all right good evening everybody it's Thursday July 18th 2024 the time is 7:30 p.m. we are at the Newbury municipal offices 12 kway and bfield mass this is the second floor hearing room this is the zoning board of appeals meeting uh public hearings and with us tonight we have our Administrative Assistant Chrissy opri uh Eric spond the chair we have Mario kavali member and we have Michelle weeder a associate member voting member all righty so with that let's open the meeting and let's get to the first call to order public hearing okay uh Christopher Megan Mercer 31 Ralph slain the applicants are requesting a special permit finding for relief from section 97-102 c detach accessory Apartments of the Newber zoning bio and any other permanent relief has may be required under the town of Newberry zoning bylaws to allow the proposed huse project in order to construct a detached accessory unit for use as an accessory apartment on the property located at 31 Ralph Ling Newberry Mass 01951 accessory maew 06 l24 this is continued from 5624 and 62024 meetings uh a review of the submitted supplemental revised plan review of the draft decision discussion and approval okay so we at the last meeting made the motion for drafting the decision we also made a motion to accept the decision and this is the decision what we are doing here is we just really looking for edits um and since the decision is approved and since Jack is the voting member um I think we're just looking for majority vote to accept the decision edits if there are any okay okay all righty so um Chrissy drafted up the decision it looks pretty good I have like three three edits of uh just adding a little detail to it um so mine up first yeah all right so um one procedural history number three uh just to clarify that the the applicants comma Megan Mercer comma represented themselves at the May 16th so it clarifies that she was the one page two number four um end of the towards the end of the last sentence but written comments comma by George Reon comma 31 rolls Lane if we would add George Reen and 31 roll Slaine comment and support of the project were received uh from a direct butter I'll make that some um on two submitted materials and information if you go down to number two the supplemental submittal for the special permit received June 20th 2024 included and so there were were that was the date it was received but the date of the the site plan with some slight modifications on it was June 26th so maybe um after the word walkway you could add um modified 62624 period all right uh a lot of history this is copiously taking verbatim the sections right out of the zoning and answering each one I get down to four decision number three and we should just say any modifications to the structure or its location so if we could add or is location comma the rest of the paragraph is great and then at the end begin site plan of 31 R Lane Mass dated May 12th uh 2024 revise 06 26 24 change the 20 to 26 do you need to sketch layout to improve the additional date that was changed did you change make it no the [Music] the so with that there's 16 Pages here that were sent out about the application the rejection letter um they're notorized [Music] um about their statement of use zoning card you know this Maps so this is dated the fourth so it is the plan of the cottage which had has not changed so uh the data plan is one that Chang correct and then so this plan which is the unit plan and this site plan which is dated 626 of which there's a blow up here um it's included with the photographs and that's the the all the items that were submitted during now here so the 26 is that correct yes this this is this is dated 6.6 okay this is 620 yeah got it got do we care about the Stormer Fring um that is new isn't it K yeah I think the sewer department infiltration inflow Reduction Program from City that's proof that they paid for the six bedrooms is that listed as a actually I did not that in the supplemental I just added that because we discussed it and it's in the decision under the blurb about um let's see uh under page 4H I wrote the newb Port water andur department has confirmed that the applicants filled out the required form and paid the required fee to have six boms supported so I just added that to your paperwork they didn't submit that I found it online and just added it to packages as proof okay that's fine nor this is a little different because they are connected something as opposed the most show it on a site plan yeah okay and um that that was it for me I'm good y I'm good too okay so um a motion just to accept the edit yeah I'll make a motion to accept the draft with additional updates and comments from this evening's meeting agre all those in favor I I all right so we have uh edits to the decision that was already approved approved we have attachments that are approved so it's what's the 18 yes thank you just Peter will get a copy of this and then he can yes okay so um with that with the approved and with the the minor edits that Cy has made here's the signature page sign and then Jack um Michelle you can sign and Jack want have to come [Music] in and um when Jack comes in to sign if you're leaving this in the Box it should have the whole absolutely he'll just give it back to me I'm joking [Music] [Music] good okay that building plan all right for the next one uh George and James sinus ass reality trust 5 Cinder Avenue the applicants are requesting a special permanent finding for the relief of section 97- 4 d-5 c01 increase in square footage and 02 upward extension of Newber zoning zoning bylaws and any other permanently as may be required under the Towners zoning bylaws to allow the proposed use project in order to raise the existing non-conforming single family dwelling and garage on the lot and re construct a new single family gr on the property located at 5 Cinder Avenue Plum Island Newber mass 01951 cessors m u05 82 and this is continued from 620 24 meeting uh review of the draft decision discussion and approval but I do believe so yep sorry I received a call from Doug today requesting a continuance to a meeting date to be discussed uh he has the supplemental information but he did not get it to the board in time uh so he's asked that he could submit the information next week and I will get it to the board for review and discussion at the next meeting which we will decide when that is correct so I have a typically sometimes we take August off just to give ourselves a month off um the third Thursday is the 15th I I have um um a first thing so I can't make the 15th uh I did text Jack Jackson Philadelphia and he said he can make any date but the 8th since we are moving this along I propose that we do it August 1st I it's August 1 and and that would be um two weeks from now if we get the information submitted and to us early next week we have time to review do it we can move this along we'll get the rest of the month off we'll meet uh the following month on the third Thursday is what's being proposed what I'm proposing we don't have any other new projects right for so nothing is in front us at the moment yeah um it's we have about three or four in the pipeline for that are coming for September okay well that'll be good to have yeah yeah I already drafted the decision for five senders August first okay okay so um do we need to take a vote to vote on let's let's talk about the draft so there is a draft here of the decision um and I I guess I would propose that we just take this home read this you'll email a copy to um and I think this is a jack Mario Eric vot um yes so Michelle please please read and see if you find any edits or anything like that okay uh and then what we'll do is we'll be prepared with additional supplemental information we'll have a draft with any edits on it we can review this uple evental information uh close the meeting um make a motion on this and if it moves to um a decision then there's a draft decision before us just to be clear about that that's so now that we've discussed that let's move on to is there a motion for continue so I'll make a motion to continue the discussion uh with supplemental information on August 1st 7:30 here at Newbery Town Hall second second yep all those in favor I so it is continue to August 1st 7:30 here at Town Hall all righty um other business Cricket Lane 55 R Pearson Drive understanding as of today half the trees are cleared M has anybody driven by the site I haven't um and there was a submittal for the retaining wall for the drive to to get into the property um if any I guess Chrissy if anything has changed then we want to see it okay and we're expecting that Peter being the one that has issued the building permit if something changes then we should get notified okay other than that I don't think we want to Stack up or have uh drawings or paper printed for our our quick review because we're really not going to retain it and Peter is retaining it yeah does that make sense yeah yeah okay so that's the update on um Cricket Lane and we we all are going to do a better job on meeting minutes and having a meeting minute and trying to approve in the next meeting and and keep going uh we we um we get very comfortable with very very detailed decisions that outline the whole but they're not exactly meeting minutes so we will do a better job to record who is here who is present who who spoke um outline the general order of what um of the process of the discussion and then certainly record any documents that were delivered on that date yeah um and as we understand the meeting notes don't have to be verba them word for word so Chrissy can take a breath that she's taking meeting notes yes and they're also recorded verbatim on the camera there so we will do we will U make sure we're we're compliant and expedient moving forward and that's that so make a motion to adjourn the meeting is there a second second yes all in favor I I passes thank you