##VIDEO ID:jxEoHIb2wo8## the flag the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands Na godible and justice for all thank you everybody for coming um our first first item on the agenda public comment we're going to receive oral Communications from members of the public members of the public May address the select board for up to 3 minutes the select board shall not engage in discussion on topics raised during public comment but may choose to add the topic to a future agenda the segment will be limited to 15 minutes is there any public comment tonight I Mike come on up good evening everyone Mike Joan have new um I'm asking for the next meeting to have something put on the agenda and I would like to have the media committee reestablished um when we signed the contract in 2019 with cable for 10 years it stated in the contract we're supposed to have a media committee and granted it was dissolved in you know for a number of reasons but I would like to see if we can get interest in it again if there's a committee formed and you know FL one SE properly done and do it the right way and get and let's get it done I mean there was a report that was done of the town and it's filled with valuable information that can help get this en rolling so what than three minutes I just pass that on I would like to so do I have to put it in a in a ladder if you want to you can you guys consider it from this we'll take it into consideration so you don't need a l no okay thank you thanks Mike yeah any other public comment tonight okay um grants gifts and donations we have state 911 emergency medical dispatch grant for $188,000 motion to accept second any discussion all in favor I a donation of four file cabinets to the police department by John Ferrara motion to accept second any discussion on this one all in favor uh William and Geraldine Deo Bill's going to recuse himself William and Geraldine Deo a donation of a purple heart wreath motion to accept all in favor I I okay Bill you can come back back the friends of the Newbury Council on Aging uh $2,639 motion to accept second any discussion all in favor I I under new business we have a declaration of surplus for a 202 Ford Explorer previously used by the Newbury Police Department motion to declare Surplus the 2024 Explorer used by the police department second any discussion on this all in favor I I I we have an appointment of Virginia Salem for an election worker to be appointed for the remainder of the calendar year motion to appoint Virginia second any discussion all in favor I I I and we have an appointment for Alysa Walton as an election worker to be appointed for the remainder of the calendar year motion to appoint Alyssa second all in favor we have approve a onday liquor license uh Notch Brewing opening day event at one Elm Street Newber Mass a motion to approve the there second second second sir did you want to come up and talk about your event uh hi everyone my name is uh Nicholas queso uh I work at notch bwing in Salem um so we were um approached by Governor's Academy to do a welcome event for um new students coming in and so it's all 21 plus um basically open bar welcome event uh just to introduce everyone there and um you know they can socialize um so my job is the mobile beer Gard manager so we kind of have a traveling tap truck that goes and does these events I have done hundreds of events over the last few years uh I'm tip certified um all IDs will be checked to confirm that guest are 21 plus um the event would be running from 5: to 9:00 p.m. um only using plastic cups so no glass so uh minimize the risk of um any Cuts or or anything um and um we'll have a rope dot drinking area so no one is wandering off with alcohol well thought out yeah so this is kind of we do this on a weekly basis at different locations so at this point we've pretty much uh you know perfected more or less um how to minimize risks great thank you any questions from the board I I I apologize if there's a map in here already but where's the truck going to be on the campus do do you know off hand or uh I don't recall off the top of my head um but I know they have an area dedicated to like an event space um unfortunately I'm just not I should know I live right down the street but I yeah I I don't recall but I I do know that they do have a dedicated um drinking area uh set up for us so um yeah so it'll be limited to to one one spot I have a question um is this a full liquor license or just a um uh just beer just so just a beer garden yes correct okay any further questions all in favor hi hi thank you great thank you very much event thank you okay next on the item on the item on the agenda is the bfield community art center uh 7 Central Street one day liquor licenses um I'll entertain a motion to approve motion to approve second okay any discussion on this yes okay Leslie um the discussion is as the who will the um liability go under for this one day event if the is the rental leas still pending the rental leas is still pending so how does that actually work out as far as well it depends on whether or not they're subleasing it out if they're subleasing it then it has to be approved by the select board and we would get the insurance the appropriate insurances um from those parties if they're holding the event themselves then it's covered under our insurances okay y thank you I can speak you want to come up and speak I can speak on that say who you are thank you Dave I Dave Hill uh executive director at the bcac um so on insurance um we typically our insurance has uh the town of Newbury as a additional insured so we make sure to cover both us and the town as the owners of the property um so that that is something our insurance covers and these events that we're approving there they're all they're your events correct these are all under the bcac yes no and David you said everything is in order with these correct yeah the f I can list the dates if you want yes so we have nine total it's August 27th August 31st September 1st September 6th September 14th September 27th September 28th September 29th and October 15th all of this year those are all in the evening I believe afternoon evening right what was that the one of them the uh Blues event is afternoon evening uh the blues events the Sunday ones are earlier we open at like 4:30 and those are done by about 9:00 okay any further questions I do we have any idea when the lease is going to be available David Dave sure uh it should be posted in the central register will be posting tomorrow U Mr Hill will get a copy tomorrow yes good to hear any other questions for me okay all in favor hi hi thank you Dave thank you guys next we have approved business license good luck with your events um we have have an approve a business license of water dog grooming 94 New Port Turnpike Britney Charles approve water dog grooming business license second is Bry here no I don't see Bry here is this a renewal or is this new or believe it's a renewal it's a renewal I think it was an input there the she was in partners with B's dog on Han Street they moved the location and the two of them had a had a break up and the girl that was started P's dog is gone to salery and she the other girl stays in the area so I I'm I'm not sure if that would make it new or not just you know fill you in just a change of the name same operation yeah yeah okay okay just a name change okay all in favor I I I uh we have a public hearing do you know what time that post is at at 7:15 David uh we didn't post it separately as a different time so any anytime the board would like to open I could okay uh I guess we'll open it now um there's uh we have the right of a first refusal on 61a um it's an option for 34 Central Street it's a public hearing does um is there anybody here from 34 Central street that would like to be heard David no David Powell did you come for this public hearing I'm here as a member of the open space committee and also a member of the public okay do you want to come up and speak uh not until you've had your discussion which should have started 10 minutes ago okay um okay so we have in your packet you have um I think it's date of July 2nd it's right after uh the Declaration of the Ford Explorer there's a letter by Robert E Pritchard and Melanie Pritchard to um of a notice of intent to sell and convert land pursuant to Massachusetts general laws chapter 61a section 14 it's 34 C Central Street um I believe the town has had uh has looked at this the I think the planning board looked at it and um we don't have any municipal use for this so in order for it to go into 61 or come out of 61a um the town has a right of first refusal and if we were going to use it for anything for municipal use I don't believe the town of Newbury has any municipal use for this um is there any any questions from the board um the buyer they they have they already have a buyer correct is that what I read in here I believe so and is I I saw the the price in the buyer and um I just I I'm I kind of feel I'm I'm sorry the pritchet aren't here uh and Tracy you might know this I mean is this something that that was favorable to them is this is this uh and I know I'm just asking for an opinion but so so the matter before the board is whether or not we find municipal use for this right right has nothing to do with the sale the price of the sale it well it's in the package yeah no it does I mean I me public record it's in the package so but the matter before us is whether or not we want to uh to I guess to sign and take it for a municipal use exercise your right of first refusal right we have the right of first refusal on right I got it so I just want a little background that's all but so perhaps Mr Powell can come up and give us a little background did you have comment on this okay David Powell 5 Kent way uh and I'm a member of the open space committee um which and 61a 6161 A and B issues are within our purview so um it was on the agenda for the meeting that we would have had tonight had we not some had some illness um okay um uh what I know about this is that it goes back some time um that essentially uh you have a almost what present 10 acre lot maybe a little more that um has been in 61a for many years um and so the owners currently have come to the town to ask them to be taken out of 61a because they put it on the market and they in fact had a negotiation out of which came an offer from um a realy and developer outfit in North Andover and the agreement was drawn up as I understand it but the buyer at that point didn't actually know that the land was under 61a um and so when that emerged it complicated the issue um and what you have simply is is a straightforward request however in the interim the town War us voted to put that under a zoning overlay in relation to the MBTA um Housing Initiative if you remember which essentially identified two Parcels in bfield one of which was that parcel and that is a by right situation meaning that if you off to do that you can do it by right um however there are indications that the current people who are offering to buy it from probably wouldn't choose to do by right because their track record is doing 40 BS and so in many ways a 40b is a better option for them for a bunch of reasons um so that's what I know there are some other things which I don't think are particularly relevant um I personally am a little puzzled as to why the planning board didn't make any recommendation because that's their responsibility even their though their recommendation might have been um you know very open um they should have made a recommendation not left it to you um and I don't know has there been a report from the Conservation Commission do we have any feedback from any of our boards of committees on this uh we have an official letter from the planning board um the board of assessors me on it uh similar situation determined that there was no municipal use yeah um Conservation Commission we did not receive anything well you you say it hasn't been is that what you're saying hasn't been hasn't been what that hasn't been a recommendation they haven't discussed this I don't know if they've discussed it we didn't receive a written recommendation from the Conservation Commission so we received something from the planning board saying that there was no municipal use we received something from the board of assess saying they had no municipal use and the Conservation Commission hasn't opined to the select board well you're obliged to get a response before you can make a decision from the Conservation Commission the law requires it do you are you aware of that David I am not I did not see that um well as I understand the the 61a and the instru ructions on the State website there are two [Music] important uh town or community and one is the planning board and the other is the Conservation Commission the the law requires that the the sellers um attorney typically make notification to those boards and committees um and then we the town have 120 days to exercise our right of first refusal okay when did that time tick off when did that clock start ticking I think it was June 2nd the letter the letter of um deav David attached this p and says on July 3rd July 3rd planning board Conservation Commission and state Forester an assessor and planning board assessor and plan July 2nd is with the letter that I I have yeah that's what we should was received on the okay and we and the and the Conservation Commission have they met since July 2nd believe they have and they have not opined either way on this correct they have not so they were notified yes all parties that were needed to be notified we notified okay and Town Council has vetted this Tracy yeah this has already been through town Town Council what does vetted mean that she's reviewed Town Council she's reviewed it sorry Town Council has reviewed this before yeah but what does that mean I've reviewed it it means that that everything is in order for us to vote to exercise a right of first refusal I don't think so that if you have on record that the Town Council has said that fine if you can produce that but I don't think so um if they have I can't imagine why they would if they didn't find that you'd had some response from the Conservation Commission even if it were vable and not written so if we table this to the end of the month uh the end of September our next meeting is that still within the 12 20 days checking right now I have a quick do we have to vote for open public hear um I don't believe that happened so yes you would have to we that did that never happened right I don't believe so just saying good catch sorry to be difficult but if you want to do this properly uh it needs to be done prop properly yeah we should be in with time it's 120 days so you have more more than enough time okay so do we do what I'm missing is the language to open the public hearing so um motion to open the public there you go y all right is there a second second okay so it is 7:20 I'm going to assume this public hearing is now open um Mr um and I'm in favor of that yeah uh Mr P Powell um has suggested that we're missing um we have rece we have received uh information from the assessor's office and the planning board we're missing uh information from the Conservation Commission um I I'll entertain a motion to table this to our next meeting motion tables discussion next you can postpone it yeah sure until we get all our in a row all right I have a motion to Table in a second all in favor I I I I okay this will be tabled to our September 20 4th I think one of the key things to Alicia is if you read that correctly David you have town has to have a use for it technically you don't even have to have a public for this no but it's AOS to public hearing doesn't yeah but you don't have to it's fine we'll continue until September it's fine okay that September what 24th thank you so there was no posting in the in the paper there was okay all right well let's run it like a regular public hearing then the next time where the language is here where I open it and stuff like that Dave can I ask can I ask Dave a question the uh what you were talking about with the the 40b versus the uh the the the new overlay yeah um would and this is just for anybody in the room would I'm going to stop can you have that conversation with him after this that's not on the agenda we Ted the public hearing the public hearing's not closed yet that's on the agenda we tabled it okay can can you mind do you guys mind talking about it after after the I'm not going going to talk to him privately I I want to talk to him so that the entire town knows what I'm talking about so I can wait until the next selbo meeting is it g is it about a matter that will come before us it's about what he just told us I all I want to know is my you know I I'll just sit here it's all right no I think it's a reasonable question I think I can answer it all right go ahead my my my my question is is the the you know the differences between the 40b and the overlay would would the buyer have the option of exercising 40b and not exercising the overlay If he if he bought the property and I yes he doesn't have to exercise The Bu right gotcha that's that's all I want to know okay yeah that's it okay and that matter won't come before us so and Alicia Kristen here too so we can ask her Clarity on some of those things too well Kristen can you be at our next public hearing sure thank you September 24th thank you D David September 24th well I'm sure actually the person who really should be here is the planning director and should have been here all along but I guess she wasn't invited she's here she's here she here she oh she's here oh there she is very good didn't notice when you're up here you she's quiet there right okay not so she can correct me if I'm wrong but um by the way you know what can I have Kristen come up for a minute I guess I will ask you can I finish oh yeah go ahead I thought you were done I would just draw your attention to the fact that when you publicize a public Hearing in the newspaper and you have a time the public hearing has to happen at that time not at your convenience correct and so when you publish your agenda on the on the net or when you print it up your the agenda for the select board it should show that it usually does well it didn't not fact wasn't there was insufficient information on that item most people wouldn't have known what the hell that was about okay really should and also there should have been a link to the publication in the newspaper or or a PDF of it so please when you do this kind of thing do it properly your staff work is pretty poor as far as I can see okay thank you sorry about that no thank you for the feedback otherwise I might not have been here because I might have thought you knew what you were doing thank you David Christ can you come up and um explain a little bit about this um is there hi Kristen grubs planning director um are there is there a specific question the plant well I'm I'm speaking to what David has suggested about how there was uh the Conservation Commission is required by law to opine on this we haven't received anything to do with that all we received was a letter from the uh assessor the bo the planning board and the assessor the board of assessors um are you aware of any that if the Conservation Commission has I yeah so I don't know if they um I I believe the requirement is for the notification originally of all the Committees so I think that would be important for the select board to know that the Conservation Commission received it and that they had a discussion I don't I am not Town Council so I I'm not going to confirm or deny David's point which is whether the select board needs the recommendation in order to proceed with your own discussion I'm not sure um I don't know that's wrong but I'm also not going to confirm that legally that's in the chapter 61a or not um okay but I will say that the planing board received the notice appropriately I know the notice was reviewed by Town Council as Tracy and David said um and all was in order in terms of their obligation to notify so that was all done lethally um and the memo from the planning board and their discussion did acknowledge that the parcel was included in the multif family overlay District as David informed you um that's that was an important part of the discussion I think that is relevant because it demonstrates that the parcel is appropriate for residential development chapter 61a keeps the parcel in open space and agriculture um but the con conveyance of the property would change the use from open space from agriculture um selling their eggs and having the green houses which they've had for years to a residential use so that's the transfer the town's in order to exercise Its Right would have to match the purchase price I haven't heard that said yet I think that's an important consideration for the select board is to consider your your if you were to be interested in exercising your right of first refusal you would have to match the purchase price um and have that funding available you can also as a lays out transfer your right of first refusal to a conservation organization but they would also need to agree and to be ready to have the same purchase price matched so those are important uh you know relevant considerations I think as yes you consider this yeah so I think in terms of the open space committee they are often asked by select boards for opinions because it's an open space tax classification um but the planning board did consider the conservation values the open space committee as David mentioned was supposed to meet tonight in which we thought was in advance of your public hearing so I think the open space committee probably at their next meeting will have a discussion of this if they choose to make a recommendation um to the select board or if you're interest I should say if the select board would like a recommendation from the open space committee um we'll have an opportunity to do that before your September 24th well I think it's important that all boards and committees weigh in on this so I would like a recommendation for the open space great okay thank you so this has been tabled and we're going to um since it is a public hearing I believe it has to be moved into a uh date and time certain so I'm going to move this uh till um September 24th at 7:15 p.m. okay okay thank you do I need to vote on that I haven't done a public Hearing in so long uh you had a motion and a second to continue to September 24th already at 715 okay all in favor okay thank you all right no old business we have Town administrator's report yes thank mam sherff so um um we had a lot go on in the last month summer is usually a very busy time in terms of projects and public works and the like so first um the community was awarded a green communities Grant um thank you to DPW and and to the planning director for their work on that the amount of the grant was $133,900 uh we're going to use that money to replace the Newber Elementary School's existing pneumatic control system with a it's a direct digital control so it's an automatic type system that will um provide control for all the HVAC equipment uh located in the original 1977 part of the building round school yep um and the boiler room so um newb Elementary School currently accounts for about a third of the town's annual energy usage and because the building is old it's a really great uh candidate for this type of improvement um hopefully this automation will be um expected to bring substantial uh energy conservation and reduce costs we also expect to receive between 50 up to $210,000 in National Grid incentive grants if this you assuming we move forward with this project and we realize the savings we anticipate right now we're in the design phase uh the Mitsubishi is working on heat pump um specifications for us for when we go out to bid once the uh we're hoping to complete the first phase this fall which includes replacing the large unit in the gym if we all goes according to plan um then the next phase of our work would be completing the roofing project come this spring we'd be asking for the Final Phase of uh funding for that project right now we've completed an additional 12,400 Square ft on the roof this season so again hoping you know everything's kind of once this is done then we'll move on to that type situation so if everything goes according to schedule with the HVAC units then we plan to finish the roof next season then that'll be have to tell me yes yes yep Tracy if I may yep uh so the the first phase isn't going to be completed before school starts um not before school starts but we hope to begin around no you know by November and the the the piece of equipment the grant the $33,000 will this it if it gets will it be will it adapt to the new system also it's part of the new system so it's part of the new system so so it's not only going to enhance the old system now but it's also going to be correct running the new system later correct so these are savings um this is this is an example of so we go to town meeting we take a vote we use our Engineers estimates to come up with how much we think a project will cost cost we're looking at approximately a $2 million project well that project has now been reduced by $133,900 then if we get incentives it'll be further reduced obviously we won't know the exact project costs until we go out to bid but um you know just just because we actually have the approval of town meeting and get the funding in place that doesn't stop department heads and managers from Contin continuing to try and pursue grant opportunities when it fits the criteria of the projects that we're looking at so perfect but the roof was the work was done on the roof y we've already completed the roof for this for this year project yeah the portion that was supposed to be done this year is done is already done yes yep um we're also uh we had a meeting earlier this week we're working with mvpc on a safe streets and roads for all Grant um again this is this is focused on eliminating roadway deaths and injuries and those types of things where where I this particular area had been been identified previously um it is a demonstration Grant so it would um make temporary safety improvements for a period of time if we should be awarded the funding and then it gives you um kind of a concept so you could see what it would look like if you made those changes permanently um mvpc has put together a few ideas for a temporary treatments in that location so um connecting the sidewalk Network around Elm and and the School Street um side of the roadway so more to come on that if we should be successful in getting that Grant um but I think they've already started doing some traffic count work I saw them laying the I saw them laying it to this morning you told me yeah yeah so so that's an area where you know we've had some concerns in the past I know the chairman of the board of assessors had brought that to us uh quite a while ago so we were we were looking into that and other people as well um law enforcement body One camera grants say do you want to talk about that at all I can touch on that it's on um the acceptance of the grant is up for um the next select board meeting um so I'll repeat everything then that I'm saying now but um we've been awarded a grant for us to get outfitted with body warn cameras we had to partner with Georgetown Police Department um in order for this grant we alone weren't um large enough of a department to qualify but when we partnered with another Community we met the CR ior and they allowed us um to submit an application so Newberry is the host Agency for this grant so once um approved by the board and um once we get an executed contract from the Commonwealth we will be looking um at going forward with the Department wearing body born cameras so this is this is a big deal this is a massive expense that is with this Hardware Grant being taken off of the taxpayer body War cameras right now aren't mandatory for officers in the common wealth but do I suspect that at some point in the future they will be and should be I do um so the fact that we're at least getting this Hardware expense out of the way is Big what will then come down the road is um that would be on the taxpayer back is the cloud storage for the data storage would be something that we would need to Capital plan for um and work into the police budget as we move forward um and replacement costs if they get damaged but once you have the initial setup that's the that's a big big expense right out of the gate um and it's a state Grant so we were fortunate to be able to get it some of the federal grants are much more competitive and go to the larger agencies so Georgetown um and the Georgetown Chief and I are very happy that we were awarded this grant for our two little departments so but congratulations sorry to accelerate you for a week that's perfect I I'm good with it but again I'll repeat you know repeat that for the agenda item next week but we are super excited that we're going to be able to get up and running this fiscal year with this important um tool not only for law enforcement but for the public it's just it's another step in the right direction for transparency between law enforcement and the public interaction so I'm very happy about this we're going to be meeting next month not next week it's yeah it's next month month yeah perfect uh if I may the you talked earlier to us about the the radio upgrades and stuff and I'm assuming that this is all part of that bundle separate so the body warn cameras are a separate piece than anything to do with the with the radios that we received okay is it is it is it going to be live I mean is the is the C is the body cam live or is it or is it does it go to the cloud and then you get to look at it so we we have a policy that when the body camera needs to be activated and it's compliant with public records laws and privacy expectations and things so if I'm inside your home you have the right to tell me to take it off you know shut it off um and we do so there's there's a number of different ways that we'll be aware of when we can constitutionally use the body cameras and when we can't and then public records law dictates how long different interactions that are classified as such need needs to have that documentation held on to um so you know a general encounter is going to get held on to in the cloud you know less than a a domestic let's say or or something else so we we will be compliant with all of that but as far as our radio Transmissions it has nothing to do with it and the public you know public there's no live feed for anyone on the camera it downloads to the cloud um and then we can share it so no one can log in and look at the interaction with people but it it is open again you know just like our police reports are subject to public records request our you know our body camera footage would be too it would be allowed to be used in internal investigations if somebody makes an allegation against an officer you know to support um or or not support the claim so it it really there are a number of different ways that this is a huge win for the public and for the Department um but again it's it comes at an expense for the data storage but we'll go to that next month thank you thanks thank you um the newb elementary school parking lot the prep work for the paving of that lot was completed the school had asked us if we would intentionally hold off until the end of the month because they had a lot of programming that they were running through the summer um through the summertime so I I think it's going to be finished tomorrow and then they'll do the line striping later on at the end of the month um but in advance of of school starting and then uh last Thursday we opened bids for the fire station floor we awarded it to price landscape and construction at Boxford as they were the low bidder with a bid of $58,000 the project will take a couple of weeks to complete and they hope to start sometime in mid-september library roof project we have a bid opening scheduled for September 4th that as you know is a metal roof project um engineering that has been completed will ensure um that the installation is done properly so they'll be on board to inspect as the construction occurs we also this month signed our municipal office lease it's been fully executed it allow allows us for three three-year periods of extension all um subject as everything else is to town meeting approval um that's about all I have on that no oh each each year has a 3% escal annual escalation you may be aware that Hanover Street had a water Newburyport did a water main replacement project it was um we heard from a number of impacted residents and they expressed concerns about the what they felt was in adequate notification there were parking issues there was dust noise those types of things um resultant into the project but their biggest concern was relative to the fact that they were going to have to connect to the main and the city had given them a very short window in which to do so by the end of this September um the expense they had quotes ranging from like $2500 to about $7,000 to do that work work um chair Greco uh DPW director James seret and I met with the mayor and some of his staff to discuss it um and in the end they decided to extend that period of time through June 30th of 2025 so the property owners have a little bit more time um to get that work done and I think that project as well should be completed before school we'll get started uh let's see we received notification that Triton received a 25 fiscal year 25 student Opportunity Act evidence-based practice Grant um we don't usually get notification of of their Grant Awards but this one did come to us so I just wanted to let you know it's for um it includes things like co- teing and inclusion for students with disabilities and English learners and the grant award was for $156,500 so congratulations to them the I wanted to show you a picture so the lower green Schoolhouse had a tremendous amount of activity a lots of visitors couple weeks ago go we had a local beekeeper Mary wsel Brown who's a Newbury resident who helped us out with removal oh wow not sure what they were doing there but lots of lots of activity that day so thank you to Miss Brown for her assistance appreciate they were of them L right right and the schoolhouse roof project the historical commission is in the process of determining what product they want to use once that's decided then DPW will handle the bid process from there um Orchard Street Culvert replacement project is still on time as I had mentioned before beginning late August uh through November the bcac lease um as David mentioned will be going out tomorrow Library collective bargaining still ongoing uh as is Year End closing wow that's a lot any questions the the covet on or that's orent street right is is that going to is that going to close the whole Road not the whole road but they're going to um but I mean like it'll be aad it'll be a dead end on both ends is that what it's going to do that's the detour route will be Middle Road to Elm Street throughout the construction period right and you said that's end of August through September November no no oh je yep I mean it's going to alleviate flooding and we'll add guard rails for safety so I know it's going to be an inconvenience for a time period but but it'll be fixed oh I understand the concept they they want the water to be able to leave quicker yeah I get it yeah makes sense okay um we have new course respondence any meeting updates no seeing none oh yeah I went to a meeting Friday night I went to the uh Cas show a consider a meeting it was a good turnout of people a lot of cars they seem to be local people showing off their cars and um I crudos to to Tony and to uh Steve for pulling it off well done um I do have a meeting update I did meet with um the Triton facilities group um and we met with khabib and Associates to talk about alternatives to the roof um should Triton not be invited into the msba program this year um something has to be done with the roof because it can't it will fail um so they're going to look at we we we met with this Central Brian was there the uh Brian and the other Brian uh the business manager was there the principal of the of the high school um a couple school school committee members myself uh sberry and Raleigh select board uh they couldn't make it but or Neil was supposed to he couldn't make it and neither could um Christine Neil and from s uh Raleigh but I was there and school committee members from Newbury and Raleigh were there uh sbur couldn't make it but it was a very good meeting they kind of looked at the whole plan of the school what is definitely you know most needed um and they're again khabib is going to come back with an alternative to what happens if we don't they don't get invited into the school thing so I have no idea what that's going to look like um the next meeting I think is going to be in September I'm I'm not going to be able to to attend I asked Tracy to attend on my on my behalf and we'll see what what they come up with they said they need about 3 weeks to figure about and I think they're going to come up with two Alternatives so two different ideas so that's ongoing does that you said it's the facil it's a facilities so the DCC doesn't it's got nothing to do with the DCC so it would not be discussed in a DCC meeting as an agenda item okay but the DCC doesn't mean it's a separate separate group okay um Matt Landers is the he's the chair of that facilities committee um review and approve meeting minutes um I'll entertain a motion to approve June 25th 2024 meeting minutes motion to approve second all in favor there was one of them I wasn't there so I which I was looking at them I um I think it was 87 I forget which one it was but um so um I they all look good to me except for the one that I wasn't there I wasn't there right well let's take them one at a time so we have um July 23rd 2024 meeting minutes entertain MO is there a second second all in favor I have a minor minor Point minor correction yeah I think uh one to three pages in David at the bottom the motion at the bottom of that third page had discussion of it's Mrs carrian perz was her mother who was in the audience so it should be caran c a r r i g n she had the movie event so so I'll entertain a motion with that with that edit and this is July 23rd correct yes yeah that's the meeting I wasn't at so motion to accept second all in favor I I we have executive session meeting minutes from July 23rd motion to approve 72324 executive session second all in favor I I and we have August 7th meeting minutes that was a real short meeting I don't think Leslie I don't think you were here for that one motion to approve second all in favor hi hi hi did you approve the 6 25 minutes yeah we did those those already okay yeah that's the one I I missed that too Tracy so June 25th we we are June 25th sign warrant in in the meeting uh well motion to sign warrant there a second all in favor I and then I'm going to we're going to go into executive session so I'll read this pursuant to uh general laws chapter 30A section 21 A2 I move that the board of selectman enter enter into executive session or contract negotiations with non-union Personnel namely the Town Administrator I need a roll call vote um Alicia Greco chairman yes William Deo Vice chair yes Leslie Matthews clerk yes Dana Packer yes Jeff Walker Jeff Walker yes okay and this meeting will convene at the conclusion of executive session we'll go back into Open Session and vote the uh contract so thank you everyone for coming we're going to go into executive session okay so um I'll and to um I do do I need to move to come back into Open Session yeah so I entertain a motion to come back into Open Session motion to entertain to come back into Open Session second all in favor I I I okay so we have one agenda item left to do that we just uh negotiated with the Town Administrator to extend her contract for a period of 3 years and I will entertain a motion to um execute the employment agreement between the town of Newbury in Tracy Blaze for another three years as written in the exact contract that's going to roll for another three years motion to recommend that the contract be extended for another 3 years agreement with Tracy blaz on town of new has written as explained violation as written second second okay any discussion all in favor I thank you and now I want to the motion to adjourn do we one more question yes I I would like to request that the board consider allowing me to um roll my 11 days of vacation time into fiscal year 2025 to be taken by the end of the calendar year before December 3 motion R 11 days into calendar year uh 2025 to be used by the end of the year second any discussion all in favor I now I a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second have to do the sign warrant thing we did that already okay you have to sign them now all in favor y i back