e e e yes def me you e for now f good evening good evening everyone I'd like to call this meeting to order this is the north Brony Township Board of Education conference meeting on Wednesday May 8th can we please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance here here Mr here J here mror here Dr Patel here miss toad here and Mr w we have a thank you the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the open public meetings law the public of this meeting which included the time date and location was distributed by 3M on Monday January 29th 2024 and Tuesday March 19th 2024 in the following manner posted on the bulletin board reserve for announcements in the board office 25 lwood New Jersey 0892 mailed to the Home newsun Star lger nj.com and the clerk of the township of North Brunswick and delivered to the nine jully elected board members good evening Jud thank you for having us here um I'd like to thank Dr Glover and her team at Jud for having us and I will pass it over to superintendent choka good evening everybody it's great to see so many faces here and we are thrilled to be able to come visit Jud this year and find out everything that's going on in your school um this is one thing the Board of Ed is very committed to is making sure that we get to visit each of schools and because we have more schools and we have the enough un busy months in which to visit we've decided to try a new thing for a couple of years we're doing the Four elementary schools in the spring of each year and so Jud is our third Road stop and then we'll do John somebody the door and then in um in the fall in next January we will do the MBT ECC midle school lywood and the high school so this way we can every other year get to see all the wonderful things going on in the school so I'm really excited to introduce our brand new updated administrative team starting with Dr Glover thank you for uh hosting thank you welcome ladies and gentlemen and esteemed members of Board of Ed welcome to Jud Elementary School it is privilege and honor to host this month's board meeting and we are thrilled to have you all here with us tonight as We Gather our focus is firmly fixed on the holistic development of our students addressing the needs of the whole child at Jud Elementary we firmly believe in nurturing every aspect of our students growth from their academic Endeavors to fostering their creativity leadership skills and overall personal development tonight we are excited to showcase the diverse experiences and achievements of our Jud Community our esteemed group of teachers and students are here to provide you with a glimpse into the vibrant life of our school our presentations this evening will span a variety of topics all centered around our commitment to Student Success and wellbeing first we will hear from our dedicated kindergarten team who will share insights into what our youngest Learners have accomplished during their inaugural year at Jud following that our first graders will showcase their impressive skills in non-fiction writing and the Art of interviewing but the excitement doesn't stop there our third graders have prepared an awe inspiring wax museum presentation offering you a glimpse into their immersive learning experiences additionally our Cross grade teachers in great team will shed light on our schoolwide initiative focused on autism awareness and support as the evening progresses we will delve into the rich tapestry of art culture and school leadership that defines our community so I encourage you all to sit back enjoy and immerse yourselves in the spirit of Jud elementary school once again a warm welcome to each and every one of you thank you for coming out ton tonight to support us and to support the students let's make this evening one to remember we're going to start with our kindergarten team I'm going to introduce you to Mrs Alvarez miss inler and miss Marosa thank you Dr Glover and thank you all for coming to our school tonight it's so wonderful to see you all uh for those of you that don't know me my name is Fran Alvarez this is Don enler and this is Steph Marosa and we are part of your dedicated Jud kindergarten team many people ask us how we teach kindergarten and we say we say because it's really rewarding and we love to see the growth of the children from September to June so to capture their growth our team put together a very short video of some of our very proud kindergarteners for spe e for right so as you can see they've made tremendous growth and we are so so proud of them um now I'd like to pass it off to the first grade team thank you hi everyone my name is Shannon Myers and I'm representing first grade at Jud and we're going to explore how students in first grade gathered information in our non-fiction writing unit by conducting interviews and from these interviews students made non-fiction books about their findings so we started off by learning what the interview process was in first grade we uncovered its purpose we gathered information we utilized Mentor text so we learned about at den and then we started to prepare for an interview students um what an interview was and we paired students with another student from a different class degree a very authentic experience and then we started to generate specific interview questions we also went through what interview ETI was so active listening respect making eye contact and maintaining flow then from there we went into generating interview questions with our first graders so we came up with specific question questions like what is your favorite candy and more open-ended questions like what do you do in the summer and why do you like to do that so here you can see our first graders practicing their interviewing skills so we practice making eye contact active listening avoiding interruptions facing one another asking for clarification asking for more ideas ideas and more details and maintaining so we taught them to when you get an answer wait so that that your partner can write down your answer so all of those social skills the next step in our nonfiction project was actually putting this into action so the students were able to interview a partner from another class and in this picture here you can see two students interviewing one another and our English language Learners were given visual supports to support um answering specific questions up students made a book with all of their findings so this is an example of the interview sheet with the questions that they asked with the answers and here are some photos of our students in action you can see how focused they are and how engaged they are in interviewing one another to get more facts about their partner and here's a quick video of a snapshot of our students interviewing one another and then presenting their books to their friends e so that was just a quick snapshot to show our students presenting their books they were so proud yeah so as I just showed you this was the culmination we created our non-fiction books and we separated students into differenti differentiated groups to create our books to expand on sentence structure we identified key details from our interview we organized our notes and of course we went through the revision and editing process and you can see how proud students are to present their book to their partner and we told them it's pry to get a book all about yourself so that was the best part and there's one more and then the conclusion and reflection we focused on the skills we learn generating questions concise writing and the key takeaways we're going to use everything we learned into our future non-fiction project and This Is Us celebrating our success at the end of the lesson students were so proud they were high-fiving each other um this was an incredible lesson and we to do it every year in first grade thank you I'm going to pass it off to third grade good evening my name is Joanna Campana and I am the grade level leader for third grade here at Jud the third grade team is proud to present our students biography wax museum presentation this activity was a culminating project for our non-fiction reading unit during this unit students spent many days reading many biographies about different people and then chose a person to research then students created a speech and brought that person to life to teach others about their person's accomplishments we are happy to introduce Valentina sepa alian Rafi Shan Pomer Madison mflor and Sammy Muhammad I am fra I was born in 1907 I am most famous for being a Mexican artist that makes self forit here are some important events for my life in 1913 I suffered the disease poo at 6 years old in 1929 I married he was an artist before Mexico declared me part of the country's National cultural heritage I painted over 200 paintings in my life I faced many obstacles and challenges during my life at 18 I was nearly killed in the bus crash I was bedridden because of my accident during my time people were poor and hungry one lesson I hope you learn from my life experience is never give up no matter what happened I died in 1954 I'll leave you with these words of wisdom be do I need you when I have wings to fly I am Albert Einstein I was born on March 14 1897 in Germany I'm a fam for eal mc² here are some important events for my life I never failed math as a child I learned a lot about science and electronics from my dad I immigrated to the USA I goal and challenges during my life such as I to I to flee from the Nazi so I immigrated to the USA for the last 39 years of my life I had a chronic illness one lesson I hope you learn from my life is Embrace failure a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new I'll leave with these words of wisdom two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity that I'm not sure about the universe I'm Alber I I am Roberto Clemente I was born August 18 1934 I'm most famous for being the first car the American World Series here are some important events for my life I was born was the first Caribbean to and Latin player to win American National League MVP award and to win a World Series MVP award I face many obstacles and challenges J my like Prejudice and racism I always tried to give back legs when I send baseball CL and food to those in need I always travel to I in need I also travel to Nar to give supplies to people in an earthquake from my life experience is despite Fame and success you should always stay humble with st others I died in December 31 1972 I died by getting crash into the ocean on the way to help nicara I'll leave you with these words over anytime you have an opportunity to make a difference in the world and you don't you were wasting your time on Earth hi am myy copen I was born on September 10th 1982 I Almost Famous for being the first black principal dancer here important events for my life in 1997 I danced in ABT summer programs in 2021 I moved up to C ballet in 2007 I became a soloist in 2014 I joined the president's Council on Fitness Sports and NRI and released two books in 2015 I became a ABT principle dancer I faced many obstacles and challenges during my life some people said ballet was only for white dancers I also considered to short and fat to dance when Lon I help you learn from my life experience go with your heart I'm still alive today I leave you with each words of wisdom finding by light with like am missing P of myself I am Barack Hussein Obama I was born on August 4th 1961 I'm most famous for being the first black president and the fifth black person to serve in the US Senate here are some important events for my life in 1991 I was elected president of Harver law review becoming the first africanamerican receive this honor in 1992 I started working as a civil rights lawyer and a professor at the University of Chicago I married Michelle Robinson on October 16th 1992 in 1996 I won US Senate election to the Illinois US Senate I was sworn in as president on January 20th 2009 I faced many obstacles and challenges during my life at the time no one had ever been a black president and my parents were divorced one lesson I hope you learn from my life experience is just because one person did not achieve something doesn't mean you can't work for what you believe in and don't show your feelings physically use your words I leave you with these words of wisdom there's not a Black America and a white America and a Latino America and Asian America there's a United States of America thank you third grade friends and now I'll turn it over to Christian and Kylie from Cross grades good evening everyone my name is Kylie Ary and this is Christen balone we teach in the cross AA program here at Jud during the month of April we celebrate autism awareness and acceptance as a whole school Jud kicks off April by blowing bubbles to engage with our students on the autism spectrum and a mutually and show our AC and support to our friends who are all so happy in their own shows each year we have the opportunity to have a family fun night for families to come out and enjoy a night full of fun themed activities including sensory friendly games and other activities including a dance party here's a video highlighting some of our favorite Autism Awareness memories e e e [Applause] so that's just a little snapshot of the wonderful inclusive family that is Judge schol so now we're going to welcome Gwen and Stacy from fourth grade hi good evening I'm Stacy Al I'm the grade level leader for fourth grade here at Jud and this is Miss Gwen Ken um I just want to explain to you how fourth grade is run in Jud school so we're fortunate enough to have Administration that allows us to do what we call Focus pairs what that is is where we switch subjects so we are switching we also switch with a teacher Mrs so I teach math science and social studies and word study to my home room Miss person and Mrs Woodle teach language arts then to my home room so reading and writing so we kind of do a switch getting the kids ready for um going to Lynnwood switching for all subjects Miss Kirsten is lucky enough to switch and teach everything we are the special ed of the classes so I have the resource I have the pull out resource to children in my home room and Miss person has the in-class resource so I'm going to let her explain what we had done for Autism Awareness mon so our Focus pairs in our inclusion class engage an activity where we encourage Learners to fully use their five senses and experience a possible day for someone with autism that Mak that they may experience this activity prompted our Learners to experience a possible different sensory experience or sensitivity while nurturing kindness empathy and understanding for others in the process so instead of a slideshow we have kind of a handson for you so what Miss personen did is she created a task part and the children had a task that they had to do so stepping into the life of a child that may have autism so what we take for granted um you might have a piece of microfiber which is normally soft a child who has autism might not feel microfiber as salt they might feel it like a piece of burlap so what the kids did is they would then rub the burlap on their skin to then feel what a child with autism might be feeling so when you see that child tugging at their shirt that might be why they're tugging at their shirt so they got to feel what a child with autism might be sensing we had also front of them a smelly marker now if you have the Mr Sketch blueberry smelly marker It might smell wonderful to you but for a child with autism it might not smell like that blueberry marker It might smell like this KingSize old school uh blue marker that smells like gasoline so for a child with autism things don't smell the same we also put a little cup of what they thought was water in front of them gave them a Q-tip have them dip the Q-tip in front of them and then rub it in their mouth when they realized it wasn't water it was vinegar things also don't taste the same to children with autism they had to rate their comfortability from a zero to a five and they had to record it we then had the children take that and we recorded it as a class we then discussed how we so the children became much more sympathetic on how children feel when they now Inc they encounter someone with autism thank you very much good evening I'm Mrs Alderman the director of Elementary instruction here at Jud School we're not only working on helping our students find their voice but use their voice to better themselves and their school Community our safety patrol our after school Counseling group and our student council are just a few of the highlights that we have here tonight participating in these activities actively engages our students in becoming respectful responsible kind and safe citizens showcasing our school's core values I'll pass it upop to the safety patrol I'd like to introduce to you the very first jell safety patrol this year myself Miss L and and law officer Lance Williams um are the advisers to the triaa safety patol um it's a program that I've seen in other schools when I see something it's in another school I want to do it so I asked doesn't hurt to ask and um again our administrator said go for it so it's free um and they provided all the equipment I did the virtual training and I'd like to introduce to you um our safety control so you guys could say your name and your post my name is Neil and I'm at post seven my name is Isabella and I'm post two my name is Brandon Hernandez and I'm post two my name is Henry gulan and I'm on post four I'm my name is Johan first post for and we have AM and PM posts so in the morning what their posts are is they come in and they make sure that everybody is following the rules and being safe and I have to say we have been very safe haven't we have we had to talk to some friends but every day they're at their post and they're enjoying and they wear their belts with such Pride so I'm very excited to have started and hopefully we can get the rest of the elementary schools on board thank you next I'd like to introduce Miss Laval hi everyone I am Kendall Laval and I am one of the school counselors here I work with second third and fourth grade but one of the other awesome things I get to do besides all the groups and individual sessions during the day I get to run an after school social skills group here at Jud um this year it was deemed the self-love club and I had an amazing group of five young girls third and fourth grade girls who really just needed to work on some confidence and some self-love and building up their self-esteem so we took an amazing 10 weeks together after school every Wednesday and we got to work on different activities about why we love ourselves the things we love about ourselves both inside and outside um how we can be a role model for other kids in the school and how we want to change the world in the future so I have a fun video that the girls helped me put together and they're going to share a little bit about the self- Lov club with you spe for spe [Music] spe I for y and you [Applause] thank you everyone and with that I will hand it over to our awesome student council advisors Miss KR and Miss Marosa hi everyone my name is Gwen Kirsten and my name is St Marosa and we are the co-advisors for the judge student council so the judge student council is an extracurricular activity here at Jud where the students learn different ways to get involved within the community our council is made up of one student elected from each third and fourth grade Home Room serving as their class representative at the start of the school year each classroom conducts a class election providing students with the opportunity to run for the position by delivering speeches and presenting their candidacy to their peers this process offers students a firstand experience of our democratic system in action culminating in the selection of one individual to represent their class on the student council our primary objectives for the judge student council revolve around fostering a sense of community and spirit so regarding Community students actively engage in volunteer hours before school during our meetings this involves council members visiting different classrooms throughout Jud and assisting teachers with a variety of different tasks some tasks that they may do would be uh Distributing papers assisting with cutting organizing books in our media center or any other classroom needs that a teacher might need students find fulfillment in supporting both their former and current teachers while gaining some insight on like the behind the scenes that go into classroom management in addition to classroom volunteering our council members actively contribute to the North Brunswick community Through various initiatives one such way is by participating in the food drive like the one held in March for Middle sex County where we successfully gathered over 180 food items furthermore we collaborate with crossgrade teachers to organize and distribute materials for schoolwide events such as the bubbles for autism event in terms of fostering Spirit at judge School the student council also takes an active role in organizing monthly Jud spirit days so this goes by when council members initiate different um themes for these special days then they communicate the spirit ideas to each class and encourage their peers to suggest different theme ideas as well the members then collect all the ideas and bring it back to the council which we vote on this is a collaborative approach which ensures that the entire student body is engaged and informed about the plan spirit days the council members then rely the information to from our meetings to their peers and all around the school the student council contributes to the vibrant Spirit at Jud by assisting with the pbsis prize C and distributing buddy the bulldog and Fifi the Frenchie to classes who earn them every Monday Council me Members bring buddy and FiFi to the winning classes showing enthusiasm and celebrating the winners this involvement not only adds to the excitement of the pbsis program but also reinforces a sense of camaraderie and pride within within the school Community we are immensely proud of the dedication of our student council members that have they have shown this year and are eagerly anticipate the positive impact that we can further make on Judge school and the North Brunswick community and we will now pass it on to Dean green hi everyone my name is Mrs Green or Dean green and I am excited to introduce you to our final portion of our presentation our last set of presenters will blend elements of enrichment and the Arts contributing to the overall development of our students second graders immersed themselves in nature during their recent field trip to Sandy Hook our GI and talented students in our sore program will'll showcase some of their recent work they may need a little help from some of the board members be prepared and last but certainly not least we will have a Showcase of the talents of our third and fourth grade musicians with a compilation video followed by a live performance okay so I am going to invite Miss glenan up Miss glenan and Miss Robinson I apologize good evening I'm Eileen linman I'm the grade level leader for second grade and I'm sh Robson so when we were asked to present tonight the first thing that we all agreed on was we wanted to share our field trip and we have pictures to to show that when weed when we wanted to go on a field trip we wanted to do something unique and something different but also what which was in the budget and the time allotment so we decided on Sandy Hook that also tied nicely into our science unit with states of matter with sand being solid ocean being liquid and beach balls being gas and then we had our erosion unit so that also tied into it they have a special program there called the ocean and Marsh environments so it was perfect because they got to see both the ocean and the bay we went on the ocean they were uh taught about the different types of shells they loved it they ran Wild on the beach it was great and some of our students are here so they can attest to that and then what was even more fun was we went to the bay and they actually put on waiters four of them held a giant net and went in for sea life and we found some jellyfish we found some shrimp we didn't catch any fish but that was okay it was it was really fun what we were really really um amazed at and so happy that we chose this as our field trip was that when we asked students if they've ever seen the ocean or the beach many many had not so we are so grateful and thankful to the board and the district that allows us this opportunity to expose our students to something that they would maybe not have seen otherwise so it was a wonderful trip and we just wanted to share that with everyone and be and are very grateful that we were able to do that so at this time we would like to turn it over to our store teacher Ali W hi my name is Ali Welch I'm the kindergarten through fourth grade sore coordinator and teacher which is our gifted and talented program here at um all four elementary school so I actually have the privilege of working both at Jud school and John Adams Elementary so if you bear with us I have a whole lot of really fun second and third grade friends that I work with that are going to come on up and join me up here so my second and third grade store friends please join me be brave you got it let's give them a round of applause also Round of Applause to all their grown-ups that that got them here this afternoon thank you very much so I have two different groups of friends here um some second graders are holding some game boards and as you heard Dean green say there's going to be some interaction if it's okay we're going to have them approach the table and share some of their um information on a little more of an intimate level so our second grade triple students which our tier three of um gifted and talented Services here are students who investigated different countries around the world the cultures um and some of the Traditions that surround them and then um we learned about cultural games that are typical of their uh region so we started with tic-tac-toe here in America and we went all around the world and then at the end they chose the game that they were most interested in and adapted their own version which they have here they're all very um Simple Rules like Tic Tac Toe so they're ready to teach you and you know have a couple of minutes of Round play my third graders which are the left half of the field um are a part of our tier two of services which is our language arts think tanks so these are friends who learned all about depth and complexity ways to dig deeper into our text and really enrich their thinking um so they H um studied a series of characters over eight or nine different books that we were able to read over our six week cycle and they kind of cul culminated all their ideas synthesized their ideas in this team project which I just put a piece of paper in front of them and said what'd you learn so that was really fun because they all did something different some friends Road some friends draw and they're ready to show that as well so if it's okay for my friends to come on up to the table and kind of engage with you guys um and then maybe we'll have a couple walk around the crowd if that's okay okay thank you love what are you doing you win okay do you don't have the dice so then what do you do so you orange and I'm blue or do you want to be blue you want to be blue or orange oh you have to put each piece here be so great friends as you finish up presenting you can come on back over here in typical Miss Welch fashion this is a one minute warning so you're wrapping up your thoughts my second and third grade friends oh thank you thank you so much for your time sharing we have about 30 more seconds if you want to come back up here for one more smile and bow great job thank you Meg come on back up to the front second and third grade friends great work thank you so much third graders great job I'm so proud of you awesome work second graders we're going to have five come back up to the front four let's do the Oscars clap them off stage three two and one thank you so much for your time tonight a little interaction never hurts I hope you enjoyed some of the information that uh you got to see out there we work through so many different things for S so I really hope that we get a chance to show you more I'm going to go get the hook and get my second graders off the stage thank you so much friends all righty good good evening everybody my name is Megan maor presting later maybe we'll just wait if you're still here I'll play with you after if you're still here Daman nice show good evening everyone my name is Megan major and I am the proud instrumental music teacher here at Jud I teach third and fourth grade Orchestra and fourth grade band it's good speaking of bringing it back um my wonderful counterpart um Elizabeth Perryman one of the cool things about being a music teacher is a lot of us do things actively outside of school and so miss Perryman is actually in an opera this weekend at at uh Wagner University which is really exciting so instead of having her students perform she put a little video together of some of the awesome things that she has going on in our program e e so some of those were sneak PE sneak peeks of songs that she's working on with our students for our con which is Tuesday June 4th and very exciting it's actually at the new middle school so please check that out on Tuesday June 4th at 7 o'clock we're really excited to show all of the families all we've been working on speaking of what we've been working on behind me is a few select students from our Advanced Orchestra which is our fourth grade Orchestra um and they have been working really hard to prepare for our concert so you're going to hear a little bit of our warmup just to get their you know fingers moveing and ready to go and then we're going to play for you a song we're going to play in our concert which is somewhere over the rainbow so please enjoy and last thing also while we're performing um we are recording this is um a live feed for our friends and families at home so parents please just be mindful if you want to stand up record that you don't block the camera thank you [Music] see for [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Applause] and if you want to hear some more Orchestra you have to come to the concert to hear the rest of it so just a sneak peek yeah the teaser thank you perfect word teaser all right so while my students behind me are warming up or situated so um here at Jud Elementary School we do fourth grade bands so in fourth grade they can choose to play a band instrument um and so here at Jud we actually have a exclusive group called The Jud chamber WIS and this group is my way of getting students out in the community as much as possible to perform um we meet Wednesday mornings in addition to their other activities that they do in band um and these students come every extra Wednesday to practice and it's just so much fun to play some really fun music I do want to honor three of our students in particular who this is a mle participated in Central Jersey music education association's Elementary honors band there we go it's a m cjmea um so we had three students who were able to participate and they were Neil sha put your hand up on clarinet Michaela relli on trumpet and paa Figaroa on percussion so this evening you will hear from them a little bit of a sneak peek from our concert as well and also um something that was really exciting we tried this thing this year called Mega band which was really cool it was every fourth grade band student from all four elementary schools and then the fifth grade students from Lynnwood we all went to the high school for a whole day and played music they got to meet each other from other schools they got to meet Mr Mason who will be their amazing teacher at Lynwood it was such a fun day so we hear a little bit of music from Mega band and a sneak peek for our concert so let's go band The Classic and power Rock which goes by another name and I think you'll figure it out e [Music] for e [Music] e great job guys that concludes our presentation uh we said we'd get it in under an hour I think we made it I just I want to thank everyone for coming out um I just just have to say I have the best job ever I love your your children I love coming to school I love coming to work every day I love our teachers this is teacher appreciation week we get to spoil them for a week but they work tirelessly all year long so let's give them a round of applause for doing their best job every day and thank you board for coming and I hope I hope you enjoyed your glimpse of Jud can't wait to see you maybe in two years Dr Glover and teachers Administration parents students this was just lovely and a delight to see and have such an interactive presentation to see videos and live presentations of all the amazing things going on at Jud we can really tell the learning is occurring these are the kinds of things we love to see and know that our students are in good hands so thank you thank you Mrs troka I absolutely agree with everything that she just mentioned students you all are so lucky to go to such a great school with great Administration and great staff and teachers so why don't you give your teachers and your Administration staff Round of Applause and thank you all for being here um anyone from the board would like to speak sure I just want to say thank you parents I love to see it like parents and Guardians seeing you all come out and really just show that you're invested it means a lot I almost cry a little bit to seeing some of the stuff going on and um I don't know I just I love it I love to see the parents because you all make this happen and you all make the community go around so thank you so much for supporting your [Applause] children thank you Mr Charley uh we'll we'll continue with our regular meeting we'll uh move to item number six in our agenda which is open session do we have any old or new business this evening we do not at this time will we we will review our agenda for the evening um we have received the agenda before um the evening so we will just go Page by Page we'll just give everyone a moment if they'd like to exit no worries you are more than welcome to stay if you'd like hello Mr Bush what no he beat me by a lot than great job um all right at this time we will review our agenda page two and page three and four it's a short one tonight but we all have received it of course prior to this evening's meeting um at this time we'll move to item number eight which is a public session on agenda items only if anyone would like to approach the podium uh and speak to agenda items we ask that you come to the podium state your name sign in and you'll be given three minutes so all right none can I please have a motion to close the public portion of the meeting second I think that was Mr Ali first Mr Brockman second I can't I heard Dave and Bri at the same time but got it that's okay thank you all in favor I opposed this session is closed thank you um Dr pel can you please take item number 10 sure I'd like to make a motion to approve the following consent agenda items Personnel curriculum and finance second I'm going to take a roll call now thank you Mr Ali yes Mr Brockman yes Mr Carter yes M James yes Mr Lori yes Dr Patel yes Miss to Yes uh all the motions have been approved pass thank you uh at this time we will go to page four and I'll open it up to do a public session on any matter at this time if you'd like to come to the podium and speak on any matter we ask that you please state your name sign in and you'll be given three minutes seeing none can I please have a motion to close the public portion of this meeting so all in favor iOS this session is closed thank you at this time we'll move to go into close SE session where is Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presented exist now therefore be it resolved my apologies by therefore be it resolved by the north BR Township Board of Education that the public shall be excluded from the discussion of and action upon the here and after specified subject matters the general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows negotiation matters and student matters it is anticipated at this time that the above stated subject matter shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists this resolution shall take effect immediately may I please have a motion to go into close session favor I anyone we can go session thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e can I please have a motion to open reopen the meeting MO thank at this time we have a motion Mr Brockman sure make a motion to approve the sidebar agreement between a North Brunswick Township Board of Education and the North Brunswick Township Education Association relative to the appendices D E1 E2 and E3 of the current collective bargaining agreement between the parties effective immediately in continuing until such time as a successor agreement is reached effective July 1 2020 24 I have a second second yes yes yes J yes yes yes thank you this time can we have a motion to adjourn the meeting thank you all for