##VIDEO ID:5XtsqDBo95I## he's looking at me the North hutter and B Regional High School District Board of Education meeting on Tuesday August 13 2024 is now called to order in accordance with the requirements of the open public meeting Act njsa 10 4-6 at seek adequate notice of the meeting has been provided by submission of notice of the time date and location to The Star Ledger on December 5th 2023 and the hunter encountering Democrat on December 7th 2023 subsequent notice of this meeting location and time change was advertised in the H County Democrat on August 8th 202 four notice and to the extent known the agenda of this meeting have been posted at North hunon High School and Vorhees High School provided to the municipal Clerks of Bethlehem Township califan burough town of Clinton Clinton Township Franklin Township Glen Gardner burough Hampton burough Highbridge burough Lebanon burough leanon Township tubry Township and Union Township as well as other interested parties and posted on the district website fire exits are located in the direction indicated if fire low to a fire please move in a Comm in orderly fashion to the nearest smokefree exit please silence your cell phones and we call M KAG here mrman here miss here Mr M here Mr M here M Rees here M here Mr here M here and Mr here okay like salute IL Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all so I need a call for motion and second to approve agenda item 4-1 which is the meeting meeting minutes from July 23rd 2024 board school meeting so moved secondth Christine abstain all right all in favor abstain opposed no no and obain is John Brian and Kim do we have enough to pass to say do we have enough yeah okay right okay okay so moving on to agenda item five is our board uh goal setting for the 2024 2525 school year and we have Gwen Thorton here tonight from the New Jersey School Board Association f representative evening and thank you it's a pleasure to be back here Brendon he looks completely out of context for me but also John has been here the entire time I have been serving Hunton North Hunton vores and I want you to know John this has been on the corner of my desk going on two years now um but I have for you and it's my pleasure to honor you for your 10 years of service as a board of education member so I wanted to bring it tonight I wanted to bring it to you in person so that's the first order of business for [Applause] me it is and we do truly appreciate every board member's service whether it's a recent service or long-term service and it's always nice to have both on a board of education so it's a pleasure to be here this evening I really came to talk about setting board goals I know that you have District goals in place however um you completed your Bo your board self- evaluation which is a best practice because it says we've accomplished a great number of things over the course of the year what have we done well what's in progress and what perhaps could we do do better as a board of education to more effectively support student achievement and success in the district and how can we more effectively support our Administration in their Endeavors and doing that and so I just wanted to just talk briefly um just a little bit for those of you perhaps who are newer who have not heard this presentation year after year which poor John has heard um for probably a decade around uh goal development and that is the district goals refer to the overall operation of yourct District whether it's your instructional program Staffing PD um your facilities your finance and wow that's an impressive um construction project you have going on with the votc I haven't seen that um in my travels recently so that is so nice to see and board goals are goals around your processes and procedures but in some sense they overlap with the district goals in that you want your goals to support the administration's efforts around the district goals so that is my intent really to talk about that tonight and it really is a cycle that occurs on an annual basis um in terms of setting goals in the June August kind of timeline um and then determining and writing action plans so that you know um what steps you have to take to move closer to having that goal come to fruition um and then looking at the results and that's true for district goals and it's also true for board goals um you know an act a goal without a plan is nothing but a wish so you have to have a plan um to move a goal forward and so you would then next summer look at what progress you made over the 24 25 school year and see does that goal was it completed do we make satisfactory progress is it something we need to carry forward um and then make adjustments if necessary and then move forward and in the instance of District goals it becomes the objective basis for the EV valuation of your superintendent board goals don't operate in that same function but this chart refers to both District as well as board goals because it's essentially the same process and I wanted to just um show you that so you might say well you know why do we need board goals um if you look at your evaluation and I typically pay closest attention to the last two page pages of any board's evaluation because in some ways that self- evaluation looks backwards and I want you all to look forwards to think about the coming school year so looking at the identified challenges that you came up with um clearly one of the those overarching themes was the need for a strategic plan um when you identify as board members what you see as the challenges are in order to raise student achievement in order to move the district forward um but thinking about board goals you know thinking about policy development and I read obviously I'm very delighted um that you're Now using njsba for your policy service um and I know that that's something that is a relatively recent development but I know um that that's underway but looking at your oversight and monitoring which is what the board really does by definition you have four major functions you you develop policy you provide oversight and monitoring whether you're talking about the budget whether you're talking about oversight in terms of um student achiev looking at the assessments and data and how far that's moved Communications with both your internal as well as your external stakeholders um how and what perhaps do you need to do to enhance your governance skills in performance and then what kind of professional development might be beneficial to the Board of Education um I know I wasn't here last year and I don't believe you've really engaged in a lot of professional development as a board in the course of the last year but that may be something that you really want to think about and supporting your Administration to achieve those District goals so while I know that strategic planning did not make it formally into your District goals um I I think that that's something that is a shared responsibility between the board and the administration you're not going to implement the Strategic plan however working together um and engaging your community both internal and external on that strategic plan is a critical and appropriate role for the board to play um and then addressing any of the the challenges that you identified um clearly some of the challenges that you identified in your self- evaluation um the obious and it's a it's a challenge for every school district in the state right now I say this at every goal setting that I go to and that our fiscal constraints that we're now faced with um that are getting increasingly um difficult to look at because they change and we don't have a predictable sustainable funding formula that you can depend on year over-year because it changes with the economic conditions of the state and the state fiscal budget if we are being very honest about it and so thinking about more difficult constraints financially for every school district across the state um is something that you need to think about and making sure that your planning which is again goes to that strategic planning model um thinking about looking out five years and and where do we want to be and how do we support that because it's going to take some Adept juggling to be able to really make forward progress um again you also have and it was mentioned several times your facilities are obviously always going to be in need of upgrade maintenance um and looking at that and looking at changes in enrollment and what that drives in terms of the future for all of you so as you think about setting goals for the board you want to make sure that those board goals are sustainable over time um and will'll move you forward here are some suggestions um completing the evaluation within the statutory timeline although I know that you wh skipped right ahead there back up sorry where's the back arrow it's not cooperating with me here we go there we go um that's something that I know you were compliant with that's not an issue but some boards struggle with getting that done um reviewing and revising your bylaws to in ensure that they reflect current practice as you know your bylaws refer solely to the way you operate as a board of education that's not all policy I'm not talking about that I'm talking about your bylaws to make sure that the way you what you have Incorporated in your bylaws reflects your current practices um and then engaging in professional development some boards want to become certified um as a way to um communicate with your community as well as your professional staff your commitment to continuous Improvement um but these are all different kinds of things that you can think about in terms of your board goals one of the things that I was struck by um was that you may in your selfie Val um was the need perhaps for establishing what we would call board Norms around um board Behavior prior to a meeting during a meeting and after a meeting and that's most around Communications um so that there's uniform agreement about um Communications and how we're going to interact so that we can retain our focus on student achievement and the the issues and concerns that matter most um in your community for moving the kids and focusing on the kids and not getting sidetracked um by issues that may be important but perhaps tangential to your roles and responsibilities which is always put students at the center of all of your decision making um so that may be something that you might wish to think about um I I know that it has been a challenging kind of year in a lot of districts um who are faced with that um and we have found that coming up with communication Norms about or which are simply agreements about how we're going to treat each other and how we're going to operate with each other before a meeting during a meeting after a meeting so that um Civility and the ability to make progress becomes first and foremost for the board of education but certainly any ideas that you have I would think one board goal would be to support the strategic planning process would be an appropriate goal for all of you I don't know how all of you feel about it or what you believe would be most important for you to focus on so whatever thoughts you have I am open to hearing I'm just giving you my take on looking at your um board self assessment I think we all univers agree we have that's that's number one right I think we're all pretty clear that that in Rich and the administration are all we all Buy in that that needs to be done right so that's I think that one's easy and and you don't need more than two or three board goals you don't want so many goals that your focus becomes so diffused that you don't make progress any of them either I'm not suggesting you have to have eight or 10 goals um what I am suggesting is that you probably should have two or three at most in terms of board goals looking at list our policy committee and revi and imple implementing the new policy that's already covered okay so you can take that off the list because we're just viewing yeah no I mean that if we were coming up with goals I think we don't have to worry about that um um but I do think reviewing and revising the bylaws um I don't recall a time that we've ever done that that as part of a as part of a scheduled basis I know we take each when we were taking each policy and looking at it but we've never really taken each bylaw looked at it maybe that's something the part of that's going to be done through school boards now but I think what we could do over the rest of the school year look at the changes that school board made and then determine whether or not we want to keep those exact changes or we want to modify those to meet our needs of the districts and then update the bylaw accordingly so that would be part of the same process then yeah yeah because you just want to make sure they reflect your current practice you know I remember when I was on the board there were a whole host of things that were in the board bylaws that had just never been eliminated committees that had were no longer functioning but they were still listed in your PO you know in the policy manual so you just want to make sure that whatever your current practices are are embodied in your bylaws when do you see the potential for something like Norms being embodied within bylaws as far as guiding principles for interactions or are you seeing them as something separate you can embody Norms um in your bylaws if you wish but I also believe that Norms probably are better served by being yes you you can put them in your policy but they need to be reviewed every year after reorganization because when the board changes um those things become the guiding principles for how your board operates so you know it's looking at um what our you know overall focus is and then how we're going to treat each other and what how we're going to operate as a board well I know in many instances Norms are something that are often once established sort of reviewed as the the first step of any sort of meeting at the committee level or even potentially at a board level just as that that reminder of these are the the I actually when we set when I set board Norms with the board I actually require every one of the nine or however many board members there are to sign and date them right um because you you're required to self enforce right they're only as good as the board's recognition that these are our Norms this is how we all have come to consensus around um how we're going to move forward together and so I think it's important to do that you can then embody them in your policy if You' like but then at re or when you have a new board and new members I think it pays to revisit it um I think it helps to onboard new folks as well to understand this is the culture and the climate of our district this is how we operate this is how we agree to treat each other so there's that common shared understanding um for new board members as well as see the board members so I think that that's something that may be something you wish to consider I think it would fair is good to establish some board Norms today I'm sorry can we establish board Norms today tonight tonight I I don't think we have time to do that that generally takes a longer period of time to do that but that's something you could do and say a whole hour and a half perhaps before a regular board meeting or if you have a really short board meeting that you know is really short you could do it at the close of your board meeting um but I think that that takes a longer period of time um to to work on a little bit help us with that certainly someone from jsba can help you with that I think we should separate by laws and policy from Norms but I think it'll take us too long to do no that's I said IE I think this is a good idea with help yeah I'm with you I'm with you I think it should I how all you feel but I think making a session where we set Norms is is a good goal so we do it sooner I'm fearing I fear the policy and bylaw is going to take us all year obviously I to get all this policy byw can be handled through the policy that's just my this is a full board activity yeah well and that's my I think policy is sort of you know committee out and this is I think this would be more a better a collaborative session it is a collaborative session for all members to participate and not I and I understand the policy needs to run through committee and that's perfectly appropriate um to do it that way so does that work for all of you so your three board goals would be to support your strategic plan as the Board of Education um review and revise your board bylaws through the course of the school year and then to create board Norms um at a at a special meeting or a separate meeting or before a meeting or whenever you decide you want to do that in whatever format regarding the board Norms is this something that's Universal throughout the state of New Jersey that a lot of people do do this some many districts you think the Norms many many many boards okay I don't want to say a majority I only cover said hunson Warr and somewhere else that I car get that on the way home but but lots of boards all across in those districts all across those districts and I know my Coles do this as well on a regular basis have we ever done that before never no not in my tenure we we have had board retreats in the past where we try to get together and come up with a you know some common developing goals things like that so maybe that might be an opportunity and that really is an opportunity it's best done probably at a board retreat when you don't have another agenda to to worry about getting to um and I think that that's helpful as well I know that you're all volunteers and I know that's extra time but I think it really would be invaluable for all of you to spend that time um you would be surprised at the points of agreement that you may come up with so I think it would be worthwhile qu can I ask about you saided support the Strategic plan is that something that we could say we accomplished or not oh absolutely because depending upon supporting supporting because depending upon what process um you're using for me support would mean um because one of the most valuable aspects to a strategic plan is to involve the community so making sure when you're engaging in whatever that process ends up looking like and how it shapes out um that you get your constituencies to come out and participate so all voices are heard that's appropriate support from the board for the Strategic plan and participating yourselves if you're um able to do so so I guess the administration that owns the Strategic plan we don't we can't have a deliverable for the board to be establish a strategic plan because that's not the is that correct to distinction correct but but the board should be involved in the development of that strategic plan so that you have voices but you also have the ultimate voice in a strategic plan because you're going to adopt it or not adopt it so you want to make sure that you are fully participatory in whatever methodology is used to develop that strategic plan so for example um the Strategic plans that we typically do we hold three meetings with the community so um I like all board members to come to those meetings along with members of the community when I say support you want to make sure that you get citizens from each of the communities that you represent to come out and to be heard and to weigh in um because it's not your strategic plan it's not the administration's strategic plan it's the district's strategic plan based on what you are hearing from your community your board of education is really your major most major function is to translate your community's vision for what they want education to be in this school district what does that mean and it's the vision for education is different in different districts um it may look completely different in in a district you know 10 miles down the road than it does here so it is really important that you be fully participatory in this as well as providing support and by that I mean getting your community members to understand the importance and have them come out and participate in that process so that it represents a cross-section of every one of the communities that you represent is that a little squishy in terms of a smart goal yeah probably a little bit but sometimes it is more qualitative than quantitative I I will grant I will grant you that absolutely that it is more quantitative qualitative than quantitative but I think it can be measured I've gone to strategic plan planning meetings with communities where 10 people show up and you say what how can that be it's the community's opportunity to have their voices heard so it's really an important process to engage in thank you okay I will get these goals back to you in the form of a memo to the board um tomorrow or Thursday does anybody have any other yes I I will sort of say right polies and bylaws is a is a is a rock that's already rolling down the hill right that's going to happen regardless of tonight and so I'm sort of in the mindset you know not that I want more goals and objectives but does anyone have something that they really think is missing I do um Gwen's last one engaging the professional development to achieve board certification or Master that's a lot for a lot especially boarding 12 or for board what board members as were're working but since Co everything is virtual and every time I talk about the delegates meeting going or or going to our 100 County meeting I'm saying this great topics are coming up njsba has been providing great topics and it's not really just for onboarding that people gone boarding should attend the CSA evaluation you know our goal setting we all should be doing it because things change and it's a great opportunity and I think maybe that's something we should push ourselves something as a board we don't necessarily all do and I'm thinking that maybe putting something on the you know we all attend this we all attend at least one of them push ourselves out of our comfort zone just a suggestion thank you I didn't pay you for that advertis but thanks anyway yeah and I hope to see you all at Workshop by the way um in October which is coming up it should be a really wonderful experience that's definitely what came to mind for me because I I don't know if we want to tag on an additional board goal but as a new board member I feel like that's what I need the most so I think it all depends on how long everybody's been here and what your strengths and needs for improvement are but it might be nice to have maybe attend two webinars a year or something like that just so we're staying aesh of what's new and and those are all um recorded and available to you so it's not as if if you work you can watch it on a weekend you can watch it at night you know so they're recorded even if you're not watching the webinar live the webinar is live you can access them at any time it they're there and they're recorded so they're available to everyone which is sort of nice is that something that the board wants is interested in I think going for certification is probably a LOF too much I'm just saying because it's right we rotate off years I mean you know continuous Improvement is never a bad thing so I don't you know I can't you know to your comment attending two virtual classes a year right we've signed up for this for this volunteer job I don't I don't think that's a I do it my professional life so so I'm not opposed to doing that personally I think it's a great idea I mean I've taken a couple of them like sporadically and I was kind of surprised by like how much information I was able to get and yes there have been times I'm sitting on my desk and I've listened and I still picked up on some pretty important things that I just noted and that helped me like one was the um one was the CSA one was the uh what was the other one um that we just did we were just talking about it in policy I forgot what it was but anyway they are definitely helpful more so than I anticipate them here's what I would point out that if you were in your first term in your first three years you have to attend at least one mandatory training that's offered virtually so that would get you only to having to do one additional okay just just and if you are a reelected board member in the first year of any subsequent term you have to again do a mandatory training so you could do that if you wanted virtually although I would tell you they're much better in person but that's just my take on it my bias um about inperson trainings a little better cuz there's somebody to ask questions of um but nonetheless that means you really only have to do one additional um virtual meeting a year I'm telling you how to cheat we didn't hear that okay good did we all attend the same one you think is help I mean this is my opinion I think picking you think is helpful for you and I just think it's kind of the honor System right make it a you know we all have a personal goal that's my my two cents that's right that's good but we may all have different levels of Interest or different things so sounds good I'm not saying you just have to go to one but I was just trying to point out that no no no I I was really just trying to understand if we were going to align on the same one or two or three whatever we were agreeing to versus each of us being able to the Way Glen explained it based on our interests and what we want to understand more of and so we independently select and I think it's important to Independent you all have varing levels of knowledge and interest in various subjects so I think it's beneficial to um be able to choose what it is that is most interesting to you or that you have a need to know or want to know and most of us turn King anyway exactly when I come back from them I'm I'm sharing teror sharing so well thank you thank you very much um I hope again truly to see you all or at least some of you if you to make it I know some of you don't have jobs to committ it um but if you do if to see your Workshop I look forward to seeing you there um and if you need anything all of you I think know how to get a hold of me um I'm on the website and I am available all the time if you have questions so thank you very much so much I just want the followup question for the group on the Strategic plan so um so who has to actually develop the Strategic plan we're going to hire someone right I it's typically a facilitator and then that facilitator helps us organize and and do it okay because we're I think we had mentioned this at a prior board meeting we're there's been a bit of a lapse between the the one we previously had and now so we'll have to look at timing then okay and then I think sort of to your point to what Brian was asking a little bit once you have the plan there's sort of a buil-in um reporting out would happen from the superintendent in terms of what progress is happening on each of the each of the areas there so I Brian's question that becomes buil-in accountability that you're hearing about and sort of overseeing the development execution implementation and did we have one that expired I just I just wanted to confirm that expired in23 so you said we because I remember hearing about it same yeah there's there's different facilitators out there I would say we look at just see what options are come back with I remember did we use njsba for we did last I believe the last time we did we did right yeah so why don't we go out and see what third parties have get some costs we also have that option and then we can make a decision or collec I know as a parent I've been involved in the arcade a both times and Gwen's done fantastic job so I think we used it I didn't think we used them last time right we did use School boards last time M okay okay right thank you all right so now we have a presentation of the 2024 NJ GPA results um by Rich BR director of curriculum articulation and student achievement everybody thank you for giving me the time to give you the results of these uh of this assessment so I'm here tonight to share with you the results of the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment which we call the njpa that Juniors took in March of 2024 so for the njpa there's an Ela section and a math section the njpa results reported in two proficiency ranges not yet ready for graduation and ready for graduation the ELA portion assesses students understanding of the ELA 10 standards while the math portion assesses students on Algebra 1 and geometry standards so students who do not demonstrate proficient that demonstrate that they're ready for graduation on this assessment have three other options uh three other opportunities to demonstrate Proficiency in order to be eligible for graduation they can first retake the ELA and or math components they can meet a designated cut School are on uh substitute competency tests such as the PS or sat or finally they can complete a portfolio appeal um just before I get into the results I always point out that when presenting these State results that the results that I'm presenting tonight do not include any of the academy or full-time Polytech program students since they are technically part of the huning County Vocational School District so according to this assessment looking at the state results first so Accord according to this assessment across the state 81.6% of the students were graduation ready for ELA and 54.7% were graduation ready for math so our results in our district were significantly higher uh 91% of the juniors in our district were ready for graduation in ela while 72% of our juniors are ready for graduation in math so uh this slide shows how those results compare to 2023 so 202 three we've taken this assessment three times or students have taken this assessment three times um the first year was a different cut score so it's hard to compare results to 2022 so we're comparing them to 2023 where everything is the same as far as cut scores go so you could see here the scores are almost exactly the same as they were in 2023 um Ela went up 3% percentage points math went down about 6 percentage points so so uh this slide looks at the ELA results by school so you can see the two schools were again very similar uh had similar results about 94% of the Juniors at Vorhees being considered ready for graduation and 90% of the Juniors at North hunon this chart shows the ELA results by subgroups um our Asian students with our Asian students students with 504 plans and female students were the subgroups that had the largest percentage of students were considered ready for graduation while our students with disabilities had the lowest percentage of students who are considered ready for graduation moving into math uh the two schools were fairly consistent with 76% of the Vorhees students being considered ready for graduation and 70% of the north hunon students being uh ready for graduation and then this chart shows the subgroups the these are districtwide subgroups uh for math uh our Asian students are the subgroup that had the largest percentage of students who were considered ready for graduation uh while students with disabilities were significantly below the district average for students who are considered ready for graduation as I already pointed out both Ela and math njpa results for our district are well above the state average um just so that you know all of the um all that we have at this point are results for our district and the state so we don't have results for any other District at this point um at least not we don't some individuals may have other results uh when we do get those results we'll certainly look to see how our scores compare to other high schools in the state that are similar to our district so we do have several intervention strategies available for students who were not considered ready for graduation from this assessment um all seniors who have not yet demonstrated Proficiency in math and or Ela are placed into Workshop classes those classes provide additional support uh to prepare them for the PSAT and the October NJ GPA uh the workshop classes also help students complete the portfolio appeal if they still haven't demonstrated Proficiency in addition to the workshop classes students receive instruction in their comprehensive math and Ela classes and students who are struggling in those classes utilize our resource rooms throughout the day and can get extra help from teachers from 2:30 to 3:10 we also offer a 247 online tutoring program that's available to all students at no charge and finally students who are not meeting the standards of their course participate in our response to intervention program and this program provides or allows a team to develop interventions to help the student be successful and it's a short presentation do you have any questions about this I have a quick question sure more complicated ones how many how many students in north hunon and Borges take this exam each year approximately uh approximately uh I believe this one about let's say about 250 at warhe and about 400 at oh I'm sorry yeah about 400 so about close to 600 car okay is it just a Juniors just Juniors yeah has has this been a significant um percentage in the students with disabilities I mean is this Contin does this seem to be a continual situation within our district yeah it that's something that we definitely want to address um obviously we want to address it but it's something that we want to spend a lot of time looking at um one thing to keep in mind is that a lot of students are Declassified by the time they take this test their junior year so if they still have an IEP this late into their junior year there obviously are some significant disabilities that would impact their scores but it's still something that you know we're interviewing currently for a director of special services and this is definitely an area that we want to focus on have we seen a significant decrease in the percentage since we haven't had a director of special services uh not that question is it appropriate to you know measure the students with disabilities I mean I guess that's you know that's a depending how you classify it that's you know it's could be a very broad group of uh a students so to put them in the same category with everybody else um you know held to that same standard doesn't seem appropriate I don't know how I mean so obviously it drags down our numbers and I'm sure it obviously does the same for Statewide numbers I mean I mean if you qualifi be classified like that I would think you would be held to a different standard for graduation from a you know a high school but in in some instances in students I APS they're required to take but not past the assessment so but still they're reported along with everybody else so um not everyone who's in that category may be required to pass it because of their disabilities but they still are required to take it there are there's a very small percentage of our students who also take do not take this assessment they take What's called the dynamic learning Maps so there are students with you know the most significant disabilities do not take this assessment and do you know where we rank with other local not yet not yet usually I think last year was around January when they released that um so at this point we do not we do not so the reason why I asked about the number of students you look at um the the mathematics this really the math ones that I think are the most concerning um that if you're looking at um the percentage of students that um hadn't passed it or or yeah so not graduation ready for North hon it's 30% and 24% so 25 and a third kind of thing so you're talking about um you know a third of 600 students or 200 kids that are not ready because of the math the math that they math capabilities they have um and you know a quarter of the students at at vori so it's a little bit it's like 75 that to me seems like a lot of students and um for the benefit of everyone else who who was not in the committee on the curriculum where we're discussing some of this I think that prior to coming into n9th grade um parents don't fully understand the way that our classes are structured in CP Advanced honors and there's the AP but um and so teachers just I mean parents just take the recommendation from the eighth grade um guidance counselors and what I what I was curious about was in light of the fact that you've got kids learning at a CP level versus Advanced or honors what is that doing to the students that are in those lower level classes when it comes time to take this test in their junior year have they learned as much um or practiced it as much as say students that are in a higher level math class um and so I'm curious to kind of see if that's something that we can dig into um when we when we start evaluating U the classes and and what's being done here sure I mean all of our classes certainly teach all the standards for the course um but one of the things that we want to focus on is infusing more of these kinds of questions into the curriculum so that they're not exposed to to them for the first time on the test that's that's a big push for us is there any way for us to what Beth had mentioned a way to take a percentage of how the classes like uh CP Advanced AP are we able to kind of like compare those classes we are and we do yes okay yeah we get a whole data file that um should we can break it down by teacher by course by by just about everything that you want to do in a data file so yeah we go through those analyses tell students of the not graduation ready we we get ready by the time graduation comes for let virtually all yeah I mean typically all of them um in fact most of them who most of the students who are listed as not graduation ready at this point are through other means like the PS or sat or things like that the number of students who are in the workshop classes for the fall um it's in the 20s at North and I think in a single digit of Wares so we're looking at about you know maybe 30 students districtwide who are not yet proficient in English Andor math right because they they get a chance to take the test again in the summer and they've already taken it over over the summer not all of them did but they had the opportunity to take it over the summer um they will also have an opportunity to retake the test in the fall in October and then they also can take the PSAT in the fall so there are a lot of opportunities yes the other options like the PSAT do you we decide or Administration decide to cut score that's a state yeah that's a state decided cut score okay Rich do you have any sense of is there a perception or Awareness on the parts of kids who might have one of those sat or PSAT scores knowing that this doesn't really count for them so one of the things you just mentioned the different courses one of the um analyses that we can do from the data file is the amount of time that they spent on the test and we break that down by the course that they're in and the students who were in the lower level classes spend the least amount of time on these assessments um so you can you can actually see how much time they spent to complete the test and it's evident that some of them just click right through right but it's but those aren't necessarily the students who were meeting the PSAT or necessarily yeah I I was asking more about students who know CU for a number of years there um the junior test in particular students knew if they had passed as freshman or sophomores the junior test wasn't going to count and so they paid it very limited attention and the results showed it and then the state wisely moved off of that yeah and you don't advertise whether or not they're proficient especially by that point because they take this test in March so not all of them they would have taken the PSATs but probably not the SATs by that point so we have an internal document that shows all these scores and our counselors start they might go over it with them but it's not uh widely publicized whether or not they're already proficient and I guess there's also I don't know what sort of comparison you do between how our kids tend to do on the SAT and the PSAT uh versus this assessment as compared to other District Factor group schools obviously kids tend to be a little more invested in the SAT or the PSATs because of what it means for them um so I don't know if that's something where you even see that kids who are High performing kids doing well on the SAT um may or may not necessarily aim to get the highest score on something yeah we haven't done a direct correlation study with that but um you know anecdotally it does make sense that a student is more many see some students are more invested in the njpa because they want to graduate other students they know that they're not going to college they might not be invested in that so I think you're going to get different students for different ones who are more invested in it but and then regard The Academy students um do you have to do any work to separate those or they're already pulled out of our numbers as we get them from the state they're already pulled out when we get the numbers from the state and I realize it's sort of a double edged sword there because on the one hand um they're Academy students but realistically they're in our English in our math classes so they're getting their math and English instruction through this District it would be interesting to see you know when those results come out which at some point you'll have them that we actually have a sense of how another subset of our kids are doing on that yeah and and I will say that so there's two sets of reports that we receive what I'm presenting here are called the published reports we also get what are called On Demand reports and those on demand reports that we receive include those Academy students so I can't present an information but we do know them so everybody that we test we know how they did so the initial reports that we run are based on including the Academy students and it does it bumps it up a little bit it's not a dramatic change but it does bump it up a little well it's I look at it it's unfair in the sense that our in a number of instances our strongest performing cohort of students are excluded from our results conversely like when you look at the subgroup populations by building are there subgroup variances that are significant enough to kind of help give some insight into that North versus warhe performance you know I I presented the subgroups by District because the numbers are so low within the school that they're not even enough to to present publicly because they're below 10% well yeah it has if 20 the 20 is the number yes yeah so that's why we do the District results um obviously within the buildings they look at the reports for their individual subgroups within the schools um but we just don't have the population to present by school and then I guess later on kind of what Nicole was pointing to when you start to get more information on other districts and then ultimately the broad subgroups within those districts should give us a sense of how we're comparing and something that might look Bleak for us is actually fairly common and it would shed some insight into that in an instance or point the way to say here's a subgroup that broadly underperforms we have that same subgroup maybe they are underperforming similarly maybe they're doing a little better maybe they're doing worse that could point the way towards cor instruction and and one of the things that's really helpful um we we you know this the state as you know used to have what's called District Factor groupings where they would rate the schools uh the districts on a a through J Scale based on socioon socioeconomic status and I think the last time they did that was like the year 2000 I mean it was it was a long time ago uh we were considered I districts so it's good to compare us to those ey districts you know it's similar socioeconomic status um so that's that's what we do and we can compare the subgroups the state gives us it's a massive spreadsheet that has all that information eventually when they release that okay when would you know if the cut score is going to remain the same for this coming year if it's going to go up to the original 750 I don't even know which vendor is testing this year uh believe it or not the state has gone out for um requests for proposals for testing not the NJ GPA that's supposed to stay the same but the njsa which is the one at the nth graders s uh that was out for bid and I don't even know who's doing it so we don't have a testing calendar for this year yet okay so but we we would have the same vendor for this though at least for the fall they have guaranteed that it's the same vendor for the fall for those students yes okay yes okay because the state has also been talking about eliminating it completely that's also been um because it's not a federal requirement many states have eliminated a proficiency test junior year it's a state law but not a federal one I think there's only about 10 states that do it yeah there aren't a lot of States who do it anymore if you look at the state percentage on math only just a shade over 50% right that's really bad so as a state I don't know if they want to have that track we participated in the nape last year which is the national assessment and when you consider the Statewide results for the nape assessment New Jersey is one of the highest performing schools or districts or States I mean yeah so yeah it's sort of a double EDG sword because to your point Christina the state wants to present as you know High achieving and having high expectations but it also bites you at other times another Dynamics any other questions okay thank you so much for your time all right moving on the chief School administrators report all right thank you Glen uh we do not have any reports of harass intimidation and bullying for this month because school is not session worried well you never know sometimes things come you know that we have to deal with uh online so um and then we there were no hi hi incidences reported at the July meeting either for June but we need a call for a motion okay so I need a motion in a second to affirm the determination on the hip incidence report that's July 23rd 2024 board meeting second which was zero zero right okay all in favor I opposed exensions okay okay now on to the good news um so a few have been happening bloomsberry has continued uh its journey to join the north H in B E's District this June Philipsburg and bloomsberry came to an agreement that it is best to move forward without consulting without continuing their send received relationship um so that made it a lot easier for bloomsberry it's now in the hands of the commissioner of education however there is a 20-day public comment period uh we did post something on our website so anybody who was interested in contributing to the public comment can get all that information on our website and be able to send that information in can I ask a question about that sure what um what does that do in terms of where Bloomsbury fits within the board the board members so once this all happens the county office will look at their reapportionment um we don't know if they would be part of Bethlehem and part of that you know group or because it's so small that I don't think they would have their own represent would probably ation into something got it okay thanks yeah they good evening hi they uh litigated to permit this board to consider a contractual relationship first oh okay so they would have no vote unless to Rich's point they had sufficient number of students that came by a contract to have a seat okay which I think is not possible when you consider their student enrollment okay uh for the regional to change would require votes throughout the region and is steps way down the road got it okay thanks we start contractually and then if that progresses and it's a roll out it is a roll out yes so the um it would be the Freshman of next year that would have the option I did want to mention that stem Camp was hosted at North hunon concluded on August 8th they had a bridge building event as the final culmination uh but students spent the week doing fun events like building catapults dissecting frogs and programming robots look like a large group from the pictures I saw yeah yeah it was it was a very large group uh esy extended school year has concluded for the summer student learned students learned all about the history of the Olympics and watched a few of the events live as they were happening they also participated in two Theater Workshop sessions to prepare for the upcoming winter unified Musical and then last and definitely certainly not least I want to wish a big congratulations to North Hunter and Mathematics teacher Megan luck Megan was selected as the 2425 County teacher of the year for Hunter County so she is now representing um one of 21 teachers in the state that will be vying for the New Jersey teacher of the year um so we are very proud of Megan she's um been doing a phenomenal job and this is welld deserved uh we had we we had um the county superintendent came out last spring to surprise Megan in our classroom we made a big event of it had balloons and flowers but then after the main event we were told you're not allowed to say anything and then in August on August 6 they met um at TCNJ they had the ceremony where everybody was officially appointed as their counties teacher to year and so now we are allowed to publicly say something so that's why we're and that's all I have thank you uh so first uh on behalf of the Board of Education uh I'd like to express our condolences to Jeff Bender and his family Jeff's mom have been battling um for some time several medical issues and Jeff's mom passed last week so we continue to keep Jeff and his family in our thoughts as I had mentioned at a prior meeting while assistant superintendent Rich bjx has been attending board meeting superintendent Bender was continuing his work and overseeing the day-to-day operation of our schools later this evening the board will approve Dr BX to serve as Acting Superintendent into the fall Dr bers has the confidence of this board and we thank him for his continued leadership I also want to take this opportunity to thank the district office staff and our school staff and administration for their continued commitment to our students and our next board meeting is September 24th 2024 at 7.m at this office moving on for public comment during this portion of the meeting the public is invited to address the Board of Education with comments you are requested to sign the register provided for this purpose and to state your name Municipality of residence group affiliation if if if applicable then direct your comments to the school board president while all comments will be considered by the Board of Education and a response may be forthcoming if and when appropriate individual school board members may not respond to the speakers at the time of their appearance the public comment period will will be a maximum of 30 minutes in length unless there are unusual circumstances you'll be allocated 3 minutes to speak and no one will be permitted to speak more than once on the same topic until all all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard please keep your comments respectful and non defamatory and maintain the level of decorum appropriate for the public meeting where students May may be present and in the audience any comments good evening I'm Amy Barrett from hybridge I'm here to comment with regret on the retirement of North hunon librarian Martha Hixon which is listed in the Personnel agenda for the record her retirement at age 65 is planned and voluntary Martha is a friend and an inspiration to me in my own board of education advocacy work I wanted to summarize her accomplishments so I looked for her profile on the school library web page I was stunned to discover that all mention of Martha Hixon has already been erased from the north hunterton site Martha holds a library of Science degree from Rutter's univ master's degree from ruers University she served for 19 years as the library media specialist at North hunon High School she is nationally recognized for her advocacy of intellectual freedom and her efforts to combat censorship and she has won awards from the American Library Association and the New Jersey Library Association more important her library has been viewed by students at North hunon especially by lgbtq students as a Safe Harbor from bullying for those of you who think that Martha fought book bands too loudly and publicly let me remind you that this was started in the fall of 2021 by a small group of people at a board meeting who called Martha a groomer and pedophile for including books with lgbtq characters in The High School library they also sent her hate mail harassed her on social media and tried to file charges with law enforcement Martha fought back loudly and powerfully and continued to fight a second book Banning attempt this year she also mentored other Librarians facing book bands it's disappointing that the administration treated Martha's efforts to protect herself her students and the First Amendment freedom to read as an embarrassing annoyance rather than a noteworthy achievement I worry about soft censorship soft censorship moving forward when Li young Librarians and teach teachers may be too intimidated to purchase or retain controversial books that would be a great loss to your students intellectual development and to the school's reputation for academic Excellence to the board thank you for voting against Banning books I again urge you to strengthen your policies around Library materials and public complaints make the complaint process more rigorous and onerous allow only students or parents of current students to bring a complaint and limit it to one book at at a time and please set a limit on how often the same books can be dragged through the reconsideration process perhaps once every five or more years to the book banners on the board and in the audience know that Martha may have retired but the people who showed up to support her are still here and we are local vocal and organized thank you for [Applause] listening okay [Applause] hi my name is Joy Lael and I'm from Union Township and I wanted to thank you all again for your volunteerism I know that's a lot of work I volunteer a lot as well um I would also like to mention Martha Hixon because it was concerning that she was erased so quickly um Miss hicking was locally recognized as a county and by the state nationally recognized and major media articles were written around her also award-winning acclaimed by pure organiz ations and many others you've got big shoes to fill guys good luck at getting somebody that's as as knowledgeable and as skilled and as able as she is um I'm hoping that you will wisely contact the uh njasl which is the New Jersey Association of school librarians they may know who is actually coming through with degrees in library science and so on and I'm sure they would be happy to either you know put it out on their sites to help you gain applications and also to help you review any applications if there's you know a tie or something in question between several people um I also Al wanted to comment on the other Personnel item mentioned with u Mr Bender I'm sorry to hear about his loss I lost my mother and that's not a great thing so our condolences go to him however uh seeing that um he's missed most of the meetings and Dr burx has been filling in mainly for that role and I'm quite sure in many other things throughout the day I would like to see if there's any way you could just find a way to make Dr Bera permanent um Mr Bender for all practical purposes was supposed to have achieved his Doctorate while he was at Union Township he was our superintendent there and I was dismayed when I found out he got moved over to here where he was also supposed to achieve his Doctorate going back to your um njsba rep Gwen thoron who presented and about professional development um going forward you know if someone says they're supposed to be achieving their doctorate or that's part of the condition of hiring um I think he should not be getting bonuses if that has not been achieved so I'm a voting taxpayer I expect um a quality education I've had four children come through two graduated Ruckers already and two are currently at Ruckers um I'm relying on you as a board to protect our first amendment and to you know do the jobs that you've been elected to do so thank you again for all of your time and your volunteerism we appreciate [Applause] it I'll fill it in a moment my name's harlon tinger I'm a resident in taxpayer in hybridge for about 37 years now and the parent of uh two Vorhees High School alumni uh this evening Gwen Thorton recommended that establishing board Norms should be your third goal for this coming school year as you establish these Norms please resolve to isue the culture wars Focus your Collective effort and attention on using the limited resources available to provide the best educational opportunities possible for our students encourage an employment environment that helps attract and retain Educators who are committed to the education and well-being of all students in the north hunon Vorhees Regional High School District to me this means publicly supporting and expressing appreciation for the many excellent Educators who work in the district thank you [Applause] I can't get any of these pens to write there we go it works I just wanted to say sorry to hear that Martha hickon will be retiring I think she was absolutely fantastic librarian I think it's very sad that she didn't get the full support from the school that she deserved she she was incredibly inspirational to the students here and I really appreciate everything she did for all the children she was very inclusive she loved what she did and she F hard for these kids for the minorities absolutely brilliant teacher and I think you'll be hard put to replace her name oh sorry Joan J and and D I had two children who went to this school thank you [Applause] any else thank you moving on to curricul comme report so the um the curriculum committee met on August 7th um we had a couple of committee members who were not present for vacation purposes but we had a a forum uh we did um did not have a monthly report um dealing with the student statistics however um at our prior meeting we had talked about the disparities that we were seeing in the number of suspensions and and different types of punishment between the two schools um the the good news is that we found out what the discrep ccy is it had to do with duplication of numbers um accidentally and so once that was addressed the numbers are are are close from the standpoint of um compared to the size of the school so um we'll be providing uh training will be provided at the two schools on how to report suspensions in a proper way and then the Student Records will also be updated um where there were any incorrect uh suspensions noted uh we we also discussed out of District placements and the challenges that we are facing with um the number of students um coming into our schools um and um we're going to be doing a demographic study this school year hopefully with um some of the sing districts if they if they already have uh plans to do so one of the concerns raised was you know as the um if we start to see an increase in the number of families moving to the area with younger children and how do we plan for Budget wise uh paying for added District placements if the number continues to go up um and then uh we also talked about the mind of the athlete program and um conversations or surveys will be had with the coaches to understand um the benefit of the presentations as well as the extra services that are provided outside of the presentations um to see if it's if it's still serving as a benefit and also the students in the marching band since the marching band is considered a sport within the the school district to see uh if they want if those students would like to participate as well um we also discussed the NJ GPA um and the comments that were discussed at uh at committee are the same as the ones that were discussed here and then uh we'll be examining the 2024 AP results um at the September committee meeting because at that point we'll have that information questions I have a question um the surveys for the M of athlete how are those surveys taken anybody know right now there is not a survey what we're going to do is we're going to add that to the end of season surveys that all the athletes and their parents get oh okay okay asking them about their experience with it so we're going to collect that this year so that we have data for next are they Anonymous they do they have to be down on the computer anonymous because there's IP address okay the the athletes get their own too because I'm only familiar with parent one yeah for students and there parents okay they're similar questions but geared towards kids yeah any other questions okay so I need a call for motion second to approve agenda items 101 to 103 so move joh second back all in favor any opposed any extensions okay uh moving on to policy Kim um we had our meeting on August 5th everyone was present uh the two agenda items uh first being njsba update um Dr bjack provided a brief update on the progress of the policy manual conversion uh the team is about halfway um down down the the stretch and anticipate hitting our goal completion by October um more examples were shared during that um meeting uh update meeting that showed how njsba policy will replace multiple policies which help helps for our public and and the district and us making the manuals um less complicated and more direct uh another update is scheduled for September 16th with njsba um our second agenda item uh was policy 01432 student reps um representatives to our board there was a discussion uh revolving around the need for um additional language in the policy that would limit um input uh into our discussions around agenda action items uh language will be developed and presented to the rest of the committee for consideration um the general concern was uh that student rep's not a voting member of the bo but they should have input into action items but when the board is in a motion not to take that action um we've also discussed how alternates should be used if the primary student board could not be present for part of the meeting versus absent for the entire meeting so we want to make sure we're clear so the the student reps are clear and board is clear as to um the communication among each other um we will review language that committee members propose at our next meeting um we will decide to add amend change um after discussion with the board it was noted that njsba does not have a policy addressing this topic so we need we will need to decide if we keep the language developed when the conversion is complete which it is the toy it's a state mandate but they don't have a policy it's a statute yeah I know it's meing so you would think you know every District now has a policy for this so njsba response to me on that was typically um if it's in statute and they we're just going to repeat the statute there's no sense of having a policy that just restate statute because you have to do it anyway because it's law and so that was the rationale but again that's up to the policy committee how they want was the board how we want to function but I mean it's helpful for the Reps as well to know I think okay and we're going to maintain our old policy manual will be archived so if we want to look at language of something that we had in the past we can always take that it at policy and determine whether or not it's appropriate to put in um and for the good of the order uh there was uh discussion brought up again about assemblies um building principles have been uh already directed and sent out um notices to families on the topic um parents were notified of up any upcoming assemblies including the topic of the assembly and who the speaker is uh the notification will include an opt out form and I believe that was already sent to the families on um August 8th by both buildings yeah that op out form was for the library materials parents wanted their children to op out the assemblies will happen as they're happening as they're happening so I apologize for that uh we also discussed uh briefly the cost of Mind Of The Athlete and I know uh Beth said they discussed that as well um the cost anual cost of the mind of the athlete is 15,000 um broken down 2500 per day for three presentations at each school um comments were positive for the program um and we also discussed policy 2415 and the protection of pupil rights amendment PPR uh with Federal Department of Education um all our current surveys that students complete are in compliance um and we'll continue to Monitor and that was it I just have a question um Kim just just for clarification purposes when you were when we were discussing the school board rep the student Schoolboard reps are you saying that if there is a pending motion that the student rep should not be permitted to comment during that period yeah we're just the discussion was and it's just a discussion language but when the student reps report out to the board in the beginning they're reporting but when we're in discussions that board members ask the student reps those questions during that time if there was questions to be had but so I I guess what I'm just trying to clarify is let's say we were having a discussion about mind of the athlete right now and we had the board the student reps here are you saying that they would not be able to provide a point of view on that program if a board member were to ask for their input but but why would that be the case they're they sit here to be their voices are meant to be heard we shouldn't have to ask them for their opinion on something I understand if a motion is pending well that's what we're talking about okay so as long as it's about a motion pending um I understand that but you know part of the the policy about or the bylaw relating to student Representatives is that we allow for their voices to be heard and be part of a the Democratic process of discussing open items and civil Discord so it's important so we're only so the proposal is for them to only speak when what at only no they're allowed to they're giving their student reps continue to participate they give their uh opening statements we're talking about when we're in the middle of a motion okay that the discussion sole a discussion for the well we're not in the middle of an a motion right now so if we were talking about the mind of the athlete they could freely speak but if we're in the middle of approving agenda items 10.1 to 10.3 what would be the reason they would speak because we're not in the middle of a motion we're not asking questions what is the if we're what do you mean by no we have discussion in a motion oh discussion in a motion I'm sorry I got confused so I guess another for instance would be if we're having a budget presentation they can participate just as the public can participate in that budget presentation but once a motion is is made and seconded then within that we have our deliberate the board has its deliberation at that point the P the public anybody that's not one of the 12 elected Bo members can't correct it that makes sense I didn't understand that's why I was trying to clarify yeah all right maybe a further clarification are you suggesting that once we're in discussion we couldn't ask that is where we said if board members are conflicted we want further information from our board reps we we can have that opportunity to ask I mean during the motion I'm guessing because I mean since I've been on the board there's been one instance where student rep has spoken during the the book issue and I'm we're not I'm hoping not looking to limit that kind of participation because that would seem antithetical to having that representative voice on the board um I guess I caution putting too many obstacles in the way if you're talking about a procedural sort of thing that I I don't think is an issue I know I got feedback from the community that they were very happy to hear the students speak and I would just want to make sure that we're not limiting or hampering um student absolutely not that was made clear in the discussion that it was during a motion that we value having student reped on the board it's very important to hear from the student body but there's there is a procedural and that's what we were talking about process that during that motion that that's the time for the 12 board members to have that discussion and that vote and nothing in statute no requires any process per that would be something we would be layering in right yes okay is there any board member can ask a student to comment right it do right well how I mean what if it's a topic and we don't consider what you know it's like we're not actively considering their opinion but they have a strong opinion how could they voice their opinion then if we're in discussion unless we ask them unless we ask them but how could they then if there was something that we're not asking them how would they then get their voice heard yeah thank you yeah yeah we would have to we would have to a point they would have to raise their hand and we would have to something like that or yes I think also maybe there would be a possibility if there was something that was big on the agenda that they could put in their report too maybe to address that Hey spoke to a couple different you know um other students in the school they voice her opinion on XYZ I mean unless it's something that comes up in a conversation that maybe they didn't think of but if it's something that's you know pretty big and you know um well known maybe they could put that also in the beginning of their discussion and then that way a board member would know once we started talking about it that somebody can ask their opinion if uh the conversation and there was also discussion um in our meeting about um surrounding you know uh selection process giving all kids the opportunity there was there was other things in the policy that we'd like to see clearer what about the selection process there in question um discussion of you know compared to other districts that is it pure body is it the student body selecting you know is someone is are they nominated is it just driven by Administration it's if you go to the policy you can see and you want to give all students the equal opportunity and then there was discussion I think ours is our policy states to the effect um uh four we have two Reps for each school but when you compare policies and look at policies and even our policy it's not clear like if a student is is absent who steps in how does it you know how does that resolve so we just wanted to clear make the policy clear for everyone the only the only hesitation I have on on kind of really being specific on dictating how that works is then you really pigeons hole yourself into a process and I I'll be very interested to see what all of the njba um what their the policies look like but our policies are fairly Broad and leave a little room for flexibility um so I'm not well I'd be interested in seeing what the what the proposal looks like but I I just don't know why we would spend a lot of time trying to restrict students our student rep I think that was the the task of it we're going to put language together and propose it to the board okay but that that wasn't the means of it at all so so I guess I'll say this right I guess I'm a little bit unhappy that I'm considering them to be adults and I'm making them raise their hand I'm just I'm just I'm just sort of saying it right I I feel like we're stifling their voice I feel a little I feel they're not an adult of making ra I basically relegated them to the kids table I feel that's my personal opinion but let's see you have language you want to propose let's look at the language and see how it looks but that's my two sents I mean I don't want them to be rude by any sense and we have we had an instance where student I don't recall ever having an instance where student rep was um disruptive or I don't think it that wasn't the conversation in the meeting that was about being destructive it was more of during a motion and that there was confusion as to who was here who were the board ra who's who's um you know a lot of times board reps leave after we have business um and aren't here or prior to so it was just clarification so that I agree with you I think I think there was some confusion as students were were swapping seats so I I disagree with you I think that needs to be laid out better I agree with you on that I mean because there's they there wasn't clarification for coming from a student reps point they don't know can I do this can I do that what can I do and that should be spilled out to them well that should be something the principal sit down with them prior to them becoming the student rep and explain how their code of conduct it it we're not even it's has nothing nothing to do go back just take a look at the the policy and go through it and we were comparing it to different districts to see if you know are we doing you know proportionately are we doing what's best for the students for running our meetings and they vary distinctly and like I just said there is not a statute since 2021 prior to that it was policy each district creating a policy right but the statute is the inclusion of the student yes and that's what we of course want absolutely we value that that was not at all the discussion no no I meant the policy doesn't go into particulars limiting their speech and participation they're just broad statement policies you can be our policy right any other questions just a quick comment that the G I think this this comment you made Rich that and um the new policy manual will exclude statute that's not just about this particular question it's it's kind of their philosophy r as jbaa yes is to okay so we should recognize that's going to be kind of a continuing thing it's not only this aspect it's anytime there's a statute their kind of philosophy is don't regurgitate it to then have to re up you know update it every time the legislature changes something yeah I'll also say right I think the difficulty sometimes when they when you have a policy and there's a statute the policy tries to interpret the statute and I think it create can very often create confusion because it's not it's not EX ex act and so I can tell you in Prior years when we when we reviewed policy we reviewed a policy and you go back to the statute they don't match which is I remember Brian you and I had conversations we're like so what what's the right version right and I think that's sort of the difficulty I think the downside of of trying to interpret them right I don't think that prevents us from adding policy to interpret or to State how we're going to implement it or something like that yeah that's yeah like so a policy that says we will will have school reps student reps is not needed a policy that says here's how we're going to use engage them or whatever it could be a legitimate thing to add to njsba yeah the one comment I think I made right in policy was I think it be helpful to at least say there's a policy C statute so at least people know there's a statute out there because I don't know if you but you don't always know to look for something if you don't know it's there that again that up the policy when it comes down to that point but so right part of the conversation didn't get we here I think a little bit is the reason why we've added Sur the recommendation was to add surveys to the two um to the academy was to right because of the cost to make sure we're actually getting benefit out of this so that's why Rich recommended we add this survey at the end of the season to make sure the value is getting out of the program so which is a good idea other questions in regards to um would it be an appropriate time to bring up um what was mentioned last month um in regards to the opt out procedure for the book Library relation relation oh it's in community relationship yeah I think it's part of community relation actually we do have a read yeah so we got we'll get to that yeah okay other questions okay so finals John yeah thank you um so we had a brief meeting uh on the 5th um virtually uh basically we were going over agenda items um that was the main emphasis uh the first thing is acceptance of extraordinary aid for uh special needs students this this portion of the Aid comes later in the year so we're just accept accepting it uh 122 is um a it's a pass through uh stem Grant it's for um teachers who will be teaching at uh non-public schools um uh stem classes outside of their duties of working for us it's just a pass through if they complete it um they'll submit and um uh they'll be reimbursed or they'll be paid through money that we receive from the state so no Jeopardy to us also mou um with uh try County Visage to allow our district to participate in state funded uh Mental Health Services potentially down the road this will maybe help offset some of our um costs with Rucker's Behavioral Health Services uh fourth item uh this should be Katie tells us this will be our final honey well contract um so I guess we'll be sorry to see them go because uh we've been very successful in uh optimizing this this grant funding um and so this is the last component two approximately $2 million most of the work is um uh the north hunon campus regarding air conditioning air handler units um that also spurred on a conversation regarding um uh from from Kim um you know anxious to kind of see some of the work that's taking place not only recently but over the years um through some of the this grant work with that honey Wells conducted um so you know discussion followed um most of the work though is difficult to see because it's on rooftops or inaccessible places in the school however um you know we wanted to open up uh the offer to anybody um to expect reach out to Katie if you're looking to tour one of the two buildings um and we could potentially set something up to just you know not just see the new new the the new work but also if you're the newer board member unfamiliar with the building um be a great way to see it so reach out to Katie uh or myself at the uh our committee and we can coordinate something um additionally um you'll see on here a Professional Services contract an hourly one for an assistant superintendent who will assess uh Rich um tuition cont um contracts with uh hcvd um and we also have um transportation um Management Services cont a contract with um uh H uh the ESC Hunter County ESC we'll see that here we've already talked uh approved the the funding for those uh bus routes but this is um just finalizing the actual routes themselves uh we have approval of some booster club ads that will be placed around nor hun in high school and um that was that was basically it oh and one other item um a year ago we had some uh uh the lights here at North hunon the exterior lights for the stadium were replaced um K's working towards getting a vendor approved for Vorhees um the vendor that we liked from last year he's not listed on the approved list so um she's working to get them on one of those approved vendors list so we can finish that work uh the exterior lighting that is at 40s so that's all I have to report I just had a question on the honey will work so I am no expert in professional HVAC services so please excuse the question if it sounds silly um so does the work involve adding in air conditioning into the schools or is it just the ventilation um the purpose of the grant is to improve ventilation in the school allowed us to put brand new rooftop units on the building which to the tune of $6 million so I mean yeah we had at least 11 go on the building over the summer which was components of not only this honey Mall Grant but also the referendum because it did take over 12 months to order some of that equipment so so what's the overall impact in the school for students it's just just environmentally that I mean we've had old issues in the building so I mean over the summer we're fortunate now to have some of those primary concern areas now addressed with brand new units and all new Duck work that's great and More Energy Efficiency that's that too yeah that's great the fft F you guys right so look in the our folder and to see some more detail on all these projects yeah it was a lot so I asked rich and Katie right one of our future meetings for kti get a presentation of what's of what's in that folder right all you you guys was a good idea too give a presentation to the board so I'll let you two figure out when to do that but yeah this is this is tremendous right we've right in terms of of grant money and offsetting cost this was just again Katie we said it before this is tremendous right great great value to the schools and to obviously taxpayers so yeah especially since I've been seeing the news lately of some of the other school districts are at the stage where they have to replace roofs and the only way to do that is through referendum cost to taxpayer so it's very very impressive thank you nice job yeah thank you rich quick question on the stem Grant well I know we have the obligation to have science staff available is that something we've um activated or have have implemented or it's just there should should the request come so these teachers reach out to private schools uh about how many hours the private schools can use them then they come back with the apply to the state and then they notify us of how many hours they are willing to work for those private schools and then we are obligated to pay them through payroll but then we get reimbursed by the state for that cost but not something that impacts their Duty or time here it's all it's all after hours it's not it's in addition other questions yeah I just wanted to um I rich and I spoke about the memorandum of understanding regarding the Center for Family Services um I have a lot of concerns about that I feel it's a little bit of a government overreach as I talked to Rich about this um of the tier one specifically and tier two services that we can get from here that I feel that a parent who may be in need for extra services for their child may not understand what this memorandum really States given the state a lot of um power over their families and their children and uh looking at the memorandum itself is pretty clear that there's going to be dat databases that there's you know uh funders that we don't know who they are um that efforts will be driven by data and evidence based or evidence informed practice using health records across program the track client data and [Applause] outcomes um there's just in my opinion a lot of government overreach and one of the things that I think that most people know that I'm uh concern about parental consent um currently in the state they are low the age of consent for mental health um without parental consent from 16 to 14 they're also in the process of putting in um federally qualified Health Centers within the school district um where the students can get a lot of Health guidance without parental consent so I feel that this memorandum is just overbearing and does not protect the families nor the students can you show me on the me I'm looking at the member can you tell me where you're pointing out this overreach and um where is this a this looks like it's a voluntary Mental Health Service it's it's not something we would force kids into it's having the ability to provide Services isn't it it's well we get a lot of the um help from the Rucker service that we already have um I think sometimes these memorandums can come across and look like they're real cushy and great but in reality you're signing over a lot of information to the state that get at some point could give the state a lot of territory into family personal business how would they know family's personal business if you read through the memorandum it's very clear and if you look at the for family services and if you go to the Department of Children and Families you can read very well what can happen when CPS or aka the old TPS can come into a household and consider it an issue and I think that parents who may be desperate to get their kids help thinking that this may help them inevitably can hurt them so my question rich is do you know the school is going to get any funding um for implementing this or any of these tier two or tier three services no the school doesn't receive direct funding for this the state set up something called n4s which is a hub and spoke kind of mental health network throughout the entire State this is an organization that supports our area as part of that Hub and spoke um organization and what this does is it just gives us another tool that if we want to refer students over to somebody who who somebody who if one of our virtual clins thinks a student needs extra um mental health counseling some other type of service iops or something that is beyond what can offer in school um this allows us the opportunity to ruers would typically refer to themselves and if the parents have insurance to pay for that or if they want to pay out of pocket they could but this allows them to get those services and the state funds them and so that is the difference is that if it was a student that needed those Services the parents couldn't afford it this gives them an opportunity to do that which provides more inclusivity to mental health exactly it's just another it's again I don't think this would be utilized in a large large number of students but another tool for us to have just to offer those services to all students might need well there's there's three tiers I'm trying to understand the I read through the website too um there's tier one tier two tier three right so tier one looks like it's it's for everybody is that for all the students because it looks like it's workshops it's so we're not going to utilize tier one or tier 2 Services um from this organization we're just going to use that for tier three which is individual yeah that's not in here either and again this is a blanket agreement we don't right now we're eligible to U bring them in for tier one services without even having this agreement approved so tier one services are every school district is allowed to use them and bring them in we have other organizations that do that for us now so we don't we wouldn't utilize them for this um and then tier two is group usually group settings and we have enough We Believe enough um group settings in our um School District to to satisfy the need for that this is for individual member Health counseling that will be and Beyond what we could provide and also if the parents couldn't afford her insurance so there's a lot of variables to know whether or not very expensive you can't afford mental health um Services they don't take insurance no they don't any therapist any psych you're not pay you're paying out of pocket for that at to the tune of anywhere I mean 150 250 a session and if a parent doesn't have the the means and we can provide this to that student as an alternative to help them with whatever they're challenged with I I know the mou is um very U Broad in in what it explains the services but we're not going to you not not too clear to me on certain things like and also the it might be on page five I printed this out um to take notes but there's also a um expect ation of the board with this as well so my concern is are there's we need to participate in datadriven decision models and referral processes that promote early identification and intervention of students so that's one of the bullet points of what needs to happen from the board so when they say the board they it's the board and the board of Representatives that you have hired to do that so that would be us okay figuring out what students need Services right if for that but we have okay admin and and Rich tier one tier two tier three mirrors academic intervention services already offered in the district it does we do those things already it's just and again we want this as an option for tier three really for students and family and that reference to data driven decision models a referral process for early interet uh dentification and intervention that that is what's going on presently with teacher communication counselor assistant principal communication to counselor yes so that intervention services are provided that's what that's referring to abely all that data is things that we're already collecting so that we can determine whether or not you know and and it's behaviors of students but when I say data we're not it's not just surveys you know it's it's a teacher making a note that you know Johnny hasn't been acting themselves lately right referred to the counselor that counselor then uses that data that was collected by the teacher to notice that Johnny might be having some issues and call that student down and talk to them about what's going Rich one other question the TI three service the Intensive service um does that happen without parental communication and consent no these would these would all be students that are the parents would be contacted and they would be offered this as a service so they could then take advantage of it outside of school so if they say no it doesn't happen so then my other question is if per chance a parent says yes and then a remedial is given to that you know or a recommendation is given to that family or to that student and then it starts going down that road but the parent very uncomfortable is there a way for the student or the parent to pull out of it is there something that needs to be signed is there anything and who's going to be liable if something doesn't go in the right direction this is a parent taking an opportunity to get services for their child they always have the opportunity to stop their services at any time I don't see that here but well it's just it's like any other medical service um you're not that doesn't look like under contct you're not under a contract this is as to what the school is offering it's not as to what parents is agreeing to I I know that there are documents that have to be completed when you agree to do certain activities with the school and get assistance for your children um I I I think that having a program like this that we make mental health services available to families that can't otherwise afford it is a huge opportunity for this District I agree and I'm not sure what the other solution would be there are pros and cons to everything that a District offers but to me the health and safety of our children should be of utmost importance I'm concerned about health and safety of children just as well so I'm not I'm not going to even have to debate that issue the the the concern here is a government overreaches something goes wrong and if we already have these Services already provided to us from Ruckers or other things I don't really feel that this has to be so recers doesn't provide the extented services that are being offered through this program Rich do they they don't no this would be outside counsel um again we're not going to use them inside the school Rec is our internal mechanism to provide counseling to students that that need that um but that isn't a comprehensive mental health program so students that need more than what we can offer in school and their parents didn't have insurance to be able to go to a private facility or they didn't want to pay for it out of pocket and they needed the help and they couldn't afford it this would be an option we can give them so there's a lot of things that would have to happen and again we can collect the data on what happens this year with that how many students are referred how many students went to the program how many students stay in the program we can have all that data in report at the end of the year to determine whether or not it was something that um you know had more government overreach than the full board was comfortable and all students can use the service it's not selected by economic status no it's not anybody can use it I'm just saying that this this would be a tool that somebody might take advantage of if they didn't have other me other questions okay yeah fully supportting mental health this is it's just it was confusing to me reading through this so listen the conversation's good right I don't I think you know obviously you're voting on it you should be comfortable with it so right so I think it's it's good everyone ask question okay so I need a call for motion and second to approve agenda items 121 through 1216 second oh okay all in favor I any uh yes I vote no on 123 so yes to everything but 123 yes okay and any okay and any extensions I abstain for 1214 to 126 14 16 okay Iain from 123 12 exstension correct right exstension right okay so Nicole was opposed was got it okay okay uh community relations Beth um so Tara is not able to be here today so she um gave me the opportunity to read out the the minutes from our meeting that took place on August 8th um everyone was in attendance uh the first thing we did was um uh Juliana and I'm going to butcher her last name scrio scrio scrio okay uh welcomed herself introduced herself as our uh new nhb Communications coordinator and provided information about her experiences um and her education um she talked about um the back to school updates and the emails that are being prepared to send out to parents and Guardians um so that students and parents are ready when they're when school restarts should I wait or okay um but she said and students and parents everybody seems to be ready to start the school year which is very exciting um so she has taken on the role of communications coordinator um as Marin is no longer with the district and um and emails have been going out we've received them both um through the board as well as at the at the school level um the uh the district is still in the interview process for a director of special services the projected date is to hopefully have someone in the position by the end of November we've had we've had a number of candidates which has been really positive um for us and and given us a good selection to choose from um there um was um discussion about the the the types of meetings that were happening at the different schools I don't know if it was as to cpad or not the special education parents Advisory Group um we had a individual come and speak to us at the meeting two meetings ago so that was June um about um the organization and the group um which we very much supported at the committee meeting um the goal is to have more of these meetings um take place when um the director of special servic is hired uh rather than having an assistant principal run the meeting someone who's more focused on the on the topic can run the meetings going forward and create less confusion um and then um we um those are all those issues um we also talked about the the community um the reports on community building activities things that are happening in the schools um that were being done by the um the the principles and we're going to continue to have those and report them out as part of our community update uh and then um before we move on to the the final agenda item the two other community uh notifications one is um there actually is a theater camp taking place this week at the um at at North hunon for the whole District um I have on good good information that there were 16 freshmen that came in for it which is really a good turnout also um but also wanted to let everyone know that um one of the vocal teachers in the district um who runs her own Studio had a number of our vocal students from North hun and borgis sing at Music Fest which is a very large music organization or music event that takes place every year um in Bethlehem out by Steel Stacks um which is really nice so she was able to have um I think there were about six or seven students two performances one on last Tuesday and one this Sunday so um we're really you know it's really excellent for them to have that kind of uh visibility um so we did talk again about the parent communication opt out questions so in the back to school letters that went out to parents there was information in there about how parents can opt their students out of certain Li out of library books that they were to do so um so that was was put in there there's also going to be a team pep letter that'll go out offering students um or parents to opt their student out of teenth if they wish to do so uh the student the letter will say that the parents and Guardians will need to let the principal know if their student is going to opt out though um and if there are in school um activities that are taking place whether it's in a particular class um if that class is going to have anything that's going to be viewed or discussed um really viewed or read um and it's of a certain content then this the teachers actually send out those permission forms we see that with movies sometimes for parents and uh Dr ber a confirmed that that still takes place um and that was it for the committee meeting questions yes thank you so with the opt out for the um with the books it was mentioned last month that there was a procedure in place right so so yes we we were notified that that there was I guess an informal procedure that somebody could email the librarian at any point at either school and ask that these books not their child not be allowed to take these books out um once we realized there was that informal procedure that nobody was being notified about we came up with an idea to come up with a form that would be uniform between the two schools and then notifi parents about that so that they're aware of that process so there wasn't necessarily a procedure in place it was informal it was just informal yeah but it was uring what was that but it was uring it was happening yeah oh and how did we know was I I don't know if it ever I mean it was there for somebody if they wanted it but I because it wasn't advertised and it was people weren't notified about it I don't think it was being I don't think there was any ever used it I don't believe so so or at least not not in recent okay it came up in response to the board discussion um that was a question that came up as to whether or not we would explore the option for parents to be able to do that and I think at that time the Librarians had reached out in Glen and myself because I asked the question oh okay so it wasn't something was preexisting well I think it was pre-existing inst where it had happened previously and so it brought to attention through public debate they heard that um our understanding was that no such practice existed and they clarified that in fact such a practice had been done before and this was how they went out that would have been great to know that for three years nobody's known it yeah that would have been great to know because it could have avoided so much so it wasn't anything written or added in there wasn't anything there wasn't any it was anotal in the sense that I think a particular parent had reached out regarding actually for a very different reason um and that was the solution was found oh I didn't hear that conversation where was that conversation I didn't either yeah well again it was shared from just from The Librarians hearing the public comment about whether or not we public from public comment right so public comment I made the request it'd be nice if there was an alternative solution that I remember so I buy and right we received received an email from from the librarian right I right so we forward the email to Rich because right we don't communicate right because it's Rich's job to staff and we found this informal process apparently existed and through that it became it turned into a formal right formal process that we talked about last board meeting that now is actually right in place that's been communicated to parents I think it would have really dissolved so many concerns on both behalfs of both sides of um parents who wanted and didn't want certain books and it would have been beneficial I think for all parties to have known about this informal procedure or practice or possible option it would haveed so many situations yeah I mean especially that it was quoted plenty of times about how much money was spent on attorney fees and whatnot could have been avoided very simply had we known or had Administration known anybody know anybody yeah interesting so looking forward to the process right so that's good right so maybe so on a positive note hopefully it it clward so just one more thing on the agenda we did not discuss at the uh community relations student affairs meaning the three the two items that are up for vote um I don't know if it was that we didn't know about them at the time but I don't see any reason why we couldn't vote for them but um Ral question try to answer question is the is the in Scholastic Athletic Association and we have to be a member of that in order to participate in sports um and then the booster clubs and parent organizations is an annual reappointment just so that the board knows what organizations are out there working you know with the schools on behalf of the students I just have a quick question didn't didn't we have I mean I always thought we did have a special tion the parents Advisory Group we do um and and uh to clarify that both assistant principles were in touch with this particular parent that came in June um and they're going to try to work on something for the fall we're not going to wait for the special services director to get in but we're hoping once the special services director gets in we'll have a more formalized schedule formal but we've always had it yeah we've always had it yes one thing I picked up in that discussion though was it's not ours it's the parents that is correct yes yes so it's not ours to have ours to facilitate typically our our responsibility is Prov provide some facilities help advertise that it's going to happen but it is supposed to be parent trip right so the parents are supposed to um Talk come up with the topics they would like to discuss and then saying it had been utilized and I know even in arcade services so that's that was my point not that it was ours as a board meaning it is there it was been in place and I know because I've used it so question was it like like not advertise or was there something that the Board needs to do to help get that information more out to the parents no I think um you know over the last couple years since it was an assistant principal that was doing it if the assistant princip sent it out even though it's a district thing right maybe B's parents didn't see it as a b thing and vice versa right okay so this will allow us to have more more Universal for both schools but it it has been advertised it just wasn't well attended before and so that's why we're going to try to get some more interest in it and it sounds like we have a parent that's will to do that so like a policy in place that we're allowed to do that right if they're approved parent organizations that we can help spread the word so it's it's not an approved parent organization like would be on here like a PT Club um this is just this is a parent advocacy group that you know um will required to have by St oh okay I thought it was a okay I approv other questions okay call for a motion second to approve agenda item 131 through 132 second John and Jess all in favor hi any opposed any exensions okay uh delegates are still in summer session right okay Personnel um I was not at the Personnel committee meeting but I heard that it happened um and they discussed the Personnel agenda we did so okay okay so I need a call for a motion second to adopt resolution 08132 4-2 for executive session to discuss matters falling under category 8 as reflected in the attached resolution the board expects to be an executive session for approximately 1 hour and upon return to public session action will be taken motion first move second all in favor oppos any exensions we are rective session thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right so I need a call for motion in second to reconvene public session second and uh okay so I need a call for motion and second to approve agenda item 181 and 182 and 183 which is a hand carry uh 181 being our personel agenda 182 being executive session minutes from our last meeting at 183 183 being resolved to adopt and approve the mo MOA with the nvea for the period 2024 through 2028 I need oh I need a roll call vote so oh I'm sorry I need a motion a second excuse me sorry second sorry okay thank you sorry falling asleep okay roll call vote M pno yes Mr ch yes uh with a no on 8.2.3 of agenda item 8 18.1 18.2 18 person agenda we're doing all uh yes except a no on 8.2.3 on agenda item 18.1 Mr RAC uh yes on 181 and 182 I have to abstain on the memorandum though I'm fully supportive of that agreement I'm conflicted and have to abstain Mr uh yes with the exception of a no vote on uh 8.2.3 M Rees yes Miss Leno uh yes but again with the exception of 18.2 I abstain on all 182 so you're abstaining for the minutes Mr spant yes Miss yes with um a no for agenda item 8.2.3 and Mr far uh yes except uh I've seen on 18.3 because I'm convicted but again I also support theou I just have to verify I know what was that what was that motion carries carries uh okay old and new business so I have an item for new business um I didn't think it was appropriate to raise it during the um the committee uh piece so I've been thinking a lot more about um the number of AD of District placements that we have and I recognize that we're required to do out of District placements but at the same time I've been thinking about what we can do to make parents of children who need that service more aware of what we have to offer here and so one of the ideas I had was can we make it a requirement that before we will approve an ad of District place that the parents of those children have to attend an information session at Vorhees with a tour to understand what we have to offer they just have to attend it and know about it because otherwise my fear is that they don't know and so they're just going with what they already have and even if that means getting two or three other students into our program we're not paying $600,000 for an ad distri compl in that particular instance um so it's just a thought maybe something that could be considered that we put in place I know a lot of cases they are doing that already but I don't know about mandating it but I will look into that okay the question for me who makes the decision the parent decides that they're going to go outter district and we are obligated to go along with it the child's well I guess there's a couple ways there are I mean like an i team is typically making that decision so the IP team would include the parent teachers from the school um and in our situation a lot of those decisions are made before there are student we're getting them you know when they transition from 8th to 9th grade so um and then there are other ways that student parents can actually it's something called unilateral placement where they can um decide that this is the school that's best for their student they place them there and then we go through litigation typically to try to prove that it's not but it's not as easy as it right so there's a couple different ways that that happens so you're proposing that the parents should bring their child into the school to do a tour faculty and other before that decision I don't think it necessarily has to be the child I think it's really a matter of educating the parents on what we have here and then working with child study team whomever else to see if that is something that is a possibility for them there are certainly benefits to being in a school that has both neurotypical and and um non-neurotypical students and there are some students that may really benefit from that but if that's all the parents normally see is that this is the only way to get their child in education then they don't know what we have to offer clearly that doesn't work for students that have significant behavioral issues but there are students who are on the Spectrum where the parent may just not know that in our our district especially ones who haven't been in our area for eight you know through all of um K through 8 making them aware of it and giving them giving ourselves the opportunity to show them that we have something to offer them is that occurring a lot in our because I I I was under the impression that we the team I know we're going to have a new director of special services but that was something that for the last several years that we working on collaborating with those eighth grade with the staff they do and moving you know moving these children into placements they do uh you know if somebody's placed in e8th grade year we're usually involved but a lot of these placements are happening in fifth sixth grade and it's something that we we we don't have the we don't have an option if it's an eighth grade student a lot of times we can say we have a program that's appropriate and have that student attend in their eighth grade year which saves us the need to have the student it saves the sending District need to send a student out to ated District placement and then we also have that student already in our system um which is benici to us to get back we wouldn't have that input let's say for fifth and sixth grade so I mean I guess typically we we would because we don't have a program that we could right provide for that but to your comment and I know that there have been efforts over years with continuing professional development with the sending districts uh as well as articulation efforts to talk about great District program so that those little child study teams are aware uh and are also sharing that information with parents you know at those earlier years absolutely that is something that a director special services want um charged with is making sure that and again there there there there is an option of having you know one sending District have a special program that's still in District right and all of our sending districts spend to could send to one program that focuses on one type of disability or do another district has something with another type disability so again this director we're going to charge with some of that yeah that'd be great cuz I like I said I think as I just wonder again as it comes to some of the other programs that parents may not be aware of even like I said in the neurotypical universe of classes that we offer parents may not know what we fully have available um in the district so might be a suggestion when they they do go down and speak to the our counselors go down and speak to the eighth graders I believe right still they do yeah yeah I mean is that something will the director special servic be attending any of those Poss yeah I mean they'll actually attend they have a director's articulation um that happens so they'll be more focused on that is how you get a all the parents whose kids are already in the school um well if yeah a student that's not that that's in one of our sing districts who's already in one of the schools right those parents are probably tough to it is tougher yeah sometimes those are you know but again I know a lot of times they do tours to try to you know show parents what we have I'm not against sure you actually get a hold to show them the option I think the only thing I don't have an answer support tonight is whether or not that can be mandated yeah sure and that's what I through so and Rich students can come in from um sending District to North or VOR and go to the opposite High School correct if those Services yes we typically do that okay we try to focus on programs that need schools so that we're not duplicating Services right the best for the student what's available okay anything else okay uh so call for motion and second to adjourn so move Jess second Beth all in favor I all oppos any exensions we areed great thank you every e