town planner be appointed the mvpc commissioner from Newberry did I get that right that sounds good second I'd be happy to second that okay roll call vote uh Pete yes Larry yes Scott well yes Steve how do you feel I'm not going to debate it so I'll be and I'd say yes as well congratulations Kristen great yeah I'm happy to I'm happy to it's a lot of the um we work with them so closely so it'll it'll be a good and I'll share anything relevant as soon as I hear it no it makes perfect sense yeah there's a lot of synergy there and I know um Healey recently signed um some legislation relating to um um the accessory dwelling units in the Commonwealth um I'm not sure if this would be you know a platform or your report um you know would be uh a nice way to update or keep us a breast of you know something um that uh you know could be important to the town um but it it's pretty interesting yeah I I may have mentioned it briefly at the last meeting um but it is um a component of the affordable homes act that has the um requirement that communities all accessory dwelling units by right um Newberry is in the position of having had an accessory dwelling unit um on the books unlike a lot of towns in Massachusetts but um the key now is to look at what we have look at what the new legislation is um and that's that's been started by Town Council and there's a lot of um discussion at the zoning enforcement officer level um previously the zba has been the permitting Authority for accessory dwelling units so I know the zba members are you know attending trainings and reading the 300 Page legislation and um there's a there's a lot of good activity and a lot of work to do to figure out exactly how each town now implements the new legislation okay thank you very earlier on you mentioned um people from various towns getting together and talking about you know housing production affordability you know that us that laundry list of concerns when it comes to housing and I'm I may be repeating myself but wondering do people get around to talking about short-term rentals as being in my opinion a big part of the problem about housing availability and the price of housing um yes it's it's definitely you're I I think that's a very good point that you're making that it it is has being demonstrated that the transition of smaller units into short-term rentals has really taken longer term rentals off the market and it is a cause of a lot of the um shortage I haven't seen any you know I'd be interested to see if there's data on that yet but it's certainly something that um planning you know planning staff planning boards are looking at um are their ways to regulate short-term rentals that would help alleviate the the problem that can bring um certainly Newport just past regulations this past year um so and I don't know if you've been watching that Steve but I know they're different different regulations on Plum Island than in other parts of the Town um and it's a pretty complicated um issue for yeah right well one could spend a lot of time doing a study to determine that that's that it's part of the problem whereas the old scientist in me would say by inspection short-term rentals are a problem we don't need to do a major study it'll take 18 months but we really go with it after arm waving about how the it's obviously a problem so I could trying to identify what specific things would need to be done to address the problem and is it legislation is it in which case What legislation but you know trying to jump ahead to identifying what needs to be done and try to make it be done without delaying things with a study yeah longest study yeah yeah no I agree and I it's towns are taking action so we can you know that's a good place to start as well is just to see like how how are the people who are a little bit ahead of Newbery um how's it working yeah so definitely um you know I think byla sort of special special work bylaw review and research and recommend ations is a category of um work that when we get two people in the planning office again and you know maybe future interns like there's it's it's a really good kind of project to just kind of Dive Right into and in fact it's something Martha and I have talked about in her um role as sort of Special Projects planner if that might be one area important to look at so um I don't know maybe maybe maybe we can have a workshop with the board at a later date as Martha gets into her um review of the zoning bylaw and the recodification to kind of look at some of the special special sections um and dive into that a little more so it's a pretty it's an important topic and it's a complex one so it would probably Merit some deeper conversation sure and I'm still new to the planning board obviously but you said also the magic word Workshop and it occurs to me there may be some things that we need to revisit and talk about whether it be you know what is Martha's role uh what is Joe schwarz's role which I still don't fully understand and some other issues about way about how the planning board as elected officials or in my case appointed you know interact with the director of planning and you know what are the roles and responsibilities and maybe that would be a fruitful conversation for us all to be on the same page with that I'm done okay thank you thank you Woody um there's nothing else in the planers director's report which I think Kristen said she was done and then we had a few more topics um we'll move on to meeting minutes um we need do approve approval of the um August 7th 2024 meeting minutes um has everyone had a chance to read the minutes from the last meeting um I I have Woody and I I have one question and one comment if I may go right ahead L the the version I have uh does not include the link uh to the video recording has that been added Kristen um yes thank you Larry for pointing that out um I did I think when I first sent it to the board it hadn't been um uploaded yet so I will make sure that the version where approving has that link live and the comment is if you haven't already done so under the me the materials reviewed at the meeting we've got the three Newber report turnpike um uh information but I'd also add the Golf Center as built plan because we did take that up at the meeting yes I will add that thanks other than that it looks fine to me anyone else have any uh comments on the meeting minutes hearing none um I'd entertain a motion to accept the meeting minutes for August 7th 2024 with the revisions that Larry just stated you have a motion second second second very good um roll call vote Peter yes Larry yes uh Scott yes and Steve how do you feel yes and I vote Yes as well so meeting minuts are approved um Larry do you have an update on approval of past minutes yeah just uh very briefly Woody um I'm sure you all recall that at the height of Co we did get behind on on our meeting minutes and I've been working um along first with Martha and Kristen and now with Christen to kind of bring those up to date you recall you've authorized me is uh to approve them once they're in appropriate satisfactory form and I'm glad to report that we have 2022 completed so and uh Kristen and I uh working uh diligently to uh catch up with 2021 and uh we'll hope to have that wrapped up in the very near future very good thanks Larry yes thank you Larry that's I'm sure it's a lot of work lot of OT Larry yeah thank you be done and we can handle it right Kristen absolutely your help is instrumental for sure all right now uh seeing nothing else in the agenda um actually can I jump in I I think there was one item that got passed over that's the uh introduction to the remote meeting uh the Preamble meeting yes um Kristen do you still have that I we I did pass over that that was um oh I was wondering if we could shorten that up a bit and uh she priston checked with Town Council and they edited some things that we can get rid of it in the Preamble and then the rest of it was pretty much up to me I haven't had a chance to edit any more of it so I was I kind of passed up on that on purpose but we can have a discussion about it if you wish um yeah um just just sorry it's not coming up Woody but I wonder if um what might be good is to edit it and and then um get share it around um if if that's all right with the board we'll bring this up at a later date I the what we have now is about six or seven minutes long and it'd be nice to shorten up a bit if we can I agree and uh thank you for um um addressing it uh but I think that's a great idea Kristen um you know if you want to take a stab at at uh making some uh changes to the um or creating a draft passing around and uh and we could probably comment very good so we'll take that up I'm sorry U can say when I saw Town cil's notes it sound alike she was agreeable to having much of it deleted and much of it remained but I thought it was a good document to move forth on and I guess pass it on to you Woody and Kristen and then pass it around to us but I was pleased that she was willing to delete some items yeah it would be great to shorten it up a bit all right so we'll take that up in either the next meeting or in the future I um seeing nothing else on the agenda now um I'd entertain a motion to adjourn well before that uh I I would like to say um you know very nice job Woody um I think this is your first one uh so uh great job appreciate it all right well I'll I'll try to do my best at this job and I will make is that a motion as well Scott yes yes okay do I have a second I'll second very good Larry um roll call vote um Pete yes Larry yes uh Scott yes and Steve how do you feel yes and I say yes as well and good night everyone good night good night good you everyone thank you thanks good job out