e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e my colleagues please come up to the day as we getting ready to get started [Music] [Music] started and yellow okay we quite all right we're all setor no I didn't okay take as much as you want you want some adile or you good okay is Bernice still here sky sky okay um okay good all good all right um good evening welcome to the city of North Bounty Beach commission meeting of Tuesday May 21st 2024 um apologies for the late start our other meetings um got a little delayed as much as we tried not to um but let's get started with a roll call from Madam clerk the time is now 6:40 commissioner shernoff here commissioner Jaa here commissioner Joseph here commissioner Smith present commissioner smuckler present vice mayor McKenzie floron present mayor Evan Piper here thank you we have Quorum thank you all right next uh invocation we have Pastor Ginger medley this is going to be good guys you watch good evening let's pray God of grace and mercy Lord we are grateful for this day we pray for your presence pray for your spirit to be with us to give us a Unity to give us a Spirit of Harmony Speak oh God now we pray that we might have wisdom and discernment and we thank you Lord for our commissioners we thank you for our mayor we thank you Lord for all of our leaders and we thank you Lord for this community of North Miami Beach we trust and we believe and we appreciate all that you have blessed us with in so many ways amen am thank you I would everybody please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the stand na indivisible liy andice for all okay thank you okay requests for withdrawals affirmance and additions to the agenda Madam clerk Mr mayor per the request of commissioner Jean item 9.3 titled resolution number R 2024 59 approved task order with Public Communication group is to be deferred to the June 27th meeting further request of commissioner Smith item 9.5 title resolution number r224 d61 to approve a Professional Services agreement extension with Ruben Turnbull and Associates for federal lobbyist service is to be pulled from the consent agenda and be heard first under legislation item so that will be return to um 11.1 for the request of commissioner Smith item 9.4 is to be pulled from the consent agenda if that's title resolution number R 20246 approved change order with Shannon do General Construction LLC forther request of commissioner Joseph um there's an added item regarding public relations and that will be under the discussion tab it will now be item 15.3 those are the only changes that we have at this time okay thank you so I need a motion a second to approve the agenda amended second second okay all in favor say I I any opposed passes unanimously thank you okay um next on public comment Madam clerk did we approve you said approve what consent the new agenda the amended agenda okay but not consent not consent we're not there yet getting there quick but not yet okay good evening everyone the mayor and commissioners of the city of North b beach has opened a meeting for public comment at this time there's a 3 minute time limit for each speaker speaker when you're called to a Podium please state your name for the record the mayor and commissioners of the city of North P Beach recognizes the importance of Civility the city of North Beach request that all in attendance to exercise civility at all times and the first speaker is Karen Harold and then former councilman David temper I don't hear it on it was on a minute ago but that hi okay Karen Harold I live in North Miami Beach good evening and so nice to see all these smiling faces thank you for your service thank you for your time and as we so nicely heard thank you for using your wisdom and discernment so that our city can be the best it can be and run with transparency and consistency and for all the different people that live here so I just want to make a couple brief comments I know some things changed with the agenda agenda on 9.3 I'm not sure from the way it's written exactly what it was going to aail and I might be not I might not be at the meeting where it's going to be discussed so so if it involves social media at all I just wanted to make a comment I'm not a frequent user I am on the city for Instagram and Facebook and from my understanding what I've been told social media goes by algorithms and it depends how much you use it what you see what you look at what they show you and oftentimes I don't see the city of North Miami Beach Post sometimes until the day before day of or day after an event so I wouldn't like that to be a major part of what's Happening some videos are so elaborate that it's like you would pay for a photographer to do a video for you know a child's wedding or a party and I don't think we need that type of thing also if it in all at all involves the website it's still not user friendly if I want to get an email for one of the Commissioners a May or anybody it only allows you to send an email from the site it doesn't it used to list emails so then I have to go to somebody I know and say oh what what is the email um anyway so I wanted to mention those two things and then also um about 11:4 I just want to make sure everything here is done with transparency I'm all in favor of making the school zone areas safer for the children 100% I live on 10th and 179 Terrace and it's not a school zone but we get so much speeding with buses and trucks and everything and it's a big pass through semis we get a car Trail uh trailer that was hauling like six seven cars we're getting everything now and we have kids little kids that it's really become um an overgrowth a good overgrowth of a lot of young families with kids and and anyway so I'm all for that I just want to make sure that if they're going to have the um the speed detection systems and if it's supposed to be on the designated school zone times that it's clearly stated when it's going to be on and that it's not left on all the time unless you're aware that that's going to happen it's not detailed here but if those cameras which I've read before for the state that that it was saying for the time of the school zone they would be in use so I just want that to be clear because we don't want people to think we're a speed trap City okay 15 seconds thank you no I don't it was working a second ago but I don't know what happened this one's on good I addre okay David temper 3260 Northeast 164th Street hi everybody I'm here on behalf of myself my neighbors the Eastern Shores property owner association something on the agenda for later in the evening up for discussion at the suggestion of commissioner Smith I'm here to lobby for uh and encourage the city to purchase a vacant lot at the corner of Northeast uh 35th Avenue and 164th I believe it's the northwest corner of that facility ultimately for use um or or ultimately for the purpose of a multi-use facility in lie of what was earlier proposed uh by the derer development plan where they were going to have a police substation inside the dieser lot we're looking to move it outside it's an idea that was floated back when that dieser project came up for discussion many years ago now is the time to purchase this lot providing for possibly a top lot a home for the North mayi Beach uh police department's Marine unit a police substation and some other items of course we wouldn't expect it to be built right away but the purchase of the lot is something that we feel very strongly about it is also something that the residents of Eastern Shores believe that they're entitled to and and I think the reason for that is that many of the other neighborhoods in North Miami Beach have similar type land uses and I say land uses because we have the Washington Park Community Center which will be expanded under the recent purchase of a piece of land we have the McDonald's Center for Sunray we have ulita Community Center with a ball field and a pool for that area uh at least we have mcon Park which uh had this the sewing machine factory which was purchased I don't know the status of that but for all of that we have the highest density in eastern Shores and certainly with the derer development coming forward we're going to have double or triple density there the highest adoram tax revenue basis in the city which will double or triple and we certainly feel that the purchase of this lot will benefit the neighborhood benefit the city as a whole and it's something that we're entitled to so I hope that you will all um participate with the discussion with commissioner Smith thank you for bringing that forward commissioner Smith and that you will consider purchasing this lot in the next 90 to 120 days and moving forward with it we don't know when something will be ultimately built on it but again in lie of what derer has proposed on the inside of his lot if any of you want to further discuss how I see it um its use being proposed please feel welcome to call me or reach out to me and I'm happy to discuss it with you thank you very much thank you Trish Miller and then R Mark rutkin I'm Trish Miller I'm a resident of North mummy Beach um actually I know that the uh this has been pulled from the consent agenda but I still think it needs to be addressed on the marketing and advertising Services of several years ago we had a branding project here and I fell it's I think you were here and some other people um were and I know um Kramer was on the committee and on the commission and we spent a ton of money having a whole branding um done for the city and the money was spent The Branding was done and what happened to it it never got used I mean we have these huge projects we spend a whole lot of money and then they just kind of die um and then I would happened to look down and it said $200,000 uh to increase a contract amount by $200,000 what I mean we I thought we were broke um so it it just shocking amounts of money to be considering cons and also taking into consideration that we spent the money on The Branding we did all that okay where is that that's part of what's in this too so I think we should look and see maybe what they did why don't we like it um so that's money that's just basically been flush down the toilet uh there's there's so much need in the community for so many things but so many things get paid for and then they sit uh David mentioned the sewing machine factory that got bought for the senior center what's going on with that I mean is it is it moving forward is I haven't seen anybody working on it of course I'm not sitting there all the time but I sure would like to know where is the money going we spent a lot of money buying that property and renovating it I think I think we're renovating it or are we not it just things seem to be hanging just in the abyss wondering what happened to the money we already spent thank you very much thank you good evening everyone uh I just want to say my name is Mark rutkin I'm a resident of Eastern Shores uh on on behalf of myself and my immediate Neighbors in eastern Shores we're in support of everything David proposed tonight uh we believe that uh I think that would help with our crime that we've had issues with recently it maybe for a little while it's it's something I think is going to deter what uh issues we've had with with crime I myself had my car stolen out of my garage which was quite a quite a deal so uh I think this would help and we're in support of everything David just proposed thank you thank you hello my name is Amalia papier Nick and I'm also a resident of Eastern Shores and I have talked about this project that David spoke about with many of my neighbors and we all agree that it would be a a great Improvement for Eastern Shores and I support everything David said Thank you thank you Gladis henrique and then Irene pellinger hi my name is Glades and I'm also a resident in EAS Shores and I support everything that David said thank you I [Laughter] should good evening I'm Irene Pinger resident um I'm going to speak about item 9.3 that I believe was pulled um but this discussing special events at the May 14th Workshop was a first step in the right direction I say go even further and call for a moratorium on events for one year we can have an exception for our major signature holiday events but this should be looked at as an opportunity to evaluate what the city does and not as punishment for out of control of ENT spending I want to thank the three Commissioners who responded to my email about this and about the agenda item regarding the services of public communicators group this item caught my attention because I spent over 50 years in the field of advertising marketing Communications from the days of landlines and print through the change over to the cloud and the digital world these are huge changes but the need to touch the customer where they are is still here if instead of standing here as an involved resident I charged you $100,000 as a consultant you might po pay more attention to me my free advice is that the importance of an in-house marketing team is invaluable when you support and pay fair market wages to an inhouse team they repay you with loyalty and an involvement in our community that is immeasurable let's not throw out the last diamond we have by thinking that someone from the outside can do a better job or should be paid more do we really think that aventur leftovers makes sense for us our loan marketing person wears many hats and does an amazing job you cannot buy their caring dedication and involvement you must reward it but this job is too big for one person and in a creative job like this it is not good to be the only one it is impossible to do a good job if you're the only one too many people are pulling at your shirt tail what is it that the city manager is paying an outside vendor to do first study the problem and then solve it if the city had a plan for events the tie into communicating the events would become apparent I recommend going back to a four page broad sheet that is delivered quarterly and holds information for upcoming events classes registrations this becomes a central space for all things North Miami Beach and is an effective investment once this is created you have the online content to use in an email newsletter and social media posts it is not rocket science it is good communication thank you thank [Applause] you Bruce lamberto and then former commissioner Barbara Kramer good evening everyone my name is Bruce lamberto North Miami Beach resident I too uh second David's uh proposal here I've been in eastern Shores over 40 years now and there's a definite generational change there all the old farts like myself are pretty much gone and there's a lot younger crowd in there with children um David is proposing a a multi-use small facility there for the police to Bas their boat also could be the only Tot Lot that we would have in the area besides that one by the fire station which is kind of inconvenient for a lot of lot of people um like David had L on to we do bring in a lot of property tax revenue for that area and we certainly uh could use it even if it turns out to be a second facility from the one at the fire station ulita has even more than just their uh gym they have several um Lots uh tot Lots within ulita itself dolphin park I think is one of them and several others so I would encourage you to follow What the residents here are asking for uh another on another issue this issue with this consultant that um she just um my previous um caller just said basically was um here we go again with another consultant we the last time I was up here we talked about a trolley consultant we have a water consultant we have a garbage consultant now we have a a consultant for whatever we're going to be doing here in the meantime we have a a great public information officer used to be the pi for the city languishing in the water department we're he's he's highly paid he's highly qualified and we got him out there going to elementary schools and doing art contest for little kids I mean he really needs to be here directing this department that you're talking about creating here uh for for your public information and I would urge you just like she said that let's use our staff because they're the ones that are dedicated to our city here they have no no other skin in the game anywhere else uh they're they're totally dedicated here so I would appreciate your consideration for maybe I understand that that item was tabled but maybe she just done away with and let's look again at uh um getting this done and then finally the trolley we we we uh entered into the trolley another annual yearly increase however based on the fact that we have 30 days notice that can cancel it and in the meantime we were supposed to be doing a study on that internal study and here it is we're going into June this trolley was talked about in December November December about looking into this and here we are again just dragging it out and uh I'd like to see some results on on some of the information that was being gathered on this thank you very much thank you good evening Barbara Kramer I'm here tonight to discuss the pr solicitation and the contract that has been presented to you I I believe it's crucial for all of you to have a detailed discussion about this perhaps through a workshop it's surprising that less significant and less costly items such as proclamations and giving out keys to the city are workshopped yet a contract worth nearly a half a million dollars simply appears on on the consent agenda I must say the situation reminds me of the issues I raised during my last two years in office regarding unnecessary positions that seem to involve nepotism it's concerning that we're now considering such an expensive approach to completely Outsource our public relations department as I mention mentioned in an email to many of you we've typically used a hybrid approach for PR never fully Outsourcing or spending this much to enhance the city's image we need to start by clearly defining our PR needs then put out a request for proposal we should outline our requirements rather than letting an outside firm dictate them how often do we face crises that necessitate hiring a firm why do we need Outsiders to write the manager's reports and speeches for elected officials why do we need so many videos and who are we trying to impress our residents or businesses the chamber is already paid to attract businesses do we really need to spend $400,000 on this why are we paying 15% more for advertising and what exactly are we advertising another key issue is the apparent favoritism at the heart of this contract the principle of the contractor you're considering was present during the court hearings about missed meetings of two of our commissioners ask yourselves why this principle also advised a commissioner not to fire our previous manager for cause why moreover this principal has been involved in our elections some of you are quite close with this principle which while not ethically wrong raises questions about our relationships with our hirers some of you criticize Outsourcing yes here yet here it is it seems acceptable some of you advocate for curbing spending but this contract doesn't reflect that priority if I had more time I could continue listing reasons why this needs thorough discussion you've received my email and heard from others stop pretending this contract truly benefits North Miami Beach in my opinion it benefits the contractor more thank you voters Council and then roll in faith good evening on behalf I'm Dorothy Anar inner Rarity um Secretary of Voters Council uh first h to the mayor and Commissioners city managers and all that's a part of this meeting tonight uh first of all we would like to thank you all for coming out and supporting our annual Washington Parks Heritage day it was a great function we had a wonderful time and uh again we'll say thank you I have um one thing I want to mention is that uh you took down one I saw when you brought down the store on 153rd Street at 14th Avenue which is great that one I saw is gone but now there's a problem the field there it needs cutting so we were wondering is there any type of way that when they cut the park and all the other City properties is it possible that that can be taken care of two maintenance as well so it would not become an iore you took down one to bring up another but that's all that I think they heard you yeah yeah okay all right uh oh don't let me my name is Waverly Robinson past president of the voters Council I just want to thank you for the years of dedication that you have given to us we're a small community we're the first black community in Washington Park I mean North Miami Beach and we want to thank you for your your in kinds and everything that you're doing and we ask that God will continue to bless you to help us because one thing I have found out giving is blessing and every time you help us you're helping yourself thank you thank you Mr Mayor may may I um take one moment uh to just address the concern um also there is a roundabout that's relatively new in U Washington Park and um in all in all honesty since the roundabout was put in that area the maintenance of it has been you know very LAX so uh didn't we didn't we do that roundabout no we didn't do a roundabout there on on um on uh 14th Avenue that's our project well but we we should notify the county if there's uh if if they're not doing their job so you know what I'm talking about right okay just look into that if you don't mind I just wanted to add that on thank you okay thank you uh good evening my name is Roland Faith um from E and Shores I should have done what they just did and we should all come together um spoken at the same time um so apologies for everybody for us coming back time and time again but um David has put together a really good proposal um as we know there's a easn sh committee um and everybody his neighborhood we all kind of talk and his his proposal is very very very thorough it actually could be saving us money rather than costing us money in the long run so when you do look at this proposal you should look at it from that perspective rather than just an in It's actually an investment for you as a city and you reap the rewards instead of paying the rentals and everything else that goes along it but please look at that proposal it's a very thorough one it's been well thought of and thank you very much thank you how many family members do you speak for Mr Faith his family owns five or six houses in eastern Shores David Z zapen and then ly to I'm David zapen founder of 30k for back pay a charity for basic income um a blessed Memorial Day back in the 1940s my both my grandmothers sent loved ones uh well around the world world and not all of those relatives came back so my best wishes to those who are serving and recently served um the some of the violent crimes that uh been appearing my word of wisdom to the next would be criminal don't don't don't come here okay just you know between our police and our armed citizens and some of our our don't okay we have enough problems we're trying to help one another even if we disagree on how um congratulations to the new graduates whether it's the local high schools the nearby colleges I'm just curious where are they going to work nearby the governor has outlawed certain jobs for people who are you know under 21 I'm curious what bubbles that's going to create in the shifts of supply and demand for labor how few of those students again High School College whatever are aware of the job openings right here you know at the uh Human Resources you know are they aware or is it just a Secret online or locked onto the Bolton board and I just want to make sure that we're oh oh and um that what had been the soccer field north of the IHOP I'm curious what that will be turned into will it just be a better soccer field or is there construction that's going to affect us even if it's not technically on the city property uh and uh please remember as the heat increases not all of us have you know anywhere with good air conditioning to to cool off especially when it's raining so uh you know whether it's the unhoused or just the unbedded and and some of those people are going to be you know mosquito food and we we have to find a better solution to make sure that those diseases don't spread like the zika virus did you know what 10 years back so please let's have a safe summer a belated happy Mother's day early happy Mother's Day thank you thank [Music] you lindu Reef Club good evening Commissioners and mayor and the city staff thank you for your service and today I'd like to talk about how we we take a we we we we make quick decisions when we want to spend money and we make very slow decisions when there are opportunities for the city to increase our income for example I know that there we're under review for certain things such as uh who's going to do collections on P leans on um on water bills that haven't been paid we have to do a study we have to Source a collections company and it's been taking months and months and has gone nowhere and it takes forever for the city to get its rightfully M its rightful money to our pockets but when we want to spend $400,000 I don't know what the process is we're using a pre-qualification from September 2023 we don't review our current status and a situation inside our city of what we need and we are approving 400,000 it would have been approved today if it weren't for commissioner Daniela Jean so thank you for that because really before we spend $400,000 a year I would suggest that our commissioners as well as Mr manager to really consider is that really worth it is that what we really need can we hire someone in house and maybe Outsource him with his expertise on certain things with public Communications or or other uh PR mechanisms now I also was in advertising I was um a business development for BMW and Mini Cooper so with that said when we buy me agency when we buy media we don't do it we create the material and a separate company buys media I don't know maybe perhaps Florida is different I just think it creates a loophole for people to actually do things that they're not supposed to do what's going to say and and this is no by no means uh any hit on the pr firm but I just wanted to say that it's an opening for him to gain more money and whoever that PR firm is that's still doing it so if we want to be fair and we want to be clear and transparent there has to be a separate Media company and a PR firm that are going to decide what media to buy if there's a 15% commission so with that said uh last but not least um I think there should be key performance indicators as to how effective our PR firm is going to be and finally I'd like to see our meetings and our events cut down because I think we are having a lot a lot of meetings I as a candidate attend try to attend every single event and I find myself not catching up with it so uh that means that there are quite a bit and not all of them are well attended in the meantime thank you have a good evening thank [Applause] you katley Jim really go ahead Mr Kazan ladies good evening May and Commissioners my name is kathle whim and I am a resident of this beautiful city of North Miami Beach um I agree with uh David temper uh about the this vacant lot that is something that the beautification committee had talked to our chairman uh about it about finding a way uh a few months ago for us to be able to have something in eastern Shores so I would love to see that Jay and commissioner uh Smith get themselves together and really find a way to do something and work with the city manager about trying to find a way to purchase that lot as soon as possible um also item 9.3 it's a lot of money to spend on one one company the city manager told us a few months ago that we were short-handed we were almost literally broke this kind of money scared a lot of us and especially in the time that we are living in where it is so difficult for people to pay their rent or even eat for uh this PR firm might be might be able to do their job very very well they might be very good at their job but I don't think the city of North Miami Beach should be paying this kind of funding to do this we need to really think we we need everyone's in the city everywhere in the United States feeling it if you look at the stock market a lot of us are losing a lot of money so the city can't afford this not now and also I would like to thank the beautification team because this morning uh I'm sorry Dorothy was not aware of it but they went into Washington Park and did a great job so Sam Bernard and his team went above and beyond they did what needed to be done so we thank all of you that the lot was clean thank you city manager thank you uh and Sam zakona Sam Bernard for leading the team thank you so very much have a wonderful evening thank you [Applause] Mr Kazan okay good good evening everyone my name is mbarak aan do we name the field over there templar's field I support it as well Eastern shores as well um you can take the money from arpa funds you did buy the singer building from arpa with arpa funds you bought a couple other things buildings with arpa funds you can do that with arpa funds I've been saying that for more than a year two years at least uh in terms of the I 9.3 you want to attract people to our city you only need to behave yourselves behave nicely you don't have to hire a PR for $400,000 pay the guy $33,000 a month last month you hired one guy for 46,000 which was a friend this month if it wasn't pulled off you would have hired another friend for 33,000 it shouldn't be working like that you've been accusing people of doing the same thing and now you're doing it yourselves that is bad behavior and a PR does not straighten that out you um after we hired a PR in 2016 we took out four elected officials from up and the Das for one reason or the other the pr didn't help matter of fact we got bad PR for that our city is known for bad behavior and it come from the Das not from here in the dasas from here in the in the audience we we have a $6.5 million in delinquent billing from the water plant I don't see any urgency in collecting that money you keep kicking it down the road like if it's not our money we last year August we heard that this city is in a $10 million deficit $10 million deficit 8 million from the pensions 2 million from elsewhere where's the urgency all that I'm seeing the urgency here is hiring friends and family and favorites it need to stop and with that vote coming up next next month is going to determine how this DS is in January 20 25 and with that you know um I leave it at that and I hope that you people learned something tonight arpa arpa funds for the Eastern Shores and NAIT after David temp please God thank you anyone else for public comment Mr Mayor that was last sign speaker okay thank you um next would be announcements U Mr manager public comment is closed oh sorry public okay Mr manager um announcements um if you have any oh maybe there's some here yep good evening Evan Ross your communications consultant uh Farm share will hold a fe uh food distribution at the ulita park community center this Thursday May 23rd from 9:00 a.m. until noon May is Jewish American Heritage Month join us at the North Miami Beach library for Story Time crafts and games for kids an art exhibition and kosher bites this Thursday May 23rd at 6:00 p.m. May is also Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebrate with NMB at the North Miami Beach Library this Saturday May 25th from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. the city will hold its annual Memorial Day ceremony honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country on Monday May 27th at Corporal how sorry Howard be Henson park for fallen war heroes at Northeast 160th Street and 14th Avenue as we enter hurricane season it's critical to be prepared join us on June 8th from 10:00 a.m. until 1 pm. here at City Hall for our hurricane Expo featuring Miami Dade fire chief R jadala and experts in Emergency Management we'll provide you with necessary information and some free giveaways to help ensure your safety during during Hurricane Season lastly please note that next month's City Commission meeting will be off the normal schedule and will take place on Thursday June 27th at 6 p.m. right here at City Hall for more information about North Miami Beach events visit City [Music] nmb.us I want to say thank you to everybody who came up this evening and gave their point of view we definitely appreciate it and we listen to you um Farm share is coming on this Thursday uh as he announced from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and it's ulita Park and everybody is welcome walk-ups Drive UPS however you can get there we take care of you we're looking forward to it all right Memorial Day on Monday the 27th at 10:00 a.m. Cor be Hansen Park please please join us it's a wonderful ceremony and it's a solemn day unfortunately for all and we definitely want your help in celebrating it it is the summer right now starting the summer if you don't believe it just step outside see how fast it is before you get hot um you know everybody wants to go to the water please please anybody who doesn't know how to swim please go out and learn how to swim this summer make it at one of your bucket lists make it whatever you can but it you will be the happiest person if you know how to swim when you go to the beach when you go to a lake when you go anywhere you won't be afraid of the water it'll be a wonderful thing please please learn to swim thank you commissioner Jean good evening thank you so much I wanted to um piggy back on commissioner sherov and also mention heat safety Miss we spoke about uh heat safety for the employees that work Outdoors so I'm hoping that you guys take the necessary measures to protect our our employees I do want to thank um Parks and Recreation for a successful youth financial literacy that we had about 60 um teenagers that came out last week for a very successful um financial literacy Workshop also we had 10 young women and young men of Distinction scholarship recipients and I want to thank mayor Piper for coming out to that also big thanks again to parks for a successful mishcon reopening of the park and that was amazing on Sunday happy Haitian Jewish and Asian Pacific Islander month to all who celebrate within those cultures also very successful small business expo and remember that may is mental health awareness month so take care of your mental health thank you commissioner Joseph can you skip me real quick I'm trying to pull something up commissioner Smith thank you good evening everyone I want to also ask you to please when you're going to go shopping on Memorial Day you're going to have a picnic on Memorial Day you're going to stay in bed late but get up by 10:00 come to our memorial service it's a beautiful dedication and we all wouldn't be in this room if it wasn't for our service men and women so please try to make that a point it is a beautiful service 160th Street Northeast 14th Avenue um as they said about the heat I want to tell you that I try to walk every day and it it's not just the heat the humidity you can cut with a knife please be cautious take precautions bring water don't overdo it and the most important thing in a area that we live in is every body has to know how to swim I mean that's the tragedy on the news at least once a week and it's just not necessary alls we have to do is make sure our loved ones know how to swim um you know now it's the summertime for a lot of young people that are graduating or will be graduating in a few years be productive if you don't get an internship or a small job job take two days a week and do something to help people that need the help doesn't matter if it's getting an organization together to babysit children so they could have a fun day if it's getting friends together to mow grass to elderly whatever you can do make it a better world and you will get the benefit much more than they do I want to also mention we are working on trying to stop the scooters for those that drive scooters and they don't want to hear that let me just tell you how dangerous it is the police department have no means to give tickets they come across the street out of the hedges in front of cars and the municipalities around us Sunny Isles Etc have started some laws that have made it so that at least if not prohibitive at least we have some teeth and safety so with that I also want to to thank everybody that did come out from Michigan park and if you haven't been by on 15th Avenue OMG we waited almost 10 years but what we got is unbelievable the children will benefit for years to come and we owe it all to Jeff mishon his beautiful wife Patricia and the last thing I want to say is thank you all that called me about my husband's recent surgery he's fine he's back to himself which means he's fine so I I can appreciate all of you and I uh appreciate it very much thank you very much have a safe wonderful June and um May because we're not going to see you until the end of June again thank you again commissioner Joseph thank you madam clerk I like to Echo the same sentiments regarding the holidays coming up I know juneth is coming up I know we're going to have a it's going to be an off day for us wishing everyone a bless and um great juneth uh a couple of weeks ago I think a week and a half ago I was able to give a a proclamation to uh in commemoration of or in celebrating a a fleet week uh first time it's been held here in the city uh in our region down here in Dade County um had an opportunity to give a proclamation to the rear admirable rear Admiral uh who's in charge of the Caribbean Eastern Fleet and ID like to wish everyone a safe and blessed Memorial Day weekend stay safe and I hope for a great evening thank you commissioner smuckler so I too would love to um see except for maybe snowfest I would love to see a moratorium for a year of all of our events to see what we really do or do not need in our city I also want to express my sympathy syes to the family of Neil Keys Neil was a resident of North Miami Beach for over 50 years and a business owner in North Miami Beach as well with palm travel I also want to acknowledge our very own John fom was recently awarded as a drug free world hero and for for those of you who might be interested there is a GoFundMe account out there for him thank you commissioner Joseph for donating to it that I I saw your name thank you um it's it would be really appreciated for those who could give anything a peaceful Memorial Day to everyone um thank you to those who served we are going to be doing something in our city to celebrate juneth it'll be on June 15th because we don't want our employees to have to work on June 19th and it's going to be at the Ampitheater and it's going to be uh cool in the gang well not the real cool in the gang but um a true band cover band and uh Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there and thank you to our Police Department for protecting our residents our visitors our families our commissioner our our V our employees our staff and myself and my family as well thank you vice mayor McKenzie floron thank you so much good evening everyone first off uh I'd like to uh say happy Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month um also happy uh Jewish American heritage month and happy Haitian Heritage um month um and I wanted to you know just give a word for the day and that is Kisa Kisa that is um the Indian name that was used for the island of Hispanola um and it means the mother of all lands the mother of all lands so as we recognize Haitian heritage month and also Haitian Flag Day um this past weekend um let us think about the history of the island nation and what it meet to the great landscape of our world history and so the word is Kisa and it means mother of all lands and that's the name that the Indians gave to the island of Hispanola which is the Dominican Republic and Haiti uh together so um wanted to just mention that uh on the record in addition to that um I also wanted to um you know talk about this item 9.3 because you know a couple of people made comments about it and um made some assumptions and some presumptions I think it was 9.3 for the uh that was deferred right was it 9.3 okay um and and so I I think when it comes to you know these types of items dealing with the pr um you know the the manager has an Outlook about you know what he based on what he's heard from the commission based on hisorical facts and based on where we want to go as a municipality to kind of put some things together and present to us right uh it's it's apparent that um you know this particular item um needs to be flushed out um uh a bit more and um looking forward as I told the manager to uh speaking about the Outlook of communications branding and the the global conversation of where we're going as a city first and then we can see where all these pieces fit um so basically the cart before the horse conversation right so uh we did have a branding um session years ago uh since then there's been you know pretty much this conversation is always always ongoing and I think what happens with management with even elected officials is that every two years based on what I talked to the manager about we all come with these fresh ideas that we think are pretty new right and then when we really look into them we realize hold up this conversation has been happening for five 6 7 8 10 years and we're still at the starting point and so I think what we need to look at is a model that no matter who is in the driver's seat they can take that model and continue with it and so we need some long-term planning we need to address some very important issues as it relates to branding promotion um staff hybrid opportunities or options um you know I will give some credit though to what I've seen in the past couple of months with our Instagram and some of um what I've seen with um you know branding consistency on on Instagram and social media and things of that sort but um the fact that it took us that long to even get to that to me speaks volumes right that it took us that long to even get to a consistent Instagram page um and so the job is not an easy one um I think the manager heard loud and clear um the uh person who is responsible for the firm has heard loud and clear as well our procurement staff and team has heard loud and clear as well as the commission um so you know the and and so we've heard you the citizens ma'am loud and clear um and so um you know we'll we'll have those discussions in a public forum is what I hope uh Mr manager before we bring it back up here and we'll flush it out until we get to uh something that makes sense for everybody so just wanted to put that on the record thank you so much mayor Evan Piper all right thank you um so first I wanted to say kudos to all of our involved citizens um it's extremely important and um you really make a big difference and we need to hear you and if we don't hear you then we don't know what you're thinking and what's needed and you're out there on the streets and seeing what's happening so uh really really important and and thank you for everybody who came out tonight and another thing I had the opportunity of being a guest speaker at the wakeup NMB meeting um few weeks ago um I was honored to be able to speak to so many residents and have an open dialogue of what's going on with the city and how I feel about this city um want to remind everybody that I that I am here and have an open door policy if anybody wants to speak with me at any time um on along those lines um I I had found out recently that we're going to soon be having a residence um government Academy would that be the right um the right terminology um so for those uh residents that are involved and want to become more involved and want to learn more about how the Govern government of our city works and what kind of happens behind the curtain um this is an opportunity to learn more about that am I saying that right Mr manager okay great so um keep your eyes open for that I think it's definitely something to U look into as well um a couple other things um there was a double birthday this uh this month and that was um myself and the manager and no we're not twins but um you didn't know huh okay um also commissioner smuckler had a birthday this month as well happy birthday commission yeah she's another year older now you know that didn't older okay um speed recovery to uh Woody if he's cranky again we know he's good so that's all good um the uh mcom Park reopening um was definitely uh I open really really nice um place now it was nice before it's even way nicer now I got to attend the Haitian Heritage um celebration at the library also well attended um another really really nice event that I wanted to make mention of and of course along those lines you know happy Heritage months um for this month Asian Pacific Jewish and Haitian and um I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the North May Beach Chamber of Commerce since I'm also the president president there anybody who is um in business involved in business wants to know more about business um should be involved in the Chamber of Commerce as a matter of fact we're having an event tomorrow evening at Pinstripes at aventur mall it's a summer kickoff event networking event and even birthday party for myself event so um if you're interested in coming out there it's um NMB chamber.com and you can uh sign up to come out to that event and with all that I will just end with um happy Memorial Day thank you I'll give CR to phis because she started the the government Academy yes I'm I'm I'm speaking into the mic uh Mr Kazan um no I just wanted to give some credit to Phyllis commissioner Smith CU she started the citizens government Academy oh wow I didn't know that I can still remember commissioner smuckler and former commissioner Kramer in that class um some you weren't in that class you sure okay well I think commissioner Kramer was in that class right okay no the products of that class speak for themselves right right so so thank you commissioner Smith for bringing for bringing that together it's really worth it it's worth taking your time your seven or eight weeks not in the evenings you gave be remember that yeah um okay next consent agenda um we need a motion in second to introduce a consent agenda make the motion second okay great um and Mr attorney okay item 9.1 uh will be the uh City commission conference meeting minutes from April 16th item 9.2 the regular City commission meeting meeting minutes of April 16th uh the renumbered uh it was 9.4 uh that's pulled so that'll be um down a little further on the agenda I item 9.5 has also been pulled that'll be a little further down on the agenda item 9.6 resolution number R 202462 approve and accept the Florida local government cyber security Grant um presentation by Ricardo Castillo Chief Information officer resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing the acceptance of the Florida local government cyber security Grant administered by the Florida digital service authorizing city manager are designated do all things necessary to effectuate the resolution providing for conflicts providing for scrier errors providing for uh severability and providing for an effective date that's the consent agenda Mr Mayor okay um thank you we need a motion a second to approve the consent agenda second okay all in favor say I I and opposed C unanimously okay thank you um next on to move to uce ordinance number okay we need a motion 20-4 I'm sorry I'm sorry to interject no the first item um based on the agenda uh re um reorganization is um originally from consent agenda item 9.5 um the extension for the Ruben turn bone Associates federal lobbyist move to approve okay well okay first of all so we have the motion do we need a second to introduce 111 great all right Mr attorney a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing a Professional Services agreement extension with Ruben turnbo and Associates for the purchase of federal lobbyist services and an amount not to exceed $93,700 authorizing the city manager or design to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for scrivener errors providing for severability and providing for an effective State okay Mr manager thank you mayor um I I want to thank uh commissioner Smith for um for the opportunity to kind of dive into this um item just a little bit um as as with various contracts we are going through everything and and realizing that there are certain contracts that we continue to need and Service uh but that the extensions um have passed so as we're catching up with all of that we're bringing to you this is one contract in which the vendor continue to work on behalf of the city uh there are advocates in DC um and dealing with Federal issues um we work with um with the vendor on on various items and I'm pleased to two key items um that that I think are very important today we were given the information which I gave uh you all a letter um in fantastic news congresswoman Wilson's office is providing additional support to fund an extra $5 million for the Washington Park Community Center my St work closely yes $5 million you got you have to be careful this is Appropriations it has to still get voted on in Congress I'm I'm going in there yeah to be clear absolutely yes so but we're getting it we we work very closely yes we work very closely with this vendor and commissioner Wilson's office um in in in a very short turnaround the window opened um basically on a Tuesday and closed on Friday um and so we needed to turn everything around within just a couple um short days um so I do want to thank congresswoman Wilson for making sure and her staff um and and work with our vendor and ourselves to make sure that we had those allocations available as commissioner Joseph said um well first and credit to uh commissioner Joseph this is on top of the additional $3 million that you've been able to supply in in previous years um total eight just to back up um what happened the reason why I L this shorts turn around is because you know Congress has been kind of in a weird place lately and for years now years so it it because of um the fact that they were trying to wrap up a lot of stuff um I got word from um Congressman staff she sent it quickly because it it was such a quick turnaround there's certain products I wish we could have gotten the theater in there because that's something that been Lang languishing for quite some time but we had the Washington Park pretty much planned out and this is just more additional funding that'll be dedicated to that project where it cannot be used for anything else nope um and um I'm looking forward to it and and this particular lobbying group is someone that is is a group that's been advocating for this because you don't just you need other stakeholders on that committee to push it through because Congress is a lot more complex lot more nuance and there's certain people on there maybe um you know the dean of our Florida uh Florida delegation U Mario Diaz Bard they have to be on on the same page and you have to have certain people that have this access and that's key we've been successful last couple of years to get as much money as we can but with this additional money I think we have a very good chance uh given the fact that we do have uh U congressman and uh Maro Diz Bard as an advocate as well as our great congresswoman feda s Wilson that's been put put in in her uh legislative uh um Appropriations is not something that that you know there's other cities in her in her District but she chose us and that tells you the commitment she has to our community and to our residents so I commend her and her staff for always being there for us thank you thank you commissioner Joseph if I can break in Mr manager Bill Rubin is a Titan he's a Titan um essentially there's there's no additional steps for for us to do um what's going to end up happening and what ends up determining that is the um the federal Appropriations within the HUD um the HUD Appropriations bill um and so we're anticipating having the final say um hopefully we we keep the full allocation and that's what um the advocacy group um is there um to help advocate for us essentially uh with um congresswoman's um office to try to ensure the the full allocation for uh for the project um and we hope to have the final say sometime um in early to to Mid 2025 um the other aspect in which our our advocacy group is helping is um the during the budget session we talked about applying um which the city has had many years in the past um has applied and received a grant uh called cops um which is a program in which allows um counties and M municipalities a certain percentage over the next 3 years to fund the uh salary components for police police officers um sworn police officers and so there was a little bit of a hiccup they were able to kind of help our our staff get access the um the application appropriately and they're helping us with not only U making sure that everything goes through but then obtaining uh support from local representatives to make sure that um we we can get the full allocation we've we've applied for eight position officers uh sorn officers through the grant uh which would help offset some of those costs of bringing in additional police officers to our department um so that is essentially what this group and this vendor ends up doing they not only keep us up to date with what's going on various um other appropriation bills for infrastructure and stuff but they are our boots on the ground up there of understanding how that Universe it's not even a different world it's a different Universe operates uh because it's nothing like the state um it's it's just completely different um and and we're we're hoping to to tag on into much more of the infrastructure aspect as well that's going to help the city in the long run thank you sir okay thank you um mad clerk public comment good evening everyone the floor is open for public comment at this time we do not have any signed speakers but if you wish to speak on this item please certain and come forward Mr Mayor no one has come forward okay take this opport we have one they trct that okay so this here is a mabarak aan this here is going to be a paid lobbyist if I understand correctly okay because um I remembered more than a decade ago we had a lobbyist not going to call his name but we paid him $60,000 a year and he usually campaigned for us with our water plant up Tallahasse and making sure that we keep collecting that um sirar charge that we charge other cities uh we carry the burden of the debts for that water plant and um I hope that that lobbyist that you're going to be hiring is a a useful individual as the past one I I do not know if we still hire the past one this is for federal government I know but I do not know if we still hire the past one for State I I do not know but um however I I hope it works out good and I hope that we we get our bang for the buck as they say thank you very much for having me we're probably getting $5 million so I think we got a big bang when we get it I'll say it's a big bang okay um anybody else want to speak on this item okay let the record reflect no one's come forward and um public comment is now closed um any Commissioners have any comments on this commissioner Joseph just just to give some additional background this particular group was the same group that helped us got our initial $3 million sorry can you hear me oh sorry just for additional background this particular group was the one that lobbied to get us the the the first trunch from uh from uh congresswoman Wilson's office for the $3 million wor we have a check presentation coming up real soon if you can elaborate on that Mr manager yes sir um as of right now we're scheduling um with congresswoman Wilson's office we're anticipating her presence here in at the July commission meeting where we'll do a check presentation great okay thank you Mr turnoff no anything on this okay um Mr Smith uh city manager I just want to ask a question does the does this company notify you that there's possible grants that you didn't know about federally do they keep us also abast besides fighting for us for yes ma'am we have uh excuse me uh we have conversations as to what may or may not be available and what would be prerequisites for going after certain funds so certain funds would require Master plans and other um other materials that we would need and whether we would have that or or not um so that we can we can have a successful application well that's why for those out in the public that you have to understand we locally we see other communities constantly once a month at the league and uh with conversations when we need uh to get their input on something we're voting on but federally we really need somebody up there to keep us you know informed of what's available what's coming available and and it we we're not up there we're not we don't have our finger our thumb on the ball at this time finger thumb P what but on the pulse so um thank you for pulling this and explaining it I wanted the public to be aware how resourceful this really is thank you okay any other comment on this okay Mr John thank you so much I did have a um a couple questions I know I spoke with Jody um and Mr maner we had conversations because initially we were put we put in for the septic to sewer in Washington Park and I know I also did some advocacy as well so the vision that the city has as it relates to to a federal you know Aid or help I would love for you to kind of speak to all the colleagues to see what more can be done federally because I think there's more opportunities to commissioner Smith's Point especially with my conversation with jod it feels like we're not being as aggressive as we need to be to really kind of find these opportunities so I do want to highlight that yes commissioner um this was within this window um the septic to sewer was a project that um was felt was not going to be viable however there's other federal agencies that are looking at those infastructure so we are working with them to to maximize um as you suggested um one of the things that from a city um and from a structural standpoint that we're looking at as we look with um all of the the Departments um coming to odds reorganizing how the city um not only researches but then applies and maintains for for Appropriations or grants whether it's locally Statewide or federal um the entire process um is decentralized throughout the city each Department's kind of on their own when they're doing that um and so we've been collectively working to centralize that um within I think we're looking through the finance department um because there sometimes there are matching funds that we need to be able to make sure that there's budget for so um we're we're looking I I've I've used this analogy quite often and I think I've said it publicly but I know I've said it to to each of you individually and and I apologize for the uh cheesy jokes uh or the dad jokes as uh my my wife tends to tell me I do too much of um but the analogy is in the city in so many aspects we are changing the engine of the race car while still driving it and so sometimes things take longer than what we would enjoy to have and and make an immediate change because there's certain liabilities we got to walk through there's certain resolutions that a lot of times you all even educate me on past resolutions and ordinances right that we have to consider of what kind of impact those those may have so um but to your point yes we're looking at all of those available funding the more money that we can bring into North Miami Beach the less resiliency um we need resilient not resilient the more resilient we become more financially resilient yes but the less we rely thank you there you go on ADV valorum um which is the general fund which is what we need to do we need to continue to diversify the revenue stream coming into the city okay so what here's what I add uh we're members of the National League of cities we presented a proclamation I'm part of the transportation infrastructure committee I know there's a lot of grants that we're missing out on so I would definitely advise us to see if we can do a sit down with national league of cities maybe the president or some of the auxiliary um committees that they do have because I know that we're missing out on a lot of opportunities there thank you Mr Mayor move to adopt resolution number R 2024 61 second one more comment um okay oh boy I know for sure that the meeting will be concluded by midnight that's you know anyways um our Parks director gets the joke um yeah so you know this is this is this is a big idea right and you know what I like about this is that we're actually showing the connection between the federal government and the local government and how literally everything is local I think sometimes people have a hard time imagining where local and municipal government can solve National problems or vice versa but this is this is very unique to have a municipal item piggybacks are line item in a federal budget or a federal expenditure right um and so our our congresswoman number one I want to say thank you but this firm really is taking us to that level the only thing I've seen similar to this has been wifia and um and and being able through uh Beth Spiegel and and our Co our colleagues that was on the commission at that time uh bring some federal dollars directly down from the federal government so that we can be able to be you know um work on our water infrastructure and so you know Mr manager kudos to you kudos to everyone that's working on this item up here I know commissioner Joseph has been pushing for Washington Park and so have we all and as a role model uh 5,000 role model um you know we're in constant communication with uh the office of congresswoman Wilson so I look forward to a positive um uh result on this item and I look forward to supporting the item for the uh lobbying thank you so commissioner floron for your information the city has always been very well well suited with Federal connections and the Snake Creek path is all from Congressman William Layman when he was around all that money he gave to connect all the the places that we wanted to build the bike path and so we have a lot of history with being connected oh that's that's that well if there's anyone that can tell us about historical facts on this commission it would be you um because you know you 19 what when was when did you come on1 now no 19 what what what year were you 1990 1990 so you have a lot of historical facts so thank you for bringing that up9 great point I just I'd like to ask the manager one more question this is almost retroactive so does that become a line item so because I'd like to vote on it in December so it's this contract will be up in December of this year so is it a line item in our in our budget yes ma'am and it's um there's allocation in in the budget when we put together what we're looking for for okay let's bring It Forward on a timely instead of keep going retroactive with our contracts you know that that bothers me immensely so let's just go forward Doan are we uh are we all good we've had uh yeah okay I we already have a motion on the table I believe and we have our second yes so all in favor say I I any opposed okay passes unanimously okay next we're going to um we're going to have a little change we're going to um for 11.2 it's going to be what was originally 9.4 um that we're going to move over now so um Mr attorney guess it's resolution R 202 24-6 which now becomes I guess an ordinance right well not um resolution number R 20246 approved chain change order with Shan andoa General Construction LLC uh presented by uh sponsored by Sam Zona the Public Works director resolution of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing a change order to the contract with Shan andoa General Construction LLC for storm sewer main uh cleaning and repairs increasing the contract amount by $200,000 authorizing the city manager design to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for scrier errors providing for severability providing for an effective date okay so I pulled this because I had a question so maybe I could ask it now okay well first of all um on this item who's going to be speaking Sam's GNA be speaking so I guess have we'll have Sam speak on the item then we'll have public comment then we'll go from there so sure uh Sam thank you madam clerk good evening mayor Commissioners fellow staff the item in front of you is to request a $200,000 contract increase is a contract change order it's not a request for a purchase order for Shen andoa but it's simply a request to increase or Elevate the contract amount um for storm water system uh structures and and uh basins cleaning as per our mandated npds National pollution um discharge uh permit thank you okay the and just some further clarification for the commission um the contract is um would cover two fiscal years our current fiscal year fiscal year 24 and 25 um as well um the increase is based on prior expenditures what we've been looking and what we're anticipating there is a time where um for various reasons um the the city didn't fully utilize the the maintenance portion of this and so there is a bit of catch-up work that needs to do uh so we felt that the the amounts um requested would would help get us there um the contract is only paid out when the work is requested and this contract not only from the the the cleaning and repair but when we get large STS or anything like that they have the VAC trucks or the vacuum trucks that would can come out and help um move that water along where we have major flooding in areas or or something to that effect so um the contract again is cleaning repairs for some emergency responses um if need be and it's the upper upper limiting amount um so if we don't call them out for it then they don't get paid for it okay um all right so madam cler public comment good evening everyone and would you like to speak on this comment please come forward okay let the record reflect no one came forward and public comment is closed um any comment from the Commissioners I had the questions thank you so I have two questions um will it only be for North R Beach property North R Beach pipes am I correct nothing with the okay okay only within the city pardon me only within the city right only within the city on our streets that's the question and then the way it was worded so I heard what you said it's from 24 and 25 but the way it's worded it said through 2023 and then at the time the contract renewal addition of 200,000 required for cleaning the drains so when you're reading this it shouldn't it be that 2025 that again should it have come to us earlier should it have said 2024 I I I want to try to understand what I'm reading yeah this is a piggyback uh contract on um from Miami Dade County Public Schools and the initial contract was for 3 years and I believe it it stopped in in 23 um May of 23 and so what we're doing now is is we're reauthorizing the the contract which would extend it through 25 okay so next time we going to try to bring it back to us at the end of 2023 yeah as as we stated and and your concern commissioner is to be able to go through all the all the contracts and make sure that we have um um the proper um renewals coming back ahead of time and that I appreciate that so much cuz when you're reading it it doesn't gel um and it's an 88.9% increase and the only thing I can tell you is that um hopefully this will everything will be done and and there won't be that much needed after 2025 or if there is we can project it ahead of time and like give us a 25 or 30% increase so the increase doesn't seem so dramatic I would appreciate that too thank you very much okay any other comments from the Commissioners no okay we need a motion second second okay Voice vote all in favor say I I and the opposed passes unanimously okay thank you next um next is going to be what now going to be 113 um which um is 2024 -06 right yes okay ordinance number 202 24-6 second Reading Street tree Landscaping update move to introduce um read it do I'll read it by title an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida amending the code of ordinances of the city of North Miami Beach chapter 24 uh entitled zoning and Land Development by amending article 11 entitled Landscaping section 24- 1119 minimum Landscaping requirements for all zoning districts uh amending section 24-12 entitled tree removal permit to provide for clearer and more concise specifications and guidelines for applicants by creating a new section 24-15 entitled RightWay trees regulations providing for codification conflict scrier errors severability and providing for an effective date um this is second reading mayor okay I guess we should get that motion to introduce then just to be sure right so we need a motion second you got the motion made I second okay perfect thank you for pointing that out um all right and um presenter Ed thank you mayor Commission uh good evening um DA has uh to just reiterate the uh the prop ordinance really to provide for the update provided in the urban stream canopy master plan that you accepted a couple months ago da had three follow up items from first reading based on your comments however uh this evening uh first is uh if I could direct your attention to section A4 uh which should be on the third page to the ordinance uh there was the question regarding from last time regarding the percentage of all required species being pal species and that was actually consistent with our uh ordinances we do have districts such as the miuse district do provide for a maximum at this time staff recommends based on the report that you accepted that that is the appropriate language uh uh for that uh to follow up to your comment from before uh we also wanted to call up on the comment provided for us to go back and look at whether or not we should insert the word driveway in here uh what our concern with the the where it says where the suggestion was put in for the word driveway the doesn't read for right away and because the driveway of someone's private property isn't right away staff is recommending to you that it's not appropriate to insert the word there we however did review the other part of the ordinance to make sure that the drive weight are covered um driveway are covered under the property Clause that's in here as well as the sight distance triangle in particular uh and uh so we will recommend to the commissioner that there will be no needed to uh change it to that wording because driveways are covered under the proposed language the third item we uh based on your comments we need to bring back to you uh for a brief discussion is you had asked us to go and provide for a range under um section 24-15 A1 because it say 12 ft staff is recommending at this time that in order to make that 12T a different range you also need to change the minimum Crown spread though if the pleas that the commission when you adopt uh uh D recommend that the range should be about 8 to 12 ft and then you can change it concurrently with that the minimum Crown thread 3 to 5T uh on that way could you know you have a OT tree and you know the Crown's going to be different could you have a smaller tree so you have to give that rainfor when we actually administer this plan on your behalf s makes sense okay all right thank you um and U Madam clerk public comment if you if you wish to speak on this item please step forward okay let the record reflect no one came forward and public comment is closed M to approve we have one coming up oh we have comment it's CL sorry it's all right go ahead we'll reopen it for you my bar is on yes I um I would choose this opportunity to also thank the city for taking care of a tree that was in the way of um people walking the the routs became so large that it raised up the pavement and it could it's a tripping Hazard but they took the tree down and they're hundreds of more trees through the city not exactly like that but the trees they're over the roadway and when the big trucks pass it it hits the limbs and either break the limbs or crack their wind screens or something of the sort it may not be specifically to this but that is a problem the city has I know that we can dip into the CIT funding to take care of the roadway but so far that is not done I I think we have a tree problem not only North Miami Beach is known as Tree City but there's a tree problem in our city lots of overgrown trees um the vegetation is so thick I think uh animals are there in some of those little jungles that can attack and hurt people so you may this does not make another assessment the employees can do it you walk around the city pay attention and you see a lot of those um trees that not just was once beautiful but is now becom in a new sance and we do not want that the the city took care of some trees I saw it with my own eyes and it looks beautiful now it once was like a hazard um a big distu action and uh with your continued effort I think um the city would once be known as a beautiful tree city thank you very much thank you anyone else want to come forward to speak on this no okay let direct reflect notes come forward and now public comment is definitely closed um okay so I think we had a motion and we have a second we did it already and we didn't say all in favor no intr no this is an ordinance oh we need we need a we need a roll call but oh you've got more comments okay I do I have some questions Mr n thank you so much I appreciate your listening to us and making changes that will work best for the residents and just a side note I've had a lot of phone calls that we used to have people that would go out and trim the trees in the Swale area let's try to remember that maybe for the budget again people are really calling me I've had more than maybe eight people so I don't know about that um Mr n do you do you know on um no we don't we used to no we don't but we put it in the budg okay okay do you know on the whereas uh the Planning and Zoning it mine is empty of um the public meeting um what was the recommendation uh it was recommendation to approve uh in April I apolog it was actually reported in the last uh meeting uh uh um 5 y 5 thank you and then I have a couple questions I just mine was blank so my um you know uh under number uh B2 section 24-1 121 uh tree removal permit um after they relocate the tree you put almost daily so my question is when you put it almost will that will that suffice without giving especially relocating a tree if you don't do it daily sometimes especially in those summer here yeah yeah ma'am um we are actually um provided guidance on that from the county and actually Public Works uh and and Community Development have reviewed an upcoming arrogation ordinance would be consistent with this uh but we are going best based on best practices as provided in the Urban Tree canopy uh report uh provided by the consultant I just want to make sure that that's you know that we follow up on that' we're putting it in the ordinance and maybe down the road we'll have to so um they have to get a permit uh they have to get a permit to do anything how long do they have to wait um staff is pretty good about turning it around within a short amount of time on they have the the documents in yeah I kind of wanted to put that on record so people wouldn't call and complain but you don't have an idea of how long um most of the time it takes up within the week our biggest problem is that people show up without proper documentation uh um sometimes uh we have to uh kind of separate it for them for example they may come and it's about a tree but they can't tell if the tree is on City RightWay or or their own property so we actually have to go in and dig for a survey or a uh or or or go out in person to see where the tree is because if it's um n CD RightWay as sometimes it's the case like right on the edge of your yard um it's actually Public Works responsibility though we tell them you don't need a permit and we just put it over to uh a public work to hey go out there and please uh uh help our resident on this but other times they uh it's actually on their property um or they they it's Public Works responsible for it but it's on their property and so it takes a day or two to figure that out and then like that yeah I brought this question up I went to a barbecue and a woman was there she' been waiting months to get the approval for the windows months for her permit so um I moved to another room so I didn't get involved but but you know yeah trees are pretty straightforward as long as they um provide us the species or pick so that we can look up the species and we go out and take a look as well at some sort of certification usually from an Arbus and location on the property do we know if it's a public work responsibility or if their property and their responsibility I guess times like hurricane season you probably get a lot more than you do prior to Hurricane and the last question I have on on replacement tree shall include frequent watering until established and a Min for minimum of one year who who's doing the watering the owner the owner should be doing the area is at us or the owner it should be the owner if it's on their property naturally if the city is um it it's making investment to plant archery public work will uh my understanding public work will make sure that that's done okay it's in this s thank you very much okay any anything else sir um Mr John one quick question to do residents have to come in and fill out an application or do we have an online process we are in the process of making sure we have an online process for it but right now we uh we do ask them to come in and provide us with the information and then how are we going to let the residents know about this new ordinance and a new is there a methodology um we're going to work with the city management office on uh working uh in in terms of public uh public information blast uh as well as posting signs in uh at planning um there really not going to be much of anything in terms of our existing form uh with have certain check mark that they need to hey here's your document checklist right and so that can be updated as well I've seen cities do um a flyer or post when there's an ordinance past that pertains to how services are are you know modified and then they do like an improved and then they let people know that something is has been changed so definitely want to see something of that nature yes ma'am okay we're all good okay we have the motion we have the second I think we need a roll call commissioner shernoff yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph yes commissioner Smith yes commissioner smuckler yes vice mayor floron yes mayor Piper yes the item passes 70 okay move to introduce ordinance number 20247 for reading by title and that's that's going to be 114 you have the second also right good um 11.2 no well I think it was 112 then it became is right now we're on it's actually 114 for the record right ordinance number 202 24-7 right okay Mr attorney an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida amending city of North Miami Beach code by amending chapter 24 entitled zoning and uh Land Development article five entitled zoning use districts section 24- 58.1 entitled fulford mixed use Town Center District MTC to establish reference to the NMB handford Boulevard public Street streetscape kid of Parts providing for codification severability conflicts and providing for an effective date okay first greeing all right thank you mayor Commissioners uh on the screen or in your packet you will find uh the hord bouard public Street K aart report that was done by bero Adil uh as funded through the CRA a while back uh actually uh late last year which was then provided uh to the CRA board and your capacity at the CRA board for review and approval um the C board at the time had provided comment back to to uh the uh the consultant who then made revisions um and then it came to Community Development also to make sure that things were consistent with our regulations um that had been approved the the task then came to Community Development to say hey how can we help the city enforce this and we a change to our ordinances we can't um we had presented this to the uh o this is the uh the actual report my apologies um so what the report had a certain aspect which are uh specific to the Kart which include the streetcape and the um and the frontage the uh the Landscaping as well as very specific resign criteria uh which is important because in order for us to tell the developers hey we want you to uh subscribe to a certain design criteria to build the identity for this Boulevard at the city desires we have to have as I mentioned ordinance uh we have previously presented this uh uh uh to the planning zoning board uh who recommended approval for vote 5 Z and we also took a uh additional step of bringing this before the beautification committee um we did not receive public comment per se at the beautification committee but there was a round of applause at the end um so I assume that meant that they that they liked it um um these rules here are complete and cover everything from the wh of the sidewalk to actually the type of pavers uh uh as um the uh the commission its capacity that CRA board had previously commented on and approved in finality and so what this ordinance does before you this evening is uh provide for the necessary updates within the mutc district to actually enforce this okay thank you all right Madam clerk public comment if you wish to speak on this item please come forward exactly good evening kathle Joakim member of the beautification committee Mr n we had that conversation and we did mention that one of the things that we would like to see is uh to work with you all and making sure that we have native plants and to make sure that uh what we talked about and the meeting with you come to fruition we very much are involved and we like what we saw uh and our on is um right here Mr chernof thank you thank you um anyone else want to speak on this item my barazan you know mayor and Commissioners it really doesn't take an an ordinance to put in place common beautification to our street Landscapes if you drive down the road any road you pick any road you'd see The Faded painted The Faded paint rub off from the roads I think a few weeks ago I had a um a meeting with the public works director his staff on 15th Avenue next next to the um the Hazel fazo Park it it it's all blurred heard you can't see anything and when the rain falls makes it even more difficult I I go down several streets and there is no no painting no Road markings uh it kind of remind me of I'm not going to mention the gender but when that gender jumps out of bed and does not put on makeup and goes to work or to meet their spouse you don't want to meet that you want them to put on some makeup so like our street landscape we need to have that makeup all the while it enhances the property values it it brings um Beauty to the neighborhood you don't need an ordinance but you have the ordinance here uh Common Sense would tell you what needs to be done and and and if something is failing you know staff needs to jump in it immediately and take care of it uh I'm not going to mention too much of events and all these things taking up our time but that is exactly what is happening and we need to beautify our streets even more I think I spoke with um the mayor before he became mayor and some of those problems the street lights and so forth we discussed so things like that um I do not know if how well this ordinance would work if if we're going to get a a change after you get a second reading or it's going to continue like this and it just looks good on paper I hope not thank you very much for having me were you saying I I don't wear enough makeup is that what you were trying to say yes yeah so anyone else for public comment or oh we got one more hello good um evening commissioner the mayor and city manager and happy municipality clock day my name is wendley mesor um actually I don't like to come up here and speak often but um if it's for the beautification of North Miami Beach I would love to actually speak on it not that I don't I don't know much about beautification um but um I did know I did notice some things we some beautification we did used to have in the past back in enough soorry back in enough Miami Beach so I would love to see um some more beautification in the city a lot of the things I noticed in the community a lot of the messed up pment and trees are not being trimmed and some of the residents um are complaining about illegal dumping behind their house in the alleyway so if we could do anything to just try to make sure we get some type of system to clean up the City or anything that could beautify um make the city more beautiful I would definitely support that so this item is very important so I would like to see this item go forward thank you thank you anybody else um want to speak on this item let the record reflect that no one else came forward and public comment is closed and um anything from Commissioners on this is there a timeline of e execution on this uh uh pardon me come actually implementation timeline of implementation y uh commissioner uh it will they have to go to Second reading uh uh next month um once uh if you were to adopt it once adopted once is signed it's immediate in effect after the 30-day period right Mr attorney yes sir yes okay any other comments okay so I need a motion to Second you're making the motion second second okay we need a roll call commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph commissioner Smith yes commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shernoff yes vice mayor floron yes mayor Piper yes the item passes 70 okay great motion and second to introduce 115 now 4-8 that's right first reading by title okay Mr attorney ordinance number 20 24-8 first reading to increase the number of parks and beautification commission members sponsored by commissioner chernoff an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida amending the code of ordinances of the city of North Miami Beach Florida section 2-54 parks and beautification commission by doubling the size of the commission providing for codification conflict scriveners errors sever ability and providing for an effective date first reading okay and you have anything you want I guess you're the one speaking on this item at all or you want me to speak on it well I don't know if the attorney need speak on it turn off's item really okay all right if you have anything to add sure yeah just well all it is is increasing the members from 7 to 15 to the ability to go to 15 because we're having a lot of people that are interested in being on the committee and there's no harm or no foul of adding new members commissioner I think I wrote it as 14 because you said doubling I thought it was 15 well you can change it now right I mean if you want to make it 15 it's an easy change 15's fine then you need an amendment you need then leave it as 14 right now okay you can amend now okay I amend it to 15 second okay so is the amendment a motion is a motion to amend that's been seconded mayor and you can have discussion on it and then you public comment but in absent any objection you can just amend it okay all right Madam clerk M just so you we're having we we're doing an amendment and to this item so um we need to do public comment on the amendment as amended if you wish to speak on this item please step forward we have one coming up well speak on I guess this is a new one for me good evening my name is kleim and I am a member of the beautification committee um our commissioner J chernoff has brought this to you all it's because lately we've seen that a lot of people want to get involved with the beautification uh committee people are beginning to be concerned about the the environment where we live in the city of North Miami Beach House certain things need to be done especially when it comes down to beautification and we would love it to have a lot more members because we have a lot of people that are interested and want to spend time at with us and to make decisions on what to do and how to beautify the city so uh I would really hope that it happens thank you okay anyone else want to speak on this one more oh we got one more um yes I would love to see more members on the beautification board I I was actually on the website the other day I was looking for board to join and that was one of the board um I was looking at and I saw it was seven members I was wondering cuz I don't think they post the name of the members online so I was wondering like what the position filed but now that I know that we're going to bring it up to 15 I might actually consider it since I start having more free time on my time right now I more free time in my hands right now so I would love to actually get involved and help beautify um North Miami Beach thank you thank you anybody else want to speak on this um okay let the record reflect no one else came forward and public comments closed on that okay commission Smith City attorney under 2- 54.6 the Cor so you could have 15 members and a quorum is only four that was the instruction from commissioner chernof he wanted to be sure that by increasing the membership that it didn't become impossible to get a quorum because otherwise it would have changed it I mean that's I understand that's to your discretion but those were the instructions I was giving I don't I didn't know I didn't even know that was possible that it had to be that's why I'm asking you you can you may fix Quorum at what whatever you choose to in the uh whatever when you create an item specifically like this you have the privilege of fixing Forum some organizations that are have very large memberships have 10% is their qu so but do we in our in our code do we use um Robert's Rules Robert's Rules is is your but Robert's Rules Say a quorum is half plus one Robert's Rules is your default setting anything that is not specifically delineated by you different than Robert's Rules goes by Roberts but Roberts does not control your ability to adopt things that you want to adopt as a body as long as it's not contrary to federal law state law or the ordinance so if you choose to set your Quorum for something like this at a lower number that is your choice and your decisions control over Roberts okay if you say it's okay then it's okay by me okay but the amend again you're only voting right now on the amendment I had written it to 14 members and the amendment is to make it 15 because to me doubling was 14 so so do we have to vote on the amendment and then vote on the item as amended however mayor you may take the amendment without objection if there's no objection you don't have to even do a Voice vote you can just say is there any amend objection to the amendment if nobody Minds going from 14 to 15 then the amendment is effective and you go back and you vote on the item as amended okay all right so first thing would be any other comment regarding the amendment or I I have a question um what what is the membership at as far as a commission on the status of women because I and and um Multicultural because I think those boards have a good number of people but I'm not sure what is the number um so I just wanted to know I couldn't tell you without looking no well no I'm I'm talking I'll get numbers for I'm addressing the clerk I apologize thank you I'll get those numbers for you can I have them now okay I'm we're gonna give a minute um so um that that that was the question number two when when you say 14 m members are we looking at some of those members being alternate members or all those members have the same stand have the same actual members the way it's written they would be full members the only thing that's not called out specifically is how those members are appointed um there's no change in the method of appointment from whatever existed previously I kind of thought that with exactly seven members and exactly seven Commissioners that maybe you each appointed one and that's why I thought 14 would mean you each appointed two but if you have to all approve all the members by vote that's a different thing we do we do that's really one of the Committees where they apply we don't really appoint yeah we appoint we appoint them well they they apply and then we appoint them after they apply approve yeah we approve them you approve it approve them but we don't app we approve the appointment we appoint on some of the Committees you have we don't appoint we approve okay Madam clerk do you have that response no it was CW and what was the other one for and Multicultural cuz I believe those Multicultural we need to handle that right now during this item I just have a question it's it's uh before I vote I wanted the answer I thought it' be something very very easy remember this is going to come back do you want to know how many people are currently on there do you know how many are currently yes amendment to go from 14 to 15 or on the underly because it's not on the amendment you should can I we can do that can I make a motion to approve with the amendment of 15 okay so so F first we have to see if we have any objections to the amendment going from 14 to 15 we're all good with that right all right so then Mr now we can go have a a mo consider size okay so we need a motion a second to approve the amended ordinance correct think that's what amended it Vice May right um so we don't have that response yet but don't you know aren't you I'm going to look Vice May mayor yes for the Multicultural um it's 15 members CW that I would have to verify so we do have a board with 15 members allocated okay that's that's what I wanted to know if it was consistent with some of what we're already and at one time in the past May um the board that he's referring to was 15 members and we changed it the beautification yes okay to seven I believe oh it was 15 at one time it was um decreased to seven do you remember why was it participation it was a participation this was like years ago I was a Aid back then okay that's the reason why I wanted to know whether or not some of those seats would be alternate versus no 15 the so yeah right so 15 currently currently we have two as alternate okay okay that's study more or less for the committee it's called for four right because you're doubling you're doubling the size right okay thank you so I I support the amendment to 15 all right so we I move to wait I thought you just made wait she just made the motion yes she did okay so so turn off is is the second right okay and then we're going to need a roll call right on this one yeah roll call yep to accept the um Amendment we can do it by Voice vote to the actually item itself the amendment we were able to without objection okay on the amended commissioner Joseph yes commissioner Smith yes commissioner smuckler yes commissioner sherov yes commissioner Jean yes vice mayor floron yes May Piper yes passes 70 thank you thank you all right now we need a motion a second to introduce item which I guess it's going be 11.6 which is 2024 d09 I make the motion okay we need a second second okay all right and U Mr attorney ordinance number 20249 first reading establishing a new chapter uh 10B uh regarding school zone seed Zone and uh the acting Chief Nelson kamacho an ordinance to the manor City Commission in the city of North Beach Florida amending the code of ordinances of the city of North Beach uh 2008 by creating a new chapter 10B entitled North planam Beach school zone dangerous intersection safety regulation declaring intent making findings regarding relevant traffic data and evidence warranting additional enforcement procedures designating school zone speed detection system thank you and designating school zone I was using my teacher voice there and designating school's Z speed detection system locations which constitute a heightened safety risk authorizing placement and installation of a school's own speed detection system designating uh a local hearing officer providing for implementation of the dangerous intersection safety regulations by the city manager providing for codification conflict scrier error severability and providing for an effective date mayor yes thank you sir um I'd like to have um deputy chief kamacho come up um and kind of explain the program there were some public comments um that were concerned about the time and use of this and so he'll kind of be able to kind of give you a a quick overview as well as kind of explain how the law change for for the use um of these cameras okay good evening Mr Mayor Commissioners uh just to clarify regarding the cameras right uh the usage of the camera for citation purposes are only going to be used starting 30 minutes before school starts and it will end 30 minutes after school ends so you're looking at just doing school session 30 minutes prior 30 minutes after after that the camera will not be sighning anybody uh I know there was a concern that it was going to be all night all day being running it does not work like that so uh that is the purpose of the camera is just to provide the safety of our kids uh our school staff and our our our residents uh to make sure that uh they abide by the the law of traffic any and I believe I'm sorry and I believe um one of the options um and I might be confusing several different conversations so I apologize but um when not in use the cameras can still be used as a LPN License Plate Reader correct so what you're going to have is you're going to have the the speeding camera but then you're going to have the option uh a separate camera is going to be our LP cameras those are the ones around the ATT tacks it's completely two different things and and those cameras allow us to and we have them um in certain areas throughout the city which allows us to recognize if a car has been reported stolen or something and it hits the database we're able to see and we're able to kind of done do that those cameras Have Been instrumental in in past um cases in which um um to the to the Department's credit they've been able to identify and and track down um vehicles that were being stolen from certain neighborhoods throughout the city so you're going to use the camera that the same camera that's going to catch them speeding it's it's essentially um it's two cameras two different cameras but it's like the same pole and and the and the uh the LPR one stays on 247 corre and the the speed zone one is just 10 minutes before 10 minutes after correct yes okay all right thank you um public comment Madam clerk if you wish to speak on this item one is coming up thank you good evening this is klyy working again we support our Law Officers but more importantly we support our residents I have to tell you all these cameras are important last month my neighbor who live across the street from me was killed Crossing the intersection of Northeast Second Avenue coming home if we had these type of cameras there I'm sure the police department would have caught the person that killed my neighbor okay she lived alone her daughter had to come from uh Jamaica to come and bury her so a lot of us residents are beginning to say that maybe we should have cameras throughout the city because it is that important you go to church these these days you make sure you have security everywhere is secure so let's see how we can do to help our children going to school and also to catch those bad guys thank you thank you um anyone else wendley wendley M um yes I think it would good um being also um being involved in education myself I work at the school so I know this a lot of things going on waking up at 6:30 in the morning driving on 7 I see a lot of people not OB obeying the traffic laws beating kids acrossing the street The Crossing God can't do everything so I think those cameras would really help in certain areas where we don't have crossing guards where the student to bys it would really help us catch a lot of people who are disobeying the law so I do hope we could Implement that [Music] and and the other the second camera would also be good also for the community and I cuz you do have people breaking the laws even after school time um driving around crazy speeding H and run so definitely that's something I would like to see us in the city of norami beach thank you thank you all right next speaker good evening everyone my name is H du I'm living in notth Miami Beach 53 Northeast 178 Street I support 100% the camera for the schools Zone because we need to protect our children because it's for the future of only not for not Miami for entire United States thank you and have a great evening thank you okay anybody else want to speak on this item mubarakan I guess we're going to go home before what 10 okay um the traffic cameras comes with the traffic signs that telling people that there are traffic cameras there that that needs to be implemented or your your charges would not be would not hold so I did not hear about that uh since 2003 I've been talking about body cameras 2003 and um only when President Biden spoke of the body cameras a few cities started implementing and in now we need to move another step further uh cameras on our police cars we have it on the garbage trucks I see the garbage guy showed me the camera and his garbage truck and that was N9 years now cameras and garbage trucks why don't we have it on the police cars because when a crime is committed in one location if the police was patrolling in other parts they might be able to pick up the killer like like the one that we missed with they over in the donut hole when they killed the the rabbi several years ago but our cars do not have cameras so if we were busy patrolling we could have go through back the footage and maybe pick up the suspect killer so that is another thing you have um cameras at pedestrian um Crossings you want to do that think about the and and those um cameras can turn off on the police cars they they easily can turn off when when when they when they're not when they're not working in North Miami Beach and they have to take the cars out of the city I usually leave mine on wherever I go I leave it on it it Loops it it erases after a a certain period of time but you have the camera there for your own safety you know people jump in front of me right on the 14th Avenue there you see them you're in the you're in the the circle there and they jump in front of you all of those those cameras are are so important so this is a good step in the right direction I just hope that you have up the the traffic signs when it when when it when it will be functioning 15 seconds when it will be functioning that that time and um thank you very much for having me right thank you anybody else want to speak on this item let the record reflect no one else came forward public comment is closed um any comments from Commissioners I just have a question um the city May utilize a speed limit detection system if we have a vendor would the vendor be would the vendor be in charge of that or the city would be the um the vendor is um the one that oversees the program in coordination with our city just like our red light cameras um and so that contract would be coming before you once the ordinance passes and we finish negotiations with uh with the vendor do we go out for an RFP on that how did how for the contract I believe we're just extending an active contract that we have and um one of the questions down at the bottom was the designation of traffic in with Enforcement Officers but the truth is is if we have a vendor it wouldn't be Enforcement Officers I mean the people that would get a ticket have the right to come before and they have the right to just like they do now in when so each and and well why don't you jump in because you know those details correct that mean says is that once this um the violation is observed that violation has to be uh uh approved by a traffic uh enforcement officer right who's been uh um who has actually been certified to be able to say yeah that's a violation you sign somebody for North Line Beach from your department for that yes okay thank you very and we already do that for red light cameras okay thank you very much I have a question okay I I had a question okay's commiss okay so this is active 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after 30 30 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after yes but we're only going to give tickets during the school zone so it's going to be during school session but it will begin 30 minutes prior to school before school starts and it will end 30 minutes after after school ends so it's not only when the speed when the school zone is active it's all day long all correct during school session well 30 minutes before school starts and 30 minutes after school ends but it's not the normal speed zone time might be from like 8 to 9 and then from like 3: to 4 correct we're not going to have that now we're going to have all day correct so what you have is you have the the the speed limit which is 15 M hour while while the uh there the pick up and drop offs right but after that it goes to what the speed limit is for that area so let's say it's 35 miles hour right so then it will monitor to make sure because you still got parents showing up to school and you got to protect the school so that's how it's going to be monor I got you so basically it's it's going to be during the speed zone times that's when you enforce the 15 miles an hour whatever it is correct yes and then off off those times during that whole school day 30 minutes plus on each end um they it'll be for the normal speed limit for that area but will the vendor do that or the regular police will the vendor be there doing that for the regular it's all automated automated it's a computer system that does it and then the police officer would use the tickets but they get but the vendor gets a certain percentage so would they get a percentage of that it's yeah it's all it's all broken down um if you give me one second how that's broken down so the meantime so if School were let's say 8: to 4: it it would be working 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. right yes okay and then it will be giving tickets um during the the school's Z morning and pickup it'll give whatever that speed limit is and then 15 and then from 7:30 to 4:30 you'll be giving tickets for the regular speed yes okay yesk okay all right I'm you're good commissioner one more question so I think this was a question that I had the last time about Miami day County Public School police will will there still be police patrolling the area or are we and that was my question before meaning will there still be a physical officer in certain schools zone areas I'm assuming so yes ma'am yes yes how does that work with potentially them getting a ticket and maybe being stopped again no I know we discussed that last time and uh yes no the this is an extra tool in our tool box uh uh but that's not going to prevent an officer for being there right so the machine the the the the uh the equipment is going to give the citations it allows the officer to uh take care of all the things around the school that's so you will not have the officer doing the same thing at the same time justes it will not work like that thank you okay any other it's going to be on 15th Avenue can you speak sorry Mr K I just appreciate it's going to be on 15th right absolutely yes how crazy I can I saw some testing not because I drive that's my C West that's where where I stay and I've been seeing them working on the lights uh last month or so or what have you so I guess it's in preparation to see what the traffic counting was over there so I I do know about I do understand a 30-minute um lag for for for the uh for the morning as well as in the afternoon because you still have kids rushing over there and parents and everything else and absolutely just speed through and and that's something that I think in our community it's needed thank you okay if there's anything else does that also include our um religious schools that we have and then he going to he's going to Encompass grol Park Elementary uh full Fort and Sab pal and not the J JFK in North Beach High no they're starting with the elementary public schools obviously these not the Hebrew school well maybe they'll expand later but got to start somewhere and did you answer my question Mr manager during the regular speed zone that the vendor would handle that because it's all automated too I'm sorry can you repeat that during the regular speed zone 35 the vendor would handle that as well because it's all machines correct and then it's reviewed by a police officer before the Civil F goes I understand I was thinking more about the revenue and the M the so the revenue the way that it's it's a it's first issued just like red light cameras as a civil fine not necessarily a traffic ticket ticket and that civil fine is for $100 and that's broken down and $20 goes back to the state $60 goes towards local municipality to administer the the program $12 goes to the local school district $3 goes to FDLE and $5 goes towards a crossing guard uh Recruitment and Retention program um so that's how it's B so out of that 60 that the the local municipality has that's broken um further down to administer the overall program which includes the magistrate and and all those other costs that kind of breakdown will be further brought to you once the contract is negotiated uh with the v i I saw it it's very generous to the city very generous to the city thank you right any other questions second motion I got the motion second okay and we need a roll call on this one also commissioner Smith yes commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shov yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph vice mayor floron yes mayor Piper yes item passes 70 first reading thank you we need a motion in second to introduce item 117 which is resolu move to introduce resolution number r224 d63 to approve change order with KCI technology znc Okay resolution number r224 63 to approve change order with KCI Technologies Inc Sam Z makona the Public Works director uh a resolution to the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing a change order to the Washington Park Design Services agreement with KCI Technologies Inc formerly Keith and schnars paa for enhancements to the design plans and bidding assistance increasing the budgeted amount by $174,900 authorizing a city manager or designated to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for scrier errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date okay Mr Zona good evening mayor Commissioners the item in front of you is a request to increase the the sign cost for Washington Park um for 174,000 $910 and um our consultant is here for you tonight in case you have any questions the scope or the purpose is uh coordination it it is efforts revisiting project design program elements additional meetings coordination and presentations related to project schedule adjustments increase community outreach and new city staff the supplement also accommodates changes required for new Florida building CO code eighth edition additional shade structure for playground offsite exfiltration trange and to restore tax 7 bidding assistance previously deducted thank you okay thank you I'm Madam clerk public comment please come forward if you like to speak on this item okay let the record reflect no one came forward someone's coming you want me to open it up again no he's coming okay mabarak aan I recalled when the commissioner J chov was the acting mayor or vice mayor yeah acting mayor and um we asked about the redesigning because uh some people from Washington Park came and said the initial talks when they had Parks master plan was two stories so we asked how much the design would cost they they redesign and they said um something like uh a million dollars and um I think it would take like a year to redesign and they acting mayor then said um well might as well do it now because the study going to keep coming up telling us about this two story finally when they made it presentation a few months ago they says that um I see that a one story so did we actually paid oh and the the excuse was that we couldn't afford the twostory so did we actually pay the $1 million on that I mean I could build a huge building for a million dollars so we did not the city manager shook his head no we did not how much did we pay the total design cost uh with well through the mayor the total design costs with the change order to me existing Florida building code um would be which is a requirement by durm um would be a$1 um $2 million um design 1.2 million uh he's gotten like $3 million tonight I'm here we we could get A5 million 15 seconds you know I mean that that thing is long overdue man I should have finished by now uh 2022 I heard that we were in October we were going to turn shovel now now now it's you know it's it's um May of 2024 nothing happened thank you very much for having me thank you anybody else [Music] okay good evening mayor and commission my name is kley Wakim a member of the voters Council Washington Park can't wait we need to get this thing done and I concur what Mr Kazan said the original plan was for two stories now we're going to take what we get but we need to move on it and we cannot be spending money left and right and not get anything done in Washington Park so let's see how fast we can move and get this thing moving especially you see how hot it is out there oh we got to get this thing going thank you all right thank you anybody else want to speak on this item let the record reflect no one came forward and public comment is closed um any from the Commissioners on this commissioner Smith thank you I appreciate everybody's patient I didn't have a lot of time to go with over everything with the manager this time um I have the total amount is $1,279 and66 is that correct additional to million 279 this is one of the ordinances where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't but I just want want to reflect on one thing that I've got folded here additional consultant additional lump fund fund for their services is 2,240 okay so when you look at it's consultant fee for this service and the service is for additional biweekly meetings coordination of meetings occurring for 16 weeks in int anticipation $10,800 and the city will be responsible for providing General conditions bid notice and instructions to bidding procurement on bids advertising thank you and at the end Consultants fee for this service should be build on an hourly basis for an estimated of 33,500 I have to bring it up Mr manager you weren't here but that was the biggest outcry of the water plant the biggest outcry was that we were getting gouged for meetings because when you have a plan like this why aren't there meetings Washington Park has to get this complete and yet I feel like every time we turn a page it's another 100,000 it's another hund another $174,900 I just don't understand how we negotiated this is there any explanation you can give me how we negotiated 33,000 for more Consulting and 10,000 for meetings could somebody just give me an explanation commissioner typically when you go through and you procure any of the designs um the various different tasks that are associated with the project are broken down and the estimates um are are provided for the scope of work in all those um categories and so in the category from the 2018 um um supplement um Design Services the cordination was for by-weekly right and so they're breaking down what that cost on those bi-weekly meetings would account for which was that 10,800 the bidding assistance um what their scope of what it would cost to to be able to assist the the city to to go through all that um these aren't just hey we're going to send an email and we're done these are a lot of hours with a very complicated project that needs to be done the change order is to meet existing Florida building code which we have to be uh build regardless um we're we're not exempt from it um from from meeting Florida building code and so making those comments that were required to do the permitting all of those different categories are separated they're instead of just saying hey it's a 174 the 174 is broken down into the individual coordinations which account for the hours um that the consultant has um these are multiple people multiple professions multiple um disciplines to be able to get everything done that essentially comes down and breaks it down into the the various categories you know I would hope um in the future when we start contracts that are million dollars that a lot of that is in that original contract because that was whoever was here during the water plant knows what I'm talking about how that to use our facilities they were charging us by the hour to have a meeting in our facilities so you know this is where you're damned if you're do and damned if you don't because that kind of thing really is raw and I have to I would like to feel good about my vote and yet you can't vote no for Washington Park Because by the time it really gets built I won't even get to see it well at the rate we're going I can't I'll be 102 we're still anticipating the shovel that the the project timeline hasn't changed from from when we reported it okay any other comments okay so it says the design is not complete is the design complete now no ma'am we received comments back from durm um at the county that required uh revisions to the design and the change orders to make those revisions to be in compliance with uh the comments received so that's potentially uh another change order per se right to accommodate for the the new updates that need to be provided right that's what this is for this is what this is for so once that's done then the design will be complete is that fair and we go into the permitting and then the bidding for for the construction service okay so this is the last step into keeping the so the timeline you said is still to date yep all right thank you no problem okay all right motion second second second okay and then on this one we will just need a Voice vote right y okay all in favor say I I any opposed I passes unanimously okay move to introduce resolution number r224 64 fund balance policy document resolution number r224 d64 fund balance policy document from the manager a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida repealing resolution number R 22-37 regarding the city's fund balance policy and adopting a new fund balance policy consistent with governmental Accounting Standards Board gasb uh statement number 54 fund balance reporting in governmental fund type definitions and recommended best practices promulgated by the government financial Officers Association to establish Min to establish minimum levels of unassigned fund balance in the general fund providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date okay Mr manager thank you mayor um during the budget season uh we went over um my recommendation of what would be a healthy um reserves and updating our policy that hadn't been updated since 2012 um and so the what we ended up doing is we partnered uh with uh trimerge um Consulting to come in and take a look at our uh fund balance policy take a look at the best practice IES um since our initial policy was was adopted and do a comparison with other sister cities as well and to give an evaluation of where we stand with our fund balances um the overall recommendation um is to which I thought was interesting um so the overall recommendation is to move the um minimum fund balance um from a 10% of revenues uh which is the current policy to a minimum of 20 to 25% of operational expenditures um across all government funds anything above that range um could be used for CIP and the interesting component that they recommended is that by having the range between 20 to 25% it gives the city and the commission flexibility as to where we want to be during our budget session um in case some years might be leaners some um some not so some we might be able to go all the way up to the 25 um some a things are going on it's actually going to be better for us to to leave it at 20 um and then if at any time there's anything above that then it goes into the CIP project to continue to move um the projects forward I think one of the main concerns the commission had during our our conversation when it came to fund uh fund balances or in layman's term the reserves um it is that we didn't want to see those funds stagnate there when we had so many CIP projects that we were trying to move forward and they wouldn't move forward um yet that account just continued to grow and so I think this strikes a good balance to be able to continue to use any of those type of um revenues for our CIP while maintaining a healthy balance um you have various documentations in the back um that are several pages long um from various charts um the overall study one of the key aspects um that I want to kind of point out of um of this is that um we are going to we've already begun conversations of how do we continue to move our CIP program and the various other studies and things that the city had been looking at for many years whether it's the parks master plan um how we improve our our PD how do we improve our libraries how do we improve our our Parks how do we improve city hall and all the other type of um projects that we're trying to accomplish um some of those we need to become more strategic in how we're going to fund those um long term and one of the things that we're doing which the city doesn't really have is we're rebuild building like almost every Department we're rebuilding something right so we're rebuilding a 5year CIP program the way that the city currently operates is that we just get a bunch of requests in one year and it's not always looking at oh well this is what I'm going to need 5 years from now and so as we're building which is actually a requirement for the city to have as we're we're doing a proper build out of that CIP um coming back to you once that is done and we know what that number will look like whether it's 1 million 10 million 100 million whatever those numbers will look like for for a CIP program um a conversation you all should have from a policy perspective is do we go for financing of those projects how much should we Finance those projects what type of financing whether it's loans uh whether it's state Appropriations whether it's a go Bond all of those conversations are tools um and resources that are available to you and the City to move these things forward but we haven't really been able to to accomplish that the reason why I bring all that up it is because um rating rating agencies when they're going to see what's the credit worthiness of the city to pay back any type of loan or bonds they look at what your recent Financial policies are right and so they want to see is it up to date is it new are you having a healthy fund balance um and and they look at these and they give higher marks to the entities that have these sound fund balance policies when issuing ratings and that they're managed um appropriately so being a little bit stricter um in our fund balancing will actually help us save money in the long term as we look to finance a lot of these projects moving forward okay that's the cliff notes oh wow of it yeah right all right so let's just just to kind of keep in order here we should probably do our uh public comment so Madam clerk if you wish to speak on this item please come forward seriously mabarak isan fun balance yes uh the city manager did repeat what he said during the budget time I'd like to get commissioner Smith attention as well and um every word I promise and um I wanted to know if that 20 to 25% everybody's looking at the phone doodling come on please please really mul I can multitask sure sure watch you you want to see me jumping and um the same time because I could could this 20 to 25% be achieved without the arpa funding right now I think we had like about $6 million in arpa funding balance after the old city manager left the new one came we had about 16 million in reserves then we had a $38 million in the water plant balance that is monies we did not borrow Monies that was accumulated in the water plant and that money to me my opinion that should be thoroughly investigated how it was spent because in less than a year it went voop and we can't see we can't see it one one meeting the Pu director Bruce lamberto asked well how much money was expended and they said um $15 million two meetings after the $23 million just went oh all is gone and why why that's why I wanted commissioner Smith to be here because it's supposed to have been in an escrow account that when they completed the jobs only then they get paid but it seems in my opinion that the job was paid even before it was completed now I heard a lot of Rusty pipes and all sort of things we having to do by Sunny ises like like almost nothing was done with is $38 million so whil we're doing with the peard investigation by state we should also do an investigation of the $38 million where this what what where this fund went this was extra monies that we did not have to borrow and um you know whatever whatever things you have here I hope it does not hurt the city but I just wanted to bring that point up $38 million some people call it the 40 million some people call it the 38 million but it was to do the 270 million 5year Expansion Project that we had that boiled down to 5 years $16.5 million expansion half almost half the money we got from wfia funding almost yeah you you you were you were you were in the council as well at the time I know but pay attention to that $38 million that I talk and insist that we get a a a forensic audit done in the 38 million how it was spent and let's see exactly what they had done for that because there are some figures I can't believe what they were telling us at those meetings thank you very much for having me all thank you um anybody else want to speak on this item okay let the record reflect no one else came forward and public comment is closed anything from the Commissioners on this yes Mr Mayor I my hand up first oh you did go ahead ladies first thank you so the first question was um what's the unassigned fund balance that we have currently do we have those numbers yes ma'am currently we are at about 19 point and I think Sophia's here uh 19.5 um million and that's just general is there what about the Enterprise funds okay so come up to the mic please hello may commissioner Sophia teller um so the fund balance policy addresses only the general fund governmental fund so for the water department fund balance I don't have that figure with me because we're still completing our FY 2023 audit so that number is not audited or totally finalized so we can get back with you with a water fund balance but as it stands or an audited um general fund on his sign is at 18.8 all right currently yes than you and then the emergency um fund balance um for like natural disasters and St I believe it's at $3 million it's still at 3 million we're looking to increase that amount through uh a state program um that would actually it's called frck and essentially the state uh if you qualify um which is we're starting that process now um the state would up front um up to $8 million instead of making it reimbursable they they give it to you up front Okay so I'll just mention the the the ask that I have that I would love for you guys to bring back to us at a later time um I'll start off with um some of the residents mentioned like the manager said they were broke and so on and so forth obviously not with a 19 million unassigned fund balance I doubt that's the word that we should be using um I did want to find out our efforts as it relates to leans and water fees recovery where are we with that I know I think you provided a report for us in the past of where you guys are what recovery so I I can answer those questions um essentially the the difference is that um to to the gentleman's Point uh during public comment in order to have a structurally Balan budget um during the the budget year we moved many of our CIP projects uh to be covered through arpa um and as we're using some or or not fully advocating or not advocating I'm sorry not fully um using some others will be coming back to you for reallocations um I believe next month if I'm not mistaken with regards to the means um the direction that staff received at the workshop was to um come back to the commission with a policy that would allow for especially on the code violations an amnesty program um and so we're we're working on that program um I've kicked it back to staff and they've been revising it uh we hope to be able to circulate that to you prior to to the June commission meeting as well or at least bring it as a discussion item at the June Commission Mission as part of the lean we're looking at a couple different options for the lean recovery um on on any of them uh whether it's cold water or sanitation um there's a different mindset when you look at that if you just do an RFP for a collection agency collection agencies are ruthless and and how they treat the customer and what they're trying to to do and I don't as as your city manager I don't like the idea of hiring a collect agency to go after the leans and so some of the things that we've been investigating is there are a segment of attorneys um that do this a little bit different than what a collection agency would do and so we've been doing our homework and trying to see exactly what that would look like what other cities um have hired these type of attorneys to do those lean collections um on on theirs and if what are the pros and cons in comparison to a collection agency so once we're able to get that and actually have a recommendation of which way to go then we would be bringing back to you but we're doing that in a meaningful way understanding that many on those leans are our residents our customers not only tenants but long-term residents as well um that may have come down on hard sign so we're we're taking a mindful approach to this not just trying to rush something through sure so the numbers of what we what what's outstanding I would love to share with my colleagues if you can generate some kind of report I also wanted to know what was the status of impact feeds for the librari I know that some of the Commissioners had mentioned wanting to start the process to add that in our we yes you all um authorized a contract and they have already started the process the first the the first major study on on the various fees is the water fees that we need to um have um completed to make sure that we meet our our regulatory requirements with our our base water fees um the other fees that are being taken a look at is to be able to add an impact fee for libraries public art transportation and then we would be looking at the various code um um fees and building fees uh to make sure that we're being competitive within the market and the reason I'm asking is because when you're when you're saying you want to increase that fund balance to a 25% obviously there has to be methodology for us to be able to bring in more into into the bank right if you will so that's why I kind of want to know what what your thoughts are in increasing the fund balance but also making sure that we're able to add to that through whatever methodologies the city has to yeah the the good news is um in in the last um budget um commissioner I'm trying to remember who asked the question but the question was asked like what percentage would the 19 million pose um on our on our recommended budget and I believe that was like a 207 or 28% % um so we we're meeting that requirement right now what this policy ends up doing is it is it pre-establish the range uh between 20 to 25 um it also it doesn't prevent us from using the funds so if we have whether it's litigation whether it's hey you know there's a really important project that comes out that we need to fund it or we're not receiving the ADV valorum Revenue that that's anticipated and and there's a big difference like a housing market crash um it's not preventing the use of that but it is it is putting into policy and and committing um the city to start replenishing those funds within a certain amount of time again to maintain those those um those reserves as may be needed for those rainy days right so it's not just use the money and hopefully one day we'll get more but it's with the intent of M making sure we have a long-term Financial resiliency plan and sustainability plan thank you okay any yes I a couple question um you mentioned the the the fact that we have these uh outstanding balances I I remember a while back that a lot of these um these um delinquent um bills were tied to like construction companies that would use water uh or like these big um developments that would that would be laid in payment like how I think um the one is is one is one thing to be aggressive to our residents another to be to be aggressive to a business owner that has more of a nuance and understanding that they're taking advantage of the fact that they that we won't be as as Cutthroat as we need to be and I think that has to be taken consideration I understand what you're saying that from a legal standpoint certain like our residents that's the that's you know we serve them but I I I do see companies um certain construction companies I'm not I could say s or whatever right that could possibly be utilizing to do construction here and there and be delinquent in C fees or whatever and then not know you know if they've done it in the past they they kind of feel like you're not going to come after us anyways excellent point and I remember a bill like that I remember seeing something like uh this happened about four years ago and I was looking up for all the link I saw I saw a construction cover I'm like why haven't we sued these guys up to wo because it's like you've already used it it's like you can't say you didn't use it you can put leans on all their properties around the county or wherever you can get an action put on them they're going to pay that regardless but they know that we have a very soft approach and that we're not as aggressive as we should and I think the first people we should go after is the is those construction companies those those businesses that that know better I understand we have to take a a different approach to our residents but I think that there should be a two-tier system here okay very clear I don't think we should one size fits all that I do know um yes uh the other the other uh issue I had um is regards to um how as uh one of our other Commissioners pointed pointed out that we there was this perception that we were bankrupt that we were broke that all this money went away somewhere somehow and you have Commissioners or people that on this St that would like to do certain projects that you know are advocating to do certain projects and then at the same breath we we're in from staff that were broke and it's kind of like a it's a catch22 like how can we broke but we could do X Y and Z and I just want and and just for the people that are watching just for our residents it looks like we're being deceptive you know because we're asking to do X but they're saying well the money is not there why why are you doing this or why hasn't this project moved forward and this project is going to move forward the equity is not there it's not being made clear yeah and and I I think we've we've had the the conversation along um several times throughout the year um but the sound bite is always easy to remember yeah actual they remember that so um again we had if we may Mr manager you know me and you we have a good relationship but um that sound bite was uh coming from the fourth floor the well I I'll I'll re-explain it um again we had a structurally um and this is where where where you're going to say but it's the actual technical definition we had a structural deficit within our budget in which we had less Revenue coming in than the expenditures that the city had um on there and there was a lot of different areas that caused that how we overcame that okay um is the recommendation of moving the CIP projects and several other items out of the general fund into other um Enterprise funds some of those Enterprise funds were moving for example our trolleys that had um and our freebie that had a line item in Parks moving it into CIT so that relieves part of that um expenditure other is using a large amount of arpa that we were lucky to do so that the conversation wasn't even harder we moved a lot of our C CIP into ARA eligible um um categories that with smoothing over the the police pension um and and other items like that is what gave us the structurally balanced budget in which we accounted for $67 million of Revenue coming in for fiscal year 24 and we've accounted for $67 million of expenditures for fiscal year 24 there are certain priorities that the commission has made and commitments to level of service for the city but that also comes with certain limitations of what can or cannot be done within the budget we don't have um I I we don't have like in other cities 3040 $50 million in the reserve so that any idea that pops up we can just yeah just throw the money at it we don't have that luxury um at the moment there's also certain commitments that the commission has made to get us into a much better Financial sustainable model um which is going to be in large part right now with the increase of density um in certain areas those increase of density comes into more ADV valorum um um Revenue which is going to help alleviate but as we know in what we've talked about earlier we cannot depend on ad valorum Revenue by it self we need to diversify that Revenue stream as much as possible and we have a pretty good start and and the city has had for for quite a while what we need to do is really take advantage of the various um state and federal Appropriations the various grants really make a conservative effort because as we've seen for for a little bit of money what we can get in return is so much greater and I I'm not the math genius to be able to tell you it's x% um of Roi on on the on the uh vendor for the our advocate in in the federal between the the 5 million and the 93,000 um but that is the type where we need those Monies to help offset a lot of the expenditures which would then relieve further burdening on the ADV valorum and we can really take advantage the other aspect is that you all have committed to is investing in um our economic um development of the city and ensuring policies that are going to bring further businesses which means more sales tax which means other types of tax revenues that is going to contribute to the general fund that isn't riing on the ADV velorum and so all of these are opportunities for us to take advantage are we declaring bankrupt no and I've never said that we're declaring bankrupt but we were in a position in which we were receiving less Revenue than what we had expenditures and we had to make a Readjustment on that we faced a lot of different charges that the city didn't have to face in years prior the um the investment from from police pension was a big pressure point that we were able to relieve um the to that point because um and this is to Mr Kazan because he brought this issue to me that during that time like last last year we brought the fact that we had we're in a deficit because of the pension of like what was like 9 million I 7 million it was um we were short 8 million do to meet the minimum funding requirement yeah so that I don't think that conversation has come at least at least an update that said that this is how we took care of it and letting the community know that this is how it happened I don't because he's still saying like whatever ha he he his his response he's like whatever happened to that deficit of the of the pension of the pension we've explained it and I've even put it in writing um to him that explains it essentially what we ended up working with the pension fund and I and I'll repeat it is the the ordinance and the resolution and the way that the pension fund works is over a course of three years we need to be able to to fund the pension at a minimum of 70% and so in this prior year we were short $8 million above the regular 6.x amount million that we regularly contribute year over-year what we ended up doing is we contributed 7 million and an additional 2 million injection into the pension fund with the with the returns that we receiving to date that smoothed over and said by year three you should be um if if the investment continues to grow the way that it's growing by year three you'll have your 70 and so that is now resolved we no longer have the shortfall because we're meeting all the requirements so that additional 2 million that we injected last year in Hard Cash is what stabilized and said okay we're good to go now what we're looking at for this upcoming budget is what did the rest of that year and those returns look at and are we going to be funded again or are we going to be short um I can tell you that right now in in a um memo that I've I've provided um we're doing much better than where we were last year at this point but we're not doing as great as what we hoped and so that is going to be another opportunity that we're going to be working with the pension fund to be able to again what it's called smoothing over that process so instead of saying hey we need to inject $8 million all at once we can do it over multiple years and and being able to do that and these are my last two comments last two comments um one we all know that we potential and like I got to make sure that I'm not going Crossing line um from our City attorney right we have pending litigation in regards to our water right that's going to be at least could be potentially a lot of money yes sir a lot of money and I need to under I need at least from you from I need an explanation for you to present and to prepare depending on how we we mitigate that that issue that the community will be able to understand and to grasp and how we're going to resolve that shortfall whatever that amount may be because it looks like it's coming sooner rather than later and I and I like I said I want to cross any line or or what have you but I know it's a so it doesn't prevent the use of it but it does say you need to plan to replenish that amount for um for a later time and the last comment is we we do have a res a resident came up here not too long ago um Miss nevas Jus from western eastern Shores um and she pointed out something that is um that we've been accounting a certain type of way of like how we're subsidizing our um our Waste Management program mostly because we're subsidizing on the backs of our multif family units yes sir to account for our residential units and to me like it's about the equity aspect ECT of it all you know and I know that depending on how we account we could come up with a more Equitable way of doing it but it's when you really do listen to her to her argument or and the collective argument of people that have this particular situation or whatever it really is unfair it it it is kind of unfair I can understand I'm not disagreeing I just multi family is transient or what have you but a lot of these people have been there for years not saying any of those yeah where where I just wanted to remind to your and I know the rate stud's coming I know the rate stud coming yeah that's that's separate what I wanted to point out is remember going into this current TR uh contract from uh waste management into Coastal the city was at a um at a deficit of like $7 million um because of the years of extensions with Waste Management before Coastal came on board and so to account for that um and to keep the rates low on the residential side of of the of the contract the commercial and multif family has a higher um s not not sech charge um charge yeah it's like a search charge impact fee search charge um that is not only um helping to keep the single family rates low um or or what is considered normal but also to fund um that that gap of that $7 million uh which I think so uh we're we're down to about four now I think we yeah close to 4 million yeah yes each year there's still that shortfall um I I agree that we should have something more Equitable if that's the policy the commission wants to take but that's going to probably substantially increase on on the residential side no I understand that I'm just saying like it is an AR it's an argument that they have and I know that depending on how how how the race started comes back if we could have like different tiers MH to make it more Equitable but like I said I I understand the argument it's very clear that it's we're you know they they really are being Ro like rote on yeah well that's just my thought and I guess we'll wait for the budget SE season and the rate study to come back to assist that turn off okay um I'm I'm sorry I know you had asked me a question and we got sidetracked quite a bit vice mayor because commission and commissioner Joseph went and now um do you want to go first that's fine I mean you're the senior Statesman go ahead oh thank you all right Mr manager I think I love the aggressiveness that you're moving forward with this and I think it's a great program to do my only concern is that in doing it and and again it's not a concern because at any time we can undo it this body can undo it so the the when if we're at 25% for SE that's a great position to be in and for Bond rating we need to be there we need to have that but how does that then affect us when we negotiate with our unions and our two unions see that we have a $25 million budget you know uh def you know uh Treasure Chest sitting there and we're telling them that we can't afford to give them six more cars or another cop or whatever you know how do we handle that um luckily so far we've had really great relationship with our unions and and what a lot of what we've been speaking of in the investment that this commission and and my ad Administration has been working for is really catching up on on a lot of issues um and requests that even they've had right and so one of the big Investments that the commission has made is in the greatest um resource that the city has which is our human capital and so we've been lock lock step with with our unions as to being able to invest that and they understand that what is good for the city is is not always getting everything you can the very first time you asked for it but being able to say okay we know what what is good for for the city we know how this can benefit the city and making sure that we keep overall costs low and we can move forward because it's not just about what the unions can get but also the services for our residents right and so because we've had really great Partners on on both the general and our police um I think they they understand the importance of having those reserves because when a city or any government starts Going Through The Years 2008 2009 2010 2011 you know it wasn't really until 2012 where we cities really started to recover from that type of Crash that we had having a healthy Reserve can help spread that impact um over multiple years as opposed to okay well you know a lot of stuff has happened we're we're really short we're going to have to go to the very top of the millage rate um where during that time there's a lot of residents that may not have um employment and so it becomes a what I'd like to call a death spiral uh of you know you can't make this Improvement because you don't have this but then what you need to get there you won't be able to get that either and so just having a healthy policy and making sure that we maintain with the best practices uh and we constantly look at this and we're not waiting 10 years to make any type of revisions we got to do this on a regular BAS basis to make sure hey does this still meet our needs and is this still the best practice um that's important does it still meet best practice I mentioned that because it did not pass but in the legislation there was a movement to put on a charter um a constitutional um change on in in during elections to get rid of advore and property taxes that would have completely changed how all municipalities and local government works and so if we're not updating these things then we're going to be at a very uh severe disadvantage when when we need to be um down the road yeah I don't think your Point's a a real major concern because like you know the stability is an important thing and unions are sophisticated enough to realize that kind of thing so you know right well and I'll follow this will be my final note it's very refreshing that we have a city manager that wants to put more money way and wants to deliver Services still and give a better service to our community so I think it's a win-win and I think we're in good shape okay cool vice mayor all right thank you I just wanted to kind of side by side the uh fund balance that we're referencing here right which is um we're talking unassigned right un assigned okay correct so we're talking 20 to 25% we're talking unassigned and then we have this um this um uh policy that we approved a few months ago that was considerate of our Capital Improvement projects so with the unassigned if we want to keep it between 20 and 25 my question would then be over the over a two or threee period if it's at that number obviously as commissioner chof said we can always change it but at what point do we we look at those funds and say we're going to allocate a portion of it towards Capital Improvement so if in year one we're at 25 all right so we're we've met that number um so at what point are you looking at this on a yearly basis yes sir how of how often unless I probably missed you saying that I apologize did did I probably miss you saying that no but but it's if you can reiterate how it kind of cross references so on on a yearly basis while we do our our budget um or maybe you answered the question after you know after my 20-minute speech right and I no worries um yes on a year-to-year basis as we're doing our our budget cycle we'll be able to kind of point out where we are with with the fund balance and then what we're putting together for the CIP remember I mentioned how we are having to reconstruct a a capital Improvement program not just an individual project and that program will then be able to come back to you all and and you will see not only for fiscal year 25 but what 26 27 28 29 and 30 would look like and that is how we're able to say hey on this year we're going to have to dedicate more money into the CIP to reach the projects and the year after we can reduce the CIP allocation because now we have actual projections of what it looks like as opposed to the way that it's been working right now here's all the projects we kind of want so I guess I guess um in addition to that the the the clarity that I'm looking for in addition to what you just said is are are you saying that the current CIP as we have it now would do you foresee that relying on any unassigned fund balances within the next few years or are you saying that um once we implement this particular policy that new projects coming on online may be able to tap into those excess dollars that's that's what I'm that's that's really the question that's a great question um thank you I appreciate that and with that we're going home um that that's really where I'm going with this no I yeah okay um I I understand I think that you will have the best recommendation that we can make with the situation that's in front of us and that might for this year for example it might say hey we're going to do the fund balance at 20% okay not the 25 but we're going to we're going to go down to the 20 and because we have these major projects like what we're facing now where we have the commitment for Washington Park we want to be able to use whatever additional capacity that we would have had because maybe it's not 25 maybe we would have had 22% or whatever that could be we want to allocate that above the 20 into this specific project that could be a possibility right um but I don't have that crystal ball to be able to tell you this is exactly where we'll be today I can give you that as we make that um presentation over the summer for for that balance and we know what kind of Revenue is actually coming into the city um we're anticipating a growth um probably not a a a huge growth from one year um over to the next because the housing market did kind of settle a little bit although Miami Data was in a much better position than other parts of the country um so we are anticipating a growth but this does give us the flexibility of not having to go to 25 and then move that money to CIP it that range gives us the the the the ability year over-year to say okay this is what's going to be best for the city this year a as it stands any of our current CIP projects um well I guess do we do we have that list perhaps you you you you have that list you can share with us as to which projects are currently partially funded versus fully funded um you know or if you've sent it to us over the past year we can yeah we can resend and we'll be bringing um because some of some of those projects uh we're going to be asking to reallocate certain funds within the CIP uh that are arpa funded uh so that we we can we can um expand on on some programs that have grown some that that we've noticed okay we can actually change directions on um so we we'll be bringing you that list um as well for all of those projects yeah okay um yeah because I I just wanted you know because I see how those two how those two issues kind of join together but I I think ultimately I think the best thing for the city ultimately is to get the CIP out of the general uh fund budget and the easiest way to do that I say it's easy but it's it's overly complicated um the the easiest way to do that um is to go out for a bond for the CIP right it's a referendum that the the city will vote you we make our case of why we want to do all of these Park improvements why we want to do all these infrastructure improvements um not necessarily with water uh but it could include water and it can just be a bigger a bigger number but it depends on where you as policy makers will feel comfortable um do we want to do a $60 million uh bond to go after just for parks and and the theater um and those type of facilities or do we want to do a $200 million Bond and that gets paid directly separate from General funds um over 30 years um so going out and what that number looks like we're trying to put that program together so that we can have that um intelligent conversation of what what are the actual needs of the city okay yeah um every time I drive through Miami Gardens I I see what's happening over there they have it with their Parks um and so they're able to move so much more quicker um or quickly um when it comes to these projects you're just seeing them happen back to back they have the master plan they have the funding they have the bonds they have the revenue coming in they have the density Revenue coming in um they're getting a lot of money for sales tax not just ADV vorum so they they've the good part of being a new city is that you can move very quickly on those when you have that kind of vision to to to get there where we're trying to to upgrade Legacy systems while also thinking of future and getting new systems all together right um which makes it a little bit harder but but we can definitely be there right yeah I just want to see this particular policy affect new new uh new change right so that's um you know that's that's that's where I see this policy really uh um doing the most is affecting new change because when you turn around and you say okay well we did this and we put this much away but we're dipping into it for things that were already on the back burner for so long right um you know some people may not fully understand how um for how how it's being how it's actually being effective right for me I think the greatest benefit of this policy is um the positive marks that we'll get when when we do go for the credit rating for the city good know water has credit rating and they have a good they have a good but the city does have we beat this up enough or we still need to beat it up a little more well I mean this is this is a very very very important topic I get I get it um you know excuse us if we're a little bit you know philosophical on this matter but cross oh this is where remember I said I geek out about these did the library get the generator by the way I'm sorry the library needed something did they get recently get it was it the AC we've got that vendor already starting to work on on the electricity um and and for the AC and for those improvements okay uh I call the question you ready oh commissioner commissioner uh Smith okay so I just first and foremost when you have that fund who gets to determine when and where it goes can you determine that just one meeting one week with your staff that you need to move $3 million and not bring it reserves no that's a that's a budget um uh Amendment and that is done recommend recommendation from the staff but you all have to vote on on that okay that's the most important thing because we've seen in the past how it can be changed or used and we want to make sure that there is layers of responsibility not just a department but on page two it says North Miami so I don't know if the 52 million was referring to the other city or it was just an error but when you look at what the consultant did we would be going from 11 million to almost 16 million I want to I think we should preface it and make it very clear whether it's going to be 20% or 25 I don't think that should be open-ended because if you look this this is what the consultant wrote the consultant wrote on page six the last sentence projected fund balance given these assumptions any significant increase in the projected fund balance seems unlikely in the foreseeable future they also wrote that we won't have any they're not anticipating any additional Revenue well we have projects that are closing so I don't know this consultant is giving the negative News why we should vote no and that's what's got me a little not understanding and some of the things that they telling you that there's a reason you should vote Yes with your staff really and truly substantial capital capital in infrastructure Investments and delays of Service delivery and all this that comes under the manager if there's delays in service deliveries that's you and your staff that that doesn't and again on page five number five Capital Improvement planning the lack of structur planning and clear consistent communication has introduced significant challenges to the city's workload workflow affecting its ability to meet the projected Milestones efficiently well that's under the manager so again I'm I'm ying and I'm Yang I listen I listen to what everybody said and um it it gives me clear guidelines to to be negative from the consultant setting fund balance targets too high can lead to inadequate and insufficient funding for essential services and infrastructures well that's one thing we don't want to have a problem with we don't want to we're we have a 100% been low lining a whole time for the residents we might have to supplement if you have this water study we might have to supplement the water bills for some residents so I nobody brought this up I don't know who read the study but it was in our packet and I I find the study is telling me not if we're going to do it maybe it should be 15% but certainly it should shouldn't be a range of 20 25% let's determine what we want to do I don't if it's 40% I just think it has to has to definitely be definitive commissioner I have a question for you there is a page that shows you the pros and the cons as well so she highlights both but but I think I think even in the um in the uh you know discussion about no additional revenues I think that actually substantiate substantiates the reasoning behind the uh increase in the unassigned fund balance it's it's to me I mean what it's saying is let's say you do have to make up the difference with uh pension if you don't have something in reserves already for the past couple of years it may be even harder for you in that particular fiscal year to meet that requirement well it's very interesting because when they had the um the cost of the the when we had the hurricane was 4 million in change and we got actually maybe1 ,000 difference got everything back from FEMA and I agree that that fund balance is so important I agree that we need to be able to cover expenses that could come expenses that are shortfalls and where would we get it but at the same time that I'm saying that I'm also saying there's a I mean I am going to ask that we buy that lot I'm going to see that Washington Park gets built I'm going to see that the splash pool gets put in in so all that takes Revenue just the fact that they're giving us a report that we're not expecting new Revenue it's scary then if we're not expecting new Revenue here we're doing something wrong period so I mean if you look at the facts I I think we need to definitely if you feel that it needs to be increased but maybe it should be increased by 15 or 20 and that would be the cut off we can always come back to us you can always come back us both ways yeah I mean the the range is is set by you all on a year-to-year basis depending on on what is um happening that year um and so this just gives the overall guidance as to um the city's going to be looking between this range and depends on on what's Happening well there were 17 cities that they looked at only four of them had 25% Wellington and very wealthy cities so I mean I I I just think and when you look at actually what the money is spent for the saddest thing of all if you look at the chart on page three of three the library the library barely even gets mentioned That's how little were spent and yet the library has so many so much going on with it on exhibit B so yeah so and and and to to your to your point where actually looking at the chart with sister cities um and and it's an exercise that we also did during the budget um here the fund balance policy for these cities there's one two three four five six seven eight cities that have their fund balance policy at 20% or higher 20% but 25 is four so 25 is four here's the thing here's the thing that makes me a little bit asking my colleagues to really have a definitive how much and not have it go to why would we be number five out of 18 number one number two is if it's going to diminish the quality of life for our residents because the fund balance goes to to money where we we have a deficit and we need to use it then we have to up here make decisions that will bring in more Revenue so and it's funny because one thing relates to another as I sit here and listen to the events the events so I mean the events when you and we want to postpone the events we want to put a more inventorium on the event but don't forget to come to this and don't forget to come to that and don't forget to come to this this month this next two weeks you could go nine more events I've always wanted to find out a question I because they always always it's always mentioned about events events if you take all the events together I'm not talking about snowfest I'm not talking about Mountain smash I'm not talking about the big vents which are about four I'm not talk I'm not taking consideration the heart health not taking consideration back 305 when you when you boil down to it the events that commissioner Smith always alludes to like the ones that are not the signature ones do they do they cross over a million dollars and if they don't cross over a million dollars and we're talking about multi-million it's like we we're we're looking at a number that really doesn't equate to the overall but if they don't cost over a million if they only cost $600,000 don't take away snowfest the Thanksgiving baskets whatever else there is that costs millions of dollars you're just adding another layer it's the same thing as anything else if you keep adding another layer that's what's happening we're talking here about deficit in our budget I think overall commissioner I would like to keep it no more than 20% and if my colleagues would consider even making it 18 which happens to be a good luck number I would love that too make the amendment so I make an amendment that we make it no more than 18% and we can always come back I second that all right man I'll go with it just good luck just one thing before we before we do that Mr manager do you see an issue with that um my recommen my recommendation um will stand as what I did in the um um during the budget uh best practice and what is recommended by gfoa uh government Finance Officers Association is um and how I interpreted that rule and and we've read that rule word for word is um 25% of expenditures if policy reest um the the report gives that flexibility between 20 to 25% which is 2 and half months to 3 months U of of expenditures if the policy of the commission is to even if you want to stay at 10% we will do um the will of of the commission um I think overall part of the reason why I've asked for the Strategic plan and the economic plan is because um a lot of times we ask for something not fully understanding what the impact of the decision to do something is and so whether we're requesting a project whether we're requesting um uh an additional event all of those have impact and we have a finite amount of money that we get on a yearly basis we need to be able to look at these requests on a long-term basis not just of how it impacts today but how this decision impacts a project might only cost us $300,000 today but it has a reoccurring operational cost of 30 to 40 to 50,000 or $60,000 on a yearly basis that moving forward now reduces the amount of available Revenue that you have year over-year and so if we keep making decisions like that without a long-term goal or plan which I think these other plans will give us the Strategic Viewpoint of how we continue to move forward then that is how we should be approaching not just on a whim because then we do have these questions of what is too much and what is too little so I say 20 that's a motion already there was a motion the motion there was a second for 18 okay for 18 right okay and and one more thing I'd like to say before we vote on the motion is we can always come back I just know that we relied on it CU I was here when we had a very strong expert that we hired for the budget does everybody remember the expert that we had for the budget and when we had that expert they didn't know where they were finding a dime and everything kept going back to let's move it here let's take it there so let's let's take a breath and let's see the revenue come in and let's see I mean I get phone calls I'm sure each one of my Commissioners does that says take care of the residents take care of us and I I feel like listen between 18 and 20 I said 18 because it's good luck I said 18 because it comes in you're saying that yes there's seven of them that are above 20% well the other 10 cuz there were 17 are below 20% so I I just feel 100% that we need to rethink and if we're going to do it we need to have a number not AR range on something like this okay so we have the motion all right I'd like to speak to it because the manager is asking us between 20 and 25% I wouldn't undercut the 20 if we're going to cut it to something I think the manager should we should give him this is his sword and let him live by it or die by it I mean that's I mean is he doing what he thinks is best for the city absolutely and that's what we have to remember don't say we don't care any of us care about the residents we all care about the residents the manager is trying to do what he thinks is best for the longevity of the city I have no problem and to his point I think doing an act anecdotal like 18 or throwing some number in the air where he gave us a range already I think we should at least meet his bottom range well remember we're 10 we're 10 we're doubling it so we're going where we good with 20 I'll be fine with 20 ises everyone good with 20 20 okay so but she has Mr attorney if we agree with 20 then we can move forward right we don't need to what do we need well I just want to find out we made we before who did the Second I res I I resend my second okay I amend it to be 20 but that's fine okay so if we have this agreement here do we need to actually have a vote Yes okay are we voting on the amendment or are we voting on the item hang on one second okay um I answered how I would normally proceed on it but it's the manager's item let me ask Mr manager do you feel that there has to be a spefic specific commission Vote or in the absence of a specific vote by the commission do you feel empowered to move forward with your item or do you require a vote that sets particular this um this red does a a resolution that was voted on by the commission would require a commission vote resending would require it but with setting the exact I mean it the resolution to adopt a new policy I would I would feel more comfortable with a vote as that gives me dictation from from the with that said mayor because the resolution in front of you is to adopt a new policy but um it seems yeah but it seems to well you're resending an old policy from 2012 and you're adopting a new fund policy the manager is asking that the commission provide specific guidance as to what level it should be set at right so I think that in view of the fact that commissioner Smith has withdrawn her previous motion the second commissioner Jean has withdrawn her previous second if there is now a motion did you change yours commissioner Smith to say I did I Chang there's a motion and and the same with the the the second turn off okay with I'm sorry sorry I'm sorry turn off second okay so there's a motion by commissioner Smith whatever was said before was rescinded motion by Comm commer Smith to adopt the new fund policy but to specify the level at 20% seconded by commissioner chernof and that's what's in front of you okay good so we've got our motion we've got our second um now we just need a Voice vote all in favor say I wait wait hang on I'm sorry I in view of the the discussion you've had and the specifics it it might be better if you just did the poll vote it only take we could do a roll call all right Madam clerk roll call please commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shof yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph yes commissioner Smith yes vice mayor floron yes mayor Piper yes okay comine yeah move to approve all the appointments second second okay um all in favor say I I I thank you okay and I guess we're on discussion items now and um so 15.1 um is the vacant lot on 35th Avenue 164 street commissioner Smith thank you very much okay so let me let me go back years and years um commissioner chernoff will be the only one in the room that will probably remember this but Robert Taylor commissioner for maybe 20 years also 17 19 years and was even when he was no longer a commissioner he was very active at every meeting he told me his only vote he ever regretted in those 20 years or 19 years was that he did not buy the lot on 35th Avenue in 171st Street Eastern Shores for a Tot Lot well now fast forward and here we are with all of the crime and all of the construction and all of the the new amount of um people that are going to be living in eastern Shores and there's an opportunity I believe the man that bought the lot recently will even sell it to the city for very small amount of money over what he paid very small five I think he said $5,000 but I can't verify that I only know that there's a lot it's not just a lot it's a perfect location he said he sell for that lot to have the substation of a police station so what David Templar brought forth makes sense in every single Direction one when they start to develop the the shopping center with all the trucks coming in and out with all the construction going on when they start to develop it there will be a police officer right there if there is not the laws that are are going to be in place for how the trucks and the construction could come and go for 10 years number two is when the shopping center was brought before us with all the ideas they wanted to have a substation for the north Mii Beach police as part of their project but they were going to charge us rent and you couldn't see it from the street you might have been able to if they put it right on 35th Avenue but right on 35th Avenue they had a plan for a community center so this lot is the ideal really purchase for North Miami Beach now I want to take it one step further before anybody recognizes that it's another expenditure another plan to build a building first place the boats would be right there second place if there's room there would be a little bit of space for Tot Lot because our tot lot's very small but we had a picnic there two weeks ago and we must have had over 3540 children under the age of six so it's a young community and it was their houses that did it but the biggest thing of all that I want to share with everybody is the least expensive you can buy a house in eastern Shores if you're lucky that needs to be refurbished is 2.5 it's 3.5 million that person that buys that house is paying $70,000 a year to North Miami Beach if you buy the bigger houses that are 5 million and 6 million you're going to be paying over $100,000 annually to North Miami Beach I think for that kind of money that they're giving to the city in their taxes they certainly have a right to be safe or as safe as we can make them and I think the police station there will be a good deterrent and maybe even as somebody said today save money for the city because the roving police officer 24 hours a day 7 days a week could be eliminated and I feel strongly and I hope my fellow colleagues will support this that we should give direction to the manager to purchase the lot I'm going to make the motion to purchase it and I hope I'll get a second okay commissioner smuckler okay wait did I hear correctly that the owner willing to sell it for 5,000 is that what no for 5,000 over what he paid I'm not sure what he paid what did he pay do we know I don't know I don't know I think it was a million maybe a million I don't know I'll look I I mean I I would I haven't seen anything like that shouldn't go more than one .2 but I don't know yeah well that would be it that's what we're talking if he paid a million it'd be a million five if he paid he me he wants 5,000 or 500,000 5,000 more than he paid was what I read I don't even know if it's true well wouldn't it be the better way of him to I guess engage to find out what that exact amount is as opposed to say go direct them to just go make the purchase as opposed to know what the actual numbers we're going to be spending we can we can find out what he paid I mean I'd like to know if he I'd like to know what is wait wait H wait hang on hang on and then um all right I'll let the attorney speak first well I didn't finish speaking and then I'll tell you what I think no I'm not much as I am loath to interject myself into matters of policy uh when you're talking about a real estate purchase um if you absolutely commit yourself to the purchase without knowing price or terms you negotiations B negotiations right it's it's what you what you might want to do commissioner I'm going to amend my my what I'm going to say is I would like the manager to pursue the possibility that's that's that's what we want to hear that's what we want to hear so I'm going to find out what he paid though now much better much better all right so I I'll second current owner okay the when the current owner okay what commissioner smucker still okay so when we the that roving Officer that was actually my idea a that I gave to mark einbinder that he then gave to the committee so um I love the fact that we have the roing officer which is paid by the our tax the special taxing district we know do we have the name of the owner currently I I think that I think let me finish okay that's easy um I I don't know I and I I understand the the the purpose of having a police station there but I'm not sure I want a police officer sitting inside a police substation I mean what is he going to do in there if there's no crime going on that day is he just going to sit there all day and just just because the stations there doesn't necessarily mean that he's sitting there that would be his base of operations and you know even if you parked a there'd be a huge deterrent just parking a police car out there that's not even moving and and if he comes and goes because he gets a call or whatever I'd like to see him or her roving around I as sitting in there possibly doing nothing or possibly playing on the computer or possibly doing some paperwork I don't know I um I I do like the idea of a park or a little Community Center um I don't mind having the the idea of maybe parking um police there even though I don't know because I I have I I haven't looked at the property but there's no dock I don't know if there's anything you have to go to the back right like that's we like if for you to go to the main Inlet you have to go around yeah yeah but but but a lot of the patrolling and in North Miami Beach is in that area is it's not during the like where the where I guess the it's it's they they have to patol the fingers and yeah it's in all those canals they have to go through this I don't think that part's an issue um but I mean there's other things that I think that the manag before the horse if we're giving him direction we look into I think we exactly we should give him Direction just giving my I'm just giving my opinion I'm just giving my opinions that I'm okay with you know the price is right yes but my intention is more for a park little Community Center something I don't really necessarily want a police officers sitting all there Poss sitting and possibly doing nothing that that's a minor detail for later on I I would say and and I think the concept isn't that he's not going to be sitting there that would be a police officer it's a different thing than the guard houses that would be a police officer would be a satellit are police station a whole different ball game than a man sitting in a building I don't ready to make a motion so we just we you have direction to look into it manager well I have a question too in in reference to the direction to look into it obviously there's a vision that wants to be implemented on this particular lot do we also ask for direction as it relates to the cost behind an the cost behind eventually building something and the whole process of doing that or we do we just say okay like the senior center it was purchased and then nothing happened right so do we say okay we want this lot but not know what the what the foresight will be for expenditure to actually build something there so there's there's a couple things that we need to kind of look at when we're when we're considering um one um is especially with real estate if in in today's market if we can find cheap real estate I think we should take advantage um we do already have a a Tot Lot um on the property um would that be moved over into this new um into this new lot is that feasible quite possibly could there be something in which we would work with the um uh with the owner of the intercostal MAA purchase our land which ends up swapping the the revenue use there's a lot of different dynamics that we can kind of be looking at we also need to look at the space of the property to see what could or could not be built there is it big enough for for um durm could have an issue with yeah D could have an issue with there's a few things so what the direction that I'd like to move forward with with your approval is to Comm unicate with the property owner find out exactly what that would look like what that would cost bring that negotiate possibly bring that back to you all and then I think there's an opportunity whether that remains as a community park or if we can use it for a substation or whatever the case may be then I think we have flexibility because at the very very very worst case scenario we sell the lot to someone who wants to build a home that increases our taxable value you know I think I don't think we go wrong in any of the of in any of the conversation especially of the person's willing to sell it below market value I think we got to kind of jump on on that and then we can kind of plan out exactly what's going to because we can be thinking of a substation but with all the setbacks and the requirements and everything that we have we might not be able to build a subsession because there's parking issues there's storage issues how Police use use that area um will we require um a holding cell what are there there's a lot that goes into it that I don't know that we have the answer right now but I think it's worth us especially if someone's a willing seller we need to kind of pursue that and then we can kind of Flesh that out when we have a little bit more time and seeing exactly what it's going to be and what those costs are this would be unassigned unassigned fund balance purchase you know there's there's a few different options that we would have to kind of investigate because part of the development agreement with that property is for um there's a there's language in there um and I would have to see exactly what it says but I know that they're supposed to give a substation uh for us and there's no rent but we would have to pay for General uh like HOA fees for general area um and whatever whoever has the best terms whether it's County because they're also building a fire station for the county or us it would apply to both and I believe there language that would say if we decide we don't want it then they pay a certain amount um into the the police impact fees right so there could be opportunities where yeah we might use the fund balance right now but then that gets supplemented again at a later time so there's a lot of different Dynamics I think first and foremost we need to know what that number is and come back to you all and then give you the recommendation of how that gets paid all right so the idea is is that is a general we're generally and there might be arpa funds available the idea but we need to explore what's going on I I'll tell you you need a motion we need motion I made but I'll tell you uh city manager I appreciate you very much recognizing the thing is this particular lot which is not big Waterfront I think 25 ft so it diminishes the value totally to whoever purchase it but the second thing is it's right across from the opening of the mall mhm and so if we're going to have something for security you couldn't ask for better another 2,000 families plus a hotel plus all that you couldn't have something better if you feel in the long run you can't have a police station and you could only have the boat dock for the boat with the you know sticking the dock out if you vote for that then we'll just name it the police station dock yeah I and I'm not saying that we can I'm saying we just don't have all the details to tell you what can or cannot be but we I I think we should actually assistant manager and I kind of briefly talked about it and briefly recognized we need piling and there wouldn't be a cell holding and etc etc briefly briefly but it came up this week and there hasn't been the time to really explore it um but we'll we'll go after that and get that bring that all back to you um for consideration call a question question so we just not at this time commissioner all in favor say I please okay any opposed okay okay you got your direction thank you sir okay no thank you um all right next item for discussion 15.2 um request for a workshop to discuss multif family parking regulations um I don't know if Ed wants to talk about that or yeah this this this is a re yeah this is this is a revised agenda I don't know that is it's actually been posted what are we talking about excuse me okay what are we talking I think that was our hey my thing my apology with the question againest for the workshop for parking regul uh yeah we would what well let me just make it that so commissioner turnup is going to be leaving the meeting right now so anything he needs to do what does he need to do turn no no no he need he needs to leave he just is there any can you can he just leave okay he doesn't want to have all the police officers come and arrest them and bring them back in with handcuffs okay we supposed to say we're leaving like we we we can't only if you they're voting on something you have to give a if it's during the it's happening that that rule is only for you refering to there's an item that you would have a conflict of interest you can't just leave it wasn't cified but we're supposed to remember that to I am right look he said I'm right y he said I'm right all right can we can we what you say Mr may we we have a presenter yes D requesting a workshop right okay this is a workshop to discuss multifam parking regulations so you need vote on that so okay so please present what your what the request is all right uh staff is requesting uh a workshop with the am Commission on the multif family parking we had had discussion on bringing an ordinance before but staff is still uncertain of Direction and given the uh that the question the Commissioners had we are requesting that meeting with you also so that we can run you through the different options in a more in-depth discussion which will hopefully provide staff with the needed direction to finish that ordinance on your behalf um Mr sure are you requesting this within a certain time frame uh we are requesting uh this uh at the commission Ava commission availability in the next um month or month or two would say sometime in July is probably better yeah sometime in July sometime in July so um um so in the meantime what until July if a new project comes in are we putting uh like a moratorium let's say I don't know if that's the right word um in reference to parking or we're just letting them proceed with as many parking as at one and a half or whatever it is um commissioner unless you provide Direction in the form of a uh resolution or an or providing for a moratorium anyone coming in now would fall under AED say when we first discussed this didn't we say that any new projects would have to hold hold on about the parking uh you did at the time commissioner but moratorium are legally required to have is the right word I just want to make sure that if a new project what was to come forward tomorrow that the the old parking wouldn't be allowed that it would be whatever we decide on at this Workshop or not at the workshop but at whatever we vote on U commissioner you had a time frame that you had to set as part of that action before that time frame had expired at this time any we un let you go back and redeclare that action and set a specific time frate as required by law any applicant coming in are subject to existing City Rules we need so um commissioner U are you saying that we need to have this sooner I would think in June versus July we should have had this mon I think we should probably have a workshop sooner than later Mr Mayor U the the um so so anyway I think there's going to be um an issue with some with some vacations and some people being out and stuff like that oh we I think we had a previous yeah there's PR discussion yeah sometime in July I would say sometime in July so um I guess if we can have the clerk look into some July dates and then get that put together if that's agreeable to everybody do we need any sort of motion or anything or is this directions fine for that okay all right and then I think we've got one more mayor I I apologize there's one additional thing do we need guidance on giv commissioner smuckler comment do you want to direct that to bring before you and June a resolution for zoning in progress while you schedule the uh the autom in July so so so the point is is is what you what would this um what would it be a doning in progress would essentially require any new development to comply with the new rule within that um so there's something that we could put into place that if someone brings a project forward that that we'll tell them you can bring it forward but whatever that new regulation is you would have to comply with zoning in progress is a little more complicated mayor I'm just telling you it's not something that you want to just like try and fall into you have to really talk about and think about zoning and progress It's very specific so are you are you suggesting that we just do our July meeting and do what we can and no sir not a not a bit I mean if there's a need for it I'm just saying that you know you don't just say we don't know you know any project coming forward in that time period uh we have th preapplication but they will not likely appear before us before July they they slated probably for August for Trad at this point or or application so uh I do not see a major project on my pip but someone knowing this or watching this could just run and bring it in tomorrow they could but they if they're ready need mayor I'm only saying that if you know there's a need zoning in progress I need to get with Mr R and we need to talk about it because it's not something that you just say oh let's have zoning in progress and in fact you may need some kind of a study in order to do that you need you know a factual basis for something I I think I think the fact that we hadn't put all the we didn't put a hold you had put a hold of doning in progress but commissioner doning progress has to have a Manda time mandated time frame so can we do that do it again he just said we did did it why can't we just redo it I mean not knowing what you did I can't answer that so I find we didn't really do anything we just did it well I mean I I understand you did something but I all I can tell you I'll get this ring and look into it whatever we did let's just do it again it worked well okay so so listen there no we couldn't really vote on anything until the June meeting anyway yeah so so if it turns out that there is a reasonable way to put that into play it makes sense if it makes sense you can you can reach maybe then you can reach out to us individually yes sir and then let us know that and then you can bring It Forward in June happy to do that does that does that work for everybody that's just before so that so we've got Direction there okay thank you all right next city manager's report no there's nothing Mr Mayor is there another oh I'm sorry yeah public relations my question is just information um just because like Mr Kaz I got a couple of emails I just want to know oh sorry I'm sorry Mr Kazan I just want to have a a report a breakdown of because I know we uh we hired we had the services prior um with the proposed um uh firm I just want to know what the firm has done up to this point and in a breakdown that I can be more edified uh uh moving forward just what the what the costs were what with the breakdown uh of services that whole thing so I can be better AB breast of the situation okay I can I can forward you the the task authorization which actually leads to something that I need before we we cancel um the or adjourn the meeting not cancel sorry um the the um the firm is essentially doing our day-to-day Communications uh for for the city and from graphic designing to media relations to writing all all the stuff that goes on a day-to-day uh process um since we are deferring the item I'd like to request the commission um approval because I've hit my my cap on what I'm allowed to to do from a procurement standpoint I'd like permission from the commission uh to continue to use the firm through the end of June um which would carry us to to the item being brought back that way we don't go an entire month or um without any type of service with anything cuz we don't have anybody in house that can do the the job here's my here's the thing like from what I saw what somebody told me the cost for this particular service is like 12 Grand yes sir 125 for the month for me I need to know what and that's a lot of money um what that entails because we had we have public engagement before we had a staff before um I want to you know I remember us when we used to do our our presentations for events video because our residents need to it it it it sold well to our residents that are watching that this is coming up and there were voiceovers and everything else I I understand that um we got a presentation today that was just was reading off I I get that but I need for me at least I need to have a better assessment because I didn't know that's what that was the initial cost CU I was never told that that's where you're that's what you initially did of the actual cost breakdown for what that 12,000 whatever that amount is per month entails how much the city does currently buy the staff it currently has because I know there's I think there one person in there that does that that goes out there takes pictures and does everything else that's basically it I know but but at the end of the day like I want to know that the 12 Grand is not just Instagram posts and and stuff on Facebook I need to know more details on how that cost breakdown is because when someone is ask me like yo why are we spending 12 Grand on this m and who's it going to how is it being disseminated I want to be more edified and I think that's a better assessment yeah so the again it's it's all things with the Communications Department right so that goes into crisis Communications that we've had several from Crest View apartment um and and media um inquiries on on that all the way to the police shooting that we've recently have and and other other items that we've been in communication about um various um media relations that we get um throughout throughout the month question s getting media to come to events that are not crisis um or or police related so we've gotten a big push in positive stories uh recently the most recent one is the small business expo um that we've been able to to kind of come out I think we were able to to bring out to like two or three different events um so all of that um including the Weekly Newsletter um that goes out from from all the department we also do all the social media post um and and the various creation for for the content and everything that goes into that so it's it's really doing the data day operations of that entire department unfortunately we don't have anybody who does content writing editing um outside of taking pictures there's there's not much in there for the Department to do but I but let me because the re because for me okay this doesn't go out did this go out to bid at all we did an RFQ last year and this is one of the companies that's inside the pool so in that pool from because I'm trying to understand this in that pool how many people are in this pool six so out of the six um you who like have we only utilized this one company out of that six we've used another company um for a recruiting video that we're working with our Police Department um to be able to do um but we haven't move forward with a full strategic plan of what we're going because we're constantly trying to look and hire someone to bring in and so there are certain aspects that we haven't doved deeper into uh so we've only used these two companies within that pool well well for me like I think we should have done an RFP because the cost is always going to be an issue I think like I said 12 Grand per month and for the fact that I don't have anything broken down of what that entails it's kind of like you know I understand you might know because you made that decision because it's within your threshold but you're asking us or at least me and my seat to make a make a a call on something where you know I've had residents come up here saying X Y and Z and I'm like how can I justify that cost if I don't know what that in because even the even the presentation that was pulled huh even the presentation that was pulled or whatever didn't wasn't line item wasn't broken down it even when you did the math like it said 56 post if you did the math talking about five grand per Facebook post I'm just saying that's like a anecdotal type of PR I'm like that's a lot of money m and for me I I I remember when we used to have an in-house I think it was pre I think it was better suited to be in-house to keep it that way there was more accountability from public records in that sense there's and for me I like I I just need to have that additional information like to put it up bring it up now I think it's unfair to for at least to me to make a decision on it I understand that you know it's a you know from today to to next month might be an issue but at the end of the day like your threshold is it specific to the company or specific to the pool specific to the company so you can choose anybody else in that pool to decide I want to CH I want to um choose their services in the inum right we would be at a standstill until they come on board and are able to to um on board but to do what what you to on board to do what specifically all the day-to-day stuff that we do but what would be that day-to-day stuff from graphic designs on the events for like the recycling uh campaign that we did um all of the video the event the social media post all of that they are here on a day-to-day basis talking with staff and moving the message of the city forward we haven't gone with a full strategic plan because we need a more permanent solution but to just stop now bring in another company for a month you're not going to see any kind of production out of that department that to me is no one's going to come from month either no I understand understand that but they're in the pool they're in the pool for a reason why that to me like I said it's 12 G per month and we've been doing this for the last four months I would assume because it's like your threshold is under is below is nothing 50 so 12 Grand per month without anything out of mind to me is like but then we're also saving on um payroll taxes insurance but it's still it's still like 12,000 well here so here playing Playing devil's advocate for the moment if if you looked at it from the perspective of there was going to be some expenditure so let's just say and I don't know this to be the fact or not but let's say the 12,000 was a little excessive I think look when they told me that's what I didn't believe it at first and then somebody told me like it's 12,500 and when I looked up and even I looked up the company it's just one person I'm just looking it up I'm just being honest one person in the company so we're paying one person 12,500 not one no what I'm saying is there's a videographer also that that there I don't know if that's includ is that is that part of okay so that being said outside of us videotaping events in that sense or what have you I'm just trying to grasp is that worth 12,500 bucks if you tell me that because I don't know what your strategic vision is going to be like or what your plan is next month I would hope that we put an RFP out to really get additional because I think there would be a lot of people that would apply for this but because certain people said they didn't even know this was out and I didn't know this was out until just this week when I got certain emails and people calling me saying what this is and I just want to be for me it's just for me I just think that the 125 is two 125 is too excessive for what I've so so the the vendor is here right now would you like the vendor to explain what he what he's doing for this I would like I would like to have something documented I mean before the vendor comes up I I want to say something too um [Music] you know there's and we've spoken tenium about the different prongs of communication as it relat to what the commission needs what the department needs and what the and what the community needs um now we do know Patrick is here and he's been working I can tell you with the small business expo the team and the team the economic development team we sat for 7 weeks and the communication plan that was implemented for that I can say I personally created that plan with my own you know expertise so when we talk about dayto day I understand that we need a crisis management we need these things and I also think that the current vendor is doing what he can to bring the city to a collective point and like I told him and the manager we do need a strategic vision of communication before we can move forward and how we spend the funds so for me when the communication plan is not clear and we're allotting these dollars we do need a little bit more clarity on how things are spent and how effective our communication is so I do agree that the commission needs help communicating with what's going on in the city the the Departments need help as well the community needs help but we need a Clear Vision before we can spend these funds and like I said Mr Ro Mr Ross I love what you're doing um I've I see the work I think it's great it's forward thinking it's Progressive I love it and I also think that the 12K is a little bit is a little bit much cuz we we're not we're not really sure what happens and so I don't put the onus on the vendor I put the onus on the manager um that's the the onus is not on the vendor to explain what he does the the onus is on the management to really um keep us in the level of comfort of understanding what's going on so to put the vendor on the spot I don't think is the right thing to do I think the manager has to give us comfort that this is the approach that's being taken so we can feel comfortable and saying well you know what Mr manager we we trust your vision and we'll go with it right well if this is within the manager's it's not that's why he's asking is it within your is it within your um or is this you need the approve talk about the hold on let me let me clear I I have not exceeded that threshold no sir I have hold on hold on I've I've reached the threshold so for the month of May and for the month of June we would need the commission to vote to authorize to continue the services until we can bring that that item back to fully flesh out everything that you all are you're requesting on the vision plan and all that I yeah okay so just so we can be clear your threshold is 50 he's been here 4 months which and that four months does not include the month of May is what you're saying so that four months concluded in April yes sir but he has been performing services in the month of May yes sir so at this point there are services that have been performed that have not been paid for correct so you need that 125 right to pay for the month of May which he's already pretty much done the work for so you know with all due respect to all of our concerns right one thing we don't want first of all is for this month of May to be held up because you know we don't want an issue with services that were performed you know whatever the nuances are you know because perhaps that conversation Mr Ross should have been had in the month of April right so that you wouldn't have to worry about getting back pay for work that you already performed um but now we're in this position where we need to approve May right that's number one in addition to May what you're saying is the item was deferred and you'd like to at least have something for June since we're about a week and a half away from that so that he can continue and we're not next the Deferred item was a different item than the services that are being provided now I'm sorry the Deferred item correct was was for two other proposals for a different so since that's being deferred since that's being deferred the manager doesn't want us to be left without anything for the month of June right cuz that package included whatever we're doing now and was beefed up so may may to me is non-negotiable June I'm willing to have that conversation I think you know in in all honesty I mean M Mr manager there's a conversation that we can have separately um regarding the month of May and June because just just to give you some some context with regards to to May uh we had extended an offer to someone to take over the communications manager and they had accepted um and then at the end of of April essentially they withdrew their acceptance of the offer letter because um their current employer gave gave a counter which they decided to stay with so are you saying that that particular job description uh involv the work that Mr Ross was was was was doing yes um and and so um but here's my from my seat I made comments on what I saw that I liked things that were happening um you know but in all honesty I think with respect to the vendor I don't think that it's appropriate to put him or this Commission in a position to have to come back on this item in 30 days right um and I'm not talking about the 125 I'm talking about the the contract that was proposed I think that with all the questions that this commission is asking you know what we're saying is not hey um substantiate this contract I believe what's being said is we need to see the plan and its entirety for communications for PR and where we're going as a city and then how this contract incorporates into that plan becomes so much easier to understand you right and so that's 70% you and 30% the vendor you know what I mean and so I I don't know that that's resolved in 30 days Mr manager cuz I think you have to get us in a room and we have to have that discussion I'm willing to just if you indulge me you know I am vice mayor jokingly jok but I am vice mayor um but I say my seat get us to June but I don't see this item coming back in June but I'm willing to support your office with having someone uh for the month of June and taking care of may as well thank you well since it's my disc look for me like I pointed out I don't know what that what this entails I don't know how it's broken down no no I no but this is this is the manager's call let me just this is the manager call it shouldn't be What U Mr Ross points out now on on the cuff no there has to be some type of documentation to say this is what he's done up to this point yes sir and there supposed to be some accountability not this this is wrong as no no no but let me finish Mr maner let let me let me be very clear you there's there were many people that called us I I would assume at least I got called saying how do you justify 12,000 $122,000 a month for per for this particular company like I don't know I never got anything and that puts me in a weird bind that makes me feel like I'm not being accountable to the residents and I'm not doing my job so I have to I have to have some type of justification for no matter if if he knows people up here or not or what past what his past entails I need to have justification for that now commissioner commissioner uh um vice mayor could say well you know I'm trying to give you some leeway no no no no no he that's his that's his decision he can make that decision for himself but for me I need to have some type of justification of what he's done to earn up to $50,000 for four months I need to understand that because that's the only way this this makes any sense and and to also think to also think that we're GNA spend an extra $400,000 with a two two three page proposal we we we no no I know we deferred it but that's what was presented to us we can't undo what was no no but okay so for moving forward like I would not like that cost has to be reduced because right now it doesn't make any sense because you're not justifying anything to us right now you're just saying hey let me continue what I've been doing and for me it doesn't make any sense because I don't know what that is none of us do we just think that well we see something happening it must be something going on I speak can I speak okay so here's the thing what we're voting on right now is 2 months we had this month one of our police cars were shot we had this month whether or not it was an anti-hate crime against the Jews we had this month so I could go on and on and on over the crisis that we had had and that some of our events that we had were big and were fully taken care of by a media by somebody does it professionally so this month that he's getting paid if you weren't there if you didn't make a video of a store then you didn't know that he was doing that too yeah this month is taken care of that's what we're voting on is these two months next month we don't meet until the 27th next month there could be one crisis there could be 17 crisis there could be no crisis next month but for us to be vulnerable with nobody here with the manager out of the country and we're we don't have a professional to handle it and handle the media then I think for we're spending a lot of time if you feel and you don't know because you don't have the exact data but if any of us feel that it's only worth $99,000 and not 125 or 8 thou for us to be sitting here and spending this kind of time when we already saw a month that required real crisis professionalism and so I just think what we're voting on is May and June and we can take it from there I we I didn't have an opportunity as I said unfortunately and I thank you again all of you for your patience to sit with the manager um and that's how I know my husband's feeling better cuz he said can't you just come for half an hour well in this traffic a half an hour is 3 hours to get there and get back but the bottom line to it is that it came to it's too much too soon it's a lot so when it comes to a after June what your next position is with this company or any company is to start the way we should start and not up here why again we have to fix the potholes we have to fix the potholes so I I think that really what we need to do is just put a motion on the table to somebody second it and take a vote for this month and next month and then we can next month go from there we we we owe the one month that well no I understand that but I would say you give half that amount for the following month because I need I don't this only his from what I've seen this has been dealing with digital media it's not dealing with with reaching out to other Comm other minority communities is not dealing with that at all and people just don't look on Facebook for information and that's something that and that's something that I think should have gone to an RFP a true RFP to really get more people involved because I do think there's enough PR companies that would have submitted bids through an RFP at least from a cost perspective half pay them for for what for what's what's happened now get that because this is what we you know our managers done thus far but the following month there has to be some type of reduction because how do I justify that cost without having any type of information how do you any one of you guys do that well may I may I add something to commission well the the only thing that I could just say about that is that the manager had determined that in his professional opinion that the services he was receiving for 125 were had the value that's right right Mr manager yes sir okay y right I I understand that I understand that but there's also a certain amount of leeway that the manager does have and I'm just talking short term right now anyway I'm really we're talking about June you know we're just talking about June right now that's it well we don't know if there's going to be less Services I mean the manager going to be gone the the city could like be in Ruins cuz he's gone away from us I'm he knows I'm kidding I'm kidding but but but we don't know we don't know if there's going to be I'm guilds him into not leaving but you know we don't know if we we we need more maybe we don't need him at all but we we can say we're going to give you half when we don't really know if need him not at all or need him three times as much Mr question is that too why do we have an executive staff we have an uh you have three prominent staffers in your office right like I said from The Experience we've had candid conversations so I'm I'm not here to undermine your work at all but what I will say is when I spend a lot of time in my office a lot of the work when I'm calling for communication stuff sometimes I eventually say hey what's going on here there are a lot of gaps in what we're doing and there also a lot of gaps in the execution of communication task within the events that are going on within the city um so with that being said Mr manager the onus is on you the onus is on you may has already been spoken of we're talking about June so not sure if we're ready to make that decision on June but I do think that may is already covered but but it's the the police department has a Pio they have a pi the police department has a Pio now here's what I will say we don't know the full picture because we don't know know all the elements of what you see right likewise you don't know all the elements of what we see so I think the full picture requires for us to really have a fair assessment of June fairly like I said the community aspect the internal aspects of the Departments and also what the commission requires and needs because a lot of those needs have not been met fairly and we've had discussion on those things there has to be some kind of revision made and that's my take okay I just want to I just want to understand what commissioner John is saying so you're saying the Deferred item because the manager keeps referencing June are we as a commission saying what I've been reiterating that don't come back with any contract until we figure this whole PR and Communications thing is that what is that what no no I know I know I right right now I know that's that's that's the that's one that's one part of the conversation first issue is what do we do for June okay okay now commissioner Joseph made a Prof made a did you make a recommendation I I want to reduce that because we do have a Pio for the police department we don't need to we don't need to supplement that with with his Services we do but at for me like I said there's no justification documented at least to us that tells us what that entails besides of what I guess the work has what work has been completed and I still don't know what that is specifically but you made a recommendation was the recommend for a certain amount is that what I heard I would do I would do I would do a reduced amount me being honest because I have to justify to my residents and the people that you guys all serve just like like myself that you know we're being accountable and we're being informed we're being informed as opposed to getting having residents come up here saying why are we paying one guy this amount of money and he now he wanted to Triple that what's your recommendation to reduce the amount I I want to reduce the amount to to to something less than 500 bucks okay I have a question mon Mr Smith Mr manager what did we do five months ago six months ago what what did we do you were here that's a good point that's a good point yeah we had um the communication Manager David janal who was here and then separated from the city and how much was that he salary for the year was 125 and then add the benefits so the man that was here for communication that we had he was making 12 Grand more than he made put workers comp and benefits do the do the map real quick but he wasn't doing videos he wasn't doing like yes he was yes he was he never did a video with me then well I I mean and and I I mean no but even even if you add even if you added 100 make it another 25 Grand on top of that 150 right do the math right it's not 12,500 bucks a month it's it's it is exactly 12 12,000 is 10 months and 25,000 is two more months of course it's exactly it's it's in that range it so so you're telling me that we so technically we're paying him 100 okay so you 12,5 he didn't have the equipment did you see the equipment that he had you weren't at the ribbon cutting so you didn't see us waving at the two drones you didn't see us interview we did we did have at mishcon Park there was videographer drone photography there was things there that we didn't have before in all fairness and that's why and I'm not trying to justify him I'm just trying to say what's 6 6500 if you don't see the difference between what we had for the same amount of money if not more because it's beyond just getting that there's also pension money taxes everything else but besides that we had and I didn't get to view it yet but each one of us interviewed the children all of it was done with Professionals for hours it wasn't just him it was for ours so when you say that we don't have it in writing you're correct but if you see it but but our residents never saw that no no let's be clear you had residents coming up here saying why would we like I said they didn't know this was going on they didn't know any of this was going on no but they didn't also see the we well the difference is at 12,500 the residents were talking about a 40 $400,000 contract we just said at 12,500 it only comes to under 150,000 and if you're I mean if you're questioning what you're getting for 125 ask them Happ to address I want to know Mr Mayor Mr Mayor this is I think um this is getting you know I think this is going over what we intended the conversation to be yeah um and listen I'm being respectful by by not just telling him to talk I'm making him stop commissioner Joseph I appreciate that Mr Mayor commissioner Joseph has valid points right everyone here has valid points um the reality is though that we give the manager a $50,000 discretion so whether it's with uh Mr Ross's company or whoever else is getting a $50,000 or less contract that's what the situation is right so we can go and pull a list of who is getting contracts that are 50,000 or less in his threshold because if it's if that's the case then every resident needs to see that full list right um to find out well what is this person doing or what's that person doing or what this person is doing um so I I think while I respect that point I think that's the discussion that we've given him right unless we want to change that I'm not I'm not saying it change right but okay so that's where we're at now right I'm not saying to change that I for me this particular so if you can if you I guess what I'm saying is can you give the number that maybe I can support I don't know what that number is that you're that you're you're requ listen I mean my my suggestion he said half he said said oh you did okay I didn't hear I would we we were paying David Jano the same I don't know what videos he ever he he was there from 10:00 in the morning till 10000 p.m. at the at the mishon park mishcon park not just him he had his boys he he's been doing the he did really nice video of how many of us five of us did the the the he did Small Small Business Week videos there was lot if I can provide a little context okay well I I don't just for respect for my colleagues here I if they're having a problem I don't want to be the only one I mean I want to hear him well then ask him well look well well okay hang on guys let me try to like just kind of maybe we could sum this up right now we clearly know that during the month of June we have some work to do to decide what we're going to do for July okay we that we know right it may be so so if we're if we're we're clear whatever it may not be it may not be him in July I mean we may maybe no we don't know what we're doing for July right now that's up in the air but I would suggest for purposes of continuity until we figure things out we're clearly paying them for May uh my suggestion would be pay him for June because the manager's already determined now we may determine that the value that the manager saw is not there but we don't know that right now and I don't want to put us in any kind of situation where we have some sort of deficit trying to save a few thousand you know I know a few thousand's a few thousand a lot a lot a few thousand is a lot a lot to a lot I agree every few thousand adds up I totally agree but on the other hand you know with the manager being being out of the country with you know I think that it's sort of being a little Penny foolish for that one month only I'm not saying go beyond that but I'm just saying for that month the whatever that small difference would be then I I just think that it would be smart to Let It Go for May and June and we make sure though that we're very very clear that we get the information that we need so that we can decide going forward and if and if we're not ready for July we'll have to make that decision but but what happens when July comes and let's say the information that we get because commissioner smuckler pointed out a couple events that happened not too long ago at Michigan Park and and small business I want to know what happened two three months ago what that 12K equated to we're not going back no no but I'm just saying because at the end of the day that tells that tells me a lot because what if he was ramping up knowing that this contract was that he he did the hard Health walk he did the video need that's going to be your fact finding mission for the next no but I'd like to have that like like the man the manager can come up with this information tomorrow and say hey what did the 12 K5 what did that equate up to this point what that that what those line items were that that he could do tomorrow I I respect what you're saying and you can make the motion to to move forward on that but I ain't going to support it let me be very clear because what what happened was wrong that's me just like how Comm SM um commissioner Smith has her her her dispositions and how she feels about certain things I get that and I respect that we vote but you there comes a time when we vote and you just vote no there comes a time when we vote and you just vote no no no no that's no I'm very methodical just like how you're very respectful of this day I'm I'm I understand but I you know I'm I was on here a long time and I I'm the most talkative person you can meet so I understand but there comes a time I remember uh uh Vallejo used to tell me all the time you said it once you don't need to say it twice we heard it so I'm just saying to you now what you're saying to go back again just now you said it again this isn't going back we're voting now on May and June that's what right and and and that doesn't guarantee anything for a day past the last day of June and we'll have that time period to get what we need by that time to make it happen okay and I hope you can get the the the the a pool to submit other comparables as well as opposed to just his him being in that because if you tell me there six of like five other groups in there I'm pretty sure you can get a you can get them to submit proposals as well you can give that direction to the manager all you got to do is call him I don't know if I can I don't know if I can because like at the end of the day like you know the previous manager was paying like $8,000 a month for for one station and nobody said anything I'm not I'm not saying that at least I didn't have any of this information though I didn't have let's let's let's play this the safe way go with you know if you guys have enough Faith to go with my suggestion we're not putting that much out there let's U I've heard residents I've heard our our fellow Commissioners I really want for us to have someone here um based on what the manager is saying because he is our manager at the end of the day um you know but I have heard the concerns me too um and let's let's move it at 8 right and he can give us a if I may yes um we've I I'm happy to go through what we've done in the time that we've been here I'm happy to go through how it substantially exceeds the commitments that we made in our contract both in terms of providing services that were not uh part of our contract but that the city is needed as well as providing uh services in excess of the measurables that we were supposed to hit in our contract I also want to provide you with a little historical context that's North Miami Beach specific uh goes back to I believe when Garcia was manager when George vjo was mayor the city did an RFP strictly for crisis Communications to have somebody available uh in the event of a crisis and nothing more that RFP Was Won by a firm uh primarily based in Tallahassee called sax media they're a fantastic public relations firm they have a presence down here in Fort Lauderdale you were paying them $77,000 a month just to be available to you for crisis nothing more um that was I'm going to guess at least 6 to8 years ago um that that procurement was done needless to say costs have gone up substantially uh for everything since then uh we're providing substantially more service I can also tell you that in the five months we've been working here we've dealt with four uh situations that I'd categorize as crisis communication situations um those situations under normal circumstances would be very costly to deal with we don't put any kind of a cap on the amount of work we do on those situations some of which are still some extent ongoing um so I understand the desire to for some to reduce a number we would not be able to perform the same Services we've been performing at a reduced number well that's what that's that's what I was getting to um that's what I was getting to is that um the manager is not going to be here for 30 days right to to have you on the team ready if and when needed that would be what that number is for so you guys would determine whatever that service would be at that number um and then we would rehash this again so to me that's responding to some of the concerns and also not requiring you to do the same amount of work that you've been doing but to make sure that you're on the team in case there's something that needs to be done I mean you guys came up with what the services look like before right and so I'm assuming that you guys are able to have a meeting and say Here's what you can do for that number for the next 30 days is that are you saying that's not okay it would be a challenge because we would be taking a substantial step back in some of the things that we've been making progress on and we have some situations that have the potential to become very time intensive for us uh to be able to deal with and I I won't discuss them in this setting I don't think it's appropriate or uh or beneficial to the city but uh I think it would put the city at a uh at a disadvantage for a one month period um in terms of what we could do in the proactive um in particular and then there would still be some uh some issues on the reactive side as well you know to give you some context under this contract we were supposed to be producing two videos each month uh I think we've produced somewhere conservatively between 10 and 15 um at this point uh prob it may be more than that um graphic design for for example was not included in the services because the city had somebody in house doing graphic design we've also been supplementing uh to provide Graphic Design Services um we've attracted media off the top of my head to at least three different events that I can think of uh during the time here uh and received positive coverage for it both on TV and in print uh and that's in addition to dealing with those crisis situations I referenced so if you if the commission decides that they want us here at a reduced cost for one more month I certainly wouldn't tell you we can't make something work um I think that it would be and pardon my choice of words but shortsighted uh to to scale back on the progress we're making um I I said to you earlier I appreciated um you know in a message I sent to you I said I appreciated your kind words about our work um and I I think that what you referenced with the city's social media we've taken it to a one or a two um I don't think it's great yet I think it's moving in the right direction and has the potential to get there um but there are a lot of things we're working on that if we hit the breakes on for a month it sets us back more than just a month um and whether or not you decide to move forward with a larger scale contract with us whether you decide to move forward with a contract with another firm I think it would be a mistake to take a step back in the interim I want to say something real quick for example I'm looking at the Instagram of the city we don't even have a post about a commission meeting happening we don't have a story about it maybe it's on Facebook it is but maybe it's on Facebook but what I'm saying is we want to have that that's the continuity that you're speaking of right because someone should have posted that we have a commission meeting tonight I I agree with you I think I think to decrease to decrease the cost and us not knowing what what you've been doing it's unfair so you know at the end of the day we're we're going to piggyback on what the manager is is proposing and saying okay well if he's proposing X then we'll go with what he in his professional opinion however there are gaps so if we're not seeing that the commission meeting is posted you know those are to me those are simple gaps if you're getting paid to to post and communicate with the public I should go on here and say oh commission meeting I shouldn't have I create my own flyers for commission meetings cuz often times I don't see one for me to post in time so these are the smaller things that we also have to look at so I don't know how amendable you are obviously you're here you're doing a great job we're having this healthy conversation you can add to the longevity of your contract by being a team player as you've been and saying hey I get it here's what I can profer and we can move in a positive direction and just be able to just continue to to make great strides that's my take on what you've shared okay commissioner Smith I just want to say one thing what I saw this past month I can't imagine that he could do it for 12,500 because when you go to the library he's there with his staff and he's there the whole event when you go to any one of our Vin there but at the crisis at the crisis that we had again when you weren't there you didn't get to see but at the crisis he had every single one of the television stations and even the radio and the Haitian and the Spanish they were all there and they were all asking questions and it doesn't just happen so I'm not defending him I'm defending what we're here to vote on now that did he earn the money this month oh that's not a question that that's not a the only question is what are we doing for June that's the only and June what he ear why he it I feel that's what I was going to get to why I feel he couldn't possibly do it for 12,500 it's cuz he didn't know he didn't know that people were going to shoot at a cop car he didn't know that there'd be a shooting of two North Miami Beach residents he didn't know that's and it just was on overload the only thing that I can say to you 100% is to spend all this time when you're going to give him some money anyway let's vote on it the my biggest question Mr manager is what we're going to do in July because I I don't see how this could come to something else in July we'll be back in the same conversation June 27th back in the same conversation or what are we doing so right now I'd like to make the motion I would like to ask for the vote okay well um you can make the motion I asked for the vote okay my second so your motion is to um is to is to retain definitely pay for May retain him through June right and and that's it and then that point then we'll have they're going to bring it back that was the motion before I don't know okay do you have a second oh second okay all right um so I guess all in favor say I I any opposed opposed opposed what do you got guys I mean I I I made I made a proper of of of reducing it you know I'm going to stick to that number so you're a no yeah I'm a no okay Mr John what up to me up to you yes okay all right so motion passes and um so you know but let's just um use this moment right now for for while we're all together and we can speak freely and what have you I want I would love to direct the manager I I would love to direct the manager if through the commission to come back with an RFP or some type of uh other options than paying off this money to one person in his company that's what I that needs to come back cuz it doesn't make any sense that we're paying 125 or even in in by God's name $30,000 a month for what was profited in that three page um request that was attached to this agenda that to me that's why I can understand where you had a different range of people in this community that had the same assessment that this was that was wrong that was really wrong no problem thank you I want to add something to that so one of the conversations that I've had with the manager and Mr Ross is about diversity within the communications and you know one of the things I asked even about the small business expo was how are you promoting how can we promote this to a diverse community and your response to me was well if you have a contact you can share it with me right so what that tells me is those gaps are are evident and they're scary and that further allows us to know why a lot of the events are not successful because we can I can be fair in saying hey he's been doing the work let's continue let's respect your professionalism and let's just go forward so we can have stability within the city but if we're going to be fair and real there are gaps Patrick has been here for a while he's been doing work it's not ideal for some people's eyes but there's a lot of things that he's running around doing okay so so hold on let meish but because this is an open conversation that we need to have and unfortunately sometimes it's a tough conversation but it's a fair conversation when I'm sitting here in my office from you know when I come here for office hours he's the one that I see running around okay so I'm saying this to say let's be fair but also let's also understand that this community is diverse and right now the communication division does not does not make that honest effort to reach the demographics of this community what what I would like to do and I'm sorry to interrup if I'm interrupting I I think that while we have the vendor here we have the manager here I think each of us should make our ask of what our expectation just hang on hang on hang on what our expectation is that we want to see so for example my my ask and my expectation would be to have a more Det detailed list of services that are being provided for the amount of money that's being asked for so that it's very clear exactly what is included what's not included that would be my ask you know if anybody else has another well I just want to make sure that that we're giving them an opportunity and we're giving the manager a fair opportunity to bring us what we need as quick as possible right but you know and in all honesty um you know to the vendor and you know we we're on a first name basis um you know I've seen some of the work I I made my profer I I stuck to my number but you know I'm going to put on the record that this was very awkward Mr manager um and you know I I I think and this is like something similar to what happened in in our CRA meeting where there was an item on the agenda and that item wasn't fully fully vetted right and so it gets to the CRA me meeting and we're having certain discussions that you would have thought that the director would have would have vetted already right and the item almost seemed like it was in limbo and so I'm I'm seeing that happen here and you know it's it's very awkward and it's it's it's it's not to me um it's it's not it's just not okay I don't know how else to put it because there's a lot of conversation that I want to have with you right now relating to this subject matter and we can see it and hear it from our other Commissioners and my colleagues and residents and things of that sort that I think would actually make the entire team look much look better you know cuz this is this is Monday Tuesday night football that's what this is this is Tuesday night football we're like the only game in town right don't give the NFL more ideas okay well you know we're like the only game in town once we get here all I are are are are on us and so you know when we don't look streamlined or when we don't look as efficient as we need to on on on certain items it it it it really becomes very awkward right where we have an hour and a half talking about a few thousand dollars and um residents that may think something that's not the case right if you hear them talking you know um they they said they thought it would have been a you know a 4-3 Vote or whatever if it wasn't pulled how why would they feel that way there there's a particular reason why that's the conversation and so um while this may seem like a plug-and-play item right because we've had that conversation there's so many so much more nuances to it and so much more needs and desires so M Mr Ross I appreciate what you've done thus far um you know we're going to take care of you until what the commission as an entirety is made but I would hope that we can flush everything out before it comes back and thank you it's very and during this process I'm sorry to interrupt just to to part of that um context that I was trying to give um when discussing about April um we've continued to search for for in-house uh manager um but one one or two people in the department with the expectation of what is being requested we're not going to get we need to have a robust system cities this size or cities where people are trying to compare or saying that's the kind of Outreach that we want you're talking of departments that are anywhere between 7 to 10 people um and you're talking we're talking about in-house cost of closer to that million dollar range where the entire budget is is 500 and so we are looking forward we continue to to be interviewing um individuals to see if we can bring someone in inhouse that's going to meet the requirement and be able to kind of keep up and so that doesn't stop none of these um whether it was deferred or or current stops that process at all um at best what this contract does is help fill the Gap so that we can be operating as if we have 7 to 10 people um but we will you don't have a plan there's no structure respectfully that's plan we don't have enough to execute anything on the plan I have a question Mr manager first place and my colleague saying that it's a 4-3 vote it must have been a no because I was a no so but my question to you on that contract yes it is my question to you is when you gave us a comparison you said it cost us 300,000 now we're going to eliminate that and this is 400 but the truth is do you do you take the elimination by letting employees go or do you move the employees to a different area in that case the comparison doesn't work because there is no diminishing of the cost it's just so so listen I want I don't want to interrupt I just want to kind of put a little context out here that we still have a manager's report we still have an attorney's report the attorney's telling me he's got some he's got some important items we only have we have less than a half hour left we have 27 minutes left and um I'm I'm I think that we've covered what we needed now just tell us what we're going to do for July can the manager just give us some kind of contents before he goes or what we're going to do in July thank you we are bringing back with the various options to the commission sorry that will have um not only um flushing out and providing you with what the overall plan would look like um um that we've been working on for for months but also um other options with regards to the pool on what's available and what's not and and and and if there's anything that you have any specific requests call the manager and ask him so that you make sure that you get what you need re adverti re advertise it make sure that people know that it's there that they can still apply to be a part of the pool but I also know that the City attorney has to move forward I'm I'm expecting the a report for what what Mr Ross has done done the last four months as soon as you can Mr Mar cuz I would love to know what the 12K 5 was for I thought it went out for an RFP anyway okay all right so we're good with that item for the moment um City manager's report is there anything you've got on city manager report no okay um and then um I guess next we're going to be city attorney's report I got two items one of them is very brief but the other one is important we have an employee the employee um I I don't want to say too much because I don't want to get into privacy issues but we have an employee that is being dragged into a very controversial matter and our employee is being asked to provide statements being asked to appear at depositions and the employee came to meet with me and the manager and has some distress about the situation and I believe that the city attorney's office has I mean my job is to be there to have the best interests of the city at heart and it to me I feel it's a conflict for me to also be trying to represent this individual and frankly I think we have a legal obligation to stand behind our employee I also think candidly if I can use the word that we have a moral obligation to do so too and not leave an employee twisting in the wind um I would normally just frankly say that we need to provide some independent representation to the employee but I'm told that that is not the precedent here we have it we don't have an ordinance as of yet which you should work on well we can talk about that but and I'm happy to look at it and move forward on it and talk to I mean only pressing now so the the bottom line is I'd like to be able to go out at hopefully a very low cost but to arrange some independent legal representation for our employee that we need to stand behind and that person is getting pushed and pulled and they have their own interests and the manager tells me that this employee's been by and large a good employee nobody's perfect and so at the lowest possible cost that I can um but I'd like to provide her with the names of two or three outside Council let her that of my selection but let her choose among those names try to negotiate the lowest possible uh amount of services but it's a little bit open-ended and like I said I would frankly just normally do it but I'm told that's not your precedent can we cap the amount sure okay what what would be a reasonable amount to cap I'm hoping it won't be more than five but I'd like Authority up to 10 if it came to it I'm hoping hoping to keep it under five how about let me just finish my thought so so how about if we um gave the Authority for five now and then when you report back to us in the next month for the next meeting if there's an by then we'll know a little bit of how it's going and then we can decide if we need to um give more that might give a better comfort factor um so I have a question get so City attorney why and I'm not I don't know who it is or what it is but if we need a council we don't get to choose the council we have you or you'll assign us to whatever company is for the so why would you pick three or four attorneys or two attorneys and let that person pick their councel why wouldn't you find the council that would represent them in the whatever field it is and rather than let them choose who the council's going to be well not going to give them unlimited choice to pick anybody they want the two or three would be selected by me but in the interests it's good practice that's practice you know you normally wouldn't given the fact of the conflict that he's trying to avoid he's trying to give an opportunity of choice if if things if things don't go the way that that particular employee might want it to go at least they can't say that they were forced they had an attorney forced on them at least they they they made their own decision well it's partly for them but it's as much at least to protect the city because my whole goal here well now you're getting involved is it Our obligation your moral I understand the moral feeling but is it Our obligation even to get involved are we laying the city out for open litigation if it doesn't go in the favor of that employee It's Our obligation because what he's saying is that we we are at least profer good faith now when that doesn't happen judges really don't like to see that and don't so that being said I understand his I understand I don't know what the should should there be an agreement that we that we make with this employee where the fact that we are um supplying this to them that it does that we're not we're not saying that we have any responsibility that we're more doing it out of um the right thing not that we're saying hey we have we feel we have a liability here so we're providing it because that's really may not be the case the more coercive we are the worse it is for us agre uhhuh agree if I if I may um w w with my conversation that um during during our briefing I think the less we talk about this particular item the better if we can just make the decision to so let's approve the 5,000 someone to make a motion second you just did okay got make motion make a motion motion second all in favor say I I any opposed passes unanimously and very briefly one other item that I've been collaborating on with the the clerk uh you've heard about the um issue about election so let me just bring you up to speed I had a lengthy discussion with the supervisor of elections herself we've talked about it and let me say I want to be clear about two things the supervisor did tell us that they need us to move our quality ifying dates back because it conflicts with their ability in a presidential election to get out absentee ballots in a timely fashion the supervisor also made clear and I want the record absolutely clear on this that it was the supervisor's office that suggested to our clerk that we adjust the dates of our runoff election however in my fairly lengthy cont ation with the supervisor she also made clear to me that that does not need to occur now and I express to her based on my own opinion and and conversations that making a change of that nature in the middle of an election cycle was not something that I was entirely comfortable with and the supervisor made clear that she would like to see that change but if the council decides to make that change at all and it's your decision not mine um that she's perfectly comfortable having that go into effect in 20125 so that it would not in any way impact our existing election cycle going on nobody wants to put their thumb on the scale so she's to put something in writing to me I'm waiting for that to be made clear and based on that I do plan at our next meeting to bring back you something to change our qualifying dates now we're still looking at it I have to talk with the county attorney as to whether it was an actual Charter change or should be done just as an ordinance that doesn't change the charter but we will we're looking at changing the qualifying dates now possibly in the same legislation at doing something about runoffs but if you decide to do that at all that would be for the future it would not be occurring in this cycle so that's just a report because I know it's been deferred a couple of times I wanted to bring you up to speed on the progress of it and also to make clear the supervisor explicitly said to me that both items were raised by the supervisor with our clerk it was not our Clerk's idea to do either of them okay I think that we've completed our agenda motion to well can I just say can I just say one quick thing before it's going to be quick when when we had um David Jano here and we were paying him that 120,000 plus plus plus um he also had like three or four people working under him and I didn't see any videos I saw some videos of him doing some stuff on on Facebook but I never saw any videos of us or anything not that I need to be in a video but I never saw any videos of us so just saying no all I ask is for options that's all right so we can be did I hear a motion to turn do we have the second all in favor okay if not before we'll see you the 27th of June okay thank you