##VIDEO ID:W2Li-PtklLk## as a preliminary matter Woody Knight chair of the Newbery planning board permit me to confirm that all members and persons participated on the agender of President canamy uh planning Bo amendments when I call your name please respond the affirmative Peter Pacos yes sir Larry Murphy present Mary Stone yes Scott kter he may be joining us soon maybe he won't uh Steve Manan I I very good town staff when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Kristen grubs planning director yes anticipated speakers on the agenda please respond the affirmative uh Eric sson from Newber Golf Center hi Eric I saw you wave uh and TJ Movin fre report turn I'm sure he'll be joining us soon all right good evening this is August 7th 2024 opening meeting of the new planning board is being conducted remotely consistent with chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 which extends the governor's March 12th 202 20 order suspending certain provisions of the open meeting mon until March 31st 2025 the order suspends a requirement of the open meeting law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location and all public bodies to meet entirely remotely so long as reasonable Public Access is supported so that the public can follow along with the deliberations of the meeting for this meeting the new rep planning board has convened convening by video conference via Zoom as posted on the planning board's agenda which can be found at the town's website and in which identifies how the public may join you may join by going to http semicolon zoom. us and entering meeting ID number 832 7141 3056 the passcodes 10879 or participate by calling 1 92925 6099 us and entering the meeting ID number and passcode when prompted please note this meeting is being recorded and that attendees are are participating by video and or telephone conference the meeting is also being broadcast live through local access cable 9 on zoom and at www.tn cv. org and the recording will be available on the newy access YouTube channel um meeting materials were provided to the board prior to the meeting for review applicants or the representatives may be called upon to speak and if needed share information to the screen please State your intention after you've been called meeting business and ground rules before we turn to the first item on the agenda permit you permit me to cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes as chair I'll introduce each speaker on the agenda after speakers conclude their remarks I will go down the list of board members inviting each one by name to provide any comments questions or motion please hold until your name is called further for all attendees accept board members and staff please remember to mute your computer or phone when you are not speaking please use earbuds earphones with tablets or cell phones please remember to speak clearly in a way that helps generate accurate minutes please be aware that video participants can see you and that you should take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording for any response please wait until I yield the floor to you and state your name before speaking if board members wish to engage in discussion with other members please do so through the chair taking care to identify yourself when you wish to speak public comment there will be an opportunity for public comment questions during public hearings after board members have spoken I will afford the public an opportunity to comment or ask questions as follows I will see questions and comments through the zoom raiseed hands fun hand function video conference participants to raise hand hold over the bottom of the zoom window below the photo gallery and click on the gray hand that appears please ensure that your name is fully and correctly displayed on the participant list you may rename yourself by using the more function next to your name tell telephone participants to raise your hand in the zoom meeting at star9 on your uh phone keing pad I will allow questions to comments for members of the public who have raised their hand in order in which they are listed which is determined by the order in which people click on the raise handphones each participant will be called on to provide his her name and address and then ask questions or make a comment I'll afford the applicant participant or h his or her representative the opportunity to reply your hand will be lowered when you have been given the floor for your questions I will then continue down the list of those in the raised hand column and again afford the participant applicant or representative an opportunity to speak should there be a physical electronic submitt of questions or concerns they will be noted for the braet and again dis applicant representative will be afforded the opportunity to speak if the issues raised have not yet been addressed finally each vote taken in the meeting will be conducted by ro 12 okay so that's over with uh next on the first thing on the agenda tonight um the on and meeting reports we have uh zba yeah thanks Woody um the zba normally meets on the third Thursday of the month but in August they met actually the first Thursday which was the 1 uh in order to um uh review and and approve a final draft decision regarding five Cinder Avenue their next meeting uh will be Thursday October 17th for the usual schedule and that's all I have okay and then the uh next Leon meeting report is Conservation Commission that would be me um I believe conservation had a meeting last night I was I planed to attend planned to attend the meeting but at the last minute something came up and I couldn't attend the meeting so I will uh watch a video and uh give you a report on that meeting and the next meeting and our next meeting meeting minutes what do if what are if I I happened to tune in to the Conservation Commission meeting for a little bit and the Sunset Club did come up apparently they are going to submit a notice of intent to the concon at their next meeting in August and apparently they also their Engineers have been talking to Joe sarka about coming before the planning board so I guess we'll be seeing something from them shortly since their Engineers are talking to Joe okay thank you Steve I I appreciate it you're welcome meeting minutes um we have approval for the July 24th 2024 minutes has everyone had a chance to review the meeting minutes yes for 24 have yeah get a sense that we have um I'd entertain a motion for approval of the meeting minut I'll move to approve the July the meeting minutes of the July 24th 2024 meeting do I have a second i' be Happ a second okay um all those in oh roll call vote um uh Peter yes how do you vote Yes Larry yes Mary yes we do I have Scott um Steve how do you feel he's you're muted Steve here we go I don't believe I'm a voting member so I was asking how you felt about the opportunity I felt good about it I read it I had no comments to offer and iest chair approve the meeting minutes as well okay thank you um old business we have um Newbury Golf Center Eric senson 131 Scotland Road request for approval of as buil plan and release of performance guarantee um Eric is looking to close out his site plan review he provided Engineers uh letter and revised an as built plan to the planning board and is requesting approval of ASB built plan and release of performance guarantee do you want to give us a brief up update on what's going on ER yeah I submitted um to Kristen the letter for my engineer just outlining the four questions that Joe had and um he addressed them and hopefully that satisfies the board I don't think there I think we it wasn't any major um issues obviously there were engineering questions so he answered them and I think hopefully there's no other questions and we can move forward but if there is we'll we'll address them and Tackle them before I uh ask the board of have any questions is there anything you'd like to say Kristen about no um I agree with Eric that there were fairly minor um issues that came up with the last version of the plan and the plan was revised and um uh peer review responded that you know Joe Saka was satisfied with the revision so I think things are in good shape okay does anyone on the board have any questions or comments yeah Woody I think it's a good idea to go forward I would just probably make it a reference that the board uh that the bond should be released after the report to the select board that's all okay great um yeah i' I've U read Joe sarka August 2nd um letter and um it it appears that all the that the four bullet points that he had previously mentioned have been adequately addressed so I have I have no issue with uh the uh approval of the record plan um all right that being said um I'd entertain a motion to to approve and accept the asilt plan for 131 scalon Road newy Golf Center dated 11323 and revised on 73024 so second second second Mary all right uh roll call vote um Peter yes Larry yes Mary Y and I don't believe Scott's here um I also am in agreement yes so the as builts approved and as mentioned by Peter before we going to um let select board weigh in due to the fact it's special permit um before release of the um perform uh performance guarantee so so what can I just ask you a quick question will I have to come back in front of the planning board for the performance guarantee to be the bond to be lifted or once I satisfy the select board I I don't believe so I think it would be administrative but Kristen do you agree with that statement yeah I think you could um I think you could just vote to release the performance guarantee following satisfactory you know report out to the select board something like that so we wouldn't have to come back Eric okay what's your um just sorry Eric do you have a date for your update to the selectboard no as soon as I I'm done with you then I I'll go in front of them because that was the order that Martha laid out so we satisfies conservation the planning board then the last will be so I think the next meeting yeah so I think that's should be I mean my thinking is the vote can reflect that you wouldn't have to come back to the board but as soon as the select board signs off we can proceed with release of the bond would you like form of a motion uh Woody actually can I ask a question first just a clarification sure sure uh chist this you're also holding separate funds though for peer review correct yes correct now so that we're not talking we're not dealing with that it's just the performance guarantee at this point I thought that was the case I just wanted to confirm it yeah no that's a good comment Larry there is there are some remaining funds to cover this last review that Joe did so as soon as we um you know pay those bills for Joe uh we can release the rest of the escro account if there is any so that would be a separate vote yeah okay fine that's all I had good Peter yeah do you want that in the form of a motion uh with regards to you know after you know uh clears the hurdle with this select board then we then we can release those because I'd be happy to make that motion okay yes please there you go you have it okay um so there's a motion on the floor to uh release the performance guarantee after an appearance later on in August with the select Bo I have a second I'll second it okay uh roll call vote all those in favor uh Pete sure thing yes Larry yes Mary yes uh Steve how do you feel I feel good yes great and uh yeah I'm yes as well thank you Eric all right thank you good luck with everything okay all right thank you take care all right um that's it for old business under the new business um we have TJ Melvin from Millennial engineering read new report turn fighte mono Bavaro family reality uh 2 LLC the applicant is uh requesting a modification to the approved site plan to add sidewalk and retaing wall and a Transformer Pad Bo um so is the is TJ here from Millennium engineering good evening can you guys all hear me okay uh yes yes TJ Melvin uh with Millennium engineering here on behalf of the applicant uh so this project was back in front of the planning board uh probably three or four years ago now I believe uh we were back in front uh maybe the last meeting to ask for an extension um so this request is to again add a sidewalk to the rear of the build to do so we'd have to construct a small retaining wall as we currently have the garden which handles all of the storm water for the site located that area uh the reason we're making the change is the the architect had kind of put further detail into the first floor layout and kind of how it's going to be constructed um where we have part of the first floor will be commercial space the other the other half will be not residential but either like storage or something for the residents of the building uh and in order to do so it's requiring egress doors to be located off the back of the building so therefore to was able to get people away from the building where requesting to be able to add the S um as I mentioned the the rain Garden is back there so we did have to take a look at the volumes of B just sure that you know the minor that we're filling wouldn't impact its capacity to handle the storm water uh we had provided those um pre-development and post-development calculations to Joe Saka I'm not sure if the town anything back from them yet or not um the Basin still functions it's still the 100e storm event we still meets the pre- and post-development runoff rates um so really just a change to the Basin itself um and then as part of the project we need to install a Transformer so we're requesting to add a Transformer Pad off of the parking lot as well uh through Woody TJ could you share that to our screen just so the board can see that because as you said yeah and just point out yeah sorry I am uh out of time but I will try my best to make this work let me know if this is showing up for you it is yeah okay all right let me see if I can zoom in here all right so this is kind of that walkway talking about um this was never part of the original design we did have the sides along the other two sides um and when we were first in front of the board we kind of just had a blank space that would be with this the would be commercial the other half again couldn't be residential units but some sort of something accessory to the res the residents you know if it's bike storage or something like that um so at this point they kind of like shaped the lobby the utility room really put the detail of what this first floor is going to look like again which has kind of caused the need to add this walkway along back here uh this heavy outline that you see here is the outline of the rain Garden um it previously was you know maybe put closer kind of in this area here um so we put the retaining wall to kind of maximize the volume of the Basin you know even though we are taking some of it out in this area here uh again we updated the calculations to show this still does handle the 100-year storm event uh and then the Transformer pth located right there if I'll see my mouse just off the parking lot um just to be able to for the Transformer that'll be needed for the project okay and um there was a few other changes that you just showed you just pointed out the pad for the generator uh where's the snow storage relocation that it says right there to be relocated uh it may be a bad note [Music] uh does it show it going on the North End of the uh of the site so we we have it we still have it here I don't think the intent was to remove that um it may just be uh a label that I'm missing that may have just snuck in but the oh I see it right through here yeah the intent is this would still be snow storage area U that is in reference to something else that's probably just a bad note but we do have um additional snow storage area shown on the site so that's still G to be snow storage it's not going to be to the north uh on the newp end of the site correct it would be both so we we would you know if we had to trim this back a little bit to make sure we stay clear of the Transformer uh but there's really no other reason that we couldn't utilize the rest that us no storage as well as to the north part of the site up in this area Okay um gron do you do you have any uh comments or questions on this prop I ask the board there have any comments questions um no so I TJ we we have not shared these the submission to peer review yet you know we're waiting to have this conversation with the planning board and then see if the board wanted to authorize peer review for it um so we'll need to do that you know we we'll get all the storm water calculations that you submitted over to Joe Saka um if the board feels that's appropriate um just I mean I think the width of the sidewalk is four feet is that what it showed correct so I mean I Woody the board probably has the same questions but I I think my first question is relative to the fact that it looks as though it's in jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission and I think generally when modifications or projects have to go through both boards it's a sort of best practice to have that at least happen simultaneously so um so that's one of the first questions I would have and uh TJ has have you U presented this to the Conservation Commission yet no have not um it was kind of a strange situation where the order had expired um and I'm not sure if how many of you would there was a potential that there was a bill that was going to be best to extend permits we were kind of waiting to see what happened with that because it would have revalidated that um but that has not gone through so we will have to file a new notice intent with the Conservation Commission to get back up and and New Order of conditions issued okay because that um what they what they would have to say would be important information for us um all right let me ask the board if they have any questions or comments on start with Pete Pete do you have any questions or comments I I do TJ could you throw the uh could you throw the plan back up please yep thanks so much because my questions will be based on the plan okay and if you can zoom out just a sco just so we can see the whole plan no probably the other direction zoom out yeah there we oops good so yeah a little bit more just so we can see the whole plan okay okay so I I just need to have clarification as to whether the snow is going to be removed or not removed it's going to be relocated so that's going to need to be spelled out on the plan right yep yeah we we'll fix that to to get rid of that note okay perfect and uh so the the the snow storage that's on the North that was always on the on the plan because I don't remember that I believe it was I I would have to double check but I don't think we we kind of went through a few iterations where we were having some talks with Martha about maybe changing the parking uh but I will double check that and definitely show whatever was on the original approved plan okay CU if it did if it was changed and was put there after uh we had looked at it then you're probably GNA have to talk with Newber Port everything because that's actually in newb Port right yeah okay um so the uh sidewalk that's going to be going on as was kind of mentioned that's going to affect uh conservation and impervious service and all that sort of stuff so that'll have to be taken into account account right correct yep okay and my last one is kind of a a concern because something has changed have you been to the site recently um probably not couple probably over a month okay so are you aware of what the highway department did to the rotary and its access Lanes yes okay so now when you're coming off that bridge right where this parcel begins it directs people not to stay in two lanes but for people going uh into Newberry Port to be in the right lane for turning so they're directed to that prior to basically getting onto where this site is which was not was not the situation previously because you would make your decision at The Rotary do you see where I'm going with this yeah yeah yeah okay so sorry go yeah so my concern now is would there potentially be more enhanced flow in that lane now that the the state has shifted the amount of of a flow into that lane and if that is the case I don't think it's my concern is not so much people entering onto your site but it's people exiting your site because there isn't a lot of room for negotiation from that point to the rotary to the adjacent property yes yeah um yeah I we can try to reach out to the to the state kind of see if they had comments know we have had to request extensions you know since we originally got the approval from as do okay and they have it flagged as an issue um again we so we do have Val access and U permits from the state for this um but we can try to see if they have any thoughts on as well yeahor yeah and along the same thread you know we had originally I think it proves for some uh buffering going on some enhanced uh uh Landscaping along the well there is no sidewalk but along the front of the property um and so now if we do have that increased volume of traffic uh just concerns that you know whatever is put up there for uh Greenery not interfere with line of sight understood yep yeah we could take a look at that okay we do we do show sorry just for clarification we do show a sidewalk along the frontage of the property oh okay yeah sorry just I just wanted to clarify that CU I know Chris and I had talked about that over the phone as well beautiful where does the sidewalk go after it leaves your property what does it go into it's just uh it's just kind of along our Frontage so kind of from curb cut to curb cut um just really just improving in front of our property okay so th are those going to be condos or apartments um I don't know to be honest it's kind of been the the owners kind of some difficulties with the previous contractor um so I'm not I'm not sure where his head's at as far as rental versus ownership at this point yeah okay just now then we then we touch back on Public Safety as to what's going to happen with those people once they walk off your property onto something else correct yeah so I mean the these are things that obviously we had initially proposed and were approved uh but we could certainly look at um kind of I guess the flow path of where people would be going and potential uh Landing spots for them once they do leave our property I think just if you do get a chance to connect with someone at the state um because of their recent work to kind of enhance the crosswalks and The Pedestrian just mobility in general around the rotary I would just be sort of interested to know if they have any thoughts about how the people living here like might get to the train station for instance and maybe that's a conversation you know I could reach out to the Newberry Port planning department as well because I know they've you know they've been involved in this uh you know Route One effort for a long time with the state yeah know it's not necessarily something pertaining to your to this particular property but in thinking about 14 new dwelling units and you know as Pete saying sort of safe passage for people outside of car safety just all those issues related to the new layouts of the lanes coming off the bridge it's just like a lot has been changing right now and I think you know everybody's kind of adjusting to it but just making sure there's an awareness that they you know people are going to be living here it's not just retail like most of the other um dwell you know buildings on the rotary are mostly all retail yeah I um I can certainly try to reach out to the state I just um as far as like any other offsite improvements I don't think it's something the owner would kind of entertain at this Point only because I again he does already have the approval pending this change to the back but I I can certainly reach out to the state and see you know if they have any future plans coming up also I know all these things are usually well planned out in advance um or at least starting design on their end so we could definitely reach out and see what else they have coming thank thanks Woody that's all I have thanks TJ um Larry do you have any questions um no I I think my questions have been answered whaty okay um Mary you have any questions or comment the issue of the whether it's a condo or what would I mean why wasn't that determined I was is is that okay that it's not determined now the um when it was approved they said it was going to be live living area 14 units but they didn't say whether there condos or um so we assumed it's an apartment building yes it is a mixed use building oh mixed ju okay there you go all right that's it okay I wonder why there a couple things going on here all right that makes sense yeah some commercial on the first floor and then um space for the people upstairs according to what TJ told us yeah kind of talked about maybe like a storage area or something we we can't be residential units themselves so just something sary to the apartments or condos whichever way they go Steve do you have any questions I'm wondering I I know when you come down off the bridge and before you get the traffic circle there's often a lot of flooding on Route One itself and I'm wondering whether um Millennium has seen any additional flooding problems um that occur sporadically um we we really haven't looked at it again this whole site was approved about for years uh so I guess if there were any changes between now and then we we really haven't monitored any offsite issues um just kind of just made the modification for this rear walk way and slight adjustment to the pond uh but other than that we we really haven't looked at any other aspects of this since since it was originally approved yes like some of my memories go back to when I would be uh a commuter getting in the train station then going through that area after a very heavy storm but that's all thank you I now that I take a glance at this plan I have a question now on this plan I don't see snow storage to the north oh sorry I scrolled down to the to the grading just to show uh so they're right here oh it is yeah sorry it's a different sheet as as Steve stated uh I think it's important to determine if that was on the original plan or not because and to either remove the to be relocate or if it's not in that Newbury cour section to um if it wasn't originally there to not have it there because of what Steve just stated it does that section of route one has flooded before and heavy rainstorm so that's a to know that's all yeah yeah clarify the snow stor areas yeah okay thank you um Kristen do you have anything else um I just uh PJ there's note on there I don't know if it's New or Old about um seeing the details of the retaining wall on the rain Garden is there a detail sheet for the proposed retaining wall and the location of the rain Garden uh so we had a a a detail originally for other walls I believe on site the The Raid Gard I know we definitely had a detail I actually had Joe had asked if I could give him a copy of that the other day so we did that uh as far as a retaining wall we can we can provide a standalone detail for that if needed and Peggy back on that is there a planting GL for the frontage along Route One is there a list of plantings you have any um I can I can look at the I can look at the original approval I I can just resubmit whatever we had as far as the any landscape plan um but I just I I can't recall what we had along the street but I certainly resubmit whatever we had right with the line of sight the changes on BL one it's important that there's nothing in there that's gonna imped the L of fight yep absolutely um so where do we need to go from here Chris do you have any thoughts that's to they need to they need to go before conservation right put it into conservation yeah and I I think if the board wants to have a discussion about how significant the changes are in terms of a a minor or major modification oh yes very that is correct uh does anyone have any thoughts on whether this is a minor major modification I can start the discussion with yeah um you know based on um the code I would believe that this would fall into the category of minor modification at least that's my interpretation but uh I'd like to have Larry weigh in on on that to that's his feeling as well no I I agree I'd call it a minor modification Mary how do you feel on that you think I definitely think it's minor okay and uh Steve how do you feel on that I agree it seems like it definitely is a modification but it's a minor one okay so that being said um um do we have to have that in a form of a vote I don't think it needs to be a vote I lar do have an opinion on that question uh to be honest with you I thought we already voted this as a minor modification but my memory could yeah I thought so too it seems be faulty but I'll you know uh there's no harm in Emotion so I'll move the that the proposed um uh modifications would be considered might minor modifications and accept it as such now that could change I suppose if if kcom comes up with something that but but from what I'm seeing here it's uh yeah I I don't see any need for to treated as a major modification so second on that motion second okay uh Pete how do you feel yes Larry yes yes Mary yes and Steve how do you feel I still feel yes yes okay and I I say yes as well minor modification um so I I believe that's it someone jump in if I'm wrong um so we'll wait for peer review and conservation needs the way in on this issue correct yeah I'll I'll get everything over to Joe if he doesn't have it yet and uh um TJ we can touch base on just some of those detail plans I mean if if they're the same sheets that were in the original decision I can look through the files and and find them but I think because enough of us weren't around when this was permitted 2021 it would be helpful just to see how it all fits together and then I can help provide that if you have any issue finding it just let me know we could get it fresh approval great okay thank you TJ thanks TJ great thank you um next thing on the agenda um planners planning directors all right um thank you Woody for sharing a great meeting um thank you again Larry for all your meetings um that you served as chair and um for agreeing to continue as clerk I think that's we'll be very helpful to continue to have your help with some of the minutes and um other other tasks so um appreciate both of you on your officership um let's see a couple things going on um on Monday we had a uh preapplication meeting with all the department heads for um Dam and jets for site plan review project for his nonprofit arts and education organization which is called uh Whipple tree Works um so he has submitted preliminary plans that I've reviewed and one of the first steps in site plan review is to hold a a pre-application meeting with with staff and department heads um particularly related to um police and fire and building inspector so we held that on Monday and um those Damon will be gathering up his um application materials to submit to the board at the next meeting so he'll submit on the 21st and then um it is a level two site plan review because of the increase in parking area in particular um that's really otherwise there really aren't a lot of change to the current conditions of the site so it should be a pretty straightforward process but it is a level two review which will require a better notices and a legal ad um so we'll set the date of the public hearing probably um in September probably at the mid September meeting so that'll be coming to the board um wanted to mention uh TJ mentioned it a little bit in his comments but there was you know a lot of activity at the state house last week and just a couple planning related things there was a large Economic Development bill that included this tolling provision for expired permits it's similar to the provision that was approved during covid um I don't know a lot about what how that was um you know know the exact drafting of that provision but it it didn't pass the economic develop development Bill the larger Bill did not pass so um so anyway that's on hold for the time being however the affordable um homes act the very ambitious housing funding and policy bill um did pass so that's a pretty amazing accomplishment and is I think it's more than it's like 5.1 billion in the next five years for housing related particularly affordable housing related initiatives um again both funding things like first-time home buyer programs and um you know a lot of funding for public housing that exists and then a lot of policy initiatives and in particular one of the interesting things if it didn't catch your eye yet is uh approval of um accessory dwelling units being allowed by right in all single family dwelling zoned uh zones so any town across the Commonwealth where they have single family housing accessory dwelling units are now to be allowed by right um Newber has had as I think you guys know an accessory dwelling unit um bylaw so we're but we're you know the towns was ahead of the curve on that one so a lot of towns don't have didn't have any provision in their bylaw for accessory dwelling units so it's a big um step forward to try to increase smaller sized dwelling units um across across the state so what Newbury what we'll have to do is look at ours and look at what was ped and make sure we don't have any inconsistencies um one of the things is you can't restrict accessory dwelling units to family members which is something a lot of pwns have um so it's interesting timing for us because as I think you'll remember we did submit with marac Valley Planning Commission for some funding through the community OneStop program to take a look at our housing um bylaws to look at in iary zoning and our Adu bylaw and sort of see if they need a refresh so anyway that we'll have to do it but hopefully we'll have technical assistance through this grant funding um in order to do that work U with the support of marac Valley planning so um that's it that's my update for the moment any questions I have an unrelated question Kristen have we heard anything back from the AG on the NBTA communities byaw yet um no and I think they have 90 days and I think it's the uh couple more weeks they have a couple more weeks before that 90 days is up so I think we should be hearing any day thank you yep Kristen may I also pose a question um as I recall when new adopted the accessory dwelling unit regulation Plum Island wasn't included in that approval process or you couldn't do it on Plum Island because of the piod and I mean correct me if I'm wrong in that but I'm wondering whether the states new law if you will it seems to you know as a blanket provision regarding Zoning for all the communities of the Commonwealth is that going to in any way impede the existing approach with taken towards Plum Island that is going to start seeing adus on Plum Island now because of the state law it's a good question and I don't know the answer Steve I think there are a lot of um in particular overlay districts which The Plum Island overlay district is um water supply protection districts like there are a lot of different kinds of overlays that will have to be considered relative to the underlying zoning which would now allow by R so I don't I know Plum Island won't be alone in having that question related to sensitive you know coastal areas or areas where infrastructure you know water supply for instance may not be sufficient so I think there are a lot of questions I know Town Council is writing a um a sort of memo that summarizes exactly how the legislation um was uh was described and its relevance to new Bar's bylaw in particular so I think that's more to come on those questions for sure okay for sure you know water supply is going to be a big issue throughout the Commonwealth as well uh you can look at the growth in population and new report and their projected water needs and you start adding adus it's going to be even more of a strain on the system but we'll see there definitely you know I think there will be a lot of questions and studies looking at that I mean I know in some cases if you take away lawn and add a small dwelling unit it doesn't necessarily change your you know by and far water water use is um uh Indoor Water use is can be very highly efficient it's really outdoor water use that causes problems with um Supply but anyway they're all really important questions and concerns and it it needs to work on all levels um to develop this kind of housing so thank you stay tuned yeah that's all I had tonight Woody unless anyone has questions about other projects or anything anyone else have anything no well then I would entertain a motion to adjourn I mooved to J second have a second Mary thank you all right Pete how do you feel sure thing Larry yes Mary nice job Woody yes Steve yes and I say yes as well and good night everyone good night guys thank you night everyone good night cheers thank you great job Woody