a good education for whatever children we may have in the future we had no idea when picking North Brunswick that it would lead us to a day when the knowledge fast acting compassionate people on [Music] staff would change our world for the better may we all find comfort in knowing that in an emergency situation our children are under the most capable the best supervision and Care here at North Bron Township High School it's it's not only a physically secure place but emotionally as well I've always had a strong bond with certain staff members that VI has participated in his Bandit Barbara Williams being one of them um she's always been a shining star in my family's eyes just because she was always there for Victor and for our family when we need it on a daily basis but on this particular day she was the perfect height and perfect angle to perform CPR in Victor she was one of the first people outside I remember what little I remember from that afternoon so forgive me if I don't know everybody's name and I I don't call you by name but these are all angels to me thank you all I appreciate you more than you'll ever know the microphone uh I don't have anything like that to say I didn't write anything down I just wanted to give quick thank you to everybody you guys so as a school district we are in The Business of Being prepared we have AED machines in all of our buildings and we have trained mert Medical Emergency respon Response teams and other staff who know how to use them we train and we hope that we never have to use the equipment or our training however it is extremely gratifying to know that preparation paid off in a strong way on December 22nd and that train District staff were there in a true and emergency knew to grab the AED machine Implement CPR and save the life Victor one of our students we are truly grateful for their quick response and heroic action one thing we found out is as this situation unfolded was that as soon as the AED was grabbed Mary and Mel Ellen Engel our nursing supervisor got an email from them saying the AED machine has been activated and um then that information was eventually transferred to the hospital to give them information on how to support Victor and help him get well and um beyond that the AED company actually has informed us and we've worked with the poop heart family um that they will be donating another AED machine to The District in Victor's name um for the music department to take when they travel and go um to different events so it's you know it's a wonderful thing that this company does um saving lives and also expanding their their role um so we'd like to invite our um team of Heroes up to the Das please and we will um we have a proclamation to read so if you guys can come stand on [Music] [Applause] um hello everyone elisia James I am honored to be able to read out to those who are our unsung heroes we greatly appreciate your effort we greatly appreciate the impact that you all had in saving the life of one of our students um and so we have Robert Jam brone Brett gray please identify yourselves as I'm great who's Robert's not here how about Jason hatz Jamie Howell Vian Lopez [Music] Lavar Renault Marcia Simon or sell Carla Treadwell and Barbara Williams angeloa thank you m James all right I'm going to read the resolution be resolved by the Board of Education Township of North Brunswick County of middlex in the state of New Jersey that the said Board of Education recognizer recognizes the efforts of Robert GM Bron Brett gray Jason hates Jamie Howell Vivien Lopez Linda marzinski Lavar Renu Mindy Steinman George Stillwell Carla Treadwell Robert Williams and Angelo Zeo and wishes to acknowledge its appreciation for an exemplary display of professionalism and dedication acting swiftly in response to the emergency situation and whereas on December 22nd 2023 a critical incident occurred at North bruk Township High School where a student experienced a life-threatening emergency with his heart stopping and the collective efforts of the north brard Township High School staff showcased the importance of emergency preparedness and the impact it can have on the safety and well-being of students and whereas the utilization of the automated external defibrillator machine and immediate application of cardiopulmonary resuscitation by the staff played a crucial role in Reviving the student and saving his life and now therefore be it resolved that the north brunic Township Board of Education expresses its deepest gratitude and appreciation to staff member Robert GM brone BR Ray Jason hatz Jamie Howell Vivian Lopez Linda marinski Lavar Renu Mindy Steinman George Stowell Carla Treadwell Barbara Williams and Angelo Zea for their quick responsiveness effective use of the AED machine and proficient application of CPR in saving the life of the student and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this board of education and that a copy of it be given to Robert GM Bron Brett gray Jason Hees Jamie Howell Vivian Lopez Linda marinski Lavar Renu Mindy Steinman George Stillwell car Treadwell Barbara Williams and Angelo Zea thank you all [Music] [Applause] by here thank [Applause] [Applause] you thank you thank you thank you is not here thank you thank [Music] you oh yes can yes [Music] we know as we wrap up I would like to offer Mr neller our principal at the high school the opportunity to say a few words if he's so so desires put him on this spot he has to deal with a lot of it's nice for him to come here and and celebrate something uh really wonderful I have to say you really put me on the spot tonight um first of all I've had the opportunity to talk to Victor um and just so you know he is an amazing student at MBS he's a hard worker he's very involved um he's always in class which is why we never see him in the hallway he do the right every day at Ms so um I just want to I'm I'm so happy for your family that everything worked out they did um I was there that day and I I can't imagine what your mother was going through um but everything worked out for the best and for our security staff um I talk to these guys every day and I you know I tell everyone I can that when something happens they are always there they respond immediately they don't hesitate um you know that particular day was the day before our holiday break and a lot of people were running out the the front parking lot and we were so lucky that they were still there the buses had just left um dismissal was happening and they were still there and I heard the calls on the walkie and I was running back there and I heard them responding and the way they reacted um they just went right to work and did what they needed to do and I'm forever grateful for that so thank you we still have to work tomorrow but I'm just I'm forever gr I I can't say it enough um I'm so happy for your family I'm so happy that we to high school and I can't wait to see everything he does for the rest of his high school career and his graduation um and I'm very lucky to work with the security staff I did thank thank you Mr n all right thank you everyone we will uh continue with our regular meeting um Mr Brockman can you please take item number six sure Madam president I make a motion to approve the following board meeting minutes uh regular public meeting minutes dated December 20th 2023 executive minutes December 2023 and the reorganization meeting minutes of January 3rd 2024 second all in favor I anyone opposed the minutes have been accepted thank you are there any Communications this evening um I do not have any Communications okay I have my administrative report great we can go right to that then all right so January is School Board recognition month and recognizing our school board members is an important way to thank current and former Schoolboard members for their dedication and service on behalf of their Community our nine North Brunswick Township school board members just like all school school board members in New Jersey receive no pay for their service although elected these dedicated school board members provide countless hours of volunteer service to our school district and community in order to help make North Brunswick Township Schools the best they can be in North buns Township we are exceptionally grateful for a school board of professional hardworking individuals who work collabora collaboratively as a team in a positive manner thank you all for your service to the students families and staff in North Brunswick Township Schools as a reminder we have an early closing day next Thursday February 1st 2024 for staff professional learning in addition we have an early closing for staff and students on Friday February 20 February 16th 2024 and schools will be closed on Monday February 19th for President's Day that is it for my report this evening Madam president thank you all right we can move over to student reports hello hello hi uh so first off we have on January 5th the class of 2025 held their pajamas and paint event it was a successful and fun event on January 11th 12th and 13th The Alchemist Theater Company staged their annual theater Revenue it was an amazing show Okay so this week is Pep week at the high schools students already participated in Pajama Day decades day and teacher/ te uh student/teacher swap day uh tomorrow is class color day and Friday's blue and gold day um and we'll also have a um a pep pep rally to recognize our winter athletes during PEC week our classes are participating in Penny Wars to raise money for this year's School charity the north Fenwick domestic violence Response Team oh yeah that's all that's okay thank you lot of great stuff all right right we can move over to committee reports let's start with um Dr Patel education oh thanks um so the education committee met on January 17 2024 we received an update on the security audit um that happened um the education committee also viewed a dashboard of comparative njsla results for ELA and math results from 2016 to 2023 so that we could see the trends patterns and look at BT uh schools results in context of of districts in the county or with other similar demographics um February 5th to March 29th kicks off our testing season each school has their own schedule and test are all going to be administered digitally except for kindergarten um the district is looking to purchase uh acup Placer as an option another option to test seniors the final option if no other tests are are passed is the portfolio appeals the committee received an update on the possible partnership with teranga Academy fues Foundation to establish a newcomer Academy program in the 2024 2025 school year uh we also reviewed the curriculum updates uh for courses at the high school the district is currently accredited with middle States it has started the process to renew its accreditation a team at the high school is involved one piece was a review and update of the high school mission vision and belief statements the middle State's visit is scheduled for December 2024 um there's going to be um there's a proposal for a new course at the new uh the high school project Adventure it's formerly known as senior leadership the district is looking at updating the program and offering it to grades 9 to 12 and looking to implement the course for 2024 2025 school year and the committee also received an update on the new two new school uh Partnerships with kids our kids on Route 130 as well as Kitty Academy on Route uh 27 uh which would both have 30 students each and we're glad to hear that things are moving along with both the preschool Partnerships that concludes my report great thank you um Mr Brockman HR sure uh the human resource committee uh Community Relations Committee met on Wednesday January 17th to discuss various personnel and Community topics uh for those on tonight's agenda who are either resigning or retiring the board thanks them for their service and wishes them well as of last Wednesday they were teaching vacancies in Spanish bilingual and high school science for which alternate route and traditional route teacher candidacies candidates are encouraged to apply uh support staff openings and the transportation in buildings and grounds have also been posted and the district also continues to advertise for substitute staff vacancies all openings are posted on our website and on social media our administrative team plans to attend at least five virtual job fairs this winter and spring as they continue to uh recruit staff the team is also finalizing a new staff recruitment video and has begun posting on indeed to increase the visibility of our job openings and to promote the wonderful opportunities North Brunswick schools has to offer there are several new hires on the agenda and we welcome them all to the district we also discussed any upcoming leaves of ab absences and how those positions are being filled uh via daily substitutes long-term subs or six period stiens uh we also discuss the ongoing Jud principal search and we look forward to the final candidate being named soon miss Kea provided an update regarding the nbths Hall of Fame nominations or Hall of Fame nominations are being accepted now through Friday February 16th please see our website social media Pages or contact the nbths main office for access to the online nomination for it that's all I have thank you thank you all right um Vice President James will be filling in for uh Mr Lori for business operations yes so the bizops committee met on Wednesday January 17th um during the committee meeting we discussed uh the rod grant that we have been discussing uh for the past several months um we did receive our Fe commitment from the doe we are still waiting on the SDA letter from the school Development Authority um with the certified plans and we will include procedures and requirements to fill out compliance with the grant agreement we talked about the high school the four uh Seasons Four units that we were discussing um there are 10 units there and a change order is reflected on our agenda this evening um to reflect uh a minor increase in cost we discussed a 500 Wing at the high school um and that Capital funds will be used to fund that initiative uh for continued and required maintenance of the Novar system um which will also includes the boil Oiler system in all piping and not for the unit ventilators in classroom offices uh because the coils were recently replaced we discussed the high school uh TV studio the work remains ongoing with an estimated completion date of February 2024 the pool of the high school has been another discussion topic that we've been uh talking about and painting of the walls and ceilings is um underway the dates will be worked out um with the township and the vendor to finalize on what dates that will be done we discussed the roof at the high school um there has been an initial assessment that's been done with Simon Roofing um to include um some portions of the roof that we don't have to discuss here um we talked about the Middle School the solar application was approved by the doe um we discussed the roof and window warranties and assessments to include joint leaks and windows um while also ensuring that the warranties are covering any potential issues at Lynwood School we had an update on the chiller the equipment has been ordered we're awaiting a ship date um the roof for lywood um there are site preparations that are underway however we are waiting for the contractor start date given the current weather conditions we also talked about the ACC prek Courtyard um plans are available and it will include drainage and potential relocation of the entry door um just to make sure there is um a better entry for directly into the preschool versus going through lywood uh we discussed the elementary schools um LP the playground has been installed we have been talking about an ongoing uh Logistics study at LP as well to ensure traffic flow and pedestrian safety and that remains a work in Pro progress same for The Parson playground um and as far as the Jud preschool Courtyard plans are available and will be assessed um to include drainage and rubber ground covers we also talked about a feasibility study a 3 to 5e facilities Plan update uh we did review a similar plan for um a similar plan as to what it would look like as we undergo this process uh including separate sections for General overview a breakdown by School location exterior versus interior conditions uh Mechanical plumbing electrical um those will be some components of this plan we are discussing transportation and have been discussing transportation in committee um there is more to come related to our fiscal year 25 budget um and making sure that we are maximizing efficiencies in that regard and then as for finance we also discussed the charge School transportation um that remains an ongoing uh discussion to make sure that we're maximizing uh our efficiencies as far as fiscal and financial uh status we have reviewed an audit uh and that remains ongoing we'll be working with our treasurer for that and also we're looking at our health benefits to make sure that um to look at our current experience rating um and meeting with Benefits Consultants to determine how best to budget for uh next school year and that concludes this report thank you okay we'll move on to item number nine Mr Wen could you take item nine please sure I'd like to make a motion to approve the administrative student and committee reports second all in favor I any opposed all the reports are accepted thank you so at this time we will go through our agenda we will review um as reminder we have received a copy of the agenda before um all bolded items are on here are new we can start with page number two and three four and five six and seven 8 and nine moving on to 10 and 11 12 and 13 14 and 15 16 and 17 and wrapping up with 18 all right we can jump back to page number two um I will open it up to the public uh on agenda items only if there is something you'd like to address the board about this is the time to speak on agenda items only we ask that you come to the podium sign in state your name and you'll have 3 minutes to address the board seeing none can I please have a motion to close the public portion of the meeting so move second all in favor anyone opposed the session is closed thank you uh Mr Carter will you please take item number 13 yes uh I'd like to make a motion to approve the following consent agenda items Personnel curriculum miscellaneous Finance items 1 through three policy and transportation second I will take roll call no Mr Ali yes Mr Brockman yes Mr Carter yes to all consent agenda items with the exception of Finance item one bills list college board for which I obain thank you Dr well miss James first yes and Dr Patel yes Miss tote yes and Mr W yes all the Motions are approved thank you Miss Hawk all right we can flip all the way to page 17 all right I will open it up to the public um we'll do a public session on any matter um same thing we ask that you come to the podium state your name sign in and you'll have three minutes to address the board on any matter seeing none Mr uh Ali will you please take the motion I would um would like to a make a motion to close this public session second all in favor I I I anyone opposed this session is closed thank you all right we're going to move to uh closed session whereas Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that c such circumstances presented exist now therefore be it resolved by the north Bic Township Board of Education that the public shall be excluded from discussion of an action upon the here andafter specified subject matters the general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as followed Personnel matters it is anticipated at this time that the above stated subject matter shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exist this resolution shall take effect immediately can I please have a motion to go into Clos session she move second all in favor I anyone opposed we can go into close session thank you okay all right can we please have a motion to return to open session so moves second all in favor I anyone opposed we're back in session thank you all right we'll turn it over to Mr Brockman sure make a motion to approve the termination of employee number 8771 effective January 31st 2024 can we have a second second I'm going to take roll call Mr Ali yes Mr Brockman yes Mr Carter yes Miss James yes Dr Patel yes Miss to yes and Mr W yes the motion has been accepted thank you Mr Brockman second motion uh I make a motion to approve the settlement agreement between employee number 7608 and the North Brunswick Township Board of Education and authorize the board attorney and board president to take all necessary steps to execute the agreement second second I'll take roll call again Mr Ali yes Mr Brockman yes Mr Carter yes Miss James yes Dr Patel yes Miss to yes and Mr W yes this motion has also been accepted thank you and can I please have a motion to adjourn second all in favor I anyone opposed we're adjourned thank you everyone nice job 749 thank yeah they