##VIDEO ID:B4bxogad3lY## I would call the uh Rec committee meeting to order at 6:37 on Monday August 19th um we'll now do the members present starting from your end working this way all right uh I am Daniel Jones Mary Anastasio Michael crutch John Dave R Mark Cindy cier um we have confirm methods uh completed ethics and open meeting training laws I assume I have I went through and I got a little I have to double check to make sure all mine had gone through but yeah um if you haven't done it please get it done in a Tim minut yeah it's just yeah you go on I think it's like one is half hours half hour or 10 minutes it's pretty simple um where they found the links uh should be at the town office have to bring so do see did you I'm sorry yeah I think that everyone did you when you first uh when you first signed the book did they tell you to read and to do open meeting law stuff uh I was not not to my memory but okay okay it's it's uh it's something you should do it's basically uh talking about ethics and and um who has to be around how many people with a group and what how we can run a meting when we can't right um cool um everyone sign the what's this sign document for financial not every year we we should be signing a doc authorizing uh our primary um treasure for lack of and an altern for the person to sign any of the invoices or warrants so that the bills can be paid in the past has been Mary I would ask that Mary continue that responsibility and it's Court name was backup is that right backup I know that there's a lot on her plate right now okay and uh Mike would be I think it would be a great um backup if if that's one if you and Mary you train um I'll I'll if you can sign your names up here where it says who's doing it I'll sign it to say we will vote on it we all sign it and it will go to the town accountant so that it's on record so I make the motion that Mary and Michael are are two individuals who are authorized uh to sign legal financial documents on behalf of the recreation committee second all in favor I all right there we go excellent so I signed it and today's date is the 19 19th still still was same way this morning I get you sign here and then the two um individuals up here that would be great and I'll drop it off do that I don't I to go back to my car okay so the next one on the list David was the established times I'd prefer to have it when everybody was here to make sure that it it works for everybody and without Courtney here establish days and time well why don't we just uh we can do it at the end for the next month yeah let's let's just do um s of stat qu and um if it works for everyone we'll we'll talk about that in the meeting but um first Monday is of the month at 6:30 see to work everybody you have to come back you go home come back sometimes yeah today I did does it make it any easier we dids for you um did people get a chance to look at uh there two prior minutes um people got a chance to look at those again um the email for not getting the the June one was ready to go and it's just 5 days so make a motion that we accept the June minutes all right uh before we do um which one is the June minutes um because on the paperwork I have there doesn't seem to be a a date if it says the attendees I'm not in the June meeting yeah no I just wanted to make sure that it's it's on the yeah this is the June and should be the July okay does it say June or July or do do we need that I I will add it to respective one okay and this that's of June uh that's of July okay I'll make a a motion to accept the minutes for the June um meeting of the rep committee um the dated of the date of the meeting on minutes yep I second any discussion all in favor all right uh same thing uh make a motion to accept the meeting for July with the caveat of having it changed or having 6:30 p.m. in June the date um all those in favor all right uh correspondence and bills and claims um just mellow and the water Bell how much was mellow mellow is 16930 four and is that once a month Mark you know it is okay and is that it will continue to once a month correct yeah yeah okay excellent and the water was 9318 okay cool and that's from July it's the next one right any other any correspond or anyone did you receive I haven't heard of the thing the only thing was an email [Music] from I forget which which sports lacrosse okay regarding um a missing check the submitted payment and I think that we've got someone looking into that right now um the county they confirmed that today at like four oh it was confirmed that they found they have not had they do not have so they check IV yes okay along that uh lines it it may be helpful for us to have a system in place so this doesn't haveen I'm not worried about getting a check from them we know who they are they're going to run from us again and we can you know collect the money is just making sure the documents are in order uh prior prior to the the particular the team sports coming down the field their insurance binders in uh the cories to you within uh a period of time they were supposed to provide a uh I believe a um deposit with their request I don't know if that was still kept that in but the idea is we have all these documents and we don't have a system we reely my Rec to check it but we don't follow up to make sure that it's actually there I think the deposit came in that get submitted you know prior much prior right should be with the application itself so that's at the beginning of the year and I think that's the last correspondence that we have yeah we should probably when they get the deposit they should probably if possible have in the mail well yeah but however we we have uh somebody here how to would a week before or or within a reasonable time when we make our decision you don't have this document this document I understand why the quaries may not be done but before their season starts to be able to say your quaries aren't in you can't go on the fields until you have your quaries submitted your documentation saying that your quaries were done does that make sense where are the documents from last year just like it when you say insurance binder for 23 is the insurance binder should be downstairs in the assistant uh collector's office okay that's where they all end up um and it's just a matter of in the past we were aware of that binder coming in yeah um but we we were never informed when the checks came in yeah so I was notified to because I had to sign them okay so I think we are kind of notified I don't know when we ever got binders that's something that's me two different issues one you may sign up but we just had a uh a failure in the system that the check didn't the check we never got the check so you couldn't sign it you couldn't say we have so the idea is to put a check system in that um that has that we've received this information so we wouldn't have unless they had checked in with us and said hey you haven't deposited our check we wouldn't have necessarily known so we need sort of that like no I I I understand that but I'm now going on to the binders like the insurance binders and the quaries I don't know if we've ever known that they've been submitt they go down to the town um the assistant yeah the assistant collector gets them and says oh we have them does this does this go through my like Courtney collects documents but they don't NE come in with the documents I yeah I mean so so I'm just I understand what you're saying I'm just understand trying to figure out so somebody gets the insurance binder is there I guess is there a spot in my Rec to say Insurance Bing re payment received I I completely understand what you're saying but I'm just wondering how to is there a tool implement the checks that you're saying and who that's why I'm is how do we get that checks in and I'm not that familiar with my ra so neither neither am I but I know with the the payment we don't it's not online right when the payment is received the cories when they make that application the cories can't be completed because there could be up to four months before they're even using a field so there's delay there the insurance binder depending on the season soccer starts I think September 1st for the year yeah but they put their application in in July so they're not going to have the binder until just before they start using it right so what I'm saying is even if there is something on my R right now until they input it which is we are not going to know and they're not going to input it until they have the in our normal checking check current checking system we are making a decision for them to give Pro give them provisional approval to use the fields providing those documents are in did we have not had anybody continue to put documents in once we' made the approval we have to go shag it down and that had been responsibility no the assumed responsibility was taken under the assistant collector we should have somebody who a week before the fields are open so up to say all right we have three users in Spring two in this fall maybe three their binder is in their quties are in payments are done boom it's easy but I'm just saying the booms are check boxes that should be in my resence yeah it's hard to do that because like it's the season starts let's say September I'm saying for the for the visibility yeah I'm just saying I understand but they can check them off and not yeah yeah or I'm saying that the che so that it's clear in a system of record yeah that this element has been we should probably have like we got a backup for financial we should probably have a backup my person somebody who's experienced with computers and Technology I don't know anybody here on the committee did you just raise your hand I think yeah because would it would be great like you say a week beforehand go in and talk to the collector and say is everything in and if it isn't then they don't play we send out a letter you don't play until yeah yeah because there is a my understanding the way cour explained it a while back is there are boxes for places to put it in that's what but but the in places that are allowed to have a different time schedule they can submit the documents at that point in time when they're making their application we don't necessarily require that because I completely understand so we need to have somebody look at it that you've said completely and I I think it would be a good thing to add into my wck in a manner that even if the uh renter doesn't update it if it's a manner for us to update it so that we just say yep check received check not received and we expect it on this date so I completely understand what you're saying and I think I think that they the three groups know that that's the process right and so for us so the group the groups to go to alert us but it would be good to to have that visibility in a a central system of record I'll take it one more step which should be he should actually issue a permit that says you you this has been received blah blah blah blah you have permission to use the field for the dates they've signed up for and just well all our my belief all of our approvals are conditional that they get your paperwork in right but we're not checking to make sure no exactly I think we've got some kind of responsibility to make sure but the the other part is that we we we meet once rosters I mean so we don't need rosters they need a roster I like rosters I don't need the kids names but it' be nice to know numbers would you Financial condition we could we could keep going here you know like what's what's the Balan in your check I think that's it at this time we may request more at one point there was uh when we charge per person we did ask for a yeah um uh a list of players um and what people were finding that the numbers submitted were not the same as this numbers yeah i' I've been in that condition with you know 20 40 kids playing football and only 100 only playing 100 well no I me no but in terms of I mean there little things that I I somehow feel responsible for and it' be like all right if you've got you know 30 kids on Peewee or whatever the levels are and you got one coach you know that's impossible you can't you know is that our job it well I I wonder cuz let's go the other way let's go let's somebody gets hurt and they say well they theyve got the insurance binder it's like okay well show us the insurance binder and and I think somehow that would that play a mess would wind up on our if it's on the well two things will happen one the insurance binder is there because we we shouldn't be allowing them on the field without insurance if somebody gets hurt and there's no insurance binder that becomes our problem right okay because we didn't ask for it or we didn't check to make sure they had it that yes that's what we need to do and then I'm not a lawyer but I've dealt in situations like this with my friends and family have they will say what is the neglect of us we no so well make sure we get the binder it could be we're negligent because we didn't ask for it well again that's our job yeah we didn't follow up on it anyways but I think might I record to figure out how to get sort of at least a checklist type added to that so that for all the queries that are coming in we can yep you're good and like we can check a week before two weeks before be like hey you don't have this stuff W is a is a caned software package that looks very customizable yeah so there there should be kind good you look around it should be at EAS well and again to try not to be negative to be positive someone from soaka said oh geez I don't know did the town get my check is I guess what's on the table but it's like oh you could go to my wck and you see that the box has been check far I love itan I felt very Loosey doy on some of the stuff and that's one would be good way to tighten it up can we subit payments for that not really because the I don't think I don't think it'll take money it I whether it whether it could or it couldn't some apps do and it's a really like my broom ball app does and it's a really great way to just like track like keep track of who's coming and who's yeah yeah so whether it could or it couldn't the process currently is a hard check delivered here so maybe in theut back up to that the mechanics of that unless it's automatic with my the town would have to have a merchant account you know there's all the stuff would have to happen for that it doesn't it's not the easiest thing well it is it actually is easy it may may be doable but that's we can look so the good thing about my recck is there's uh there's people that you can call up and they can make things happen for you they have a a heal TK and we pay money for them to have that way so that sounds like an idea um all right uh I didn't know where we're at bills bills so we're all set right yeah um and then um applications for field court and Fieldhouse are other um so since we're into that category um we had a car show on Friday night and there were people using in the field um didn't get a permit for it and they were Tak parking spaces which the um car show had um I drove by tonight there was definitely an organized group out there uh playing with lots of balls and so I think that that the fact that they or whoever using it as a soccer group uh finds it okay to use the fields without contacting us or paying us I don't know how the town looks at that I don't know how we should look at that um you know in some ways I like well no one's using the field but on the other hand it's an organized event using the field and um I don't know how other people think about that well I don't think that should be really loud or encouraged to say out loud yeah um I mean if we want additional revenue streams do different things that could be yeah and again you know the the thought was before well it's Newberry residence well I'm guaranteeing if you went out there they would be all news Newber I assume that it's one of the um one of the one of the groups that say hey let's get some early practicing because it's definitely organized and it's been going on for years and um I don't know if there's an easy way to stop it um you know I don't want to be mean or anything but it's one of those things where it would have affected the car show it was this Friday night because there's a lot of people that are out there parking so is there instructions going on or is it like it's it's it's definitely instructions okay um so which you know the organization no not exactly no it's definitely soccer it's not maybe maybe we can just email them and just say hey yeah we could remind them that um you know there's two parts of this one is if this is happening every week at the same time that that it becomes more as our policy request you need a permit um I and that would be a matter making sure that like the basketball group that came in Thursday nights accus the courts every Thursday night last summer and I approached one of the members like look you you you're using this um and make using it for free and you're charging people to to be coached I there's a I have a problem with that um personally if it was a father with his daughter with a couple of friends that's different then they come in at different times hey I'll come in on Wednesday Tuesday night whenever we can um even if it's a father with a par with their kids and Neighbors coming every Tuesday different than yeah there's 25 uh 25 kids out there suggest it's not just one dad grabb neighbood you know so what's the what's the answer there do we ask the police department to go over and say sorry you guys don't have a permit you have to leave I mean I don't know what the proper proper protocol here my position is based on what we've written they need a permit is that's part of our policiy if you're using it regularly a group an organized group coming on a regular basis needs a permit we we don't know we don't have all all the facts to say it's it's um United Soccer out of the Asberry coming coming in I saw the the last group and I'm not disagreeing with you I just the fields are open for public use and people who have permits have priority so other people get to use it but if you have a permit you have a priority nonexclusive use for that piece of property at that designated time if this is a perennial Pro a weekly problem then I think we need to figure out what the next step is well but it's not so much that it's that people are there's two large soccer field two large soccer nets on the end of the lacrosse field and they are running a practice it's an organized practice and it's you know do I do I want to be like Hardline and say no you can't it's just that if it was some kids playing that's that's what that's there for but if it's someone that is making money either now or in the future because they may say they're nonprofits but there's Revenue coming in and out and the other part is that it's just not Newberry people so and it should be it but even more simplistic there's a process right and there is a permanent process and there is an a uh liability if you will for the field just in case something occurred so right now we're in that gray area it it you know I I'm not saying that they can't or they need to be charged or whatever but they should be permanent yeah it's Midsummer it's Midsummer so it's also whatever kind of abuse happens to the field takes a little bit longer to and it's been wet I mean I don't know how wet it is there remember the lacrosse people coming in and going off we have dirt where there's holes here and there and they fill them very and so right now right now there's definitely usage going on there and a lot of kids so could it be that maybe they don't know because they're thinking oh it's not our season they don't realize that even though it's outside of No it's it's definitely organized because there's two very large uh uh soccer nets that have been dragged down there so I think that who what I'm saying is if it's one of the people that normally like I'm thinking it has realize I guess very light like a correspondence like hey just a reminder yeah I think Mark you you have the info for all the the two soccer yeah I I will reach out to two contacts Ty and whatever it is is Russ or whatever NE just just it's very light the assumption is it's that group either one of those groups okay let's take that for granted part of the problem in having been involved in in organized sport sometimes a a coach on their own absolutely so I will reach out to Jason and very like not anything you know well the reason I say this and I don't want to send police down to talk to people that's just no no but the reason I say this is that um op too much that the night I don't know what what age group you saw um when you open the fields for the um the car show but when I went by they were little ties this afternoon they were a different age groups up there so it's all I saw with with regard to that was the guy breaking down the equipment Friday morning okay and he had a a bunch of equipment I mean there was it was all kinds of pylons and and no it l more than pylons I mean I'm saying big collapsible Nets and like shoot under this shoot over that kind of things it was just he was there for probably 4 minutes collecting all this stuff that's so the other thing we can do is close the fields that anybody be on them and I think that's the Other Extreme yeah no it's not it's it I don't feel that way at all I just cuz if you like I saw people walk in their dogs there and if a couple kids are out there flowing frisbe that's not a problem but also you have you know sounds stupid but I played Pig pong the other night in our backyard or there were four of us and within we were there for half hour within a half hour we sort of crushed the grass down and did a number on it and so that was you know four people I'm talking a whole group of people and they're talking about having the pristine field so I just think that if you can send them a note and say um unless you were permitted we don't expect you to be on the field until next week CU next Weekes again it could be I don't want to see a road coach a position where oh I got kids coming I'd also say if you're going to have someone down there we'd ask that they rotate the fields too if if they're beaten on that we can we can always close one of the fields if we see that it's being used during the summer yeah you know CU I I know um on a regular basis there is a father and daughter she's working on her girlly work using a field and that's great that's what it's there for M um but we can always say field yeah use a field is not permitted and then when any of us go by we can bring in law enforcement say can't be here you can be a neew of that field or that field but this Field's closed uh it needs a rest okay but I will send something out with the minutes no just kidding just kidding just kidding all right um I see you dat on all right and uh um so there's no applications uh we discussed the uh the court the field you guys are doing well with your uh pepper ball yes uh yeah I do have one question though um you know what let's do this when don't we um I'm going to let's let's move on to the updates of the old business that's okay perfect um Master Plan update uh from my point of view I've sent two emails out um still waiting for response from Chris um I guess the line is what I want to do is just get um something that he agrees to sizewise and we can sign it for December um update on pickle ball much distraction pickle ball is fine uh Mike's been playing Sundays which is great uh is you any good just get him no he's good he's good I learn the better well keeping score um it's a hard part but so I've always kind of aspired to blocking time up there and and I actually put the stuff in with Courtney that we are playing pickle ball now up there Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday and Sunday mornings various hours and it's various well it would be Cindy's group is twice a week and the other three I guess are kind of the people like Ru out of C's program for lack of a better word uh we've got the the senior U what's it called what's Tom called oh he's a property tax EV yeah yeah yeah so we we we've got a guy that that's kind of running it which is just he sets up and breaks down oh cool yeah no it's it it it's ideal it runs itself and it runs itself did we get the congratulations thank you both you for making that yeah do we know the boxes so we moved the box that was inside you guys did that did you move the box that was inside the box outside and but we're keeping Nets in there we're keeping Nets but we're leaving the balls and the det tribul and stuff like that all go in so the person who sets up has to have access to the the key for the box and the equipment that's in the the kitchen okay um that's working and Cindy and I actually worked on like a little sign that we could put up just like and it would say yeah I have that I just have to bring it well and it's wrong now so I'm glad you didn't spend a Time on can you just send me I will update and I'll update this but what I what I what I've been thinking about is blocking off time for basketball Just In fairness and so no one says geez you got all this pickle ball time yeah and so the thought that occurred to me was I've been assuming all along that that's busier up there at night so like the five mornings that we're playing pickle wall officially but reserve for basketball 6:00 to 8:00 on those same five nights and perhaps it gives us a Gateway that on Wednesdays and Saturdays it's reserved for pickleball in the evening and it will be reserved for basketball in the morning so just for presentation like this court the multiport recreational facility the court is reserved for pickle ball these dates and times and yeah that would probably be a nice system to have you know certain a lotted hours and make it fair it's 3 hours in the morning 3 hours and and then it gives you the opportunity to say and anything else is first time first serve if if there's someone here uh and you're play or if you're playing and someone comes to play please don't stay the hours I mean there got to be a nice way of saying read it well no no no no no cuz it just happened the it happens a lot in pickall we take all three courts some kid shows up with a basketball and everybody feels we're not going to say oh go look at the sign you're not supposed to be here you we moved the net and they played basketball and they left and we moved the net back and it's just it it's it's civil it's civil and I but I almost think putting a sign up is a threat you know like you can't be here well two things one one if they come to play basketball and it's reserved for pickle ball maybe you could recruit them to play pickle ball if they win always you know how I operate and you even look at that court I go over and ask you if you want to play we have paddles come join us yeah well I I I I um about people coming up with the expectation to shoot hoop and the fields are being used and I think there's a better way for us to put out when the just like we do with the fields uh which we I again we're doing a great job to say hey these fields are being used these um uh basketball court this multiport court is being used for this you know two lanes or two half of it or whatever something on our website so people know before they get up there have access to knowing that yeah that's and that would be other than putting a laminated sign up that would be the ultimate is let's actually get it online we can do it online but I think that more like pickup people are like they show up like you probably put the calendar on I was going to say the Cal so I have a calendar on my page and that's right on the my calendar my but then that's one extra step but on the actual Rec committee Pages do you have a calendar because I have on the Council on Aging page we have a calendar we should we don't where I list you know tomorrow night's game night is it w it is you Wednesday is this Thursday is that if yeah you could talk to um if if it's some way that we could uh talk to whoever's it person for the town and see if we can do something with us John John is it John now um if there's any way that we is there Facebook page like a I would want I think you should just be on a Town officiated account I think uh our website I I think a sign at on the gate or the offence just saying please see this website for scheduled um SCH and again it's not a big deal because like I said it happens all the time and we met some really cool people this like there were people visiting from Italy and there was this this giant and he was really good at basketball I was like oh yeah go ahead and play we we'll stay over here for a while you know and I it it's not a problem at all but I I've got this thing about I really think we need time in the evening and I don't want to block off time for pickle ball when I know that people are playing basketball but so it's like Wednesday and and S I mean would you play at night you can't be work honestly I like I would the reason we're playing on Sundays is because there was no night time no night time I I I would love to have somebody take uh a similar position that you have to work the basketball without it being a team to be there all the time if that makes any sense you know we we have an established need by by the work that you two have done to bring in COA and other people yes the basketball courts are um uh you people want to play basketball I'm reluctant to reserve time and say well that's we we gave you time to see I think we need to figure out um oh don't have another Court um but uh I mean I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just trying to think I think it's more for the visibility yeah that's what I was wondering if we did some kind of sign like that where that um Center section is when you when you go in used to be the blockage for the old old entrance way to the fields but it's right for the field how's that sign if we what that post is in the center if we put something like that up there and said pickable hours are Reserve pickable hours are blah blah blah blah and so that we can change it so people would walk walk up and they say oh yeah today's Monday it's 2:30 there's pickle ball going on but we're at 3:30 we're better shoot oops Yeah you name John are any of the pickle all times always using the three quarts Thursday morning would you say definitely definitely Thursday Friday Friday's they were three Mondays have been three so maybe there's certain times and we do the calendar idea but maybe there's certain times that we're like that we put like all three like there's three there's three spaces there yes yeah like we only use two yeah right now so like we can easily say two pickle ball one basketball three pickle ball uh and like and that way it makes it very obvious that if there's only two pickle ball and one open yeah come and play basketball to that point of we don't have to force the basketball time to be there right we just make very clear that you're more than welcome and like there's space I know with the why when we look at the pool schedule they'll say exactly well one lap lane two open swim three diving and at this time it changes but something along that line of we have two halfcourt pickle ball half basketball this is the full court um pickle ball and just put down when we have something scheduled not scheduling other other entities yeah so kid and I've seen it I have no objective to it had his motor uh little electric car on the field on the court there's a nice smooth surface no cars driving over it there dead ties sorry um um so a a a poster board like that would be able to I mean with your city could you do something with your the one that's blocked like level block where you can put numbers and stuff like that in or do you think something like that and cuz that looks that thing set up that you'd have a poster board or something goes in and locked in place I don't know if you saw how that works you you just don't write in it there's there's space so like if you had something a printing company that did a you know a beautiful a we sell flowers the it would fit in here like this and then down so if we had just like something like even like a whiteboard or something that we fit into we can WR the hours in do you think that's something I'd go another way which I'd get a piece of uh plexiglass and you could put paper behind the plexiglass kind of okay you know I I just swap out the paper and just swap out the paper as needed then that way we're not laminating ass and change you get the day after you laminated and so now but that's yeah I mean we could attach it to the fence even though it disappeared once I had one attached to the fence went missing now it's a mystery she paid the friends of the counsil on Aging paid the r went but it came back I've heard of hacking stealing a sandwich board it's a funny story how it came about because I I it was I think you asked me where is it where' you put the sign and I was like what you know like what's what sign I had never seen it mhm and and I guess Sanji was there Tuesday and I I had a witness from Monday but it was there and I had I had a witness from Wednesday it wasn't there it's like it disappeared did you have a call the police no oh U the coyotes were stolen from the get those back yet or not I have not heard so what we do is we just you know I'll even give we'll put an air tag and put an air tag inside of it I'll just drop an air tag in there that would be F when we get it set and then it goes I'll pick it out and put it in now you're giving ideas I know where I put it um okay so uh I think you know what we'll hold up on the side it was just a thought yeah and it was it was a devious thought thinking that if if it's fair then we can't be looked at as being unfair right um the the the community and it's not a big the the people that show up on Fridays there probably I'll say 40 people you know some collection of those people show up every week yeah so it's not like this is we're you know 2,000 people are going pickle ball uh so I I just don't want to show off my Bice I like the idea of being proactive saying this is when pick a Ball's being used people you came up here to play basketball you couldn't do it this time how however going forward here's the information for you and i' I've been there enough to know that there's not a lot of basketball that's played and when there is basketball then you do the best you can and that's I'm sure that they appreciate thatone do of course yeah yeah yeah all right excellent uh little lendy library that would be Mark's I think that's Mark's ballpark um right now I haven't gotten any U and let me back up the chair of the Library board has no objections love the idea of getting more books out just for the people education um a proposal was brought forth to the committee by a um citizen in town uh CHR Burgess whose family has been still actively used the library that yeah this would be a great place you have kids coming on a regular basis you have parents as well wouldn't it be great to have it up there uh I checked in with um the new director of the library she is very supportive of it give me some information regarding um things to do to worry about do we want to be part of the the little L the lending library organization organization or we can just put up our own box um and then I followed up with a convers phone call with the uh chair of the library board and he too was sounds like a great idea um um with personally he supports the idea of having access to books uh I have a couple uh groups that be interested in willing to build it and it's a matter of us agreeing to it and then bring it to the select board and maybe assigning or working with one persones um to sort of spearhead that can I ask you a question on why the select Board needs to be do they have an approval process for putting up a little lending library in the um are you talking inent at the C Street field location be determined CW I up near the Fieldhouse um anytime there's something permanent going into town property they should be aware of it okay yeah and we could we could discuss it going the board members and find out if it's something that should be brought up to them or not and may say NOP just go ahead do because that's what happened with the with a parking lot we didn't know if we had the parking lot or not and then one point we did one time we did now we have our responsibility it would be at this point in time ultimate responsibility um would be on the r committee because it's on our jurisdiction uh but it would be great if there was a group that would help monitor it and make sure there's books there appropriate books you know it might be for somebody community service type program at a high school level or something like that well youve been nominated it may not be you may say I have a better group who would be really good at just so that there's more Community involvement we're not just sticking up a box and walking away from it but there's Community involvement um to help um uh make it make it a an asset as opposed to a liability how about what what do you we have families in town that are happy to do it but will you might could use some good press too I would imagine I got plenty of books to populate children's there you go yeah um so what we're waiting for is what uh basically do we need to go to if you want to check with yeah I'll check with I'll I'll sure check with um with um you need copy the people in charge and if so um would you be willing to work with me and and push this get this through I'd be fully willing to you know special events coordinator yeah there you go there you [Music] go all right yeah I think we looked online they had that small we we could figure out what size books yeah I mean I see a number throughout that are small I think this would be as I spoke to uh one individual who said you don't want to make it too small because people have a lot of books and it's a good thing um to have it filled up with uh Booksy and then the I I didn't I have it at home but um you know the annual cost to maintain that is Trivial if we use Lex Glass as opposed to uh uh window glass pain glass it sure the initial cost is a little bit expensive but it won't break are we doing the lending the little lending library thing itself or making the determin agent not to do that and just do our own thing well it depends on what the uh my thinking is I don't want to commit the town to a relationship with Lon Library if they don't want to commit themselves so put that was sort of the reason of asking all right so you got to follow up on that and yeah so I'm sorry is a separate ending called little lending library there's a naal organ but we have to use those we can just do okay let's I I think just to make it easy do our own thing yeah not get involved and I'll talk to them about that yeah because that's a it's like a registered Trade market like yeah yeah you know how they There's real therapy dogs and then there's other therapy dogss and people think that they're therapy dogs and no you're not certified no just because they sit on your lap anyway so we we will we will work together um and and take whatever steps necessary right and I'll fill you in on more so this would be kind of like a take a book leave a book type thing rather than or take a book or just take a book like one of those kind of situations rather than asso with actual Library okay correct I I thought we were like doing a we're going have another library system so this is like okay you're done kid books okay you're done with these books these books you can take B that works all right uh so I apologize that I wasn't clear oh no no no no big deal all right so now we've got that set um car show update um you were there um you were there I was I drove by around 7:15 or so and it was rocking I missed it um good event uh I spoke to the two organizers um they were very pleased with it they had to do a little arranging with the arranging with the vehicle because they made it work um it kept it safe um people still had access to the basketball the multi-t area some great Vehicles a lot of Mustangs a lot of Mustangs but nine of them um and this might be a good home for if they uh thoughts of going forward that we could work with them I wonder how do you know how much control they have over the dates like as there were I think it's up to them when I looked at uh prior to I looked at the dates of ones in the past they like to do it this time of year yeah yeah used to be used to be on my yeah no no that was the day we moved in I always remember like there was a car show I like hey that's really nice to welcome again move in get a car but I mean so Tony had called me Tony Matthews had call me over the weekend weekend before and it's like we're still waiting for you guys to give us an answer and I I I really felt like I was in a jam it's like I I I can't make up an answer but I said I said at one point told to be honest with you it was rain date the rain yeah yeah we had approved the date and he had asked for rain date and he said well we're trying to go public we want to put flyers up and stuff we don't have a rain date I'm like oh Jesus and then I finally said because you know we trying and courney was away and you know was everything um so I finally said look at I'm sure if this gets to a Rain date you know we can work something out but if this soccer practice I got to have plans to have 200 kids picked up and if it means you have to give us a lane yeah that's when we were and so and finally I I said to David I said I just want to tell him let's pray for son and if it comes down to it we might have to reconfigure uh so I I really felt like you know if maybe we have reverse conversation go back to him and say all right I'm glad you you know great event three of us went looked like it was a good time the place was spotless I was there I went uh Friday uh Friday morning yeah Friday morning I was there there wasn't a pig on the ground Saturday morning Saturday yeah cuz I went down to lock the gate yeah I shut the gate at night yeah and but I went to check it and um I decided I wasn't going to RK having yeah Smoke on the grass so uh yeah just like if they can move it to July with if they want a rain date in August yeah yeah we should we should we not even that maybe we thank them for having a great event yeah at the field and next year we could be a little more it would make sense if you're out of the before I didn't even know what date the sa soccer started but if they if they come to a next sh it's an annual thing we should basically say to them at that point if they're asking for August 4th and they want a raain date on August 20th or whatever yeah that we let them know that yeah you have to ask for a rain date and hopefully it will be before soccer season my my suggestion talking to them is put the application early like January yeah for it with the both both both dates yeah I don't know how it works you know maybe there's a car show because they don't want to have one if Georgetown this one was like three days four days after um so yeah the idea is they were great uh Community Partners it was great to see uh a different uh clientele at the property U breaking up um from it just being a youth sport activity now we have more adults using the multicore it's great having a different recreational activity that people enjoy um there so we did we never really looked up where that wedding guy was CU that there's a wedding there somewhere weekend weekend um and the idea is um we we reach if you have contact with Tony or with Steve to get get the application in I think you're you're great partner so we can help you it's like with the camps which almost falls in the category of a camp you need to make your reservations in January to make sure you have it in time so we're not putting you up against the wall with the date or that date doesn't work I think the date they came in early enough to get it was just they had said to us at that point which worked out great cuz we had there was thing with meeting times and having resched so it was more so us not being here for the first round but once we get that we can basically say to them you know great job done can next year give us two dates uh date for the show and R and then we can walk him in that way we're not say say stay try to stay CU we were we were like we had our John's like let's just pray for a nice night and he said yeah it's going to be nice and so congratulations like John praying yeah um but yeah go again read I would suest getting in in January because that's when it it opens up for the summer yeah in theory the Fieldhouse was built to have summer camps there and we we want people to book early for those one- day uses so that they don't get pinned into we already have something scheduled there yeah you can't have them they're in there early we approve it we yeah we I will talk to I mean are you in touch with either Steve or I've got Tony's number yeah talk to yeah just just reach out to him and just say you know ask him about its parameters what he needs you know like how soon they can make that decision that day because like you say may something else would be going on yeah all right uh friends Council of Aging or friends Council on Aging update or friends movie night do you want to speak to that or do you want not really okay um didn't necessarily go as expected um the uh the concept was there but it didn't have the Outreach to bring as many people in to make it a profitable event um I think part of the the one of the challenges is people we we're talking about the basketball um and US of the Court people don't know what's going on uh the the car show there's a certain group show up but we're not and it may not be a Rec committee issue it might be more of a you getting our it person people are using our facilities whether it's the upper green lower green uh Central Street um and it's we's not getting now so that's what that's going to help out a lot but but if there's a way in which we could do more Outreach for stuff that's happening in un toown property um I would support the users of um like if the the muster that goes on at the uh upper grein you know it's it no it's not a town entity that's hosting it but it's on Town property yeah and they but those people go know every year I think that you know especially the town meeting and elections those poster boards they put up in front of the fire department and stuff like that things like that it's you drive by it every day and you say oh something well they do it like two weeks ahead of time yeah so be like the day of you have to do it yeah but that would be good for the movie night too like yeah yeah that I mean I'm a parent I had no idea I other than like the one time last week or one time a month ago when I was here I didn't know about the movies I didn't know I'm not sure I know that they talked about how they were advertising it so it's live and learn and so that's a new group for us uh it's a whole refresh of members um and they're trying things ony I think those boards are fantastic for this yeah cu the amount of traffic that goes by Central Street is pretty amazing well the car show did it they had their own little Sandwich Board out car show August 16th that's all it said it was very simple straightforward they you he Didion for that right but it was a good idea a kid technology that's all you need car show in the date of course having some like online Outreach would definitely probably push it for a little bit more but you don't really need all too much more than that but yeah if you were to put online you'd probably reach a couple more people who I think that there's an age thing I think that old people like us are like oh sign I can read that let's do it and then young people like they go to the Fone I I don't know but if you if you're driving by and you see it you're like oh this is here I will come that's how I know when town meeting is exactly and and you're not on the town website every day no I noticed is that you know my generation wouldn't be following any accounts or getting any updates on some on anywhere that we'd be putting this out yeah so sure we might be able to put it out on say Facebook on the town or if we have like a town Instagram page or something like that I don't think it' reach many more people than if we just had to sign out honestly the sound get more people the sign would probably get more people anyways like that's good yeah you're not following the Council on Aging Facebook page are you I and have a single friend on Facebook that is it I have not touched Facebook in probably two years right when I go you're my target audience but friend group something like that corre are just like as a general rule of thumb even if it's not and you're not really on much social media it seems that your generation isn't it's more you go on like um group chats yeah like I have I usually spend time on group chats with my friends and every once in a while and I will say I do have a bit of a problem I definitely spend a decent amount of time on social media like YouTube but that's like to but but that's different you're not getting um you're not following something you're not on Instagram you're not on Facebook well I am on Instagram but it's not like how a lot of people would use Facebook it's more just like funny Cates oh that's not something that just out platform yeah I get a fabulous djo Instagram follow that I do yeah this fresh material every day that's awesome fresh at all we I guess I guess the point I'm trying to drive is how do we help if it's our role um um help identify activities that are occurring on Town property just so if somebody was to go to say the calendar like if you go to Hamilton lenam and they'll say oh here's what's happening you know these fields are being used and this Field's being used the upper Green's being used not necessar as a complete Outreach but also here's our fields are being used it is Recreation yeah and I'm not looking for an answer today but just something for us to to look at how do we support it's one of those it's one of those things that like it is Recreation but we don't have control over some most of those fields right you so it's sort of like how much out of our realm we like just because it is recreational do we start help because it's recreational property even though we don't have jurisdiction over it doesn't mean we can't put it on Town calendar to let people know that we are trying to help people understand that they are recreational is there a town calendar yeah yeah okay yeah there is that's how I find out I've been on the toite yeah there's a thing that says I go specifically to the pages I need I don't see no they I have to go to T Newber calendar there it is all right um open space planning survey we had a survey U given to us to review um if people had any comments questions or concerns about it so we can give feedback to um G Bas committee I've sent it out a couple times to people yeah the only thing with surveys that I noticed it's you know people have their spots on surveys it's when you're asking about times or occasions it's to keep it consistent think some of it is like do you use it mornings do you use it NOS use at any times just I thought that the question the choices the four choices were little my comment was could we have a page if they're going to do it like if they're going to put on open space survey can we can the rec department have a section of it like can we add to it do you have you would add yeah well no I no not necessarily but if I think about it for a while it's like you know they might ask about hiking trails and I think we need if if we're going to be guided to go to something with hiking trails then I and I'm certainly not trying to expand that role but that was just a it's a great survey and I'm sure there's something to that that's that's all part of their Grant application but if you're going to I've learned from Cindy if you're trying to communicate with the town it's not the easiest thing to do she had to fight to get a newslet in the tax bill you know it's just yeah I've been in places where you don't send any information out with the tax bill because you don't want to remind people you just want to to pay it um okay yeah but if you look at some of those like the ABC D answers it's like sometimes anytime Mondays Wednesdays Fridays and sometimes it's it's weird yeah it consisteny in it needs to be consistent in your four choices you can't have you can't bury that yeah that's like that's like going 2 3 4 don't adjust the order of [Music] your to go along with um what John said you know the question of which of any Youth Sports does your family participate and just so we know if you only have we have 500 um surveys and only two people are saying no they're only playing one's playing lacrosse we playing soccer that's giving us information um however the other question was how often do you travel to ad joining communities to participate in recreational activities yeah what would those choices again what option what was the option month once a week there was one that says uh daily regularly irregularly for visit to open Park spaces it shouldn't be daily regularly or irregularly I would add a add a aspect to that of when in season because I am traveling three days a week during baseball outside of Li um like so like but I that is only a two and a half three month period yeah right so like it like and that might like lacrosse would probably be similar uh soccer at youth levels might be less it's a small town you got to go you play each other all the time you got somewhere else yeah yeah I would to because Den travel out to you part of your league you travel but there's another question here but you know basically are we are people going to newburry court to play tennis because we don't have any tennis courts here are people going outside to play pickle ball because we don't have enough time so it's not youth it's well it could be both Youth and adult um uh Town owned land should be put into per conservation um permanent conservation preservation but I said what about Recreation like the upper green lower grain it people do use it for recreation the upper green is used for soft baseball and the lower green at one point hosted some baseball and teams go there to practice but that's not in the survey like that yeah they question 11 what town of action do you favor to preserve open space and one is a town-owned land should be put into the Perman conservation Pres ation example of the upper green and M greens it does say examples yeah I think the more important agenda item mark would be if if they are going to stop meeting on a regular basis so we going to assign someone to go to the meetings or actually I know there's a spot there's a spot here at the as well yeah because in terms of uh my my belief in the way I've always operated like the planning sets out the big agenda for the town for everything that's planning one part of it is the open space aspect of it and that's the open space of what they do and then we would sort of fall underneath it what with that open space uh the recreational activities be so I I would suggest originally was for somebody from the planning board but there's you there's only one person on the planning board that's why it's a designated have them come to our meeting particularly when we're talking about land use issues so that we are fulfilling what they are just they are asking we're not doing as much survey or Outreach as open space and planning is but we're feeling they're telling us we need more hiking our survey see that our job would be to see if it's feasible to implement that and not for us to go follow what they're doing because they may be doing so many other things that are not Recreation per se so it would be great if um uh they designated somebody and they know have to be part of the open space Comm um to be at our meetings when we are dealing with that kind of issue our regular budget stuff isn't it is they do have a meeting tomorrow night in the Council on Aging space at 7.m anyone's interest so I will forward that information uh to David and and send an invitation for a member of their group it's permanent see that yeah I'm thinking the same thing I want to just say out May attend okay if you want to come early we're having game night and there is clam chder and Caesar salad really if you're interested those are my two most favorite things ever so you can come a little early have something to eat stay for your meeting just saying the invitation is open what kind of games we have a lot of games we have a lot of games that's we did buy that if you want to set it up cuz there's lots of pieces to that but we have everything we have Jenga we have what version I mean what there's lots of stuff hard games we have all kinds of stuff well I won't be bringing my J I'll bring both my pieces that's why I said J can we move on to new business oh before we new business I'm so sorry there one old piece of business that you didn't mention what's that the water bubbler that's that's under new business that's under new business it's a new year okay um all right so um oh all right so signage for Central Street recreational and environmental resource area um I keep driving by and seeing the two 4X force uh we initially bought us on years ago but it's only I think it's only one-sided so wi really wouldn't work for that um I don't know how other people think but I think that it would be nice to have the Central Street uh uh recreational area sign right there front and center and um I don't know other people that I'm I'm throwing that out there yeah the original sign was uh like 2500 uh both sides so you come going even though you would have Jed past the entrance if you're coming uh from the East going west uh it's nice identifier for those it's a big tall thing right there are two the idea was there's one on Central Street there metal post 4x4 that would hold that sign the idea was to have identification marker there so people coming uh visiting teams most of them are coming off the highway to say this is here in the field you're ready make the turnus oh where's the turn where's the turn there you are um and then there there at one point there was supposed to be another signage to get some of the rules the rules that we currently have only um excuse me guidelines are at the entrance of the facility Well yeah it's on the field it's on the actual like when you when you pull into the parking lot there's those well let me back up as you pull into the driveway there's a telephone pull between the two the entrance and exits y right there are the guidelines okay problem is not a good place if you're pulling in to read the guidelines nor do you want people to traveling through the parking lot or stopping there to read the guidelines so that sign was supposed to come down and get moved to where the fields 1 2 3 4 and five are located so that there's a big open space for where the signage where where people can see the rules guidelines are or you can move it down to uh closer to the field so there's ample space for people to see what the expectations are so my my thought is um get in touch with DPW and find out they because there there's two 4x4s to find out if we need two signs which I think we do one for the front one for the back whether they're the same same type of thing um that but just something that sets you know when you pull up it's a Central Street uh recreational fields and people know what it is the original sign not the original sign the sign that was made to fit there was both sides it had uh it should be both sides what's that it should be both but it but it was you can't with the 4x4 you can't because you going yeah there'll be there'll be two polls blocking whatever year so that's why it needs one on one side one on the other one full one full that will be attached and so just to talk to them and say you know how does this work with you and then we have if we have an idea that we can say um we can we can send it out to bid or not send out to bid well we can pick a a sign making company to um get a temp yeah get a get a template get done and have it so that it would be attached there and wherever they attach it won't affect what they've done as far as so that makes sense so can I ask a new question yeah what's the difference between Central Street recck fields and manter Fields um the history of that is simple the property was origin the original property was acquired by the town in I want to say 2000 as part of the M um Town Newberry cre environmental resource area the owner of the land about 65 acres lived across the street and wanted to um put some fields in there for you scorts because at the time there wasn't any and there still aren't any other additional Fields uh other than behind the bar Elementary which has at that time One softball field in order to bring in more people uh to purchase the property I want to say for a million dollars um it was a million dollars a million something um they wanted to make sure that it wasn't just for youth you know Fields so they brought in and they said hey here's an opportunity that's where the Genesis for the Cano launch was uh came into and there's supposed to be a path through the property um there's actually path between um that area behind the houses on School Street through Triton property behind the um calwell Farms which is an easement for were all the way to gobs gobs was all on board so that there could be a literally a River to River same river hiking path MH the town purchased the property to do that they start they put the fields in they used the fields the recreation committee back in 2015 I think or so wanted to acknowledge the longevity of the prior chairperson War manter who also owned the property prior to the town purchasing it they wanted to acknowledge his participation and the recreation committee said we will we want to name the fields after you they a proposal before the three individuals at the town for the town um select Bo at the time and they voted n me to call it name it um manter Fields plural not possessive so the so technically it's just a field area that's what they voted on the area itself is the Central Street recreational resource area now that we're getting more activities involved there's a there is some rationale to prevent people from getting confused because it's the basketball court is not a field the hiking path is not a field the playground is not the field so it to to make it more inclusive look at um the whole property because there's birding going on hiking going on possibly doing some camping in a way back so yeah so that's basically um so what we want to do is have a nice big sign out there on left and right hand side say blf so people know um but that is what it yeah my only concern is branding my like my question specifically was like what's the difference and apparently there's no difference you're in the same place so we need like from a let's not get our buses confused perspective we should have one thing to call it what it is like it could be I think everyone here calls it the Central Street people in town call it some people do on the website it's uh uh it's always been manter it's always been mans from I like I've always called it mans all my friends have call it mans I I have never met a single person outside of this that has called it anything but MERS so I think just as when it comes to you know branding recognizability maner maners whatever we decide to call it it's maner right it's maner Fields man man Fields Central Street Recreation so I I think that my thought would be that it is a major area now that we have basketball courts we have it's more than just the fields it's more than just the fields we have hiking trails back there so um it should be recognized as Central Street recreational area um now that's just you know one voice in the wilderness but you I think you're correct goes back to it's kind of like the garden right the fet center the garden fet center the garden yes TV TV Gard yes someone wants to pay us but to but it's it's it's really Central this what it was so have the sign up there and that's sort of what I'm saying it's like if you're going to Rebrand it Rebrand it yes but when I put that in our newsletter people say where is that can I we just back up for a second yes we must back we can make suggestions we're making suggestions but it's timately the select board that would make the final determination yes but this is what was created um but we have that in the and if we had a sign and the DBW that okay that um yeah I was but that's what I gold gold old M field oh yeah I just don't like the two post being there empty yeah looks like look like a mini yeah if if that thing worked post that I just Apple Maps calls it Central Street fields and Google Maps calls it V field yeah cuz Apple's a little bit more up to dat um so um what I if I propose to just uh have a discussion with DPW about what they would like for a sign and why is that sign down what's that why is that down that that's a picture of it that that is that is a that's a that's an artist rendition oh yeah the original sign that's an artist rition at one point was in the uh Fieldhouse it's still there under in the kitchen I yeah so um so anyway let's let's um let's have that discussion about um if you guys have any problem me talking to DPW about what they would need to install a sign there and um I think the question is is it needs to go through Tracy first yeah the SL right yeah no no no no no no no I'm not talking about naming it or putting it putting just what you need to put the sign up yes I want to do step one to find out what what whe they like that idea with a single sign that's sandwiched in between 4 feet or six feet or whatever that amount is and um because I would like to be able to have some kind of um something a little bit different than uh two post sitting and being empty there yeah no that makes sense and I may be kicked out of town Zoom but that's no you're not going to be uh that's so let's let's make that initial uh if it's okay I make a motion for me to uh talk to PGW I think you need motion you're going to do it I'm going to do it and all right so we will go on with um that uh water bubbler who do you know anything think about the water bubbler well it's a new fiscal year we didn't act on uh initial we appropriated the money for it and yeah but but it kept going back to D so DW would buy it and then they would charge last thing I heard they were still and I think Mark might have heard something or maybe John had that they were still looking for a plumber to install do have they were supposed to tell us what to buy we did we got that did we purchase it no no no we did we did we are not purchasing we told them what we wanted and they were going to go through the process of purchasing and getting plumber to install it and then give the bill to and then give the okay but that has that has not occurred that has not occurred while we have appropriated the money we haven't um secured it uh by the end of the F year I think we need to reappropriate those funds right yeah so have they gotten any further have they gotten any further otherwise we'll be in the same position as we were last year this year I will call and find out and I will end if that's the case and if they are in the process of doing it or can do it um I know that they were tied up with yeah they they going stuff going to the beach um thees and stuff they had a lot of things yeah and if we can get a a word on that then maybe next meeting we can vote on it to approve more to reapproved for our budget yeah all right just you're talking to James just put it on his radar that they should move that Court one more time okay about 9 in off now again yeah okay that just means it's being used no it is I and again I think it's just he needs to find a day with this all 14 of them are in the same place and we've I've actually got swart enough now I'm pulling the tiles around the Bas yeah so it's not like it's up anymore and I'm put the the tiles in the Box um just probably perfect no probably I'm uh uh fiscal year uh 25 uh fiscal spending plan I'm putting it uh together um we just need to have two numbers conf actually three numbers confirmed one is how much DPW is charging for this year okay um if you could look into that same thing with um myre how much I didn't see it on the on the end of year myre was 32 95 32 95 for the full year yeah and that came that bill came in on March 14th 3200 bucks for subscribe [Music] 3295 yeah okay and then that's why they really good about taking care of us that's the end of year 10 hours that's the only bill that I got from my record and that would have showed up on the um should be on the fiscal thing but I just I just printed out what I paid and where it went okay because we keep getting something from Samuelson and I I'll show it to you I know you've asked before um if we can get those numbers showed but it was from 22 but um yeah so I didn't see that in this year okay is all that I yeah so we're not and I don't know I don't know how I don't know um how the new accountant does it so that's another question about how they are because that's I guess it's just that there's you know there's a change over and maybe they do it the same way maybe not because there has been sort of a shift on how our our money is being spent um and John wanted to talk to about some spending right yeah just three minutes I I need some adult supervision here I went rogue on a comment that someone in this room made uh that we need a voice at town hall for recreation so I started down this path of what do every surrounding Town spend in Recreation and I contacted cass's office the uh State Rep and they were very helpful but there really isn't a state agency or a report from the state that would list specifically I'm looking for two General Ed chart of account numbers 620 account which is Recreation 630 is Parks um there there was there is some information on at the state level and it that includes the library so we either take that number and pull the find out the library numbers from the surrounding towns so anyway I I'm a grownup I can do all that stuff but I I I tried to find an easy answer there's no easy answer um and then I get thinking about am I just wasting my time here here because Newbury has essentially has a z budget for recreation so I'd say we're behind all the other communities um so I've actually got some real numbers from the state here but it includes the library anyway then I get thinking all right well this is crazy no one's going to vote to hire a new person in this town even though that's exactly what we need everything we've talked about tonight would be so much easier if there was someone sitting here who was staff member who was a staff member yeah and it doesn't have to be a you know $150,000 staff member um so could it be like a part-time person and then we get to and if Courtney were here you know this is what's going through my head and that's why I need what should I focus on because if we said all right we can have a self-funded summer program for kids we'll hire a teacher you know so there's no benefits involved and so maybe I should visit all these other towns and collect their their summer programs guides Hamilton is 95 Pages yeah West new's is two pages so it's I maybe the West New West new a different summer that it's a different summer well no but it's West new and so now so I started focusing on can I find a number what is West newy paying for that person and it's hard so I actually sent an email to Eve our accountant and said I don't want you to do anything but just tell me if I call the West newy accountants office what are the I want to know this what are the three questions I should ask and I'll just call all 14 and you know give me the 620 account give me the 640 account if there's any trust funds or revolving accounts give me that number so and and I think this all just points to May 25 town meeting like just let's let's and if this is again if this is seems something we shouldn't do we shouldn't do but to me we go into town meeting and say we' like to hire a directory is what everybody else spends and see what happens now and and I I my flaw probably is is maybe if we got Tracy on board easier yeah as opposed you know and it gets us over that first time and I I that's my fear at this point is maybe I'm approaching it right it's just kind of like Curious well I mean this is a good ground work to figure out I'm totally agreeing with that if we had I've always thought that if there were someone that was fulltime that yeah we've talked about it yeah no no getting it on line item getting our budget getting there so so it's it's like I've come full circle which is do we just ask Tracy to meet with us or can we come in and and whe it has to be just David or you know whatever the who the mechanic is because I mean we seem to communicate yeah you know James is very receptive you know so it's not like a the be where no one's backing us up our anything but it's just like and we got some great ideas and they just they kind of hang out there so it can be the impetus for having a sum program someone that you know I think I think that makes no that makes town meeting a no-brainer a because you get a large con constituency of parents that go and and people that would would would accept it and the Nay says we don't want to spend money it's like it's going to paid for itself um and and if I can find that the 14 other communities that do it the uh person who works in kanan's office had actually run before uh she's very helpful and she's she lives in box she ran some are you talking CHR c yeah yeah yeah yeah um and and and the woman who ran before her against Lenny is her Chief of Staff so I've I was working with her but I was working with her on July 28th it's like we're kind of busy you know it's the end of the year um but she's been volunteer in Boxford they had like 3 to 400 kids in the program when she was running it and she stepped aside it's not Christina is it it is yeah yeah okay so she comes to our office once a mon does she yeah for she does constituent Serv oh yeah okay yeah so if you need to yeah actually when's the next time she comes CU I'd like to calar that did you see it hey he did did you just put it there I have to upload that stuff every time um she's usually on Mondays at 9:00 a.m. okay but it's once a month I can double check for you thanks hopefully it wasn't no it wasn't I I from a direction standpoint everybody know your head that's yeah okay I'm not wasting my time no no as as you said before you the nothing can happen until we have ability of a line item and that goes into yeah that office the other question I to ask if you know where when you say their what their budget is what's the source of Revenue you know we are funded through the town other towns are uh other Rec departments are self-funded so their activities have to match up their with what their expenditures are some have a combination of we're going to give you 100,000 but then everything else that's where that's where well that's an option yes well we we need to know where the stream of funding is just for from a number standpoint officially the um this the state categories from an economic standpoint there's there's a category called Recreation and culture y libraries and Recreation culture uh local events like parades Etc are in there and recreation parks are in there so the 620s that that 600 series um new report 1.6 million is that what's allocated by the by that's their general fund expenditures for for recreation and culture okay which includes the library which includes the library so it just for our numbers our Recreation and culture numberers 41,000 believe it or not and that doesn't include your general fund 439,000 are the the library and and believe it or not there's $111,000 out there for historic commission so it it it's really you know some kind of uh it's a but I was just hoping there was a office of recreation and not culture you know uh that had the numbers so I I I'd started with all ess6 County I'm like well this is stupid you know someone tell me he's not going to care about Salem OR you know PE but you know like at Groveland West Newbury uh Georgetown Georgetown actually has got pretty good numbers but I think it's almost like you need to get on get in your car drive down of town hall and say I sent you an email yeah you could you could set up I mean I think that if you want to call up um the town administrator's office and just say hey can I have sit down with Tracy for she may ask to do it by Zoom or whatever but you could just you these numbers by and just find out um if it's a possibility yeah and and you know what her thoughts and concerns are because I think we have to go through that and I know that people all they're worried about budgets and budgets but not the time but no the time hand yeah yeah exactly right Kristen's at our office on September 9th at 9:30 excellent is it a coffee always is there someone at the door many times all right have a little sign there when there is no one when there's there's no one there you have a sign come in yeah which is good yes which is good and we're available yeah we're always available always during our open hours yeah we are closed on Friday I was very disappointed the door was locked when I came in at4 6 cuz I was up here actually you was shpping the sign around you hear me dragging where's the sign going now wherever one of you wants to bring it oh I it's been in my office for can you bring downstairs I'll pick it up later sure so I'll take it put in the field house but I I really think I had to get a piece of plexiglass clut cut justed I think that's the way to go and then we can put anything in there we want two pieces of Plex glass how thick is the it's like an 8 in I think yeah it's not thick all right um so yeah so umay cash can we I think we establish date and time for the next meeting um which would be September I I don't know if you want to do it at the beginning of the month um which would be in two two weeks or will it be two weeks or three maybe three weeks Monday is Labor Day yeah we can do yeah we can do the nth anyone have a problem doing Monday the nth at at um 6:30 quite certain that should be fine you're out John I am out on theth you win that should be okay month uh following Monday 16th Works actually I don't want to but don't 16th work what 16th 16th would work um just yeah 16th 16th now month 16ths that's fin any time uh 6:30 6:30 I hang one second I have to make it legit I move to adjourn the meeting at 2:15 8 8:15 um all in favor all right let's do it nice second