[Music] the what are you g to do about this the north hund Vorhees Regional High School District Board of Education meeting on Tuesday January 23rd 2024 is now called to order in accordance with the requirements of the open public meeting Act njsa 10 4-6 at seek at adequate notice of the meeting has been provided by submission of notice at the of the time date and location to The Star Ledger on December 5th 2023 and the hunon county Democrat on December 7th 2023 notice and to the extent known the agenda of this meeting had been posted at North hudon High School in Bor High School provided to the municipal Clerks of Bethlehem Township Calon burrow town of Clinton Clinton Township Franklin Township GL Gardner burrow Hampton burough hybridge burough Lebanon burrow Lebanon Township tubry Township and Union Township as well as other interested parties and posted on the district website fire exits are located in the direction indicated if alerted to fire please move in a Comm in orderly fashion to the nearest smoke free exit at this time please silence all your phones Miss tno could everyone speak up please here thank you Mr Chapman here miss Gall here miss H here M here Mr M ISAC here Mr is Miss Rees here miss selo here here and Mr here can we all please rise for the flag salute to the flag of the United States of America and to for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all so I call for a motion in a second to approve agenda items 41 and 4.2 which are the minutes from November 28th and the minutes from January 2nd some of one oh Bron I'm sorry any conversation okay all in favor I need any oppos I need to abstain from 4.1 minutes Christin say for 4.1 oh yes that's right any other oppos or extensions okay uh so now hear from our two board Representatives uh uh Jude Gap is sitting for a n night so June so North FR has been fairly busy um on this Saturday January 20th we had the host of reach no winners um which is omel who won medical math in seventh place NJ vanett who won pharmacology in seventh place Parker Tomlinson who won Behavioral Health in sixth place Leona Joyce who won cultural diversities and disparities for sixth place Joseph Koffman who won medical terminology in fifth place uh Jacob Derwin uh who won pharmacology in third place uh Emmy ucham tangu um who won medical assisting in second place and myself who won prepared speaking in second place uh the interact Club is currently doing a fundraiser selling duct for Relay For Life um the first winter pep rally that uh nor funon has done is currently being organized uh mock trial is moving on to the championship um girls Bas basketball is doing uh decently with 6 to8 boys basketball just won against Somerville with 8 to6 uh swimming is also doing well and the entire School began the second semester today thank you fantastic thank you Adeline Cooper all right good evening for those of you who have not met me yet my name is Adeline Cooper and I the representative for bores High School to start us off here's a recap of what happened in December the unified department and drama club put together a spectacular performance of High School Musical Junior on December 9th and 10th it not only brought portions of the school closer but it was also a reminder to all who were in attendance that were all in this together our Alliance Group held workshop with other students and had a day full of team bonding games gingerbread decorating competitions and lots of laughter they plan on having two more events this school year in the middle of December both the choir and band performed their winter concerts the band was accompanied by the sending District honors band for a group of selected eighth graders who have proven excellence in their instrument these individuals played alongside members of the VOR honors bands in a number of songs leaning into the holiday festivities we started our winter break on on the right note on the last day before break we had our winter pep rally that highlighted our winter team captains a showing of the cheer competition performance and a fun holiday mashup by the drama club when we got back from the much needed break our Halls were flooded with lots of excitement and new faces we welcomed the incoming freshmen as they toured the school and met with teachers for the upcoming school year speaking of Sunday schools some of our seniors have been taking trips down to the Highbridge Elementary School here senior are able to to be riding buddies with fourth graders theyve taken a total of three trips down and are excited to bring this program back to life since Co on January 14th members of the engineering CAD 1 and CAD 2 classes took a trip down to North to compete in a bridge competition for many weeks students were building a bridge out of popsicle sticks to see who could hold the most weight bhe won with a bridge holding 520 lbs congratulations to the 10 students from both from both North and Bor who participated in the symphonic honors band concert held at Somerville high school after being selected by the central the Central Jersey music educator Association some more recent fund took place last Thursday when UniFi hosted a spectacular silencis they transformed the senior Mall into a neon dancing floor that students from both Wares and westm Central attended thank you anybody have questions busy yeah you guys are really busy so I'm going to ask you a different question put you on the spot is there anything that you think we can help you with tutoring is going well is there if you know you don't have to say it publicly but um nothing that hasn't already been brought to attention okay all right okay great thank you guys appreciate it Mr President I want to move that we have a discussion about whether we want to continue this way or not hard to hear you so we have we have two options we continue this well a motion have a motion in a second to have a conversation okay so we can continue this way or we can adjourn public session to a different night no in a different venue different venue move we move to the auditorium can't move it now we're not moving it now [Music] so because we have proprietary information on our computers this is a fire hazard people okay so then the option right move they have the option what do we have on the bills list Katie important stuff that we're now voting we have to move yeah public s yeah yeah cuz we have bills we have two months of bills L we have business to do we have November and December corre can we do student recognition at least yes we going to cancel the meeting just looking at comment so our options are are we Ming tonight and that's not going to work we have to do we have to do certain things tonight regardless we have business that has to be done tonight okay but the first option with both option one is we carry on right and and maybe we are above a fire hazard limit to this so option two is We Carry On and some people move outside outside okay public meetings act what about could sit on the floor come forward well I don't think that's going to solve the concern over there's isn't it better than people standing at for the meeting then it would also allow the people to sit down GL at some of the public meetings that they had this within smaller towns and people would have to rotate kind of in and out to make sure they were under the fire code we did that we've done that before and shifts what's the maximum in this room supposed to hold what's the should be next to [Music] the [Music] sast of the AG get and we have 30 minutes can [Music] I meeting meeting meeting meeting B you [Music] yeah all right all right so we have we have two [Music] options so my apology right obviously a lot of people here tonight um so we have two options either I'm going to have to ask some of you stand outside and rotate in for public session so we get under fire code or where we're going to have to adjourn tonight's meet I'm going to have to adjourn tonight's meeting and we'll reschedule it likely for next week so we have two options please stop talking over me we have two options we're either going to have to have many of you obviously stand outside and rotate in for public session or I'm going to during the meeting because we have to have public session and we'll reschedule it for hopefully sometime next week but I have to get I have to give I can do that but we have to give adequate public [Music] notice yeah I say you guys we can't so any so ask what's your opinion so I'm gonna take Motion in a second to sorry so I'm going to take a motion in a second just adjourn to Executive session for a few minutes I'm going to take a motion in a second to adjourn into executive session for a few minutes so we can talk so moved second all in favor than so given the number of people here tonight oh so yeah I need a motion a second to uh public session oh voice oh I'm sorry Voice vote I apologize to reconvene so I need a Voice vote all in favor I extensions or NOS okay so we're back in public session okay so obviously given the number of people here tonight and obviously the safety concerns the number of people given the number of people stop stop please so given the number of people here tonight obviously and your concerns for safe right and I appreciate all of you want to hear and speak each other we're going to move this meeting to a different night next week to a bigger venue to a bigger venue and so thank you so I need a motion in a second to adjourn tonight's meeting and reconvene this meeting to next Tuesday the 30th to a location that is to be announced motion a second second second see you next Tuesday all favor no exensions motion second to adjourn our meeting