##VIDEO ID:ZVeoFYFZSAY## how are you thank you for being here per good evening I'd like to call this meeting to order this is the north brunic Township Board of Education regular public meeting today is August 28th we could please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Mr Ali Mr Brockman here Mr Carter here M James here miss Keith here Mr laori here Dr Patel Miss to here and Mr W here we have a call thank you the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the open public meetings law the public notice of this meeting which included the time date and location was distributed by 3 p.m. on Monday January 29th 2024 and Tuesday March 19th 2024 in the following manner posted on the bulletin board reserved for announcements in the board office 25 lywood place North Brunswick mailed to the home News Tribune Star Ledger nj.com and the clerk of the township of North Brunswick and delivered to the nine Julie elected board members good evening everyone uh we have a couple of presentations this evening so I will turn it over to Mrs troa thank you very much good evening everyone as you know we have certain times of the year where we are required to make presentations to the board by uh requirements for the Department of Education and you will see this evening we will get a report on graduation rate and AP tests from Mr neller principal of the high school um we will also get information on the access for El testings from Yen Morales and mercy Chang so let's ask Mr neller if you can come up to the podium Mr neller and I'll change the slides when you need me to and if you could speak right into that microphone for us uh good evening thank you for having me I hope uh everyone had a great summer um sad to see it winding down so def everyone have a great weekend um it's my pleasure tonight to present on the 2024 graduation rate I do want to say this isn't um it's not 100% official official because the state doesn't actually send the rate out until August 31st um so we will have the official rate by next week however we have our preliminary rate based on the data compiled by um our tech department so I'm going to share with you what it is tonight next um so the state of New Jersey a few years ago introduced the adjusted cohort uh graduation rate calculation it was actually 13 years ago um so they use a 4-year and a 5year rate uh to calculate graduation rates for different classes uh next so the four-year rate basically the way it works is when a freshman arrives in our high school the second they set foot in our school they count as part of our graduation rate so it takes the number of students enrolled in freshman year um and then we're responsible whether they stay in District or not to ensure uh that they move along um and then if they do unfortunately move to another district and it's not reported to us they could count against our rate so we put systems in place to track students when they do move away from our district because however number we had freshman year counts uh when they graduate their senior year the fiveyear rate takes in the additional year After High School uh to see if any students who didn't graduate on time will graduate um and then they that's how they compile the the 5year rate next uh so as you can see and this is something something we are extremely proud of at the high school uh since actually 2019 our graduation rate has consistently been over uh 90% um we've you know had a great improvement from uh the year I took over as principal 2017 when we had a 79.3% graduation rate um we put a lot of effort into improving it and as you can see over the last few years um we have achieved a graduation rate close to the mid 90% so the 2024 graduation rate um as of tonight is 93.8% we had 475 students graduate last June at ruers um the St the reason why um we can never seem to get a little higher is unfortunately the NJ doe continues to count the students who enroll in the 18 to 21 year olds program special education program program against us so even though they graduate and they receive their diploma they come back into school for an an additional three years that's allowed under their IEPs and we provide them with that opportunity to learn job skills and things like that but they continue to the state continues to count them against our graduation rate um something I would love to change before I retire because it's very frustrating um but that's part of the reason why we can never get to 100% graduation rate because of the way the current the state currently counts graduates um so you know as I said we're very proud of our rate and we will continue with the class of 2025 which is very large 517 students um to get them to graduation next June right um so with that I'll talk about our AP test scores advanced placement exams are the college level tests administered by the College Board to students who are enrolled in one of our over 20 AP courses at the high school level these exams are rigorous um they're off we offer them in a variety of subjects and they give students the opportunity to gain the skills and experiences colleges recognized the College Board considers passing any student who receives on a scale of 1 to five a three or better is what the College Board considers as a passing score most colleges and universities will provide credit for students but usually the student has to score within the four or five range and it's up to the individual College if they want to provide uh or give the student credit for that course um but generally the AP um the College Board considers three for hire to be passing next um I think I just explained that that's the scale um so qualified very well qualified and extremely well qualified is what students students who achieve those scores uh receive the passing let's consider passing next so courses where students excelled in AP testing um AP US History had 100% passing rate this past spring um AP Bio at a very high passing rate um also it's not on the slide unfortunately but in the audience tonight is our AP km teacher uh Dr luil O'Reilly and she had a 92% passing rate finish so thank you we also had uh students performed very well in AP Physics C this year um and then I especially want to highlight AP preal and AP World History modern um we had offered uh AP European at the high school but the the the number of students taking the course each year was declining so this year we offered AP World History instead to students thinking that that might generate more students to be interested in taking the course and the numbers went up and we had a significant number of those students the first time any student in our school was ever taking it received a three or better on the AP test um same thing with ap preal um students took we used to offer a course called honors math analysis uh for students at the high school um the longtime teacher Mr parent uh he retired and with that we transitioned to a new course that was being offered by the college board which is AP precalculus um so those students also had a very high percentage of passing the first year we were offering AP preal and we had two sections of that this year at the high school um so we're very excited about our AP test scores overall 69% of students who took AP um tests this year passed them with the three or better and then you could see the numbers so as I said every student in US history passed the exam with a three 72% received the 405 AP Bio was 82% AP precap was 88% physics was 88 and then world history was 70% seems like it stuck sry now that's the last slide okay okay here we go next um so this past spring our Juniors took the NJ GPA which is considered their graduation State assessment uh that's required um that they take this was the second year that uh NJ GPA was administered to the junior class um it replaced the former High School graduation assessment at HSPA um it's aligned to grade 10 Ela and Algebra 1 and geometry standards the reason why I like Ng GPA so much better than njla testing is that the cut score is 725 which is considered passing whereas njsla soon has to receive a 750 for it to be considered passing next um so you can see uh in this our language arts performance this year so we have 479 students take the NJ uh GPA test this year um 78% of them passed it and are considered graduation ready um we do have we did have some students who did not um there have other opportunities which you'll see on another slide to receive the passing score because the state does allow alternative assessments but we will be testing them again in the fall in hopes that some of them will perform better and P and be able to successfully pass and be certified for graduation if you look at this slide you can see um it's actually uh you see graduation ready on the right you can see uh that between the previous year and LA in this past year uh we did improve overall and the number of students performing better and passing the NJ GPA in language arts now as far as math um our students perform form just below the state average um you can see that uh 41% were considered graduation ready um this class is the co class that went out in eighth grade um and then for ninth you know part of high school they were not present in our building um so you know we've been working with them on in math and improving math scores so we're hopeful that this fall they will students who need to take it again will perform better next slide and you can see that we did have a little bit of a drop off overall and the number of percentage of students who test MJ GPA math this year next Slide the other uh assessment Pathways to graduation um so you may have had some students who for whatever reason didn't feel well the day of NJ GPA they didn't perform as highly as they should they can still achieve that graduation uh Halfway by performing well on the ACT the acup Placer the PSAT uh the SAT um if they score a certain score they can achieve their graduation requirement that way and and a lot of students quite honestly do um you know I do want to thank the the board of education for continuing to support us ad ministering the PSAT schoolwide every October we're going to be doing that again this year and every student grades 9 10 and 11 take the PSAT and we will test any seniors who still need a graduation requirement unfortunately another pathway that students used to be able to use was asked about um which is the military test um and unfortunately the state has decided for whatever reason I know Mr K probably knows better than I do um they not counting anymore as an assessment I I felt really bad we had a student this year who had passed the ASAP and we had to make him still you know take another assessment because the state no longer decided no longer um so we do provide them at multiple opportunities we also provide students who may need extra support a class called portfolio or math Bob in their senior year where they can complete performance tasks which we then submit to the state um we have never had a student who submitted a performance task not be certified for graduation um and as I said we will offer opportunities for njpa retakes as fall that's it thank you any questions from Mr neller Sure comments yeah actually um I'm very excited about our District's um AP testing process where you know we as a district provide uh pay for that to allow you know any of our students who who wish to take an AP test to do so um I do have a question I know just from speaking with um you know some students and stuff there is a lot of pressure going into um getting ready for for AP tests and I think during the times of AP testing I know I some of the feedback I hear um is that you know there are times when they all will have a lot of coursework and um there's times when certain certain classes will be more lenient with let's say homework or you know assignments that are due versus others is there a way for us to maybe have um a more kind of standard way to to look at that especially if we are kind of footing the bill for these AP tests we want our students to really have it um you know the time and and put in that energy to to study and do well um so just a common with that thank you and I do I I would be remiss not to thank you as well for um you know we're not every District pays for every AP test that a student takes um so I I just want to thank the board of B for continuing to support that every year as well um our students don't have to pay for the tests that they take so they can take as many as they want um um you know or as many as they're able to um based on the courses that they've taken so I I do want to thank you for that and I will take that consideration um you know throughout the year we talk about uh different things in our leadership team meeting and we will I I will talk with them about when it gets closer to AP testing time in May um you know talking to staff about Lessing the workload for those students um you know we'll definitely do that great anyone else quick question Mr ner um the Ela looks like there was 479 AP tests taken and 486 on the math is that normal to see like a disparity like that yeah sometimes uh for whatever reason um is it just because be abent yeah it's just absences we catch them in the fall we'll try to test everybody okay um we we you know uh Mrs Chang and our school testing coordinators they give every students every opportunity we give makeups we you know we we really try to get everyone to take the test but unfortunately sometimes students are just absent get them retake it great thank you can you remind me um for what grades is it 10th grade for uh NJ GPA they're taking is grade 11 grade 11 okay so for math I'm just obviously looking at the numbers that that is where we had some dip versus uh incline um do we know what what subjects we're looking at GE every Junior takes it but the focus of njp is algebra 1 and geometry okay which most uh Algebra 1 students either take in eighth grade right or they take in ninth grade um in Geometry some take in ninth and some take in 10th that's what the state test on okay I guess my question is is it that they are too far removed I I know there's a lot of nuance to why the data is in classes prior to it um and I know this year we're going to have more tutoring options for students to get ready for the NJ GPA testing which we're really excited about right um because we think that might help them to recall right some of the information most of the students on grade 11 are taking Algebra 2 or an higher level math test at that time so um that could be part of it as well but uh we're definitely looking into you know more tutoring opportunities for those students prior to taking okay the test this sh uh one question I had you mentioned the fiveyear graduation rate is the 5year graduation rate higher than the fouryear or is it not much of a difference usually it's usually higher um to tell you the truth I don't check it that much because for me the most important thing is the 93.8 or the the foure because that's what gets reported out um and we we we've we've been really lucky like I said most of the kids um that count against us are still in our school because they're in the special education programs but um the last uh 2 or 3 years almost every student who is eligible to graduate graduated um so I haven't really I don't look at it as much as I as I definitely focus on the four-year rate thanks all right thank you so much Mr n we really appreciate your thank you for being sh with us this evening and for our Lu convocation tomorrow I thought I didn't have to do anything surprise I gave them an assignment all right so obviously Mrs Chang is going to present the access for L's results with Yen Morales our supervisor of ESL and World Language good evening everybody um this is the night we take our access for L's show on the road typically I combine um the access for El's with the tlm you might be wondering where that is today it's the alternate assessment it's the assessments kids have to take in addition to MJG La in some cases but we are not allowed to release those scores yet so today we're going to do access and I'll do deal in um September with um Mr Harry from the special education department right so I'm going to give a little background on the access for L's although I'm sure you're feeling like experts after my other three years of background um and then Mrs Miss Morales is going to give you the the numbers and and she does as you know a nice job explaining um how we're projecting how we're moving forward and and maybe reasons why some numbers don't look as we would like them to so we are required to get the access for L's to um our ESL students any student enrolled in ESL Bilal services and we are one of 41 states that uses the WEA standard so it's a pretty common a popular way to assess students um this is called the assessing comprehension and communication in English state to state so every state has their own version of the assessment which is interesting can keep going Mrs choka so this test is administered annually as long as the students are in the program they must be tested because it means they haven't tested out uh there is a certain number they can reach alongside their U performance in class that we can utilize to exit them but if they're still taking the access they're still considered an ESL student and even parents who opt their students out of ESL Services which is their right have to take the access for L's so you could also have a student um who's not getting any ESL Services who's who has to take the assessment um these results are used in combination with a lot of our other assessments um to make determinations about what programs are best for our ESL students so you know uh we do this in small groups it takes us a long time we do get a big window a week window um and there's a lot of preparation that goes into it because teachers have to be recertified every year so they take a quiz Miss Morales and I do a training um we can help them a little more than we can with njsla um especially because they don't speak English especially in the technology side and we can clarify directions but students work at their own pace um using headphones for most of the assessment this year we tested between February 5th and March 29th in all four domains reading listening speaking handw writing um the test is untimed but they always tell us how long they think the students should take um which is also interesting because some students take a lot less and some students take a lot longer um we have teers so depending on how they perform on the first tier on the first assessment they take it tells us where to put them on the next few assessments there is one assessment they have to takeen advance of all the others once they test um they receive a summi of score and all the tested areas and we do have the ability to exempt some students with very specific reasons from some assessments like this year we have maybe a student who couldn't take the speaking test um so we are able to do that but it doesn't give you a whole picture so we try not to we tested 505 students this year that is 35 more students than last year and we get score in oral language composition literacy and then an overall score all of the students in grad to 12 take the test on the computer all the students in grades 1 2 3 take writing um on paper because that makes a lot of sense for them and kindergarten takes a fully paper test um but this year we were actually asked to participate in the field test but this year um they're looking to change that so next year students will be taking kindergarten online I'll be very curious to see how that goes I mean they they're getting savier so hopefully it will go fine inter there are five Prof icy bands and you know we've discussed all of these assessments have different proficiency bands which is makes it difficult to compare but access for L's is six did I skip a slide in the situation um and you'll see the end of it is is this one band called reaching and um Miss Morales can speak more to this but you won't see any of our students in this band and that makes sense because if they were in this band they wouldn't be an ESL so usually we can exit them at developing or expanding um depending on how well do on all the domains so I don't want you to um be worried that you don't see anybody at the reaching level um typically across the state students do perform in the entering emerging and developing categories and especially if you have newcomers um coming to our school straight from another country have no English language skills um they're definitely performing at the entering and emerging schills it's really more to tell us how to help them so it's not punitive um so here are our results from this year which Miss will review with you hello everyone um so before I start talking about the data I just want you to let you know that this data when looking at it we're not comparing Apples to Apples because the students that tested this year may not necessarily be in from last year to this year they may not be represented in here um because unfortunately this population tends to be transient um just to give an example at the end of this school year we ended with 507 um multilingual students but at this time right now by J end of July I only had 457 that's still qualified because most of them 50 of them had already transferred out on to another school district so the data is always always fluctuating um and just another note that when I started doing this presentation we had 372 students that we tested and this year was the highest at 505 so we have had a 35% increase just within 2 years so this population is ever growing and always moving so it is a moving Target um so with the kindergarteners and the uh K through 4 we did see um increases there so sorry I have on my so with the um with the we had a lot of new kindergarteners we had 35 new gardeners this uh this past year so that's why you will see that we did have an entering score of 59 % because we had a a lot of new babies um in our in our um Department I'm sorry in our in our in our yeah my department so and but at the same time we had 17% of them go expanding so the students that um those students had to be in our ECC preschool program so that those students we do see to send to see that jump so we did see those students jump from to expanding so you see that booken of growth so those students um would be exiting our program because they would have received a 4.5 or higher um in our first grade um last year we had 17 new um first graders so you're going to see that in our first grade um our entering and emerging numbers were a little bit higher than last year um but that's because we had a lot more new students that report of Entry um so the um they didn't have the same language for English proficiency so they would be scoring in the ENT entering and emerging um however our second graders they did a very nice job they um we had an increase there with uh 40% of our uh second graders um scoring in in developing um and with that we had 20 new second graders that we had um that have entered last school year um in third and fourth grade um we had some fluctuation there in our in our numbers um with third grade sorry um we saw a decrease of 16% from the previous year in entring we also saw a decrease in emerging um and but however we did see a 9% jump from the per previous year in the expanding and um we had 15 new um multilingual third graders last year so um it's nice to see we saw that growth in that particular grade level um by fourth grade we had 13 new students um so we had entering we had about we had 24% um emerging 133% so wasn't much of a big difference from last year um from the 2023 to the 2024 scores um but we did see an increase of 14% from the previous year so the students that we did keep in District did go up one proficiency level so we saw that growth um by 14% um however because we had um 13 new fourth graders um we did see then an in a decrease in the expanding domain which would be where the C off score would be um so we did we because we have such uh a lot of newcomers that's where we see the fluctuations in the domains if we go to the next slide so for our fifth grade for fifth grade students we had a decrease last year in the entering domain by um from we had 23% this year so we did go down um and then we had an an increase in our bridging so that we see that we have those book ends um there when once again so our students that have remained with us in the program we see we continue to see their growth however because we did have 20 new new fifth graders in our district we did see more students in that and um we saw students in the entry but even so they're still growing and we're still able to move them along um in the domains um for sixth grade um we have 14% in the entry um and 20% % in the emerging however we highlighted the developing and expanding because uh those students we have have shown growth and we were able to see an increase in those particular domains um in grade seven we saw an increase once again also in the developing and the expanding um for those students uh and in grade 8th we did we didn't see there was minimal change but however um we did note that we had 8% of our students um in the standing and then for our nth through 12th grade um for these students um we did test uh L students this uh last year um however um we did also have a lot of new students that entered our high school New multilingual students um and usually by age 11 it becomes a lot harder to acquire a second language and it takes a little bit longer for students to acquire that so you're not always going to see that much growth that you would see in Elementry from K to 5 versus 6 through 12 because by that time um it just becomes a little bit more difficult for people to acquire language um but um in the ninth grade we had a 25% um decrease there with our entry so even though we did have new incoming ninth graders they were still able to move them to the the proficiency level and help them grow in acqu language and then we also saw an increase there um in our developing so our students are moving along and then for 10th grade we did see not too much change but I did note that we did have an increase there for the expanding with our students so for the most part our 10th graders did um the change was minimal um for our 11th graders um last year we did get a lot of new 11th graders actually I think that was the biggest for us at the high school with 18 new 11th graders that we received to the program um so we did see a 39% increase there from the um I'm sorry uh we did see an increase from the previous year at to 39% and then we however we did see an increase also by 3% in the expanding category so even though we have we we increased our scores in the entry it's because we have new students that are learning the language but at the same time we're still seeing growth in that expanding section so letting you know that our previous students the students that we have in District are still continuing to move up the proficiency levels and um that is all of I believe all of the I sorry no and then grade 12 um we saw a wonderful increase of 41% that I'm very very happy about because usually um we had eight new students eight new 12th graders last year so sometimes when we enter by the 12th grade it's very very difficult to see a lot of growth but we saw a 20% increase from the previous year in that particular category 12 grade stud so I'm very happy to report that thank you any questions let me access for else I would I just wanted to um I think it would be good just like as a recommendation like moving forward for this presentation to include I know um uh Miss Chang mentioned the number students who place out like including the number of students that place out and then also like tracking the stable cohort of students because I think I know we do a lot of good work in the district and for those students who do stay I think it'd be good to just you know kind of zoom in on them so we can you know note some of the change that they're making in their their uh benefits I guess in moving forward absolutely I do track them and I track them more not necessarily by their proficiency levels I I which is what the state um shares and that's what they hyper focus on I track them more by the scale score because that's what tells me where the actual growth is within each of the domains so I Do I Do Track them um it's just big spry do it at a committee meeting yeah no I know it's a lot just uh just throwing it out there but thank you for your presentation I appreciate it thank anyone else all right thank you so much for this is this is difficult work and challenging and um it's really nice to see the improvements and the effect that we have on our students language growth uh over over time and how we're continuing to hit the ones who um you know may only be with us for a short time um and the ones who stay for a longer period of time so thank you great thank you we will move on to item six our meeting minutes um Mr Brockman would you take item six please sure Madam president uh make a motion to approve the following board meeting minutes regular public meeting July 31st 2024 board retreat meeting July 31st 2024 and then the board retreat executive minutes July 31st 2024 second one all in favor I anyone opposed the minutes are accept it thank you uh are there any Comm Communications this evening there are not Madam president all right any uh old business new business or should we just jump to jump right to the administrative report great so good evening to all our families guests and viewers here tonight um it is hard to believe that we are less than a week away from the start of the 2 2425 school year with each passing year the summer seems to speed by a little more quickly um maybe that's showing my age um but however I do hope this letter this this finds you and your families having truly savored downtime this summer and enjoying some rest and relaxation as another school year begins our district remains committed to creating a strong and positive learning environment for all of our students we will continue to use the whole school whole Community whole child model of Health and Wellness with a districtwide focus on the theme of be present this poster in front of me on the screen down below the screen here um on the dis will be found throughout our district emphasizing our student and parent facing focus on attendance maintaining physical and social emotional health treating other another one another with respect and kindness and planning for mindful media use new certif certificated staff arrived on Tuesday August 20th for the start of 5 days of orientation and professional learning sessions those ended yesterday Dr Frederick Johnson our director of curriculum instruction and Technology worked with principles supervisors Tech team members coaches and teachers to prepare a rich and full agenda for the over 70 new staff members who are joining the the district teaching and C certificated staff returned today Wednesday August 28th for two full days of professional learning and preparation for the school CL school year various orientations have been taking place at all of our schools please continue to keep an eye on our website for job openings teaching positions lunch AIDS substitutes class AIDS bus drivers Etc as well as back to school nights and community events for the month of September for the year 2425 we are recommitting this year to a balanced technology use through a focus to se of a focus on Tech or self-free zones in our schools in 2015 the board adopted policy 5516 which is labeled it's entitled use of electronic communications and recording devices ecrd which is essentially in our our word world today a cell phone pre pandemic there was a lot of use of cell phones but phones were mostly put away during the school day but post-pandemic that has CH that changed and students and class and teachers were all walking around with their phones on all the time we saw a lot of earbuds and devices like watches connected it slowed down our networks but it also slowed down the focus of our students this policy states a student is not permitted to have turned on or used an ecrd on school grounds during the school day or when the student is participating in a curricular or School sponsored co-curricular activity all of our schools began last year to reinfor Force this policy this year we do so with an additional Focus students will be expected to have any cell phones earbuds and connected watches turned off during the school day nbtm is is embarking on a pilot this year with the Yonder pouches to assist in creating cellfree School cell phone free school zones nbths is recommitting this year to having clear expectations with students that phones are shut off earbuds and watches are put away as the year progresses we will compare how the two different approaches work in all of our buildings the expectation is that these devices are turned off and Away in backpacks why are we doing this most of you have seen the Articles and books the surgeon general's report focusing on the impact of cell phones on everyone's daily lives it's actually more the apps on the cell phones rather than the cell phones themselves and for students learning this can create devastating impact on student anxiety the ability to form relationships and even more deeply on their ability to focus on tax asks for a sustained period of time the Tik Tock average the average attention span of our students these days because of Tik Tok and other apps is 19 seconds on their ability to focus before they jump to another task but schools are in the business of helping students learn and we need our students to be focused on their learning learning takes time and focus it is our job to ensure that our students have the best possible environment in which to learn and because of the addicted natur nature of the social media and these other applications our students and and most of us find it challenging to stay away from these devices therefore in order to meet our goal of raising student achievement we must first take away those distractions and help stud students learn to focus again for a sustained period of time this also means creating classrooms that are engaging for students and have the full presence and attention of the staff members as well as the students stay tuned for more information on this throughout year um as we make will'll be making this a big focus on our conversations and our work this year we do wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day weekend and we will see you on Tuesday Morning September 3rd for the first day of the 2425 school year and we look forward to making a great one this that is it for my report this evening Madame President thank you uh although we did not have committee meetings uh for the months of July and August we put those on pause we do still have constant updates that are coming through um so if there's anything to report please uh jump in we'll start HR Mr Brockman anything at this time not at this time all right um education uh Dr Patel is not here this evening so Mr Wen thank you sure I'm pinch hitting tonight yes um so I'll give you some high level uh updates from from the education uh side of things um as you saw earlier before we had presentations for uh 2023 and 20 24 access for L's the NJ GPA and AP results um we also discussed the various workshops and uh conference approvals um there was also an approval of the mou between the nbths science department and state of New Jersey uh Department of Environmental Protection in support of the trout in the classroom program as a student environmental education learning activity there's also various uh approvals of uh updates for the 20 24 and 25 school year um and just a note um for the math math courses needed to be updated to meet guidance from the NJ doe which must be in place by September 2024 there's also um some updates to District mentoring plan for the 2024 and 25 school year um where requirements need to be uh submitted to the county office um there's also an approval of the Magic School um as a pilot this fall to provide hands on experience with learning how to utilize AI in the classroom that would be very exciting um and also there's an approval for the nbts school uh sorry NBT schools three-year technology plan uh between 2024 and 2027 thank you and I appreciate you jumping in I literally just tapped him a couple minutes before this meeting so thank you um business operations Mr Lori sure Madam president within the business operations realm I guess most of it starts on page 26 six of tonight's agenda there's uh a couple of amendments to um some items from June uh pertaining to instructional computer site license motions some minor cost changes in funding sources that needed to be updated uh there's an item on there about uh disposing of a shipping container at Maple me uh we're going to approve some various Grant applications and Grant funded purchase agreements this evening uh as well as various instructional and operational computer site licenses in addition uh in terms of purchases uh under item three uh in tonight's agenda there's purchases of custodial supplies to John Adams Jim divider curtain bathroom stall dividers at three of our elementary schools uh some additional cameras which is adding about $10,000 to that project uh an additional visitor management access point adding about $5,000 to that project uh a service agreement with Eastern Datacom to support the telephone paging and communication platforms we then have uh an approval this evening with the Department of agriculture's plan to reduce the funds in our food service fund that exceed a 3-month average expenditure uh just a point of order that it was actually addressed during the fiscal 24 school year when we purchased a walk-in refrigerator freezer a dishwasher and some cafeteria tables uh we have various Transportation expenditures starting on page 29 this evening uh that deal with our esy out of District routes our outof district fiscal 25 school year bus routes and parent Transportation routes these would be where parents are actually required uh to transport the students to and from school each day we have uh various Charter School transportation issues on tonight's agenda uh including memorializing the approval of the charter school shared service Transportation agreement and then approving the 10 charger school bus routes related to the charger School shared service agreement and that would wrap up our uh business operations going on thank you uh negotiations this is Keith uh yes Madam president I'm happy to say that the negotiations team met on August 13th with our teachers union we would like to thank miss passner miss herck their entire leadership team for their collaboration and their continued partnership best of luck with convocation tomorrow and uh we look forward to a great school year for all of you thank you thank you um I think that wraps up everything so item number nine uh Mr Carter would you please take uh yes madame president I'd like to make a motion to approve the administrative student and committee report second all in favor I anyone opposed all the reports are accepted thank you uh this time we will review our agenda um the board has received this while in advance we've had some time to review it so we'll go through Page by Page briefly any changes um are in bold so we'll start on page three uh page four and five Pages six and seven 8 and nine 10 and 11 12 and 13 14 and 15 16 and 17 Pages 18 and 19 20 21 22 and 23 24 25 26 and 27 some of the things that U Mr Lori was covering in his report are listed on these Pages 28 29 9 Pages 30 and 31 uh 32 33 and 34 so we can jump back to page two we will open up to the public uh to do a public session on agenda items only at this time if if you would like to speak on anything listed in the agenda this is your time we ask that you come up to the podium state your name you can sign in and you'll be given 3 minutes all right seeing none can I please have a motion to close the public portion of the meeting so move second all in favor I I anyone opposed this session is closed thank you um Miss Keith would you please take item 13 yes Madam president I'd like to make a motion to approve the following consent agenda items Personnel curriculum miscellaneous Finance items 1 through three and transportation second I will um do roll call so Mr Brockman yes Mr Carter yes to all consent agenda motions with the exception of curriculum and in instruction item 1 C thank you Miss James yes Miss Keith yes Mr Lori yes uh Miss to yes and Mr W yes all the motions resolutions uh are approved thank you um all right at this time we will move to page 33 uh we will have a public session on any matter uh this is uh your time if you'd like to come up and speak on anything we ask that you come up state your name and you'll be given 3 minutes now says municip I'll write itation just fill it in yep okay thank you good evening I'm nor Bruns Board of Education my name Isner president of the NBTA good to see you all tonight um we are also pleased that the a tentative agreement uh with the Board of Ed and look forward to a future future ratification of that contract um we have been hard at work the last day the last you know week really if you think or two weeks thinking about our elementary teachers I'm high school teacher so um I I don't have as much classroom setup as in um but as I um set up my classroom today for the 20th time um which was kind of crazy for me to think about um after I did that I walked around the high school got an opportunity to see our teachers heart at work and they absolutely are hard at work we welcome back our 10-month employees today um and everyone is ready to go for this school year and is looking forward to it and very excited um so we are very much excited for that as well uh we look forward to a continued year of collaboration between the NBTA and NBT Board of Ed um you will see us at the back to school nights um helping the district sign students up for free and reduced lunch again like we have done the past several years because we know how important that is to not only the district in terms of funding but also our students we want to make sure that they're getting f um so um I want to wish everybody a happy Labor Day weekend and wishing all of our students and parents and everybody a great successful start the school year so thank you thank you all right anyone else okay seeing none uh could we please have a motion to co close the public portion of the meeting so moved second all in favor I anyone oppos this session is closed thank you at this time we'll move to go into closed SE session whereas Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presented exist now therefore be it resolved by the north buo Township Board of Education that the public shall be excluded from discussion of an action upon the here and after specified subject matters the general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows legal legal and financial matters and negotiations it is anticipated at this time that the above stated subject matter shall be made public at the time at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists this resolution shall take effect immediately can I please have a motion to go into close session so moved second all in favor anyone opposed we can go into close session thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all in favor and anyone oppose we're back in open session thank you and at this time we will adjourn so moved second all in favor I anyone opposed the meeting's over thank you thank you thank you for