CH I mean it should be here yeah I wish Christmas new good really nice good evening and welcome to the reorganization meeting of the North Brunswick Township Board of Education this is Wednesday January 3rd 2024 can we stand for the pledge of Allegiance please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Mr Ali here Mr Brockman here Mr Carter here M James here miss Keith here Mr Lori here Dr Patel here miss to here and Mr W here we have a COR the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public of uh to have advanced notice of and to attend the public meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the open public meetings law the public notice of this meeting which included the time date and location was distributed by 3 pm on Tuesday December 26 2023 in the following manner posted on the bulletin board reserve for announcements in the board office 25 lywood place North Brunswick mailed to the home News Tribune The Sentinel and the clerk of the township of North Brunswick and delivered to the nine duly elected board members and with that we'll begin with the administrat administration of oath of office to our newly elected board members and our board secretary Mrs Rosa Hawk will be handling that so I'm going to call up M Miss James can you please come up a sweet they cute is everyone set so they can watch here we go I Elicia James I Elicia James to solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the con stition of the state of New Jersey and I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I elisia James I elisia James do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education that I prescrib that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law of the office of of the office of member of a board of education and that I and I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to state law and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to state law nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in state law nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in state law and that I will faithfully impartially and justly and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability perir all the duties of that office according according to the best of my ability so help me my eyeballs are going to be looking straight down me too I have first can't do that compc was like want to take a moment and say that I'm honored to be reelected for my second term it was not an easy decision deciding to kind of put my name in the ring and put myself out there by volunteering to be a board member and elected official but it has nothing it has been nothing short of amazing um I've been doing this work for almost a decade now um in my professional career but doing this volunteer work is deeply passionate to me it is honestly my purpose to be involved in education to ensure that all students have the right to get the best education that they can receive um and I'm honored to continue the work so thank you all for your V of [Applause] confidence laor you [Music] mind I Richard Lori I Richard Lori do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I Richard Lori I Richard Lori do Solly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursu to state law and that I am not disqualified as a voter Pur suant thank you that's the actual law pursuant to state law nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in state law or offense listed in state law and that I will faithfully impartially and justly and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform the duties of that office according to the best of my ability perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me [Applause] please I'm not as good as Alicia off stop even everyone and happy New Year to all in attendance and to all who may be watching at home a very quick note of thanks to all who supported me in last November's election I am truly humbled and I cannot wait to get started on my next term I want to thank my mom and my wife Monique and my sons Matt Andrew and Nate for their love and support Andrew couldn't be here tonight uh he is at Shake Shack he is at night number one of on the job training so Shake Shack will be opening very soon I want to congratulate Alicia and Haley on winning re-election as well they are both energetic and intelligent and I look forward to sitting alongside both of them along with all of my peers as we work together to maintain and improve upon the standard of Excellence that you have come to expect from North Brunswick schools my goal for my next term remains much the same to continue to listen learn and advocate for all students student achievement always remains the first priority and I will work collaboratively with our administrative team and my fellow board members to ensure we do so in a fiscally responsible manner North Brunswick is the only place I have ever called home in my 51 years I care deeply about our town and I look forward to working with all stakeholders in the upcoming months and years as we Embark upon new and exciting challenges ahead thank you very much and last but certainly not least Miss please join us of we come around this way support here I Haley to I Haley to do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government governments established in the United States and this state and to the governments established the United States and this state under the authority of under the authority of the people so help me God I Haley to I Haley to do solemnly swear do solemnly swear and I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education but I POS possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursu to state law and I am not disqualified as a voter pursu to state law nor disqualified to a conviction of a crime or offense listed in state law nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in state law and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of this office and I and that I will faithfully impartially and just justly excuse me perform all duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God thank [Music] you thank you I also cannot speak I pr all right uh to my family and friends here tonight my board colleagu superintendent shoka Mrs Rosa Hawk and members of our wonderful Community I'm deeply humbled and honored by the trust and confidence you've shown in reelecting me to serve on the North run Township Board of Education it is with immense gratitude that I stand before you today appreciative of your unwavering support and belief in my commitment to our educational community firstly I must extend my heartfelt appreciation to my family and friends here tonight your endless encouragement understanding and support during and after my campaign have been the Cornerstone of my ability to serve your unwavering support means the world to me and I'm grateful for your constant love and backing I extend my deepest gratitude to my esteemed colleagues on the board your dedication to our students and the betterment of our educational system is inspiring collaborating with each of you has been a priv privilege and I look forward to continuing our work together for the Improvement of our schools lastly but certainly certainly not least I want to express my gratitude to the community members we live in such a special place your support and engagement have been D have been the driving force behind my passion for serving on this board talking with community members over the last few months during my campaign was something so special to me your input and concern have shaped my Approach and I'm committed to being a representative who listens acts and leaves in the best interest of our community's educational needs as I embark on this new term my commitment to serving our schools students teachers staff and families remain strong I will continue to prioritize educational Excellence equity and opportunities for all your trust in me is a responsibility I hold dear and I promise to work tirelessly every day thank you so my presentation next is just really to memorialize the results of the election these are all public numbers that was provided to us by the county you can see the number of registered voters 28,000 or so and the number of votes that were actually passed for the Board of Education if you turn to page two we will now see the actual votes that were obtained by those who were running as you all know there were four candidates um and we had three seats and the three were just uh recently um placed back into appointed back to their positions here on the de so that is my presentation as far as memorializing the results of the election so I am going to take a motion if someone could please take motion nine which is to um approve the elections so moved oh I'm sorry I'm sorry we have to close yeah I'm jumping ahead of myself U we on seven you want me to there's no motion with seven eight right I eight okay I must not have the right version so I apologize so I'm going to take the version here from you thank you um yes so if we could have a motion to a number eight to accept the um annual elections correct yes so moved second all in favor I any opposed we've accepted the U election results so now I'm going to open up anyone who would like to nominate any of our board members for the position of president of the board of education for North busur Township I would like to nominate haly to for president I would like to nominate Mr Lori for president okay we're going to close the um nominations oh I'm sorry um is there any other nominations that anyone wants to make no so if someone could take the hearing no other nominations motion that we can close make a motion to close nominations for president second all in favor any opposed so board members in front of you are or is a list um or a ballot if you will for the presidency at the very top left hand corner it says president nominations if you could vote for um to miss to and Mr rori please fold your ballots and PR your name at the bottom if you didn't see that already so that I know who it is you want to collect your hand on um I'll come around that way name there yep perfect thank you thank you sir thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] Miss James votes for Miss to Mr Ali votes for Miss to Mr Brockman vote for Miss tote Mr Lori votes for Mr Lori Miss to votes for Miss to miss Keefe votes for Mr Lori Dr Patel votes for Miss to uh Mr when votes for Mr Lor and Mr Carter votes for Miss to with nine votes being passed with six for Miss to and three for Mr Lori did you prove my numbers um it is uh official that Miss to is now the president of the north BR C Bo and now miss to can now assume president thank you all so much all right we'll move on to item number 10 we're going to take nominations for the election of board vice president I would like to nominate Miss James for for vice president I'll second uh we're we'll we'll do a vote so um there is only one person unless there's anyone else we have to make sure that is there anyone else that um wants to nominate for vice president so seeing none we need to do um b letter B we have a motion okay we need it first first so moved second all in five all in favor I any opposed we've closed the nominations so we have one nomination um for the vice president miss Elicia James um just for recordkeeping please there is also ballots in front of you if we could please um fill out your name at the bottom again and if you could vote accordingly because that way we'll we'll leave it tabulated believe it documented in that's okay thank you Mr Ali votes for Miss James Miss James votes for Miss James Mr Brockman votes for Miss James Miss to votes for Miss James Mr lari votes for Miss James Miss Keefe votes for Miss James Dr Patel votes for Miss James Mr w m James as well and last Mr Carter votes for Miss James it is unanimous Miss James you are [Music] the all right we can move on to item number 11 we are going to adopt our code of ethics for school board members this evening um as we did last year I'd like to read through all uh code of ethics um so we'll go one by one and I'll just call on everyone and we can uh read through them if that's all right so Mr Ali will you take a I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the state Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures I have letter B I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing item C I will continue my board action to policymaking planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them Al D I will carry out my responsibility not to admin administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see they are well-run item E I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board item F I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or the gain of friends item G I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in conert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community were item h i will V vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer item I I will support and protect School Personnel in proper performance of their duties and I'll take item J I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of administrative solution Mr brocklin will you please make the motion for item number 11 yes Madam president I make a motion to adopt the 18a 12- 24.1 code code of ethics for school board members can we get a second second second okay I'm going to take roll call on this it's very important to us here we go Mr Ali yes Mr Brockman yes Mr Carter yes Miss James Miss Keef yes Mr Lori yes Dr Patel Miss to yes and Mr W yes we've adopted our our approved our Board of Ethics statements thank you Miss Hawk so we're going to open it up to the public on uh any public session on any matter if you'd like to come up to the microphone you have a three minute window to speak we just ask that you write your name uh put the date and uh state your name of course to all of us seeing none can we please uh make could someone please make a motion to close the public portion of this meeting so moved second all in favor I anyone opposed the public session is closed all right and last but not least we will adjourn Mr Lor so moved second all in favor I anyone opposed we are adjourned congratulations thank you Miss [Applause] Hawk that