e e e e e e e e I did I want 15 seconds okay like the one time I was like we have to that's good idea for the yeah good evening everyone I'd like to call this meeting to order this is the north ronic Township Board of Education regular public meeting Wednesday March 27th could we please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible libery and justice for all Mr Ali Mr Brockman Mr Carter here miss James here miss Keith here Mr Lori here Dr pel here miss to here and Mr W here we have AAR thank you the New Jersey open public meetings law was an acted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the open public meetings law the public notice of this meeting which included the time date and location was distributed by 3 p.m. on Monday January 29th 2024 and Tuesday March 19th 2024 in the following manner posted on the bulletin board reserved for announcements in the board office 25 lywood place North Brunswick New Jersey 08902 mailed to the home News Tribune Star Ledger and nj.com and the clerk of the township of North Brunswick and delivered to the nine duly elected board members good evening everyone it's great to see a full house I hope everyone's doing well and is excited for the spring um we have one great presentation tonight so at first I'll turn it over to Mrs shoka thank you Madame President I'm very uh happy again just like uh Madam president it is here to have such a Full House of winter athletes and I'd like to invite our athletic director Mr sha Morel up to be our Master of Ceremonies so we can uh honor our student [Applause] athletes thank you thank ucation also like to thank as well thank you for all the families and athletes and Coes came here tonight everyone he me or no is the green light on power sorry hey Mr T he was here before he can hear you back there all right so again i' like to thank everyone for being here today we are fortunate to recognize many athletes today we have six all GMC athletes in the winter season we have 32 all division athletes we're also fortunate to have three coaches of the year the GMC with us tonight uh we have four division championships we have three team sportsmanship and and we also have a state sectional championship team here as well so congratulations a wonderful winter season um not easy to do and this was one of our most successful in recent memories so thanks to all the athletes again and coaches first I'd like to introduce our track team um and presenting that will be our um head coach coach Schwan Grimes he was also the GMC boyys also white division champions good evening excuse me good evening um just get my notse together I'm getting older remember things as well as uh Mr Morel said the boys W the white division they also won the white division relay title they defended so this is actually a repeat for the them I challenged them the beginning of the year I told them our Mantra this year is going to be big things this year so I was expecting big things and they responded uh not only did they win the white division they were number three in state our state section number five at group four relays we took two nine guys to new bals Nationals and we had two two young men uh medal at to meet the Champions our 4X 200 met relay posted the second fastest time in County History we within a second of of the record and the team ran into us on the track which really messed us up but I'm going to let that would go we also had a uh a sophomore high jumper win the sectional title and we have the number two and number seven ranked freshman in the statement of 55 and 400 so I think they gave me big things this year uh the uh fellas come up here that who you are come stand on the stage you guys run tracks you can move a little faster some of you there's a couple of gentlemen missing there were a couple more but this is the core of the team first we have Zach on the end there um triple jump isn't a scoring event at GMC's however this is one of the young men that met to be the Champions he took second in the state in the triple jump and is number five all time in County next is Isaiah who is also all division he is uh wait that's Isaac sorry it's three years I still can't tell him part that's ISAC he's one of our distance Aces over there so he's one of our guys that R the a4s Anish we're GNA talking more about him in a second and Nate and we have Kyle right there Isaiah yes okay second jier I know TZ that one I know so that that is the white division team of the year as far as all conference Manish can step forward this is Manish he is all conference in all division he set the school record this year in pvo with a vault of 13 ft 1 in he's first vter in school history the medal of Champions he's also the GMC and sectional Champion Jer it's all division you step for J Jer is all division number two in the county in dash he's the lead Le of that relay that almost BR the county record he is to glue the whole team together he is consistent even when hurt I think he actually ran can you run one of those 4x2 with a broken toe he brok it twice in the same step I'm not going to go that's J it's here gu a nice night here Isaiah use that for Isaiah is one of our 55 hardless he's a medalist at GMC the national qualifier very explosive in the blocks he's rapidly improving so we're looking for even more big things from him then we have Blake Blake made all division his first all division team he made it into 4 me to Dad he's actually one of the better qu MERS in the county so we're looking for a really big F this R and the last of the boys is Nate step forward Nate I got a quick story about Nate he's a senior as a freshman we weren't sure if we were going to keep on a tea we got triy outs but we uh Mr Morel asked athletes to go help an elderly uh woman Shel out her house he was the only track kid that actually show up so actually I couldn't cut him and he spent freshman year injured I think was his shins ankles feet everything everything except his ears were hurting but he stuck with it he stayed focused stay driven we tried him at po VA with Coach Montoya and now he's one of the best po Vols in the state took a lot of time to okay congratulations well and for our girls we have three girls tonight uh ladies can you come up friendly the girls representation a little bit lower unfortunately we haven't fully recovered yet from the co shutdown the girl side but we still have stand ups like you see in front of you and I'll just go in order Hannah you can step forward she is the school record holder in boo GMC Champion she's number five in all in uh County History she made the all conference all division team as as steady as you can be every day we go so we know we got 8 to 10 points on the hat and that's that's a great relief on a old coach's mind least step forward she made all conference all division now what's interesting about Yari is she missed most of last year with a a severe ankle injury so this this season was supposed to be the season of just getting back into Rhythm feeling good about running again and she messed around and got into a long jump and posted the number 10 jump in County History made all way to me the Champions there by and Nationals and that's why she is all conference and then we had Kira she is just a sophomore um should I say your n we call it baby face if you you had a bunch of nicknames that's the one that sticks so she has the baby face so we go with that she battled magging injuries All Season that kind of slowed her down so she didn't have the season that she wanted but she still made all division not being 100% she's healthy now so look out I'm I'm excited to see what things are going to happen this spring with her thank you next up we would like to present the U girls basketball team we have Coach Morano here they are a sportsmanship Red Division sportsmanship winner thanks coach and congratulations to you and your team on a phenomenal season being a first year head coach does not come without its trials and tribulations the season surely had its ups and downs as I had to learn to navigate the process of being a first year head coach however one thing thing I found out very quickly is that the group of girls in front of me were ready to take on whatever came their way being in the Red Division we saw the top teams from the county but that never stopped them from stepping up and working hard despite our final record these girls improved tremendously from November to February is my pleasure to recognize these young ladies with the Red Division sportsmanship award here to accept the award on our team's behalf are our program captains sh El shama and Jada Shar thank you next up presenting will be coach Byam for boys basketball evening first your head coach um I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to be able to lead these men um in the battle every every other day so to speak um this year we had a tough year but a good year uh we were 15 and 13 overall but in the conference we was 10 and four that says a lot for the guys that we had we had returning guys we have uh we had three uh seniors four senior sorry and the rest sophomore and juniors so we did pretty good throughout um to end our season though we had two well accomplished guys who voted in to the uh all white Division and uh one I will talk about is not here who was Brandon McCain Brandon McCain averaged about uh 18 points a game and a little over 10 12 rebounds a game um very consistent very athletic the reason why Brandon's not here he was also nominated to playing an All-Star game tonight at oldge high school so we can give it up for that as well Brandon will be going on I'm getting my phone is ringing constantly for Brandon for for um College uh being recruited by colleges uh just as of today he had uh rookus no the phone who wants to to pay a visit so hopefully we can get something out of that um my next guy is uh a uh tremendous athlete um who's a now a threeyear starter uh Tommy coroma who also was named to the allh division team and just to give you a little snippet about how good this guy is this guy is literally 250 points away from 1,000 points so that says a lot Tommy Tommy also adds about 25 g 25 a game um along with maybe 10 to 12 assists um this is just a guy he's just very he's very good to get to the basket he's one of the best players in the state I'm going to give him that tonight in front of everybody I just need him to believe and I think with him being a returning starter I think we can do more things next year and the future is brighten for no public [Music] [Music] basketball [Music] next up we are going to have our boys bowling team presented by coach mccormic they are white division Champions they are State sectional Champions they were group four state finalists and coach was the GMC boys and the white division coach of the year so very good evening everyone boys come on up all right I'm going to try to keep this as short as I can but still give them the credit that they deserve for the amazing season that they had so I'm going to kind of go through a rundown um from start to finish we had three three returning starting Varsity players uh last year they were second place in the white Division and Kaden promised that there was a freshman coming up that I had to see so we'll get to him eventually uh and then they dragged along a sophomore and then we found that we had five amazing boys and they all came together this is the best group of boys that I've seen um and I started in some capacity coaching since 2008 all right um in December we competed in the Charles Simon Baker tournament we play second only behind St Joe's who is number one in the state so that was our starting tournament and we knew from there that we had big things coming then in January we competed in the Central Jersey Winter Classic teams from all over the state come they finished third place in that tournament we then the be actually the boys begged me to bowl in the Woodbridge classic it snowed the night before traveled in the snow they ended up placing third place in that tournament as well and then finally in February we bowled in the Joe RoR which is GMC teams um I think after the first game they were in fourth place right and we came back all the way to not only defeat St Joe's but take first place in that tournament they finished as undefeated white division champs they were 12 and0 and they ended up with a 21 and3 overall record for the season then we moved on to our sectional Journey uh we beat Christian Brothers Academy then then we bowled East Brunswick we had that they were our only regular season loss we came back and we handily beat them to move on to the next round or the finals of the sectional group four uh where we competed or defeated Oldbridge the first game I'm going to give you a little rundown so it's the best first team to um win two games so the first game we lost by 14 pins not a lot uh next game we won by only 33 the only we reason we won that game is because our sophomore shot a perfect 300 game those of you have seen the video in the High School running on the the screens um 3002 strikes in a row right that's an amazing feat I haven't done it yet and I'm a little jealous um he's going to get a ring a nice 300 ring so that was huge and like I said that was the reason that we were able to win that game we came back in the third game to handily beat Oldbridge and win the group four sectional Central Jersey title that took us to the semis uh we Rec competed against Eastern uh first game we only won by 17 they like to keep things close and drivve me crazy uh second game we ended up winning by 20 so we won that match moving us on to the finals in the final um Central Jersey we bowled against St Peter's prep they have the number one average bowler in the stable uh so what did I say say Peter sorry SE Hall um we did lose but we did make them bold well he bowled what a 250 260 the number one Bower stayed against us all right so we gave him a run for our money we ended up fin finishing second in the state in group four all right GMC individuals um Kaden Joseph Aiden Anthony Dylan step forward all five of those boys made it to the GMC individual finals um Dylan Aiden Anthony finished in the top 32 while Caden and Joseph finished in the top 15 I just stay where you are okay then for allwhite division those five boys all also all earned allwhite division um we'll start with Anthony Anthony was number 10 in the white division his High game of the season was 244 and he finished with a 170 average finishing six in the white division was Aiden obviously a 300 game for a 692 High series he averaged 184 for the season that's a pretty awesome considering this was his first year in competitive finishing third in the white division was Dylan with a high game of 254 High series of 689 and finishing with a 196 average Joseph our freshman finished second in the white division with a high game of 257 High series of 674 and an average of 199 all right Kaden he finished number one in the white division High game 275 High Series 692 he finished with a 211 average that put him in the top 100 averages in the state I think at one point he was ranked as high as 20 he would know 25 22 somewhere along those lines um that also earned him all conference and he was just named all group four nice there are two boys back there Josh and jayen all right they were also part of our Varsity squad they stepped up whenever we needed them they were there they were supportive um Josh was a first year for us so we can see him Josh is a sophomore but this is his first year for us and jayen this was your second um jayen actually improved his average by 25 pins from last year nice okay so out of those boys if you're a senior step forward yeah that's not good um and there are three more seniors that are not here so out of 11 boys I have seven seniors um but this is the best team that North Brunswick has ever seen might ever see um and they worked so well as a team um I will miss them tremendously and I wish them the best next year congratulations thank you guys also just so you know a we did a banner we have a 300 Club Banner coming to hang in the gym with your name on it all right for a while put your name in the gym that accomplishment next up we'd like to present coach rabas for swimming boys and girls white division Champions white division sportsmanship All Conference sportsmanship as well coach was the white division coach of the year for girls she was the white division coach of the year for boys she was also the allconference boys coach of the year okay where she starts I have one girl here Alexis Park come on out sorry she kind of got lost and Shuffle um Alexis was named all white division she was number seven in the white division uh I lost my thing but her average improved I think by nine pins from last year also supporting her in the back is Cadence um they are two of our top girls Cadence finished 12 in the white division so not that far behind um we don't have any seniors on the girls team right and we have now Jan mahalik helping us as assistant coach so I look forward to great things from them next year hi everyone um I'd like to call our boys and our girls please so if you guys can come on up we have some that couldn't be here um good thing because the whole stage would be um so I'm going to talk about um both teams a little bit differently but um currently our um boys we for the past three years only had eight boys um so I had talked to Mr Morel for many years saying we may potentially not be able to have a boy team anymore my swim team is tired of hearing this story but we may not be able to have a boy team anymore um you need 14 boy swimmers to fill an event uh a me and uh eight is tight I mean we were really um struggling to be able to fill Lanes I was being strategic and placing them we were still doing well um and then this year we now currently have 18 boys on the team um which also helped us be white division champs which is the first time ever in North bu history that um I'm glad that we fought for the team to continue to keep growing um it's really made It's Made A Difference um our girls this is the second year in a row so we are backtack division champs for our girls so that's really exciting um the girls also made it to the states we swam Freehold Township um and we're able to beat them 9072 uh quarterfinals we Slam against hutter and Central we did not come on uh out on top against hter Central however it was a really great meet uh girls stepped up and did really well so um congratulations to them for two years in a row okay um also I'd like to talk about sportsmanship before I get to division uh winners this is the 11th year that northw graders has won sportsmanship and that is voted by the GMC coaches uh it's a big deal um it's a no it's not 11 in a row one year during Co we didn't get it it's not technically in a row but it is a very big deal because um the Summers take um take pride in representing North Fric um with great sportsmanship and uh responsibility and professionalism and I'm and I'm really proud of them 11 years is a really long time to win that award so um and that's boys and girls that's not just one or the other even though we are two te separate teams we practiced together but they won those Awards and were're voted by GMC coaches boys and girls separately um so that is a big deal um okay so if you um we're going to do boys first um please step forward Robert uh Robert's a white division uh swimmer swimming the 200 free GMC's and the 100 fly scoring eighth and seventh um Jaden is not here he's actually swimming for his club team at zones in another state so he isn't here so good luck to Jaden uh he swims for scarlet at Ruckers so um hopefully he does well um Dylan Jenkins is also not here he is in Europe so everyone's doing fun things um he Dylan swam the 53 scoring points at GMC's um Phillip is here he swam the 500 free scoring points um in the five free um scoring 20th uh Mohit uh scored points in the 500 free uh Chris qua the 50 freestyle um and the 100 back and then Andre scor in the 100 fly so congratulations to our white division board and Robert is a senior all right um to Our Ladies we have um Leni she swam the 200 free and the 100 back white division uh Salone swam the 100 back and the 5503 scoring pointen 100 back and the 500 free is actually working at the pool right now lifeguarding so she swam the 100 bre and the 50 freestyle um so these are our white division also we have Sammy um guano she swam the 100 fly and the 100 breast I'm sorry just kidding 200 I am and 100 breast um and and um she's also our only uh conference swimmer um that was voted in she medled in the 2 IM and the H breast along with the relays and he also qualified for the Wild Card meet um that was held up in uh New Providence New Jersey um she just shy from me of Champions but we expect big things and they're needing to go on the board next year so um look forward to that next year that's a big big celebration so uh congratulations swimmers um I just wanted to say how proud I am of them all those Awards um Don't Come Easy everyone has worked so hard um to be there they are not only amazing athletes but they're also ex incredible students at school so I'm very very proud of them good job so [Music] much [Music] and to wrap it up we have our head wrestling coach coach David Sally come up and speak about a couple of his [Music] athletes evening everyone I'm uh here to talk about our wrestling program uh we do have two teams in our high school unlike some of the other schools around us uh we both the largest girls team in the county um and Gabby leads us uh by example she led team this year as Captain she had over 28 Wings she wrestled at Queen Beast of the East Nationals and took Ninth Place uh took second place at the ramola Invitational she placed first at the county tournament as County champion at 138 PBS and she wrestled her way through the region tournament become a region champ it's our first region champ in 24 years and she plays top 12 at the state tour down ATL City very proud of here so we have uh another possible chance to take trip down to city and russle for State title uh Joe Mar on the other side he leads the boys team he's our captain on the boys side he has over 50 career wins um he is the only fouryear uh Varsity letter winner and he is our captain he played fourth at the county tournament he took third at the district this would be the third year in a row he qualified for the region tournament our regions uh mix up every two years so uh we had Del Barton the number one wrestling school in the country in our way uh so we fell a little bit short but uh joar plans on continuing his education and wrestling at Caston University next year um where he'll continue to wrestle so thank you thank you athletes uh par coaches really appreciate your support thank you uh Mr Morel and thank you parents thank you students thank you coaches for a great season you all represent North Brunswick wonderfully and we're really proud of all of your accomplishments keep going we we see some some more great things ahead whether you're you're leaving to go to school away somewhere and continue to place Sports um or whether you're staying with us and are going to continue in your programs um keep up the good work thank you all again for being here tonight definitely want to Echo what superintendent troka said um you know our Athletics program here in North Brunswick is top tier um you all should be extremely proud of yourselves coaches especially the coaches that have won Coach of the Year congratulations so on behalf of the the board we're very proud of you all and uh thanks for again for being here so we will continue um on with our meeting that was our um first and only presentation tonight um so we'll take a moment while everyone exits if you'd like to continue to be with our meeting we'll continue on in just a moment good plan yeah yeah yeah she was like that yeah okay all right we'll continue on with our regular meeting U Miss Keith would you please take item number six yes Madam president I would like to make a motion to approve the following board minutes regular public meeting minutes February 28 2024 executive minutes February 28 2024 budget Workshop minutes March 13th 2024 we have a second second all in favor I anyone opposed all the minutes are accepted thank you any Communications this evening no ma'am Madam president all right uh moving on to item number eight old business new business no ma'am okay so we will move on to your administrative report then thank you very much good evening to all our families guests and viewers here tonight I would like to begin with a moment of silence in memory for our colleague and friend Jeffrey Smith our night custodian here at Lynwood in the board offices who passed away suddenly over the weekend please join me in a moment of silence thank you a thank you to all of our parents and families who participated in our parent teacher conferences last week parent involvement in a child's education is vitally important and we love being able to have parents and families come into our schools and discuss and jointly support our students learnings uh this past Saturday our model un Club had the opportunity to host the model un conference at nbths with over 150 delegates from around the state um our German teacher and model un Club adviser Ben schmol had his parents here who had a fascinating story uh they both had uh have been taking tours of students uh to model un conferences throughout Europe and in Russ Russia and his uh his mother actually they both shared their stories of being translators and working at nurburg with uh previous uh Holocaust um with actually the um the prisoners who were in nurg post World War II um so some really interesting history for our students to see that live uh story we enjoyed that quite a bit um right after Spring Break The Alchemist will be putting on a production of Greece at the mbth AUD nbths Auditorium on April 11th and 12th at 700 p.m. and at April 13th at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. I would also like to remind parents at registration is open for the kindergarten 2425 school year students must be 5 years old by October 1st 2024 these students are already enrolled those students who are already enrolled in preschool will automatically be registered uh for kindergarten without parents having to do a separate registration we are heading into spring break tomorrow with an early closing Thursday March 27th and we will be closed from Friday March 28th through Friday April 5th school will resume on Monday April 8th 2024 and please also note that schools will be closed on Wednesday April 10th 2024 in recognition of the Muslim holiday eat alaer I would also like to take this moment to present two women who are on our agenda this evening for approval for administrative positions first I'd like to introduce Miss Domin Alderman who's here with with us miss Alderman has been a Dean at Jud elementary school and has been acting director of Elementary education since January I am pleased to say that the Jud committee uh unanimously picked her to fill the role of director of Elementary instruction at J this is a vital role and Miss Alderman if you'd like to just come up and say a few words we'd love to hear from you absolutely it is with um deep gratitude that I accept this position um I've spent many years in the classro n years and as administrator now and I lean heavily on my own experience as like a high school and college athlete I was actually a springboard and platform diver and it teaches you a lot about the importance of teamwork and I am so ever thankful for my North runswick team who continues to inspire me and I'm ever so thankful for my Jud admin team because they continue to help me grow every day so thank thank you so much I am glad to accept this thank you next I would like to introduce Miss Norma Jackson who is on the agenda this evening to be approved for the role of assistant principal at lywood school beginning July 1st 2024 filling in the vacancy that will occur when Mr Ed Kowski retires after a few years in North Brunswick uh at the end of the school year Miss Jackson has worked as a Spanish teacher and for the last 5 years has been an assistant principal in New Brunswick and we'd like to welcome Miss Jackson so please if you'd like to say a few words Miss Jackson um thank you so much I'm honored to accept this position um it's actually my son's birthday today happy birthday happy birthday Noah um I come with a lot of experience and ideas um ever since I stepped foot into the district that I've driv and past every day on my way to work um at the New Brunswick Middle School um I I felt um honored to take on this this opportunity and everyone's been so welcoming and I look forward to serving the community and more fun thank you very much congratulations to you both and um as I wrap up I would just like to wish everyone a very safe and enjoyable spring break and that is it for my report this evening thank you welcome to you um and welcome to your new position so thank you both um all right we'll move on to our student reports good evening good evening hi everyone okay so on March 1st and 2nd mbts held our first our no 39th Annual rockathon 40 students spent 24 hours rocking away and raising over 5,000 for hugs for for Brandy the North Brunswick Township food bank and North Brunswick domestic violence Response Team um on March 6th sgo hosted an annual student fa faculty basketball game it was close it was a close game the fa faculty won on the game on the buzzer beat by Mr Totton um thirdly sgo in the class of 20126 hosted a um dodgeball tournament on March 8th we had seven teams compete and it was a fun night for everyone to participate in new members of the National Honor Society were in Duck Ed on Thursday March 14th over 80 me new members were inducted and lastly members of our mbts Key Club and National Honor Society were incred incredibly helpful during our parent teacher conferences serving as door knockers and giving directions for parents to navigate their way through the building thank you that's it thank you okay we'll move on to our committee reports we'll start this evening with the education report Dr Patel yes thank you uh so the education committee met on Wednesday March 20th in regards to the access for Ells testing which ends on March 29th Lynwood and John Adams are still testing and all the other schools are done preparations are underway underway for all schools for njsla testing letters will be sent out to families regarding the testing and earbuds will be provided to the students um the high impact tutoring plan has been approved the plans are to provide virtual tutoring support in the classroom and virtual summer programming for students who cannot attend in addition provide high school students with NJ GPA preparation tutoring in regards to the teacher climate and culture Innovation Grant it's on the agenda for approval for submission tonight Lynwood and nbtm received a stem Grant award so we're very happy about that um the district is looking into to help me Solutions which provide support and resources to students families and staff using a healing centered interface The Help Me app trains all School users on the importance of asking for help recognizing help recognizing asking for help as a critical life skill and providing a safe way to practice asking for and receiving help from one's first interaction with the school it's accessible for staff families and students available 24/7 and answered by a call center and the plans are to have it available before the end of the school year this year um and the committee also reviewed um policies as a first reading that are on the agenda tonight thank you thank you um Human Resources Vice President James will be reading the report on behalf of the committee chair Mr Brockman yes uh the human resources Community Relations Committee met on Wednesday March 20th to discuss various personnel and Community topics for those persons on tonight's agenda who are either resigning or retiring the board does thank them for their service and wishes them well in their future endeavors as of last Wednesday certified vacancies for the 2425 school year were posted and include High School science Elementary bilingual teaching in specialist positions in special education and preschool for which alternate route and traditional route teacher candidates are encouraged to apply any new or current educator interested in joining our team can view our job openings on our website and social media Pages our administrative team is preparing to attend for upcoming virtual job fairs as they continue to recruit staff the first one is sponsored by CJ Pride on March 21st which has already passed with three others in April and May there are also several new hires and substitute staff on the agenda and we welcome all to the dist welcome them all to the district we discussed any upcoming leaves of advances and how those positions are being filled via daily subs long-term subs and for six teaching periods we also discussed a process for interviewing and hiring of recently posted administrative positions and two of those final candidates are listed on tonight's agenda and we were just a pleasure to welcome them this evening we welcome them to their new roles and wish them success Mrs ke provided an update regarding the north Bruns township hall of uh High School Hall of Fame congratulations to retired nbths staff members Joe lassio and Wayne kley for being named as this year's nbths Hall of Fame inductees in the area of Lifetime recognition for their service to the students of nbths the Hall of Fame committee is working on a press release for early April and finalizing the induction program uh and lunch ins slated for April 19th and that concludes the HR committee report thank you we'll move to business operations Mr Lori thank you madam president the business operations committee met on March 20th as well at 7 p.m. items that we discussed included a few items that are on our agenda this evening for approval the first would be uh 10 new Lynnwood cafeteria tables uh this is on page 18 item 3C for approval this evening uh important to note that this is being funded through our Food Service Enterprise account meaning that any monies we make within Food Service are then being spent on Food Service uh the second item on tonight's agenda is for a replacement walk-in freezer and refrigerator also at Lynnwood again funded through that Food Service Enterprise account it's on our agenda tonight on uh page 18 item 3D and then the third item for uh consideration tonight on our agenda is is an application uh submission for the emerging Grant award that we were given for $144,900 that's on page 18 item e and that uh will need to detail what Grant will be utilized for uh it it regards facilities improvements um one other uh item that we did discuss in great detail at our business operations committee is the concept of transportation for our charter school students that live in town um we had a copy of uh statute 18a colon 36 a-13 which uh is all around transportation for students which details and I'll quote the students who reside in the school district in which the Charter School is located shall be provided transportation to the Charter School on the same terms and conditions as transportation is provided to students attending the schools of the district non-resident students shall receive transportation services pursuant to regulations established by the state board so it's important to note that Central Jersey prep which has locations in New Brunswick and Somerset and Thomas Edison which is located in Somerset are not located in North Brunswick obviously but our students do attend there we have historically provided transportation to these facilities providing Aiden L however would be much more budget friendly with a cost Savings of nearly $300,000 it should be noted that students attending other nearby Charter Schools already receive Aiden Lou and we're looking to strive for consistency so more to come from this board we also briefly discussed a draft of the calendar for 2025 2026 which seems stratospheres away but it's really not so more to come with the calendar we're not there just yet we had a couple of other status updates most of which um there's no new news from last month uh among the items I can report on the nbths TV studio the work is nearing completion we're down to just a punch list uh with our tech department uh on on status of some equipment at Lynnwood happy to report that the roof work the major work is complete the roof is sealed uh and from a district point of view the demographic study uh is still a work in progress as is our nbths and NBT Ms uh forensic envelope assessment which we talked about last month and that would conclude our report for this month thank you uh negotiations Miss Keith none at this time mam president all right uh thank you uh Mr Carter is our Le on to the township uh and uh for the township mayor and Council anything tonight Mr Carter no updates okay thank you um Mr Ali is not here tonight but he is AR liaison to the njsba and the middlex county school boards Association um we actually had a um County meeting earlier this month it was virtual and as a board we had our largest turnout of our board members um at least in my four and a half years that I've been on the board so thank you all for um your willingness to um work with the county to attend those meetings there's a lot of U knowledge and information shared um and in may we actually um would love to encourage uh turnout for that in person we have um our teacher of the year for the high school that was middlex County um Teacher of the Year Julie Mercier um who will be honored at that meeting so it's a it's a great opportunity for us as a as a board in North Brunswick um to be be there for her support as well um so that would conclude our committee reports for this evening um Mr Wen would you please take item number nine sure I would like to make a motion to approve the administrative student and committee reports second all favor I anyone oppose all the reports are accepted thank you at this time we'll review our agenda for tonight um monthly we do receive this agenda in advance so anything um on here is that's new for the evening is bolded but we will go through Page by page again we have all reviewed this while in advance so we'll start on page four and five moving on to six and seven 8 and nine 10 and 11 12 and 13 14 and 15 16 and 17 18 and [Music] 19 20 and 21 22 and 23 and finishing up on 24 we can jump back we will go to page four back to page four item number 11 and we will do a public session on agenda items only if anyone would like to come up to the podium and speak to items on the agenda this would be the time we ask that you just please sign in state your name and you'll have 3 minutes seeing none can I please have a motion to close the public portion of this meeting so moved second all in favor I anyone opposed the session is closed thank you Dr Patel would you please take item number 13 sure I'd like to make a motion to approve the following consent agenda items Personnel 1:2 curriculum 1:2 miscellaneous Finance items 1 through 4 policy and transportation 1 to2 second I'm going to take a rot call Mr Carter yes to all consent agenda items with the exception of Finance item one bills list college board for which I OB SE thank you Miss James yes Miss Kei yes Mr Lori yes Dr Patel yes Miss to yes and Mr W yes all the Motions resolutions are approved thank you all right at this time we will go to page 23 number 18 at this time we'll have a public session on any matter um at this time you can please approach the podium if you'd like to address the board we ask that you sign in state your name and you'll be given 3 minutes good evening good evening my name is Jennifer herck I am the vice president and the north Bruner Township Education Association negotiations chair excuse me and I have a statement from the NBTA negotiations team um I wanted we wanted to congratulate you first on the central office staff on the creation of your budget it's a long it's an arduous process it takes time it takes a lot of effort we appreciate it uh the MBTA recognizes that it's not easy it's not an easy process and we appreciate seeing the services that will support our students and our staff however as you know we are currently bargaining a successor successor agreement to our current contract and the association is displeased to see that the current budget only allocates minimal funds to be used for raises for the staff members of the north Brun of Township Public School Employees we would like to remind the board of the high numbers of resignations that the school system has seen in recent years with 42 resignations this year alone staff are leaving the district and when we ask them why the majority say it's because they can make more money elsewhere yet we see 12 brand new positions that are of this month and I am not saying that these are not important or necessary or worthy because every single one of them supports our students and our staff but you cannot balance your budget on the backs of our current while I was watching the budget presentation last week I saw that the budget was described as Frugal and lean and we believe that this budget is a bit too Frugal we would like to know with over $9 million in new state aid what would be the tax impact to the residents in North Brunswick if you use the bank cap and the healthc care waiver to increase your budget and invest in our schools because that's what this is all about investing the money into our schools to make and keep them great this board does an excellent job of recognizing our staff and singing our praises and just last month the association s your Praises for the lovely event that was here for the Governor's education Governor educator of the year and the educational support Professionals of the year and this month we ask that it's time for the board to show us through action on your budget how much you recognize our service to the children of North brunsman and so we urge you to take a closer look at your proposed budget if to allocations for staff salary increases and to use the bank cap and healthc Care waivers that exist so that we could reach a successful successor agreement we say this with all due respect and we wish you a Wonder spring break for those who celebrate have EAS year as well thank you for your time thank you thank you anyone else this evening [Music] okay seeing none would someone please make a motion to close the public portion of the meeting so moved second I'll call it a tie but miss Keef you got it all in favor any opposed the session is closed thank you at this time um we'll move to go into Clos SE session whereas Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 from e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] here it is at this time we will go back into Open Session could someone please move to open the meeting so moved second all in favor I anyone opposed we are back in session thank you uh Vice President James you have a motion yes I do we have a personal action item stemming from executive session um we are moving to resend the termination of employee 7892 effective January 31 2024 and in addition approving the settlement agreement between employee 7892 and the north Bruns Township Board of Education and authorizing the board attorney and board president to take all steps necessary to execute the agreement in additional we are also accepting the resignation of employee 7892 effective June 30th 2024 all right I'm going to take a roll call on this one second second when yes thank you Mr Carter yes and Miss James yes and Miss Keefe yes and Mr Lori yes Dr Patel yes Miss to yes and Mr yes this motion is accepted thank you and last but not least we just need someone to adjourn our meeting so moved second all right I'll give it to drel this time and anyone opposed we're adjourned thank you very nice meeting thank you e